Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), February 13, 1918, p. 1

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ll 9 the georgetown herald ojj 18s jan i fiftyfirst year of publication georgetown wednesday evening february 13 918 150 per annum or 1 25 if pmri in advance l i -j- tbe georgetown herald ib publuhkd bveby wednesday evening v onto 70 3ui icbsobikwon pteti 6aiiyttilbf orii2i1t paid to ad- raee six months 85 contain advance the address- label shows tile date your subscription expires fjohtb act apbjpg l ftitbfe t rlpetfon application tea oeritis perylin fr first insertion t fnd five ccntb pv line or each snbse- tint lnbertioii will tw charged fir all wailalestadvertibementb i twelye line t foaxi inch ttvertlwmto thoirt japqlfiediree- 7 lions will w fniieited wjiffforbia and chifrged accordingly advertisements wilt be changed one each month without extra charge rvhanges idr contract advertisements 1 aut ba in the office by monday evening a m woore publisher we am rimm rati aoa sast soma wan passenger passenger mall passenger hail mall mail passenger k mail sunday only passenger going west passedger going east soma sjobtb passenger monday only mail sous sooth mall passenger friday only 920 aw 1100 am 1189 am 846 pm 716 pm 767 am 208 pm 686 pm 767 pn o00 am 6 36 pm 760 am 620 pm 1006 am 730 am toronto suburban railway daily timetabu am pm pm going east 8n- s r going west 8 66 266 747 sunday timetable m pm pm pm going east 1020 1260 416 610 going weet 1040 610 t no shovelling required scranton coat in all sizes automatically screened and tooffaft 1 i nv wood select lamp for domestic and threshing purposes smithing and oannal coal in act i carry everything to be found in an uptodate coal aud wood itard i john mcdonald aeorgetown phone i2 clifford- linham j wkennedy jar toyour feet a pair jlke these woojd provifor dailywear i grnbecnlitr outllno and dibtlnotlveiy ifnished ve smirdiry tsalir 4 2f v ror practical service j v w fittiwi fbftt 1h onr specialty it youvd beon tvoaring shoes w kfl that hurt youll appreciate this servico of oars call any way and i main street rumford the shqe 7vvffn the home of better shoes diregtory rai 8hilton wallbridue4 dale barristers solicitors etc tobonto ami globgktown otdcs kennedy block le hoy dale in charge of georgetown offlr tyutium dr joseph ucandrew physician and surgeon medical officer of health district nnrgeon u t r office boars 2 to 4 and 7 to 8 p m phone 68 office and residence main st booth opposite presbyterian chnroh 8bioirartr j no medicine surgery or osteopathy a m nbil8en do uradoste of the palmer the original school of chiropractic daven- port iowa usa office over komloids shoe store consultation and spinal analysis free toes there and sat 2 to 6 7 to 8pni pbons 160a optical l l punt m oicil georgetown eyesight specialist glaqs eyes eyeglasses offlee next to library phone 190 for appointment utal krank b watson dds mds dentist georgetown ont hoars 880 am to tt pm dentistry in all its branches over bank of hamilton a f l heath ld8 dd8 dentist office in lane block one door north ol oneills carriage factory hoars v am to 6 pm dr l l bennett den11st office at residence main st north first boose over utr oride phoue 142 ieorgeton surtiour m- benj petoh licensed anctioneer for halton and peel ulenwiluams post office sales con ducted satisfactorily and at reasonable rates orders left at the gaonavrowh hbjuld omci will receive prompt attention we want now a reliable agent in halton counlv to ell pllhams pcbrlue fltuit and 0rna- hintal tbus daring fall and winter months uood pay exelaalve territory ee selling equipment over 800 acres of tbs choicest nursery took including new varieties controlled by os handsome uptodate selling equipment and a splendid canadian grown stock to offer customers we are not jobbers nb catalogue son on request to ap plloanta or agenoles or purchasers of nnr ery stock write now for agency terms to toronto ontario jackson and lee pivisn4ijneer- surveyors jtnple bwg braiitford lwbvoprjijippb r mewbobort water workaxf hardware paints stoves tinware electric fixtures sewer pipe and cement tinsmithing and plumbing hqt air and hot water heating electric wiring jwkennedy phone 26 georgetown on i what of to- morrow is the problem of every thinking man and woman the proporbuslncbh oducatlon ciiooboh and teachoh thoro fnats chaontial and ubefnl to tho daily life of tltoso who acquire it it will profit yoti to secure a busin ess training in this praotloal and suc cessful rohool of business students may entor at any tlmo at the c3rjlglljdlcl business college guelph ont and receive individual instruction a lbouck principal j m buck butcher oeorgetown always has on hand the finest of beef pork sausage bologna etc home cured hams bacon lamb veal stuffed aw plain oliwss hdntz bwutt piokl1b in bulk it pays to attend tho xmovr toronto qtot yonge and ohsrles su toronttf all graduates anil scores of onr grid- uatosoftho past year have seonrod gooapoilmojtanillstill uo demana ifmboyond our supply write tor w bnterbajtimnw bjitdoot prinoipai prtl commissioned ofticors in tho army must have perfect eyesight or else have their eyrg corrected to normal with proper glasses the men with the greatest responsibility in the army or any where elso appreciate tho need of hav ing good eyesight you might be more efficient with pro ber glasses why not come in and find out dr plant optometrist georgetown phone 199 office next to library ii3otrf vyyputtit pork laiir yijajf 5 egg v v wnb fish cooked meats and sausage iswifts noted premium hams and bacon deliveries daily to any part of town clifford linham mail contract benlod tendnni a d routed to tho ioiitmaater irenfral will iw recelvoil at ottawa until noon on friday th 8ih march huh for tho con veyance of hi mnjetttya mall on a nroiwaed contract for four yoara tlilrtyaix tlm iwr week each way hotweun humpton nnd ky- kta ot from the lnt april printed notlcca contain lnt further informa tion as to condition of rjponod oontrnct may ho iceti and hlank fortm of tondor may imj uh- ilncd at tho ioat olflroa of liramptun and n the offlee of the ioit ofllco inspector toronto a hiitherltud itat office inspector eost ofhco inspector office toronto january vmh 118 mail contract sealod tenders nddreaiiud to the postmaster nenerul win tw rcctivod at ottawa until noon on friday tho 81 h of march fir tho convey an to of mil majestys mails on a propped contract for ftr yenrs si hinos per wek each way hittwccn campbell v i llu ittirnl route no svla kllbrltn from the it of aprl printed nuilces ninhlnt fun her informa tion as to conditions ifpnipmml contract may ht jcen and btnk firm of tender may ho outnlnid at thu post offices of campbeirvltlti kilbride and at the office of the i at office inspector a sutherland post officii inspector foat office inspectors office toronto jan aary va loifl hflail contract hoalnd tondcrs nddresscd tho poxtmuctor ieuernl will he rcculvid at ottawa until oou o friuav the hlh miirch juih for thu cn- veync firllls miijtysmnh on a proponed oontrnct for four yours m x tlm4 p r week each wny hctwocn llrnmtiton uurnl ilouto no 4 via niiloiiillu tom the 1st apil 1118 printed notloeo cinlaltilutr further informa tion as to conditions of proposed contract ntay be seen and blank forms of tender may in ob talned t the post oitits of brnmiitim nw- tonvllln and at tho office of tho post office inspector toronto a suthcrliind pout office inspector post office inspector itico toronto jan uary iranl 1018 dust for columbia 8scnp moat of toe fua of iti too buy thtfrn at h v hourigans e8tabli8hed 1864- the merchants bank of canada paidup capital bosorvo fund and undivided profits total doposlts total assets 7000000 7491802 82102072 1211808118 a good bet a hundredtoone shot do you know that never in tho post hundred years bavo the opportunities offored wage earners poen so ontlroly in tboir favor and do you further know that it may be onothor hundred years bo- foro similar conditions provall a hundred years is a long tlmo to wait so the wise man or wiman will take advantage of tho favorablo pbanoos witbin tboir roach to make the present last tho only wity to do this is by put- mtlgasldevi t b s p of todays good luck komombor this cannot last for ovor all good ohanoos are in tho probodt those wbo depend upon future chancos arc betting against themsolves and this isgeneruly a very bad bet safety deposit boxes to rent ijv orworandy a manager georgetown branch 8ij any quantity of sawdust for sale at acton saw mills d a henderson acton ont specials choice fruit call and soo as this wook and soouro some of our oholco goods a restivo fruit specialist main street georgetown h ww rjtii mi2viimtitmi tfpur opportunity i for service and salary will surely fol low a conreo in one of shaws fins- inesa bohodwrrnronto writs for our iresoaulobue w h bbaw presl- dsnv 8w voihebt k 5t7svii the new bk11jade tliee aro the 1oh of the nn- hrigsde the boys wlioe glorv will nuvr lad toaunv sainqyr anje ipid jpunoy oai ji i v xhosearehobpysanfl thorn ior w h them good inck tbojetiauo boys all who ve gone to light at their country e cu mxvs rhsykhithe huns t ion4nijmiy ajiiq hlijinnj csivnjcirv tirakhvuvsjzwhmne w nli i r v i i v tliyllwlnr- else io ihetr- tracks v qolojf or the icaiser thoy yyibnjt gv tstoclf- 3 tofnnty 8aoimr adzac an cunftek ft k- wben theyve done jlieir work am honu tliey ojuns- tothe sfund pi thw ihoitnd grpathifr drtitn the icaioer will curse the day ho made those brave boys light in the now bri gado k to days story a mountain maid by margaret daisy junieaon vtw55s9xtmibmcmito mouoy will solve tho prohuiu uso lafkeely the cninpnny niiiht and will cxfernilnnte the iiyiriiini rolderh thus the ninnncft of ii nrlttln iron works to adrian ilinitxynp who nnd been surprised tit the slrnnge mis sion indicated hut gratified at tlio cun- flilenre reposed in him anil the signal discretion i shnll do my hest he snld mod estly iiltluiugh it kpiiiih a linrilslilp to leilllninte huulness thai n fow law less men can block the wlicelsof in dustry half the amount you up- nn- thorlred to spend might bribe the gang to let us alone but the policy nnd principle of the rompany is io sub mit io no blaclimnll extortions the word extermination had a trtikle sound but recording to the in structions of adrian itttrgoyne in volved only the siippresnlon of the lawless group to whom the mnnnger hud alluded through isolation or cap ture the brltlln iron works had o mng- neslte mine at tilson n little town buck in the wildest pnrt of tennessee tn tho rugged mountains beyond it soma ten outlaws represented the rem nant of two notorious moonshine and bandit gangs dclled the community they would ride furiously into tlio set tlements and shoot them np nnd ter rorize nnd rob ihelr inhabitants itccontly they bad been after nigger mime wherever there was n plant or illiniums of any pretentions proportions hey would llrsl uneaten trouble through anonymous letters in most cases the smaller coiiaiilis tlinlilly suhinlltod io paving niiiliir tribute thu dealings of the imnl with i lie ilrll- mn iron worus were on a lirge scale their eputolnry uinmccn ivrre dlre- garded within a week t wo ox j ilililis occurred in the pits kmu timid workmen gave up ihelr positions ilurgoyno readier tiion and looked over the situation lie found it decid edly serious the workmen wore in timidated ondthe timid police ameers were reluctant to have anything t do wllh the hunting down of the ontluws nurgoyne went back to leeurg the nearest city here he approached a prlviite detective ageucy it pro prietor wns amenable to tlio liberal re wards offered qncowo can got tho gnng rounded up into a court of law observed bur- goyno there is evldenco to luad them in the pcnltvntlary for tho rest of their lives i will pay no thousand dollars for tho apprehension of each minor member of ho band nnd five iliniibnnd dollars for their leader uudd orln- nell when rturgoyno got hack to tilson ho went over the mines and inspired tho workmen with coiilldenco anil cour age by raising wages and oreanlzlng mi armed group of speclul wotolimcn in this ho was signally aided by a man named zed inline who lmd lived in the district for years was fearless and independent nnd whom tlio outlmvs after several crronil wllh that eure shot left distinctly alone it was tho second week of ills so journ nt tilson that adrian stnrled io see llnlnes at his home a utile beyond hi dlh of the village it was a win lay ho missed his wny silt down against a tree in rest and the drowsy summer air led him into profound slumber what is ibis i he cried vaguely ns ho awnko at tho consciousness of hu man contact he slared ill wonder at ills side knelt u veritable fairy of tho forest n young girl bronzed lawny haired in rough frontier garb she hold his right hand in n firm clasp to its back her lips were glued dont stir till i toll you i alio or dered then she disclosed n steely blno mound on tho hack of his ha ml and polntod to n writhing object in the grass a few feet nwny a rattlesnake llirontlim adrian a thrill onco ho comprehended i ho situ ation x ills grateful eyes foil upon iho bent liend of the intrepid girl wlio had probably discovered him j b farfjs of tho vonionotis sorpelif laid sunk into his hand had dispatched tho snuko and probably had snvod bis life come quick i you must run she urged our home is loss than half a blllo nwny fight off the drowsiness until wo- get somo medicine down yon a sight of his band now swollen to wiwteft fifi si vis nivrfflsfifcatlftse i r o flole eillu onco a li he i- ei mtd to n chair hi lit ui over in a jug on shelf iini tilled a quart tin cup with the rhoofhliinuquof tt cautulriod arbiblr fitrvoreauwesngth pivrijbu rffc wj oii- it j whisky j nne- never toncljert it itinwni tjilstlnio answered ws px ivrlip wcy hurlf s hit thn t- wlir ovk yoiitv f it tld saw- idiiidrjafliviiket- weilv gyrii jtiiyttiif rwft lmaogr toliih miv uiik ivstiii ltwj nrlinrthi fwirlvvrviflnjajfi fel tiivfi n lirnytuiku iijlv tftratoent iiuiv wtil lelbure tfroeatrtbboirj cultinrn huwjinnd ciinje jrtto nkstflfc itia wav tbuvtyftn lasting touiresslon he rfnti retiudmthisouemnrgd rdfdni- of thii house telling- klis wonilereyed little frlepil nt the mrirvels of hip out bide world ahnlutd never jiecn wliotov sluvsprniig jrp with q yyiwhlug cry a- shadow ornssrirtho threshlildllifn it dlsclced a great brawny oerco-vls- aged man he swung out a slip knot piece of rawhide it looped tho head arid then tlio body of the unprepared adrian with a great laugh budd silunel secured the strap about the chair hardly sneered grlnnel as lura reached for her fathers rlflo the out law anticipated this nnd flung the weapon through the window and drop ped into a chair directly opposlto lura the tabic between them wba i do you want rho gasped her brnve nature for the moment thrown off its balance but her mind working nctlvlly ns seeking some way out of be dilemma what ive got sneered orlnnell that follow yonder hell never chase another gang down i am going to end him here nnd now nnd then im going to take you nlong with me without my consent i supposer questioned iurn calm enough now oh ive got my horse you nro a mere featherweight can china be independent kntranae into great world war is vlowed from- piffcrcjit angusa vl- av ir v j fj mucbl fflylslbji hp opjolbbwlats ifj jopin vefenrdlftlt hi tints 4gclilf4tioa of ww ngalrist gruiany sqya tbe kst and went nowa apantook the fmal step tor two reasons first the angtnadaric3q llliiuctv uiidsecpnd urdeepfontujeil lieliex- ly tiie ooessliy for of ttijfftrcitsfen ioyi enfyauif tisflft axahj jirpngv dpr polfcv cklnuvpkrlalloijjill wdtjdsivav fit acys clilmi doldod to jolio jtlio iter in tbo nfflvultji y- vicfrirejildentl rtqwjcliartjj nt pei jiib nnhlbgjhoyldlip dio rcgict tahjo itfcnft ft trr iriaepetiuit nntlbo tohiti toredly otlrers im1i any thing it doctrivan to lci tbh niitloijdl existeiico- of ainyi iui ion that vlelda t6 cocrelijn or iitwlnc per- nti1on is im- jwrlled oine peplw cennlei japarts lleclnraliiirit of aiiihst t orumtiy merely from the viewpoint ol iflo itfli- n liirgland lin wtv fuvored lapniti domluuiica fn tills part of the pacific the editor of tho asild wants to know what feng kuoehuug meant when ho favored u ileclanuiuil of war by chfita agulnst u niinny but ob jected strenuously tn joining the un- tente poweri lloes he mean that like the lulled pi mis chinas declara tion of war shall ho a sepnrato act nsks tho avoid the grmo fact is that her present cioirie was forced upon her whuiher ihe joins the en- teute or not mullets utile for tho present the serious qu lion is cun china bo imbpeiount from now on ward gesunidheit then woe citizen of german orlyln patrlotlo to last ditch makes n disastrous blunder this llttl story which nppenrs to be nn orplinn n now going nrniud jhu unw so i fm t 1 wlll either kill you or myself the first chance i get see here girl said grlnnell look ing impressed im lonesome i wnnt you im going to leave the district nnd ive got some money i know your tune that young fellow is your spark oood i glvo blm up come with me willingly nnd ill let him live i must thluk glvo me time mur mured lura her pretty brown hand played with tho salt cellars that stood upon the ta ble with pepper boxes and mustard pot opposite to her complacently ex pectant orlnnell lolled nnd leered adrian despite ills nearness to dentil hod to smile as lurn picked up the large redpeppor sifter tie recalled his first meul at that tnhlo when bulnos had passed it to blm nnd un wittingly adrian had used the contents freely how lurn had laughed i but speedy and merciful to rush for a glass of milk to subdue his sufferings she did not laugh now charming little actress that she was where inter est in adrian burgoyne and love were tho impelling motives she assumed the rolo of a thoughtful distressed maiden suddenly she removed tlio cover of the pepper box nnd flung the flory grnnules squarely into the face of the leering mfflnn then sho seized nn iron ket tle nnd swung it across tho head of the shrieking blinded scoundrel grlnnell he went down like a shot quick cried iura nrslilng to tho side of burgoyne mid liberating him tie him up take his revolver and guard blm till i return adrian stood over the prostrate and helpless bandit glsnclni from the window he snw lurn nstrlde glill- nells own horse speeding down the road at ll llllle dlsinnco she met her father searching for burgoyne to de liver a telegram i hat bad inm arrived from leoshiirg it told that the de tectives hud eaptiireiriill ittn bandits except orlnnell cautioned ilurgoyno to look out for the outlaw chief who had threatened a direful vengeance the local authorities tho old terror removed were willing to coopenito now with nurgoyne they took grln nell to ihe jail ut leeshnrg this is for yon spoke adrian to lura one day a work inter it is tbo reward of flvolliousand dollars offored for the cnpliire of grlnnell which you have earned oh no i not i cannot accept it in deed i cannot she demurred there is no other wny insisted adrian then their eyes mot lurn ho said softly you must know that i love you you you i mo a poor humble girl i toor lurn dear you have more money now than nyself a frontier heroine indeed you have saved my life twice over will you trust your own io my keeping sho drew closer to him her face rn- dlant oh adrian i sho cried tho world seonjs all made over nguln i am so happy 1 congress holds purse 8trlngs the constitution of tho united stales vests in congress power to raise and support nriiiles subject io iho provision that no impropriation of money io hint use shull lie for n longer term than two years this limitation was designed ns a check on the pos sible abuse of power by tbo president us commander in chief as army ap propriations must bo made every two yours ihe mljltnry brunch of the gov eminent is completely dependent on the will of congress congress holds the purse strings nnd 11 military presi dent who should atleinpl tn lake things lain his own hands or use ho army for improper purposes would soon find its supplies cut off nl tlio fountain head didnt penetrate at n dinner nt which ho proslded the blshnp of london entered into convor- snllon wllh n vivacious young lady who la ihe course of lh tulk asked to bo allowed to put n inmuniliiirn to his loril- shlp says the philadelphia star re- oolvlng ready permission she merrily cried well then does the butterfly heegtiso ihe tnnialo can the bishop rimglfbil lieurtlly nt tlio sully but gpt o heartily ns whon intel n younginnn approached hlra i vnnt to know said ihls person bbqut tllftt joke o mlse browns she naked the butter lew becflnso the tomato cpud pro m mm vtoiibmftksil im hit t ermg this eveiuog aid tin cluron of ger man orhrin no mild tho wife you musnt go youll gel ililo irutll ie stlre itut he worn iepie her remon- sinince iisi before midnight on the last street cor be sluoitiled into his domicile tho good wifo was sitting tip for hlnl when be appeared bis eyes were black and blle 11s uca wns scratched and puftcl his online bad been torn iroui hi i blrt nnd ho looked as though ho had i ii lolled in tile dirt ah said the wile i told you not tn fen to that meeting that something wollli llull io ol it was not nt iho noelloir ex plained the htishiuid tho meeting was all right thoro wero three speeches nil llko everybody else i nppltiuded everyone of them tho band phivd the ktntspiiiigloil unn- uer kveejhody himul up ho did l ii was nftcr i lie meeting i was coming home on the street cur the car was crowded then a wmnan on tho car sneezed nnd i said gesund- hcltl then everything happened five great men in history in the geneenlloii ihnl saw the birth nnd tlio earlier years of the republic flvo men staad out teorge wioi g- ton benjamin knniklln thomas jef ferson alexander llniiilllon and loiill marshall says intneii hryeo in tho youths companion wheilier or nrtt the lasl four of them were great men n the full sciiso of iho word is a ques tion on which people were not agreed la tin lifetime of those four mid uro not agreed today but everyone felt then as everyone feels now dial wash ington was great lie is a world fig ure in mere intellectual power he was nut superior to ihe oilier four he had less originality and a less wide rango of capacity than franklin les versa tile activity of mind than jefferson less brilliant gifts for constructive pol icy nnd the exposition tin roof than hamilton less logical grasp and pene tration of thought than marshall hut ho rose superior to them all in a cer tain mnssive strength of eharncter in stntely dignity in a rilm firmness of purpose that neither the smiles nor tho frowns of fortune could divert from the course his judgment hud approved so his primacy was undisputed then and has remained undisputed ever since japan is exporting pulp japanese imports of pulp hnvo en countered obstacles bul according to the jn pan chronicle it is believed that the stocks held by paper manufactur ers generally aro stilllelenl to last un til tho end of this year while the do- nicstlc manufacture of pulp stimulated by import difficulties has appreciably dovoloped as a result efforts are now being mndo by koiuo merchants to export honiemndo pulp the chronicle states that this is not to bo tho disadvantage of those paper manufacturers who aro suffer ing from tho scnrclly of imported pulp for wliatthey essentially want it not yet producible in this country it finds that there is no excessive domestic pulp that 1s exported our army of civil war during tho first year of tho civil war tho number of tho regular army rose to 82000 lincolns first call for vol unteers april id 3 mil wns for 75000 men for three months- at iho begin ning of 1882 iho number of volunteers i tho field was about md000 during ilia next tlwoo yenrs it wns about 100- 000 at the close of iho war the union army numbered loooouo men tho to tal number of troops furnished was suu0000 uiou canadas iontiiiiiution tn ll o british kail on f for 1pu ummiiiin to f3 isn hll with lit i oine money to come in the receipt lor lliee fund for the lest iluee years ire lois si r747jl linn ji sp 0fj and lor thl inst jir yle hmo doniio ns iisiml onnliibiitid swny nnno huh nnv oilier pinvotce over ioeh if ol what was ontilbutid i m icm ijtole mmitobit came hcom aiol jneue uas away down with fni7 ryou got mt it wiitcli rjtpi ng 1 do ll 1ellvo it y lyca1 agurt irw ttjjli poooptltefs n jiui biivo lostor l v hpunubo lrlv t

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