Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), February 20, 1918, p. 1

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the herald t a w box 186 jan 18 fiftyfirst year of publication georgetown wednesday evening february 20 9i8 150 per annum or 1 25 if paid in advance k iivtr i i 1 f v h i is i taese0r6et0wn herald ib roblibhbd eveby wednesday evening t tub rteraldpqwer printing office qbobqbtqw ont oie or it paidin lid iuto8ft roonthi 85ceijtb in dtb the address label shows the data 760 abecripuon expires idbsttytci advertising rates furnished on application ten cehis per line fqrfljst inaerjibni and fit cents per hheforesch eubee- wuent liiaertipn wlu wcbaksi or all itnweiituvexheueatei vtwee wee- yjkanuiehv advertisements without speoiilc-dlreo- uotuj win fc inserted antfl forbid and charged accordingly v advertlmimento will be changed bote each monthwlibout oxtraohage changes lor- contract advertisements must nem the office by moiday evening j m moore publisher otr tlntbl gong mux panenger 920 am paateager 1100 a m mail 1189 ain passenger 846 pm mall 716 pm gong wan mail 767 am mail 1005 am paaenger 208 p m paaaeoger 686 pm mail 767 pm sunday only pajeenger going west 066 am passenger gome east 6s6 pm 00110 mobtb panenger monday only 760 am mail 620pm ooimo 0ootb mall 1006 am panenger friday only 730 am ii no shovelling required standard c0al- loallalkea automatically screened and loaded torohto suburban railway daily tihstabls am pm pm 840 747 going eist 810 220 going weal 866 266 sswntr tiiiitiiiii am pm pm pm going east 1020 1260 416 610 going west 1040 610 director y tal shilton wallbr1duea dale barristers solicitors etc tobonto and gxoboxtown office kennedy block le boy dale in charge of georgetown office wootf c i bejeot lamp lor i threshing purposes and oannel goal lor domestic and poses bmifttlng oal in lad i cany everything to be fonnd in lptbdate coal and wood yard john mcdonald georgetowol phone i2 mail contract jw ifdual da joseph mcandrew pbysloian and surgeon t medical officer ol health district surgeon u t r office hoars 2 to 4 and 7 to 8 p m pbone 68 office and residence main st 8ooth opposite presbyterian church shlmfinttit no medloine surgery or osteopathy am nbilben do gardoate of the palmer the original school of chiropractic daven port iowa c8a office over romfords shoe store consultation and spinal analysis free tries than and sat 2 to 6 4 7 to spm phohb 160a bjrtital l l plant d0 0p d georgetown eyesight specialist gloss eyos eyoglasses office nextto library phone 100 tor appointment rental frank b watson dd8 mds dentist georgetown out hoars 800 am to 6 pm dentistry in all its branches over bank of hamilton f jl heath lds ddb dentist office in lane block one door north of oneills carriage factory hoars 9 am to 6 pm dr l u bennett dentist office at residence mam st north first boose over gth bridge phone 142 georgetown gwrtioutm benj petoh licensed auctioneer for halton and peel glenwtluama poet office sales con ducted satisfactorily and at reasonable rates orders left at the gbobobtowii hcbalo ornoa will receive prompt attention we want now a reliable agent in halton county to ell papuans pbbblrss fecit and obna msntal rasas during fall and winter months good pay exolnsive territory see selling equipment over 800 acres of the ohnlcest nursery stock including new varieties controlled by os handsome uptodate selling equipment and a splendid canadian grown stock to otter customers we are not jobbers nb catalogue senj on request to ap pllcanta lor agencies or pnrohuers of nor ry stock write now for agency terms to pelflai nursev co toronto ontario jackson and lee civil engineer surveyors temple bldg brantford mj a m jackson b m le meonanloal engineer etoi onstttjris 0 wynneitbberts water worto hardware paints stoves tinware electric fixtures sewer pipe -and- cement tinsmithing and plumbing hot air and hot water heating electric wiring jwkennedy phone 26 georgetown onl js toyoorfota palrhkc lhsb would rov t iy werir v st vvgtacornltiontuneeiadohattnprvtdylliur w for jrrooticalsbivrc i v ejvtixa bt isour sposialty- iryonwe rmwoaxuig shoes thatiiurt yoslldpneoiatothis setvtop otopra call any way anil w i v rulvifqrd a theshoemrn ri v- -tt- sialal ndriiaireiva v hie jinmf manenolrill to received ni ottawa onltl npno ou brlday ths iftth march ioj8 forttu con veyance of ffls majesty smalurori a fropoac4 ceqtraet- for four years -hix- lloiea par week on the route milton west kjt no a from the u april hie v hrlnteir notices contatnlob fnrttierlnforrns- tlonas to connuioo or tvoposeoroontnictniny beseanaajlbtsidt forrnsocteoner niay beou- jinedtwtmtim8oirllonwekinft tt ttofllf e olttoe post omes lojifcctor tsibabi foprcjfnce tbsotqrsofncetorootpjiimiluj fe the home of better shoes niri will bt friday tbir hj ujesiy mali rr wu nannral will btoetvod at olu t behind march frtho convrj ir yara fil ihnus llfop- wtj no i mofts ttf contract oaob way batwaaa chtlnnrhom k roio telatof aprik printed notlotj- ontnlnlar fartbr informa tlou aa to oondltlona of proposed contract may be cen and blnk forma of tender may be obtained at tbo poet offices of ohcltenhatn and at the office of the lot office inipector toronto a flutberland rout office itiir8ctor pnat office inipectors office toronto feb ruary i 1018 hxail contract youre drafted ietjoy triuuiphsnt ill yourheart voore drafted proudjy do your part for home and country truth and right against the ruthleea tyrants might gdq bravely do yonj duty clear be triad sail aswerwith-chee- ci 5twr fortiobd irterty ytpgo v tollghtftgalnet tfopir basest foe hurnanityts moat sacred laws he violatee awake the cause of justice olaibib yod poriot fear but ftpewer with a ringing cheer- f j yonilratea 0ftvdn get jriiipp hewj wony olvvr witbsool aflame iwltb fervidgiom- frir eedom honor virtbe go r sswkllthat noble men hftld deer let yortr hearte eebo be a cfieer ybtre drafted v vo- demncrnoyrejienyou f your manhood prove be strong and troe fail not tq jod arid niau be jgst yoor country trnstst accept its trnal with faith and hop its loud call hear yours is no coward heart so cheer ydrvre tlraited j l hngbes you are th most cxtruordlhsrlly pretty airl ive hccn in a long time i noticed you the first thing we went into the dining rpem couldnt keep my eyes oft from you and i fncy i made a jumble of what i said to the professor just because i was so intent on wntcb- jnejrou i irjtoswl ietsflt eotrrpiertfaa thevglfl tlhont a erfftie siiouia jodgetbitt yo4-8r- qnp 6 the soiib4t ttiuatly does kisip n ileal ot gelt poasesslonr a prvurto followed and thon qrolg vliirtuanotlicr pan from tho- draluing nclt ip i bar to tils flrtit ftrndt yon v trlh t pptly a glr a pretty ipiinmwivrt litowln ftkjtcrren m wfvtnvo 1 cofle kan ey prisoners personal parcels than to- days story srs3cssftasi5 commiisioned oftioers id the array must have perfect eyesight or else have tboir oyos corrected to normal with proper glasses the men with the greatest responsibility in the army or any whore else appreciate tho need of hav ing good evosigbt you might be more efficient with pro per glasses why not come in and find out what of to- morrow is the problem of every thinking man and woman the proper business education oboqbofl and teaches thobo facts ouflontlal and useful to the tfdlly life of thoso who acquire it it will profit you to secure a busin ess training in this practical and suc cessful school of buslnoss students may outer at any time at the c3rulolt3tl business college guelph ont and recoivo individual instruction l l boick principal j m buck butcher georgetown always has on hand the finest of beef pork 8au8aqe bologna etc home cured ham8 4 bacon lamb veal is asaaoal tuffbd on plain olivbb hiintz swmt piokles in bulk x0bonto out yofage and charles st toronto all graduates and sppros o our grad aatos of the past yohr nave seourod good positions and still the demand ft far beyond our sopply write lor catalogue jnnei mttmo w jr buaott frldolpal w cr- dr plant optometrist georgetown phone 199 office next to library established 1864- the merchants bank of canada paldnp capital rosorvo fund and tjb total deposits total assots avtdod profits 1 7000000 7421292 02102072 1211s06s8 winner or waster which are you 1 on a recent public occasion the honorablo the minister ol fin- anco for canada in addressing a representative canadian audience dealt with tbo urgonoy of everybody doing even in the emallest way their share towards aiding tho empire it is woll to romonibor that every dollar thrown away extrava gantly does one hundred per obnt mora good to the enemy than one dollar saved by ourselves tho wealth of the world anally oltors through individual dollars and if the curse of extravagance strikes deeply enough our ruin is bound to follow save a dollar today and do a hundrod per cent more for tho emplro than your extravagant neighbor does for the enemy safety deposit boxes to rent f o w grandy manager georgetown branch ha ilvood floors ccat less than carpets it is cheaper to lay hardwood floors in a house than to buy carpets for it whats more the hardwood floors will tart a lifetime are much easier to keep clean and in every retpecrwill return you dividends of pleasure on your investment w beaver brand hardwood flooring it is thoroughly kiln dried accurately machined per fectly matched and guaranteed to last a lifetime ask any person who has hardwood floors in his house whether he would go back to the old softwood floors and carpets the answer will wnvinco you that it pays to buy hardwood floors j b mackenzie georgetown andacton them at v ijourianfs belled tenders addressed the pontmamer general will be received at ottawa until noon on frldav the mth march 1018 for tbe con veyance of his majoatya ma 11a on a nronoeed oootract for four years sx times pur week each way between brampton rural route no ram the poetmiter generals pleasure printed notices oontalnlni further informs mot as to conditions of proposed contract may be seen and blank forms of tender may be ob tatned at the post offices of- urnmptoo and at tbe office of tho post office inspector toronto a hutberland 1tat oftlco inspector post office inspectors office toronto feb ruary oth 1918 newdairy choice milk and cream any quantity both guaranteed first quality dolivor- od every morning to any part of george town guaranteed pa8tcrized cream special price to customers taking larfjo quanti ties lot us have your order and wo will convlnco you our mill and cream aro the boat wrlto or phuno us to call phone 103 r i po box 493 s thompson georgetown clifford linhani butcher main street for the choicest beef pork veal lamb cooked meats and sausage butter lard eggs fish swifts noted premium hams and bacon deliveries daily to any pari of town clifford linham specials choice fruit call and soo an thin wook and soouro some of oar choice gooda a rbstivo fruit specialist main street georgetown f t your opportunity i for service and salary will rarely fol i low a course in ono ol shaws bus iness schools toronto write inronr ireecataloauo w h shaw iresi- i dent 80s xonge st student help a by jane others t i t t t t t t i copyrlaht 1117 hy ih mcclur niwiw psr syndloata ursula had watched the principal guest of the evening with interest it wus the new instructor of psychology jorrold grelg who was bniug consid ered for the vacancy in profesaor jud- sons department at broinpton cellege he had come from one of the larger knstcrn colleees nnd brought with nine nnd very obviously showed in his man ner nnd hearing more of urbanity than- wns possessed by mos members of the broinpton college faculty at tbo liond of tho table snt professor -tud- non and at the olhcr end mrs ludson presiding over the teacups for brorop- toil families still drnnlc tea with their evening men ffnd imd the tea service nprend before the mistress of the house in aa stately array aa the meat plat ter nnd cnrvlng thlngft were spread at tlio olhcr end of tho table before the host the rule of etiquette that di rects the horless to seat her man guest of honor nt her rlsht and the woman guest of honor nl the hosts right ap parently did not trouble the jndsons for mr terruld orrlu sat where it was most convenient for the professor to talk with him at his own right and mr orelgs elder sister for this sister who in the event that mr orelg re ceived the appointment would be the 1 of his household had come with him snt at mr judsons left grand father nnd grandmother judson had their usual places on the ether side of the table and hndney judson profes sor judsonn eldest son who had but recently gradunted from rlrompten sat between the young aspirant and bis sister so there were a good many dishes for one small pair of handa to wash unaided and a good muny pots and pnns had bad to be used in prepara tion for the meal and in mrs judsons household no pots nnd pons however stubbornly they had resisted the first nhlutlons wero over left to soak till the next dny so ursula was sllll at her work when tho clock on tho kitchen shelf pointed to nine oclock she heard a creaking sound toward i ho hack atalrs nnd wished that the light of the soli tary oil lamp shed a more farreach ing glow then a door distinctly open ed yes it was tho back stalra door and a mans figure that waa neither that of professorjudson nor his son came out of the shadow it wns the young eastern professor and he stepped toward ursula with a de gree of embarrassment that was not in iry good keeping with tho appearance of perfect selfpossession and poise that he had shown at dinner i just thought maybe yon would give mo a glass of water he began as ursula leveled her eyes at him la unfeigned surprise mrs judson i miebs forgot to put any in ray room nnd i didnt want to bother any of the people oimtnlrs he fabricated and then more truthfully these country bollege folks certainly go to bed with the chickens they usually drink the spigot wa ter ursula commented with a voice that innrked no inflection even from the shadow in which mr orelg was atnndlng she could sec that he was wc ng her wilh an interest that was mil tlrely necessary she moved toward tho tray where stood n nout urrny of perfectly shin ing glasses ontl took one too bnd to havo to use a clean ono objected the professor i re member when wo were youngsters the cook at home used to make us drink out of a tin cup hated to have te polish extra tumblers you know ursula made no comment filled glass and handed it to tho intruder but then that cook was very cross- said the man trying to make his voice aouhd perfectly selfpos sessed but not succeeding and tola cook isnt cross is she still ursula made no comment jerrold grelg drank the water for which ho had no hirst and then watched ursula intently as she con tinued her tnslc nt i ho sink r used lit help the cook of ours dry dishes he prevaricated iind i dont nee why i shouldnt help you every one has gone in bed nnii i utu supposed to bo in ray room no one will know ho nnd taken n towel from the rack arid had hegpn to dry one of the pans that ursula had just washed do you know he ventured encouraged be en use ursuln imd not roplilsefl his ftffort ftt beldfuldwl oft jwu knonv twew t 4 v tf iji stay- fajja hole like this tot 4 wtnntsv lianax rfc your yijtreni nhdjo far this enrt of thing then 1b tho uixt panwa jrahirtefredfrora the svjn dish iwnter to the draining rnclrhe tried tdsaiierhesumwhuo hand that held it but thanks to the rioab jnd wa- tar it srid easily from his gropback info the suds then there was n silence broken orilyby tire sptashrhg of the water in ursulas dfahpan and ursulas deep blue eyesns she washed pots and pnna with her unwelcome assistant at her side penetrated deep through the dish water into tho region of brown study beyond a penny for your thoughts was the way tho young professor broke tbe si lence i was wondering whether you knew anything about the girls in the college out here tou know it is a co-eduea- tlonnl place im not especially anxious to meet them sighed grelg a man doesnt care much for that sort of girl brains dont county for much in women not half so much as a protty face ilka yours he was looking intently at ursula who for one fleeting second was tempted to rub tho selfsatlsfled smile from his face with one swoop of her soapy dish cloth instead she looked at the kitchen clock the hands point ed to a quarter after nine she knew rodney would be back from his call on tbe college president in a few min utes and until that time she could manage fheproressoreieci alone she assumed a yielding smile of co quetry oh some of the girls arent so bad looking she said some of the poor farmers daughters take places in the professors families in return for working three or four hours a dny they get their board and keep and they eat with the families all ex cept when there is extro company they call them student helps for a moment the young man looked alarmed tou dont happen to be one of those girls he asked hurriedly to flirt with a girl who might later be a student in one of bis classes and who possessed the dignity or being ft can didate for n college degree waa quite another thing from passing a few oth erwise dull moments with a forlorn lit tle kitchen mold whose youthful charms happened to take his fancy i dont look it do i asked ursuln in a way that dlspellod the instruct ors anxieties of course you dont he assured ber when i get this job out here tn the fall im going to manage somehow to see more of you perhaps my sis ter will get you to work for us in stead of tbe judsons no one need know that i arranged it and some how we can manage to have a few good times together i see you arent going to be cross with me are you then you are really going to get the appointment ursula asked with feigned enthusiasm over the prospect surely did you hear me pulling the wool over the old mans eyes i- did manage to make a good impres sion even if you you little beauty were doing your best to rattle me the only person standing in the way of me i understand was that son of the pro fessors rodney judson and of course he wouldnt stand any abow against me even with his own father young mr orleg bad abandoned the task of nsslstanlaodjltood very close to the girls side whero ho could see every gradation in the coral tints that came and went tn her cheeks under his gaze goodnight mr grieg she ssid as she heard the first footfall ot rod ney judson outside you wont send me away without n better goodnlgbt than that that was what the young instructor intend ed to say but he never said it for before he could say moro than two syl lables itodney judson stoodbefore him in the kitchen ho made a badly cal culated step toward the back stairs dont hurry nwny said ursula very sweetly turning to the profes sors son who was in the kitchen by this time rodney mr orleg has been down to get a glass of water mr grieg it will do no harm to tell you that mr judson and i are engaged though as yet we havo not told even rodneys parents i am sure we can depend on your confidence i was just telling mr grieg about our system of student helps and i was going lo explnln to him that if it were not for that system i would never have had u chance of coming to college or of meet ing you itodney splendid idea stammered mr grieg by nil means you enn trust lao and then seizing the empty tum bler ho hurried up tbo hack stulrs good news said uridnoy when they wero alone the president dl- clded against grieg when be saw him this afternoon wouldnt glvo his roll- sons and he called me over tonight to tell me he would give me the up pointment instead too bad for poo grieg but it moans we wont huve to wait many months more of course theyll pay orloge expensos out here but im sorry for him he dldut seem like a bad sort did you think so i dont believe ho would ever have fitted in horo nt broinpton ursula cnimuentad lie wasnt just oxnclly our sort and being wiser than hor years ursula never bad another com ment to make on the rejected instruc tor scheme for prisoners of war other officerr interned abroad nfthdoba noumniptlietlha tied articles m tw sent onetr throe mbn- tlis by private individuals in canada direct to prisoners ol nvur other thau uffl- nem interned atoroadfike parcvtiault he packed nu despatched throo ifce t rrovityt lie jbjbvpor itiifkaiql jrifenirsandnrstbe4btfarrpbrv v conpon sod can delansto to vvhiirn it v 1 oi the way of it what a lull niun mumlcr married uh but nflur thuy went to house keeping sho found ha was nlwuys short during the spat nnggs you uro n burden tom mrs nnggs and you lira a bwnt nggs yes thats it exactly i gin jht of burden k i -ts- m o vr v st i doikl lu pqbfe ooujwtbref fbr parotie uiudt to ttoldiw mrtpjrind to ino oanarjlan forvttrfi tfre bypplfetf h tbe prisoners ot wflv podartmeat ottnad- ian rtjdcrotb society h cocksptir ntyart london h wi moil hi tlip cubo nf prta qaers belonging to fhojrnptriaf foccs allied forcen or civilian prisoners pi viw by the central prisfmora of- war committee 4 thurlne ilnc london ft w 7 the list ol goo in which inv be forwarded as follows pipe rpmge pen- ci la tooth powder pomiule cap badge and badges of rank hiiavinr brush nafuty razor bootlnceef mohair cainiieh ounces medal ribbond bras polish mittkiis one pair u quarter mnffwcone each year brace and belthprorided thev are made of webbing and include no rnhber or leather housewife handkprchiefeone quarter combs hair hrtirtheti loath brushes cloth brushes button pipe hghtb dubbin hob naile uhiving aoap one stick a quarter health palte tiwct- icide powder oheuh checker dotninoea persons are warned that the pa re ib are subject to censorship nnd the inclusion in the parcel of any nrticlonot mentioned in the above h may entail confiscation of parcel the maximn woiirht ol the parcel is eleven pounds ami it lradvmed that they should not weih les than three pounds bo as to minimize the risk of loss in the post hoarding iioariinrts ono ot tne new word ot the war it men oh etorintr in pxcthh of requirements eswciaily foods and fuel just at present now s tiring and laying tip a prudent supply f rent necdfi in not a crime in peuc itnf but thi man or woman who wilfully and coolly ilendea today to ttore mor food ihin no or he would buy in urdinury times is commit t iug something thai hatt the moral effect of a crime h is also helping to raise the price to tiimsulf of future supplies there is no cause for panic among the people of canada wo must expect to make some foot sacrifices and be willing to modify our eating hubite and even to eat loss in order that the soldiers and our allies mav be fed there is a world shortage of foods becauro so far as we in canada are concerned other people have had to he withdrawn from mnittrto fiiis what is our joint fight oar obivlous duty is to aid them by at least bending them as much food as thuy used to get before they took up our common task hoarding in the crime of solfimhlv taking care of ones own 6k in to the det rimed of others either in the narring landf or at home buying too much for immediate cellarpacking in canuda also imposes a burden on the poorer in the dominion the railway dilhcuitics are especially great this winter obstacles in distribution of foodstuffs am adding to- the shortage moreover hoarding by people who lack proper fueilittee for tt fir ing may easily renult in heavy waste for thi rcasoi especuily public opinion should be aroused against the pwtice it is a thing thai comes down to ihe sense of right in the buyer if he or she knows what patriotism means knows what others have to undergo only because they did not happen to live in canada and in whose place canadian might have been but for the acoideutnf gpoiiraphy there will bo no bmiditg public opin ion and public ditmpprouatiou of hoard ing may do much to dtcmragtt thi pract ice hut nothing can really no effective unless the moral tense of buyurs of foods tells them plainly when they aro laying in a legitimate store or grnhhing nt an opportunity of plenty for tho chief reason that they have enough money to get it it is no wonder that uudur tha stress of war leuaion tho british people found for the man who nltoinpled hoarding the ex- presive title of food hog there has been some hnnlhig in canada of sugur floor anil perhupn other cominoduies the practice fortunately is of small proportions and the effect of measures now undr consideration may rexult in tho tinoeurool the canadian food hogs rloauliug u unneeoiisary and unpatriotic the better elements in the community will r i rain fioni it s i ut as their own houfohuldri are cmeoroed aud will use their influence against it elsewhere often people will buy large quantities of these foods witiioul thinking of the way in which they nriy be depriving others every patriotic cutndltnwill do well to refouo thit ho will play the gnmo fairly with iih neitihbor uid with poorer claaes by purchasing food only in normal quantities while the prevent emergency hint- nod by discouraging hoarding wherever he finds evidence of it hannas cone and quit the lion sir hantti lino gone off and jumped his joh ue cant junl help these briny tears in chokin buck a sob he lined to hit in polinis thev uod to call him bill hut of two lies tteeti a keepin folkn from entio up their till he got nn offiee nnil a sttiff a desk and kitchen ehiir and smrird in to rgtiiijse hi cut the menu litre and ho yt n lot of on velopes utid letteia in a pile and scuta a btrcam of bulletitirt thevd reach about a mite at d then heym hume cartls miuck off inhltoued vithi- tiiitue for talks to tnkeand mick in up uindmlit vin dow frnrtie thin naidthevm help to win the war by hniilln in the huio nnd i v man what ett a lot wch nothin hut rwuso and they pledged thov wiild nt eat u pig nor n hunk from off a cow and tortile keepin of- this pledge theyd raibed an awful row and llunna sent out tnenu citrda fur ftlka what run hotels where they cook tho imibii and fodder or nil the idled shirt swolls he toult nnd shook hi- ftat at them thoy tremble in their jtwne he paid hed put a fine on them of eighty thousand beans lie got hifl faoe ntuck in the prus mot clean n- nnihfl tho loiul nml f lks wan iuuhlin sluplfled wheneer ho raised his hand 0uonieo tlihrti waa n raft oftbemwhat didnt like this tmtn they wanted nune onvmo arlte and string to him the can they on hod him names ten feet in leiurth they said ho was a bone and paid he h td no brains at fill tucked undenirtuih his dottio rut after gottin nn eljuvtul uto moliduys that wore whuntlrpt nnilctiuiu im to meet each wmk atueilny tit wns ineiiliub why tlitn inm iltnnu jumped idjob lieh nick of it i jiiis and hes dropped back lo iunt wymd eft ns in it muse for him i cant write riper ful lines nor mug no joyful tome id lllte 6 detrhlm- a month on war broad t md tewed prunes tyi z ij ii-i-mvi- iiai sviii ig k-i- m

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