Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), January 23, 1918, p. 1

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tf the georgetown herald fjftyfirst year of publication jeorgetown wednesday evening january 23 910 150 per annum or 125 if paid in acv nee the hometown her1ldi u rvuuaaud bvbby weditesday evening r tbi buti power priktifcg office obobgetown oict tifc jsajmeafiadv sates x faensfcv 6s ntiq adee iresi laber shows the dateonr iphori expire r0r qcwtaot apvertmikg bates 1 xtriraishedn application taj eenis per una for fiia iwrhon eeafcbtor line mr eaea snbee wn jnuop jint chat foral jo sininea uk advikfiejnvota vubeai- jjpeeifliln l inserted itfl fbrblead wirgyd accordingly adyertiaeminta will be changed yonce vebmonfawlthoni charge v changes forwhtrwt adteramenta rape be 111 thaoffiai by monday evening y jwm mooftb i publisher tt do shovelling required t standard aivthracite v raltcfn vrfcs tnallaise automatically screened and ilv loadeoj 0 1 21 ora fn rm n- eoiita iin faaaenger 920 m fmenex noo id mu 1189 sm j 84opm 716 pm ooiho wmrt jwj 767 mi 0 im gasaeager 208pm gmeeoger 686 pm 767 pm stlkdat omlt niter fgoing weit 96 sm w going east 636 pm aonro hobtb mail bnitci ifiifopiot docaeetlc and thrashftur parpoees smithing and oannel cfoal in tact i carry verythfw to be found jn an optodt coal jfnd wood- lyanj need to be ireti roade o fioofl leather fashfoiieiralpng natural bur- 1neb and to at easily- john mcdonald aeorgetown phone 12 ft m m wp oltp si lofcaojob oi joryop ta styles tostrtttherodnjrotaontbot every in and iw fitted t linfiam 8tbebt pob jumford the shoe 7vy71n the home of better shoes 760 am 620 pm gpatenger monday only oma eodth iamain pawenger friday only 780 am toronto suburban railway dajit tiubtabla am p m golog east 8io 330 going weal 8 65 s66 bcnday thittlblh n a m p m pm pm going ewt 1020 u0 416 010 going ivveat io0 io j wkennedy pm 747 diregtory soal hilton wallbridge4 dale barristers solicitors uu toboirro id gtoaortoira office konnedy block la boy dale in charge o georgetown office dr joheph mtawdrevt piiyaloitn and hargeon medical offlcur ol health district surgeon tt t b offioe hoars 2 to 4 and 7 to 8 pm phone 68 offloe and raldenee main st south opposite presbyteritd cborch hardware paints stoves tinware electric fixtures sewer pipe and cement tinsmithing and plumbing hot air and hot water heating electric wiring jwkeiinedy phone 26 georgetown oni no medtolne borgery or osteepathy am nbuisbh do oradnate ol the palmet the original school oi obiropraetis daran- port lows uba offloe orer bomlords shoe store oonsoltatlon and spinal analysis free tom than and sat 2 to 6 a 7 to spm pbohi 160a a world of comfort you will receive from our glasses if your sight is growing dim through the process of age and our personal service will delight you properly fitted glasses give comfort and con tentment to millions of people over the entire world are you receiving your share of eye- comfort if interested in clearer vision send post card for folder no 3 c its free dr plant optometrist georgetown phone 199 office next to library arthur bcastell t8f college of musio london england i omoianutg pnimvtmtam ouuhom oboamhrcmm k teacher of piano organ s cornet violin and fe singing k tolttod r flu dy hntncli moopor term of to iobious nt my retideno main st georgetown or at pdplla horotif optical l l plant do oft- 1 geoboetowh eyesight specialist gjass eyes eyoglaasoa offloe next to library 1bono 199 for appolntmont grolal- frank b wa1w0ic dd8 md8 dewti8t georgetown ont hoora 880 am to 8 pm dentistry in all its branches over bank of hamilton f l heath ld8 dd8 dknti8t 5ffi s ona d north of oneills carriage factory hoars 9 am to o pm db l l benne1t dentist offloe at residence main st north first bouse over gtbbrldge fbonel42 georgetown utionttf benj petoh licensed anetioneer for ualtoa and peel glenwilllann post offloe sales con ducted aatibfactorily and at reasonable rates orders left at the gbobostowh baiuui omoa will receite attention prompt established 1864- the merchants bank of canada paidup capital c 7 000 000 ilosorvo fund and undivided profits 7iqi 909 total dopoklth total auhotb 83102073 131 180858 j m buck butcher georgetown always has on hand the finest of beef pork 8ausage bologna etc home cured ham8 bacon lamb veal in aiason tuffkd ap plain olivis hiintz ewcit pioklis in bulk we want now a belhble ageot in ballon county to sell pildaus pbcbiaas faurr kwd obna- mnrrai nums during fall and winter months good pay exolnsits territory free selling equipment over 600 aores of tbe oboieest nursery fltook including new vsrlelies controlled r handsome uplodilo selling equipment and a splendid canadian grown itook to otter oastomers we are 1 not jabbers n b catalogue sent on request to ap plicants for agendas or purohajersofnnr- ry slook write now for agency terms to pebai musetco toronto oatario jackson and ijbb ffecihl snglneor surveyor- mrl mdl ibraiitfpr4 m jp mti si- wwlaste a good bet a hundredtoone shot do you ituow that nevor in tho pant hundred yoars hvo ihb opporiunltloh omyod wngo oarners boon ho entirely in tholr favor and do you fththor know that ix may bo anothor hundrod years bo- foro ulinllar ooudlilnns provnil a liuuilrod yoarn in a lon tlmo to wait no tho wise man or woman will tako ndvantafjo of tho favorable chanoos within tholr roach to iimke tho prohont last tlio only way to do this is by put- tlnu ahldo in tho savliias bank nmall portion of todaya good luok bomomhor this cannot last for ovor all good ohaucos aro in tho prosont thoso who doponrt upon fnturo ohancos aro uottfnu againat themselves and tbis is honerally a vory bad bot safety deposit boxes to rent c w grandy manager georgetown branch toronto ojrr yonge and ohnrlcn 8u tordnto all graduates and sooros of our grad uates of tho past yoar have soourod flood positions ana still tho doroaud s fr boyonil our supply writo for catalogue enter any tlmo w j elliott prlnolpal pattersoinfs hall contract jvdt ottawa jnotli tioqh ttv ssjklkv f thvoon vott oi special in canned goods this lalk 5 cans of peas for 5 cans of corn 6 cans of tomatoes 89c 114 119 fresh salmon by the fish 17c lb bef sold by the quarter at lowest possible price watch our window for extra good values on fridays and saturdays ground bone for chickens any person having veal calves for sale please phone or write us phone i w j paiter50n oeobpetown choicest cone west oone west is a trench term fer kill ed in action long years agp a little- lad wift a weoaeft korja b liby band hfermrtrier btktti baj v j aodenjhaeon thrd4rii r i ftwd blol to her 5rv he was geingiofw a cowboy then and ive away out wvwt he butter lftelthr- coolried meala and sausngje swifts kfoteyereiuhnii hams and bacon deliveries daily to any part of town he grow toobfgfor his oowboy snii and woodeo gon aad play but tliekbst still wire nipl oer ulifford linham him that mwentjid charm airiy jlndlooilnfcfcriirlfh- st v r erem rbi hkdfeam awayrontt i bht bb ajuj be would hot s4y- vaiw bdyifi drmim ot the golden i wpet i flohjnithed win- htir mitul 1- a ond mrewelmo nfoiher- aoil llbiparchea off with thvrit for tic vcub lieeihd mure in francn than hevl evfr b bnt wear itiiereia nh old greyilinftieil taothdri whoceoyiw are fiiu wtu paiiv 6hieee her bonnif laddie playing oowboy onc ngain bnt now he sleepa in a heros grave lulled to eternal root along the path of glory ho has indeed gone went violh m richards win irljlu ir i hd iint tiecti linc on tho train wbn n gentlrmnn nuked me if i would ranku uiio of four to piny whlat oltid to whllo nwny lietjdil i consentud i was the pnrereftbjij wreath for ehey aviatjk scetch flyer who bronjht down qot oor srrtagoahh go iie4denttfat i tad vtlstt- my partner a w f prdreasional zt l k ahlers vho wore intending toltlo jjk sr hy es thoinnndwonfettpd fwiii jifgamo c tlilhtftrtjlj myrirttcr nuvf okpncfj what of to- morrow is- the problem of every thinking man and woman tho proper hnslnon odnoatlon cbooaos 1 finding out the truth an engaged couple try impose on each olhera relatives j by donald chamberlin and teaclum tlumo facta oasentlal and useful to tho daily llfo of thoso who aofjulro it it will profit yol to scenro a busln- obh training in this practical and suo- cobsflll school of buhluchb studontx may ontor at any llmo at till c3tvloxt1x giielph ont and rocoivo individual instruction 1 l boijck principal learn shorthand jcglarke sinake shorthand easv earn 50 to 100 a month the douiand for stonogiaphors has novor boon so groat as it is today by utilizing your sparo tlmo oven- ings young poonlo may qualify for hlghlyimld positions as stonographors or private scciutarlos with short hours pleasant work and splendid opportuni ties foradvanoomont join the class being formed for georgetown i pull partlonlnrh by applying to j o iclakku 80s collogo btroot toronto specials choice fruit oall and hoo us this wook and soouro somo of our oholco goods a restivo fruit specialist main street georgetown y6ir oprjorunity forservlco afid salary will surely fol low a oonrso in pno okhlmws bus- inon sohnols toronto write for our ilregoaulogue w h shaw presi dent 808 yonge st wiioq kdlth limlicrt nml i bcinmo engaged on comparing notes we found that ldlth hud tin ifiule wtiuf fortune bbo expected to inherit whllo 1 had an sunt whose heir i miih to ho kditil truve me tho liiifittsshju thnt tier uncle was a very dlgiiliied id iintlciuan whoso ideus coneenilrif the niun nhc should marry were hint lie shniild wnlk u chalk lino this did nm hulkate that my ehuiiees for pleasing the old innn wero very good for if ever n young ster was full of old nlek i was that youngster per contra my aunt hail been in her youth a soelely girl n flirt fond of hutib rnelug yicitlih mid hud oven hpeu eo lwylthtmtrii plpj enrds tot money icullh was jusi uir reverse of this a young wunuiu of rtrerve dut dignity mill withal very religious nnttmilly it was essential that i should be aeeeptnlile to kdllbs uncle nnd tbut icdlth sheitld please my aunt for neither lmlth nor i intel any for- tuno and had i nth been brought up in luxury kdliii s uiile was worth 000- ixki in 0 per eeiil liinin while my aunt had kimieililnu- iniie ihuu ihw in woll renled real etate the irohlem be fore uio nrnl niv laniie was to make her liuelo beiiw that i was n very stonily an i well teh iwl voiipfr man and lo iiimiio niv nuiit ihlik thai hdlth was a woinan of ih wnrlil after a hti roiifrene in which va- rlniiii plans were dlsciiivd we decided hint we would heilii wllh my aunt 1 was to introduce imilli ii her and cdltbwnit to put iip ii much sportl- lioss as sliiieifiiil f1loilli j luol nils- jlvlngs as o her iiefiiiu ui auntj for it was luiii in 1iliih io ie iiignlihd and she had no kvimjm in wlever with thai llcenie in li i erinliis lo people of tho cay wo- ilrncrer it as iirninked dial tit acui wi lo call on my nancee after umli we thrac wore to pusi an erenlui oiiher at my nunts bouse the evenlnjr after ihls cull i went to seo kdlth nnd found her in a very dis tressed ntato of mind why did you lei me ihut mlnsmar- tindulu was n woman of the world she said 1 com mcurrd soon after she appoarod to talk freely and kept it up while bhe listened to roe without botrnylng any sympathy with tho ideas i expressed nnd she anally aroso evidently vory much disgusted with me nnd took bor departure what did you tfayt why i begnn by crocking jokes about our forthcoming mnrrhigo say- lug that 1 hoped whan you were out late at poker pnrllea your compnnlons wouldnt tmvo to set you up against tho front door nnd ring the bell what did she sny to that why she scowled what olso did you sny 1 said i had lost rsio on tho last races and expected to irake it up at tho moat next nei it then i said 1 hoped you wouldnt feel hint you must bo tied down to me nil the while ton were welcome to mlrt wild other wom en nnd get yourself tnllied about all you liked provided there was nothing criminal in it as for me while i could tret on wllh one hiubnnu i must i iv iculiou rroiii other men she loo it mi as if she would blto my hone f ami whlued nwuy without even fivluu gooilhy ivrhuis it was beennso you said it nil instead of doing it aunt kate was pioliiibly shocked nt the baro state ment while she would not have mind ed the niim mentioned 1 nm afraid you dont understand your mint al any rule i hnvo an- fnkonlid her and i ihlnk youll and that if you mnrry me she will not leave you u cent of her money i wont simlghf to my aunt to hear iv lint she liml tofciiy iilniut the matter bur she liickeil her tonguu and wonld lclve me no satisfaction i judged however hint she hud not been over- pleased wllh my llniiceo doubtless hdllfi lind overdone hie mailer the nixl illicit lo bo iloiin was for me lo miike the nciimliifancn of mr kdllirs wenllhy uncle he wrote killlh 1 1 tii t was to stay with lit m nt his house nnd desired ber to n- fiiruj him wlui i train i would conieen hint iie might semi ills enr to tho sta tion for me she gino hi in tbo desired khui iiuitfou imtl one bright morning i innided mm fiiiln resolved to mnko a her imiircsnloii mi loillilis undo than itbu lind iiiiula mi my mint ono thing foaittbirr he nsariiiiljugcotiafdcrjiblo bofilfontle i hnjmtl n niihkwlthtihii fltlia nvitrt nili3lnhlij jriityllii it- hesiliirjil hilp xtit i wjujn e mr fiifrtiitfirif rfc titrtithe r itlth jicjattta mwittfnc jrojiiiijwfins wiityofurseijt fbrttt ai hiiueonireatlrdr iliei iju hfofiglit oib ifuimjimie jlavifinielgiiriitml pnouysvil- thhtwigi juio luojilijlciti cumtiurt- meiii litiito ear fofli tmrlrtj v agnln l atijvciift tut- if hwliiioiiithubhd iiwljalvy qud lillilteiii breiitli is yyorse liniii sifoko nflcr re drink is esueyinliy ciijjfiitile mr jignhlil ytthlid afd nur smoke my iiirrniuhii pro- irtjsid n game of nutlet mi tu whleb i assented and hie link llelng on my side when the train rolled into the station where wo were to alight 1 bud taken 7t from my natngmilst lie didnt complain oor dlil ho nitf iu to meet him again for lily rerenge being just us cheery at hie parting he had boon ut the meeting i found mr sirlngnrb ear nt tho station nnd getting in was whisked to his homo when i arrived i was told that he iva not nt home but was ex pected soon 1 wim showu to a room where i made a tollefr tokjug rare to use some aromatic tooth pewdor 1 had with me to destroy tbe odor of whisky and tobacco on my breitth i also di vested myself of my traveling suit which was saturated with lobneco smoke having got ns woll rid as pos sible of these telltales i went down into the library whero i oimd an evening pnper f was engrossed lu lie paper when boarlng a footstep i looked up and great was my nhtoulalimmil i man stood beforo me with n lirijlgn smile on his nice nnd wlm should be he but the person who liml mylit niv nr- qualntauce on he train u ml whom 1 had relieved of ttil he ufitrcd his wrllliittn kmrybodyoi trarh lrraiifilsomclrtajru wni told thatrtlre ibriji ho btrnkht vjiia thoifryifr yas ajymijjprritrrottrr rdlta avisjor riiruivjvini4irrit art- flbehat tain l seecudtofiiktv ii jmrsath ts awanerr- i het wrenth- in- tlri bfttrtnlj coiicdindfitlbehd trt ililnopla- rtiuteiis pjpcejl intliv tminfr ta small uijifio hlfl own rtrrrnhfd tralqf in tbri lianiju- of ttt iticiraiflbd eanvcllfbded into hie jfojujl lii htt minutes he was ptjsnliu up at the extreme angle nt which u imiii can fly tom never euaployod a iihkit ijrie evidently the m scout real lied the business of h lone british flyer and must liuve stnn loil his vlewa to the earth for the antiaircraft bats terles suddenly mjl to firo and when jipprohcblng itnlezeel turn sighted an enemy sqiitlron engaged in a practice flight hoy opened out and mode way for him offering no mo lestation tarn began to plane down he spon ted tho big whliepcckel cemetery and snw a little proie lon making its way to the grounds ho eintic down to a ihousaml feet mid dropped his para chute he nw it pen and sail earth word end thn notic ne on tho ground waved a whli- hmelkrrcliiec quid said turn and began ta climb homeward ch v vl vj jones had a poor memory husband blamed wife for not turn ing off gas in stove forgot ha i shut off motor i dotyjnilniuj to guard ugntnittaat mi zm sir amhiifs rii vti i i hand mid niii1 im glut to not you mv iliir boy i enri toll you nt hut ilut i inirillv npprgve of you uuci nl i nrt ono mm- other in hn woru tvlicn iv- nic vvjirn g1 so i coticluriofl to tu uv you im awn res bhbtit i thought yon wore were a so i am in innlnoss nnd nmnn women nnd chlltlrrn but i lnnwwtjnt a yoiinu umn in ftr ive iummi iio my- self so i conrlmioil to go ikhu to tho t5ayr of tny wliil villi n nil seo you ns you nrov norun yon wfiuld pntciu to be im wry fotnl of my nlero nml wish tterio iliix n 1n snivel- inff drivcllns tellnw kjirrtnilh to sjoodness while bin lnrlnnliih7r enrtse i linv fouml yu porfeotly honornblo ndd you pliiycd n fnlr cuuio ill say this evon if you vtlil rdlovo mo ot my money co mo in tolliiner mr sprinor did ml lot mo o for gottpul duyr ho win not tho nmn bu bad been on tbo tmlti bit t wtirt no prudo tie wuh iiuihi onirrossod in husjnpp nnd tbm did nut re him time for dlssipntlou oven if ho wis inollned thnt wny mil h wu- iot so inclintfd i wont btnl to imhh wllh a far hotter ropmt at tny tintuh with hor untio bun she had clvoti mo of bur ututiis with my num i found that aunt kutc dad boon onllod nwny for a fow di vh n ml i won obllfffd to fro to icd i hi tit in irffnnnod ns to tbo ultuntlin hho fold mo hint my nunt bnd writ ton iit brief nulo hnylniy that on hor return nnd mini slip would bo p1oftfd in koi its ut hor houno to upond nil ovmln i trnvo kdlth nn norount of my timfinn with her unrle ut wltlrh sbn wmh iinifh ur- prmod you mon nro rry iioor hiid snld a fow days after my rof urn i reoolv- crt n telophono iiiohsiiro from aunt knto lbtt t wnh to fimiii lmlth to hor house for dinner nnd to ftpend the oven hit on tbo ovenlntr in quotflon i called for edith nnd sha ald thnt ihe would try to undo ho impression bbo had tnndff upon my mint j told ber thnt nho would better net herself nnd not try to upponr to lip any one else aunt knto wns vory shrewd and not to bo footed we found our hbsfesb cot up in her finest rorfturoc extremely decollete nnd with plenty of ndonimcnt sbo jjnvo edith n smack nnd wnruily pressed my hnnd onrloiir to know why she bnd been so different wllh kdlth dur ing ber call 1 entered upon the sub- ject nt onoo kdlth told mo sho hndnhoeted yon aunt icute i said khorked mo sho wnatrytiig to fool me do yon suppon dont know n womnu of the world why my dear yon could never bo bnd oen if yon tried ovtr bo hnrd couio in to din ner what n rellof both to mo nnd to edith i and bow hnppy wo- ivoio nt inivfnfr so sneoeshfully pmihiht tbo or- donl roijulrod fut wo hnd itnm notb- inir to further the lrtsiii imuiih uncle nnd my aunt had tnkon pal tin n pro vont our iaiposln on tliciu to boo im ns wo were and not iir wo would hnvu protended our dinner wns a memt onjoyiible ono biit kdlth and i uyivr i that- it would hnvo been far morodojitfnl if wo ooutd hnvo hnd hot- mioii with us fy aunt who bud the niiity of ndaphns herself to the pormon who was with behaved herself rotiiiirkn blv woll indeed so flrcuiiopoet wiu ulie hat icdlth conoelvod the idea thnt wit wero trylntr to ftnpnse upon dor ttiul aunt kate hnd mnlliitiod horof nnd i hti bornoher out in tbo doioiiui atiother dinner we enjoyed jtilto n well flint wnh with icdltik uuele iv threntonod to rnnko a mulch between the two but boy and ithhod too far i lit i hmhomrhhod ami rtplnitorttood so we wore obll teed n h onnteih with the innteb betueun urservim 0 tt apronrod inter fbnf mr pprlnffnr hat ii dniililn nioflvo for tnkitm tlio trouble to iravel tvlth inn nodirnlto fu wm wtunu old nnd wlirhlu fs- tire ftlneo ho hnd nojioiiio hiipcgoii hfin nnd imllh was like n fhiiirlilor to him bb vorioolred he irion nf irorklnff l mo into tho uianaueiiinl nf his tijfl- now tho result wtm tua in tliuw 1 decamo lti hwt f u -tt- spenklnp nt n dinner senator oeorgtf w nrr ttf krirnskn roforred w tbo bounty of hnvinr a iod meraory and fltilncly nlaii this story at elklu oi-iim-1- in ihe morning on day int fujuni tbo jones took truixl riipt ii htistonses nnd bumid fir ihf rut oil station twoo ty toihuteu tttr i tuxlriib dashed up to tho 7 unci bciifo nnd out jumped j one whats the niiiior old man asked n kindly dkpohod tnlghhor forgt your rnflroiid tuuet 4 nnsworod lones showing pyiiipliinis of juvnlini my wife loft it keitlo of wnit boiling on the uh ivo plitt tblnlc of it nntll we iviiohol the siiilon you can always lr iu iti a v mima to hnvo a mem ory like thnt- o miyliij fones unlocked the doop tud liasicif d into ii hoiitc in about two minute bo cnino out again with iiik finturos puckered into a peculiar tv i st low did you and it cheerfully nskutttho kiljidmr sizzling to beat ft inciniotlvo i mutpv- no kuiltlly tinsworod -jgqs9- i hnd forgotton that 1 bnd turned tht gas off at the motor 1 seattle boaoircs leland tlv hnvu iciml inaliiii miailllo inok finnichliu- hi- v- t only in the i e- scat i lc c v ij from of iiic ihini i nilc ii nalnst new iiirks ll lh i i milaltaus suya hoys life till- inter you will hound sentllc like tills seatlle is hounded on tint cttt by lnko witsh- liitrloli ileeji fr it witter nbout 25 lllllca long ilmil lllec o the wldo on the fiiuth nml vei by ptilct sound au and on the nrih by the new iltcp water lock cniial cmiited nt a lolnl cost of nearly iiimniil to say nothing of ihe cnt if regradlng the streets bullillng iw lrliliics and do ing other things to nllust the city to the ennnge lhc ch ie ineliideh the dredging of the new waterway to lake tnlon in tho very it ail or seattle tho two lakes named ere nine feet nbovo tho waters of tbe ouml nt lilgh tldo the now oiinnl will lnko the largest merchant slilis nlnut wlicli ts doing enough for its only tlio ships afloat that count sanitary fountains an investigation of drinking foun tains at tho university of minnesota carried out by ho stnto board ot health led to tho rnlher startling re sult that tho tt fountains in uso at the university most of which belonged to various supimsi iy snnitiiry typo wero fonnd to bo improperly construct ed to prevent contamination hy the consumer according to ihe scientific american tho principal defect ml the vertical discharge of the wnter making it necessary for tho consumer to place his mouth directly ovor thai point ot discharge it was fonnd that tbe majority of persons drank with the up touching tho nozzle the investi gators devised n new typo of fountain in which tho discharge is nt such an angle that there is no possibility of water falling back from the mouth up on or near tho orlflco i a unique 8urjaestlen a constable in a vermont town re cently rounded up n number of hoboa cnmo along he said to thorn yooi have all got to hnvo n bath this announcement wns of course received with considerable perturba tion especlully by tho oldest of tbe men what i ho exclaimed ai liiuhl a buth wlji wntor sure thing said tho constable- look hero mr constable said tbe apprehensive ono couldnt you man age it with ouo of them vacuum clean sum v castoftia for infants and children in use for over 30 years always boars tio j signature of an cxolinngo thin k liu i ehsufs should bomoro prompt 111 presenting tin lino counts admirals in u nenrhv iowi hi- cantlysentn yoiiiig uinu ills hill which war two years mid md tliu ihjii inn of thp hill was a nluirge for n hi if eiico- liitns nnil on tlio irhor iiiiiwiis i oh uce fn- a mirilug bottle my how liiun does w ai y l i wjc 1 iiaiinmsi r vi

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