Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), October 17, 1917, p. 1

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pn9 0 4 c the own piftypirst year qp publication georgetown wednesday evening october 17 1917 1 50 per annum or 125 if paid in advance tieieoteetownbouldl vrnx wedmnpriivono ebalpfpweu piu9tiiii omok uboaostuwir on ucsiftios batta oa year ijol er 1 s 11 pam la a- mlulmatllmllklim nimaiuaim of tft wi ommuor advbbtuijio batbs taaeeea per uee lar 1st la md ire area par llae lor earb antra m be eliaraeil i adrartleramabv twelve uaer bast be tai uateajae by mnarfey i kill j pl mo0u ar ttmmtatlm hmnp jkwapi 1100 aa llej ajar rupa 7 tufca eoiee war f n lsuaaa mall coeak hall ioioaai rau 0tpa wall ttpra eetaaa hall inrvrrri o hall um eeum aoora hall 10i0aav hall 7 lip directory hiitorl wallbbiduka daul be bellauom eta toeoaro 40 ftaoaeerowtf offloa i keaoedy bloak u uor dale la obaraa el oeoreriewa qatar dr joseph biiiniuw ph rrjeue aa aaraaoa maawlooaarol uaakb uurlrfliereaoaa t b offlee beefe t lo4aad ti9aipfea eepomie fratbrlrilan riiareb 1 l l plant do opk d ukouaitrow oear beat l library muoa lro speculutlo deiecuve bybsight orfiub uiiuu wadeerd- la a pb an o la pra halaroara i la a pjn ami 6 lo yaa pboae lar aa appolalaleel urmttt a at bu ar rtlenuiv ah msujbal do part ian u ml 0kw erer healleld ebee mara fviaailiilliia aad apual abalrel re tarn than aad gal i let a 7 lo lea raaaa uoa hardware paints stoves tinware electric fixtures sewer pipe and cement tinsmithing and plumbing hot air and hot water heating electric wiring jwkennedy phone ne georgetown onl ftraul frank h watnob dub hda duntut ireereekwa oal uaaial mo au10 l hautbl li a ubb dsatlbt ortelauaealoek owe dee berth al vwamobmaai iwaary hear uaii db l l bkhnktf oxhtut oavreel heme maui hl aorta inl roxk arldae hwaa 1u aaa standard anthracite scranton coal laahatae coal wood seleal u lar d aa tbiaabla rarppra mallbbar aaa oeaeej ooal la far i eerry ora la ba toaed la aa aimodea oeel aa weo nfaai john mcdonald lawi jw kennedy local aoent wanted i irar oofvhowa mid duulc tt mil of tj out tuuikilii rdtfrmu nummbum bputulld iut or pll plmutir l7 kad mpriocpuotlhai ldit imlndlot i w vjametmt ttutay ua vmriwbai t ll bwd w imw iuttoraiyl eatjom ku atbl lyoochltloa lutrdaotd irm oatllll radndf tmllwy ubn oots shu is wellligioi tba faollilll nonarua 1 toronto onurio arthur boastell tr oollbo w uuto iwwj wc sell only reliable goods i fine jewelry watches clocks silverware site bbpaibing a speoiaxtt tuabtnmt wart hqctta hnat a matter of choice if tu art a lover of slxcyllnder perfonaanee or if jroo efaolo u a ear equipped with triad aad true toarcyba4t tntlna yoa will do well to look into taa eaarlta of the overland model suhtyflve tnu b tha popular modal that la bull la both nutorcmeaa ther a pour or a 81m both are big eomtortabla cara ttlff fnlir lla a aliaiihiaai gaf 111 inchea the bui 114 rachca both are h in appaaraooa and la action carjtqevwr rear aprinc and uil roomy aeata abbrd aoud riding comlort for five paopla 0 if you have decided to invert in a noderatery pricad real family car one that will atand up under ateady aarvlca droplnaiulaaforartrtivttratiiojtiillaiolklaa- vtve ov ul um wluyaatalalit cliia cara irwlrnwrrwaruauiurauta r m mcintykb ue0u0kt3wtl 0mtab10 willyaovwund umlud fitl- ify- i nil maad cwftoa and worka war toronto ontario assam teas fok econonqr aaaara tern are the t and riefaet groan it i of theae tea that red roe tea tukoy cooalata that is why it yield the vary lares number of 250 copa to the poundat the coat ofejbong a cant far five cup and ktgoodby sealed ptvckage mm bfe6aeife6 two big specials we offer yon a last opportunity to procure a choice from two special in small sizes they are tbawbeit of ladle footwear and are 89tf sacrificed at 9s aim198 plpair rumford the shoe 7hn the home of better shoes marl kmaptom mouth we use gllts wrigley5 gives us a wholesome anti septic refreshing confection to take the place of the cave mans pebble we help teeth breath appetite digestion and deudoualy soothe mouth and throat with this wel come aweetmeat rak raoer o the rreat klnula aaraty aaala hu apka are tbraaabeat iba land j i aaa iraaa ibair alaaluijr laarariaaj 1 i laeb eo arary baa 1 wbara tbayaaaibad tolbalaar laaaa tbn amralaa rba aja aaa bla ww aba aabar pi laabr laaijllraa wbara ba t i iba alabr aadarai a aanaauka parpla baaal tbai auat hara aaaa ban tboeaabera ibay irulalba iwrlcl ware itbleket aebaaler wbara iba raaaaard af bla array hara blaaasfiia way lo ao taa blrde are arlaaraa realbirard tear lota aaa iba great klnaa raann tba aaa lalra o iba fare are boaidlaalaauaauaadajrala ylraaaadlj etoajtare lamrdaa aaodi w rar i aaar birp tba laaraa a lalllaa aawr aad hlaarla h lo eleep tla aadfoaaly woadreaaly loralr tbliljorlaael aauuaa laad bat iba rraal zla a aaral eaauaa xaarhaaavarr band mudral h berth to das story mrtockertoii at uxbkj ott hw aa1 twolywudkormlt par war u mtimgiiatm aad tatk city w vrr cay dnrtag tba i wtmn th trvmi ar bo0intiux that trtma bod in tba nmtnpeum ocepi tn tha parlui and oos would ga that tbota rbo ima now york to stprtns would prafar tba eaantry bat thla irpriiig to which i rafar waa aslsaraot rom other sprinsa tfcva ihilta tttataa bad aatartd tba worwa war amd tba uatlona mbladia which bubario bad doalad aolely crora ptthtto bulldliia ww spflnaln into tba amilljfht uka daffodils to a aardan riftb arauua rormarty itnsd with tba dwalllnf of tha rlcb dow cmrjlad by tomuy bulldlnas bsad for abopti waa ooa blaia of bannara tba tua of tan oatloaa war mlnglad tn praftiai3a k mtf day for aa mocb aa twooty boora tba aldawalks of tba busy atraat ara llnad with psdaartrtana whlla from ana rlsa to atutiamt a pollaaman of tha traf- fld aqoad artands at ovary comar to nrrouta tba paaahwr of vablelaa froca tba ctoaa atraat whirling a alga ra- tuiih on of a wsatbar van on which arpalntad it larga lattara w aii4top tba aotorrat oftba atxaat la abayad bopudtly by tba thooaanda of cbanffaora who ara passing back and forth for woa batlda tba drtvar who daraa dlapoia bla ordarsl two young nisn jlrcblbald poatar aad obartaa vvav4r to tba babjfat of fashion wan aatutatiag up this bnmgad tborougbfara now tak ing off their bats to kwota danuwl in a gllttarlng aotomoblla now looking up at tba mingling of barman boating rroal tha boosaas now paualag bafora a shop window to look at otta of tba many pleluraa of grim war usad by vaadara of unhaidua tojiltrah at tautlott pretmully lby mot a young man who also aasmtd abaorlmkl tn tba display of butttlng autos tbronga and otbat ubjacla of lularmi wbo 1 that mtow arcbur aakad ooa of tha young toon rafarrsd to of tba oibar 1 aw lilm last nljbt al tba club i waudr who introducad blu ita did it t imu to know any on tbata but aat by blmialf raadhtg a uswcpapair van uuak put bins up all ktiftw about him u that ba u an g a eockuay i batlava but what ba s do ing ovmt bsra i doti t know van kuab ittuflducad blu lo ma but 1 tvouoad that vao dldn t glva btm any uuo joat aald iir ruoksrioh tbato ah van ttuowm bow to do a thing uka that tba otbar auggaalad u ba tav troducaa on bg wubaa to ba icavorably nealvad ha lutroducaa bins aa lf aa- whit frlsud lir boaudwj if ftot tba itariy la alniply ur hoaavao wblcb biaana 1 dobt vouch fot aim m and tba young man want on tbab way admiring tba aeana affacdai by what at itaat t tba dm waa tba most briluaot atraat la tba world lai ua uava tbam and follow mr tuckartott eli waa walking up tba avatua and bla gaaa waa luad prltv dpiuy on tba flaga tba alght of tb nalgn of onag couutry dlaplaysd tn foratgu land u always plaaatng and whan ur tuckartot taw tha uttlon jack of advlaud aandwkhad utwaao tba tricolor of aranca and tba atari and strips o mlngud with tba flags of all tha aulsa a anula bovrad aboui la up irtrth avauua laid lto can tral park and tba atraugtf autarad that tnelaaura noting ovanrthlng thai gppad with tba utersat of oua who haw it im tba brat tlma acttguahnvau ara graat walkara nud ur tuckartou kpt on bu faet until ii waa tlnta to rstuim to bla botal for dlnuaf ua dload alona and alw din ing want la bla roou wbara ba au gagad la wriuog ull tba uilddla of tus graulag whan ba ordarad a taxlcab and daputad for tba rasldauca of lira worthingtott oua of kw yorka for btstr arlstacrata whan mdtvatttant atvl for what la now rraprasantad by mil llcavs but who waa atifflcually wall ta do to nultttaln bar posltlou among tha gtldad arlstacraoy ur tuckatrtou fouud a kmberuig al lira wcatluiigtona of nw yorks so- elal rraamatauvaa on vontlug down ftrtta tba mblng room ba but van klamk who waa a uit of ttorbatwaan eoitnaotlng un worthlnaiuu and tba ttoaay katocrata of new york van toaak and tba kubiuiiduu wui to gatbar to iba boataaa lo alula bur tba lady racalvad ur van kiosk willi a famllur ttod but gtaalud tuokurtou aa aha would any otber auasi tbara ara tttatty barutta ui fhltni abu miw xotitiociaty who bgyo baas- at tlwwttgir an agpsrtaoaa tit cttajimig fbat baa glran tbata apprictatloi of tba posduon to tjbtry hara attafavad tola elaaa arany aalooa of any ooa at aaatly that which thay rbaaaaarrsa baan at to roach palda to m oaaj sura wrtorthtogtaws bjalirvtut imbtt trao did- atafca fakf wba la laiarka lu botad tba fact tw aortal a fto wtilc una hara not intaod fo osry twdotiawd ba not baring stuhar ah- bafttad fck tlekatjor eurabad tba lad- oar at tha top rooadof wtiiefc ttwa to ba otrlbhad mrm wonniagtin du not bjtrodoc bar brittab guaata tarn uaab elsattad wtbttjctrtjan tor aoaaa but this waa tba only ailsmtion ha aa- catvad daring tha araulntt riaally ur tnckarton srptadayiiwag lady bitting by baraslf who asaaad ag ntttcfa out of pucsj among tba i throng as ba was hlntaatf tta n i hat tboogb sha waa draand la a lulaua taata uaao waa aot i arra artlds to bar saakaon tflwrto took ihtrifta iwr ot of bar bslnslan aiona c saw aomatbtog tn bar djftarant fngg tba gllttaitng unaal that mada op tha aasambly ba waa n0klaotly lataawa d tn bar to ask van klaak aboat bm van klaak ashl that aba waa tba rom daugtttar of uoa who bad baas praam nant in kaw york atetatr bajf m tnry bafora tba fainlly bad loat takf awu but bad racanoy an a law- mlt that bad iwtntoadrto ttwgg anfggti of their propsfty to anabla tbaaa co ok- tar tba aoriaj trata hfaoval to tttalb tba aa bar iwaco tbara had baan tulada afcsj nroat istgba at tba bottocn of omtaauat toekdhon aakad van klaak for aa ntioductlon to tha young lady and v an klaak at oora aranttd tba iwqbaat tba rt of tbo senlng ur tnd-aa- toa spsnl wltb miss warraa no ooo aid tba allabtesi sltaitllon to than at itrsst no f ua at pearcd lo totialderr thant though ibarra was sofnetblug aboot tbam ibat tailard a rsrlaln uorrmav td liitorsst air tuckarthi was not uxartly ilk ibr niit and ills wu fan bar rwcclvad tbst wlilcb tba othar luasts roqld nut buy with in nor- tba utamp t getitiltliy to wlikti ttua mnat i born ami mu iitvsr attain hut tlilsi tlililurt urntit of inlsrcut did in t in ths ifakt tfii t ii brwatt dwa tba itarrur tlinl w jt hmj lbs cutl froia tha otbors ua ons vauturwd to ahow tuber bf thfru iba laast attsatton tuckarton could bava mado a taqnaat to ba intrvducsd lo any of thsm ulaa warren as a woman did ttot bava tba sama phvlttas uot abo waa tba only pettsoo to wbotn ba asked to ba totro- docad daring the avanlng this man and woman than apant iba srvenlag togatbar and asa to bo antlraly nuswrbsd in tba cunvstna tioo batwsem tbam that bad atartad aftar their introduction at first their talk appvarad to ba ntsraly tba formal eomnionploca rsmarka that coma wltb tba introduction of wall bred atnngara but gradually it took on an air of tn tatwat tbafapparantly rlvartad tba at tention of both aad finally mada them oblivious to tbelr surroundings by tba tlma tba evening wa over and adieus wsrs uddn ir tuckarton and ulaa warren aaatnad ilka old frlenda a faw dare aftar mrs wortbliiatotto reception tba commission sent ever by the english govemuant visited haw york and waa racalrod by tha elty odv eidla and by throngs of cltlacns whoa tba cavalcade passed up btwaan tha multitude of banners tlmt lined riftb avenue tha two men wbo have ireea tneuttotiod aa atrollliig on tba htreat shortly before viewed it front a wtav daw tn a club facing tbe atrat dy jovel melaumad vanuaiirrtaf suddenly h queried iottac vo you mm that fellow riding to that carriagethe fourth rrom tba audr why baa tbe chap we mat on foot tba otbar day tba man van icleak pud tip and wuldn t vouch for whats ba doing in that crowd da you suppose t dont know i ii flnd out and be aakad one of tbe loolternou about il thite tba lurqiils of anumlay heir to the dukadout of abbuigtoo ua came over wttu tba comiuuslou incog alia or rather under bis untitled bamo of tuckerioa flreat scottt if ba a mambar of tha eoiaialsaloov i beilev not oacull but u 4a ona or the principal peraona la tba party uauy of those wbo bad iimh miaabl at mrs wtirtbliietoue racepuon aaw tba man they had litttored riding up plfth aveuue on that gala day and learned for tba drat tlma wbo ba waa and tbara waa gtiaimlug of teeth among tbetu one young woman viewed tha pro cession from an upper window ulaa warrou who bid uolblng to learn of mr tuckerion blettllty ua bad tin itinl tier at lir houiv and had not iuuabt to keep bis rank from her tbo reauou for bin dultig so to other waa that ha uruadod iwuio llouued on aa- couut of belug a uoblttmau tba only irorsous who knew of bla ideality wntvj ur vu kleek and mrs worihhtgton ud be bad pletlued tbetu not to ra ves i it tula waa the reason wby van icuak had u4 vouebed for btm anal wby lira worllilutitou had uot bowa hint any aapecul itetitlou at bar fuue- uou and had uot introducad hlnj to bag guaala tba appears uc of tbo marquis to tba proceatueu on tba day tha uritlal cotamusloa waa raeelved by the elty of naw york revealed bla identity to tba elite of new york tor there ware many queetloua aa to who waa tba dla- uuaubed tookhtg tuau wlio rode in tba fourth vehicle front tba and of tbo itrtueaelojl invuallona poured tn on bint by scotas and ba waa beeleged by parsooa to aaoura bis attaudaitco at social rutto tlona but ba declined tbatn all t tbo irttotuut that ha waa lu atnarlca on lav portant busuueee and it would ttt ba pcaelbl for bint to wako a digiaaaloo aocboly tbara ware many young woinao who bad tniulotu to pay for tba noble mane hand and wban barora ba left america it waa known that ulaa war- kwo had celvd it without prka tbera waa a wailing and a tnaahlng of tethb ajsvoag tbeai it waa reported that tha avaxrqola aald that tbera bad hen a toal ajirtocraey in new york many yuara ago and ba was proud to bavo woa ooa of tb aurvlvora 3 m

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