Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), December 5, 1917, p. 2

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t a- a x tf 4k w hjs lltadiko fu sural dtbiot- ob andkmbaxjsk1 pl4eoeatri eiemiel dar ktobt ohwattoww out fow thefieorsetownbeuld vnmjpfly igg p m owmu nrl yoa bet two lancet of being dratted and on of bof eo il yod ere dratted yoa ham two ebon om of going to vnnm and on of not ad u yoo go to prase you bars two eh new op ol gatllng ebot mad one el not and u yoa get abet yon bam two chance on ol dying and on of not and if yoa dl well yon atulnevt coosd mat en mooday enlne beeve ileertweji in tba ebair and co speight boob barclay aod ooee pt mineta of pravtop maaiiaa reed and mfirmed oommairaiho nd lro rw electric owmleab re oveetmaiit ol enrploa in victory bowl llr oragory addrveaed coaecu rd lag renewal ot liceoee to bu moving pb una ibeetre t moved by barclay aeoonded by bpelgbt ibat tba bylaw tending mo togjlrtar lie a oaorgatown b-a- ineaoed cbaadna h par yaw ertdtnatlb dark b lammctod tpvwara a brjaw id eooneolioo with dtojnm kbuilitiom in regard lofoel ar ennivuncad in an orderlocooocll jflet imw l ottawa 11 importer and dealer in eoal mnet ba licenced heavy penauler ar pro vldcd tw pereooa doing boaum wltbooi thla permit in regard to profile brok- era moat hot get mora than loo pt tan lor tbair eervlce who no usw than sd casta aod retailer not knot tban 00 opu uegardlntf boarding of coal it u provided that except between tba mootba of april ficptembe tneloelve doonnedroeraball obtain any quantity of coal in excee of an eetlmeted topply fof th wlntef with tba minimum allowance of their town th foal controls will bave nil power to reqnultlon any qoas tit of coal overeapply from any aw owner la tea of a wl vmumbmtlmd it tb saidm of do nuk votf will b pboad on ibn llat ol vouin to ba baad at tba eonlag alactioo x far u tba nlaa ar eooearaad bslaaf tb bitot mmtm pbotd on tba votara lit in iba rvgaar wy tbaf eannot vota tb oanwrmora will bowavaf plaaa tba tni of wriala woman oo tb tb quliloiuo for moh htlug daflnacl a follow evary fatnal paraon aball b epalta of voting and cjaallflad to vota ai a ihtnlnlott abvtt60 who balng a brltub aljct ttwl tjtulltiad aatoaga hot and raaulvnot la tba wlia widow motbar aular or diughlr of any pmaoa tnala or fatui uvlag or ama who u tarvlng or liaa aarvad wlthoot canada in any of tba fail mary faroar or wltblh of wltboot aoy of lb naval fortaa of canada or craat brltaln4u tba praatht war town council hani bf itoctar b kpdfbl ibu xim ooopj b fcf druclfoca uiuoi l-oop- tbrt h b rpolbl lor lbooltoouoooljl mu for boll m twr mbodolooofriod ro bl utm tbo council proojlorf to mol br llb oooj1 b bjrdy um oi lortlnnl b poblljlwd lo lb ilmlil ublw lor uixum or u bkailo wob lor rouoo ol ibiru toi to b nclrxl br lb olork op lo fulonuy dwt b rorportiootonftpplj moral br breur ow gpbt ibrt lb lollowlo oeoool b xsutkinti duulorolid wo nru boll tjpdoo oo town 1uii ur nbimi t lit 00 itrart be olb ml w mmiwp1 world bytow mpplto 117 j n ckiii hrdw tlo hiwi ud u u n m a m unaoy obmlly mr brldr omrolowa llld prlbuo dnntom u 1 w knolr pto iron ipiuulob sd moo w o aotboov oil 70 00 qmrtod n mond by cook moodd by bub wal waidonow adjoaro uid court of uortoloo lo br tppw rot- omt aj- oirttod ooondl adlourmd ud out ooorl mrflli bpsruon midrwmod ooooell m aoaoont ol wlk b mm mna lor morod by luntoy mooutoh br cook hut lb uaial ojmi jfaf rile for emboot wol k oo vletorto toid lo 1u17 b rwjoowl lo om m b to owoor of taor uidobi to looa id twoiiwtyourlrd moivd by boab onoodtd by cook ibat tb aehaduto jor lb a rn of curat aldawalka told lo 1017 a muad by lb ooooall a a ooorlol barlaloa ba ooodnodoarrlad ooonall adjooroild halton raised 1400000 tba vtaovy loan waa wall raajvad in llaltoo tb obaativa balng oaaf nb mvttsmvmsrasss 9130 000 nor than objaetlva w s isaci fall rator n by nax tatoa township council eaqoaaingj mov 90 9i1 tho coctneli mat poiaoaw to adlotuv rnant tba baava is tbo enaur mambera praaant btanfluh bwgbain aa m vlliatk rftul tb pay oaorga hynda tb worn of 949 tot pairtouo porpnm for ratnraad aofauatr tba t w daaaay b paid tarn 0 loada graval i 15o pw load 11010 tbat tn tuiawiiar ba inatmctad to lava ail fonda avauabl umt tnv t in do- uinton vtetory koan ponda carrlad tamk t ftittnlmaa o tb boav dapnty baova nd mr filagbani ba ppotnlad to moat mx morval btailon on biunrday lat d- fjattbav ai 310 p m or tba porno of latttng tba eootraet of gfavfling tba town una from tba railway to no 17 eroaa road carrtad blngbam btatwilah that tb troa- aorar pay tba lotlowlnd aoooonut jfamm kflelsnay s lor rapaliing gfadar w qmaraball rapatxin mad gradar 1110 ganiad btanduh btnghamtbaa tba taay aaraf pay tba following aooonnu ooorgaiown narald printing tm oorpormiioa ol oaorgotown jelaobrlo light bldnay kirbnatrteb tot raual ofafra froetof 910 arthnrbwa wot on town una erin i ooat vmi waltaf mirchrmmt baunoa ol ataiota ubor ui w d johnston timbar for bridgafsl4 carriad ewt btandlabtbai tba traumnr biy tb following aeeottntal p roa rapairlng raad wa to lootb rapalr to brtdg and opanlng drain 90u baafcln loatb payment tn fall ol ntotktotpai dratn u0 amotuit do by cblngoaooaay for work don on stonral bill aod olaanlng oal dltobaa on eam- ury propohyt m70 carriad btojuliab dlngham thai thla ootmeu adjourn to moo again on lofl lotb carriad i d d aaaaawaawaaacriwaawi vlailcoxract seasonable gteerles the following u a list of a few oftbe many linen of gcagonable groceries which we have to offer qaa la laatsoa partb yon a baanfj plain parlin so pork a baamwiuitoomuoea 10 15 40a ft atw par tin hoamaid and olffln hballay haadd haklna le par pfcg not akaad and hoaaiaid ajdl ratalna lie mfsd paal par lb f anitlrallan oarraoi par lb nth cuuornla oomriiapar lb 10 bbatlad alivood par lb- bballad wldot paflb 75 anchor brand data par nag lirotttadary data par paekagm 1 bait in too lb baga tr bag m and4i 00 oor xm china hajioatarhvadeooia aiid aa what v hava to ooar in that llo ut n baa jom ordar mhh tfca gw otukitam flu itprji tm iaatimiiiauj foal lfmtim rat oaiaa mmar4 wl tarao llo- iai i r rnn motv christmas greetings prom mouit to mint in glaa william urga brick booa and barn aeraa uad n pod fralt lmmadtata ponava kay at ulan william pom offloi apply w ii hld brampton llmup wmv wiixukm rat and rani aroond ai if lite kilning of mooay and tba aceamt utlua nf willh waa tba only objact ol 11 to i v tnotiay in old kg la a val uable ililnr it meow and bold frlaeda wlititi nolliuig elaa will bol it avwryllilug lhr umtnatblng gtaataf thin nmnay in thla 111 tb preparation for lliii lift lo eoma oiun on baara bulti ittfn bamoanlng ihalr inability to uiatt- uiaiiay uatar whan all th tint tliy ar ilflog wall and ought to b at- lifluj oilier fat and fom ai avary hill ihlog thai goa wrong making vorynn unotnfortabl aboot than and kborunlng tbrodgh worry tbalr laaaa of lfa ifaw umum a graat da of our tw plnligui it avail o nothing hdoaant ramttly lha uoohla or rmnova on of our prohlaitia it only twndari o lata abla to ovrooin ihatn if w woold only try and far our septal ftiaa and tan with aamlllng far and baart ramovad a much aa poaillila from evar aaauty w tbottlil l happhtr and llv llvt mora imhillug a chrutlan paopla pity w muld lint all alnpi tha plan of living ttfturlliig in tliaaa baadtlful word a ly ol fallh unlalurlng uoat jilal of in utikltuad and partaet eharlty of hopi uwllubmd ol eoorag pott dl may of htavanly paa paiiaal bontlllty- mo i lint ol daty to oanauain ky aat ho tlraaui of aaaa to loll to stewarttown vdllowllifl il to acbool rb6li for mdv biliar ivilorolby yblnlon um abou kllv hwi jnmiph mlamdub i8h1 horo wiioi vli llaiold omolda hill lua ti miiiuii too dciouiv iiu iha i n 111 130 tbooiaa oiuli tsd ur lllalluo hum 1091 tdid balvy wl jr ill kva iiiiihsso bulrim lloda 403 llillin ihiu410 br maigki llua bto vnj bon ailihii 701 lrcy itollay 7a0 motuaa md allilm va7 jr uiialxll wiuoo 150 haul lo an 7im uom tboiiimott b04 uofdooura bull 413 hr ladi lloua 411 ooijon tliltat on sill jl itulh 1iuii hi1i boaal 870 llrtait luiiau 841 lula umbitn 1170 11 k mtbdltim john kelly k7 don ii y luliuo uiw walur llobam w jitdoii mealplua wl hr iv yiaitiu tb0bp4on jr lycuik klly obituary jouu fluaibv altar gfcborilllnaaaur john olaaaay ldimoaolhlata alun tllaawy and on of oor uoat raapactad cltlaaoa paawj away at hi how on qnaan atraatod tnaily laat nov 2711 daotaatd waa born in oanrgatown in taftb and mvad bu aotlr ufa bar ii wu an amploya of iha barbar and provincial 1aoar mllla jar ovar forty yr blda bla widow hauavaatwo ehlldrd j a glaaaay ol toronto and oariroda ai bom thra ftlatar alto aurvlra ur anatwot and urahorgof cbltiacoand ur kjutooaof gaorgtvtowu tha onaral took plan from bla lata haldaooaot prlday laat tba aarvloa ba lag eonduetad by umv urtnuth tb githbaarar wra lit charla wataoa mr barla borntlda mr j hornby mr annandal mr ed uwbirir and mr wm ilortop tbar war many baaotl- fitl doral irlbulaa amoog which war fonr from lha mploy and rnawagar of iha provioclal papar mula both of toronto and uaorgatown elktt ambaaaotf tb fnnaral aarvlom ol tb lata karl andaraoa eoadaetor on th u y coot- ral by wbo wa aoaulantly it ii lad in torn unknown mannar war eoudoclad by hv mr hwariaat ih family rwld aoca it tl ulh at krw pa on prl day aturboon mra havhwari tang itoma day tomallm wll unoatatand tba pajlbaarara war four btothar-lo- law of daraaiad tbar war many baaotlml floral trlbula baald bla wifaand child daeaaaad laavaa lo moora bla loaa bla toolbar and falhar on m- ur and two broth- at hem mr il c adama oloclttnail ohio mra k- hoaall datroll mich tad mra l k pwk nl oaorgaiown ashgrove a vary buaatat avanlng wu pnt at tha boma of mr b k huddall on prl lotlt wlian tlia frlaitda and mtmbata of atbgrova ohureli gktbarad tatbar to lr mppi wllllni ballinafad tliuiiimitl oyiltr tod ewlwippalf lulllntlad 111 lllng waa hald lu th hall on piblay nov noib thar war ovar liwi itiiriditt attikll waa on of lha nfl uorlila oruiltwa tu tha huury of ill rltig all tha oulrara war mvlactad vhiaiiije tliohuaoh pirldal ua kiuavl itiiiirtou datuplalltiaaar r lliitold ittlubliiowj kayaia waa ra aiiiliud lmleltr aliar ample j utile bail lttiu tloua to llv or alx gallona of oyittma an nunwroua fowl an aacallant lrfidi ol vivtl ftui intliumalataj nttulo kahillnita tvoltailoue waa laudarad by vocal uiritl mr uaorga tbotnbtotf v chalrinau of ihaavauhig terra cotta w hi aorvy to laarn that uatlar m favlu la ittttl up wllb blood bit havliig got it low mavlu la ittui up wb blood polaonlng in bit ui haw lug got it lom on it barbad who we hopelim wuljtoou be wall agtln- mr a danultan hw inovad to the uaiiuu urluk yard what ba i amployad m loatuklar ur joalah towntand ha bla eaawhl dam urarly oouplatad and will aoon be ahi to ilo tttktom olinplilng aa nttul tit llalton hrkk oo hive towbaaac- ad riulldlitg ihtlrbara our inarbtianll taport batlaiaa briak blaa i htnllli want to yortato ntt boalnaaa hut week tha hv mr ttnahlood prwubad an koellmtmtaon in lha utthbdlatohornh huihlay ur aldwnt w are aorvy to warn i onibaalci iwatprwl mkn bamandal teaobar of tba loth um arbool pnrpoaaa bojdbjg a toootrl la tga vobool aboot dee 10 a jw prograu wulbagivao by tba wwfrm rortbar military notes mr and mra william ifarding of kor- val btailon bave reorlved tba fci lowing from their eooi nov iciy day molbtri jtwi a law line to ui you know i am doing wall i waa wenndad awaakago prlday lb stub of oct w want over the topi j got to the plat and jaet atartad to dig in whan tba linn laadad a big aball right behind m and knoekad torn down bni i only r a llttl in lha back 1 think tbar la another place in my back yei i bav baan tnovad about from on boaplui to another and did not bav urn to write bfor now bnleaniaom dald ttard oor battalion got tofao cot- ling tap tb morning we went over w wtw taking aom pill bosaa on tb ida ahead of na w bad hardly any odlcera uk major boolt got li ilubt along aide of me h waa abot through th hand i had my k est of my bk with a bol let not tan minute befor i wu wound- adnrattv eloae nbav whan i did gat hit i ado pltehad my hatttaaa and got beak ont of ii tb mod wa pretty bad and bard to gat through bat i mad it i ik i will gat back for a while d i a m grandy the pure food store iuv ruin fuuu olruxo pj phone to i aanaac3iaaannaetiiabawai oc amnt bracelet watches for christmas i thaw their ppraattlion of wr patey 1 ng wrvlca in eonuactlan wlib the olidrtii before bar matijej alier an enlovable pwwfa4rdattii dared the following addrrte warvtd by mint agaaa ltoildair the breetotallon b lag mtd by ur denial v wrlgbl vmr mia uldlgwi w have gmibtrad bar thle evening u a nbaiellon of ihatihurch choir md laagu and we dtalre upon tlila happy ocmaloa to plana upon record aoue 11111111 aupfeaeloa of oar apptealuloo of your axealleat katvltm in eonnecuon with our church w with tpeelally to acknowledge the willing and ebeeilal tplilt wlilob you havadlt played in the pertaruuica of youvvar looa dullu in view of the faithful ear vice which fcltit your childhood yod have rendered the choir cimrcb and latgoe we reallae that lha ohurcb hi attained a lot not tailly repaired ibongb our lou will lie artel we feel to that it will be mr utdlawegaln willi bttl wlalic for youraallabd htti band abbowpaulad by the eeroaei bteyr that in your mure how your llv ma ba truly happy and beautiful and lookle forward to btauy liappy raunlone bar and to the ttlllmet reunion in oar pellieie home we ttk you to aeoept thla ehajrend flloak u tokaite of the high eeteeu la whleh we have alwuja held you yiamd oo belialf ol the ohurcb obolr and league i v wright tltotuee llrownrldge kdua wlluu agbaa uuddell limehouse llniehoute guild and huttilty beliool will hold a ohiutuiu kuiutulomanl in the ktone ohumli ou vrhlay avanlag ua kltt be tare and allaud lha uiequerade rarly under the tit blot ol tha junior uellal at mr albert ueredllhe on pri day evening lieo lttli uood program igeand lacllalloaa do not think i lbuk 1 havedonemyahatefara wbllev wall mother do hvt worry i am all rlgb only a uil tliaktn up i will aloe wllb love to all from vonr lvlng eon rvrey pta p ifartllng aaaol 4 oanadlan moaltad it 111 b wgd hihi 0 block uatiajrove ko 1 ward baadln kog an appkax rot sjulots on december gib an appeal will ba made throughout lha dominion br the navy leago of canada to rale fonda for tb rellel of brltleh and oanadlau aallora and ihalr denendenta and for the hallor uoraeev lntltnteand lloepltelaln can ad and tbroogboot tb umpire it la uroeaiiy hoped that tb appeal will meet with a ganeron reepoo tb navy leagn of canada la branch of th navy league of lb empire and in addition to the object aspnaaad in th appeal now being made it work in olodee the tmraadlag of knowledg and liaptrlioa regarding tb brlttab navy andtbabhluburomotll marina iiu eapported by bny of th moat famooa men and women in treat britain wblla it oanadun brantb la tuular tb patron age and baa tha hearty eyupetfay of the dake of devonablra th ptaaenl war hu brought bom to every lody aa haver before the immene value and indeed lb abaolote naoiaalty of untalna bv power but for lha bvliuh nary the canadian farmer would bave hie crop on hie baud lo day the oanadlau manufahnrer would have a eloetd ebop and the oanadlau buclneea man would be tuoet wllhoni butlbeai to do an ippeal on betiall of lha men of the navy thrtemr ahould and will be received with ready tyupalrty by tb knadiaa peopu who bow realise aa never befor thai the foundation of the kmplrae etfengtb la in lb kmplrwe alii pa 1111 not leea ttarnloperbab ore herola than hi work of the ntvy tha war haa been tb work of the eall- ori of lha meroantll marin wbo bav rltked their uvea and ar rttklng thaw dally and nightly lu order to kaav lb eommaio of lite empire moving thaa tnen have no uovetnmanl aaparatlon al- jowano or government peoalooa and tbalr femll and depend enig daeervetb mpport el every eliluu bacauee ol tb work tb tnerchaat lallora have don uraoebe of iha tttvif laagu org handling ttmhpbeel wbele each branch axial bat the deughlet ol the empire everywhere throughout otnede are aleo ldntltfed with it patrlotlo bedlaa nf all kind might well make a wwolat effort or laecetnber nth on bah if of lb km pita a aallom church news blrfiar th baalor will proaoh bdnday tatorn- bur onf bread and in lha eveoug an nauvee a queetton drawer will be one ol tba raatar ol tbaatreto in ibeevwn lug qaeatloo banded to tha baator at the morning aarvloa will be anawared in the evening tmrenanti owl vkolota ou way weiobum by oaoaoa cantaott 1pweaafactbaanpaajtto0na lla pond on noict m it oaorgv and it atbaaa ohimb mmmmb c astoria vet iiiub ut cbulma inuseroroveraoyi hlgoalffr i ca5l muktr wmhtto wablad 100 or loom kood oatofdor bbroimblr bnmdlo iwa walur t kvaoa rbojm urs uaoiwalowll po llovl u rwiprj roui mux tattdara will ba raoalvad by tba oadar- alnad up lo walanuy dm mb of ihoaaaaoo lolma vail barliaoton oo bblloatloo u ii mm oiaik noimf wtmna waolad to boy lo iwammn ofalgbl roau aolkl brtok laonafv wllb haarld okioa loroaoa baib roeoa aptjy lo jb our stock is now at its very best a gift sure to please tbo recipient and to keep the giver in plea sant remembrance ullor and strap ay u jawl woo and upward oold vlllad 7 a id jawau 1000 solid oold 18 jowola mum bolld oold ilk ib jowol isotout 0mc0 soldiers watches with radium dial and bands in silver or nickel case fitted with waltham or swiss movement x a small deposit will secure any article for later delivery coal in all sizes we bave lo stock a large amoenl of bub in wtoot ungtbe callable for portland cement flaea read and ptorielone john ballantine oeoboerower oni the mens store duy yotur meni gift at ihls glore if tbo man for whom oa aro buying a sift 1 moo of good tost in dreag u u aimogt ear- tain ibat bo oayg all bin farnlahiiigg or moot of thorn at- tblfl atoro llo will tharofore be grateful for anything you get for him lioro wo abow aaoparb atook of orerytblntf a man woara yoa cannot and anything batter in any of the urge city otorea oar atock la large efisanng a good oelecticn aruelea of auperior naallty thai make ideal glfu handkar- cbicfa fn llnssji plain and biltlaled olorea gearfa and muffler bbiiie smoking jaokota baib bob and pyjomoa umbrelbu ao fine uptodate neckwear thla store la noud for lie refined upto daie kaekwear we ahow ibe fineat prodttoiiona in plain and faney alike webte the beat poltonu oololy oonfinod to ug an apeelally ae looted we invito yoa to tnapect oar bioek before making your xma pumbaaee early bhopplng glrea bettey aelection millar co oeoroetown phone i9s pins hlolclas taitobimo and msns puhn19hinos asaotr for fnoekwalt efaodnoa a co dyws and ctoawara torooto d oc a b wilson rfaln sbamt marrmutl4miayt4l cic ao select your xmas gifts now our block vsriaa md largs ai laaai ihn tlmm as unto as wa curled at uaorfjafowu wbkh firm yoa lha adrantsn of a largo aasorlmsnt to obouss ram at ooutetitivb ptieea a our patrons from asorgotowo wbo soond fir dollar or mora with us w will rw fund railway far if you would hsv something vary nifty eom in and so soma of ins lluos llitod below for ladies nuuabdruis ih to um stono aof and supm bloaw mo lo um voootalo 1eoa m00 touoo oold bllodpaoduu uxmotuo ubtbroltoo tylo moolo w0o dlaulood uoudallu uojm to 91840 wrut wluboa um lo sm00 jewel oaae ueldeo irory and ui oold lmlo 8400 qold pelldabu 10 aod 14k wjoiattooo for gentlemen tu put sim id uo00 bleienaelj oaaea s40o to is0o tjoibnluaaoew atoek jmjo to 11000 ooouubpaoa lu tomoo bbua alsuh end atooo av sjjm to 11000 out uak aur puuo el foliau alyto mulury wrtot watebm um lo tl00 roofcel wsiobao sljwtowojxl jodtoss00 m um to m00 ue tom40 your gift must be good if you buy at fotmuts it will b oo0d article of doubtful value find no plaaa in our alook wa have a good assoiimua of artloias uted hers alto a great variety of silverware out olaas clocks eta w h foster the jeweler brampton ont ft the tools o quality atssbacumerlbolsaiauteiaiytaia made of tfca beat steel nbtalneliu aod bm pede by lhpnituy amert tilolnakert tlktoiiboos tmvhola uuwo ibet tools w faund tba eanetterusa qujdlty tbevijualky tblt bss bkeis mtiwffir tools wawjaeoad amkal kiiwahahaaaj ww aawiateii vrkh the clnrw rwtant wadw wkkk pvaia ttw naod wnf aybat tkktg lwte andaeaalaavalvaevatf wa tba keealtoamgtlaaoavamaaeav iwjmewaf totii etwl ouiiei kuky 8hawa bublnam schoobv toronto proper for ovary known oanadlaa commercial xlplouia or cartiocol nona too blub for our grade of work proo eauloguo ku- te any tlma w if hhw prcu p molntoab piiti hoa1 omoca yongw a rjenrard st pomalo r c nixon oeorairrown subttanltauy juau jiamxss ssaiuj pneumatic olbattkllt for junlal al 1 dollar per lay a good amorluimt o tbuntes aud valixhs agmtlor pagi win bbpaminq promptly dona mxors harness and impair shop do your christmas shopping early ij j2j2j2bb5b georgetown creamery we want your cream and will pay you cash potatoes we will pay the highest market price for nuy quantity ol potatoes dellved at georgetown poultry and eggs we will pay you the highest market price for your poultry live or dressed also fresh eggs llltbeal leal for tbkl weekjohn pftjewood l w boddll ii 1 georgetown creamery co m saxe rtenaar e e e a a a e e w e e a a e a e e a e hdk7ts 5t co eeee x x all cash store x x supplies for the holidays ore are arriving daily aud we have mauy special values for this week end we will have the host display of christmas require ments tor cash ever shown in this store special this week hluimiy cut meta to elenr the balance of our stock quickly we ore making wo cuts while the roods remain tadlm and mlaaaa pleated dreuses coats andlsuits at very substoutial reduction to clear quickly bunkatu comforter oilcloths aud all home furulthings at less than whole sale cost today get some while they last hem furnlshtnjs ut very big cuts to clear our stock and to make more room on our maiu floor we are offering very special values in all lines to make room qrecwry department dime to us for your christmas order we have the best hues on the uiurkut at clobiwt puiclls chrutrruu in four weeka start uvday to select your purchases e e a a a a a a e e a a a a a a a a a e a a a a a a a a adars fc coy j phone 43 georgetown nm at l r jhie-

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