j- i s tdeie0r8et0wnbe11lb ranrtnoir ivro oor i mit buy bonds me boy it taaeeeboepof ntoaey tortorea tale fmt bfe war eqd keep the iblafe a bapi mia from lit eeeretolbeote eiulu fctotbe mfo wbeta munis itjaal atop at unaa to tblab of betbar we ere sots lo eerta or torn oar toat and alak pw knftaad hw do wb to epere ia it to ear aaek bai urala opt bar gold and wealth by beebetead by peek eo op to ihle yoaog land oat bare m tie and of naaee to pat bit end dig lata bor ieeae sad pot tb each apon ti pitta to alack it good aad tbtgr sad make uaadi a baap ny boy make der kaleer efck ooa itfeebeerwbea tfoopigo atanbia a lb leelle layervefmla abet of mania high aordool yoalbiak h 700 an a uee to ihle or that thaftyoa bate gel the gilair ucfced orl epeewlu on too dm dottlatlek yoar moeoy la too beak aor kaepttl yoerl aoefca aor go about aparabaala i lob- iter mlola rtoek nor try to vet a mett- gagaooaoomobaplorall we worth end mart eeqoelv for to make blm waal to onu the earth 0at mick yr cheat oat boat a foot u4 llkewiee talae foot able ad aiaek yer ooantanesee my boy lata agaodlygna than plaak year wad down with a whack boy in aaua good kaa nd atlek on in yer window ottawa oct adtb the machlaerrler pattlag lolo oparauoa bo military bar- efee act waa marled wtththe rrademe ttoa if um ooffamoroaaoral eshiag oat to flnt elom wblef eppeered la naaada uetetta aad la all uw dally aawapapan of tba ooaatry on iatarday ootobarthb everythisg te la raadtnaea adw far tba coptloaof leporb lor atrvlat or eaeele qtxmptiom alanm orgiattalla baa baas baill op aataadlag worn eoeet 10 eoeet aad eorerfagtbe territory efleetlre- lyttban ut dmwi of dadlag aan for eerrlee in the fartbaat eocaofa of tba feaatorwaet 1 turn am daaj la oouptmad of all met bliuab eebjeete between so aad m who won oaaarried oa jaly 6 1017 or are wldowam wtthoot cfaudam ill eaeb men moat laport for aerelce or appl ajar aaaatpuaa oa or before hovambor 10th berera paailllea ate prorlded for faoaie todooo castoria fat ajbd 0 la v ror owwsovom of vegeublei for tna wlotor apply yea with eey quantity of baata oarrota cabbage oaloaa aad tnralpa of tba beat qaomy pure bred codccrclg butod plrasootb brad fa h u hutt 8l sons hulpjri pbonalel oauirooolrod bafora 7 tnu or altar 7 pa bkbmcfaat voom undisthe baif xa order toellotlnale tba waeta la pasb aaaraad netaaaa in wat toiho lovolrad in tba trad la amall p of braakfaat fooda ceraaia aodi daeta aa order la ooapdl baa baen paei d under tba reoomoiaodatloa of ibo food cbouottar problbulag the aaja aft- r a apaeifud date aalaaa lleaaaa of aoeb fooda lo orlf taal bukim if both arv in tba lotanot of ibo pabjla laonfaotarafa aad wbojaewle deaura are given ttntll hovembar 1 to dlapoaa of tbelr atoeka bnl on and alter that data tbey boat not offer for aala la canada any food known m braakuat or oa raala or floor or otbar fooda wblcb tra the prodnot of wbaat oaia barlay ryr ilea paaa baana boak wbaat indlad eorn maiaa or lanllla la wlfloal paakaaaa of leal walgfat than twauty pojod in tba em of ruii daalara tb problmllan of aala la aflwtwa on and aflar uaoambar 1 too elaaaa patmutliig uoaaalog in apaolal eaaaa aadal tba vtmx coatrolur aba 1 1 bare the power bl gunt llca inaoab totm tnd apaa each bmbodoaod it loot aationuiy preeerlbo for uto aala of any eoab fooda in orkjtael parkagaa of aoeb laaaer waiabt or j l nt and may r ji ibo pro vbaooa of tbeaarranlauapa any partkolar i elanf or elaawe 01 partone eoaibibnluoe else w bamr daam axpedleat bp wrtten ptdar campt from tna p elanf or elaawe of penone eoaaibnluo or plaom doling aoeb period or perfoda ae may bo pneerlbad in aoeb order aad buy from time to time revoke or efaaofo any eneb order vloliilon ol the order la made an off enee and ibe paaamy provided la a fine of not lee ban lea dollara and not ea eaadlog live bond red do lara of imprlaoo meat lor any una not esaaedlag hi bbontba or both floe and imprlaonamnt auotion sale 1 ov 1 110 head of choice dairy cowh youiiff cattle sheep aua pig v 3 lulown a sonf to by 1ablla atihlon at urimaby vuiu lito con 0 kxjueilng on tukmday novkuhku 18 101 at oae oclock ilurp ibe lollowlagi oowu duibtni eov 4 yra tall at toou darbaiii w 0 ym cell ai foot jdur hatrt mwoyra ealfat foali dark jraey caw 0 yra ealf at foot boutala oaw 9 yr ealf at loot houtela eaw 8 yra oalf at foot daibam raw 8 yia el at foot fawnleimyoow svh talfat looti tiol atatu odw 8 yrr mil at foot houtela row 8 yr eal at tool durham eow b yra ealf at foot 1 boleleln eow 8 yra ealf a foot 1 tlurbem eow 8 yra ealf at loott houteluoow8yrai rail at foot liolatela eow 8 yra doe time of ealaj bnuuln eow 6 yra due tite of aale fawn jartay oow 4 ymiluaiea hi boutelueowo via doe dae lo dutban eow 8 yra due bee ul lawn jaraey uow 6 yr due jan 80 durham eow gyia milking well due may hi above coma tie a lot of cltoloe youttg oowa wmeli liave all beau bred and ralaml on tits arm youno oattuk10 dorlau ue rulug 8 yra la wul ooudltlou dur- bain itatii tl yra 4 yaarlloaa tlurltaai 8 ytaillng dorhani halfefa 9 yaarllng ueieloid bfcln u ylluf lioulalu hellan 8 boulla ultra 10 moullti 4 durbau salvei 0 ueollia 1 veal wit boleuln bull 8 yra well bred 1 darbam boll 1 yr i uwn jeraey bull 1u month allilblei hoi n i h bull ealf ishkkltt wtll brad ufaropalilreewrii i ettaer b wall brail hbrobalilreewee 1 ehaar diootlgradeewmlaheari sbrop ablre ram 1 abear ipiunyorkahlre eow due nov 80j yorkahlie eow due nov 4t youog yotk- hire eow due nov it youaa york ablieaow due ilea 14 aetata pie luivly bo rveerve aa die pruprlelort are alvlug up the diary bualneat tehuooelvw abd more le eeuli ii wonlhe credit on approved jolutuotaa oa per nubum on for eatll w a w1uok lihnj ietoil olerk atutlowr notice to creditors notiok iu iipiikuy nlvvu -ut- eb7o itm chiur hi ui nil email dmkimliuiittlivlbfeluuoir ubttmlri kiln uui mula 0 iba uu vviiiuni ill ui illtd cm of ulioul ilia ltlli dy el uy iuit l ilia tp ol ungual huge organization covers canada bcmolaf if raadr tm v ortaum prorliftar far tat filter have alee for eale a number of eaoiea aired plymootb book eoeka o a a bred tolay train book roekerete of tna auotlon sato i of 1 form stock i m piemen u c tba twdarelgnad baa been tnetoeted uu a batba to eell by pablle aneuoo at lot 33 eon 10 bqaaalng oa monday movbmbbb utb 1017 at 1 oclock tb foilowlagl hobaksblaek farm boreal bay driving mare 7 yra old aad bar eolt rial eg 1 ycare oattle cow dne dae bthj eowdoo may satb 1 eow doe jane 11 cow doe july 10 t bailer rlrlog s yra doe sod ealf may sed belter rulog i ym doe sod ealf jane isibl heller rlaleg 8 yra doe march subf ttaar rlelng 8 yean i bead rlalag tf yeara 8teaad ibelfara 6 aomnter alrea 4 baifere aad 9 eteej implbmenlw hrantford binder borae rake aeed drill deaf riding ploogb walking ploogb eat of barrowa f dlak arnry mower faaaltig mlltl bala ran lagnaar bigb wheeled llibt two borae waggon i llgb one borne waggon f open botgyi large cotter email eotter onal borae alelab i fubmlrbbe- ftkik etovei obara and axle boa oak parlor etovei laval eep- aratormo ii bard wood fclteban tablet a hardwood klleban ebalre aofa etc a ouantity of maaglea leorylhlngwlll beaold without reearve aa iba proprietor la airing ap urmlag tkbalh110 oaa nnder eaeb t that amobbt is moothe eredil oa approv ed notetufl par eaat par enenm off for bwh fjttoh aaehoaaaf autfttoie smto or farm stock tba andarelanad baa received iaoimoi lane from jouw m mjtlkixjb to aall by poblle aootlon at lot 3ft eon 6 weet onlacoaeooay pear terra ootu on til ubuday movkmbkb let wit at 1 ocloek harp the tollowtagt hohe- matched brown team of hackney maraa and 10 yret bay eolt rtalog 4 ym ugblj bay eolt rlelng 8 yra oattltfjenwy cow doe time of ale i jeraey eow doe time of aalepert jareey eow doe jan 18 jeraey eow doe jan htfuarritm heller due mar to part jetaey eow doe mar 17 part jeraey 1 eowrdue mar ow doe ma well the at 9 black hi tfbetlere toi flaalvm ue veal ealf due mar t7 jeraey hove eowe ai otfora rtelot jbgl ddrliam ttealvea lioletelo and jet jeraay eow doe may b durham eow ullkliil well the above eowe are mllk- logwen v black beifare rletaggyrai yearuii illtatairt worth eow andvblaaewaa vowl60 bamw impumeeutfei light aleiibaj eat b bobelehjtkai dooue farrow oookabou aw bay raek heroece bet double baroeaa near new may and drain quantity of bayi 000 boa 01 all will be aold without reearve m the proprlelor u glvlag up arming tkuuh luytoraln fewl vej cell and all etiim of 110 and nnder caen oyer that ajnouut 10 nsonthe credit on approv ed joint uotee fl per cent taraaaom off loroeali w a w1l80h bknj ittcll clerk auctioneer obkd1t auction sale 1 of 1 choice dairy cattle horse and sheep the uudereigned be received loetre lloue from uu t1i0h bird lot ib atli oon weet uhluoacooay about 1 tulle irom morval maliou lo eell by publlo auction 00 fbiuay novkmukh inu 1017 folio log i et oalf el lawn jareay ealf at foot dark jareay ealf at foot fawn ietey uuetlmeolaala 1 fawn jetaeydne in ueoaoibar 1 dark lieey due in dec lawa leraaydua jau 11 fawn lrtey due lu marohi dark jeraey due lu mr fawu ureey utrowil fawn jweey halfehdae r fnmayi la- jereey oalll toott fawn leraay oall at fool awn lereey eell at loot uww jeraey eell at fa ik lwn itnmy calf at loot fawn jareay o 1 n in jan 8 lawn uelleti due le 18 woulhai vi 4 dark jareay belitre tf bw jeteey bailer 18 tuoauiai fi fawn ui beilera 1 y vi 4 dark jareay heller a b jeiwy bull 8yt ayrablreeb ay rehire eowe ealvee at foot ayrablre eow due time of aalai ayr lag la the louuty of hal ton ere reutilr ed oa or before the let day of november 1817 toeeod by poet prepaid or deliver iviti loeena uy pnei prepaid or naiivei lo ayanarel huaeell at nerval loet offlce ontario the widow aad aduilnmria of the aald deceaeed uielr ohrutlaa nantaa and hlr uamer adtlreee and deectlptloua the lull bertlealan lu writing of their emm a eiilemaut ol their aooouule and tl n tature of the aeetiilty if aay held by notiok thai itmr auob laat mebtlooed data the tald auulnlatm tria will itrooeed to tlltlilbuu the aetata f tba aald deeeaead auoog the pariua ntttled tberelo bavlag heawd only to bo elalaw ol wblcbheuiall ibou have nauoa aad that the aald admlalatrauu will not be liable for aald aeeelc or any part thereof to aay person or noreoaa uf whoa elalme ootteeaball bot bavo beta yaoalved by her at ibe lime of euca diatrl kalian dated at toronto thla sthit day ol hau l0 m k oowan koliaiore lor the aald adeilotaireiru 2 tli i re eow due hue of aatei ayialilta cow due lb november ayfelilredue jan lii riehlioeowadoalti alarehi two ayr ehelleredue lb uayi three ayreblre reive 0 luoulba old 1 fat heifer 8 yuh 8 meere rialug 8 yeara llereaallay kaldlag a ywh iidi brwngeldlug ilalng a yaim if i mare 10 yiai arey mrel8yrii gelding 8 yeah driver bueep 14 uloeitef awee 8 leuaeter ewe iambi 1 ieleeeler ram lamb anyone dealilag young eow for eith er tba eream or milk boeineea abould attend ibla aala terme vat bvller veej ealvei and eume ol 110 and under to be tweh 1 over lbt amount 11 knontue eredil on appro- veil jolwtkotea five per out dlaounl foroaall w a wlfjlok 11nj tsctott olerk auctioneer traliti will be met at nerval atailon ob mornlba- ol tela aaateiaeeiataliejaaafl lee sing laundry mu lownatisicfj iklru iim yrafapshthegirlwe a restivo fruit spcculbt uain street georgetown ja w better class ft7bni tube at money sav ing prices furniture of well balanced designs n of gubguatifll make rleodeoeje 0 tdaaa dining boon baua of william and mary iliaijii aaleeiad eat oak bobbed fame flnlata sonet ttatt lop 8ssf mirror lined atruery drawer long linen dreweri roaai eblna eopboerd bileeatoo table r eal oak beery veasd top 4348 axtm earaji eoneja padaatal g flolah to mau boavtt a boomy china cabinet cot oak m is high eoilg lap two urge daeta it44 a flnleh to match bofftti hat el all ebalre 1 arm o ebalre 1 ml oak a comfortable roomy etawwas aaat leatberapnolatered flolah to mawb baset i the net of b pleeee of thla blab dear furnuare for tba try low fy v prior ol an attractive bedroom aaiie of 14500 jhllllnali ml brilw bi him iiimmi dnan ohutoakr mil lop 74 u bad mttblb 11 1a ul it in vlown u buad b7m lop flnkll lo buidl dnn b4nom koakar aad btdnom ehair in wbll aeasml la aaatab mha artlalla dia la bla aal hint abapad druwwn u in or1 brillav baral hlmr n1 tbla baantllai 0 plaa aalla ol ibabwlar cuw lamllar jlr lo b wbleb baa ool ptloaol 9 lo ba admlnd lo iba low 0325 a bio leabeb in new metal beds ualal bt ii in aoounaaoa plllan ollb haanr olllag e4f aatfe i 1750 biaa nnlab i ll b arid for only haul bada s in aosllniiow dllun haat flllloa ablu afx 41 jj 0m g anaoal 4 it a lieb wq ii a in bnlr cvlo79 wtws- 1475 metal bade 9 in eonuaooee pillara 4f 1 8 in a 0 ft 0 la jacksons georgetown the tools ef quality fcjankuoartoolataloawycaaa madao tb baa ataal ottalnabbaoj fc l paid by thoaougjuy anipan iikw lualraii thzoujnout whola una t4 ibaa loala w lound tba mm ataiui2 quailly dmojinttqr aat ba bwm mnmm tools the an 11 1 allloaairawtlaecaem and aaea ma widgad wkk the greener rwtent wedge which prevauta the head ew flying oat or worueg laaat mel are a teedy fo baa tw rlwdeaaark com lamlla8eu0bfemlgutter laulw w 0 anthony georgetown rhe highest market flags jbfubbere horse hair 8crtp iron sajl kinds of metals wool feathers bags etc etc w you hav any el uta abava llaaa ol gaoda to dlapam ol allbar or uull lau yon alll a1 uia m rilea lor ium boa mmkmy la utfim jmak mini rntul otlir rnapt ailan- l ualbi ud hpot oiahaatuanaaol tor all onlan ubjbaal llalkal pflm lor uv pouluy in any boanuiy harffy eisen junk and metal dtaler pboue 167 writ to po box 1 ohorobto it will cost you nothing to get price from ui ou the following su1i doom window pmniei siding md sheeting cy ret and pine trim blip water tronghj tad cfatemi everything in iron work greenupum coijiervatorlea garden purnltnre btq glass garden builders united special ohoioe fruit peacbea grapes mnna etc all idnda presb vege tables at the lowest prices oaomdnmuiitl mm oil yowt car twm no pcttits honey is tpf hantrf this mm ariaribs hu rbona u aaovnalavd farmers buy your ivana iaalaoau indndbw rani id- i imsszluvj and wuenio i imsiat himsb blndar ialaa boaxlaa wlfo lanabaj and poata irota mm agent or jacluoo wagon flow repair always on band thosethewson norval ontario akaubaaramaa la tk aaat lna wortny a liawy bl issxmsszm b m molntyre georgetown first invest m a i pattersons meat market choicest fresh and salt meats batter eggs canned goods etc it will pay a higher rate of interest than any stock bond it will ensure your family from the ills physical and otherwise that come from overstrain from lack of a home it will rest you restore you and repay yon to get satisfaction buy your supplies from t mackenzie lumbar hanlnc uubi at tl fleiavgalawii children cry for ptotehere castoria ailiaaila tfcm touea with aaad eaiannf tb bajtltb of iewtaataf eaaaa cbaelawejaaksbjaaaavase mtlflut atlelllwilij what is castoria onlosu to a hmrmurn nabastbaja tn oaate 00 paw nsfa awlba oalmax ilainulu i allajra notawtalll in ootklns rrem it u puunat it optaam m bor otbo vamoha piataal it dootvor worn for nam ttuui tbirqr nan tt f ow ow mllal of conalfpnlvu wtad oollo au talmn troabla mh it nruu tb toaueh aad bowola imanhoaa it neauaon tb aioamnob aad b naaloillalaa h vood elvtajr amalthy aad natural i ska ouldjaaaa eaaaassan xoikaro mond qmkoik castoria always ibaan the signature of in use for over 3ft years the kind you have alwaye bouoht lntaiiainry georgetown creamery we want your cream and will pay yon cash 3e3c potatoes we will nay the highest market price or any quantity of potatoes dellved at georgetown poultry and eggs we will pay you the hlgheat market price for your poultry live or dressed also fresh eggs hl ratio thla ia lohn r 41 david qlwn ii watch our window for extra good valnes on pridsys and saturdays ghotoobw oaubrljaaraarauu bop who or half at marjut prioh ground bone for chickens any person having veal calve for sale please phone or write us wj patterson phone oeoraetown o good amd bad ftovtt eeo alware be aad u ret baat ereaadlerll for the one aaaaed br nxivm maor yea are eoia of aetliog it wllb erery aaek of floaraila here bad door ean be bad wubeol gv tat to jail lor it bal aoi iron na ba happy and wlee aad buv our aood flour r aawoame lalmlted laaaaaiai groceries spec3al i t pacbacm dromedary daiea urn 4 paeaajaa iaaboff bread daaee cor ouwa and daviea toth aad baaae kaav wo a tin 8 una foe 8 com itaaea tor 81 bare happy home boap tot 18 bake oomtori boap coy b pkgt ammonia foe 8 lb aad lb paue of lead at to a lb lb 61 balk bleak lea tag oa a tb ar the auoelmoeeailwoaabor lroduoeoaly the above lt la a few of the many bargain we have to offer you let ua have your order 8iiuetia gmmpbutdle a m grandy the pure food store e 70 ec iec acziei nc six or bight oords good hard wood i iwanted apply at herald office georgetown creamery co 1 ooooooooooooeo bbtabuahid 1 804 the merchants bank ridni oodltajimhh m naaam van and undmsaa vla total dapoaua totoli of canada 0m4o0 llm wiojtm a good bbrahnur4aom81iat do yoo know thai oaa in in u nosdiod yoam uv uu iluaioa i al uptovaur opportoalilm onsmd was muaara boon ao ontlmlr in ul kovo ajvdolnunkaorikunuboaaxanabdod yaaili bo- tow umluf oonrlmfini nrwout i 4 hdndmd yoan la a teas mom to trail oo ibe wtaa won o will una odrenlasaa tbtalmr jain lb niniiiobay ihu a toed nriianea uala iba peaaaai tbeee who depend upoa aeon ebaaoee em bamtag alae umanaleaa aad thla la oaifeily awry bad be wotnaa will taba advaaiaae el iba favorable ehenoee erlthln tbelr reach to maaa maa awnafiaat tiaa aalda la iba owmaaa baab ltowaslibatoe aiaiaajuat the oabtway io da thla la by po tt aauu poetioa ol to4aya aaod look