Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), November 21, 1917, p. 3

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matthews drug store i an antidote for submarines btnr victory bonds v itopaaa and bprajae nval uptime willaaoe caacolara d j mktth exa drugs and stationery t borit poarul broc braculnew victom ttkoim awo lauitioirn immmmiumimmmmuiumiuiumiuatiumiuiuimi st george ckurcb re wee bort l tfc red 6oadey eenrlea ae lojlowei maiineu jn etmiimwt p to bowlay hcboomoam lahaaement holy ooaunaaloa lei and ird moddaye of no raontb at n a in c0rdbn8edjbw8 items 09 yoa bought yon victory uondt townehlp goooell naate bast lion day nov 3th pteabytarian h0 cbrleima enter tmtameiit friday dm- slat uiaehooea box social anaoaoeed ant waak hag baas portpooed tba sorpriee clabof iforral bald a mrameafa patriot dance laat widaya lag for bantbrick booee aerom from pmabytarlaa chord apply la j a wllloogbby woodar wbera they get lha red oil far iboee taaurae we uotlce on afala ht i ba erealaga yoa ara invited to tb faihouo ataefara at mra black siaral mi friday vwalag nov botb dottt talee u you will eerve both your town and ooootry by voting or tba by law and buying a victory bond pay yooriaxea bay a victory bond end vvt lor the by law aad your wife will bava no reeeoo to quarrel with you attend the vabua keeling and beer aboat oar propoeed new needle factory tula thursday availing in tha town halt ierary ratepayer itl town eboald tup port the beedu aotory bylaw oo mon daytwxl lie on band and pell ytwrvot mr john tlallaattae aipadit to r eajtra 760 bag of eeueat today ii you are la need ol any now la year chaaoe to pvoewa it qor town ttnlehja have motived word froeu tha cfooniy treaetirar that all baok taiea mutt pa paid forthwith how bout yoart ut and raw dobhla haa baatt en her lag root a vary palatal aukl having bad u kpralnad wblla working lu tha olaei garden factory i ii k ueateda of uutot haa i a elee in drawing and palnlln vlelte awry tharaday at tha botna of mm tacky queen at remember l ha kaleof work under lha aoaiilcva of tba women auihiary of st oeorav churbb thursday daaslfa watch or fall particular next waak tb patriotic anhaty are jcfldlud an e4oerbj thla waak of ahool elttly art lua o elothlng front aowa of thoaa who ara intanatad la balplug tha fraath tba lalrlotlf euehm by tha if m m ctob la tha iawo ball laat thumlay vanlag wa a aaeowa thara wu a laraa satharlng aud all had an objoyabla tlma tha 1atrlotlo laagua will ajlv oyi lha following work at tba publla ubrary oo saturday afurooaa vlit towl pil low allpa partoutl ootnfoh bagi and paj4aua ur w wharrad la huay laatalllng hu uaoblnary ato in tha uaw rum- lord block thl waak 11a axpaeli lo ua ajbla to mutlttua bla laraa aboa rapalr lag boaliwm tjtalu by friday air j 0 oonnary eonirutor ol ooalph has ut eowplaud laying ovrr thraa tnltaaof eauant walka in walltnd ontario ur connory hu laid wall ajtda walka for tha pail four yaaia a rloatoh haoul will ha bald in tha oun uathodla church oo friday aa blng nov sotb piojraai and rafraah maou idmllml5audl0o ur truablood oliajimtn tha i lulaal laaa in town la konavg bhoaahnp uuaan and ha arawnrbluv day and i u t- rhai a a ra n you oan uaa i he rt uouay and h m alu el th gald boot oaorginwo thara will ha a buaaa maallog of tmtnhata uf tha uaptu church in tlia ubuieh huauant tliuriday avanlng kay t9ad at eight o cluek ur rd warran toronto will ha prvaant and will ad draaa tba ruaatlng lvry inaialwr la mpmtad to ha prawol ii poibla light rafraahti and will ba aarvad during tha waning a maatlog will ha bld in lb town hall at oorgaton out on friday bvulng novtmbar 3rd la tha uuraat u w i aragory indapandml ubaral oattduuto for tha oounly of llalloa tfaaumling will haaddraad by llartlay dawmrt k a ol toronto w 0 oragary lb n and olbaft karybcdy latest news about home comahajattimaul balllrtahtd womana intllul will hold a eoneart in tha tawu hall at balllbafad ad friday avaolng nov s3fd procacdl la aid of bad croat tbara will b a bod proaram and all ara invitad ad mwloalso corns tattf fcorr7t tba tiopply comtnluaa of tha falrlotld laaaoa will glva victory ta in tlia pnblhj library thla batniday altarnoon hot 34ul everybody waleoma a plaaaaat tbna awanrad ootna and bring yoot frianda tba ranaa la worthy i thanaadiabtaat suvar collactioa charted with bigamy emawt j wluoo waa waa arraatad at fhlladalpha fa and waa broniht to mlltw saturday laatbydatadlva ullur of toronto ila appeared before id let uaglatrata tmoa on hla arrival ehaead with bigamy ur wllana pfaud not gnltly and reuandad nntll tomday ttaxt loui loat bail waa refaaed cliawpl a rtx tktoitt wedneadv kplatmla 10 of i ibotty capuln alvaraa 6 paria wlui kdllh storey thurhytb fuu of honor with loulaa lovay friday tba llaunlad miner mutual uutarpiaca rilurday tha sooilari wlih wu lhuu farnunt oobtlngtba voloaonlha wlrd cftol hdti kklul luamwkara caitoona o 1 o war along with 260 rvlhar eolora rwoductlau ol laailing ari gallary plcturea rill baahown at flaorgatowa 1nblla fvkoo thuraday and vii lay nov s3od an 1 2srd a nail alulaalnn tea ol ida will baxhtrgihl jo par cant ol which will bo totdo llod croa and tha luuoa to buy pictures lor tba ahool tba ladlaaof thaaulf ratraauminta lor tba tutu of 1- nua bapramol action dumuuj tlia acltiu hrought bv tlia mltrhell woolan oimpany lltnlud ttalmt th binptown foundry an i uacliintry oimpany umllad lor 1a00o00 dibiaai lor aliaad brarh of warranty in tl aaln ol knitting uarhlnaa wu trial bel tt ur jmtloa ulddletou at lha alltltma rl tba ynpratna ciuri of onlarl hald at ufallord onlarlo hut ttiuray an waadlauueed wltb eoata o i mamh and lrfhoy dale anllrilor fr th oaorga town foundry oouipaay ictad for lha nla wdrnine agatmil impaiueri laaelng tbatseelvm off u dominion oovaimatabtollleara two wan haw wan tailing plaoaa in tha waaioru part of ha trovlnc aotaring booaea and clalwlng ttfcjti tsflnaottulqy tpueb firaeanrea and otliar artlolaa ara balng atorad n faikblu they brought wagon and uovad a lot of huff tba uperlnen ln of provlneiarpolle baa bean inauncted t try to eaplura tha tblavaa thy aie aot oovarnmantolllciaia at all oomdijmu app4tjald tba following utter which epaka for itaalf haa uwn relvad by ml a button huratary of lha woman latilotle laa gua of georgetown novatnhar lui 1017 daar uiw niitont will you klnlly acoant anl convav moat graatful tbanka to ilia 111 the uaorgehjwn iatrl ll uocuiv tnrlha vary oenarma donatl in of clothing tiullia hllhkatf twwtu and aooka yvty arlloln la mnat welcome and will help iiammli k personal oonvenuhlly locaud ai ply df v tl vvauon flwtigalown w 8tl 9t4mlk roh mlz rtlbla in rear of baptlat pi so 130 fal good timber will 1 bold leaeonable apply to dr f tt wataou uforcetowti lu fluinjt our baa a thouaui i ilianha on iwhall of tlia loqptv t poor unl rtuuata french ibtavaai ea war bobda glvau away jaokeoae- will buy war bonda whb thalr mlcw of nov tsth to buka tha amount afllarawm twaalbla wa will glva to ma tocoam tha ntaraat for ott year on lhaa boodaby giving a b t dueoual otavary kwhaaa lor tha day thla inelod all aa of furniture iioumii tuhlnge boot aod bhoae drygooda aud all dep artntaata yoa kaowikf oorwauiaivry indoi try of auyi importama haa a paper of ha own oaa to wbioh ll gt malta aupport by way ol advarllalag and adbaerlpliona tboag lalaraatod do thla that tha panar taay uvw and oaatlaaa to b ttaalul fur than by ag adaoeatlag their inlaraata yoa haw a papar thai tor ovar twaatyla yaara baa beea looking ajur lha intaraata of tba utmr llava yoa given ll your aopportt ii hot mm bat you tulaorlba for tha weakly huu toronto tha urntaaa baaimae papar irom tba pteeaal tltaa to let jaaaary 101v 11 will ooat you oaly tea dollar oat you will had tba dollar wall gad gavflaitbl bellave toe vary rlnoaraly yotlta uarka uoohatmudalaluhlurb 8 3 ha 3 tha following u lha school rapnrt fir hh n a 0 i miicmy for lha monlli of u tnur na i a ar in order ol merit indlnitu pa a t aui idtneu iv alial walkln wtlh- l il w ill hta ilanllng lalla ninr wll iretl lalliu frada m rru nollh ullli y ii madia gregory hugh curk walur nuiiov hr uoy harding frad haidlng wilma hi i lay jr i lloyd leslie arlbur clark don aldclirk john llnd vr a florenoa hancick nellie hancock ftolina younn hhhjqfarllqb lamtliuy 0 calvlo oreaory urll hopar kl ktija lllrd tchr tdqumt coutitijdd tha adjourned laqtieat relating f ilia u1 aeroplane accident waa concluded at tha town hall yvelerday morning jounty grown altorttaydick coroner dr j h nuon end conatai le uodoual 1 had charge of tlia prooaedluse altar bailing tba evidence of dr nickel a 11 caalell a baker olive buha uauiuel lould and thra avlaiore inulujlagcad at bhldwore tha jury of whlih ur a owttta wu foranuui raturued tha follow lag verdict we lha juror ehoaeu la inquire into tha daaih of ura iwballa cleave hud that deoeaaed wi acoldeully killed on hov wtb by being atrudk with lha pro- pelle ol all aetoplaoa oparalad by cadet aklduare of u vv we bud no bumu aitacbed to cadet bklduora hut would aummenil that avlaiore tea that tha pu hllo undnand uif warning whan glvuu bafore aaoeudlng aatl alao thai tha publlo uaa greater or around aaropu flood newe for my ruttoinera uy aon recently return i ironi france u unw my pait nar lu hnalueaa ait i wa will conduct oua n tha hut and cheepwt rujr bua i lu ua oaunlry un hwle pitl tin lor 4oi wt men e wc women e boote oled end rublur heele 78a meu a ii ii ialobaa nu iwlbja hoota bo tip ba uy bualtimn la growing all thatlnw banali lag while you wait qcut your ruhlmr bophi eoled healed an i ttuolee 11 hft oaioe a vuettitaer alwaya oaa kaotut i band boot boaght and aohi jtottay tba gold boot oaoigaiowa mr md3 mra harry hanllh of toronto were vlto in lomn raeaatly muecafija bock of rnithavllla apaat hio lay at her home here mr and mred o lawraaoa and aos i dranlfon apanl band in town ura hlnlnaoaof poh ualboqaa asaat ll e week end with trie ode in iowa ur ftamuel eveca waa at toronto on ketnrday attollog uw faneral of bhj kuter in mnr jeorvo dolena ur john kdwln baiehelor formerly ol heonralawn pa4d away ai detroit on friday laat the uroaina ware ioteerad jn ttreenwood cematefy bare on monday aiurnoen mra dixon c umlth anl eon lawla have ralnrned hocoe to boflalo after viaip ing her invalll tnother ura hunt at lha home of her brother in law mi ueuaator ounwllluun mr mi 1 m 4 c l davloot and aon vrlliur r tun 1 lut wk from victoria ii 0 where ura dayfoot eml lha ana uwr el her former i om ur dayfoot kirtattat bilnj eondllioo on the i adlla caaet ate improving owing lo activity lo the ahlpbolldlbaj indnelry laldairttf the funeral of the lata famullaoook beloved wlfw cf ur william cleave uorxetawn took plaoa on tboraday allernoaii laat it waa one of the la ever imui in town and the many beaou ol floral iribolee which covered tba m tha renudne twere leonraa gborcfa of which waa a ufa long member and after a eervice conducted by tha rector hev wm llort were laid to vam in the family plot in creeowood oematarf the pall heerera werai mr a weaaloh ur w col ur johs wllliama mr j mokloney mr jatnea cleava ur john kennedy among thoee from a diatanca who at- unde4 tlui fitneat warei ur and mra weal h ura hnhmef mra odudie and uluwulob kiiehenari mr ii uekln ttey ulm m an 1 k uckinney ur and mra alas unklnney mr anumrajohn ucklnnay rriu urjoola crillui mr j cleave hamilton ur v cleave actoat mr and mre d it naiueawoye ur and ura c f walker larla mr ll walur mr and ural ii lueae goalpbt ur and tire j orr ueadowvllla ura 1rvluo btreeiavllle ura alex uoklu nay tiradtpton ufa ifarrlaon toronloj mrandurej i wllliama toronto mr d lleodsraon acton ur j l clark will bold aodlt auellnn eal r of horace iura brad and hlsli ord oiltlo hheop and dlga on fbutely nov 20th it lawarldg farm lot 10 4th con wrat ohlnguafl oimy beuj 1lch auctioneer stewarttown foil wlutf ii ilia achool apart or oot- nbfi iv uleie dorolhy thlretaa nora wll aon joaoph rlandlah annie kelly lalrlce hlanluli harold tiraaneldea rhnniaatlifau hr 111 lleao hume kdwgrd blay jr iiiuatfloa hodga uoidonlllllk kve huh kr ii lewy lullay uargerat olffat fred llonatlian nnrman uoalnlna jr ii isabel wllunn itoaa ibompeot ionian tlrahathf iteihila luuan hr i ada hum uordon tblraton jr liulaurlum huili olffen bui boialhan walter i luhara joint kelly ihrothy irahan herlwrt luaan dick hlan hah tlordou u atpla kr fr francla thompaon jr lr frank kvlly kawaath uc alpine hovu to hint in fllenwiuiauia lara brisk houee and irn j olfwt land i acre of gootl fruit lining luie powuhn kay at ulen wklllameloetcqiq apply w if bald itraraildu u 78tp custou knirrtmo i em i nard to do cuatom maeblaa knitting i all klmla i hoalery satufw tlon ituaranteeil all patrona ura- t j fulicr meluht lnretowu oll 4lp house to mttnr 7 rnnmatl frvne houae onobarlaefu iumvwion nov ibtli apply to w ii ul jr tl r hint 7a aero farm in lgnuoaloil towoahlp 4 111ii04 fn in actua apply to j a wll luuubby uoortutuwn 10 21 it raru ronsait a ool farm 110 acres at ply at herald ran smle larlor heater nual or wood uolotto um hi utralor uood baud auttlng iwjk r- n irgotor- p ron ntttr frantu iiouho un malu ut botith an ly to hural 1 union ur by lotlor to v v llroobu 10ji aldrioli ave u ula iioaiudla mliui raru wantko to- root 100 lo j00 aorou lu aqtieelug ai i ly at huralil oftloo a ron 3lz a iiiimluirof whliu uyei douaooekemla finale t w hlnuere bred l ru im imirled lire i lo ley eoou prloe ww naili ati ly 0 areeuaulea oaorie a ftp corporation of georgetown takoiiotluothat i llto unwell uf tho oorporatlou of unoriiotowu hauoouatruotod aa a looal itluiimvoiiloht a a uouort to nld walk ou woat ahla of ualu ulroot from factorytttrooi to map lu avuiiuo lliu tuwt nl tho work in goal on uf which u 10 la paid by tho corporation fua apoolal rata por fool froutaifu in 0030 bl a ooucrctu aldowalk oa aoulh altlo of victor i ml root from ualu to morrill atroot i hu oout of thu work la gjiu 01 of which tan utt u paid by um corpora llou tho upoclal rato luir fool frootaito lu 0aj0u thu mwcul ouitfltuituonl ta to ho paid lu uo auuual luulalmoula t ho otilliuauul llfotltuu of uto work la u0 yoaru a fmrt of itnvuinu will im lioul on tbu urddayof dooetnlmir tut ajupm in tho council jhaiulwr in tba villaiio i f ucorguuiwu f r tho uriwwto of hoar uiu uomplaluta hlmiuul thu 1 roioatml aumiiuimimlu or tiiu aoouraoy of tho fkulauo iitoaauruiiiuuta and auy other ooinpulul wlilcli theperwuw intoraatad may chulrd i multu aiul which la by taw voaulaahui by ihuuouueil imtad tbia 17th day of nov 101v l f llxutb oatk worth protecting i a good article lg worthy of a good packese a rich strong delicious ted like red rose is worth putting into- a sealed package to keep it fresh and good a dieap common tea la hardly worth bhvi taking caxc ol arid la hx usually aold in bulk red rooela alwayv old in the acajed package wtfica keep k food irebris have you bought your victory bond mmmmwyww i arnhilllg pjcxl jltfd ualtoxs bjrojijf htoux ntern glasses this week 8c each barn mls nerval eivwmaimwwvwmaaaeaaaaaaaaa buy buy btjy victory bonds in order to help you to buy victory bonds we have reduced our prices ou mens clothing furnishings and shoes we will take victory bonds in exchange for merchandise brill ckt georgetown to somebody somewhere ai the front every day boxes frora haute are tfohitf to the boye in the trenchea and ol ihe thlnjti they get a great prize 1b nmucvai the gout with lasting it takea ttutplace of food and drink in cose of need which b often it keepa epirita wp aivea vlfiour and vim a pocket in the pocket laata a long time haa ftavow immhii ceettft mammoth house georgetown great clearing sale of hats and a few pattern hats to regardless of cost readytospgjar o be cleareo 1 j ij htuiiea ttna uauoa block volvot mdlora 600 i loi lilik turban 4 00 and 4 co for 2 os ladiu military liau sj 00 lo b 00 wr 2 8b v relics ami mim8 calarl felt hot 8 00 8 50 aid 4 00 for p 00 ohuibb irul hats childa fli bau in navy i cardinal 7o for m 1 00 for 7uo 0mtdb bwiateu coats a largo aawrtmont of oliurw awoautr ooatd in brown oartlinal orey navy ii wbllo at 1 jio 176 2 i 42 2fi lluyu troatoni coo 7so 1 00 1 16 wool loquljh ladua mlaam and olnidw wool toqnoa and wl senrfd in nmiortuil cotom fanoy wool ata i 00 92 76 nod 8 01 pa wool capa 76c and 1 00 fancy wool acarfa 1 25 and 1 co mcbean co- george this week buy victory bonds for your own sake for canadas sake for freedoms sake it is a miiall thing to do individually but of vital couwquencc collectively j j gibbens jlaneblock georgetown piionu 160 good and dad pl0ur can el way a be had if you imut around lor it por ilia firat named best flour made ynu are aura nl tret ii g tt wltli every aafk ol hoar a ltd hare had dour ean ba had without go lug li jatl for it bttl bot rotu ua ue happy and wlaa attd buy our good flour elliott immt toeohto oht yooga anj charlaa su- toronto haa lately lieen aaked to fill poawoae at irom 60 tn 1100 a ninotb and ott- era dplo 300oper anoora hpajaaa k a hapetior trmlqjng write or lalojcne enter any tlma w 3 attiiou prlnolpal mall coctraot utter will ua tiv i ottiwo beill tm nilay lha iih ja urr uia lor ibe vftumolluuili y umiu t qunlrt for four lt ll v w iharnuioiiuirakkwi lurl lloula ho 1 freea ibo 1 umiriraur llnninl 1 uttut frlnud iet e lal i raw i rll r lufom- iloirjlirnihtln i iau timitraet iay u taaa 4 ui x nf to tier may lalnlu tin i ui rtirtnf ll tv lwa and aa ibe oaica oil i i c4 oih i inw toreeto 1 t i innurt i hull mil id i atlllufallu t ursii you u t quality und 1 rorur twaet la welch rnjialrir ti wlicn you liavo vcmmt lo it ueva u whli l v uatuueu specials choice fruit apples grapes bananas etc ah kinds iftegh vege tables at the lowest prices tail and fw ue uiu vrook and aacura aomo of our choloa oooda r- restivo fruit specialist main street gelt behind the wheel of a ford and drive try it just oncol ask your frlond to lot you pilot hla ear on in open utrotcb youll illco it and will bo burprliiod how eaally uio toru lo hondlod and drlvon if s ou linvo novor folt tho thrill of jrlvlntf your own car thoro lu romo tliliu iioud in otoro for you it is ynstlydlfrorontfromjuutrldlnsr boln a imiuiuneor and ospocl ihy aplf you drlvo a ford yoiiiuf lxiy nlrls womon oiw ovon cmndfathif thousandu of them uro ilrlv init vord earn and onjoilnir it a ford atoiw and startu in tniflla ulth uxciplionul oajo and anuxthnoas whllo on country roads and hills iu sticimtb und powor show to udvantaso i lluy a ford and you will wankto be behind tho wlmol constantly 7 runabout 478 touring j49g coupout tir tbb universal cab sju f o b txud ont j n oneiiili dealer geoi si r wtta

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