Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), February 13, 1918, p. 2

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-a- births marriages and deaths are chan ed for at tho following rates births 21 marriages 50c deaths 60c iw fv ri sojmv leslie at grace hospital toronto on february 6th to mr and mrs j blak islio a daughter plena elisabeth scbaiutwhotxjvftiiryvt6 t fot end mtf8clk fjogwiar jldviclot yv oirass-jp- georgetown 011 february 10th it the borne of her inother mn henry francis to mir nod bis w g grew a daughter jajtaisarrin georgetown on february 7th to mr and mrs qhris sargent a daughter dorothy ellen s m wte beald ybdnegpav feveg br i3th 1618 iivfti totoikijlt in yeurmlnavthat toodj conservation is beceasary- if the aimeivare towjh the war never has there been a rime when tbe food situation wlbiiore critical it is a case lofevery little helping no govirnstkht announcement that all money received from antomobile tal is to be used or better roads should go lar to console auto owners who have been objecting because the tax bas been raised none of them can objeot to making a contribution to better roads bank of hamilton in new premises manager mackay and his nblo staff of assistants wore open lor business in the bank of hamiltons fine new premises corner of main and mill his on tuesday morning they had passed through a strenuous day moving on monday but the realization that they were no located in their commodious well lighted and perfeotly equipped new bank- homo seem ed to radiate peace and happiness from the faces of the entire staff even the ladies at their deskb appeared more beautiful and the nan with a dralt lone pastdne wag made tqanilp an be entered jb0 prenjltes mmeoysrxbdy trejcofpe and jobi cnjdftwos utrulnjkbi ijprotffjed yojur baj jetiriy vtjiete are qd finer oybetter equlppaft bwjklng offices in western onfarjothan those now occupied by the bank or hamilton at georgetown the furnish ings are the most modern in every detail and were mkde and pot in place by the canadian office and school furniture co of preston ontario tmwsn kiffwtijinr rpost di able banking institution has jmfl lip business inffeortfetowjl and vicinity thaf dmabded bidie dou ate facilities for the sccomtnoii avion of its many and ever iarasafiibg pitrons this faot was xedtizedvby the manage- fe the coal situation in canada isbad enough but bow infinitely worse it wouljl be if it were not for the white coal of the hydro system that saves the necessity o importing hundreds of tbonsands of tons of soft coal for power purposes into the province of ontario to keep the wheels of indnsty moving in onr factories tne action of tbe council in raising the salaries of mies ryan 8ectreas of the hydro and collector of water rates and taxes electrician b foster and clerk healh will generally speaking be approved by onr citizens tbey bave given the town good service and it is nothing but right that tbey should re ceive a reasonable remuneration in return that vounu oirls are being lored to windsor for tumoral purposes and that a real white slave traffic is in a fair way to being established in windsor was tbe surprising announcement made by mrs agrant vice- president of the w c t tj at a ixting held ibere monday the conferenci had been called for the purp- oro ol diecntting tho advisability of estab lishing a juvenile court in windsor those who spoke in favour of the plan urged lis nrretsitv on the ground that girls of immature ege are induced to go to windsor and their downfall thereafter is only a matter of a short time police naasirate leggat and mayor tnson strongly urged that the juvenile court be put into operation and tbe for mer offered to serve without salary until tbe institution becomes fairly established the matter will bo taken up at a later date in tbe meantime the city council will get in touch with t kelso of tor onto for further information optiik need for all exportable can adian food products no one should longer be in doubt tbe first of a ssries of forlnigbtlv cablegrams from france to tbe food controller states with a plainness tbat would be pitiful if it were not so noble bow badly off tbe french civilians ate the snpply of breadatuns is caus ing grave anxiety imports are very short our bread car machinery has been completed hut present lack of cereals will not permit of its application it says what does that mean simply thai france is so short of bread that it oannot risk even a readjustment of what must be literally a handtomouth system lest ome should btarve yet france fights on gloriously surely a common pride in an ally lighting the bravest fight of all the ages should be enough to make one determine that as fr as in bim lies be will aid such a noble race the cable gram adds that sugar farinaceous foods other than wheat butter and moats are all dreadfully abort and thai oils and fata ment and today after ihi expenditure of cafleiderable money the bank 16 the- proud possessor of a modem banking irqase in onr town one moat see inside the building which all finished hi quarter cut oak to appreciate the com modious accommodation afforded ens vomers of this institution orthe tran saction of business v alanbgetmackay extends a cordial in vifation to everybody to call and inspect the new premises whether you are a customer of the bank or not you will be made welcome town council mr cooper tenders resignation which u accepted salaries of officials increased council met on monday oveniug at 8 oclock with the ueeve in tbe cbair and memberb all present a communication was read from di mcandrew declining the appointment ol indigent itelief oflicer lor georgetown for bcveral reasons moved by barclay secondedi by speight tbat the resignation of king cooper as constable and town official for tho village of georgetown be accept- ed and that hie clerk be instructed to advertise for a man to fill his place this ad j to bedjserted i thepiobe mail krpplfe geojaskwo heiwjd and acton- carried r moyixli ooqv secondeolby rush sbffoerwttio hydro vhaf the ssiary superintendent be ninety dollars per month commencing from jan 1st 1918r carried moved by rush that miss ryans salary ns hydrobe 460 her month ebd 5t0 pet tnonoriu aminatnpt tax collector and collector of watertcs v this btt seconded oy cook secretary ol- ftaurfan lsiiflxa- movedbyrubh thnt thfeeierks salary for trie vear 19i1q pjm6 60 -carried- x s gred seconded hy bpeignt military notes mr r b barber of port credit has re ceived the following letter from the squadron commaoder relating to tbe death of his eon the late cadet cyril barber of tbe rna8 no 2 squadron no 1 wing r na8 jan 8 1018 dear sir i am very sorry that i have to tell you about your sons death but you will have received a telegram before yon get thie he had been here only a few weeks and although the type of machines that we nee was unfamiliar to him he had quickly learnt to fly them well and we had found that he was very uame and reallv keen on flying ho had uot boen over the lines while here but hod been learning all about his machine and gaining flying experience on hb last flight ne nan gone np to practice firing with his machine gun at a target this is the lasttest which pilots have before go ing anross the lines lie had been flying very well but oo this occasion tbe machine bide slipped on a turn this became a nosedive and it was too low to recover from it his death was instantaneous and yon can be euro that he felt no pain it all happened inside ten seconds th ac cident wae one which always will happen aa long as men fly aeroplanes built for fighting- it has been a great losa to the hquadron as he was promising so well as a pilot i bad great hopen for him and i am sure he wonld have won honours bad he been spared he was full of fight he was buried today with full naval honours over 160 ofticers aud men at tended as he was very popular in this squadron and another near here as lit died or the empite as well as any man in this war his grave is in the conde- herque cemetery dunkirk france if you ever come over this side yon can easily find it he bad many frieods here farticutarly among the can nd ian officers believe one or two of them are writing to yon in conclusion 1 can only say that wbilo i regret his death so much i con gratulate you and his mother on having bred a son who did his duty bo well and died so nobly i remain yon re very sincerely bgd f ksk bandford squad comdr moedbyspjrh bfraflded fcycook that weavnow gdlouro id mfelatthe next regular poeelidg or atthe call of tho reevecrr1ed 1 lhe counoil offered arlr cooper ftooper moijtb an- increase df 910 font heec lin ed to conaidef leas than 1v itfes ryans salary was increased from 1 650 to 750of ths 670 is paid by hydro arid 180 by the town electrician foster was increased f rom woojto 11080 and clerk heath from 9260 to s800 limehouse new advertisements lost ono day laat woolt botwoon mr eltn or thomphonh and mr w f bnullnys a grey loather hand ban containing hoiiio crochot work finder kindly phono 70 313lt hmd wanted reliable houhcmald no washing iron ing cooklu or swooping evenings froo good wafjch apply to mrs frank j harbor main st 213tf wood for sale having purchared 3 acne ol hard map le i can snpply it in hinrh lenuthn roa- dy or the stove njlitdipd lirefed or in feel cord vrttprbs wfirfovwdv six pigs ago 5 months taduwrth vorks just ready for good feed apply 1 bianuford college view tp position wanted vetoing lady gidoateatsbawbiel nes befools deslfeslpoaltiopsaatspo ropher eooi retierences a pplysiststoo- granyer ttgrt o hrypjijoaice- jf rtffisile or niiw tvo boosesin c6hgo vlewcrnbn ieutlysurnateij vitf inidolsctiic jlgrt teroeijt cellar a ply bin man til ixintfisol oojiegovleis box 496 81 1 13p mouse to rgm r- fraibe ptt urjtoh sin roonu and water inside inimliiur petaesalon apply jno ballanfiini liiogctown tbe oldest inhabitant of limehouse passed away last friday eveniog in the person of mrs margaret proctor she was born about 00 years ago in the scotch block but hbb lived in limehouse snd vicinity all her life her husband pre- dcfnsed her s3 years ago her remains were interred in liusehouse cemetery on monday afternoon the funeral was largely attended three sisters mrs martin of hanover mrs robert garvin acton mrs kirk pat rick of this village and one brother mr james dohbie of the 4th line along with many relatives mqurn her loss several circular saws were busy in the village during the past week cutting a supply of wood words can scarcely express the pless- ure of the audience last wednebdsy eve ning as they listened to the story of hen hur and saw the beautiful colored elides introducing the iamoub chariot race be tween hen hur and nebsau as well as nearly 100 otherscenes- many thousands bave seen this story as presented on the stage and many other thousands have gotten its wonderful messsge through prof lowes lectures notice applications for tho position of con stable of tho corporation of goorgotown including carotaker of tho waterworks system and othor duties as assigned by the council will be received by tho clork up to march sth 1018 applicants to stato ago salary expected and givo testimonials for explicit duties wrlto tho clerk f l heath clork 2b goorgotown seed whba1 amd outs a limited quantity of first priie- apring wheat for sale at 2 60 per biibtiel a i bo seed oats at 1 00 per bushel d b les lie r r no georgetown 4tp camera tor sale no 2l autographic brownie nearly new to be sold for s600 apply to d forster jobo st for rest store next to brill or co and room above storo apply to hxnain office or to f w urookel 1924 ajdrlch ave 8 minneapolis minn hail contract scaled tender adtlrented to l ho tovt master oaneral will be reoolvud nt ottawa uiuil noon on friday tlie iftih mtircli 1d1h fur time vuyantc of iii mnjtnty malta mi h rjjhked contract for ftur unra nix tlm xjf wool on the routp mtltun wert k k no flfrom tho tat anrll mitt printed notices contnlnlntf ftnllicr inform hon aa to conrlltloiit of ppinint t ciiract niny be lecn and titanic form of tender may be ob tained at the punt oaioqa of milton went and nt the oftl co of tho post office inauectnr toronto a stilticrlinl poat office inspector pcit offlre iniiectora office toronto january 0th 1wi8 church news methodist the largt congregation gave most thoughtful attention to the life narrative of the horoino edith cavell she has tanght us how tolivo nobly and die cheer fully tor tbe cause of right bhe saved others herstvlf shoconld not save the thursday evening cottage prayer meeting wilt be held at the home of thomas boland thounttort statob oovcraiiicmt iiikirct- or of bohlttry and blankets nt tho hen woollen mmij mr chiuhvich ii a practical man and from tho iiibiuht in which he oxaruinch tivcry nrticlo 1ifuro panslng it wo shall brt kurpriuml if uny one puts anythlnjr oyer on tnclo sammy through iiih overiht the lntlior aid of tho glon meliolifu church will hold a valentino social on thursday evening feb 14tlr tea will bo bcrvod from 7 to 8 oclock a flood program is botng arranod after which lco cream and rofroshmcnth will bo for sale this 1b uuro to bo a treat come and bring your frionda admis sion 10 and 15 contn bcaumonth knitting mills continue quite bnsy turning out hosiery for their large wat order crvntraoth fivvm vi iriem t tho piano mtal t tho town ihall rvcretariei pf iivetgmtnon ajuanre tlrl ta8t tur4ayoonigbiyon by wari of ijifl8 iv momtiktor assatla bv mj4 priiap efocnttolnaftfihj wrtho the pastor h subjects for suoday next morning sincere christianity evening where our patterns should come from baptist tbe pator will preach at the moroing sen ice and in the evening mr f wv pngganv of totito one pf thfifilr rcrctarle of tvtkionaipre apak taort mf oiii ey-bt- uvvocambtrin tcfjontowu w- everybody wqlporne i 7 -r- r v you get quality and promptness in watch repairing when you have foster do ft jjfyntw focal agent with xv hdarigan glenwuiiam sis nowautomatic knitting jmachinoh wbicliaririvexriast y have booo luhtailfd id the molrobd kfllttitog co this addition makes over 40 mochincshow holnft op fsnic by this lrm mr john onadwloli of philadelphia la spoon c4mr41to kolofit of tsewcxcqirrij pyosbyterlah ohnrch toronto yraf a splendid sneooss onioypd and apprecia ted bjlthe large gathering which- greet od ooth big afifli littlo artists mies price and miss wlthorspoon wero especially good lh tbeir namboriwhilp tho sootcji danoctrsrloel ai others vbo tookpartinj p troratrt porformca their indlyldual- prwm spiondiatyip z mr joseph hoaninpnt mttdo anoxv m iwwiiuiii eollcnt 6hairmanr r tn england muon credit la due missmcslastcrfcrt- nulisof- the tjtfo splcndidpvogram prfrvldotfc fld lieu hia vuiakinrt conehwitv in donating tho proceeds to genorosily lndobaungtno proolcds the street ughting fijnd jtollowliig is the program as rendor- efl- imiail contract uy are prsctlrally unobtainable as the only one of the british dominions accessible to cargo carriers as it is man ifestly np to canada to strain every nerve to increase the ex portable quantities of those commodities so much needed oversew norval following is tbe poblic school report for the month of january 8r iv scott ferguson winnie knight hazel hughes kwart early jr iv annabel mclaughlin lilian green charles rankin donald russell murray laird mary mcmeekin alicia whltbeld 8r hi marion nobe ivy whltbeld marion lollop hnnleon wilson george moore kaile mcclnre george louth oliver hunter jr illeva green dorothy wilson margaret mcmeekin willie fiddler br ii- hilda konklno nixon hunter bernard knight gordon cateley janet modougall v o mccannel teacher intel mediate ii margaret wilson ethel noble rsesle hunter edward benson wesley louth ina campbell jessie broollie lieeeie mcclnre minnie inglis jr ii willie inglie chrlstopherorim- wood james benson george hulls bessie campbell edna kerr margaret modougall bornice hewlett jrltiordnn sharpe ralph whitfield george inelis arnott noble elsie loath barland hustler edith caseley a class jesu green pearl louth helen fendley babe momeekiu donald campbell mao watson and bobbie oope- land equal fc- b e hume teacher the girls khaki club norval for warded last week to secoura national a bale consisting of 6l artloles tbls in cluded squills and wearing apparel for women snd olilldren eighteen of these fsrmenls wire donated by tbe womens alriotlo league norval f master scott forguson of norval has passed tbe elementary piano examina tion with honors at toronto conserva- torv of music ho la a pupil of miss ouveljalrdatom pte s j mcmaater of glenwilliams writes home as follows smiths lawn camp sunnlngdale berkshire eng dear mother we arrived here yesterday morning after a pleasant voyage snd a train ride in one of those novel english coaches we are quarantined at present and sb yet we dons know whether tbe period of quarantine is ten or twentyone days in our case we bave isnding leave at the termination of this period everything is ok and personally 1 feel fine i will not write much to you un til we are out of quarantine i wrote to bob yesterday saturday jan 6 1018 i shall tell you abont the voyage we sailed from st john on the grampisn on the 10th proceeding up tho coast we arrived in halifax harbor tho follow ing afternoon about 4 oclock we lay anehored there taking coal and water until nearly 8 p m of the 21st we passed the destrncted portion of the city and saw all tbe remains of the de bris wrought by ibe explosion wreoked veasela and the bare hill which once was avenues and homes we also saw battle ships torpedo boats and submarines we passed quite closely to one of tbe cruisers and the crew and compliment i lined np tbree and four deep along the rail ana olimed up the rigging as we passed tbey waved their bailor hats and called are we downhearted we re taliated with a loud no and when they shouted out shall we win onr mighty yes was heard for miles we then gave three cheers for em h other during the voyatre i saw many petrol mother tareys chickens sb they are called a number of porpoie and the grand spectacle of a storm at sea tbe day before christmas a heavy wind blew up from the south east and caught ns broadside the sea tieoame heavy and very frequently lie bin wavts swept over the deck i oojoyed the wild scene and the melancholy whistling of the wind on the riurging about this limn the convoy and the escoit closed in ant a number of swllt moving torpedo boat destroyers ssiled guard all aronnd us we then entered whatis called the danger zone every thing proceeded calmly however until we passed up the clyde to glasgow the banks of the firth of clyde prerent tbe most beautiful pioture by way of towns i have ever seen the town of greenock is ruarvelously beautiful disembarkation arriving at and settl ing in this place occupied from q oclock monday dee slst until 10 oclock of tuesuay of the next year after breakfast ive were quarantined indefinitely hope to be out at the end of tho tenth day we are encamped on king georges famous hunting grounds our weather is the very finest the winter tempera- tare is very tolorsble all are well and i am surprised we fare as well ss we do considering tbe scarity of food stuffs here some artloles are rather expensive i e aid sixpence for a bur of laundry soap he canteen sells notepsper at ninepence imiail contract sealed tenrr arjttrraiu rt lio pothmaater general will b- rntv t nt lit it a until noon friday the truth march 1118 for the con veyance of ills majesty malta on a projkmed contract for four joan sx time per week eaph way between brampton hural qute no m rom the pormhter otmerale daure printed notloea containing further informa tion as to conditions or propoaed contract may be aeon and blank forma of tender may bt ob tallied at the poit offices of brampton and at tbe office of tbe poet office inspector toronto a sutherland pout office inspector poat office inipoctorb office toronto feb ruary otb ims mail contract healed tenders adiirpd to the postmaster oct era i will be received at ottawa until noon on friday tho ftih mwnh lulmor tnueof veyance of hta majoatyn malta on a nroiroaerl contract for fouryears bia llmufl tr wvnk on the route norval rural route noll via hulton bviijp from the j at april 1118 printed notices containing further id forma- tlon aa to conditions of proposed contract may m j lender mfcr iwob- haltnn be seeo and blank forma of tender mar be ob tained at the poat offices of norval holtnti- vllle and at the office of tbe poet 00 ce inspector toronto a sutherland post office inspector post office inspectors office toronto jan uary tvnd 1918 mail contract sealed tenders add rota ed to the postinaetor 0 moral will he received at ottawa until noon on friday the rnd march for the convey ance of his majvstya malls on a propoaed contract for fiur yeara alt times per wek each way botween cheltenham kli no 1 from tbe lit of april printed notices containing further informs tlon as to conditions of propoaed contract may bo open and blank forms of tender may 1m obtnlned at the post offices of cheltenham and at the office of tho post office inspector toronto a rutherland post office inspector post office inspectors office toronto feb ruary idis judical sale of assets ol olait omrdmn balldmrs llmffd tenders will bo received addrosxod to john o oatild local mastor court houso hamilton ontario and marked tondor ro glass gardon builders lim ited up to twolvq oclock noon on tho hard day of february 1918 for the pur chaso of tho following assets of the above named glaus gardon dulldors limited tbo sold assota consist of tho following parools 1 iron and wood working niaohlnory tools and plant 2 plans kkotcbos and pattorns 0 tho following real orttato lying par tly in tho vulago of goorgotown and 18o per pad give my love to all sim partly in tho township of esquontng in tho county of halton oxcopting th maoblncry plant and tools thoroln oon tained tho factory sito consisting of part of lot number nlnetoon in tho 0th concession of tho township df esquos- ing now in tho said vulago of george town and part of lot ntimbor twenty in tho otli concession of tho said town ship of estjuosing tho said parcols con taining soven 7 acros inoro or loss on the said promises aro said to bo oroctod tho brick and glass factory and four dotachod wooden storohousos thndeksisoparato tenders will bo received for each parcel thumb of sale twentylive per oont in cash and tho balance in thirty days secured to tho satisfaction of tho liquidator a marked ohoquo payablo to tho liquidator for ton per cent of tho amount of tho tender must accom pany each tondor wliloh will bo return ed if tho tondor is not accepted tho blgbost or any tondor not nooossarlly aocepted tho other conditions of tho salo aro tbo standing conditions of tho court so far aa applicable further particulars may bo had and inventory may bo soon on app lication to tho liquidator w o e boyd bank of hamilton ohambors hamilton ontario or to messrs lees hdbson co bank of hamilton chambers hamilton ontario solicitors for tho liquidator dated at hamilton this 6th day of february 1016 john g gauld local master at hamilton sealed tenders addressed ro the postmaster general will be received at otswt until noon on friday the sth mairh 191s for the oon veynce of lit mjeaty mails on a proposed contract tor four your a times per week each war between milton west buret houto no from the let april ims printed notloea containing further informat ion rh to conditions f proposed contract may be seen and hlank forme of tender rney be b telnfd at the poet onlree of milton wtetl and at the dttlce of tho toet orbce inspeecor a sutherlsnd 1ot ofllco inspector host offlco inepectars ouicn toronto jan hitld ioih part one toylahd glllidan little sunsbino harold wheeler little ruby duet viola logan and eva monally rocit solocted missprico littlo patrolt march mario fleck wltohes flight mablo marobmont duet emma beaumont and may ualnos tarautello eva mcnally solo solected miss witherspoon lovo letters margrotta whoolor wonderland cecil barth waltz duet borden marchmont and anna cooper canadas bevf mildred flock bnowflako polka may haines part two highland dance littlo boy bluo viola logan chariot raoo march fanny weaver on tho flag shlpi duet may momastor and martha marchmont a falrios carnival b trn m pot call maroh solo selected miss witherspoon battle of gottysburg hilda haines hi fhondlp daetb mmro1 ttdd mftrl fiack april showcra anna co rocit selected miss prioo chasing tho butterfly martha marchmont silver hells duo t mablo marchmont and fanny weaver solo solocted mirr wlthorspoon battle of tho nations requested may mcmastor god save the king emma beaumont dominion alliance public meeting town hall georgetown sunday feb 17th at 4 pm t w duggan field secretary of the alliance will discuss the uptodate phases of the temperance question w h norris torontos favorite baritone will sing public cordially invited axssvsmii vstoa w vw nvsfa ss8swem the mens store in spite of tho fact that owing tn the war british woollens havo advanced pfreatly in price and tailorh nil over canada bave f boon compelled to raise priceb wo wil continue to malje blue ftnd biack fiprgoa scbfoji fndkjbguits tyrotodb- un yor9tedfl ajraoia1ig jtliatytvhl w wiililntbago v v iui j f t fl ik rni li -i- v a i iltu xi 9 tbtb opportune tirnc to place jroiir orftei u aetui vujntagq of thtf ojfl prices ajlool goods suciriae vydaro selurirtatprobfntwillbo6ioj por cent bigher intrj bpringbijrnow j kiiub mujii oo cwawq wewiriaou uie dfisiingajrirj evbrg i oipferednalrhpcatif if opvwettr qljr st9fcuj8jttvgeiiridliibtb jreiltlaed this jsa inoneybavar a n j we invite you to oall and beconvinced millar co georgetown phone 126 fine hiqhcla8s tailoring and mens furnishinq8 agents for stock well henderson a co dyers snd cleaners toronto bsiairaai lis iari 9e 3cz3tm the home of good groceries a 1 and gibbefs bakery raisin bread saturday treat wo want to thank you for buying your saturday troat on friday last werh wo know some wero disappointed when tbey found us dosed up tight all saturday but that was the wish of the fuel controller and we only perfortned our duty by closing next saturday wo offor you 75 lbs salted poantits worth 40olb saturday treat price 28c weekend chocolates each saturday our sales incroabo you know why dont you try a pound of our weekend chocolates and you will soon iscovcr tho reasou weekend special 29c lb main street a norrington manager phone 89 georgetown 3 tins of pens for a bm 0 tins of corn for 66c fl tins of tomatoes 09c marmalade regular 20c 2 for 36c marmalade regular 26c 2 fur 46c raepberry a strawberry jam tpiz 45c 2 or 83c raspberry and strawberry jsm regular 75c foritltc 6flc raspberry strawberry jam reg 30c 2 for 54c rappberry strawberry jam regular doc for 83o 3 packages ammonia for 26c 3 packages corn flakes for 27c the above aro a few of tho many bargains we have to offer give us a trial order satisfaction guaranteed a m gr andy the pure food store k lets send you the herald only 125 in advance our raisin bread has made us many friends and we are proud of it we know there is no other bread like it in town try a loaf today and you will aejree with us more fruit than usual sweet it can be eaten without butter it is ten cents gibbens corner bakery b v cibbens the tools f quality keen kutter tools are in every case nude of the beat steel obtainable and are made by thoroughly expert toolmakers throughout the whole line of these tools will be found the same sterling quality the quality that has made twhwffir tools kbbn kutter the standard all keen kutter hatchet and axe are wedged with the grellner potent wedge which prevents the head ever 8ytng of or working loose and are sharpened ready for use the keen kutter trademark covers a conv pbts una of too and cutlet sold by t w c anthony georgetown t hdrms 5t co j adams coy all cash store goods you want and will want in the days to come mayhap not until next fall or winter butaiowis the time to buy and pro tect yourself aud family money saved is money made we will be into stocktaking iii a few days aud we always have lines to clear at cost price ours is the best store for general dealing you money on your next order let us save georgetown phone 43 main and mill streets 3 sfvur lav mn 1v l iv jk fesi i iii c wga we iffb haawawas wb know that we cannot coutiaue to increase this business unless we give the people a square honest deal let this betsft urgent standing rcqueatv ii at any time you eel tbat any artlole you have borjght has not given the value eapeoted you will give us the pletsiire ol personally adjusting yoqr complaint immmiilip sssfw ti v- i

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