Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), August 15, 1917, p. 2

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ikjuik w i w h wiuiboh uuma roiuil dibbot- ob akd bbauub i obqw0towilowt bltbw wai d oral ths louowlar twin mni dawk so ssietki djco hiua ollaloo oo mosdav iajnat iso 1017 brwd hiu toffswriy ol uhiutlom to bl tin toa tfco natal will ntac torn door town otb alatloa u xlmiftim dolofix lui smite al laaul lata bnreb if 1 so pnu tuieometownieiui moaopat ivao auois mr tin iuzimkm price- pf wheat ttaedl by tli board of gwalo ootorjhejonef tot ouuiu is 140 eboabel and wheel widol u aeu id tha tih without lie- tb fjiug ol prltjml th tafc lag ova of th canadian w beat rsorpitu by lb aoireromeot fok urltla may ri a iutrt v vitter motto placed at the front of every antd might rjo oooeidefeble la atopplbtf tb many accident thai ocj tar boeredajr tb majority of tlwd a- aeddeat witbool iimu bat tby mbfbt t tttvaf hav oeeorred bad tha him for pmd bmb oblltmkud ioditl wllto tammow that overy eecuant brie- eor tow la oo or botb pertie involved bmorkuitrt im riittuaw bcio ooeteiolotf food li inu many mm the enperieocb of tb eooaamt that there be bn a fane demand irom all over lb coaatry that tb pateiumr ebocdd be lotcted to provide tble pfotodloa i oeofftv fatter bmnd is tb eioom of ootneaona a raajotloa oa which ughl how will bo bawd docukd thai pack cm owtatnlegbtwmn food or other nwnmnhilt aboald bo marked wlifa tb same end ereeeol tha allen the weight th piaatnrt or qtuoliiy of tbalr i teste and tb dale of peckls tb eolotioo wee adopted oaifa mtotfjl are aaally abockad bod tbiyiw tb oom wbo can never hi beuoty la anything holee it 1 draped ita a woode uwy doul laaut upou tb bwly febort hp or tb taoawag ho babta tvrd te bid it aakdiw a good ktory i told of oa of thm btwy bodutf bvrsl udi ww ebariad b ton tb tn wlb balblof without donnlnc im1ib aoll of tight mbd lb or wll8i wa a dlgitlfud lady who llvad kd duutux uota lb plm ad who culmad that iboamtwof probiuly had battl ftboekd by lit tight of lhm yutiigmuatvpmlngtbtumlvm oa thabaaka bdl bow do ynu koow that lh ladi bad tu balhlttg nail obt akd lb bugulrat you llv tao at from the rivr to b ahla to uotle feoeb au omla- alflo oh hut 1 umd a fuld kit waa lh ttlm rttpoow and tit udy tuii wandarlag why tb uagutfat amllml im afraid i1ik a many pobl ib thu world oil ulb lag aud u rtjj wotnui ippar who ar too fotid of ruklug tha ou ay u th irulimad did to tii a aov or young utn who haaotua dubaunid at laek of t it la wll to raooluot tbkt lhr huw to dullnclloa w cliltd for vrauk w woolworib vr huivtb largmt rclill tnfbaut in tha world hmond h own tb uiimi building aud ouof tha handwttiut h th world third be wa tb groal and gawkuat hoy who vr cam off a tartn h wi atuh a pilpahl hiywtml lndad that try ai b ulghl no mr chant at flrai would angiga him at any ptio 11 bid to work for tbra taoallu without any and hoard bltntalf and bawaatold thilba ought to ootuld r hlmulf lucky beaut ha did not hav to pay hi employer a tuition fee for butthl brglfihlng hat mmt coma pretty near lo breaking ill leoorda whau fin ally yoong woolworlh did find work in watariowa ny williout wage end after two and m half year biored on to another job ai iiq4m a wiek o couplet a fallui did ha prove at fell lag good that bli euiall pay wa reduotd luatead of increaiwl and the ihoek tenv porarlly thtllered liuhaallh incident ally three out of lh flrt arailoreeop- ned by woolwortb proved fellatva in feet it wu not until he opened avand ten cent elare in new york in lade and again lot hi baelui througli ovarwotk that he began to tee etwee written id big letter it iuuhjiijuo how ony people will gome to lb newepaper offlo and iwjuefil gdveitlelug eervloe free of charge uany of thee people would not intentionally do u out of a oeul but th groat trouble appear lo b ibet lliey are una tile lo dl unguuli adverllalng metier from uoue gad ibey bring itenu into hie nowireper offlo and ipect free itubllraliou when they would no more think of uolng to ibe grocer butcher or heker and aeklng ibem to glv ol their gooda free than flying to the moon the trouble thai they have baoocueeocuetoawd lo thinking that gnewepaper live eolaly for th purpoee of giving publicity to anything and every tiling in order lo fill up it oolatnua tula tea vty wrong unpreeelon at a mailer of fact the uewepaper le eutong one of the tnoet rottly enurprleee to con duct at the preeeut titn for tbealupl raaeou that the coet of uialerla lo eey nothing of labor haas advinoed during the peat two year from so to 00 per eenti and the publisher can no longer afford lo give ol hie epao fra every line id a dwtpapr ootta the proprietor aouvethlog if it i for th benefit of the ladlvldual it should he paid f r if llio grocer were aakad to oonlrlbul grocerlra to one abundantly able to pay for tliein 4 be would retuw the proprietor of a dmepepr muel pay for ihefreeadver tlelng ii thtj bsneboliry doe not end yet it i one ot the hanlettlhluge to be learn ed by many that a uewepaper ban epaoe in lie coluuini to rent end uiiut rent ibem tollv lo live away reul for my thing 1m then uvluu ratee le at ll- g to a uaweitaper aa or a landlord to tut- blab rant ft it iuet a hit odd to hear the ehap who unoke len ceat elgeia tell the youugbuia at home that theyll have lo yo way on th butter county council hluoa aac 7tfa 1t tb coaaafl ot at lso pm hs aoaor daooa with adoonbat membtm preeaot tba wardmi la tb cfagtr and m drna fotaaer huuner liyttde flertwii jo uule tbllb4olulat wfw oeow balcauojw hmr maloa aaaloaei long tera rw by tow ho and tb8ap- cfowaog weet of tb dternond milloa mrtultu moved ea by mr if yttda ibat the depoteiioo from tew belted agrjctuortl soetety be bii- uewos aicbu moolbboa j 3 wiuoo ad oe e lieeiddrerd tb dioadt he twmwr mored eeeobded by mr pyeeutbe4djrwainitl d twpori oa tb bmaur of pfopoawt grant to tba llaltow agticptturir bonify- oarrted v hr wyod peoud and read a epaetal rtport of tb undlor eoamutea on flaoo6a grante to agrfcttltaral eoc letle hr llynd mav aoodd vjfr ijule that lit rwport of the 0 m tnltte rcerdlog grant to mu ural amrtetu be benby adopted tcerr led hr certoo moved feondd by mr ifeartwall hel the cuik write to umt rrovlncial taper co- of cteorgetowti eeklag ibetn lo fornieb tfau eooniy eoutj til wttb a copy of the original egrvm betwmo tb bebe paper co and till county eooncil prevlotw to lh eobetruc tlod of lb preeabt fohit brldgw and dim cbrrud hr tdrnei- moved eaconded by mr carton that ib addition to tha ratting of tb bank oa th op1l property whlelt obatrneted tb view of beopte approach log tb railway eroaelng weetof mutoni thu eooncll would eoggeel that the pro party lo thborthwtofthao imt prtv petty et tble polot b lowrd ai leeets iwt or biore if r carried hr oartoo move1 eooodd by mr montea utai tbw trmmtnf b and le hereby authorised to pay oat of th good road fond lo an monieipalily raqalrlng it for eonetrucuaei oa good road end overdraft up to the amount of the eatloi- ated grant carried hr hyjd moved agcobded by mr faartwafu that jhle ocwjdou awborim it w i dtek to mek a uncawlu- applioatlob to th ootelro btgjlway and uuudpal boerdaoaatobamgood roade ilaw no 421 validated cavrted a w conner cf reported faanltof lib application to the department of pab- lle work far approval of tb plan for taeeley bridge lie alao eabotiited pro poted contract with nomtaa motwm ud mr fonter movd ieeooded by mr ifeartwell that tb waidea and ehjr- mas of lb flnanoe rommllle be author ised to tecur from tint department of itlghwaya a teller agreeing to pay 40 per cam of lh total eot of anew brldgal taneley and that lh flnaufw tominiue interview th itanka to aecerulti if it it kwlbl lo flnanoe the propoltlan rrled mr ifeahwell moved uoonded by mr ii ii liner that we do now adjourn in meet at the cell nl the warden carried th council adjourned obituary jahh kihkvwi the liand of deelh ha remove an otlier of ourold and reeitmlad reeldenle li lh peiwtu of jaiw kirk wood relict of tbeutejameeuitlhila whopeaeetl pac tally away at her home hereon aug ilh decvtaed wee imni at annoclimor cminty iwrv ireland tu lhtl when 19 year old alia eroeeed the atlanllo in telling ahlp and lauded at new york afler a voyage of ex week vichu new york aha wnt to philadelphia where on may will laa3ibe wa itiarriad to her let bueband jamc uulhrie who died 11 year ago alter vie civil war a tie and iter huibaud ratue to canada and alter rldlng in valoui parte of ontario moved lo jeorgetowtisa yeara ago th let mr uulhrie lesurvlved by family ol tbre daugbtera am hve eona who mourn tha lata of a kind aud lovlug mnt her theyaret aire h wallera toronto mra jhae kiroug nawcielle ie t vu 3 w ueaaley neville heak hdwanl j new london onuj natiianlel and ieofm toronlo llobert j lurrle and davlu aulbarlaud keek the funeral look ilac on wedueajay alumonri teal who the reuialua warn in larrml tu ibe family pint iu ireetiwood cemetery the aervle wa oonducltd by kev it v cameron pattor of deoee de and lh palhbejiem were her live an and mr 0- waller too- in law potetoesflentiful a j macmlllan of mllleburg onl on of the mottaaiauilv polalo ahlpper in ontario hajjutt reluruml from a lour of weelern canada- he ia ol the opinion that the wctieni potato crop will he very urge a there were far more plant than utile owing lo the high price prevail ing laet aeaaon and tn the palriollo app eal to the faruiera lor greater production fie thinka however that it the ontar io crop turna out to be a good u it pro- mlete to be the alberta crop may have to go begging ao far at keaiem canada u eonoerued iherewlll have to im aome wiee ditlrlbutlou if a large part of hie a i bene crop ia not waited tha quality he aava uf the alberta jiouto la uat guile cijual to tbal of the ontario po taioee the cilia too have reeponded aplen dldly to ihe palilotlo appeal and title le certain to make a inference in the pro blem of dutrlbutlolp aud in lbs price- mylmprewlonheaajd la that the price of potato will bo lower thl year owing to thee can the luereaeed acr aeiie of farmora everywhere aud tlu part thai cltla are laklug in tha matter of troduollon i would notailvlae farruare o hold ttotalom with lh expectation of gelling prlwu vjual to i tit year 1 think daloe will coma below a dollar a bag nr the year le over utit more polatoee will tie uaatl he added onacoouutol tli high prion ol bread and thla fact inty hav a aluady- ing inlluenro on the irli ol potalnee do not think dial aeed itolaloea iimki apiliia will be auylhlug like the price they have been thla year allied ooncerulnglho grain cropa lu the weal mr maxuitluu did not iwlluve ihey would be nearly o good ae they wet two ycaia ago the wed lug ho aald we vary ut and the cropa ware not put in iu good lime oanewjutniuy tb barveet will bu latwand if the frott la aa early aa uiual condition are not fav- orablo lor a bumber crop lit altuha there waa a lot of rat in teeding wa very backward there waa hvavy float well tu to june luhaebatchewaii the weather waa drlori iudeid ihey did not have enough tnokluiu tu bring outheeropi and tha condltlonr generally through out uaikatchewau are not favorable lo a heavy crop ten buihvla to lb acre will be about the ouulde llguro ibey will haoh and if the frott couiee aa early u luual even that will b cui duwu and manitoba mr macmlllan wu aaked thar agalu ha tald lite tame condition prevail maulioha generally we dry heavy frotta occurred in the early teaaou which made tbeaeadlgni- mluonally lale and the growlh alow aa far aa i oau we bu concluded the condltloua are not favorable lor a butnber nop thla taaaou church news u trimmer the union ecrvlce itetwien the mulli- odlat and llaptltl clmioliee lor thu huu daya coming will im at ioiihwb neat huiulay uiiniilnuln thti hapllti tlhur li lit the emiilnu the mtilhodul cliuroh aud livtieed uti the lollowlug bunday glenwilliams tb jaolor ull tea- again d the georgetown nta by tbaeeor ot f4- harpta beaaatont tb baser hearaa of lh ulew teaea wee invinctbte sod tbo oeofgotowa bye were vnexle to aoaaect with thtaepeott eiujet mr g chapoteb bee ppcfaed a oa aapotaboraewbkn wilt mataghlaa 3 ewi in w0t ran eat amp he k owe war boaalsg l good inefc to yeacbarlee mr rredtoeclror hhto0 vmf ed i rteede bevw iru week hm j d hotllbboa ea4 daagfater onaritne vt and mr it j iff ode motored ia aetos oa toaaday and epeet the day there hr w mood be greatly loidrovej th lower part of the ton by twcfibg do dew boo iu mpaeh to oecbpy 1 eboflly tb oleo blham waa defeated ai ten leet hetanuy by tb ecor of 7 l- kb moheobewy tb epeed ertlet who pobed thw gret foar faning tor olew wtllleam ebowe4 bi eku e e ptteher end we predict b great beee ball rarem ut blm itebell polktegtwrnf eno i nmllb wbo pltehed ut remelouf of u- gemk ehowu tfaelr ebtllty h bell puvere l charlloe mvilbboa iu rlvj bvrtlratrlamtwriinvaleorvtlnbt aid ftom kt mrgte olleg toronto tito- traluletlxte charlloe due wlltwlmlua llyntuu hpodlng a tew daya wlllj fruotle in acton a mu kllth himiieob ttarnad home leet thumley alur having artont two uioullte id a huplul in toiouto her condition hea greatly impnivd and we are glad to a her around again mia winulfred lleaumont la upmtuliag a few dayein toronto the gueai of mlee norma holdroyd mlee murlal flelhl of toronto le tpaud ing a few ileya at the bom ol mr and urn j wheeur mue kalhleen wileon of ltewarllowu u twndlrig a few daya with frlemla iter the mlwe umlly and minute kobe he of toronto are ependlntf a few daya at lh home of mr and hie joaph weaver kverylxxly thould make ll a olut to hear joe william at th larded party ptnlty evenlaw mr erd muffin tbowpevw of oeorgw iwii wet ubl vultore bar on sua- dy samuel charters to contest feel samuel charter veteran campaigner of eeveral provincial eouleelt wa now inaud at a conwrvilive cjiiterence held at llrampion on fulnrday latt to carry th warervlceonir banner of lite ulf aral coueervallvee in the beat fteneral election for the riding of peel mr chirtere will go before the electorate on a platform thetoppoere every lnteret not wholly tempered to the war winning tplrlt lie le pledged to ignore tlralght parly luuee if inwry and to aupftoit whatewr lorm ol tloveromeni admlnla trail in la ilfierinltiwl upon lo lullll can adaa prouilee to die moltttirland that ihe dominion would concentrate all ol lie apleudld euvrglee rr the winning of die war the uio1 marked fealure nl the con venllou itiroughout all hie proceed luga wu determination lo dlarus no oilier pimtlnn but the paramttunt liue of dili diiiilrye conlrlhullon to lh forcee wlilih are working lor world peace and a ilrllverania from itiu iituiilire ol tier man mllliarlim the temper of llin en thiiallr gtlliprlng ol loral men and women ww eplly r ell f elm i lu a reeolul ion whhh wee adopted unanlmoualy ly ihe hundrede of delegate before any oltlrtalhtiblme waa itegun tla reiolu lloiii wblcli waamovi i t w duggau and aecnndihl hi i i hill leade ivtioreae oil world uar involving the very eaumnee ol our koiplw over rule ail oilier eonthlorallona as long aa it i ij and rlemanda our very hetar vleo 1 h niiili of liberal conaervallvin vir ul the lieet lir terttle ol our country dfralrtf in place on record tlaaympathv wlih any mnvement dial will make win ihe war paramount ieue aud will therefore aak tie nominee lo pledge hiiueelf if tlecled lo tupport whatever form of lovernmenl irrtpc- live of ordinary party line may bitmo- eaeary to win ihe war j thl convention heartily an donee every effort made to aid our force at hie front in man munition and tcnn ey and to thla end hellvathetevery re aourco of the oouniry ahnuld lie called upon ate riling to the nda of the liour aud the ability n th people j that aa literal conaervailvee we ia preparail toaubmerge all pereon laud parly luuru until llila war len ded and make wiu war our flw con- tide ration until liberty be won and latt- lug peace he obtained terra cotta all good road uad lo rerraootla thla la taken from hi latt of lite bump er turnout al the garden party at mr mar- ahalle on widay evening jah ihe on- lerlalnment waa ul the ulgl claaa onler ami the program wa gtvn by mr hihrag plauulijamrahpraiue dyer ilia high mwrvmmdlaui ami itramplin ion ic male ouailel premier vooal enter ulnars aire hdimg was tha uad lug acoompauut of tlie evening the booth report having done a thriving buelhvi and coney island red hole were much in demand the hev mr a h true blood filled the poalllon ol chairman in a very able mtuaer the receipt were alao gratifying nailing overlloo th ootmnlluo lu charge ere to be congratu lated upon iba splendid sucoat oft heir enlertalnmeut mire ulllsof luelph sranta few day lib friends in our baiuul mm tuwnaeud ol uraud valley who liae iwerj epandlng a lew weeka wltlt ir lends in our hamlet has returned home mr and mrs kohtulbeon of hamilton era pleasant callers in our hamlet last wook mr i held of oleuwllllema is now wi helping with tba carpet john lownaenda houte mr j h plant is busy shipping brick from here at present 1 here will ita no service hi ihe melho illet clmrcb her uett hahhath aa mr iruoblood is going on hie vacation but will preach liar a week from ttunday at 111 are cordially invited to come hav ward had ihe mlaloriuna to imn hit linger badly crualisd in tbo ral iniler ut die leoigetown coaling mill thactoit display at 111 fcxv the giotleat dlanlay of trartois and oilier perfeuttd manhanlrme heralded aa llin uillilo eoluiluii l the mauleee laud nrotileiti will be made at ihe cauadiau national kxblblilon and 9vty known device obtainable that hea found favor with i lie new era agilculturalut who le hnnlug with brain aud science rather thau mutcla will be there theeplrll of the tltutehtaeeiaed hie llg agrleultural uia binary lirrns and a number which have uol eihlbltetl at toronlo for eeveral yvare hive appllatl for apace tofiulher with a hl ol others new lo he cenad luu held nuver before was to uiutlt titaie devoted to agricultural uiikhluery kollnwing the k a hi hi tin n lltcre will be a irat tor dlaplay it uar toronlo in wh h 40 luaniilaclunira of irsttors am t plow liiakuis from ell over ihe cnuilnvtil will be rtpreteutcd a ipuclil effort la i wing made tu luduoa thee mauufacturere to dltpluy tbalr gaioliuu horaua at ihe 1 hlhliion ihe inajorlly have already suhhhi to do ao auti at a reault the ka hthlilou will hav the ureal vet treilur aud farm power tqulpuuuil dltplay ever seen in canada i atebbwieaabbierabizbwjoabb summer suggestion fi i 1 jils is the time l ffiis finds i difficult to vnovt wliat to for meals here are a few suei might aid her ia prtpehrig meals few advertisements wanted ht qncg a fc b apply ha whtlog to glen woollen mills glenwilliams ont i i d i raspberries and cherries i f ooulo cuap in botllmt u ullojifc luu la imuu v 10 11 mud im rubia la botua m ssndsl 8tam riefclm labour par qoarp 0o jaamtla bwalaraat w 1 100 jaala lalani u to aa a sabnaa la 1 lb tta a u b m ts and soe halam la i 1 ua at 10 is aaa ue ona jala at is bo aod mo per botua ujao juloa at me par bolila try odr barrlackm vail oosea at joo pa ha ribbers wanted at oace good wages injrf glen woollen mills glenwilliams ont delivered fresh every morning at our store choicest fruit phone us your order i a m pr andy the pare food store awwaczzncdebbj 1 m thi6 week specials tlnnulated itdgar per ewt msoor 11 lb for oholoe fmli cottee per lb icing kugar 9 lb for hlyddd wheat g pkg tor drape nute 9 pkg lo hoo maid tfalein pa pkg tlrlirh tisjadlee kebjnj per pkg mor roll ttelmon tall tin tzt choi piak me i wort la halve boap ll kind 17 baje for iselioae flavoring kitracu 9 bottle waleba orap jute large aiae ueeue mueterd lb ua ib ub fhumodary dale par pkg canada corn htarcb par pkg leas uweet trickle par bottl 1 00 830 82 2d 37 c itte 1 md loo 170 lto 100 10 j j qibben5 lane block plionk 160 georgetown gra con tuesday evg august 21st 1917 town hall qeoftoetowr under the auspiotu of tha womans patetouo loagud isolde mences engbuid araatsms vlouuhii 31alep eslleeia ttomtto vamoua anetralian piauute aprwsit7siall00 ttrwiral flrlaaliilrjfl bftn flithaa lir mis mouuaa hag playad bafcww quub alananjju quaeu of bpein tad olhe mom bore of lioyalty mlai manga playa oa violin valuod at t bpaia i baoott tlokou may be aooarad al uouhgaaa drug btora and uam mamher of th womeuh pathouo teague yuu get quality and pmuiplnaea in walih realilug when you havu kneter do ib uu 11 willi l v lluurlgen local agaut tt tone a tone exquisitely pure perfect rounded and ciryatajelear makes the columbia grafonola tin orm tneempatabu mtulcal inmtrumtnl and it is tone that has given columbia grafonolas the place they hold it is their tone unmatchable in its natural purity and absolute fidelity that justifies their description at un paralleled instruments of music we are prepared to demonstrate this 135 playany ret our home convenient terms of payment instrument playan or at yo may be record you may select here c arranged ciudbtejgtreieoidaa to 475 l v hournan leargeiowa lqopers and the mens store spring announcement i i lie boring qoods our ssoek of boltings oreraoaifngs trouaoring e to lost arrftad lot bprlaiaonipriaing all un lat est la style an4eoloiuuig special wahanalsns atoek of gosrantssil olns and usok aerooa terr seanse goods fcsting parehasl them long before ilia big ajaanea and will b abb to sell tbesi at prctiesuy the old prices piece your orderai oaea dont welti bsjnpae now ofi momom to moot apalfla law afaapa pnwiilna at oaof jao balualtaa s16 ii ojotuo to moot oa valae st aaull aaatf wau in mmh ffviaiwalnil at oao apply lo jao ballalhina silsu sajr wmmlod oaas oblli doc abual i to 0 ouwtb old apply athatald oslo h nursing haneiag or boaee work b ihe day or wek applf to box 407 uewrgatown tts vu 4tp oaf wmmlad waotskf to bay a joraoy o 1 vcodm partleuiam i to tl b vooam oo otwtrpli carpet mill- co ua oueipbul at tit ballojpltetate conuliui of j laofiao ilberi vlllag lot on main ht oeorgtjtowii apply to t ll ualloy mimioo ontukt rmf tor ppioftown mens furnishings just arriao hew neeloner new bblrts collar qlora lioaury ete the uiaat style in bets cap of all tbo leading makas we show a superb stock of wrerythlng a man wears you cannot find anything to fqnsi it in ojof other store in town end very few city atoras anrpsss it a fine bewtlon of kens end youths roadytowaar sails oercosts odd pents orerells ete always on hand we untie you to call end inspect onr stoek millar 8c co ia pins huufclam talujemo and msn purniahimos aarahi for tokwm haodaiaoa al oo dyan aad olaaaan toroaio advertise in the hebaiid it whjij be pbofitabiie to both op us t vi ion sr jhjjll a c of l reduced bt new perfection the high colt of living being dslly reduced by aeooooo house wives who cook their meals on new perfection oil cook stoves trill m4hiu1 cul ou o nnu ifffmul ualltii- mtolfitfii sttjotimu the long blue cftlmney glvet perfect combustion all the heat goes to the ood no smoke no waite ask thaw daaurai wc anthony georgetown j w kennedy georgetown l y reld georgetown the imperial oil coupanit liwilai ranchu in all cities 1 kda7ws co aaa4- augrust trabe speoials a few big values to clear quickly the balance of our choice stock of trimmed millinery these specials will not inst long come today liadioh and childrens wash drosses ladles middles mouses wash skirls childrens giugham dresses and middy suits at prices that would not buy the materials mens suits hats caps and seasonable furnishings to reduce stock quick see our lines otjr grocery department the best possible for firstlass pruit also jars and sugars at lowest prices special for saturday japan tea good cup qimllty s or j golden peko buick tea excellent goods 3 lbs for jioo many other lines not listed nt marvellously lo- prices come to us aud try an order we know you will come again adams dc coy w xi

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