Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), November 28, 1917, p. 1

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p j the georgetown fferald fiftyfirst year of publication ttleieoifietownheralp bvbky wnhotsday vkjhbo at m wm poweb pburrno omoe flboboetowii obt bdbscriptio ritu obmnmrhhli if paid u ad- ami six mooilauaanto in adnata ibiiuiaiuriami tsadateyoar anasrlpflon akpian aownuot advkbtimbo jutis rotolabonaspttokfee iwmi par ham tor m unnrt nad cm onu par una tor well ad atoat in will b eharpad or all 1 without kaka will ba laaarlad aji win ba il ml aamaaaabwitboat antra obaaja georgetown wednesday evening november 28 97 kma inaanins ttaenuns if standard anthracite scranton coal coal wood tbraablns lor doouauoaaa ballhlaa in lua i carry ararrthlog to ba foond in an apodate goal ana wood lyakl john mcdonald idmdcrmi wc sen on rciiabiegoods f in 0 new shoe store i i fine jewelry watchea clocks silverware etc rbpaibinooa specialty a b wilson sioaja vtlpjrl 7 16 p dircgtory tuv db joskfukbahduw datrtot thtnaoo o tb boon- to and to p i u l l tmi do opl d obosajrow otl m o library ffcoa us specialist in defective eyesight ornob bouhs a 1 to p and i to 9 bb aalnrdaya s to pjn and to rkoaa tor an appoutaaat sktnynrtii local agent wanted tor ooorsmown and dlatrlot to aall lor tm out bwii vownuu mpaaaaua alaadld umolatoib lor tall plutin m17 aodsprtot puuiua ins loaladlna any dow bftaua wice waalonaoon uol band tor naw luaaunlod aataliniia aamta rropoaltlon haodancno iraa oitni analaarra tarrltory llbaral com- n nmjaiinmmia or unj mainal sakaalol onlropraotlo bar- port iowa ojli otaaallill aad spinal analyaafn atlopni rkattl bamc tt wa koi anm mxa to all nallnnhaf w ljumliu njj haw tola ffaasr asbtonajn rsr ob l u y r il ii nrhrai inr if ami raal ounwultanovoat otsmttsmtst ilniaai llbluloiu and rl iiaaiiiilil man ordaaj ujattba qwa hauia omaa will taenlva pmatat jackson and- jlbb civil engineers surveyors temple bldg brentford nta t at tanaawi sualeaa m wn mo ol4daji bo wy b watar works iwq wb want now a jrallatda anaat in halloa ooutr to anil fauutrii ftaaua tax ano oaxi nlu nnnj darlnf rail ant wlatar bavataomlarbwnrmalni by bj ilannfoaaa np4oanto oauloaao w oa raqnajttoap- p tor n or pa njryatork wruanowlorhnhfiytaroia to rain noisey ca ptca ontario jwkenncdv hardware paints stoves tinware electric fixtures sewer pipe and cement tinsmithing and plumbing hot air and hot water heating electric wiring jwkennedy phone as georgetown onc stae u welliigtm tharoolhlil mtmartm hauuubad i8j7 toronto ontario arthur bcastell tnwoomot tw muara ptrm j m buck b b alwajbaon band tnaltnatal beer pork nvkusaac bototana- ieto homesourbd hams baoon lamb veat rrttrraa law ouwu tatara nor ptottua m auut in8uban0e fire amd accident main street ic 3ct3i nwhrt llofflbvmnt czjcz sssu tbia week we will be moving into our new tore one door couth of the post office which is one of the best equiped shoe stores west of toronto we will have a pine display of christmas footwear and by the way is there anything that makes a more acceptable christmas rememberance than gift of choice footwear von should have foot protection against the wet the snow and the dangers of inclement weather yon will find the latest styles of rubber foot wear to fit the newest rthoes at rumford theshoe totsn the home of better shoes 159 per annum or si 25 if paid in advance bought your victory bond if not phtce your apphcatkm immediately with canvassers or bank help raise the million coal in all sizes whvtn took w lug aiaoal el blab la toarioot lokflh ulttbu lor portland cement rion raad and rrwrtrleni jolxn ballantiiia acobonttowh okt specials ohoioe fruit apples grapes bananas etc all kinds fresh vege tables at the lowest prices est4andmwuuwmk and oampf qbtohoto goods a restivo fruit specialist main 8treet georgetown 4waaaaiwtmm lotto nmnnhur ss2r wlsfl 1liow many victory bonds have you n bought have you put yourself to any real in convenience to buy victory bonds have you denied yourself some purely penonal gratification so that you could invest the money saved in victory bonds nave you realized the urgent need for personal sellsacrifice to make the victory bean a great success until you have bought victory bonds to the very limit of your ability you have not done your duty campaign cjoses saturday night wlrat answer will 3f on give 5fte ife il ll i i i nl ii il toi swu jno ito wi itohflwamfllaim sxydkj to battue for laanw or forsnatar tbianb wban aobw on loanda tbaaall to a tlll raally baa mil to wloai and ban tb baroatlllaa lorui topror that bo latraly anjnt bbpartlng word will bnllep mm sy urllof aramrwlnsionrlnibrj in aobm lortb to nrnt ibssm liwbrnbamtojdto ootbaa oi inar loot ausw toot ootdowntltoronj far im atonal apart tbanauoathat wltb only autaan laiailai and nalrr and bawaaua briora umaaaay aul toll sorroandod by lkismaad lorta that loto la una bafer would atop in lanay ii my oralr at bat aoaaauunf uantoto drop yo war will bo a dutrram aun and bi in a dlorroal way wba in too praeaaol ormfci tbaalrablp la a bird ol may and nan wtw dabuo in ta trad and lroa tb alrlbair uoablaa print will draw a paaaon ii tboy proro thattbay to days story thetwofam lly house tlw kcn wuuv tfocwim u wa rtpmriu be fritihhi by r- a mttckel hits laws wllllaaiob wa wm or pka oomrl co nato wr own urtns in kit dtr tte waa nblutil to pay tor boaid ud loofclaf miif oil tmt atlary tt ocmrrot co bor to utw o nom in o tonpwslto qtattor and vt br bimkfat aad dltinar btrof- otv siudaj momtna twrlac waoro for tm purpoew ah took up a tw papar and ataooad tba dtoitloiaianu for lodatnpj tb was an adrtfttmomot of a two family boos tba notaj of ooa ault of f our roottta hinlabdo tkasrobttd door tb prico of wbkb was do fraatar tbao wbat ulsa wluianwoo bad paetad to pay for ono room sbs coo dttdad to go st olmo and look u oat balf an boura rid to a trollay took bar to us kcatlofl bbs fonod tb oalskboiivoed iwqactsdlo and tb twos ttsalf apparantly in good ropalr tb bunda of botb stories wan drown in dieaung that noubar was occoplod mies wilhsifi rang tb doo of booso noar by in onltr to tnkaoro cnqtuiies a woaan oama to tb door and wben aabod tf aba know anything about tno condition of tb bona for tent ropttadi all x know abottt it la that vry en aroond bar btuoroa it t banntad if tmon for root for a long wblta bot no on will tako ftor ault for i is wall known that tbar are gboats in it i inulabtaod that ttuyv pot tb rant down to nest to nolhlog bot 1 noonoao far nas baan induead to uv tbor atlas wuuamaon wa not at all so- patwtltloaa and bad bo tiallaf logboot baaw anoamrtttdlty ttrosiar n- ult of rooms cbaap and a faw day latar ab took adanlaga of a ttouday to visit tbt bona wilb a kay to tb lower hat and was so pleased wltb it that ab eloaed tb- bargsln at once and too next saturday aftamoou ntov- ed bar few uatoosings tbar r on going to alaap mltmm in n trfmnge boos tbst was tadtrrad to is bauntod sb eonld not tlp siting way to a light dread lest aba might b dlmnrtv ed to tb nlgbt by ibo gboala but ab banished- tb tbongbt and tb nest wlngx fcmdfcy awakatted by tbtauo shining la at bar window sb aiperi- eneed n eonfdti in dndlaa iwrorlf to iiiawsislnii of four joneasr inrtodlng a bath tb nssnlng light took away all ton a or tb gboats ab forgot ail aboot tnatn not a iwoad daring the nlgbt bad tstarraptad bar ulss williamson was en of tboaa persona who have raaettrres within tbsmasttsa and ar not always pining for company kb oompted bvtsstf during nor flrrt day to bar bat potting it to rights and tba rest of to tta aba apent reading having to use ear ly to tb uofing to go to work and being n good elaapef aba wont to bad to oclock abont a odoek to tb stwratng ab was awakaoad by a trajxiptng dl ear bar bead ft waa tramp tramp inmp to one dtromioa cramp tramp in another oma tbar were of or all stopa but anal y rrora two to four then that waa a brta osasatton altar wbkb tb stops war aubdaed mora ilk a ap tnad tbaa tb otbora tbasa ftnauy teassd and all waa atul alias wuibuason was puaslsd met an a hmttnant did aba refer tbaa onnds to gboats bat what eoold eaiuatlmo um bad annposad tb ust abov wa tuuceoptd bran if tt waa omuplad why sboold tbs only stsund aoin from u before cook crow befor islaa wuuatoaon wft tb boas in tb momlng nbs went to tb upper ball and knocked at every door kb maportea bhe tried the doors bot found then locked llstanlag ab baam sound tbsn from tb side walk abs looked at tb upper wtodow- tb abados wen drawn as aba had ten thwi bafor mies w airrtanced a ao boa dlaoomfort that day prodwad men wanders on tb part of the typewriter than aha pad evor tnada bsfore if an was to be nwakaned ovary morning before day by a tramping overheatd by and by tb matter would gat on ber nerves if it did aba would ba deprived of auep and the result would be that ah eould not dabar work if she eould not do bar work and do it pmperly she would lees ber postuoa log bar main ooor ab wont upstairs again ko4ckt and tried the lottu all waa atui aa before ktamtog to the ftrat atory aha onloeked tbegjlapr of ber bat half eipecttog tbar asosts bed bean there and itnraad everything topay tnrvey nthldng bad been dbv t tutbed and tb tenant set about eaa big bar dinner everything dpanded upon tbotaunja tag being rpated that night tcb went to bed hoping that u wentf inst bot 6sadtug that it would she lay ewaka aft boor longer ttaw noujat utougb rery tired and mush tfoanesav t bavlag lawn reproved cor the ajaa lakew an bad mad dorlog the day ah- woke op at midnlgbt nwa r iiiu w quiet and ebo soon esaaaji sujamv atln tnuop tramp tramp traaepf then it wea again tramp tntnpl ulae wltllamaoo nrnembaend that bt night before there bad been oar tramps to ooo direction then two ta tramp tramp trampt be was not quite eun bot that tt ttdrd aerie of tramp bad bean three the ateps tontlnod about tb aasso bsagtb of time the but aotinda betas tousfled aa before wluhber the itetoa r bad got qhrr iied to tbj or be tana of ber du1lf in tb supav aatural abe dltl uoi mmbi to mind them sa moeb m ab bud tb ulnht before perfaspe the twpetltlon uf tb etepe in the earn order ae ixyfore may have bad ontetblng to lo wltb u at nay rate ber heart coneed lie wild baattnar wooer than befor and after the munda eaaaed ah went to steep tbo nest morning abg rovioded aawy repa per ai lednd out if the jt above whpi iipirt6twnt dl ctiy to luiv uio r iiuaiiiae bee ijeutlou wat ntulu illainn ivml bybar fxperlenee and hilar he made blunder i lint itml it nut leii detect ed would bafu n tirr eiujoyra omotklntf ilk fldiiut lufore lesv tog tb ottlcq hlie mr liaodod ebeek foe tb ealsky dle mr and told bat she need not return then wsa nothing to do but to go to ber flat get ber dinner end on tsa bmctow eommentv bunt for another altuatlon but ibe pnifirri for on who bed been dtacbargri tor tanking jl flartous mltss of grdtog place waa not bright miss wlummaou lurnedlu tkataigfcs wjablng the ghuat woold rome into br room dnrtog tb nlgbt nd put ber eat of bat mlasry if it did abe might ho there till bar rent was doe without bar demise baingntleeovererl that night she beard a door above abut a few etepe then all waa silent thai was not a repetition of tb woods hoard on the tt miss wtuurneon shaktpg- off hew fear got out of bed pot oa a dnaav toggowiibirdaurperssjidawptaluaav togly apstatts all wag dark gad si lent to the hsu she stood ittaaah but beard no aonad thau miiiaalt then came a groan tn waa too much for tbnoor ajata praek and abe ran dowuftatta go taak uas vvuuamaoo gave the atory aa tt naa been told bare how she bad beta ao upset by the strange sounds abov bar tbatb bad hlnnuerad at he work and been disebsiged abe wag oat of a position aud now abe nrtst lean the only bom aba had h sbau not leave your haatev said tbs nporier for i wui eeaee ta eoca bora as for a poeulon 1 think x can gat you on wltb the city editor of my paper who la in aesd off stsaoapbar a way was busily found by wfrka tba newspsper m for aba fau at tba botton of the nlgbt and tone it was dark aa aaypt aa knew not what was to bar any aaa tooted bataalf up aad stood naoertablr what next to do there was bravery la mien vrllnea aooa umkaupv and abe detarauaaa t atake another attempt to discover tb gboet climbing the stairs again am stood with bar fee on a level wltb the cop step it was also oa a level wttfc the landing under the door of ono of the noms was a una of llgat par a faw monwnts mlea wullaav eone axlnd waa belaneed between two bypotbesas bltber then waa a ropeis natural glow in that room or it waa msyftleetedoyartinl- light baiag tncttoad to a ratlonnl view of ttungu abe settled down to tb oplnloa that a gnsjukwasborntogtothereoex oboeta dout require gas jets therefore a bnnun betag moat be in the iwasa at this inopent then wag tujstkar groan tola tta the besrarg lam- tton was not st work and ike aseaa aouadad human it stmok bar bat it proceeded from one woo waa lit aaa went to the door in quetlon and open ed it oa a bed with bis cloth oa waa a young man be wss very pal and evidently in great pain utas wlluaat- ean piaoaebd him and eteou aa shan i call a dectorr abe aahed -no- re bevn ibla way before 111 get over it pretty enon pleas leak la tba top drawer of that bona youll and a small bottle give ba one of the tsblets lu it utas willtoumoti pwdoeed tba 0- let and it nllered the patient vary eoon the pasosysm from wtueb ba eultsred paaaed and ho did aot have another aitss willi maoo tokt hbm that abe bad thought the oat ha waa p to b uuoocupled and asked teur tta cam to be tbere and why aba had never eejo him tbero to the daytlass i am a newaisier reporter- be sa plled i route in between t and dock in tbs morning wben tb pap- goaa lo preaa and go oot about noon i am permit led by the owner co ocoupy this flat temporarily you ntuat bo n sound leepsv said the gtrt i have rapped at this does about 8 oclock tutus niornlng aad re ceived no resikioes lisi eound aleeper was tba a sponae and lately i have bean over worked mo tanldeu tap would awake ine- tt 1 bed known that a man bcc tola flat alone eeld utas wimaeaaaa i would not have taken the towat on i dont oeeopy it x am only par saltted to us tt temporarily psstwea wheres tbs hsrut 1 come in at i a to and you go out shout a m t abau give up my iwi m ti 5 is spa want la kar sboda that trraalof ub willunmit dm not aocapt tba pot wuh in usbl naart aha la4l bar tbay ooaclodai ck wdtk jljta

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