the georgetown herald i fifryflrst year cf publication tieieoiietownbeluld i ktebt wkdhkbtta y -vbih0- ubald potter frlhtwo omoc uipgiiro out iobeciuroos bates oaaaaariaoarflla ubal la a aaaslioaiaa ioaaulaa4aaoa tlviddiaktel aboa tha roar aaaariioa i ooinsuct idvibtimno rates voraaamnlobapallabttoo apaiui mf 41aa lor ftnt taaartloa ad flra eafa w 11a lor aaea an aaaat laaartfoa iu bo awpl lor all tlanaliil adiailuainanai twain uaaa loaa lach adarhniil wtlhoat paoia dlrao- avaaa wlu ba laaarlad battl lorbid and wianail iiiiiinlliiili adwlananla will ba rh aob aiealb wttboot axtra abarga obaaam for eoatiaoi advartla aaaat ba la tte aboa ar moaaar araaiaa at aioobx otm tlmt tlu mas 1100 uji po lupa 00 p directory georgetown wednesday evening august is t7 150 per annum or af2su pfld in anvanae standard nthracitb cranton coal coal wood up lo poo tie and fnpom smithing j ooei is ioi y to b fooad lj 1 upiodala goal and wood john mcdonald iwjennedy 1hiltom wallbhidok a dajul barriatan solldloia sin toaoaro amd oaoaaarows oomi saaaady block la bay bala la dwa of oaonjatowa oatoa jmusi dh joskph iloamdbkw pavalctaa aod hargaoa aiadlaal oooar el baalu lalrlotaiuoaa ie oaua boon 3 la 4 aad v fa aipai pboaa u ofla aad kldno wala bool oppoalt praabrtarlaa ebarab k l punt 00 opt d okobuktown ouo aaal lo library rtuaaflmi specialist ill defective eyesight owiub nouns wadoakuyi3tto s pu aad0 la 0 d ta baltudaya a la ft pjo aad 0 to tfpa mioaaforab appolntaiaol eldtttttauttr ha afirtlrtlna sargary or oaisoaatay a u ktauidkul vo oradaat ol tba palaar lb milaal hcboolaf oblrotuaotk ilavaa aort iowa uha omoa orar jlttallolda fiboa blora ooaaallallon aad bplaal aaalyala vaaa taaa tbara aad hl i toft lo taa paoma itoa bui h1aj4u b watbon ddl uob dkmtiirr oaorsalowb oal uoumi a akata atkiu bautaary la all ibiblaabta orar baab ol lladultoa r l ukath rnibm vttmurt omo in laaa blaok oaa door bortb oi omalua uarruaa aouay uoaaf 0 aaa losm dill l uthnelt okntiyr offioa u xaldaaea uua hl aohb brat boomovarutu btldga pbooa 141 uaolaatowb sflurtuamh tsuni ncrau uoaaaal auouoauur tar lulloa aad raal uuawllluuui 1oai oaloa ualaa eoa ductad talklaclorlly aiul at laafo nba urdim lall at tba oaoauaiowu alauui urnui will raoalva aroupl atabtloa jaquson and iibb civil euglueeu surveyors temple bldg brantford haj a ulaokaoa 11 u lea lliuililllloil tuuuuuir klo o xi d u l 8 ii 0 wyoaaltobarl walar wotka aajilaaar w c tuiayuatuland ambllaol fall tana trom aai sll toeohto oh yrjoaa aod obarlai 6u toronto la ttoattahiftnably aaa ol oaaadia boat ooaitaiafcul uboola tba da btaad tar aar aiadoalaa la ut ui aa oaiaotoaraaiiitly writ loday lor oar oalalftkaa v7tv yriaalau tssb sing laundry tba old haluata laaadry ptratcaua mark aaaraafaad at ithb ijowiut ptoca akata 10a hardware paints stoves tinware electric fixtures sewer pipe and cement tinsmithing and plumbing hot air and hot water heating electric wiring jwkennedy phone 26 georgetown onl c in all sizes wo bantu slook s urgm sssoav dl iahm iofoarfaoi imtht sbufmo fo portland cement hoar raad aad praraaaaa john ballajitine oeoborrows otn local agent wanted i to otrgfitotf b tad dlaulet la mil fair tum ouj iftluulm vokttnlll ntkmjulo bpunju lut ol kloek tor fall piuun 1017 and upruff touiub 101b imlodloa uaay aw varwua wlch w alouoeotv irol band tor nw illoatraud etalari 1 afea propoaulotl llandaooui it tnlatimiuitiuvttmxtluity libaial coin sitae ui welmagiod tba foothill naraarua kauuiabtd 1u7 toronto ontario papering and painting as baul i am urtpaisd lo do yottr lm palatini al hu ttauttfcblo priom a full um al tb ebolmtt wall papal in- elodlog daatsxhi t4hlu any coalouar mmu 6f wiru wm thurston fllowailtowu emiuoiing p0 j m buck butcher oaorgatawa alwaya bal 00 hand lha plaalt ol beep pork sausage boloqna etc homeoureo hams a bacon uamb a veal avuano w njiim ouvaai hatars awaar houuui in auui aaaattraa mawoa atvuuom tmuatmrahy mj itaatraali clifford linham butchr haih stbebt j- fob the choicest bmi butte pork lard vmi etfa lamb plah cookaxlruau autd baniwj swifla noted premium hairia tuid bacon delnerles dolly to any part of town clifford linham p shoes i vbelowcost thia in an opportunity for you to aecnrt bargains as we bave about two hundred and fifty pairs of womens pumps and oxfords that must be clear ed below coat sizes from 2 to 4 also about 75 pairs mens oxfords our stock of tennis shoes is complete rumford the shoe mhn the home of better shoes winscdoo tome soarimiataa w wlodlas atwtna tbo wy somartc um elooda that twnavar baiad tba blgblboloa badowa caant aed tr andcam daws a draad tunttinbihnafhtot6dllahthut a confaihoa bald ibaaa auiaah- thv kraals naad ta jo4 m afart uratsb o flbt iqtlag mil abd ihroogb tbf twialhoa uiafi taaoof tta aonllcbt atlltipoa iba fall tba bird a totm tbosu oat aiaar aod fraa aad toihr brarar mil do calla wbara u lb fallh ol uirpr tuf a coaatd tboa thaaa alarms tby plb iooad4ad tbotajll roa way ruralfrbt o faiwa olsg mu wimhi tra baboid um lod tnad paint ma irir w may him drayi tliai uod wa iom ra baar no taint of wlckaajaam tbalr motda imply aod who u ha wa slo moold knov who ibtu tba faalcai baart alaxouv id upltaj of taaa w tlll would o blrmlgbt to a vautarri lovlofj um trwtb taint of brait atalti ba tbcmgi tboo art bot tbatt tiwry ood motw joj ha joy lo know ba do no wrong and pm lo tl w 1111 may uot fan a ujv day iby atranctb abajl ba ilia wonli tit dooplntf spirit eajoul atwl b in dd and traib la frv who aaaka apalltr loviaa mrmi llalan vraneaa wilt 1 t lo tft empttoo hfir lb boy wft dmrtfut tfaattbay warv on tba of aapoattrav trot wlatn to till wb had loft qmba iwtnroad wltn aljaa ahaaroia ulaa wlwrn bm bar unsam allaa orlawold ignlm4 tltm b rnqsmot b aatr blm ho it waa bo dltvosv uoa oa bar o cl ma fwpx iamra aaw ti jw wtv ual to days story get your butter paper at the herald office- ft first invest in a homb it will pay a higher rate of interest than any stock or bond it will ensure your family from the ills puyulcal and otherwise that come from overstrain from lack ol a home it will rest you restore you and repay you to get satisfaction buy your supplies from f e mackenzie lumbar waning mills at actao anal twetownyj r c nixon ofiohobtowni subttaiitlally had i1awss mia in a pneumatic olkaneia for utnial 1 1 dollar ptr cloy a good auortmmu 0 trunks and vausks agmltor pao win repairing iomptly dons nixons harness md repair shop fishing prohibited amu tlaimara mfatllual kh alliii 4a any paraoti tublntf tuf otbarwiao ua 1 lot 16 tuj it con e kaquaa mi iwoamknitod h fa liillaa 0 0 alhstty u naaadnmou lot tngwul attersons meat market choicest fresh and salt meats butter eggs canned goods etc watch our window fat extra good values on fridays and saturdays choloaljoasomby qoartaralao boas vbol or half at uarkit prlsa any person having veal calves for sale please phone or write us wj patterson phone i oeohqetown established ibm- the merchants bank of canada capital paid up 7000000 reserve fund 7345000 deposits 67000000 total assets 93000000 safety deposit boxes to beut o w grandy manager georgetown branch 2600oooooa irir two scamps how they invaded a wo- niaiis college by paune 0 dwajto5 i lay toiu bald jim iluitklesi what do you uy to vltlt to tlto o a c v y ubalu lbc a o w 1 tlta collco 1 or ttio araauorauoa of tbo loudltlmi tt uniubu wliat kind of col leu do you call tbatv tbo luteutloq li to ducal a youtut womou on fiucb lltipti tliat tlioy may lako tba discos of men in tbo blclioc dfiparttneulii of ufotbit la leuulnlora judkfli eoveruora mid tomilbly prval dant of tbo uullad hlotou votl exclle my curloidly i would liko to two what bind of lualorutl tboy aro tnoldliib for tlio iino8 ob tbat bmt wbat i wuu to tto than for i wont to na a dtl x aui iwtmt on u10 baa tumotl in dowu altim ibo sot tu famltiliio eraxa and tboron uolbliltf uv ma to do eicapt to baard tbo llontmui lu bar dan hut do uiay allow nwu vlaltora at tbeouv ob x uadaraiaod tbat tb collaga door hivant any mora cbjattlou to 1 than to woman but of courm no ollas for wouun twrmllsj tbo uit dargradnatm to roealva youotf tuou whamtmr thy ilka wo bad twttaf ito oa inaaskttxra of tbo liutltuuoti with a vlaw to writing it up tlta dvttla- lutf it and inducing otbor to found milage fotr a auulur purpoao x win bains myaaut tit a a tnasmiloa wrttar you mltffat toll tbtu tbat you ara prln- hpi of a young udloa aamlnary and doalr to educaltt youf tupua to till tba moat txaltad mitulou tbat all vry well hut do y a nujtmwa ibayr gttlng to ba foolad luto thinking iliul a nuiu of my ago would ba truattod wltb tbo odututlou of young blrltr you ran uiako tin for apy ago you lllio votiy ulll do your proinalura itahliihsi will bttt und you cuti ivauit a fw crowy fixt ot bit cuniprw of you vyc wort t they sui hit palqtt nut if ll ij cor fully d no and i proposo in miilui tint v ult aftur dark a few diii 1itir william liar gfaiti hiwmfr ttu luimnxluo wrllor nutlrwl lu ril l 11 luiin lui bud writ ton to tbo prvaldott of i ho vow au bnlluthii tii unit that institution uud to brbiu ulili liliu llryout vutlior aisooufujul liimhllu of ibo inalltu tlou ou a ertaln ovruliig mm two entlo- trtmi inariilly iwtwftfii forty aud uhy yoarj of aa btmrih at tbo bou of hut proaltluut of ibo uluttu niul woro rwlvtxl by iter wltb coiiultloralloua aba dug i really lulurtul ii hi guttlug frw atlviirluuiu fur tbu limtltutlou tbey luid trolam a muiilar of yuoatlouu wbkb tuoy aiiked and uiuda uotaa of tba rllu aflar axluiuatlug tba aub jftft tuitt ualil 1 prlucliuil of h young udloa wcbv limry i bav fouiul it puaaribta to put my acboal in a fuorablo light to vbil tora on uno oriklou x turuod a vbd tor over to a couimltteo of tlto elili ud the vlillor afterward told tno of oartalu irregular ii if a that uwdad to ha eorractad hluco tboti x have always turued vlallom nvor to other may x auggiut without my motive balug mbv txhutriuhl that 11 r upaiiear aud i ba partutttod to bo nbovru over your ttiatl tullou ly ono or two of your under- trttdiuitpat tim prmldftiit atniultwad though not with n iinod gnih in till otid tw young linl it sin tikiili i ttl to tliuouiy oliu f tliuiu iiauiih i um liitl aulug um tiwlt uiiiaii n ml ultluu a likturo a alio iasaal uluug wllu tbo liuimhiara htm wuu not h beauty but wuu uiltulra bly httfnj fur wlm t alio waa doing 1 bo oilier ttlrt bad evuttilly twu iwlwtixl at iiaphawrd jim wuatiuuyouwmhtliig qmntlona that abe could not answer uor could auy oue ela fortbut uiulter with a vltiw to gvttluu rhl or bar ihbi put liurui atwdliuuior wluu low wild tohirt lloo jou an untlcritrailuuto of tbo tinmo of llertna urlawold lu your uiitl tuttout wo littvo btw lu u urmluato of my awmilnury would you liko to mo liury i would tho young lady went nway to rull uib tlruwolil nmt wlilln nho w tn n hum waa an aiilmtil mil i irrl 1 duluguo ulwiiii i in mi i hi um iln lug ulrl hoimimiii i tin kliu ill i l iwr and till lur tint ml llrlm11 ml jim bail 1mm apm in minn i ir ton tlio ulil t hoii 1 i i il- i ii limit unit oitp- woiijil not be n mui bf bt bdn i will naa or to yon to f toyoa ta b buonnad f aajb ttuit tbay dtr to know r vu da what i can fw oat- w6r tba dmbora ropl th four who tjatnatoad iporad aajfag tb hiapaeuon jim wltb law qruv wold toa wltb loaua wharton pro- rora and muuntnotttxtta wr jbara and tbaro wa no opporttinlty toi any udaj aaoapt tb part tby warn olef in at brat lookad ob r bv wa tooairiibv ad to plajvftot a bamoroo mnark on ui part of ton brvugut a amll to bar ac amf aftar tbt ab ram to rajoy to prank aa for laura oriwow aba waa tllapoaad to ba angry wltb bag lovof but naltbor wlabt iwr darad v simm blra uut tbr la dotblng uk daring bg nleaaw a woman and wblw laura tpi ainlabitng what tba inagaslna mlm and lb principal of a younaj djcaav iwmbiury cam to a botkiflfla wsraj falling in wltb uw aplrtt of tb meav lado lliu room aald ulaaoruwoul inlfiidod for tba us f itinai uudenttaduataa wno ar ambulooa ta alt on tb bucb uow abdut a otm ot oaay cnalrf dud jltg in low yoke wait w ii cooj to that by ant by lfftld laura undar bar braauu bfagooni contlnuad laura igoe ttplfftby a claaa tbat la atodytng thai pfiniratlonai blatoty of elnglancv ftba opoaad tb door and tbo yona taoa worn permit lad to took in tba room wbar tboy aaw a woman prof or on a data uctuhng to a number of young w6tud lletwn tb opanto and tlio abutting of tb door ttieaa worda uer beard dp to tba lima of tb aorealatl of georg iv ivnglaud had boan a coaad- lutlonal uiouaixby tba aoveralgn being usually h craekbraluod uwa ttndar tba conteuptlula oeorga it gradaally changed into a virtual rpubn bnt lla moat glorlouj half cantnry waa us ilcr tbo mo of that greatestt of all ttg uorerelgufl a woman vlclorla u hen tboloor waa cloaed tom ao- geetod that uow fngland bad got ao otbflr loorgo it bad fallen into a r lajme not a bit of tt retorted laura orb wold ulac vlihoria there baa been no need of a aoverelgu victoria taught tbo knaluili peopla to govern them- selves that aomelbtug no tuan could do wotneu are our natural governor remarked jim tuapartyauarginvod to tbacaupna jim aidumli wbata that building with a doma oall thatai tba aalronomlcal obaerva tory i wa tuuat aea that of cour iald tom tba night being cloudy no oborva- tioaj can ha tnada tharaa uo on thera to receive u aald laura well bow ald jim tba fa joak tba reaaoh for oar going tber x raue have a look at venue hut tit jlnt aald tom if any of lha doge hoard tbat remark th ra- ault would ba aerloua tbo party ware aota time paaahig over tha canjpua for tbey war conv paraualy obaervatlon bat tbo bog hoped for greater privacy ta tba obaervatory no they acnded to tba doto laura turned on a light tutu giving a view of tba teteeiop tber jita and laura weut out on to the roof to a conference leaving tb other two whore they were wbilo tba couplce were eepa rated ulaa bapbemla liaralou ibo aatrouo- mar amlag a light hi tba douio of tba obaervatory uiouutod tba atahvaao leading to it aud alnro a wowaiig ahoasj are not uaually nolxy aha wag tut heard by tba inuiatua until alia bad entered the room tom aud luella fortunately wore hitting lu cloa couv muulou behind the elono plor on which the tereoe retotl uud tbo inly did not aoo tliom uolng lu a box of eye- plocee aba was hriidlug over it uu uiludful of tholr preaeiko tom para a cough aud tba profovaor alruluuleulug tip looked around luolla advanced and aomowhat hi at eaue told uua uakaioa that ah wa tdtuwtnr tu telaaoopatoa via ii or tba lady received torn wltb couhm and entered into long enplauailoa of tba dltfereiit parts of the lubtniuuitt lfeauwbll jim and iura liad heard tba couvuraallun in tbo dmu aud learned of tba oiprojuli of tbo ablroo otuar tbo profoeinra prcaenco with jlni and laura holug out ou i tie roof wait not without daugor and aura did not know whether to put on a bold front aud tutor the ilumo or walt for the aairounuiera withdrawal tblukv lug tbat ulaa ma rut mi would not r tuuhi long aho adopted th utter course iiut tho aairoiiomcr found tom ao ippreclatlvo of her oillauatloi of tbo porta of he teloacopo uud ha geuoral usee that alio allowed uo dbpoaltlog to leave then laura and tom were bof rilled to ace o rift lu tho cloud and tba tnouii unpcnr if tbo astronomer aaw tho inooiillglit aha would lift tha ahut lor of tbo dome aud make observe llona i imvo it aald jim and taking tt lilu tout ho bold it u en lust tbo ouly luiliiw in tbeduiiio thalthouiooullgbl mi id hiiiiio llirouuli hut tilu uauio did not work iuddett ly tlio uluittur waa lifted aud tha doing ujjan to turu i ii have lo go dowu from the ou ido aald jim and lulling a comer by the iip of n water pout aud aotug lulorvonhig window leduee ho reached tho grouud thou i j ura went luto tba dome ulteu tho party deacended and had eiianilud from tho aitrouautsr jliu oluid tnm ii ml alnro it waa not ling into tlnv ml lotulraliunl to ruturu to itiu n lib ui niarlira jim alter ilniiikliut bo htad ha college fair lliv an nit lou ho aud hie friend had i ihii alitin wound up wltb a flourial lhln himiuiputt 1 inn ibid to aay that tho youflj itiu hin liao aliowp ua over youe xiituit ii imvo iinuiuid ua that ibar u ii lliliiu iii ua aipoliituieulat or many i i iiu ut hint tan be liuiirovad upotl rlum iirv almi ly tmrfect tbu aribht jim waa to writ af niiwiwi iioih i be men found wived lu lha ulrli who bad beat uu wlorv t carr me a by whleb a laecarlea caw or tba tiro larvl f trbap th area teat and moat lnv portaaf tmog a jnotoriataitoala know about eai la wgbt wltb lb aver- aga load tsrrfed aay ap expert by totowm th jwolgtu of 1ilr wbaa loaded ready tq rub lb ni4orlt a poallioa to ghut hi tea that by no- only at a tb beet aback atwcrbar omalnable but ar ot to aet any- tojuri whjcb spay egto from orr or undar lqllatlob 5vttb tb walgbt of tb car known t wbea iprepfring for a trip wblrti ln- ilnda pqgrs it a vmtjf ay for lb motoriet to regale hi alw or in tb tire ao that tuy wai roav wltb lb uast injury lo tumaalrag ttn foraalsht will alao prevent brgak in th aid wall raueed by aa overload with th weight of your car plsa tb weight of gdtolne water and astra tlroa wltb th weight of maanger addd yoo bav tho total ntnnlng walgbt of your car tot a quick way of determining ijrbat air prvaaar you will carry in fonr tlrmi if you hv no resnlar tablo of lodalloa tb following table fa eng- galdt ivor thereinch tlrea dlvld tb walgbt of ink load by thirty two h three ovid oaeluir lock tire di via tit welglft by forty for four inch tire dlvld tb wobbt of the load by fortylghl for four and onehalf inch tlrea 6v vld lb walgbt of tb load by aftyet for flveloeb tlrea tire dlvld tb wjgbt of b load by elatycona per br and onebalf inch tire tj vld th walgbt of tb load by arraot-f- to fortber ninstrat tb working out of tb abov table auppoa yva car wetgbd 2880 poand and yon er using fouimncb urea vrom tb aho w tod tbat for foorlncb urea tb walgbt of um load aboold be divided by fortyalgfal thla wui glv yon ality pound air pr wblcta hould ba earrlad in your urea th tlr mileage will b gfauy increaaed if tba tnotorlat will regulat hi air preaaur by th toad be carri i vs charm of flowers aatjiig la a mebby that i aklm ta a pat barring tb equally auclaut and al io ring paatlm of going a nahlrig no bobby ha a atrooger grip ou it ovo- tee ban gardening at oclock of a aummer morning colla tbevler could bo found at work hi br radiant iii tie i- und plot a ahiler in aplrit to old chaucer when on bla hueea la tba graaa at dawn to wulcb a daisy oieu and th were not exceptional not extraordinary eaaett of devotion they war merely typical aafpooenl of tba true gardener paialou nor la ible tena outhualaam beouug not lu the leaat it la not mar iran eleut i he ii lie blbllouiaiilac pawlon uo more erutieeceut i ban tha colleo lor real which only death can quench it 1 uo btuldeu youthful fervor ludeod it u rarely found in youth at tha norm aud alreaa period while it nay bo oliaerved to ha atrong eat in thoe tar whom lb daya of wild euthualaam ar over tb bachelor curgyraan or lb quloleat of apluatera for whom other pawou la nonexblent will yet lavlab ou tbelr gardena enouab devotion to bav wou th heart of tb moat obdurat of perwoiw onougb leu dorneea to have euftked for ibo utolh ering of a doaeu little oue a garden la tb world of tba recluee lha iianaloa of tba lone mau or woman tba diver- alou of ataleemen the recreauou of poet aad arils la of nil age except terhap tnuakrlaue who tuny ba ovr- rareful of their uauda itraiieee duo can la hcrlbuer pih ef the ball field in tba woman a home companion 0 ii clauily aay at wboever did l lie calculating for a imwhall held made a line job of it it lake just bo louu in run from plat to lint aud it laical jmt nliout that long lee a tiny fraction of s tuxoud for ihe average ball to te lldilod by th averntt abortntni and hurted dowu to the big mill walilm for it th leaat iii i lieuliatlon jusaio or wnlt and th uuplro la solng 1read hi hand taltt dowu for a aafe oralnad tell heat la tba chief eswmtlal foa ptauu growtb and one of tha pruiclpil fac tor lu maklug aoll warm la good ilraliiane tba surface nolle of well tl ruined land are ultnut invariably vcral deiroca warmer than uioaa of luwrly drained lajiua drahiad sou alao arm up faster after cold bpell aad much earlier tu apriug it u oerula that dyuaialllng heavy aollg will pay ueea bread a kind of bread la tnad along th columbia river by the ludlaua from a tnoea that growa ou tho apruca br tree thl tnoaa is prepared by placing it ta beape aprhiullng it with water and permitting it tn ferment thau it la rolled into ball aa big aa a wan bead aud tboae uro baked lu pita here in vreuaara whau tha horeea in nice pratt gf bilabial to tar epreadlug cah tbey wear trouaora to protect thabr lege froni tba hot ur a further pro- lactlou for tboiu couilsta cf a curtula auapeudad between um cart aud th luyaa tha trouaere are what lead dutlncuou to ibo borne however tlio kueet are a bit baggy but th borae doeaut aoom to care- lopulag vcubc liaathly i teveparedaeea lij daughur uua obulned a po tlou lu a tawyera oulca bb a tart oati tha drau and la tho uimuiiiuo 1 aba doing inythtug to tit honu if for tha workf yea ahelareuddig uertuatho baati- uful ulond tlteuourupbarolhttabttrajl inmt knew her ii ua klyrtejach told mo lot hlghgj uiat i waa bla very ufa her urothagj jack will eooti tltid out how ujacartaian ufa u cruel klret olrlhr dauber uld ttty twi waa rlaaalc what la claiielct iniaall rililnii most auy th lug rrit4riot