v f nfvrr 7 f pw- h- whilson lkadiko funkral pirkct- ob ahp kmbalmjes oosa ofv imntam wawh oswa da r mlm o orr births marrtagaa i fxjioraltlurtalfowldihnttmi araebarg- nrtiatfo mamkmbd kiimi biuuksk at toronto on mmltr joly ute by bavtw k bak r katbiaan bbaarar to trasaia king both of wm it 1 06rtmbpi oedt joly ltb loir harborl ho aawd 87 jaaia brtru in aotgtow oa ton day joly uaj0thrimlabalow- d wlbrof vradarick oao bartanabaw agadftsyaar tba panararwlll tok place trom bar nbatorday aampni the hometown hetald wmrldy ttvlto july lb 1017 a falal accident try uva electric wftra on monday afternoon laat boot 5 oclock white man bwbnt boot and diva baob won working on oba of lb wr llo pola o th i povval hart la wo nupartamlfsil aboc wbkb aiatoat lnatantly klllad hlcm a mate oil tacb m what bad hap- paoad b aliad or a rope and th inoi d nan ww imolatelylowwrad to lbs grand medical aid w wmrooeedv but amy effort hiied to revive tb spark of 7yajojeaadiai beidea hkrowpj family wlla nod little daogblaf to uoarp hlaloa tb yov patby m lb 6omeannll i xtsodad to ibe berwvwd urmtiim tb remain war interred lo uraaawood omotetyllbl off teraoon bbmcw in pt- oeorge church oonflnetod by mr bart coroner 1 ji it nlioo will bold on a jury with a70 mnoiuy worn in and meeting i adjourned lot week lby viewed lb ceoe ol lb aeddenltbl afternoon im ouiciao they bae lew lor both banda on tb ataaruc i ii j aiw yon iboroofbly wbaol tbu caoatd tba umt mtnlmol tba roadt wtitlir mai drlvara la tba patka oa buj tinuy blfbl tba old pay bora and tba top bony llt bat law polnb la ibaly favor lnr vt kix rnv to miima tbat dor- ln tba botaatbar that any blut of naa tbrown oat la tba opaa ian call for ftlm la awai ma and fllaa earry dlaaata h ovoryono wonld aaa tbat tbay bad tootblnanvoond tbab doorway to call tba fllaa oar yllaa woold b kapi practleally fraa frou dlaaaaa twa domimiov oovkakmorr baa raealf d a patitioo fron wm bmauwood and otban ol toronto wbo call tbataaaltaa cbjiahaulphuna aaaiaf tbat tby ba xampt iron eompolaory military ar tic wa do not know macb abont ibka una of rallcloa bat ibay aboold not bao any uoabla n laklnf la ii lot of aw taanbara oai now arronomtm icetdsirra ara totog to ba bomarooa in town bn aomonouoa la tabaa lo atop apaad and ra l driv ing on oar atroauj if paopla do not know tba law ngmrdlag tbadrlvlsgof motor yablctoj ibay aboold not drift and if tbay do know iba law and ignora tba mm thybould ba phtcbad oar ettlmi dutid tmnabl prolmi lotiatml li i up to oar auutoriuaa to m thai tbay i it dm you i vui ucmcu bow raally bnll fdl torn eltawlng btakm lrl appaait taka hr d fdeio and italntf iaduv on eaniim find a wnra id plhar wllb a kliarp cllrw dark n ltr milt h wblln and imtrlv and rluhlng logt4br m lii vlli bw lta uitleaiht bar cod vbtn iao oca ran iola bar bullh unlad wh f oundad rbwka u ibay f ow uluauoratottind lb rout b tba uur lal aaalalttim of big bunk of gum rules of the road junior hs entrance examinations at tba raeoat h 8 ontraaoa aratnlna- uonaatuaofgatownoatof so aandldataa tba w lowing wan anotawafoli j plnlay allan boa joanna annan dala eamnor daaqmonl paul baaaay maria u bock bowk oaomion ttob- rt iv oatk edltb b dlllan soamn- gam bia john oardbaar kdward olbbaoa marloria boator rwba d matibaw boaka4blaabh cedar vale products katbura rieorjaig mgar mekin rom blndalr qiadra m sykaa haabart e tbotapaon boa j john a thompson martoru toal tbainttbraa in ordarof marltailbla eaotiw war irwin d maltha flalay allan and ff arbart thompson all papha of mr all a oraao ottiavuaorcatown rabllovftbool tbabonofot tba bla aat aland lag la tba ooanty goaa to maatari obarlla wvaa a ppq o man abl llaakaatfla no- 3 trllay towaablp ara yoa tb ownar of a taoti ahuw cm tboroogbly eoavaraaat wllb tba road many paopla wbo driracara hmwm bot takan tba troabla to laaro avan tba ordltf ary rolaa of tba road awl wbaa tba pol lea taka tbans to taak faal luaply griatad for tba baaadt of taeh pobfiab a bw of tba mora important proruiosa of tba motor vableua aetl no motor vablalaaahailba drlvaa bp- on any blgbway wltbln a city town or vtllaa at a graaur rata of apaad than twaaly mlbw an boar mo tiaraoa bndar th kg of ib yaara lail dilva a motor vbllr and bo par- oarlbbmof lo and andat tba aga of ib yaara ahali drira a motor vablela oa iba highway bolaaa and bntil anob par- am baa paaaad an oiamlnatlon and ob talnad lloauaa a providad for a paraoa wbodriraan motor vahjela lor pay bba evary motor vableu moat bava mark ara allacbad la m position to ba aaally dutlognkbad and tba nnmbar aball ba kspt fraa from dirt and obatraeuoo wbara a paraoa travailing oa a blgb way lo charg ol a vablela maau aaotbar vabiela boaball torn oat to tba right from tba eaotra of iba rowl allowing tba vablela ao mat onabalf of tba read wbara a paraon uavalllng or bring up l a blgbway loebarga of a vablela of bonabaek boaati anotbar vablela or ih avawum to a qtwry for ogtua u to bow lb vol on eonverlpllon apllt aooar ding to provliuaav tba followtog flguraa rglvm vor agalnat rrlocadwrd laland 3 1 mov 8eoua 0 b haw braaawlek v s manitoba t 1 ttaakatohawab h 0 abaru 4 1 bhuili colombia 7 0 ynkon qalr onlailo as s 11b u boua vooumu paraoa haa aant out nembarol chain uluh in town th ona w relvd had tvldantly bn mu dliclid for it read u lollowi oh lord jiaua wa linttlor tura bring victory lo oor told i h plmaacopy tbla out and and to ona paran vaeb day for ulna day beginning the day you r- oalva ibu llm do not braak thl chain a it wu wnl from itu to go around tba world tbaufdlloualbaptomlmof rwrd ii bovadliacuonjgh followad acura if wa tall tba pajty wbo wrou abot would ba much bur amployad knllt leg lock for aolduw- bueb utura ara eraallv of no good aud only can trou bl and annoyuea tli aoonar aueb kiiuuh ua put an and to tba bttur paraoa oa boraabackata taraaetion tba vablela or botaaman to tba right hand ol tba otbar vahfcla or boamvl an ahall bar tba right of way wbara a panoo lraalllnr or batnw np- on a highway in ehargaof a vahtolaor oa horaahaak u ovrukaa by voblda or boraaman travailing ml graatar apaad tba paraon ao ovarukoa aliall qaiatly orn out to iba rubtknd allow aaab va blel top w bara on vh iota la mat or ovrtoka br analhr if by r aanu of iba walgbl of ilia lfad on thr oflbovabletojm to log or of tin vabloia ovrrlakan tba drlv r nad ll imprtctlfibl to turn nut b aliall imuiuuly tp and if hlffiry tor tbaulfiyol ttii olhrr rahlfl- awl if vquli o ho ro ha aliall fctlt iba prniuln ebarga ilirraof to wllbnut dmiita i tba panatlm vtry from 11 and eoabi to m and rotla for a flwl uumc bat no ktully nr impiuliromjl nltall b a bar liu rwohfy of datuago by in injur ad pton mark of baaaoeaatfal oaadldatog nr balng mailad to tbamand orrllncataa will b mailad to tba anaoaaafol oaaa aboot tba drat of ingoat any bppaol m aboold mrai1iliawail to mr alpb u ba prin orgatowo ur a bombar of eandtdataa wbo warn eommondad for thl cartlnaaia at lb kaaiay amamlnatleaa and ara toow on tarma wl raoalva ibalr eartlsoalaa wbao thalr thraa moolba amploymoal la doly earuaad glenwilliams tba following 11 ur wa roealvad by yada mraelj myt pareyorabami i from bar broth ha no mztu b ooy i hot omo d crowboroogb boaart eng daar 81aur0fnt a una to tot yea know i u wl boplag yoa and all tba pu at boomi nr lb be ready for- jr foogb wltb appar wa ban mam uilv valtwaiv an abomination to tba eya acd uow ob flad la thetn biiaoiuoi llltoraad reu from oyttar eana to old haul her iba alopa ol uw kllebao f pouiod lo lneim th od wblob ougbl to warn ovry tbougblful pran of lb malarial infltuuoa brdltig thai to brk out avanlually in bvaii or dlplbarla jl a numbar of tb family du from ona of thai dlitaaia hli dth 1 probably umald a a iay- ttloudljpniitlon of irovldkbm bui iba uluuur would tay ii ha war to vu- uth buk yard thai dlb wa rauaad ulaly by a violation of bygsnle lava a very atraog arguuwnt galut back yard u tba spirit of daoaptlon wbleb u apt to lotur in tba young tsvtabar of tba fam ily for it la a eouauuit dclt to praaaut a elun and alliactlva front yard to tb gau ol paaura wbll tb back yard i not tit to b wn oli ltd wu altould b uugbt to ba oln for lb mb of elunll tut and not brauu oulldari will b ukaly to crillcu tbun do not allow any tiling lo b throw u about uv drain uuda tocooy all tlop sullhly aay from llta bouku make good walk and ulllivgioand hv a una oovarlug ofgrau not weud iul up rtrong mp pott for lit olotlies ilea ueap the fane in repair and plant currant uub ttaarlt ht vlu about tba ifuu bar and bain tbaua ovr it uulil 11 1 bid dtt if you have a lmaplicla for 1m 11 it ba tout thing which ran ba abut up not a row of baml to offud iba ayvaud glv oul a cloud of dut vrrylin th wind bloua fclaka it a rula lo bai tba back yard at all llru a claau w ut fronton obituary un jouw uacdowjiu iii john miadonkld paaaad away all bar bom lot 21 6lh lln wt on tbur- day july sib at b 40 pm allar wak of wakna and aaoarlag born with a ranurkabl awtnm and paitonoa iin aleuonald wbo waf tba daogbtar of a rae of frtar daacandad luoa oovan- antar of ueolund waa bom in u6otb nd atwyuablra kclnlyr hootlaad on ociwmj 1h43 on april 371b 1871 an wu uarrkd to bar atoond baarin john mcdonald alaa of hotitbaad and on may 10th aat all for canada arriving in tba elty of toronto on may julb mr and mr ualxwald aatilad in claud wbr thay tngtawd la landing for aavanlaaq year ramovlng to lot us nth eoofltoaloo and dually aattllng oa lot u4 bftb llna mt wbara tli daomwd braalhad bar but ur mcdonald i htrvlvad by bar buibaad and rix aotta john of toronto hugh and david of caudoa thotna amryramr ol chlugoaootuy and andrw of ktrjumlng and mvaral grandehildran lur oldmt brotliw david wbo 1 sfl vmji of ag 1 till living tliougb bad- utl two otbar brotbtr wlllum and ualutaw and a lular ur einarl of otaloef um hotilb waltw auoaarvlva th luurmnt look placalo union oam ury on monday afurnoon a law bum- lr of ralatlvaa agbbor and frlaodj utllfylog by tbsir prno th aatoaa la which ih 11 ur mcdonaid wa bald juv ur varguaon wbo aa in chargo of lb burial mrvloa gav an off ettlv autlr front tba tt thar r nialdfith lbrfora rt for tli paopl of uod ii drw a pictur of llw br upon earlb lull of borrow disappoint nunt and waarlnmand ibmiapokaln eoulratt l th 111 to which tb chrul- lin look larwaid wbaiaao andlta 111 of aervlo wllleouatlluta lb iii of tit rdaiiid a tbay labor lo tb auuhlna aud tli light and tb ttraugth and lulfll- nuat ol bavo tbtld ih strd ivclm th hymn aung wm wliat a vrunu wa hav in jwui and by rmuat thar era lonaly barl to cbrwb at tb clout ol th putot addiw tb choir whira byuia olian mug by tli da- edand hr huiband all tba way my tuvlnur ltad ua tb body of tli datttuad wa carnrd to th guar by hr six tofi a vary loug procon of ear rlagaa followad lliahmt tolha namalary th uacau of ura ucdonald taka away ikhu tba eongragalioa of union chureli on ol ii moil ullbful iumbr ur uacdonald wu davotwl adhrat of th baltbalh achool and only eaaaad atuntllng wlianah wu no longar abla logt out alibar to church or babhatb hcbool kvu than aha nvr oaaud to talk ol tba cburcb and wa alwaya dallgblad hi rerriva a vult froai br pat oraud to loin wltb him la taadlng and prayar tbougb a womaaof quuidu position ura ucdooald had a wld raaclilug lufiuauo and hr 111 hand a awonuwaulof luttgilty and high prin- olpl hli wu a moat davotad wlf and uuxbsr and bargraauat happlar wu lu lurrouudlug iiarwlf wlih bar aoua and lhlr faioluw wpmully at ih obrlal hum appar wa bava out at tba ran all day got back aboot thraa than w war tfaroogh for thaday nail m thaaa ara tha gone to flr not of job imaajna dring 3s0 roand of ammnnllloa to a mtnem all em liava to do la to lt op and bold oa tb gan and lat it ap wa ara gntng eot tomorrow again wa had a awleoota abewar tbb itw ka and ih air faal moeb ooour bow bob mcmaator ha jaat vaoalvad aoma oaorgaiown haralda and i aaw my llrat lattor lo it i tu aony to baar aboot billy boraawa and hodaoa wfaaal t bajag kllladi in action didnt boar anything aboot it till i aaw it la tba harald yoa aw avwa itubjnalytb oaorgatoam uarald tbralalwajraaoma thing in it that wa woold ilka to know homo of oar boy bad aoma word from homatoday and tbay amy u ww anew tog oa tba btta of may ballaaa m it moat ba aoma waatbar voora having in da bot it 1 earulaly nto orar bara on aarlal plcqnatall tbla waak that 1 in e tbora 1 an air rad wa bar to go oo doty with tha maeblnagout w tantgoool of tba eampall waak bot i doat mind tbat a i bavr go iat ooy way wa axpact to go tw cir uat paa lo a eoopla of oaak than aliar ttiat w will ba biking tor franc u ool dmlllng wiibot ottr tonlon t diya and it li a lot mora eomfoubla a lhy ara ao hot 1 wu ool uat bight la th boh galbarlogaom lam lor cur hot a bav him on aaoh ubu- it maka lb but look mora hem ilka i u had ao abmilcau btah ottear aroond vuitlitg ua but waok aud wal a flu buaky ujlow thar a bovli g toomamaol in losutou abont a wk ago botwwan ih canadtana and ui abalra liana bat tb ganrtli war tb m a nlo walloping tbay u itia u hul sly boot it lab lb canuck to land tbam around uow ara all tb boyi taking eonerp lobvartbaf it whjmikaalmiaof tbani tnova igor i ulj wil m p all aearo in canada tbla tummar tapaaialiy farm balp lb aoldtor blpu tbam out qoli a bit laat barraai i tby bad a gafdan party in lb olan oajunalbtn yod cam aod ma aoma uaorgotown haralda a i would ilka to a all tba aw from borna wbaa yoa nd m a parca tba boat way to wrap it up i to pot it in a tin bo and wrap obaaa cloth around tba box than wrap it in ppr i hop toolbar and all tba lolk arwwll farey tb joaapb baaouont woollamllu bava bad ona of tha boalaat aaaoa la tbalrbutovy notwitbaunding tba dlf- oenlty in aaoorltig balp tbalr output for tb pat tix month ha bur keddl that of iul urn in any piwvtou yaar mr vrank jam mr j ilaiul and mr ilarland qrabani motorad tvonj hamilton on monday and pat lb altar- noon with friandj bar tliaebuf litano inaputor mr bobt burrougba otompnld by hi wli and daogbtor and mr and ur imarteftb oily llall atan uotorwd frooo toronto oa sunday and war tb jroaau of mr and ur t j ih1i at tba olan hotal mr cbult uyndj of toronto kpaat lb wak and wltb bl brothar hgt ft j raspberries the iitandardcotllnirt will be on the market beginning about julv 25rb and iy ustprohabry three week k jpor the fiiicst preserves anl jam no other variety caocomj pare with the cutftofct there will be a grand crop do not ncglecttd arrange atonce with fitlandv foryonr seasons requirements by getting on the list before the season advontes too far we will undertake to see that you are not disappointed now please do not detay get on grandys list now by cooperating with us in this way you will assure your selves of the vlittv iwkst qoatlty and ikollit bervicb and iucideutally make it possible for us to market our entire crop in georgetown raspberry jam for our soldiers small jars sent periodically to our boys will be be most welcome our womens patriotic societies and institutes will no doubt use this means of still furthering their grand work keep constantly in mind th ukcsnt reovsst of food cotmollek hanna we at home must rely as far as possible upon perish able foods bradlet rush gtoorgretoopn put up plenty ft of preserves r la sarprungfy lv i do wilhool hot owat 1 arte aanta pwpto dachtod that tbay woold oof pot ftp tbalr rvanlar mi sol ww pr thtycool yaaatbas r ua emma baiamoul apatalw day waak with oaorgatown iriaod maatar uobbla tryad u pndl house ior sale this splendid built residence to be io situated on queen st apply for- particulars to ia o fm re laat ywar wtiaafrhgar want tap s ib locroajay it ba prtoaofawgar tbay cool not bow ataah aaoralt would eoat tbam to rvplaea praaariii wttban thbag alaa tby did not atop to bgora bow tbb toe ro in iba oa ol angar wa gotoa to aflart th ot of praaatviaja otbaraoalbowwvar and provad tb eoat of praaarttog duao tb toe adanat of awgar bad bam gmftly aaaaliit liar li thai way thoa wnn arod it botw4hwarwwkjowthaaogf wafti aaataappond boanao tha prior ol aogwr loetoty bot tha l tall p for tb boat granolaud aogar tbfil by a jaoflwmamada flum itoapbanlam olwrrlca gwaebaa or gaara la aboot tba roont inay 1 1 a i utiliri nt tbat eat h urt oa iba ubu- thaaodoooay of patting up ply ol homaaiuhs piwamvc wansjibar ra w uut coo aarva or food aopply w most on oafrattetopalaaa yaar becaomof ihf mltaawa id of aoonoroy bondrwd of llinamail of dollar worth of barrier and frail war waatad now thatth woman aaallaa tba tba coat of praanrlng wa grwauyaxaggwntad lat year tbay ara da wrminad to 4o dior prarvlog and alao i to antoy aa abnndanoa of dallooo boma mad jama jallla and piwanra tbla new canadian rockies ii yoa do bot know about ih woodar- al moonlala acaoary lodnding jatpar obaoa palf llnaof tb conadlan hoftbara rallwar btwan kdmootoo aad vanaoavar gat a copy of our hand aoma dcriptlr bookut to b had lor tb aaklag from d j maltbrw agrot new advertisements mvurn fr mm brlb bom on otwlph 81 abply lo u tllst baanll ctatm mmm wmld in b kqiatabd willi woolull ulll la wooluo hiiuh oiwduprishl bood mtiod ud utam ubnla a wuuoa rtumlm mthtut km o cbub si bmtd imiiah ckaittm- sis a bu tulrinnu i toll will b oldcbmb atpjy taimlr orocry sum owiriawai 4 a fkrbk pmy smtllblha0w mil ol ht bmvy iuuivm apply irto k- iolbluj ban llnluyw 7 ii 3 map ur mmls iommbalm tluoiliy liy fnrul 1 h uomi suwritmn ii it no j oonpawa711 lt queen st x gborcbtown lta a rare treat to hear lucy gates sing blam drnau wafts sizs it hit ltd columbia records lost oo twaaday bight batwrau at wan towtl bill aad oaorgatown an aum chain nndar kindly imv at w ii wfllsoua oaortatoway 111l hay wmatmd i 8 or loacro ofgood hay in fold auy paraoa baring tor aal plaa cotu- moaioato wltb u u iluriwall tiaorg mm rom mmlz aboot ii aera of bay on oomar of goalpb ittroot and eamriary road for aala oa tba ground mr w uuuu uaorgatown tf wmmtxd aaoaauboo wltb plan of lnd in fnauoaorawtown apply wllli iar- balaiwiowto ara lio ii uaorgw town 7lsli the mens store spring annottncment haw spring ooodjar ptoek of saltluga overeomiinga i troubring eta itum mtriyod tokbprhig oomprwijg nil tha lit- okt in aiylo and oolottrliig special wyhto urga aiook of gnaaiilmd oliie and hack mreea vcrjr kiixmapobmylbvrxtfofriqx9myon balora the big advanoe and will be aua to ajl ibml mmtiealy the old prtoos place toot order a oaee don wait barpplaa bow ready for oakoftown eogtoiiurs mens purniflliiiigs jaat arrited new neckwear naw shlrtr oollare oovee uoaiory etc thf lfieai atylain hatgcap of all the leading makoav wa eliow a aparb aiook of everything a man wean yon cannot find anything co equal it tn any otbar alore in town and tory few city alorea barpaaw u a pine beleciion of mene and yottihg readytowear eoiu overooau odd panie orarallg etc alwaya on handl wo inite you to call and inspeet otnr etock millar a co qeorqetown phone 126 fins hiomclua tsjumumo amd sssfra rurnisminos acmb lor slodiwou hw oe dyon lad ouun toroalo t advertise in the herald i ic1i summer suggestion ttf- i j lils is the time ii i the year when the mousewife finds it difficult to know what to prepare for meals here are a few suggestions which might aid her in preparing meals 1 i 3 strawberries j delivered fresh every moraiug at our store choicest fruit phone us your order tomato catoup in bottlaa at 10 15 ami 95o tuuo in bouia at lo la jo and aio llokto in bottla at tto w u and 4uo hwoot rkkloa in balk par quart 40o j aiua in tumblar at loo jam in jar at aa aoanii 4oo halmon to lib una at 18 80 m 9w and aoo balmoo in lb tin at 10 lsand lho oraagoad and lamonad in hoiltoa at aoo orapo juloa at 10 ao and s0o per bottto litao julooat wo por bottla try our bajrrinjttoa uall cotfao at too per tin rmr mm mjh st a eeealortabla from hooa 7 roomcaud eloaot woodabad attaohad hard and aolt water in boo a laroaea oaoumt floor in euar aiaof lot7sxlb4 with aera al baekj aou aandy loam for sole by l v houhkou georjjetowu laat waak wltb oaorgatown iriand maatar uobbla ifynd u aptndlng k with friand al uurltngton hatch muw tuck and mbaikanof ulltoa war tb guaau of ulai obatlan moulb- boa on ftuiwlay two of our prooilaaul young uao at- laadad a tnaaung of tha young i1u uulld at urampton but vrlday avanlug ula uaatrlew luautnout i apaodlnga llw whki wllb friandt lo toronto mr androw wbaaur lr waul to tor onto on monday whar b ba aacapud a pnallloti lu tb mall ordar upt el tb tatouoo th uramptoa ball aim will play bar fialurday july uat a raoord crowd 1 tp6td ur 11 baaooby aad lamlly ol x toronto ara tba gttaau of ur lawla tb uun ball lam mat tbalr flrat d laatoiihaaaamaat oaorawtown by tb acoraof bo it wa tba pa o twit oahf ton of ball that lb ulan boy b ma reaton bbe waa a ayuipalbtlfl aud kindly neighbor and dellghltul lu ilnd ing tbo hotpllallty of bar homa loatrani gaia tba taikal liar a uutuhar ol bau acoraof ba it wutbapootwwt adhibit ton ol ball that tba ulaa boy hav put on thl aaaaaa la fact ualtbar taam al playad anything uka good ball on ol iiioa gaaua jo aa you plaa win if you ilka tba ulan band aaoomnaalad th i ball faaiu aad o prcct- talon wa lormad at tba aullott altar which tbay proaaodad uirougb lb malu attwau tb laalui of th paiad wu tba ringing by tb ball plar tbw uallla hong ol ubafty uooinpaisud by tha sand attar bator tlayu outing oo caunot blp to maat th apotbunau ilka way tbalaalal anuui kt th paopla bar it would b vary jd to uauuou anotbar town not bar- log aeton ulltoa or aoralawn that can turn out a baud or a ball laani aucb a w bav la auawllllaus ulick to it bo j your doing una liswaaof tha racult ol lb lower hcliool ifssin nation bav htwu announctul tba ful lowing bav liaan auroamful llwtrtr baauutout 1 1 anal vaily vloranc tllfeii dori uauhaw honori with lliou who oblalti tbulr oaitillrale umlar tb farm hviiutlon uliuiuuu ojaulu r twauly llirr hav haau uftilul lo ob taining iba lower school laiullceta ft lul wreath and pillow hi gilt ol bar anal grandrliudreu aud ralallvc thoaa wbccauiolromadutaar to at land tli funeral uara a cotiaiu jubu h uanlou aid of preanou who wa praaant at tbn wrildldgul tbadawaaail j no uacdouald of chtilou tbu muau joodarbam of uradowvalai mi uul aruoll ura aruwuoug nod ura atltltuou of may- laid and ur kail huilui ol ilruiuptou ur utuouald had alght naphaw lu tha iknl war two war at ualutpoll wbrra ou wu kllbd aud hi ouiar woundad tim wouudad oo la now la vrauc whera l liar am abt utliar of lb eouurclluo economical tflavel whotbar you r ttnlntr to limn ataad nr only lor a trip ih mox aoaunui teal luatlioiwif iraval uto takaadvantagw ol our low hotumwakara it gtiod going on pviialexiurilfmaiivsiry uimday vol lickfiu and full itariluiilai apdy to if ualtbaw afpitit uoorgalowu ot the assessment act mmm la thm tutor u mpiumh turn ms cmrl tf hirm lm vlllsf ml tmmimlmmm take nor ick llt lb juduoluw ooubly oouit ol um oouiuy olllloit uu ippolnutl thursday the 36th day july a u 1u17 1 ih iinur of ln oolocll iii iii innmoou kt tlio i own lll iii iii vol nl jaaritliiwii lor lb bntilug ol llikipl- irouitlmuoultot uvubiu ol iu mmj vlllii ol uwiiiwiowii lorui your 1u17 iwj lliia 1ui ilay of july ao i0it v l 1uutu uluk jot like bringing in the outdoor the skilful painter can bring into your home the soft beautiful cobra of the big outdoors by decorating your walls and ceilings with lowe brothers the liquid oil paint thulsukina the pk a wall pvsper 1b modern hhtwm hsxiitwaplotbstkbiidhnnii tbcy seem to cateh and holdttwisnnshhvi tbeyetr tiiuly do brighua things upfer the indoor bout mjuxohttr ll fadeless washable lougisat ing and sanitary ask tot a nnlw uasifl ahowhw the aoftastbetalnbowlnta w o anthony georgetown jbtbroogb tba lot jtrga and twill trail apply to bo 187 uorglowu tailabl for auy u 1 a m grandy the pure food store sjtl0133 to iibbbb u j nrj tkdtxms si go july trade specials a few big values to clear quickly the bnlauce of our choice stock of trimmed millinery these specials will uot last long come today ladies and childrens wash dresses ladies middies blouses wash skirts cbildreuv gingham dresses aud middy suits at prices that would not buy the materials mens suits hats gaps and seasonable furnishings to reduce stock quick see our lines a a a a a a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o our grocery department 1 strawberry season the best possible for firutclass fruit also jars and sugars at lowest prices special for sattirday july 14th itoo 100 come to us and try japan tea good cup quality 5 lbs for golden feko black tea excellent goods 3 lbs for many other hues uot listed at marvellously low prices an order we know you will come agaiu adaas k coy phone 43 georgetown main rtlh street 0 0 0 0 0 0