Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), January 23, 1918, p. 3

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rnmmwmwmrmwmmtmmmmimwm matthews drug store when buying a gramophone why not get the 3 best they cost no more 2 victrolas 1 his mahters voice 3 aro the favoritos with dlscrimlnntlnf people becanso of fiirity of 3 tono perfection of mako and absonoo of that motalllo aonnd s t victor records 1 y personal pent pan i weak- anflct ortistf afe admltedly of superior quality n tfcfc oaeaarr 91 too world mpsteoj a to tho onobt ropgjduotions isrs ia 8opmrt r-jsvai- rkbjtiwiiiabn- orrocoufea b jf m tth e vtz i drugs nd 8tationr8y iir fc ratal pubflc- stock 8iittiwrvtbtqii itaootojtiw ojumainosjm 38 t-vh- sivgtofgcliufcij revvvm urt l th rector sunday rvice fohotrbt-f- matins ii a in veiong lfpm holy oommnnlon lsi and rjundayof each month at 11 am mr wolland of london visited in itwn nft week mish knltl qiblmrcl of toronto ilio wool end in town m jran watson of torono iiic vkfnl in town mih kalhrino bsrr spent tha aitl with rrifmii in town minn ilolli anderron of brampton visited tiioml hereon fjjatttrday sjibw jtj4trbartt ptfyead itkttj0pibhtlkatt i j mtrudftja papal htv tfiund tlririda aiu are enjoying the iiip south ilrt shook of llrarapvoo spenta f mints ofdaya daring tho week stmm x blymv i mrnmoy and mlflfl katlihian bafcr about bomb fleeted jvorow lieeve a 8 forestdr at uakvflia war sondir ffehoolmflvm in baemnt elected wsrdenlo hal ton at tlie cbuntv condensed news items oarnlva tuesday evening read w wharradsadvt or grenfell leolnre jan slit bear dr grenfell of labrador on jan 81 special in lard20lh pail for 1000 al pattersons meat markets it la expected that the ice harvest will be a good one this year goal it scarce let moonheads home made after dinner mints warm you when a man pays as he noes ha often develops a tendanoy for staying 3omino illustrated leeturoon bon bar at lfmohouno teb4th particu lars noxt week erin hockey club defeated george town at the rink here on taeiday by a aoore of 8 to s a oarniv al will be held at the rink on tuesday evening jan 38th band in attendance popular prices mr john treanor has sold a numb er of building lots to mr h coras the sale was made by k a benhsrn in these strenous times a man does not have to be more than thirty to notice the next generation crowding him two pair of good laraa for f0 skate straps 80 inches long for 7r st ronaya the gold moot why pay big prices mrs annie lane has disposed of her orick honse on mcnahb fit to u h ben- ham bale was made by e a benbam jacksons have a number of broken lines of boots and shoes whloh at prices offered are a substantial ssvingon present values there msv be a penalty attached to being rich bot there is consolation in the reflection that yon always have the money to pay it for selling bags of potatoes on lon don ont market that were from nine to eleven pounds short weight several farmers were find 96 each in court oh women in yonr hour of ease uncertain coy and bard to please with silken hose about your knee bow is it that yonr legs dont freese ambrose hancook jr will hold an auction sale of 86 head of miloh cows yonog cattle and pigs at lot 17 con 6 wen ohlnguaocnsy on friday jan 2mb ben petoh auctioneer a few years ago the man who got in enough coal to pot him through the win- tor was considered thrifty now the same chap is looked npon as being a close relative to the tainworth beginning january 28 and till the and ol the war all mills in canada are to manufacture flonr with a larger pro portion of the wheat producing one barrel from 266 pounds of wheat instead of 800 our ciyio rink is being pretty well patronized these fine evenings a fancy dress carnival might provean added at traction and help materially to keep up the interest the edison orchestra rendered some new selections isat week mr no bellbas purchased the beaut ifql home of mr jamea godfrey on mc nab st sale was made by e a ben- ham wool garments are scare goods at the present time jacksons have a limited qnantity of broken sises in men and boys underwear which are being offered at a reduction in value w t sinclair lot con 10 erin will bold a big auction tale of oboioe hones and cattle on tuesdsy jan 29th the dairy cows are among the brat in this arctlon and farmers wanting sionk will do well to take advantage ol this opportunity ben peloii auctioneer hare jnst receivrd so pairs of girls and boys cbool boots that will be sold at half price dont misa this chance boney and son tho gold boot sftjualro agricultural sociily the annual meeting of the ea8 was held in the town hall last saturday after noon wl en the report of the seorelary- tress wss received and approved and the following ofllcere and directors ap pointed for the ensuing year president f 8 near vice presidents- g o campbell b o clsridgev directors w w fisher john cunn ingham hume currie reeve alex joo wgowdy h bingham w a wilson h g clark g wrigglesworth w cleave thoa early bon plreotors r c moonllongh j bingham w 0 anthony j m moore j clark j a wlllougbby torrance beardmore h h heartwell r hold lady directors mrs j m moore mm n f lindsay mrs a held and ibe wive of the director at the close of the meeting a resolution expreaing sympathy with mr j a tracy assl secretary in ber illness and hoping or her pedy restoration lo health was carried unanimously- wm special bargains vrama house on gnelpb st 10 rooms nlosiy decoraed elactrio light good tabe- and ben boa some fruit trees ilvi t pnrobtier fosvcmiou ibw bonwnesr greenhouse 7 rooms arid workshop larg primlhqft -p- termi to iot par couhoil meeting yesterday rueve little of milton wits also nominated taut de- cilnedyn mr koetera favour anrilvehani at nerval anniversary 8orvicca will he held in norval methodist church next sunday jany 27th rev mr halfvard b a of victoria college toronto will occupy the pulpit a special offering ib requested special mnslo by the choir it if en ego laying contest josapli hampshire former v of scotch block who is now employed by the washington slate agricultural college usa as superintendent of their egg laying contests has been successful in winning the contest for the month ol november from coast to coast ceorgttown won al hockty kockwood was the scene of two fast game of hockey last week when tbey played learn from georgetown and guelpb the first gamo between rock- wood and georgetown ended in a score of 74 in favour of the visitors while the game with gnelpb ended in success for the kockwood learn the score being t3 btakeman killed early last- friday momini n g t k brakeman named ella was crushed to death at petersburg between kitchener and stratford the nnfortnnate man was gellirg a car onl when he slipped on a snowbank and tolling under the wheels was almost instanly killed lie was a married man and leavfb a widow and six children who reaide in kttatford ntu slut plow a russell anow plow one of iliolatrpi improved models for clearing nu frhi railroad tracks paased through georgr- town last weak on the g t r enronte from stratford to toronto the rnarell is operated by air and has wings which not only cleans the anow from tin- track bnt alrofor a distance of ten feet on eich side of the rails an easy tnu every man wants to know if his thar mometer is correct this is easy in find ont fill a basin with snow then poor in cold water till yon have a mass of snow and water then plonge the ther mometer in the mixture face op and leave till the mercury has settled if it mark freraing or 82 degrees you are as sured of correctness on that point aud it will not be wrong to any material degree elsewhere rx thtarlre wednesday kitty mokay with lillian walker a play of gladness epi sode 0 of the voice on the wire aud bobby connelly in bobby tho boy scont friday romeo and juliet a classlo with theda bara saturday melting milllom with george walsh and koscoe arbucklo in fatty at coney island farmers can sell seed the following question and answer ap reared in the legal oolnmns of tho mail and empire g d cannington can n farmer thresh and clean red clover seed or til ike and sell it to his neighbor tnsow ans a farmer ran sell clover seed or alsike seed or any other seed or grain bnt be most not d ceive anybody by sell ing a seed mlxtnre or a different seed from what he represents it to be he may render bimtelf liable to an action or dsnifges by ro doing register war societies al sooielies engaged iu collecting mon ey for patiiotio work other than organ izations llko the patrlotio fund which are established by act of parliament will pe affected in regulations j nut issued by the government under the wur char ities act societies doing patriotic work mutt be registered with the government and must anbmit audited ulntemenls half- yeatly showing their receipts and expend itures battalion auxiliaries and various tmbll oluha will be affected by the regul ation small looal societies ilk clunih organizations desiring lo raiae money for a war charity like the red crosa need only obtain permission from the local red orore society- anr are not obliged to register parly and presentation mr and mrs w o anthony gave a party to a number of their friends on thursday evening last in honor of their managing salesman mr ray thompson who is about to leave for overjiwe shortly mr thompson has been with mr walter anthony for the past ten years and has proved himself a trust ed and faithful employee it is with sor row that tber part with suoh a worthy young man games and muilo were on- joyed until 12 oclock when supper was served- after whloh speeches were made by a few of the gentlemen present dr heath acting aa chairman cajled upon mr anthony first and he spoke of mr thompson in the highest terms and on behalf of mm anthony and himself pre sented mr thompson with a military wrist watch some of the other speakers were mr a b cattell mr will huck mr m near mr j a glffen all spoke of mr thompson as one of the beat of our yonog men who has left the town t infilstafy torppto spent avfiw days at hrjiomehsre last week iia ala faiio whrt opirafd tip- last wcek r appeiidicitletguenuen- enl hospital is progrefalhg tavethjyj mraa b jpilsbn and daaghtrmlw fary wilhipn ft ft inst week for dajtona klorirahvre they will spend some weeks xlts j 3 thorn poop and- mljs fllaclji graham of eiquesing were in hamilton in friday to nee their brother pie hugh ilrahnm who left for overseas on satar dy mr j a traoy who in taking treat ment at st josophs hospital guolph fa improving hor many frionds will bo plcnsod when rho in ablo to return homo again mr and mrs h g clark and mies mterjory clark went to toronto tail fri day evening to see cadet jamea clark of hie royal flying corps who left for texas on saturday morning mepflore l e fleck president and and mr f j barber seotreal of georgetown motor club attended be annual mooting of the motor league al toronto on monday mr harbor sat elected a vicepresident of the league mr and mrs wm f cober oak- wood avenne announce the engageruent nf their vountest daughter lillian etlslla ti lieut carey robert warren son of mr anil mrs k d warren delton road toronto the marriaire will take place quietly the latter part of january limehouse lecture on ben hur illustrated with lantern blider on fob 8th tho junior relief hold a vory success ful social at tho homo of mr win gow- dy last thursday ovonini about 17 wan rnisoil for tho armenian and scriau iollif md tho iulld npont an onjoyablo oroning at tho homo of mr kdward marshall on tuesday of last wook progressive crnlildolo was played during the great er part of tho ovonini tho cold woathor has worked havoc with tho waterworks system in the wl- injjo many of our worthy cltizona may ho aoon carrying palls of water those days ballinafad tho storm of friday night saturday and sunday hlockndcd tho roads in this vicinity it will take some time to get them opened up last friday ovonlnf a number of friends and neighbors of mr and mrs- ebtmezor iloawiok paid thorn a visit in their now homo at aoton and presented thorn with a mantlo olook a silver bak ing flish and spoon an address was rjjhd by mr prod shortlll to which mr and mrs bcswick both vory ablf iosponded spooohos followed from a number of gontlomon presontj among thorn tho rov mr smith in whloh all oxproisod their regret for the loss of m and mrs lloswick and misr ida from thulr tuldst itocltationh wore given by miss mary vannattor and miss joan hohzel tho hinging of god bo with you till wo moot again and auld lanfi kyno brought a vory onjoyablo evening to aoloho mrs ooorgo mcrlatt oitloronto wn reooiit jiicst of friends horo miss mary sayors has returned to llauilltmi iifior spending tho holidays at hor parental homo horo foijrls king and country 4 ba spareif to come back qd w hi ol position whloli that h would be reit to come baa bum im ww vnf wriuc witloll wi nil ijnrtrbpirhtiniym s bompsan in a neat reply thanked e speakers for tholr kind remarks and esprcallymrand mr anthony for their gilt and the klndoem shown to bim in tns pafttan war ho hoped after roffrnlttreei price mfc q xl lot states termi to iot par wfflonmarob lt apply to fr7 gibbbns cut rate cash and carry grocery purity flour in 24 lb cotton bags 102 beat brown sugar 11 ib for 100 uptons tea in reg 60c pkg for 60c toy gusto 8 pkgs 26o icelloga krnmbles 3 pkgs 2so post tonstlcs 8 packages 27c pure itiiapberry or strawberry jam in 4 ib palls each 75o pomestio shortening per lb 20o fancy niisina 2 packages 27o nw pink talmon lrgo tin 23c 0iikr oata large pkg 27c am t dinah molasses 2 tins 2ao celluloid starah 2 packages for 21c icggo raking powder reg 20u 2 tins 86o 10 ihgrsnnlated sugar bsa eddys matches large box i8o pure nrd per ib 82c old diileh cleanser 8 tins 20o hi rlsiles sodas large box 26o bwifis or ha brand oleomargarine 86o llprilens reindeer coffee por tin 38o best canadian ubeeie per lb 29c j j gibbens phone 160 lane block georgetown choice milk and cream in any quantity both guaranteed firstquality deliver ed ovory morning to any part of george- town special price to customers taking largo quanti ties lot us havo your ardor aud we wl oonvlnoo you our milk and cream aro tho host wrlto or phono a tooall pdtottb 108 r po box 483 oiomxtown vrvmmvmralmmarvasv mhil3l i psbl ajfd ualtojts bahqaij storb best v- qc pex lb mannoth house qeorgetqwn t bargains in many lines a i a i ii i i i i i n i naffoker chiefs lodios fancy handkorchiofh 10 11 20 2fo ladloh swiss ilandkorchlofs jo 21 111 a fioo childrens whito fancy hnndkfs j 7 10 12jc ladies cloves ladles colord kid glomes sios7 7 7j nt18 ladies taii and brown kid glovos 196 silk waists lndlos silk walsrjj in white pjnk old roao and maize at 00 foso jadiea whito voiio waists sodj 358 a g400 woolcaftrs and caps ladies- collars ladlobcroiirjrtnchiiiocollttrs 1 0 i 13i 6 st0 lmlles laco gullara 1 00 lo s 1 71 lniliom not eollaih co 75o and jsloo silks a lovely range of cicpo do chluu suilnlilo for walsth iiuil dressiis in all tholfailiug fiailim inoljiihtiiiinmiai eowxi vwrjvftl ii1cywuvi vuduigsr urovjt fia 7 jihtv4ou-pdiiicovngoomoa-errioa- v rblo gpcdtf ftrkoili1ayrltsv f mzi oloves r w- rgieys ialfesaftuinertthionfleooo jlacdand sllft siodwhus fcadtea wimprohoso f8fi710l jiifi- v iwiies txnlori ifijrp 40 so 710 l 175 oi20 v chtldrpnt ma asandsoa j v r1loauaaia4l78 mens lined kid gloror22s mens lined kid mittrl 60 mens lluod mooha alovoa j 78 t326 l00l 10 mods- tjinodneavymittsvso boysmitfli m 6t1 aodiso aboys jfocba oloroa at tlsfr vmons f6urhiintic3flv9cynao llmn lifttiiikorhlisfis fill fljfloc toots ao ibptr y a oooranrt0 ahppora lnqtus mlmhfllwdrknoitcf2fl lairds tp rpotff tf4f forjlo ijatuua plain ibokirt bpiti 5ql wofo imsff a largjo rtjaejntot tovyelfl ona tovojfjnfl cotton- onion linen and jurklsh a georgetown wc furnish a home complete we are showing a splendid range of good quality furniture at exceptional moderate prices we offer you for quick buying some extraordinary bargains 1 isrv- ihb farm bargains for spring possession town line farm on good gravel road town halloa mad pool counties i0o aoroi woll sltamled norval jj miles all workable 2 acres orchard soil day loam solid briok house 8 rooms 8 frame barns no 1 70x80 no 2 00x24 no 8 80x40 driving louse ben house pig pen soliool 8 lots good reasons for selling going to be bold at once buy now if you want it price 7600 2600 cash balance arranged hornby farms for immediate sale flam stomk and ormla rrnrm ploaty of wmlor tor sleek moo moras heroby ilia finn large solid briek house 9 rooms 00 aoroa workable 2 acres or chard soil gravelly loam frame bam no 1 89x00 no 2 40x07 pig pori 20x80 silo and windmill school i mile church 1 mile possession april lst 1918 price j97860 2000 cash balanoe ar- fsnlbttr- 100 acres at hornby wall sllaatad clou lo station sabool and cbarob all workable buf 8 acres 70 apple trees soil clay loam well waters solid briok bouse 7 rooms 8 friiruo haras 40x00 24x00 and 20x00 driving honso pig pen and silo good stook farm priee 7000 2000 cash balanotturrangod possession april 1st 1918 fall wheat farms in nassagaweya township too aoroa aoton a ulloo to aoras fall wbeal 00 acres workable 20 acres good hardwood busb 8 aores orobard soil sandy loam largo frame house frame barn 24x00 largo shed horse stable and hen konse prioe 94500 terms arranged 100 acres 17 acres fall wheat aoltm 8 hilts 70 aores workable 8 aores hardwood busb 2 aoros orobard soil cloy to sandy loam woll watered solid briok houso 0 rooms hard and soft water in house bark barn 00x49 good stabling driving bouse 08x24 new garage windmill hen bouso school 1 mile church 2 miles possession april t 1918 prioe 0600 terms arrangod j a wiiipugiibk extra large oak finish buffet bevel mirror leaded glass doors 2 china cabinets on top with leaded glass doors lin- cutlery drawers linen drawer would be good value today at 50 we offer for quick clearing for 2500 large size dresser and stand 22x28 shaped bevel mir ror grain wood finish a splendid design and good value at 60 to clear quickly 5000 grand servicable oak finished dresser l j 475 handsome design oak finish wood beds grand value at 1800 for quick clearing 1000 special good value in hall backs hall hack i cut oak polished 80 in high box seat shaped bevel mirror for 1690 hall ruck cut oak polished 84 in high box seat shaped bevel mirror for 1050 hall buck oak finish 90 in high 36 in broad box seat 36 in oval bevel mirror 2450 extra values in lbrary tables library table a cut oak 25x42 with book and magazine shelves a grand bargain at 1700 library table cut oak 24x30 for bq 7jg library table oak finish 28x44a snap q oq a host of good furniture at exceptional low prices iadotii6iiiii sti vc vvj v vwrl

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