Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), August 29, 1917, p. 2

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fiftyfirst year of publication x georgetown wednesday evening august 9v 97 150 per annum or 1 25 if paid jn advance tbeieoietown herald svncr wdidy vksuk kl tjuf huu powei riairnjia owvum ifiouistown on ion bates or ii mid la ad- asifc2ms lb aauraa labal abp attdaaayoi um01 foott ax pj fa o0t4t juvkbibiho batbr itoralaba- oaaoalfcata fcaaeaata mt una far flrat laaar- a aa sa eanb pw baa lor aacb aiihaa i hi ba rsad far all tmjm liaao ttboai apadflo dl ra- tobid a d ion will b abaraad aaeordibty adi-h- in ba daa oooa aaab a tb wttbovi axtr cbup tkalatboo by x h afoob- tauuwt ar n ru owa 1100 aa llsaua gatt 7ui 11 bo am a 00 am laioa1 ioapm ast pb tt fj blall laloa- mall a00pu directory bhiltoh wallbbidue dlb inwiw bltuorr la toaoaro aud oaoaaar- obaai kaajtady block la boy dala in ebana o- oaorsatoa- oflm sudlfl db joseph mcijtbutw pti valeua and haraaoa medial osloar ol liaallh luatrlctihiraaoaa t k ode botu sl6 4altloajpal boa of oooa and kttuttm uala bl sooui oarhta riabrta a ebamb l l flint do opl 0 okoqtowm 0b6bat to library tttooaslbo specialist in defective eyesight oeriuit nouns ewadoiadayasjla p ahd o db hatardayas to a pja abd 4 ta vpja pboaa or aa bpalatnaat tfuimimutic local agent wanted i tot georgetown and district to mil or tan old oxuauii forttftix nousuu splendid list of stock far pll planting 1017 and hpring planting 1618 including tuqjrkmtnrltiw wlcb we alone coo bend lor new ihtistrsied eatalogu alio agents proposition- hawdetuue iim eotdtt jutwmurllary liberal com- mo medlolng bura or osiatopaihy a w ubilbbh do adtmuolturlaiw the origlnal ifehoolof chiropractic invest- part iowa uh1- otto over ilumloida bho blot oomoiuuoh tod spinal aiulysu pawe toa thuta and baa s ton a to ipm fhohb iso flfttul irauic a watwom dds uda drmtiw 0ottou out uotthi t80 bl to s pbi uutuaby ui til lb bmiichm ovwr btnit at uttalltam f l uk1t1i kd b dds dkmtunr ott la ltn bladt oo door 0hi1 el onullt knldt vtaory uottbl b oil l u bkmmlttt uentlst otbm tt twdmuf uub bl north flfl hooi ovr utu bildgt pbou 1u umtvttoua giwtiuw hknj fktoh uwumj ahftuoimy 1u uthod ttwl 1wl uun wllilwuf 1i oam uu eotv duoud mtkuetorily tad tt oimhu rtui unurt utt tt ih uimwiiroww uwuld otrtrtct wlu t6lv4 imoblpt tubtlou jackson and libb civil eugiura surveyors temple bldg brautford uaj a v jaokaob b if laa a kanlnaar elo olhulb b o wyuaa nobaha watar wotka aajtlnaar w o tulaynaltlaa ambllaot vail tana faom aa xnk yooa aod qbuui bu yokata la tttuiaaauoaably raw el aaaadaa baat oombiatclal afthoola ba da- maaj bv mr tradoaui u lar la aa tmm of oar aapaly wrlla bxla tor oar oalaloaaa a ol oar aapaly w jjjmbiuwjatlbal u na aarovaobsa raajabaa ir standard anthracite scranton coal coal wood awaoa lamp lor doouaua aad thraabloa parpoma bmiuilng aad oaaaal coal ta last i earry avartthloa ta ba looad la aa ttpkdata coal aad wood yard john mcdonalb law 13 scrjunttoitf ttfipq coal ip in all sizes wabsrala toek a uit rowii fll suba in tooloof laaatha aaihbw w twml sl below cost portland cement irloai vma tad rrorlaloatb john ballantine qeoborrown oni wioaaac j w kennedy hardware paints stoves tinware electric fixtures sewer pipe and cement tinsmitbing and plumbing hot air and hot water heating electric wiring jwkennedy phone 2ft georgetown onl stone and wellington tli roalblll nuratrua katablub 1637 toronto ontario papering painttng ta wul i tm tuuptitd to do your puanr- lfl of paltuaff tl t mo ntiontbla pilot a lull uta of tha cboloawt wall ptptfi la- tlttdla dajjtflj to itiu any etutouui phoaa eiawidu wm thurston buwuttown eaqumlllg po lee sing ladndbyi tta cu ba laa paratoaaawartl skiru loa j a buck butcher oaar alwaya baa oa uaaj tha haul al beep porki bausade boloqna- eto homes cured hams bacon xamb tv veal w hamatl tuihto m hjim ouvsal wuiiti wt moklu in bulk clifford linham butcher atents tou ua1uoh iu1uok att-lramratta- fai maaal uaih btbebx the choicest bead batter pork tmri vaj ew launb plah cooataxi meata amd sauuajjai swifts noted premium hams aild bacou deliveries daily to any part of towu clifford linham 1xom 196 first invest in a howe it will pay a higher rate of interest than any stock or bond tt will ensure your family from the ills pliyulcal and otherwise that come from overstrain from lack of a home it will rest you restore you and repay you to get satisfaction buy your supplies from i e macke lumbar planing mula at acton and csorfatowa r c nixon obokobtowni suktltiftliallu mad harness j1eoina pnbumatjo clbaneiu f juniei at i dollar pr day a good auohmtat of trunks ouj valiss agmijor lig win jlme repairing vowplf ototia nixons harness and repair shop fishing prohibited any paraoo bablas or otberwlaa iraa paaalaa oa to 16 aaj it ooa t kuquoa taai mu1 ba uroamutad a b auu a amarray41 this is an opportunity for you to secure bargains as we have about two hundred and fifty pairs of womenvpumps and oxfords that must be cletu- ed below coat aires from 2 to 4j also about 75 pairs mens oxfords oar stock of tennis shoes is complete rumford the shoe 7vmn the home of better shoes uhatbay get your butteft paper at the herald office pattersons meat market choicest fresh and salt meats butter eggs canned goods etc watch our window for extra good values on fridays and saturdays choioa uaai sold by quarter also hogs whole or half at market priom any person having veal calves for sale please phone or write us w j patterson phone i georgetown fhc highest market prices bags rubbers horse hair scrap iron all kinds of metals wool feathers bags etc etc wbaaarar you bava aay ol uta abova lioaa ol gooda to dlaoow ol altbar la ursa or lrnll lou you will gat 111 but 1ilca lor aama horn hjumy 111in laa oaarawlaavn jaajk and lltul otaltr prompt allaa- uoa boaau wlhi aad utot oah1i aiuuuant lor all 0rj11 illabtatualkatrrioa lor lira poallry la aay qtuatity harry eisen junk and metal dealer phone 167 write to po box 1076 georgetown established ibm- the merchants bank of canada capital paid up yoooooo reserve fuud 745000 bepoiiu 67000000 tbiol asseu 93000000 safety deposit boxeu to reiit o w chraudy maitager gcorgetowu branch realcookinc mf nuv iba- ally ostttal of aam7h and whan it otjom to throwfe atyu ahl witttwy nod tbara waamt do praoib fmw onto vlltlaa tha wobld oook 8ba mot am trtftn waayiattoa not frojo a fttha book shm dfldpt faava no hava now ta crllla so caviar no eorrlad thlasm no motion ebopa u wlk 0 othar bltblood l4btahlcajm aotno rttlw that araa all bol aba oooideoofc tb btaeolu thai w jloff wooid twr wl uar pu rroo b twootd malt umr fohanrk aaataad itlta u oun htht irani thaananydoatb v mar crttlwa taada a mlar all rlht b aod call tor tnora liar braad writ ona thlog upon which aba tat a loi o atoia uo iriaodav aha aant vary loaf on whal uj bow call alyu dot aha could mraly cook tha atntt thai feoada a laltar amlia tbara waani bo dyapapay roosd oar placa or toaty th aba cookad up tha kind of food thtta raally btaaat to a dairou joaroal to days story a race for astake but there was more la tt lhaa the money by aun wttdau a uutnbajr of mmou ktood on tha trout porch of tikomtotr boul uaar waijahlujrtod tidw looklojf t thalr watch and now up tb road uuw- pectins aootatbuia or aotaabody abjong thotd waa a yonujr lady draaaad etl- daouy for o autootobllo hda u bo cota bora at 0 oclock bu b an hoar ahud of tlma bald ooa what tha u ha doa in wahlna tonr aalcrtd anotbair attv whafa up on ltr oh bothlmr valoahla ita a ganu- buna kmoa acalufet tlnia a daaau palra of ko ara all tbara la in u flara ba eotnaa bow it laafc ona of un rataariui waa aeavcaly apokan baforo a uuiuta cloud of dnat waa aaally dlacarulhla up tha road an automobua appaairod tnar pack and basan to crow in apparaot klaa in auothar ulnula u pullad up at tha aup of tha botal a youti aun jotnpad out calling for tcbkollua and ancb othar abtomoblla eonlpmanta aa ha uaadad tha lady maauonad ktappad up to htm and aald i lfr chan pi la x uluv w ata rapllod tha auto uun bow- tint and trying to tat bold of hla cap to poll it orf uy eotulu nuuphray cook know ing that i wda haro that x ador aubv uobulnjr and that i wult ta to to tha dty hu wrlttan tua uut you would atop bara and poaalbly would taka mm in ur chauplin bmltalad ill ba uo trouble tba lady addad w i atiould ba dallbtad for your couipauy but lu ck of any d- uy i may bare to procoad at broak- uack ponl tba foatar you to tut battar x ahall ilka it very wall im an bntfr ahead and if notliliifj iiirnka alisll uava uo trou ble lu rcatbuig tbo coal ou tlma ara jrou raadyr l lltt atop in uua i iksff your pardon i didnt qct your uamo uooj jaquollua llood raplud tba blrl u r cbnniplui atirted jack llood i lie oxclplnitida ttio atua la baro btiytblnv about jack lloud that you dont llkov ive beard ibai the worst feminine daredevil be world hoi aver aoau vouroalio board probably that aha bnowa all about an aulo perhapaabe may aid you in case of trouble ily tbla time uua hood wai tattling luiraoir comfortably tn the auto tying her roll under her chin tbara was a ulnirulor look on cbonipllna faca ue hud hot humphrey cook that be would ilhe hla aulo to new votk and return by a blvon time uluht not oook bava tent tlila ulrl to ttelay blnit liu aiirry uua hood ha aald but tvo chauseri uiy tulud about uk lug you i havent cuaugea olna about go- tus a bewitching smile hovered oa be him and her tyaa danced with tnu ciuer very well ho aald ill take you dut reuiembtr lliat in tiuo tberea any rtuwallty pcriutrotihl i rlmii treat you junt aa t you wrro a uiau codi tluil a the way i wuh to be treated nurliin ibu bcetia the ouluakcri bad cntliirnl nrmiiiil ilia tmirlilue aud at the limi uonlu aoroo of i be luuu and all tlio iiuicii clapiud thnlr bauda chauilhiii ool li and ttio nuln rolled nwoy fiillowed by clieera and tbu wav ing or imndkercblefa in anolhar uiln ulo uotbulv tould ha baou of lhpi hot a lluy lunl cloud for an hour uua hood entertained tbo drlrer or tho auto in aiich a way aa to make hint fortnit tmorrtliliiu but her kimrtlhuau hu cyo wuii u lh ivtd ubiiko aud ibe cluik und utib- biif iieriulnhm t wluiilim hu rtuu waa luuloctpd ihiro aro wuinuo wh d more with u man lu an hour tbuu other women ran do in llfmtuo ulut hood uliuuy bbeorhtd itlui have you lime to slot or a guaa or uillkr he aakod ccrtululy wuii theres a rariuboune otf tm road u thvre would you tnliul tut i bin one for wef ur dmuplln atopiwd iwrore tin gate aud went up to the ihhum- a wo tnmi hiiuwrrvtl liu kiitu l itw itor uimi iw willi limlth- hi wim iiomwntr nut or vlbbt tluil ill huul j m ftit iodi ji nuiuil itlvlilj ilihl l- vnmcb ffutu bar liflr uuswrawttji ti nul bud pal u in tier pocket- alba lied uot flnubed ber wortt beforo cbamplln rmpitmraa with a ajlaaa of milk tn hie band mua uooj waa awakaoad to bl prcmnoa by bearing tba braajdng of ca an atooa looking up aba mw cbtuapltn the picture of atfiwlitr- nu4 and cbagrlo ba knawtbai ha bat bean dona striding wttfa qwkfc atap ta a bote be aald sternly t you know what v amid oeiora leav ingthat if tbara waa any raatauty perpetrated x would treat yon jont aa i ahould a dan on yea aba replied baking n pu at blu 1 fetbetnber tfeat oiw ue wbiit iron h v dcltn toeom ctuttdtillld tnade a dire for bar bba iltllcxl arouml 4li aulo ma followed luastltil bar in u clrh bbe waa too floef for bba lie waa atroug but aba waa bill at wary atop tbara would lm tba prvtiy faat brliumtng with bxlv lil iwr try rlwtad u hltu that aba umtld km ready for hla allcbtawt mova 1 iinlly be gave it up dm couk mod you oat todo tbuf h wall i auppoaa x obeli bar to low ike b iv that unt beeeaaary u hat do you bteeur that if you auk we to gtre yon what i have takeu x will do ao ou wtmt roodltlooar u catilllllotta focondllloaal what doyon naanr oiuon that x agraod with hnaa- laiey tot a ilomti kalra of glovee to nuue out and delay you pteaee dont ak but why x prefer not to da ao kba raat down bay eyaa and bar uaaratulug- waa plain bba had gone oft on chauplin bbehandad bin tha bat xle replaced it and in another tnutnte tbey wet hooting again along tbo road cbttiapllo waa delhbtd cook had vary utarly got ahead of him would liava got hbead ot bint bad it uot bean that the girt bad taken ao great fancy to hlni that ahe badu t tba htiart to do him what a apleudld jokaj it would ho ou cook aud the wrty who wetw preeent at the btaklng of the bet hu cbampun end uu hood rolled up to tbe bote oa time i uue hood hadnt even aidced for tba glovee ber roualn bad ottervd ber to help him win tbetu champlln told ber that aa wan as he recelred tbe etakea he would give tbetu to her and abe could change tbetu for mlee glovea in ulead of being pleased at tbla aha ap- tieared to be very tnucbhurt cbamp un becited ber to tell blm why und the replied that ahe had uol eouaeutod to ln a turncoat for bribe- tbu uft blm to understand hut ube had done it all for him there waa a very ten dor beetle between them at the end or which tbe muundentandlng woe made up aud for the reet of the journey uua cook bald tbo aleerbig wheel while ur obampllna arm waa about her walat there were uo toot- delaya on ap proachlng tbe city having till an boura leeway tbey concluded to atop at convenient place and get tbe duet out of their tbroate with au ke cbauplla uft tbe udy for a brieivaea ou wblle he poured out bomelhlng more eifectire than an loa in doing away with duet ou rejoining ber they partook of the lea and raaumed their journey what in yod atalllng atv aakad ulaa uood of ber eompaulou oh i waa thinktug bow attrpriaed that coualn of youre will be when we roll up ou urn that waa a raacally proceeding of hie end it deeerved to fall if you hadnt been tha tleareet girl in tbe world it would have uic- ceeded llut juet tblok of uu ourtirlaa when he bears of tbo other part of it he managed to get bold of bar band with hu uft holding ou to the wheel with ous baud and tbey howled alattg la thu way until tbey met another couveyaww and now tba dome of tba capital with the figure prcbd upon it loomed up faint in tha dutauce h waa uot long before tbe outaklrta of tha city wore reacbed and half an hour before the time limit had expired they mopped at tbe udlea eutrance of tbe ho tel a urorled aervaut advanced and id ur cook and a party of udlea and iron tie men a in a prlrata dluuig room waitiug for you air entering tbe room champlln expect d to find cook eager to know why hu acheine had failed luatead cook hand d bli coualn a doieu palra of lad lee gtovea after thla he put out hie hand to champlln 1 caugratuuta you old boy with all my beart oa your engagement champlln stood muto with aatonleu- uwnt champ old hoy added cook yon need an explanation to tnaks you loaa i oent my coualn jack out to af reet an eutraure into your auto and de lay you on the way if ilia auoceedad hbo was to havo a doreu palra of glovee for a reward bba bag lost tba glove thst a plain aald cbampun well there was a bet between jack and m of auother doxeo palra of gloves against a hundred cigars that aba would tuako you propose to her oa the way chaiupllu looked so many emotions of wlilcli aslouuliniont aud fchame- faced imji wera the most promlnaut tlnit all hunt into a laugh in which bo unally joined theu turning to ulaa hood be advanced with a pww sled inquiring look mi his race wn it all a slismr he asked hbo mode iiavoply in words but a llclit color rhdug to ber cheeks tndp cbtud that tho brief period fche bod tutaued oven of a iibsm engagement bad uot heeu unpleaaaut to her da- ides cli miplld wuu regarded as ona of tbo beat ratcbee in waahlugtou wince be could get uo word of coo- nrmatloii bo concluded to apply teat iliuhm en arui around the gtrta walat ba drew ber toward blm aud kissed her kite biibuilttoir without a protest ita a uol blioutyi cook aud there waa a burnt of nictvlmotit all crowd i if around ii in hood to congratulate her tlio man with handshakes tha women with khuwa flood for you champf cried ixum rhrey cook youvo won out all around hut ibu etake on tha race ta notlilug roniuired with wtunlng a wlto aud outo got a dandy one ihst i an run anything from a car to a mau sml youll find that aba cati take twill tbe aulo and lbs mau apart and put them together again without tba leant ironhte tha wedding journal wag ta tuto ulp to callfornu tuk need op te hour talk tapplnaa tba woild u aad eavoogb without yoor woea kopatb is wholly rooghj t look lor the plaoaa thansnaoothknd t and spank el tboas to raat the waaryaaau ot earth ao bazi by on continuous etroto of banian dleeoatant and grief and pals talkpahhv tha world u better off with- ova yoor attar ignorance and morbid doobi if yon bavatauh inood or man or by ao if not poab back upon tli blf or sllaaea yoor thoogbu till faith ahall twa kjuaom knoat of us all abort ol naca ba thai we do not want it enough wa do not can lor it aiimcuouy to pay the price tba dltfemooa betwaan a good atndeot and m poor ooa la not in bralaat halt aa often as la ladnatry and in conoastfailob and tha yoang men who la proatoied in boalneaa twice to the oth er ullows once la generally tha one who ataya oa attar bonra till hla work is done uwtead of locklog bis daak al five oclock klany a yootfa wuhae ba hod tha lock of gome aoacaaelnl one when all ba needs la wllllngneaa to pay the price to dnptlcaia that aoo and mora tnis ts tut ttata ot year when tba bwhdealinf cotmmbe i abroad hi tba und aeeklng whom it may doobu up and maks sad wbao s man goaa home la tha eaailng attar a bard days work be flade thai ba ltheprood poaaaoaorof an appatlta ilk aalfiunda and wbaa ba alta down to tha table and snms baiote blm tha first enenmbei ol the aaaaon be can hardly wait until ba gets a quantity atored away ender bla belt under this belt aald mcnnibara qnutly uy in kail until the aaier has goaa to oleep or lite bight then tbey gt up on their laat unbotion tbelr rnti roll back their alaavaa and proceed to boslrieas at the flrat attack tba slaeper ooly dnatoa he baa been bit in the vuais wttb a elub bat the cnonmbrj tepidly get wanned up and tha vtcthna agonies liuteeee his dreams biootoe more pleturaaqoa and ba begins to snort and foeu as ii the towns beavywelghu were dancing tha highland fling oa bu abdomen tha damanre grsadnlly enter into tbe fcpori itb mora aaal and tolnforcemeau keep on arriving tblngi gat desperate and a pbyalcua is ulepbeoed or and tnalmct ed to bring his all grown pumps at last along about day break tba tlltis are department and tha band appear on tha iveans and join in tba torpalebotean earda- when the sleeper awakens la the bornlng the brat thing bs does u to feelol hla itomach to see kit u aull tbacre he find the i4omscb thsrs olao tba ettcttmbers which tba night before aat tip and smiled so innocently at him tbara im lots ol peopu who are honreat- ed before tbey ore ripe simply becanae they sbeorb more encombavra into their anatomy than their dlgseuva apparatus can cope with obituary hfavku uiix ur byard hill paaasd away uonday aognet bib sjur a somewhat ungtby i llnawai in bu seventy third year de- fissil m bora in tmlalgir townijilp llaltoa ooobty on janosry luth 181s he came with bla family com kqiwalbg towbehlp to clinton eleveo years ago and or several years eondueled a grocery boalneaa bar butowlng to tolling hetltb ha gaveup bnalueas soma few years ago he baa been very 111 stooe january lut ur hill u survived by bis widow and a anally ol three sons and one dtugbur xhafiidwln u- ulllollha 1811 ovmom lult pred j illlloiouswa albert a hill ol kdmonton and urs frank w andrews ol clinton uotli tbe una now totldeat in canada vuited thalr uiber during the put couple of montlis hut of ooutaa the sou lu knglond bos hot been abu to coma home tba uta ur hill was a quut nun a good neighbor and hsd the reapectolall wlio knew blm ha was a ma tab ol weauy ohurch tba hcailaa were tok en to olea williams lor interment on thursday morning uh hill un an drews and uev a k- jones nutor ol weauy church ooeomponled tba body clinton news lueotd terra cotta uta beet ol qladatoas ave toroato who has been spending a lew days with un kvee has returned borne the iter ur trueblaod bu returned rom bu vaoulau and pieaohed a vary obu sermon lu tha uetbodlst obureb here last sunday ur troeblood u oa aaiuet preacher and u drawing good ingnmuons among tbot who took ta tha wetiera ancutsloa wsm ustsra j uourlds j uarebman and ttoht grains urs jos davidson who went to duslph boeplul leeently or medical timlnieut arrived home ust week end much im proved in health wa hope tooa to bear ol her oomnute reoovery urs u taylor ol tba hrd una hu arr ived bom rom the uuelph huplul much unproved u health ul norma and wii1u uunur ol the filb line are spending a lew days with ur and un a uckaewn and omlly ol ao- tt uus anau uourldtf who bu been vjalliag with caledoa riends hu return mbonub ur u aldoos who hu been on tha sick list u now able to bs around again notwuheuudlug tha act thai itio bar- vest u grt aud the laborers are uw lbs urmera are making good progrsee in gr- nerlug in the grain and the hum ol the thheblng u agelu besjrd acofies op ba 09 a the pair inaet tha lund uan who will head the musical ntogrsmiiis thu year al the otnadun nauoual hshltiltlou with bu famous bond ol soloists u an 1-ng- luhmau a graduate ol the loidoii -u- eervatory of uuelo and tha hand ol ilia liu guards uur he went to ieru where he attracted the atunllan ul tint ule lat uilmour the uiaettwl ol ml aineikan uadsrs he aeon in pan lull ulluour to america aud hu pnvil b worthy s to the olj imuixr luuee band iu aeclaliued tbs tluui uie many fle bands heard tl tlm l4iia ma iaoilla kxpoaiiiou ha it wu alio who planned and carried o untw ibe remarkable asulei ol ellvala whkh made the auaka yukon kiolloi not- bu amoug all oilier oibibillona ir iu musical progranimes iiuiiw will uive two tree oomurts dally and lu ablliiiui ihera will lie eonrwru by a acorn ul other buds day and ulgbl

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