Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), February 13, 1918, p. 4

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4ie l r w the georgetown herald wednesday eveg feb 18th 1918 the tif i vi v v is tesv from sloicoe reformer said farmer bui to farmer joe i think the price ot boga too low it bhould be fixed at an advance unless tis done ill take no chance in keeping swine and feeding swill ob i dont know said joe to bill tbey fixed the price of wheat yon know and thats not fair said bui to joe id betfer ied vlanaihbfdjconttollerndlfi id letbropre mflney in my wuli hat might be eol said joe to bill to farmer joe said parmer bill hen should be left our farms to mil we ork so bard lourselvee yon fcbow jt comes blamed toqgh to labor to vawunwlbeto jrtowi v iumaekiqkd jjiuwp osy wentiwinqtiiej thats no jpi they hi not get toine eui bill u joe iheybutypefld k on uje-wajr- t thaifbakes ns farmers mlghtyveore tve done enough against- the foe dtiew1lghttaiabulu jja that patobedqp government if id bill ive hall etloogh etui opvkeep still i yon make me sick ill stand no more vou get rlglie ont antk theres the door met food and cash against tneioe its up to ab tbis war saidjoe castor i a for infants and chlldreii in us for over 30 years always bears the signature of vinol removes the cause of chronic coughs a constitutional remedy that we guarantee igrange n c for years i suffered with a chronic cough so i could not sleep nights and continued to lose fleh my druggist asked me to try vinol it cured my cough i can sleep nights and have gained twelve pounds vinol is the best tonic and tissue builder i have ever taken w d ren lagrange n c we guarantee vinol or chronic coughs colds and bronchitis not a kterit medicine formula on every ttlc your money back if it falls l v hourigan druggist george- ssasatamialao at tho best druggist in all tjugsno towns newdairy choice milk and cream in any quantity both guaranteed first quality deliver ed every morning to any part of george town guaranteed pa8turized cream pq otssfihsbfj taking largo mjuaotf uest t os bftvoyoor order and wo will convince jroa our milk and orpam are the best wrlto ot phone us to call ppqnbtiob r po box 482 qfcroctqitrri something new i b kiceman georgetown will buy anything you have to sell and pays tho highest price for live poult ry i can afford to pay a higher prioe than others in ontario as i ship to mon treal any perbou- having foultry to sell let mo know and i can guarantee you better satisfaction than you will get from anybody else i buy old bags with or without holes also rags rubbers bottles old iron stoves see dnd hand clothes hides and bkins i pay a prioe that will surprise you it yon hnvo anything to sell ami me a eard 8 bicoman georgetown po private residence next doer to j a bells shop l16tp unreserved auction of farm stock implements c tho undersigned has received instruc tions from robert doughty to sell by publlo anotion at llmehouse lot 22 con 6 esnueslng twp on thursday february 21bt 1916 at 12 oolook sharp the following horses bay mare hd 6 yrs brown gelding hd aged bay gelding hd 8 yrs well broken bay mare roadster o yrs bay ally rising 2 yrs wagonhorse 6 yrs cattle thorobred hereford cow due mar 1st shorthorn cow due june 11 shorthorn cow due june 11 short horn cow dno july 8 hereford- cow fresh calved shorthorn cow fresh col- ted pole angus cow calf at side black cow duo feb 27 shorthorn dne apl 12 holsteln due mar 7 shorthorn duo apr 10th shorthorn due may 10 shorthorn apr 0 shorthorn due june 17 bhort- born supposed to be with oalf jersey supposed to bo with calf hereford sup posed to be with calf 9 heifers rising 2 ss 0 feeding steors 18 spring calves ereford bull 2 yrs shorthorn bull 1 yr sheep 17 ewes due early part of april p1gs0 store pigs 2 yorkshire hows due feb 7 mar 14 implements gilson 6 hp gas engine hay teddor maple leaf grain grinder hay ralio peter hamilton cutting box band or power no 9 oli ver riding plow no 12 fleury walk log plow outthrow diso harrow 2 hay racks 2 springtooth cultivators road cart sot light seed barrows 4 pos sot heavy barrows 4 pes stook rack seed drill 18 boo frost and wood land roller turnip drill massoyharris sou filer now dooring manure spreader deerlng mo wer 6 ft cut in good order bain lum ber wagon and box low down wagon and gravel box 2 pair box aleigbb wheel barrow complete set of louden slings chatham fanning mill two seat ed cutter tolton root pulper and slicor potatoo sprayer sot of weigh scales cap 2000 lbs 8 sot doublo harness set sin gle harness number of horse collars premier separator quantity sorap iron and metal doubletrees nook yokes logging chain and other articles too nu merous to mention a quantity of hay oats and mixed grain abont 25 busseed spring wheat terms hay grain and sums of 10 and under cashr over that amount 10 months credit on approved joint notes six per cent por annum off for cash benj petoh auctioneer 6at6ffpl a rash stivers pae of blood polaonlrtp re ported at emergency hopltif of salt lake cltyi ncmess than four coses of blood p61- sonlnjr nnd body rash caused by a virulent variety of caterpillar have been reported to the emergency hos pital says the salt lake tribune mrs dean r daynes of 870 south west temple street appealed to the city officials for advice in regard to a rash that had broken out on hor babys back mrs daynes said she bad found nn ordinary looking yellow caterpillar in her babys clothing end discovered the rush nhter she was advised to call in a physician immediately cnlorplmurs nro the larvae of a lepldopterous insect not necessarily a butterfly in tho first stage of meta morphosis according to wobsitor the larvae of such lusccts as tho gcom- etrld moth or tho hawk moth are smooth and are not poisonous the large yellow haired ones have n pencil of hairs that look like horns and a faslcule nf hairs that resembles a tall it is the sting from those hairs that poisons as it is almost impossible for the insect to bite no cose of a caterpluar sting has proved fatal so far as the officials of the salt lake hospitals know mothers were advised to keep their very young children off lawns and from beneath trees unless some ono was in attend ance to watch them george williams thirtyeight yearn old of 537 south west temple also of salt lake was bitten on the thigh by a caterpillar while in bed within nn hour the poison had spread through his entire system and a rash had broken out on his arms and buck he was treated at the emereonoy hos pital bringing tbe caterpillar with him when you put your best efforts into a pie yon wish to be sure that the f beet flour is there too use our flour and yon will never have cauae tooom- plato that your skill has been wasted on poor materia this is the beet flour that tbe science of milling has turned oat there can never be a betterv i robert nolble iiinted jets it is cheaper tt ur hardwood flopirs i a hcrtise than to buy carpiotsfor it yvhaft morethe hardwood floors wiu last a iifetime fire much easier to keep clean and in every respect will return you dividends of pleasure on your investment we8eu beaver brand hardwood flooring it is thoroughly kiln dried accurately machined per fectly matched and guaranteed to last a lifetime ask any person who has hardwood floors in his house whether he would go back to the old softwood floors and carpets tho answer will convince you that it pays to buy hardwood floors j b mackenzie georgetown and acton ii bracelet watches xk crr beloim wmfs pattersons meat market specials incanned goods 4ii v- chcepotoioy thjtpkwlttg cans of peas for j 86c j s cannot corn 114 5 cansw tomatoes 2 vl9r -r- -i- v jv lbshaliiibn bythefi5h- 17c lb r beef sow by ihe quarter at itdwfept pofe prices v v r v y v 1 i jatcjipur jjdorvvv ijbr ejctla oed vajues on fridaysaiid saturirjajs ground bone for chickens j any person having veal calves for sale please phone or write us wjpatterson phone i georgetown lull you wha are in arrears kindly save us the labor and expense of making out bills and e writes himself to death anaoram writing from shakespeares works takes vitality of noted h british author the death of oapt ilnsll wlllett charles hood the british author wus brought about by bis excessive at tempts at anagram writing from sliako- spearea works according to tcnllmnny at the inquest in london lie was fiftythree years old and n former ofll- er of the prince of wales west york shire regiment the eojroner according to tho lon don times said it was evident what caused death captain hood was en- bgeo in a laborious undertaking ron- structlngwrltlng out of tho crypto grams which bo alleged that bo found in shakespeare tbero are roams of wrltlnj here aald the coroner every piiiki let ter la written most cnrefully and it must take months to file nil hiih ntuft about secret writing and tiui mes sages wnfeh he luirpoiiti to hnvo found concealed by menus f rrrpto- irrnms in ilninlet and otlioi- iloys v reems to me hint he has immi uurulif very inte nt nltfht and nit ilny nt thw rubblih it ennnot ht culled nnyllltvr else nnd has imh ojliniiiiln hhnslf and- wearing out his ncrvon pytoni by going without n proper munl of nourishment beraupo he t tih h8 brain moro active on an onii wloni- ach all tho time he wjis nsinn his strength in thlx way ho was exhaust ing his strength our stock is now at its very best a gift sure to please the recipient and to keep the giver in plea sant remembrance silver and strap 7 a id jewels ss00 and upwards ooklfilloa7 18 jowols flooo 3g solid gold 18 jowols s2000 solid gold ilk is jowel movoment s2600 soldiers watches withgaagjbhi dial anc jaands in a silver or nickel case drawith waltham or swiss 2 movement x a small deposit will secure any article for later delivery jl b wilsorx main street next mccibbon hotel soldiers chanco of life if you n drafted man lisllevo that rtntlsllcs tell tho truth you tvlll feel as safe in france ns you tumnlly do in the streets nf new york so says ling er w ilnbson the eminent slntin- tlclttn according to popular science monthly furthermore ho says that the man who is eouncctoil with tho heavy field artillery la- n niru likely to be killed than ono in the employ of a rnllrond however ho does mil hold nut such high hopes for i ti lieuten ants sergeants and corporals tho death rate being very much greater among officers than among privates also the mortality is hlglior among voluntoer corps than among drafted men sixty men per thousand tiro now being killed in the war and iiliout iso men nut of each thousand are wounded arthur b castell m tsf oollsos a musio lanoas kaumo ohoinusm muntuua owaui nmiimii tmcih wnttng or fan wand on year to travel 28 mllea rudolph manderson chief of the southern party of stefennson arctic expedition has received a letter from rev h girling emanuel saskatoon who tor the last three years has boon trying to reach the socalled blond eskimos the little boat in which three missionaries comprising the party were traveling was blown up by an explosion last spring and they lost tho greater part of their supplies in a years time tbe party bad suc ceeded in traveling only 28 miles along the coasts so great were the difficul ties experienced georgetown creamery xi iht f j renew your subscription to the herald 125 if paid in advance otherwise 150 thank you we pay the highest market price for cream in any quantity i ii ii poultry and eggs we will pay you the highest market price for your poultry live or dressed also fresh eggs georgetown creamery co m m saxe manager sraab children cry for fletchers lets send you the herald only 125 in advance tho xftnd yon have always bought and which lias been in use for over so years bos bornotlio signature ot and has boon mado nndcr lis per sonal supervision slnco its infancy allow no ono to deceive you in this all counterfeits imitations and justasgood ore bnt esperinicnts that trifle with and endanger tlio health of and children experience against experiment what is castor5a costoria is a harmless snbstltuto for castor oh pare goric drops and soothing syrups it is pleasant it contains neither opium morphine nor other marcotlo substance its aire is its guarantee it destroys worms and allays feverlshness for more than thirty years it has been in constant use for tho relief of constipation riatuloney wind colic all teething troubles and diarrhoea it regulates the stomach and bowels assimilates tho food giving healthy and natural sleep the childrens fonaoea the mothers friend genuine castor i a always bears the signature of should keep time with feet the wrist watch has been made pop ular by tho boys in khaki it is much moroonvonlent tbey find to turn up their sleeve nnd note the tlmo than it id to dig in their joans to discover it but according to a facetious member of the camp nt van cortlnndt park lt looks ns if tho cherished fad will be sent to the discard the old man meaning of course tho colonel he said is very much tip in the sir about wrist watches what ho wants mostly is for rookies to keep time with their feet vum vum george i 1 yes derirr t 1 ir atiortogs7 s ts care a ions ns hbtfl in use for er 30 years the kind you have always bought counter check books we are now prepared to furnish the best counter check books made to merchants and others who require same let us have your next order hungry children marsh tnrsugh streets shouting for food fed by the raid orosa the desperate condition of tb civ ilian population of belgium and north ern france who ore being repatriated nnd the work of tbe red cross in re storing them to normal health la grupblcully described iii a report to ued croau hondnuarten from evnln where repatriates are received these distltuto people are returning to thltr laud at the rate of 1000 a week 00 per cent of them children their hard ships kaye bceuspcotthat of tha qulrsvbo retifiv sopeyvceiisdle the- brstfnopthiioni eiliauiitfnvv- r- rrhero irrlved recenuty the xeporf a ifaii loaded wltt belgian children 080 of- them thin sickly alone all between agca of tour nod twefve cluldren of ao- wbo refused to wqrk fortheoerniarni an of mrjtb- irs who let thojr cblldfoi o rattier jthan let uieo itkna tbay off tjictrajn- v j j hnivsr- ind- jonibic rong-way- alphtfpe ctilllrti jidoojchutitljvi station machijd aloigtn ahohllnguftot wat 8lft 16liuvr rnjijt0tlio casfiiiwlire hey weievsven viuaw ijjullne first ija oaily uiunxbi ji v the- cent cotilili pack otn suiarlexf coin li pent la em- t erilk frii tl fiiv jiujfiitipirr pnhlfc tiguvm which itlins- oeirilcdfr tears enyii the- pluiliuruh oowtte- tlmts under the ulceration of the new revenue low 1 1 will achieve the favor which it desorvea at tlio hands nf tlirifiy pcoplo lnporitv itrnuglit iho ciinier cola into contempt now that we nro to out out extravagance nnd waste tho cent will be respected ilko every other nucentlly o niuy imj ear to biiniii lilmaclf with a ttstfu tlie erstwhile desplswl near- niouify but we ore eiitcrlug upon oa cri of odd pileu which makes the onerent pii iv cmenllul to lliu coro- tuoiust ti iikintlnnk nf- tho day tho promperous iuiy escuiio tln annoyance f merinuy oimeni 1 y biou such niunf ims tliey crn niulo pnyments in iniililples at nickels nnd dliien but iven hint resourco may full thei the pihtlc will soon look aakaiko upnn tho liliii who buys more ihuu euougli for liiunidite need norrdcrs nro not in favor thnnkfl to the iriiliiss insued by the fnml nnd other admin- ltriitnra of lkcfinltlos so tho peo- iltt geneiully amy n well inalio up their minds to carry pennies nnd imiuu mill recoil ever they buy 35 ilbtt on coal in all sizes we have in stock a large amount ol dbmrt e0 and prorlfloill vj l vl vt ttteogjrrfrnv yj t t qst i jliau n t bi y the old kellable laundry flrstclass work guaranteed at 5 i the lowest pricb shirts 10c i rob rlocx okobgbtown p s smv- americans have brains col t ii gtieilwln of liio ilojal ar- ny midlclii ciirpb of knuhind told livsllims in the trnlnlni camp ot ft viijimln llarrliiin hiillnnn thai tho liiuniia fiar tli ofivcts of tho entry if aiinii u tho wnr a liin cnptiln who hud been iiiliiil wus imlieil wlini he thoiikht iiii our miiehprlxol shell fire buui 1ii oiinlwla your nrtlllory is no butlor than ours th oernmil roillrti sdroly you will oilmlt wo excel in ivlnllon we told mm no the oerimin replied you ore it letfr llniii u3 anywhere finally wo nslceil him what he thought nhout america entering tho war nnd nibwered tlmt i fivniit weve got some brnlii- io fltdit now r c nixon georgetown substantially made harness reojna pneumatic cleaners for rental at j dollar per day a good assortment ot trunks and valises agent for page wire fence repairing promptly done nixons harness and repair shop johnny on tho spot farmer a western fniinor dropped in upon the llhitty loan commltteo in his town inward tho close of tlio subscription po- ilod plecoil ntiillk can en the table removed the cover find emptied tho contents tlmt mlllt can contained the livings of wars in copper sllvor lid ioid coins juid bank notes when enunleil tlio ciuh was found to nuiount to a rurally sum i nnver put my money in pink m1 tlio fiiriner i ill ive i en iliiiimn ii ovir nil t buckm i ran trurt vmiim sain no rt f i an ivmi if n nniclihirpir ilenost of ie poiiiiiiilin than is nciiuilly lioui tkiisiln kcleuco moult r sanitary fountains an itivcstlicnllon of drinking foun tain nt tho university of minnesota enrrliml nut by the stato board of health led to tho rntlior startling re- milt tlmt the 77 fountains in use at tlio university most uf which belonged to vnrlous suppose ly unitary types wore found to bo in mperly construct ed to prevent ccofitulnatlon by tbs consumer nconimaa to tbe sctentiflo american tli- principal defect was i lie vertical dlscliarfe of the water making it necessary for the consumer to place his mouth directly ovor the point of discharge it was found that the majority of persons drank with the lips touching the noztlo the invest- gators devised n now type of fountain in which tlie discharge is nt such an angle hint there is no possibility ot water falling back from the mouth up on or near tho orldce frui1 trees and plants for spring planting we need nn further in trod act on thtt foot that we have been in the nonary huaines- sixty ono yoars and are now prepared to meet existing conditions by offering our high trade trees and plants direct to the customer at rook bottom prices sntid for our illustrated circulars ol hardy varieties which you can order dir ect and save tlio agents commiemon of which yon get the benefit our prices will ho f to intcrft you and all stock a absolutely lint cl and true to name m the thaf i- brother8 co of ontario ltd kstaiutstmi l67 ooliiohnli ost local agent wanted for ieoruetown nnddistrict to fell for tiik old kkliaiile fonthill nuiibkribs splendid list of stock for fall planting 1017 nnd tpring planting 1018 inolnding many new varieties wich we alone con- irol send for new illustrated catalogue also agents proposition handsome free outfit exclusive territory liberal com missions a unique suggestion a constablo in n vermont town re cently rounded up a number of hobos nine along lie snltt to them you have all fcnt lo hnvo a batb tills announcement was of course received with considerable perturba tion especially by tho oldest of tho men what i ho exclaimed a bath i a bntb with water suro thing sold the constable look here mr constable aald the apprchcnalve one couldnt you man- ago it with ono of them vacuum claaor rl stone and wellington the fonthill nurseries established 1837 toronto ontario w j insurance fi re -and- accident mrs roe 52jown ontario mttmmmmm farmers buy yotir gutters sleighs robes c from ii e horse blankets and bells th0sehew norval -n- ontar pbone 10ir88 m the dl wrb 00b scran ton coal the standard anthracite the dl w soranton in all sizeb is the only hard coal we carry a large stook now onhand also threshing and smithing ooal goal bins opposite norval station phone 62r24 bell line j watkins norval mliiiii i j a tka0y5 olerfa of maiiea xoivnship 4nt agent or feiloral lite iniqranoe co canada national flrcrlnilirr anee co travollora accident in- euranco 06 great west perm dt loan co leaner of marriage consei qfflrav miirstreetwest rfeilis 1

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