Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), October 24, 1917, p. 4

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the6e0uet0wnheiald wkdhkkiuy kvk oct u 1017 the follohalin war wrlltan by j dny kinllh ami forward by itf ebon l corp xut ml no n raeant ltur ha wrou to hla uotijr mr u w miao ucnaooaar i wa nut and wa wara atrangata ood potjoya into oar baart lpfr tliat lov trill llngaf till uoda will wa bttul part i want tor yoar troabta juat m ii they wararoy own bolata be ooa togatharv and wa will nap aa w havtf aowa whan fujlidng facing dattgar jtmt bramtn uulaprayr harnarnbar tboaa tha lova yod voobrdu lor yoor walfara at botna then9 m mothaf wbo pray for yod mod dont ami tbvra u do other ooald raplaca that om bo lair fod bu ibam lu bar aba halp umu atrong and brava at baart may the time be not far dlatant wban wall raturn mod doom oar part ijont thlnkthat im a coward bmmw i quit the a fat dal look npoa rn m a broth who ibo haatnan nraya uh night aaklng ood to gnlda and kaap yoa fof premising tu eo istxg thro tfala world of alrtl and tntmoll may he kaap tu wall and strong how 1ji elom my uula naataga hoping it will cnaryour way juat to know that yoata a broth walling for that paaoafol da dont klss the point tbara la a uad in tfal part of the world wbo rapraaanta to our way of thinking a bratty good avarga ol hoinan baiara whaoavar urn braavebar la hit anarch tiallvan a vary bclaarmoa again at aorna acaclal kind of aln thla man gau aetbaaiaaia and goaa aroood to tba voav vy to tall tba praacbar what a una bar bmm it waa tbao ha goaa bdma and r it to hit brotbar and tbay talk orar tba polnla ami tba paopla tba bar bboo hit tba banuat but thla paitica kr man navar aaaa wbao tbaaarmon- him early uaxt month ha blggaat public campaign avr pot oa id cauda will ba opaoad to feet aubaerlptlooa tor tba looith quad but war loan tba vmory loan tba thing poopa la thla dlautot tnoat baa in rnlod ii that tiia appaalr ara dlf etad to auti and avary ooa of tbant it la bot toaraly lha wall otf man and woman wbo ara balng akad to invaat it la avarvbody tba llltla aarmou whlli will he faehd lotliaadvor tlaing kbould not ba akati aa i1i11u to lha wall todo peotlonly kveiy ina and womtu alioald watch for ttiaaa advartw uanla and ttarl now to gatbar up tba baeaaaary tnonay to buy allhar a fifty or bnadrad or flv bundrad or a tboa and dollar bond in tba unlud hutaa thara vmte about 4 tuhacrlbara to tba drat atnariran lta ool ol arery 100 bar bdna tbay only raoalvadblji in can ada forlba lot war loan thara wara only boat 41 000 altarrilr or any 4 in avary 70u yat in canada tba intareat waa luoah hlghar on tba victory bondj thai will probably ba bwotd to vlald about tba flrtt thing anyona ahould do in oor opinion u to got rid of tba ida that thara 1 any aaertfloa involvad in invaat- tng in thla loan it la una that tba pal ttotld aplrlt la appfcalad to and it la aoual ly troa utat a graal and ganarou raapooaa la aipaetad on that ground but tba naw war loan la a atralghtway boa propotlttooi piofluhla and not lanf kvary itunatid oyary woattn a tnaeti aa fifty dollan to apara ahould mip to ahiw othara lha worth of tha boadj by rcutroafijojf tliam avary wbarri tlia rnulara ol it la papara kra among lha uxt uihfty prparooj and kblla aplillad itt lha dominion whan aaubitiilblluna totha victory limit ar added up iron th vailou rfuttlct bd aubdutlhj w aspect ihatn toahowltha thla bait ol iba utaat dominion haa baan inrato ita tnulltlona and jat to ll4 on poatnnllim pcttits honey la food honey ft u wall rlpaoad o lha huaa and will kaap pntll naad if atorad in a dry plaea now la tba lima to at yoor aupply pat np in ft and 10 lb palla tnkletut af f abies 0qtf r phona hx oaorgalown first invest in a howg it will pay a higher rot ol interest than any stock or bond it will ensilrc your family from the ill physical and otherwise that come from overstrain from lack of a home it will rest you restore you and repay yott to get satisfaction buy your supplies from j r mackenzie ham w hailing- mills ai acton and goorgetowii auction sale of farm stock etc tba undaralgnad baa baan inatntctad by vuvduuwk han cook to ball by mtbllo aohloa at lot s3 6mb con waatonlngnacooay oa pttldav ootobkb 2ri 1017 at 1 oclock abarp horaaa 1 bay tnara clyda 8 ynt with ooltfeoaklng3aprlgootta hd oowa janay now calaad b waaka 6 sn apottad halfar nilvad 3 moolba dor- am uimda s yra rad balfaf cafvad 3 montbi dnrbant gradaojra aryablra aur 3 tnontlta a yral dorhan italfar fat 6 yiaj gray durhan hallar nalvad 3 tnonthaayrat jaraay oow doa jan botb 5sf remember your heroes in the ihidst of danger and temptation they need yotir help tathy the first question a fellow asks when he goes into a town is where is the yv they send us hot soup up thd line i tell you its good when you have been standing in one place for two hours chilled to the bone expecting a machine gun to be turned on you any minute then you can say thank god for the ymca afiti ttx jam in ti4 tttnchi- thanv cojfclh ymca help the ymca to help the soldiers hear 0 yi y dttf- tint ii castoria ft infants and cbildjan invrorow30ymrm alwavsbaai stcnatura of providing for the winter uw ir ma winiar wi can u with any quantity ol baa tbbaga onlona and tarnlpa of uallty now uj lha lima to ttora your sarmly ol vagatoblaa for lha wlbiar waean mpply you with an earrota rabba tbgbaatqualll pure bred cockerels ilava alao for talo a uumbar of cltolf banad riyntoulb hock rockbrela of iha o a a uiad tolay blraln h l hutt sons ulllglrt oardanb phona 1ft caua rddilvad uloia 7 aui or ulut tpht farmers buy your fart implcnwiila including iwlu rid bag plowi khmlh fleury aud wlklivm plowa imveioth hlndar twlnai thiaglm cotura wlra lancing ami porfu irouj bio ageut for jackson wagon plow repairs always on baud those7hewson n ontatlo notice to creditors i m0t10k h iikiiki1v ivn kdanl to bfdlnil w il 11ietualwy af7 ilao 1uu chi pi or lltl that all ervdll ora ud bthvt having ulalnui or daindtida agaloat tba aauta of lha tald wllllim udaaall wbo illwl uu or attout lha ulli day ol uay itl7 at uta tt ol kaqu ing in thn cnunly of jlallon ira roulr ww or iwloia ilia ut day of novauiw lotf lottind by pit phpalilor ilalh to utrrt llull at nerval kunil oulaili lha wlilour aud atliuloulrlx of u mid dmd iholr cliiuluu naiura and kir iiaiiiem mtilu maaud iluuilpllajta titt lull iiftmiuihtti tn willlnu nf ihnlr olatuir a atrltniiuiit tit their aocouula aud tba ruliua til the atamlly if uu by tlmm and ukf nolick that afur luch but bunirloiictl into ibu will adntnlaira trlk will prtuaml indulilhula iho aaaata of ilta wld ilhtmmhl among ilia parllaa anllllatl tharalo huvliitf riitard only u lb elaluta of wliu halm hall tl on ibv otto and that thu uld atluiltiuiialilx will not b llahlu for uld atuia or any pari uiataol to any tutrami or itaraona ol wboaa claim iiulloaaball iiotuavalmau moatvad by bar at tbu tluia of buch dlatrl button ukuad at tutonlo thla whii day of hau- ambar 1017 t m k xlwan uollcllobj lor tb laid autoiuutrtliu april luo cow ilq pab mill 0 yr ham oow doa april 13tb ml b yrai rad dorhani boll rlalng 3 yi yonng caltlap imfarw rlalng siynv is aprlng ealvaa tlalfars 5 prlog calvaa bolui llgauafkablr tow ragialaradl tanv worth aow allglbla tarroa 110 and undareaab ovar that amount 10 tnontba oradlt on appioaad nota spatwol par annamott tortaab ben j fktoh aoeuonaaj auotton sale of farm stock th fandaralgnad haa raoalvad lnatrorl ion front john m hutlklhjk to aall by pibllo aurllon at lot 2a twn 0 watt cblnguanomy nar tarra oolia on th mini ay novkuiikh lat 1017 at 1 oclock aharp lha following uoiuiruatohad brown taast ol ifaeknay tnaraa band 10 yrai bay coll rlalng 4 yra light bay coll rlalng 8 yrg light oattlk jaraay cow duo utna ol au jarawy cow uua tlmv of aalat part jarwiy now dua jan so jaraay eow doa jan ml durham halfar dua mar sj part jaraay oow dna uar 7f part jaraay oow dua uar 37 jaraay oow dua ma st jaray cow dua ifay bidurhatneow inllklna wall tha abova oovi ara wllk- lugwkli u black haluhf rlalng 3 yra 3 yaarllng balfara durliatn yaarlingataar uurbami ueajvet ilolatalo and jltetyi vaal call ilga tarn worth aow and 1 plga 0 wka vow i 60 haa tnpiuiuht llahlalalgbambaa vy liobalaliliai doubla furrow fjookabuii plow hay rack haroma uat doubt biraaat naar naw hay ami urainqiunuty of bayi 000 bua oala all will b told without vaaarva aa tba proptutor u giving up farming tkuuh llay nnlu powf vaa gall aud all annul ol flo and undar oaab oyar thaiauiounl lowottlha rradltonanprov ad joint notaa fl par cant rarannuuaff lorcaall w a wilon uknj i1itoi clerk aucttouar capt best in the town hall georgetown tuesday evening oct30 admission free you r welcome what if the coloiaal crlimpscs trujjfilewercbein enacted wiljjin reach of canadian homes i how ths hearts of canadian mothers fathers slaters brothers aud friends would leap to the task of letting nodayjo by without its flood of comforts and encouragement into tha trendies for theyre needed every day all loo few are the re membrances it is possible to aend to far away battle fields what a glorious privilege youhavo of reach ing your precious boya through the work of the ymxa whose protecting influence fa everywhere in canadian camps on trains and boats in camps in britain and erance right up of ymca service to soldiers thar ara avar ftiiy vmcallr ujbq6 w 0 600 t urn ajij mlul ixulut u aivu la umul i nwy dy la fium muiumu klaaf utm i to the firing line the ym ca t doing your work will you help somewhere in france a dying man niltcd his cap tain to pray for him th captain shook ma head he could not makj a prayer then the cap lain remem bered the only prayer lie knew now i lay me down to sleep as they prayed their comrade p tsaetrnva so they turned to the ym ca for guidance in vary military camp from the atlantic to tlto paltlc tltu ymca is buay looking rflcc your bojra welfare ever roatly to halp blm tiart rlitht in ula new ud perilous careor ramambar your heroca ganamiu i lie national council young mens christian association ualoaqmkaut w biaks t4vf jtamwl cmiul 15 twoato straaf toronto jacksons 0iumy auotiott sale t 01 choice dairy cottle horses and sheep th tmdferajgiied hu raoaivad lbfetnui lloua from uu til oh 11 1 it i lot 15 blh oon watt chluguaoouayf nltoui 1 mllfl from noival aullou to fell by publlo auction on viuday kovkuiiu 2m io at nuu oclock aharn tba tollolugi jaraay catua fawn laiaay call at foot lawn laraay mil at fool utulra call at footj ian mv call- at fool lawn tiy aall at toot i laraay call at ftwli dark jaraay naif at loot fawn jeiaay dua tltnaolaala fawn jrwy dtw in dafamliar dark lataay iluu in iuci lawn laraay dua jan li uwn jartay dua in maithi dark jaraay dua tn mart fawn iwy liirnwiufawn jaraay hblfota dua it jani b fawn liuluia dua in vfayi laiaav hhlfar lh mnullia ii ualta you furnish the girl- we urnisl me jaiaay halfar lh mnullia fl fawn un ualtara 1 yt dark jaraay uallara 0 tu jaiaay hull 0 y w ayralilia5 ayrabfra oowa ealvaa at lonli ayralilra eow dua time nfaalai ayr mf w dua flwa of mu ay rah ira eow ilualhnovauiuri ayialtlmadua jan li uua in j lu ul ralvaa tl inonllia old fl halfar tyaar l march two ayr s haljia dua lu may tlirf ayithlra j tie j vulnti u yaaia jldiiii ilng ttywiiw ii avm lldaaallay ualdlug t ytura f i m uoldbtg iblng jytaiw ii i i gray null- 10 ylai uroy ruam 111 yraj hlaak i jilvar brown u galuliigh aara hhaap 14 lukatlor awe 0 latouttr uwolamlm ulimttir raiu lamb anyoua dealt lug ayouugcow forallh er lha ciaaut or uilfk bualuam abouhl auaiiil ihlaaala toniii vt hallar veal oalv ami luiita ul 110 hih nitucr in ltt oah ovar ttm huwuiil i inonllia rradll on auiiro atl joiut uolaa flvu wr mat tllaoouht irtaali w a w1lk0n uunj iktoii clark auctlonaar tfaliia will ha mat at nnrval ulallou ou mmnlnn of ula uaitbaiajaihiaiuiutiauiumaiwtwa i lee sing i llaundry j tbo oldlkiiu uamty s k pttflcum work hmjwntm h thu luwuitv mkicb 9 klrd lot 1 uw uloctl i ihkuulmomi i better class furni tube at money sav ing prices furniture of well balanced dcalgus aud of bubutautlal make ilanuaaua 0 nlaea dining itoou bdlu of wlllutd cotmk kubbad vuma vlnlabt tlutfal kluih top ohkb mirror lluad eatlary draw and uuif daatgu muauj t bh togg huan drawer jaionty cltma cupboard e 1cmum m1 ll lwtlul1 p 433 aatm targa moam pftdaauj ug vlulah to mavh llolfat itoowy china 0hint cut oak 68 in high 0alb top two urga doah 1via kh vlnlah to match huhi hat of tlit thai r a i arm 5 ehajw 1 cut oak a eotnlotubla rooajy chair bog aaaj uathar uphoiataiud vlnlah to tuatoh butfal tiia ut ol 0 pimm of thla high olaaa purnllar or tha vary low 1rloa of the tools qf quality klcuta1vxlauliimrcm atia of lha httl tud cbulmu aj c m tmfo by tboroufuyupt bxjmokef tllkxllbout tbwll0lalliicf tbam uol will b lound di itelliitf qtulltytba quuuy kethkvtm tools twstaadam alt kaad kuttw ltatcui and aaa aaa taajgaj trfah tba owluar faaant wajga whldb pravauti tha tfctad rm flyhg- oct or working loou and ara ahatpaaid raady tor uaa tha kaan kuttar ttadaotark eovara a cow kaa una ul tooh tiki cutlarji souby w 0 anthony georgetown pattersons meat market choicest fresh and salt meats batter eggs canned goods etc watch our window for extra good values on friday and saturday obols bm aold by quutor tuo llogt wliou or ball at uarbt prl any person having veal calve for aale plcaw phone or write ua wj patterson phone i qeoroetown can you feed more live stockp tba ontario dapartmant ol agrlealtora u nnstoaa thai thaaplandld crops bar- iu ha rjaad to bart adrantaga id many caaaa thla can be oona ling p 7 uiaititora aalla attaottoato tba armonnnaoiant ol uiafadaral mlnlator of aajrtonltnf vaatod thla tall aboal faading l morabaadolaatttoot thla can ba dona by porpoaaa tba pap ing to pay fralgbt ablpmanla oa cmr iota from eaatarn stock yarda toeoontrj tiilnla pleats noid time fd lodiatdoally or la corporation with yoor natgbbora you t an hiichaaa a carload ol balfara of meet at both comblnad and baa than ablp hwl from any aaaiar n stock yard to yoor atollon wltboat any eoat tor frahjht cmrgaa you will be raquirad to maka a daetaratioo that tba atock la tor braadlng porpoaaa only any faroar ov droar can porabaaa a carload of caltla for taaulog parpdaaa on tha u innlpag markat and haaa tnaa ablppad lo any country point in ontario upon pay luent uf only ooa ball the naoal frabthl ahargaa vmeaiag at tba toronto stock yarda available at qaduead baua and aipart aaahv toiler la at illapoaal of arnara urary atof t anoold ba nsada to bring tba aorploa atoak of mow aadlona to tba kiilplna totui of oibara all indlaatlona point to a atoawly darnand tor tba maat aop- ira of thla coootry toy mom tlma to ontoa sir wulian uaart ontario hlntatar ol aarlraltora t1a dlnrlct ftapraaaalatira will aaaiat yoq in orgsnlclng a cooparatwa our tor r dlatrlct if daalrad or to giving any otnar information w r tftohct blatrlat bapiaaaalatlraj for halloo ooonty grroceeles n special 3 ikga imtnonla powdar tor ii llna olaaaid ciaanaar for 8 pkga aa waabing fowdar or tin uorntort lya tor tin union hand olaaaar for ttolkblaaktwavparlb i 2j sla loo 10o 40 uu uul ho ilolk japw 1w m lb 40uk 60 d kn jam ituiud b j to hm ul ft p lb doo ibxlmlw hill uakwlvd oom par lb boa luyil buul dusd oohm kr lb ltd the above list is a few of the many burgaina we have to offer you let uu have vour order satisfaction guauranued i 0 a m gramdy the pure food store i 3ct3 hjc 14500 am sllhuliv itodfooiii will ouimcui iliata dmla la whit tr i 1 uilluli ikil ulrnr u1 in isub nalah irrair uivl dtivmi vuiumut mm mp n u m1i m in ovil uriiui wi uimi li miult diatmr llj 83 lu 111 4 i 6 in alia i it u in tkb in uukb iliaaaw hlanj liraco mp ulii ijmalali lrmr s a si in villi aniwtl lo utuib wiu till luaulllul a nliu uills ol 11 kaiiar clu inniluu ak la k a wlilcu liu only to b ittu lo u admlmd lor lha low 3 j 25 a big ijeabeb in new metal beds 1750 1675 1475 ualat llada u in ofluuuuoua ulllam with liaavy oiling llraaa flauh 4 fl 0 lu wlda and 0 ll 0 to vjt ouly llatal tuda 3 itt eonllnuoua plllara heavy ailing wbll auaual 4 il 6 tuch wlda x 0 it fl lu utily ualil llada it l wtilluuua plllara auteul hi ling whllt anawa altolu gflft tlln yat only it will cost you nothing to get prices from uu en the following saah doom window frames siding and sheeting cypici and pine trim silos water troughs and cisterns everything in iron work greenhouses conservatories garden furniture etc glass garden builders limited 3roarareoxnrii k jacksons georgetown cood and bad rtour tea ftlwayd ba bad i you hunt around lor it vor tha urat oauiad 1jlouh made yott ara mn ol iratling it with avury tack at flonrattd ham had flour otu ha h4 without o ing to jail tor it hut not f rout ua h happy sod wtae and buy our o00d flour robort nobloi isdxnltod l v hourigan druggist georgetown edtabllbhed i8b4- the merchants bank of canada raid up capital uoaorvo vund a undlvhtod iroflu total impoalto tola j i 7000000 tiultba 011010711 131b0w a 0000 bet a uuatdml4c0imi shot do yoo know that uaver lu th t hnndrd yaara liavo tho ourluultlui oaorod waga tmuiuua boaji no outlroly lu uiolr favor uuil tlo you furuior know that ii tuay bo guuthur huudrotl yoaia bo- furo uliullnj oou prajty aliuutlrod yoara u a loud uuu to vail no thu wind man or moiueii will taho advantago at tha avorabla ohauuoa wtljilt thulr roduh ui tuaku tho itraaaul hut lha only way to tin ihu lu by put tlu ttiuw lutho uavluua uij awuill nortlou of to dayatiotklluuk ltumuuiluir thla cnuot laal for ovor a tiood ohaooea ttm lu uu twaaout thoao who iliwud aa ftilur uhanoea tuo baiting aitfainat tbouuwlvait and thin la uouurally a very bgd bat ssicty deposit boxes to ucut 0 w qrcuidy manager 0orgtowii ursuch

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