Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), August 8, 1917, p. 2

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w h wttiibbn lealildu rumebai dhuot- n ob ami kmbjxmkb uli4m j maratmaf lajdl on pr k en oaxhmtstown out not to touch peoples savings btrtb mrtmmd j br tb ohowlog teutwa boc dajftum 60c ivsef birth daar- uuses v boss atcoauioh atbooai vv cum fca- qntalo on sunday atymat fllh to mr aad ural momuu heoregor a daaxnter qutubik la oeorgolown on monday aut mb 1917 jjmkwtwood lei o tba lato juno ontario ber tjlb year tbeieorsetownheulb fttxdmksday kveo augusts khv tilti paitfjuv bcrt of s pood control ajf ill canada tod lb united biaiae nkl hon w j hutu la a reaaot inter view taj to im that tb tnam at tb front do not anitar iroot want ol food and thai oaf uotber country and ear koropaeri alliee abonld not aotiar frota nut of food usv yea power to aback pltrf hen w j henna wal eaked oaiwaly am yon tolas to rdae itt in the cava where we bara tb aaaa aery data we will not baeltate to ebeeb prlca daclarad mr if anna a kitsrjlyss in town baa eaked th herald w nnatrer iba following nal tooa or tb benefit ol blmealf and tallow raaapayara la regard to tb droooead new tmamajot wblcb til council ptirpoa bavin uld on uald hi vlai where u ua taeney to pay for tba tevetnnt eutalug iron and bow li it to wraieed are uia tax aeyr who will have to loot th bill botlo b oonmltad its tbla tnallof ol ipaoduyf aavaral tbooaend doll araf tba ratepayer by thatr vol eppeeed the laying- ol a pavataaal uat yaa by what authority la iba coonell ol 1017 aw toward to prooaed with tba work what proportion ol tba coal will b ttifil to tboaa on ueln kttaai wboaa preperileaaradlnetly benenitedt alao what amount leviad on th taxpayer who will never or baldly ever tua tba aamat oar relapayor frlenda quaatlena aw quite in oldar but uot baln ttlly oaa varaaat with iba pavamantaebama ol ear council w mn uaabla to auawar tba abovaqui ilotw ilowavar our eoluuua ara opao aed probably tba ltaava or aaua number of oouaall will iva our raupayar ftlaml uia ibtormallon ba aaabi la oar naxt uaua uv uvrr wihtkb it la aatlclpatad tbat oatulo will bava batwaan uilrty and lorty flax ullla in oparatlon tfbla lo- duatry bad ptaetlcally baaoma axlluet lu ontario wbao war broka out tbara wara only tlfbl ullla worklaa aajuat ona buudrad ally yaara ptavtooa and a lannar fooad poor aala tor bla prodooa war eoodltioua bava ataatad a daiaand orthaproduhandprlonibava rlaiiiao eatdlnnly ao oooa iajain iba fajtnar baa tiirnad blaauantlou loaatufylttjt iba da mind by planting bla itm wltb 3000 uraa of ontario land baljr ondar eolllva tlou ibla yar wltb avay proapoct of a lav lecnaaa anotbar aaaoq tba govamntt baa aatablubad an ax pari- biatal mill ai ottawa and axparta at liap buay damouatimtuif tbaqtulllv and tany uica el oaaadliti flax a law of tbv oombmdlua uanafaaturad from tba plan and it mad ara llnaatd oil tuaal oakuid llaaa ibraad fibar luard papar upholataraiv tow and flax balling tba lallar la axtajulvaly uannfactuiad id iba buiaa and a uraat daal ol tha oannman mwa plant la impottad by ibais for u la aald oalarlo flax baa a bailar flbra and produom a bailar oualily of goodi tban any otbar varlaty tba dominion gov- animant latand lo bava an adufallonal bar axblblt al tba oatnlna national kx blblllob poxayobcbop insurance 11 la aallmalad uiat 25 par cant of iba polaioa crop of ontario of apnroxlraataly 0000000 ihubala la lot annually by ilia fareoati ol oniarlo dua to allarfai of tba lata bllbl and of tba colorado pntaloa baalla tliu loaa can bo pravanlad by praying umrouubly at regular lolarvau wllb llordaaux mixture u a uglelda to ptavant bllbl and iaila oracn or araao ata of laad aa a pouou lo combat uia baalla iaia bllglit la a fuaauiduauaa wblcb la patlloularly uollaaabla on pota to in lata moitaarand laqultaaarloaa wbb iba waaibar la at all warm tuout and muimy ji u fltl uallaaabla la tba loitu of daili eolorad apota on tba laavaa wblcb aooa bglu to curl up and in aoma lalauaaa tba dlaaaaad pottlou of uaavaa and ata awil a auall ilka ibat of bad tub a earajdl axambulloa ollbaan- dar tutfara of tba laavaa wbara ibaaa brownlali ipota appaar will ravaal ilia ptaaauca ol a graylab wblta mould or ulldaw tba iporaa produead la tbaaa ipfb ob tli uavaa ara aoatiarad by wlad and watar ud aracapablaof ihlacuatf a baallby polaloa laaf aud auitlns tba du- aaaa airaab if no praying baa baaa doaa and waatbar ooodlllona ara ai all layorabla tba tpotaa ibus produead rap idly infrtt tba turroundlttg ptaula and tba dlaaaaa ipmada wo1 rapidly tba dlatauacan ba pravanlad by ibatougbly tpiaylug wlib uoidaaux ulxlura it u an loauf aaoa infaotaalavaatmatitwortb wblla oomnuux uixtvui tba bordaaux mlxluro or ooalrolllug lata b la lit fjo euly bllgbt abouu ba vary earalully piaparad and appllad la a vary tboiougb tuauuar la otdar to ba ttfaoilva tba ortuula la 4 iba eoppar iulivbau bloaalona 4 iba lima itaably aukad 40 gal watar tba ooppar aulpbala and lima abnutd not im nilxad inoonoantral- ad aoluilnua u ibla lawatta tba valua ol lb talxtuia aud lunaltdda duaolva aaab taparataly aud dllula by making up to so gal wlib watar bafora ktralulnm lu lo lb apray tank pailod uordnaax abould ba uwd liu tbougb atoak aolit uoa may ba kal for an ludstlutta parlod timm klork oiullona may w atada aa followi im uo gala ol watar in a barral adatupaod do ilia ol blumi tn old aak jttu balow ilia kutlara of tba walur tba bloaatiwa will anon duaolva and fli 1 1 by raamifajhaa at waafcn tiak ptbaaalo on tbo pavt of tba pabuo t of a datrunobtad ahaxaetaf m m lbldfcollbpobtiowll bj takao by tba canadian jiaiopal wa cnada by fllr thorn wblto la too hooaa ot ootninoaa owplaa wltb ibla daiaurauoo and tba aaaarflari tbat u waa tba oovaramaoia policy to aa tbrilt waa tba inumalfam tby moat not bawarar ba ondantood m praclodlag lagwlatloo ptprlding tor ineotna laxahow opootbofa wboaa loootnaaaraaoen aato tnatta u toat and aqalttbla ht tbay abonld oibntaaabatadtuw po4uoral tb bofnlatoo it baa baaa offldaliy drawn to tba auamtfao ai iba tiovanipiaat aatd um rinanrfplialataf tbat lb dm of tba ax riiaaaliin of aooaorlptlon of waaitb lo tba oabataa la parliament and by pobuenad otbaf bodlaa ootild iparlbunan and by lb prat la il nawa rapoft ba ea eartaln nna among iboa wboaa aavlnga eooautnt a vital factof la tba btmloaw and indofjtru iii of tba dom inloa and ara ao aawntlal lotbaeradlt and proapatlty upon wblch oar affoata la tba oaounoad pfoaacatloa of tb tnoat larawly dpand v daalra to bay on baball of iba uovaramaot tbai tbara baad aalat bo amxabanaioa ov tb pari of tba poblla that any action of a datri tnaatal chaiaetat will at any lima b tabaa with riapaet to tb aavlnga of tb canadian public oa lb contrary it will ba tba polity of tba uovamtoant la tba alar m lo tba paat tianoimraa la avtry way poaaibla tba ittam of tba tbhitandaoonotay raaoltlng in n aavlnga wblcb bava eo canada to taulniala ba tadlt and improva ba aeooomla position daring tb war any taxation to wblcb it may ba nao- aaaary for tba uorarnmant to naort from urn to tba vui b la aeeerdaae wltb lagiunut and aatablubad form of taxtv uon aanctloaad by tba tradition and s pawlanoa o bhliah aaugjovarnlna eonv ma all uat tbla alataosant ibarafot moat not ba uodaratmd aa pradodlnaf uaulatloa providing or ineom taxal loo upon tboaa wboaa ineoma ara aacb m to max it joat and aqnltabfa tbat tbay abould ooblhbou a ahar o tba war x pandltar el the domlnlod glenwilliams laat balarday ajtarnooa waa eartalaly grand day tor tba baa ball fan bar wbaa tba ulan thus dalaatad tb crack town council oooncn mat kt friday aradng with b nartwall mtba cmran4-cast- han bateuy bpalgbc oook and haafa nlooaofpfwloiai aoaaalatvraadasd vaad frotji na taty fobuo8eboo boud oonnty clark paoioo ra oonnt rata raalaibia of obaiv ha atraat r rfraat waaotiag a va of tba grand trank aa praaant and ajaraaaai ooboell ra mlmajnan of wmlar aapply movad by baramy aaaoodad by aigbttbathrllarvvsacba ba rdurg i tbataana of t par yoar for waw oh la bla ai oartiadi altrrad by finab aaitwoad hf oook thai li na of tb park ba ana tad to mr blaragory forlbaaomot tia oarrtad moadbv barday aaanarlad by cook una lb follow log aeeovvnt babald- 9 i luatb asptaaa on graaal4 40 ball tab t3o 4j town ball i 6 oao uvdar ku ugbt town ball 1 0 o eliaka waiarwork and atraata i0s6 ilaory aiarehmant do 31 v l flaalb poatana aoeonot fc10 u a hanry raau and walk bi 00 airaaa waiarlng 97 ao btrrj u 00 catmatary s00 ftsao a d wiuoo 14k watob woo oaorgatowa llarald nod mo j vtlcaanady aoeoont f 3d ooandl tban adjoornad aln from oaorfatown by tb aeoraoi u 4 tbla waa a long laokad for ram and ennaad b gfaat daal of xdiamant it la uaadlim lo maatloa anything forth ar aa tba acor will anawar lor alb tba junior laau alao dlaplayad tbalr ability aa ball playari wbaa tbay jottraay ad lo oaorgatowa and dalaatad tb taam tbara by iba aeora ol 64 miaa uary tbompaon and uua nora wiuou apaol uat waak with ruuda la hamlltoa uobt forgal tba gardau patty el tba aaaaoa ea tba baaaiiful lawn ol mm h baaumont oa vrblay avanlng augoat 17 ur tlioa 8olt of oalt u apandlbg a law daya with bla aoa w heoii mr uaymond jrabarn and atlbur bajumonl apanl banday oa tba arm wllb tbalr country eoualna ura mavaua and ton harry of aaorg town wara plaaaant vudtorj bar oa hon da mr and mra nignall ol brampton ara apandlug a taw daya wltb tbair daagbiar lira joaapb kaaou ur and mu tboa hlekay el ham ii- ta ara tpandlag a law daya wllb rlanda bara mr and mra m uargtavaa of toronto apant tba waakand with mr and mra tlao allan mr and um la vala and family of toronto ara apandlug a aw daya tb gnaat of mr ats mt w tloott mlaa obaribw moolbboa apant tb waakaod with frunda la mil loo mua marlauraham la apandlng a law waak wllb irunda la toronto mr t i hill waa in owuph day bounarmoblaf athrtarastb mr uaxall lklngbemapaot monday at hi boo w urnaboaaa bail balbl of toronto u county council mil ton july it 1017 tba ooandl mat ai 7a0 pm das eordana wltb adjoarnmant mambara all praaant tb wardan in tbacbatr tb mlnalaa of lb uat tnaatlng war road and eondrmad mr poalar praaa and raad tbaaav- antb twport of tba aundlng conunl on coooiy bnlldlaga mr roratar tnovad aaeondad by mr uttl tbat tb eonndl go into comcolttaaj ol lb wbol to eoaaldar tb roport of tb oonuty balldlna oommittaa lb ward a la tba rhalr oarriad tha waidaa raportad rapovt of ataod tog oonmltlaa on oonnty balldlnaa adop ta la eommltta ol tb wbol mr povaur uod aaaoodad by mr littla lhdtbraportof tb cocamlrka of tb wbola adopting tba wport of tb oonnty batldlnaweooamltta b adoptad by tbla eoonctl oarriad a w connor ob braaaotad bla rav pott oa iroa glrdara at moneton ptopoa- ad lortaaalay bridgn mr hlcbouon movad aaooadad by mr mordan that mr ooaaora raport ba raoalvadand iliad oarrtad mr dynaa movad aaooodad by mr tumor raaolvad tbat lb raaoloilett paaaad by thia omball jon soth 1917 inatmetlbg mr uoonor tba sngusaar to ranalr tanalay brldg and abotntanh ba and tba aame la baraby rapaalad oarriad yoauynaa ilaartwall lllllmar mot- dan nkbolaoo haadhaad btandub tordar- b may oaitoa fotatar uyuda joa utiuft mr nlcbotaoa movad aaeondad bymr monlaa raaolvad that bafora waantar into a oobtrah with mr molaed for a brldg artanatay iba plana ba aobatillad to tba twpartmant of imblla worka at toronto for tbalr approval oatrlad mr voftja movad aaooadad by mr mordan ibat tbla council adjourn to taaal 00 tuaaday aognat lib at 1s0 p m canrlad tba eoundl adjoarnad daya bara tba goaat ol win apandliig a law aitvndtmraj mr and mra prank iaaioa jr and tolly of toronto ar apandlng a law daya al tbalr old bom bar mr and mra mark olarb jr ol oaorgatowa wara plaaaant vlattora bar oakoaday mra motctulay of bramptoa la apaud lag a law daya ai liar old homo bara muakmma baaumont apanl a law daya wllb oaorgatowa rlanda mr bam allan u holidaying wllb rlanda lit landoa mra jno kcclaa raoalvad talaivamob tuaaday from bwih currant wllb tba aad nawa 01 tba daatb of liar nalea mra bob oliubolu lormarly tana parauaoa of aubwiiiuma altliougb daoaaaad bad eot bad ilia bait ol baallb bar aaily da- mua baa coma with a t abook to bar rlanda mra l j nortoa bai raoalvad tba oil owing lattir from bar brothar wa k- llaannaa who la raaovarlng from bla wounda lu an knaluli boaplltl alao on from a ganadlallad orata vlaltori houlbwark ulllury lloaplta kaal dulwloh urove wardvi aksa uy daar hilar tbanka for your two waloema tat tara raoalvad tlnoa i bava baaa la boapll tl but bava baaa unabla to aaawar tbam whig crop reports ottawa augoat fi 1017 a tpaoul ptaaahalutlh laaoad today by tba cam and atatutlra efflw glvaa iba fottowl rapori oa h ntl i i luldcropa fompllad iioui uugiaiua dmpaaebad tb and of jnly onbtrlo ottawa- hay harvaatlag abool two waaka lata crop ava orala and root proaolaawall oora lavonrabla waaibar abonld b abaa arop potatoaa promla to b aboa ava ago paatmaa vary good hvaeotl ttirnvlllai hay tail atop ol nod qual ity tbra qaartar eot orala pronuaa oil baad and fllllag wall own tor boo king doubuol or loddar tf brontlalng potato good p pall wbaa wbaat rip tbla but imada wall flllad barlay abova avarag paa baal for av- aral yaara oau and mlxad train tpao v arena oorawbk ally good potatoaa and roota looalnj qaai loddar oora tarna aoraag and appaaranoa uvarytblbg tan daya loot uia hay about avatraga en third wail teved third falriy wall hot poor barlay eata and apring wbaat ptoapecta abov avarag eora maagolda inmlpa doing walhpeuloaa big oropll blight doaa eot damaga faf vry doing walk potatoaa big orop lamaga rim balp i fceefoe oonaatogi watarloo hay crop bajrvaatad a good eondltloa wbaat baariy ready lo eat aon root pravalabl spring cropa look wall bet need rain ao do root and potaioaa tjvda park uidduaax wbaat badly lafaaud wltb ball amok aud roet oata developing epaa embt bo look wall peaa eeru barlay potatoaa inmlpa ex eallattt tbougb utai bay bail wall aavad haakaicbawaa indian ileedj uly vary dry wltli bet toatbwaat wladi 1 epa bava autfarad eonaldarably tbroaahenl dulrlat barly town grain oa a thllag airly wall plowing will owing lo toy tight arm balng uaauaa i am prograa umoealy and bopa t ba at uat up aad walking within eoupl ol waaka time i bava raoalvad a latter rom both ployd varey and jobu pry and tbay are botfilatliabaatof bealui ilaaaa do not tend any wore boxaa aa tbay go to prance and i do nolreealva tliau you can aand littla tblnga ilka cigeielua a lo tba boapllal tlaaaa anawar aa aoon aa poaaibla wall i will uow doaa hoping yoa ara la iba baatef baallb kdward daar madam i am glad lo all yon ft it beer man la up and about and able to go nut la tba ground and bla abouldar n getting oa wall ha baa aauppartto bold arm ao the iba walgbt la not 00 thai apob ha la cheerful and 1 bopa will aooa b ooovalaasenl youra truly mra a a dowau can bad oraaa vullor barly aown grala oa fallow wall htabbla and apring be vary light uropaar matailmg rapidly ouuiag will eom meaea from teath to fllteaatb and abould begaaarel by aognai totb uaakateoni propa vary abeii owlag to eoatluoed droaghb b grain ueld vary waedy yuldaolliay moob balow noitaal many vagatabla gardane almoat total allare uoalbaru no raw elaee jnly lit hay aad eora poor roota fair grain good but baada aala ylald about 60 p e uuleee eoploaa raiaa tooa potato premie above average albeit tb alberta department o agrlauliure report hot and dry waaibar feaneraily tbroagbout the provluea except la a few liuulofa orala and root have advauoad wall bat all need vain pari- blarly la aoulhwaat poriloua haying aaaeral barlay tdrulng la many du- ride- 11 rala eemaa aooa a big orop eaa mill b harveatad laeombe algb um- mraiur and dry weather lait tbrea waeka el july bava baeuaed maturltv and raduead uoapedlve ylald ol all fiereala aoma dutrlota not auketlng irom wbol rala butaiieeabral albarbi would ba baaenlad by good mlauii hay bar- veat 10 ie ootuolatad early varlauaa of grain will b rip next weak eaab gal ol uia aolullou will contain lb of tb copper aulplial hlaka uu iu- of lima food buret lima aud tuaka up in to gala ol water and mix togihr in lb apray tank- la ordar locoulrol uia fotato b aoma uiuon may ba uaal adoag wltb ba bordaaux mlxim am onj i olparla greetiand it ibaol aia aataia of lead to 40 gal- f the nilxlur tblabaj proved vary vttaatlve remedy la odr to do atfaotl work all pari of the potato pleat abould b eovarad wltli n am axial or apray tb plant abould bt aprayad abool avary two waak ommmm jut laanitab- pay aad pay trail wbuaouvjaaa i and poor work la gagih m maiim ttuawm away help labobbks wanted western harvest 1200 to winnipeg iliu half a cent par mue llayoud balura ualca cut par uu to winning plus 1800 bpe0iax tuu0u0h tllainb tub ukbt 0v kquuukni and lunch countbu 0aiib coll ou d j maluiaw agut aorgatou or wtila ueutral iauauger uopl cn1l toronto onl uia summer suggestion i new advertisements wills is the time fiadm it diflkcolt tfl know irfaat to prepare for ineala here to a few tnggcnlionm wbicu might aid her in preparins meals 1 j- totnaiooabnp in bowua ai v u and so rane la boula at u m m and wo ptcklaa in fao4ma aa 30 ga and eoe hwaei heuaa in bulk per quart jama la tumbler a l m joo jam in lara ai 1 so aad aoo naimon tn 1 lb tlna a is 90 u aad aoo a lo f lb ma u w u and ips iahruandtnanoneatolnbottlaaai7 aoo urapa jaloe au 10 go and aoo panthoujo um jalo ai m w pawoottla try oar barrtngmn hail oofto a mo per tin i i i d raspberries and oherries i d delivered reah every morning at our store choicest fruit phone us your order i a m grandy the pure fdod store e to lacznnan i wmhttp beeond band wall tool in ifuturo xoawn mmtmmia brick bona on oueltib hi u room ateetrlo ugst bath and furnace for aala apply to b a oawilaatoarna w bcnluuu lunm mlrmwmd cum o tbn dcomlaaaccrf ibo bndcr- aigned lot is 2nd una bwueainif o tooadny- july tlat dark bay horaowifb i owner biay havo lutwn jotuwora a ihwibti iuj whiiarw bt peylag axpeoaaa pbxjne afl tf awabaw cw rawfacf laaaad to boy a janwy oaw vvo full pauiteolnra to it u itodda o ouolpli carpe mlua co ud oturlpbtjl ot orp0 raw beuorgan n goed eondltloa o im aoorgaiown lip apply mtmmmmrmmhf wmmtatt oood ataogmpbat waatod apply etnalng pnitienuaa to box i ilarald omoala it hmnm tmf mm it good bora comluij 4 y 10 hai wall txrokati will work doulilo or unla and la afraid of botblntf uuat be uoul af opoa aby ruaaonabla odor acoeptod apply to jamea uarcbmoat tilonwil llama ltp tb bajlay baiate eoukutlni of 3 hooae and vluano iota ou mala ht oeovgatown apply lo t u- bailey mimloo70ntbe4e to water users the mens store spring announgement how spring good oiw atoek ot buitin ovrttngi trotihvjoffi etc joat atrrlved lor spriog conrprtairag nil ilp kit- eat in atylo ami oofonrlog tafco notion thai on batorday ailor noon next aagoal utb all watoraar vloaal will be abut otf tor aomo bonra in order to repair a leak in the maiu it by order of council special this week extra fine muskmelons watermelons peaches pears and plums having bought a large quantity of local grown raspberries which will be ready iu a few days special quotation call be made by dozen or crate extra fine cherries for canning next week beth ells main street phone 161 georgetown this jjbbk n owftlua utim 4 lb lo kp all klluu it bu lw wddj wiw a jia lor old dttteb ouumw s u rmb ud biya im lo bmtbloslb lo ido 8ow s lb b bmt huh troattd ooom tm ibmm 100 it jr j j gibbens lane block pliohit 160 georgetown cedar vale frmcis raspberries r the standard cutiiuiirt is uow on the market and will lost probably this week for the guest preserves aud jam uo other variety can com pare with the cimimtitt there will be a grand crop do uot ueglect to arrange at once with oraltfdy for your seasons requirements by gettiug on the list before the season advances too far we will undertake to see that you are not disappointed now please do not delay get on grandys list now by cooperating with us iu this way you will assure your selves of the vkbv iinust quality and ruourr uhuviclt and incidentally make it possible for us to market our entire crop iu georgetown raspberry jam for our soldiers small jars seut periodically tb our boys will be be most welcome our womens patriotic societies aud institutes will uo doubt use this means of still furthering their grand work kkkp constantly in mho wk vhcmr mwmsr or woo contnoujat hanna we at home must rely as far as possible upon perish able foods bkadlet kush ft mmls mm jh tl a eoaatorlabla fraat boo t roonuaud doaai woedabed attached bard end aolt watar in bona fnraace eaoaant moor in eellerj ale of lot it x 184 wltb 1 acre at bacblaotl aandy loam aolubla tor any tblnaf wltb atraam ol aprlaa walar run bin tbronab ibo lot taiga and auiall iroli apply to box j8 jeortrelown special wn bto a utat black agrees- very aeaurea goodn h tho bl b4talnc and will be tbla k price puoe your nrdev at oooa rosily or outoftown coatomera mens furnishiiige juat aurrvod vow kaokwemr new bblrta hoaiory vic tba laieat alyle is uau capa of all tl makoa wa ahbw a auporb aioek of everything a wan w oannoi find aurtbliig to equal it lu any other atoro in very few city aloreal aurpeaa it a flno haloolion of uenn and vbolha readytowear auit overconia odd pbu oventus eto alway on bnnd we invite yon to eau and inspect oar stock stock df oiarantend olae vintf nrchsaed tban long befora o soil tbom at practically tba old dont wait i samples now collars gloves the leading yon town and and- r millar 8c co georgetown phone 126 pinat h10hclass taiumlnq and msns furntshlnoa aaaaautorbtoekwell uaodaraoo aoo tyer end cleaner toronto rfc advertise in the herald it whjij be profttabiie to both of us h kdh7vts sl co eaavaaa aeaaaa august trade specials a few big values a a a 0 a a a to clear quicklytha balance of our choice stock of trimmed millinery these specials will not last long come today ladies and childrens wash dresses ladies middies blouses wash skirls childrens gingham dresses and middy suits at prices that would not buy thenaterlols mens suits hats caps and seasonable furnishings to reduce stock quick see our lines our grocery department strawberry season the best possible for firstclass fruit also jars aud sugars at lowest prices special for saturday japan tea good cup quality 5 lbs for golden pclco black tea excellent goods 3 lbs for mauy other lines not listed at marvellously low prices an order we know you will come again 100 100 come to us and try e 0 i adams fc coy georgetown phone 43 maine mill street

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