Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), February 13, 1918, p. 3

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wtofs ay matthews drug store g royal purple calf meal i new supply now in 13 royal purple stock specific 3 colic cure chick feed sweet liniinnt ohrpderallcrireiisq l ii- ij rsiljjil o lt wrfswoedrgetown ajonu tttmpoptaiteltoostookbemoii 5g fcpdaxb and sor-rfcubv- nifal bpintdu7rwnaiu80uocoiates 5 uj s s drv 5 borj- pwi stock pjtctaunmvrerob iftifcoiuts arfj a htivyx- liikwii im in ft 11111 iniii rnifiin iiliil ru rirhitrit jir m iyliit jil in m personal iv st georges church fbtv ifm burt kth rector qandav service as follows- mat ids u am i btemod7im sand school 946 smln basement holy obmmanlqn let and jfrd sundays of each month at 11 am condensed news items lent starts today this la aab wednesday township council meeting next monday 18th dominion alliance meeting at lbs town hall snnday at 4 p m telephone 78 hourlaans drag store lor flowers friday and saturday the lhaw and rain on monday and tuesday helped ont the water situation oonstdsrably the presbyterian snnday school has sent a oheqne lor 94648 for the relief of tbe starving armenian christians the young peoples guild of knox church hilil a successful valentine hncial at tbe home of mr and mn r c adams on monday tening in compliance with tbe proclamation of tbe fuel controller our factories and places of business were closed last satur day and monday dr orenfell is again able i o take up his lecture tour and will come to george town tbe laot week in february date in next weeks issne farmers and others interested should not fall lo attend the big auction sale of robert doughty at limehouee on thurs day feb 21st see ad vt on pagu 4 a public meeting under the ansplcee of tbe dominion alliance will be held in the town ball georgetown on sun day fori 17th at 4 p m see advt jotore who have been summoned to attend lie assizes at milton on monday next i8th are not required to attend as there are no civil or criminal cases to be heard invite yonr friends to have after noon tea with you at tbe library on saturday afternoon and help tbe wo mens patriotic league carry on their good work mr b j hynds who was invalided home from tbe front after serving over a year in the trenches has been appointed caretaker of the new bank of hamilton here bob is a popular and worthy young man and we all wish bim success in his new occupation the womens patriotic league thank the young ladies of mis dr olinea class of tbe baptist chorch for tbe aum ol 22 16 proceeds ol their tea held in pie public library last saturday after- noon thvprdoeeiis fjttfm tbe patriotic tea on jan 2flth amounted to 91116 mrs john firslbrook president of north toronto patriotic leagues will ad dress a meeting under tbe auspices of the local patriotio league in the town ball georgetown sometime bis month her abject will be experiences in swltaer land among the prisoners of war watch for announcement of date ballinafad miss edna say res spent the weekend at her home here mil wilda koazel of acton visited her parents over saoday we are sorry to report tbst mrs a oampbsll is not much improved tbe beatlesa days were rigidly adhered to by the business men here correspondence muter claude bnrnslde who has been eollectins for tho halifax school for the blind has rerelvod tbe following acknowl edgment of amount forwarded master claude bnrnside georgetown ont dear claude your letter containing 116 00 for our fund for blind children has been gratefully received tell the children ol georgetown who so kindly contributed towards tbe fnnd that this will be a great help to us it will buy a great many bricks for our neir building for orildren we expect onr little happy and oomfort jiee i am very grate fnl for your interest and prompt response to my utter yours sincerely 0 v fraser many little ol children in be very able in their new house to our customers tho prlco for food stuffs as sot by tho food controller being based on a cash business we have decided to adopt the cash system for all our products we bellovo that by tbla means we will be able to give better satisfaction to our oastomers both as to quality and prlco you will find tbe war quality of flour vfblob we now have to make will not be a serlons menace to tho makers of good homemade bread we will sup ply it in three grades nndor tho well known brand kings choice norval and national we believe that all will toll heartily in lino with tbls effort to conserve the wheat supply for tbe men wbo are flgt ldi tlavk we 111 appreciate an early settle ment of all outstanding aooonnts wo thank you for your patronage in tho past and we will do our best to merits share of your business for tbo future i ia both juu and cotton for flour and vjvfted bogs aro very scorco and to keep ijurwltb otjior war tlmo economies it it ftoesetaary to sye all tbo bagging we lwfiw markeftatnefor til flour and feed bamvoii jafeiiffnle tea the m mm club will be the hostess es at a valentine ten b be held in the iimrry nn fctnrdav afternoon february 18th from 4 to 6 oclock irocerds for the womens patriotic league yoo are eeporially invited to be present thlmblt and trinket fnnd when you receive your thimble and trinket fund clrjfnlsr this week take time torautthrronithly then do your prtrt in helpirg onr srhool children on their collecting days next week it in a worthy object and deservus your assist ance wood in coal furnaces where wood is to be burned in a fur nace intended for coal it will be found desirable to partly cover the grate with iron or flrobriok in order to reduce the draft if this is not done the wood is wssted by being consumed too fast and makes a very hot flro whitlk in a fur nace may damage the fiiebjx engi neering and mining journal womens institute the meeting of the winter series will lie bold in hiewarttowo on tuesday feb 26th the afternoon meeting will be held at mrs john wileona homo st 230 and a joint meeting with tbe board ol agriculture in the evening in the coun cil chamber mire m v ponell of whitby will speak at both meetings both meetings are open to all whether members of tho institute or not a timber wolf the fleshcrton advanre correspondent at klmbcrky says what is supposed lo be one ol the oldest timber waives wsr seen on two or three occasions out east of here near mitchells mill recontly two or three hounds tracker him btit came out second best he is rf s frmyiph color jasper stewart our loo ir declares hell have the hide or knew tho reason why it is hoped the specimen can be captured and mounted nh they are supposed to be extinct in tries parts rex theatre wertnesdsy intrigue with peggv uyland and bobby connelly episode 12 of tbo voice on the wire and a comedy riff kff and rivalry friday- the brosdway sport with stuart holmes and a two part fox film comedy saturday the moth a select pic- tore with norma talmadgo and a two part msck beunett comedy coming- the halifax disaster photographed by pathe rat poison starts fin- a kingston despatch says the fire and light committee have been trying to ascertain tbe cause of a lire which badly gntted the borne of james harris and have come lo the conclusion thru rat poslon which contained phosphorus was responsible it is believed that the posion which was placed on some bread was carried by rats to their nest near a hot water pipe and that itanght tire from the heat the fire and light com mittee will take steps lo have the bale of the poison prohibited halton board of agriculture public ineetinitb ol the halton hoard of agriculture will ho held at keqneslng on feb 26th and bronkville on feb 27th at 2 p m and 7 0pm mr g b iloth- well of ex per farm ottawa and mr w oshearer of bright will be present and take np discussions of different farm topics miss powell of whitby will ad dress the womens institute on tuesday at 230 pm at the home of mrs john wilson esquesing and each evening in tbe hall at 780 every one is invited to be present and lake part in tbe discuai- 10ns 2t rebekahl will organize a meeting wax called at the home of mr and mrs a norrington on thursday feb 7ih tor the purpose of choosing a name fofthe new lodge of rebekahs about to be instituted about 40 were presentsiid niter considerable discussion the name of st julien was chosen for i lie new lodge officers were elected and other important matters connected with the lodge were arranged at present there are about 00 members which is not too many for there is a good work to he done by the rebekahe refreshments were served games played end selections rendered on the grafanola it was a most enjoyable evening m r a ngus double of toronto was home for the weekend mr brork rarber of toronto was in town on monrlay lient ii m kennedy of toronto was home over hnnday minn baxter of gnelpb spent the vrpekenriinitpwn iisetexn toronfvilir wstfng vt yrflwjsmcoeaa sjiyvjflrflinv jjrjpn of wonto visit ed at bht- hotri iluring thewtk v alw gladys keeling of oakvllle spent the weekend with friends in town mjr lougtiexd of- toronto spent the wiek at mr ril crryltdas mcoaqdll i kennedy of acw siirondiywithfjienrlsii town mitemarret key and mirs olive krnpiidj were gtteat oitgrjslph friends nqtfvrtrevfeynd mrs uhrtroy has feinruid vhome from toronto allvr hpenfne seveltal weeks visiting frlermls in tljo clly misses- mazto and mjrndie- mcdonald- have passed their elemootary piano exa- rainsiion at tonfthlo conservatory of music ttiey are pupils of miss matthews frank l miller who has been serv ing under tho admiralty baa returned irom the slutnnd islands and spent tbe weekend with his uncleand aunt mr ami mrs w a lane mr and mrs breckin attended the funeral of the lab mr darche hamilton who was the victim of the train wreck isst week mr darche was an nnole of mr bicrkin they will visit also at walerdown aud carlisle before coming home mrs albert sachs of the piince albert hotel treated her boarders to an oyster supper last friday evening they in turn presented ber with a beautiful vase of flowers miss dorothy thompson was also very kindly rememberod by ihem all lvvvmwmvvvvvvvvaa acton at the meeting nf i lie oniclal bnatd of ndny even- invltaiion to rev r s k tho methndut church on mondn fng a cordial large b a bd to continue as tb pastor hero for a second year was aeootd- edby the unanimous vote of fhe board like the eohools of toronto snd other laces acton bod monday morning dlf culty with fbe heating syatsm at tbe school one room only however had to be dismissed for half a day ifev mr burt of georgetown con ducted the servicee in st albans church lost buuday the holy sacrament was admloiitored in the morning rev mr burts sermons were much enjoyed on sunday evening chief lawson ar rested pete nlnkafortune on a oharge of oarrying concoaled weapons he bad a johnfltonrs2 oalibro 6 chamber revolver with a cartridge in each of the ihombors the esse came before justices h p moore and geo hvnds at 10 oclock monday morning vheo oxamifted in com he cartridges were found to bays the bullet lb place but the explosive was withdrawn from each when nlok- alortune appeared ho was rcauesled by the court to oxhlbltbls pennllto leave biw yellw to cdme to acton thl be bafciieglected bsng jn awn on wkj be s n4ini stewarttown fotlowins ie the school reporl for jan uary iv clape dorothv rno annie xelly joteph ktandiijh nora wit son harold wreeueidc iwen itao dorothy thnrat- iii beatrice htandith thomta giffeo hr iii ailronhumo edward baily jr hi hcatncii hodge eva hittn sr ii- jcrcy bally frpd hnnathan mbrkrtt tiffcn norman mc alpine jr ii isabel wiltmn hib0 lunan ko88 thompson oonlon graham sr ii iordon thnrfton ada hnme jr i john kly walter linlmni hrrlrt lannn dick blandish hill bon athuii uuth iffn inrdon mcalptnp hr tr francia thompson terra cotta too lat for last tatnt a nnmborof our younit people attou lcd a kuial pnrty at the home of mra k i cum on thursday evening laat ex- fllfent manic was furnished by mr e kanderson and lome grain e messrs d hilts of norval l oralne and a- henry very ably performed the duties of master f ceremonies the party ws held in honor of mr t webster who expects to join the colors success to yoo tommy the quarterly services were held lo the methodist church here last sunday the furviea were ably conducted by the pallor rev mr traeblond mre n httiart is now able to be around upain as usual mr ami mrs e little entertained a number of thfir ouig friends to a party on frldriy evening laot a very enjoy- ahle time wan spent in karnes etc mr k cruine nnd niectt mips hiuon nf milton are pponding a lew days with friends in our hamlet mrs i hoo sherwood of uelph who rerently returned from england epent a few days in our hamlet laat week notice to creditors in the matter of the estate of eliza jinn harley late of the villatie of georgetown in the county of halton widow de ceased notick is hekeby given pursu ant to statute that all creditors and oth ers linvihtf claims agaiist tbe estate nj the snd kliza ann harley deceased whi died nn or nwut the ninth day of jannnry a l 1018 are required to send by prist prepared or to deliver to charles b lavfnnt georgetown ontario one of the executors of the said deceased on or before the eleventh day of march ad 1018 their names addresses and descrip tion hurl h fnll statement of the particu lars nf their claims anil tbe nature of tbe secuiltv if anv held by them and hukthkk take not ice that after the said last mentioned date i ho assets of the said deceased will be distributed smong tbe parties entitled thereto having regard only to tbe claims of which notice shall then nave been received dated at brampton this twelfth day of february ad1918 w 8 morphy brampton floliclior for charles brown dayfoot and wellington albert bailey executors gibbens cut rate cash and carry grocery 12 lb hedpaths best yellotr sugar 98c 3 package ammonia 10c celluloid sinroh per package oo b tins uiubons own baking powder 46o koyal excelsiordates 2 page 26c tellers sodas laws box 28o clioico prunes 2 lb for lc liptons too in reg s5o this week per pkg 60c try our coffee per lb 82c grlllln brand seeded or seedless bale- ins largo pkg ho new pink salmon large tin 28c aunt dinah molasses 2 tins 2so christies sodas large box 2co swifts or h a brand oleomargarine sso best canadian cheese per lb 20c pure lard in 8 or 6 lb pails per lb 82o bee hive syrup in 2 lb tins per tip 24o mngln baking powder 1 lb tin 88o 8 tins avlmor pess 48o told or p g naptha soap 15 bare 100 orchard brand pure fruit jam 66o mincemeat per lb lse eagle brand salmon j lb tins 17o all flavoring extracts 8 for 26o 40c per lb cash for good butter this week j j gibbens phonb 1 iarkthilijs perl txd italtojfs ua ituj ia stukb with some its quality with some its price with us its both groceries i ilv hnuriafthb liostvelioiir sugar tbrvxv oo- jbsirpjhiragryiaapgarljrfcv 0q 41t best tdojofi 8 lbsiclngsugar ipriz 3 pkgsammoqia largesitte for y celluloid ate roh per pkg i 2 one pound tins baron ills bat ing powderfori itlorn starch- pev pkn ir itwrt ingersdil cpoam cheeee per lb cnoai one poubutii riawiiwripk twfelaepdatuacojrt pebboxl 8 tl rfs tljnjatos for 4il y aaiarloan oil 6 gal lor 2 ie llo wo no idc- oqntttlmj choice pjhk vieirat iwc n 24c v tbi acid test of bnrpahsori- briees hsveeviqo ft fot years v j marinoth house georgetown fc bargains in many lines p vwvwtsyvvvsa handkerchiefs llillcs fa ni- v llniiilkurphln 10 is 20 20 ladles kulss lliimlin ichlifs jo 21 01 soo clillilrvnk white fancy immlkfs a 7 10 t 12jo linies oloves ladichaolnid klil olovqh hlrt77r74 at i18b 1 ladies tryi coji lrjtluixc3sfl5 m w i- k e v i lftilkwi tonfinriwqlbvnajm dnwoc- -v- liltuctaai-jilwluovvi-w- v ladles hruumlnct6iivs4l0o lsdfo white clot lit it ir0 i silk waists lidltu silk vnlxthinwlitte pink old rosd aniluiaixa nt boo ato50 ladu1avho ivollowafstif 1100 85d l40 wotit scattrs ttif caps i ladfcn blftiflpb wool cape uofl tic 4 flm ladlw mjjisos woo sats 2fl0 f 8w inuiioii ato wooii bckrffvfiaui vi i child ivlfojwoousearfb wjjpq r i hbstery ladtoucnbliiacis tiirlpn flnece ubed and- rj a fildr wiocltlriks luitloh ciutltaitin- llow78n140is tlsi ciuiiokiirfnp iiofl 40 so icvijo ladiofi fflur uuitttiilsal7s tsoo- children aliptji 25s5atiufla i vr uulles mills 60 ncttj 70d i mcbe an co ladies collars ladlon croio ii- chine iiirutt 1 11 1 ii 1 jl r0 liulics lnoo cnllars 100 to 51 vs lrullik not colllllh 00 71c illlil fllll silks a lovely ranio of iopo dc chlni iiiltiihlo for wal its atil ilronaorf in nm i ho leaiuit slimloh dncufihis iuhibe cmmrg itiolil nisei siif viftlsltfo bejidipiwtvybuantrot- bsw f vtfsp auohanlivblipcomaoiom6ijs sofyhso- able goods ferjioiulttyijlftfl v ii f utfsolove tenh tiltaad kui oloriw 225 mbna linpd km mllxtt l0 mens llnnil mocia olovos t78 ia2fl meun lluod honv uiu 7ao ltjoi jj5 160 boys mius 85 60 anil 70c j bdy lined wru glovcs- at ftiji menskbur tahpncnrigiiweoand 7jo utoahliltioiihkuiillecri m r50pi 20cv- orobtefti jm up- bnq- 1 mondvlyn haudlcorchlctrirlo 15aua boots vihqlhots aoicoirarlko of lidfoitla ou allppomrj iiooiw mttar felt suppera 50o oo 21 iadlspslnolotti toptobotn 00 unffitt- ladles- phlul top klrl hooth fciojlwbrqvooo yr- i-tvvi-els- v a largoasboi towcltfig i oottpoi union jjlnonj and turufsba etown our february furniture offerings are great in value splendid variety and qualities are dependable x the values we pre sent should tempt everybody 6x9 tapestry carpet value at 1500 for square big 1195 special 970 other good values iu carpet squares and conpoleum rugs 7jx9 for carpet square very imposing values in bedroom furniture dresser quarter cut oak fiuish 16x20 bevel mirim- got values at 1700 for 1195 agricultural unities below oeorgetowa 4 miles on eights line too aormscbtap firm al 700000 oelog to bo told at onom sleek good farm for oralo exeollout water 90 acres workable balance bush cedar liasswoott rmcl white neb frame house 8 rooms good cellar under whole house bank barn 62x60 good stabling barn no 2 hay barn 50x80 drivinghouse hen house workshop 60x24 splendid oreek 100 yards bo low barn nevor dry milton and brampton 7 miles terms arranged 145 acres township of kassagaweya halton co 80 acres workable balanoe timber and pasture 2 acres orchard 2 wells roughcast house ton rooms good cellar bank barn room for 10 head of cattle driving shed ben botfte silo school 1 roilo church 1 mile rural mail price 600000 this farm 66 small will er- ohane for larger farm terms arranged very good buildings mason homestead 100 moro trafalgar towntblp county of halton all workable 8 aores orohard soil olav loam lnrgo frame house bank barn 66x48 on stono foundation stable hoxfio driving shed wind mill school j mile church 1j mitos nearest village threo inilos rural mail and telephone price 10500 a grand farm for bay- grain or mixed farming terms arranged closo to htliool and station you can ship milk from the farm to toronto linear station 1 milo opb good reason for selling too mores kjln towntblp aoton anil coorgotown six miles 75 acres workable balance wood- and pasture orohard soil clay irst- cljurch loam frame house 7 rooms good collar pig pen barn 72x52 first- class stabling oemont floors driving shed soliool ij milob a miles rural mail prioo 676000 terms arrangod bo aores township ol trafalgar miraattvllla three millet 70 aores workable balapoe good bush 1 j ao of applo orchard and half an ooro of small frnit soil olay loam two wells frame houso 10 rooms barn hpl 80x00 no 2 80x61 no 8 80x64 driving slied silo rural mailand telephone cnuron and school one and one- quarter miles prjoe 000000 termjrrahbpd dressers quarter cut oak finish 20x24 bevel mirror 2200 for 1690 a good display of substantial values in bedroom furniture unusual values in dining room furniture sideboards golden oak finish 44x20 top 14x24 bevel mirror linen drawer 2 cutlery drawers 1950 for l j 295 buffets quarter cut oak finish 44x28 top 34 in mirror 2 cut lery drawers 1 linen drawer 2300 for l 1790 tables quarter cut oak finish 40x40 g feet 15 1090 china cabinets quarter cut oak finish 72x33 23 for with mirror 1950 j lv v i period furniture of merit period style cut oak jacobean finish buffet 3650 extension table 2750 6 chairs 2800 china cabinet 2000 mary and william style i cut oak finish buffet 41 extension table 2750 6 chairs 45 china cabinet 3150 parlor suites as a big saving j piece parlor suite i cut oak leather upholstered for 3500 piece parlor suite mahogany fiuwli silk upholstered 3800 3 piece parlor suite mahogany fiuish english yelour for 3500 big special bargains in metal beds heavy pillar bed colored enamel 2000 for 1200 special brass fiuish bed fancy pillars 22 for 1550 2 iu continuous pillars white enamel beds for 81475 all over leather upholstered fireside kockers for 1575 rockers oak leather set 375- rockers leather seat 300 bedroom chairs whittf enamel 390 s if 5

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