Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), August 8, 1917, p. 3

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matthews drjjg store quench that thirst 5 use liuis juice or crape juice lu yqw drinlcidg water these hot days we handle the best lines kodak amif tturrum t lfrflt batfedie wiolillt 0ottlatm i djmktthew drugs and stationery bovml fiiurut thro brwutivnm vlorom ak omiwafuohm st george cbiircfa ba was bwrt l tb rkw boaday mrwle u follow mailoa 11 a jn battoa 7bru bojiday hcboowarlni 111 baa fbtai holy oommaaioii lat ud fed handay of coidbisbdjbws items tm day will booh ba bar wbaai coiling baa coauimnead wild raapbar rhw nra plaailfol gardao party h tarm oolta tbl friday bvanlng mil toe tmu u m will tbaa km apoblv tlnm am tha politic partiaa la canada raully dlaappaarlag tnatl ou iba suburban ballway oonllboaa to inetaam tbarw will llkaly ba a gnral alaat las bfw buuty waak horbrhig will not ba popular uy mom nalll altar lb war t tha aautnatad axpaudltura of our paula school ihlsl yaar u fusc whati liatl tbar ba a daflnlta um lo lacrmm tha town watar aupplvt walab lor partlouhua in bsuitbtm about a montlar gardau prty to ba bald at norval tha town watar will ba abut oil on saturday afi ruoou baa nollo id go otbareoloain- tbtr u talk ol a radial atalloa at aetou w bava a good oaa bar a law ttaia in tb walling mom will b walooma mr d j maltbaw u bavin- tba loat ol bu drug low rooodaliad baal twaa will ba oondudad ai uatul during tba ajtoratlooa why do lb prto el egg tamaln 60 bwm tbaa ll jaart aak tba cold atorago paopla will tba prlotballko baton nasi fabruary y haar jo william otmadlani mar- aba hogg conoart punlatl and mlaa jaw mt mania at hc albaa pwda patty otaawltuasm aug- l7ib tbantgalar aioalhly aaaauaao tba tiiiiim woawi i wtu ba baid at mra joba wlbnnla boma sl arttowiv friday aftaraoos angnat lotb atlj0pta all m walwima jaamm mprajtoa dya aad tba koala mala qooriat will drtw a uuw crowd to tba oardtt iaity at w q uuballa tn ooua on vrlday aaolafc abtaat 10th dout uui baulaf tbaas latest hews 1b00t hoik ballinafad ubri lillian oautpkall oftofoatoapaat boaday at b boma bara mr akrd vaauallar ol oolllaiwood waa boma ovar hunday mr aud mia ira itottal meaupanlad by mr and mr wtd homal uotorad to obarutaa on hunday w aia aorry to baaf uut ur blaka vatiaaiur bm blood pouotilai la bla bad bak w top ba will aoou ba aiotmd umi n waddllmalofattbalrmby vmiaa obitrcb la away ou a tuotuba vua terra cotta yba mlwai udriaw at tombtoapabl tba holiday wltlt ibair narauu bar mr u wbltaay bad tba taulottuu to imv bla bara and eoauala bttraad by tlbtala ur wlillnay luu bad bud look aloe ooiulng to hut bjouultlu hav lag bd bu bouaa aud all tba eoauitia saauoyad by am a aboit umi ago tba tagvn and aoolaubi wara ouly patily la mr and umoawtowutaad and fu uy apaat olvls uallday with maudalti oo liaailal maatar attt41a oornaral tba lotb lloa who waa tbdup6id tor a law daya u abla la ba atouad avalti aa uatul mr aud mia a mckaowaind uttlly i aetoa ipat boaday wlib ilaada la lunld uaiaball wa aia totry laata aaal wllb a aatloua acldaal on bltaiiul ajlnoou lut wblla loading bay at mr wu liunlafa ha all ofi tba load aad bla baad and am wan bad lybrawad- mkw iwto ol ulawlaad oblo wlo baa baaa vulllug bar brotbar mr pmim el tbm plaei baa raiuraad boasa bowling muloa bowlara otiua to iowa lut wad awaday ajtataood and playad if patuam with lb bocoa club wlualag boib tba aootw wu a lollowai milton gaorgatawa a it taraar ualor irani j irvlag 1 llartlaou pr uowlaiid v woada jaa w bula ak j ur llaalb aklp 18 qjl llwtlml a nonlugton a a arntatrotitf v uuth a tolaaka dr maaudraw b yrumlng tw j w kaanadyakil 61 so baeood qaota c u yumv m maav j rvlntjl j ajutt j w waja v baamb dr uowlaad ak 81 tr mdattdnw ak 11 u a lubiur-k- oom a a armathog l dai a toutka 1 llarrlaou r b hulunk ur uaatb aklp is 60 tu cahlortllakks wabmwby eouvayotir ajoaamthaaaa atrlaada aad ualgbbom lor ibou btaay tmadaaaw and ayntaalby ajtaaaad to aa ilaadbaraamamnaaaaadliw sanansui uta joaaob ibtwaoa and bually aad itoauawaoo nlaaaaadl i haaaafc fcamlly i mlatuaw scawwwow tba tl utwamt oaorgaiowa and ol wllllaina ball taaoa will ba pbyad otf at adoa nkl futdrday aitaraooa augaal lltb tba boya will to ahoa on tba 9pni train uvarybody lovlud oltib rmtaa oa tba railway qatartai bmmptcrmp tf u 0 orwalmaa eomrauaioor of agricnhan baa ataiad ibat ontario woold bava tba blggaat crop la tba butiy of tba pmvlaor wa will bava a 1w 000 000 baabal erop parbap eouparad with tba tvarag 100 tnllllona ba wld lu avary joaiur of fha provlnea tha crop u timely wondarfol w want uo uomtmla tintli altar harvatl ktra la ntrmtaj tba waolta of tba tntraota to normal axamlnatlona bava baan attboaaoad ttxm fotlawlog wbd wron at tba oaorga t6wa lllgb babool bava bu auecawalt olara bvowa boa jaada llutbay mir garat wllaoa boa ai alavaa tnauban of ibid euwi got tbalr btrilneataa by an gaging la isrtd auployauat ibara la a total of fourtaaa aae atadaata from tba katraaoa to normal claia reiki pmute tlavbag parobaaad tba barbarlug btul aaai of arthur cook i aolldt tba palroa aga of all old eaaiomara and aa many now obm at daalia biatlam aarvlor tba ibop hu baaa thoroughly nnovalrd and uy eomoinara ara amuiad of baai worbuuublp uodar tba uoat raodare aaiiltsuy foadllluna i bava aacurxl a wall known and eoupataat ataulant la tba paraoa ol mr joaaph olhltona n act on and au guaraulm aaliifaotjon to all pairoaa mllloa a llomh card patty tba annua gsurdau pariy uodvr uw auaplna of tba uatbodut oburoh will ba bald at th honia of mr w o mr- aball tana ootu oa vrlday augtiat 10 a ipundld proarud will ba provldad by jaaioa bpragaa oyar eharaotar ltrjpr- boatorooa aoocs ao w baraotar akvtebaa and uoaloal uono- lofaaa ionia mala qaartal of brampton tba praour vocal luiarlabaara ica araanyoeaay laland bad uaca and otb- t tafraabajmlm aold oa tba gfoanda adraawjoa86aablldroaloa bav a b traablood obalrbmul k tanria wad 0 of ubarty and tha ualgbu of lutard 6 part with char bjcbnuu tfatimuy oaa t3ay abuwtbaantl- fal rotnanoa with aa all itw emua friday tba wax modal with vlv laa maiua aa aebarulog young uadat mia marllu baa aa oppoituolty of dla- playing many anqtiultagowjaad froaka wbleb will b of lutarcat to liar tnaay girl admlrara fialarday wiuubj faruau la a mas of borrow a vox platora adulaloa wadaaadaya and balurdaya ib a loo tplitdjwlmui tba exaetillv ootnnilljaa of tba wo aoa auxlluay to tba orgaalutlob ol raaourom cowmllua altar eotuultatlon with iba lion w j haunt iba doraln laa pood ooatrouar bu adopiad tha ida ol a pudg to ba lakaa la a bout to loom canvas from auh individual boohvltotodobar baatto pravant lood wula and to auooaraga thrift and aoobo tay la tba boma whara pladgaa in glvao tba vood oaatnllar will provldaa eard to ba puaad id wladowc atiowlng uut tba hotua la pladgad to aava lood fir tba canadian aaldlara and our alllaa tha ksaeutlva of tha auxiliary hu alio baaa aaiurad by tba inttltula hrtnui of uia dapariwant of agrloultara that tbay will had a damonatraior la canning to any oanlr upon xpplleailon tba annual plenh ol fit uaorgaa olmnb sunday bcliool wu bald in tba park but saturday altaruoon tliara wu a good allandanu and tba axuallaut pfoghiu of anotta provldad wu tborougli ly anloyad by iba oblldran following an tba tumaa of tba prlaa vltinara mr cuiura obua 800 ydautlurt tbouptoa und olauda kmraaraon uuaiioaaohua7a yd hi joan an nadala sod char lot la vrapela mlaa armuoogf clu 5 ydaiu n janua 8nd annla allan and albun llrad iy ulmllarbartaolau 75 ytulat harry navana 2nd krto kmourmu liu outnpuii elaaa m ydjjlulra toal sad um uradlay ulai praneu fllaaa 35 yd annla paaaa find w inula jawu uu tttoiupaoua claaa 35 ydijoa allan sad 11 ura hay urd vrd upalra tlh viator nnrrlnglon uta malbawa oiauuargmrat will oagbby sad hal ian maw vua booniara 25 yd toal sad il bradlay lrl k wright hruclal 50 yda tibulya tott haul iliad ley nally fvanclii ivy hplara bpaclal prlu by mr a nonlngton- itaguuld illackburu soil juk thontpaon hpaalil r ml i norrlngtoti- vlolat taddar sod rmltb vruela bpanul prlu by mr h klrklatmua faarl booniar sad mlu ijiiuu harbail brd mlaa dorla matbaw ai tha alow of iba prograu a daltetoaa lanobaoa of aaadwlobaa caha and laa arwau wumrvad personal mlu km 1um la uufi lrlxl oljklham ula vti hi ulllo iruula 1 conalonl mill hu urf uuilo p uw toj hlt irumla mi otmlph mrpod mra 1 m bll irxpt j mh ki golra laund ul konu iftlltl bolkuru lb tborellloum la mruluik umoi rliclm maa uby jftck mtm vlvjitos truod la iodaa mn h v iimrls uo torn mm vlrlllnf toroota irbrwu mrj x tnmf wal imt u1u ins k bom ml ipffimou mr d mm urjil j am oborlw prat lb bolia id tororuo uui l1iiu meoolloifb oi uvmuxilur w 1 wluoaa military u jwm3 hait of tba iath blghl twa bat baaa pnuaotad to aargaaat corp uartbubaanlaboaa4lailalrraji wltb wawii twarwt uwaaaaitiaw tba yoa gal quality and prooptaaaa la wafjab hpairlag whau you bavajtoaw da u laav u wbb i v flualkjii mr hugb icaonady of pant saturday with frtanda la town mlmnauuueuttlaof ratnbroka ww a goswt of mra lialph tuw laat waak uaaur tots muana of toronto papt lt waak with buwarttowa frlandtv mr and mm lulw and family of onalph waa holiday vlaltara lu town mt jaa brooka of ingaraoll la tha guatl of ura j a- traay buwarttowa mr and mra tuaj auiaaoii of toaoe- to wara vial tor at mr wu antboaya ovar boaday mra if w kaunady and 3hlldras ara holidaying at thalr aunomr botso la utukoka mr and mra kail palkar ol wait tor onto apant bunday with mr and mr will llortop ura a a orr and dtugblar bath apant ilia paal waak with ura o u unr- ibal lu irvatou liaut u kaunady mra j w ko nady wad mia kauuady laf t on toaaday for a holiday lu moikoka1 dr and ura u l luanatt bava ra- turnad botua afur a puaaant holiday with taltilvw in oarllau mra ii lwlr and aoa ur uanea rmriar of toronto wamgoaalaat waak u iba boma of ur john blair oollags vuw uh jamaa hart aud baby marlal hav raturuad to thalr bom lu toronto aftar apandlag two waak wltb bar tdatar mrs juo nialr ur aud mra t if kuuford and mr and mra a b wllaoa motorad to bort- injitou but thuraday and apant tha ait r- noou at tha baaeb utwn kalhanlal edward oaorga and fll iuilirla bava baan la town dur lug tba wrak owing lo iba daatb of thalr tuolbsr wblih ooaurrad on monday iwl mr and bit burton brook with mial tt whibtou aud donald brook ult lo oolombo ohio ywlarday ttiay mot irril to uaorgaliwn taonlb ago and haa baaugocaliot mr and mra balpb iloaa mr aud ura albari brownlw of arih ur oot annoaaoa tha bmtnaut of lhlr aldaal diugbtir k mw lo mr nobla j harpar of provoal alia aou of mr and mr u j lfarpar of watford ontario tba watrlata will takaplaoa tba aaoood waak lu anguat rj you can keep the fine natural color in raspberry preserves v too mass tbbw n lantic sugar vmtlqtiuttklmtmtbtnl yoassnarau tills by tulru lawrtc inxukuok euswires bound oa aoeooiu of lu wltt grs lantic is tba bett mnrmt la tu tot 11 ii aeeoaal ef hsnrity and hlsji iwoetoolog vowest ijurllc is mnv eaos sofsr qitslly cood lor uu ulst tar sasssl esouag sd fas prasening 16 20 nj 100lb uekst 2 ud 5lb cartons sfsfjfssr tusnrrao uatu mixu mi ui buv i atmmmm4mvmi ttrodji i ipriaujub atlantio sngar refineries limited jrvnre bnfldlns uotroeal w mammoth house georgetown great clearing sale i childreirr presses a bus mmanmat 61 olilidno wbu ho lis d i i 1 50 lo your cbole lo sw jsmrtjoo iito uo ud tsm laamiioo ibto i bj row duim trot mcbean co ladies waiflts oddaaadkndaof udlw mnallrj volla a crpa waiatalobetaardatz uuderhkirts uduv uttdartklrta lu wblta moalln mani aook and lawn with haalaook embroidary and fllluf una a lattav nlxoa by bla raealvad from bat kafc by bla paranra today aiataa ba flaa ana randy lor iba front again u col jamw ibllanunaarrtvad boom ini waak altar a vult ti ottawa and camp bordaa cob ballaatlaa wa no oarattod hu raoalvad art appolalnwat from thu unltad btalm uovarnmaal to uka obaraw of oamp tor tha trainlna of aniarloan ofuatr 1ia frad ollasora who u now la training wltb a mounts eorpa at btantay uarracitit toronto pant a ootlplaof daya at bla boma bar lul waak church news tharav it ii broil rahor of palmar ruoo will tka dr buliba wrvlow ai hornby nerval and btavtrtiowa uut bunday ltili ltut llapriar tlie urvlea oa kunday moreing will bo eouductad by llav waltar lianlal ii a ol toronto tha gauarai aacratary or waaiarn uliilona tlut will ba no forvlea uumlay awaalng castoria vof infant tad cfaildi in ufm for ovt 30 yv alwaya baata blgnatuw of jacksons cszzi has v ester bead this tba boat way to tba barvaat tuld of wtatare oauada la by tba canadian nor tliarn hallway upaola throogb trolaa will bo oparalad frou toronto fa wlnal i on bkcurtlon data tha uulpbwbt i eoiuul of alahho llgbtad eolonut car and lunch eountar com anaalally da ignad lo eatar to tba naad of hodla ol tuao at tnoturala rata waal ol wlnnlpag tba damand for ubor la raat aloi a tha ilnw of tha oauadlan nnrlliarn hallway and tha wagw ara all paillculam irom 1 j maltltaw town lanaral paawngar dapt uontri ml toronto odl wanted at ong6 apply lu wiitlau to glen woollen mills gleuwilliatus out auction 8alf household iuruitur tho undoraluiol baa boon luatruotod by u11b 0 van alihn to aoll by uubllo auolhui ai bar raaulouoo ualu bl aouui uaoritatowu on batdiuuy auuuut uth 101t at h uni ubartt the fouowlugi parlor furulturo dining loobj hirnl tuubadiuoui futttlturo bitobbu turoi lurowmuiara raiuja nawi l lawn uow arai vrhoolbarrowi cutting bom uowi daiay oburai 14 whlto 6gbom baua tbltuu oab1i jjtbtclauot- iwajwarwjmvwwwwvwawwftv 13 a 3f1 1st 313 1 hj x e pxxl jjtd 1ulwjts bjbojix btorm bodpath and st lawrence best granulatedsugar pkowt barnhils norval specials i for aucu5t lawa aud porch furniture of attractive appearance well made good fiulsh special designs ol superior quality service able just what you want for summer comfort folding tables folding chairs lawn seats lawn choirs camp stools camp cots etc a big special in congoleum art bugs these rugs are beautiful lu patterns and rich blending of colors will good service as to wear are waterpioof and san itary and in every way a serviceable u of superior quality a high grade art rug 3x4 yds reg 15 00 for j 95 33lyiwgl3 6ofori085 i3 yds 5o for 495 1 x a ydijy reg ja56 for do you want money the highest market price lii oash is what you receive for your cream -at- georgetown creamery for the nccouimbdatiou of our customers our creamery will be open on wednesday and satur day evenings until 10 p m ulsbuionmmtmiuiblwukjrmimaudui d ucktchmls is georgetown creamery co wanaambmmi insurance llfire amd accident shad ofeoiwetowm dud ohtakio mmmwlimimmmbmmtw u you are rbadv youll get the job the business world requires the csartxellolx business college quklpu our to thoroughly train xoo young men and ladies for responsible positions fall term starts august 20 write today for particulars l l bouck princlpil m bxxe haisagar at saturday treat if you want a good taaty wholaaoma eaudy taka a poond of our saturday trst boma wltb you tlomamada alg caranul tby ara ao good wa can not daaorlba tbaui itaguur 80o lb sasturcuy iveata fric 26e ub weekend chocolates wa navar tiro ulllug you about oar waak kud obowlataa baoauai wa know thay ara tba bal valua la uta country baeoma a ragular satoiday cuatouar watch our biuoul uagulr ioc waak end spacul 2 lb n0huincton muus phone 00 mi mm trmit etombtrewh fruit jtore susvbanlaa cardan vf- talilsss etc orangesi per doz 25c 30c 40c 60c lentous per doz 30c tomatoes per lb 10c ouious31bs for 26c new potatoes per pic 60c and ouui- urc fpmub or glardy a rbstivo fruit specialist main street georgetown 179 jackson s georgetown delicious i appetizing i invigorating i white label ale serve cold berve cold possobhes all the body and fine flavor the sparkle aud the creamy head the appetizing and tonio pro perties of the parent product relished throughout canada for fifty years au ideal beverage for all occasions makes good friends everywhere obtainable at dealers hotels and cafes srtr the dominion brewery co ltd tmrnpummlu phonh main 333 toronto ont

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