Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), February 20, 1918, p. 3

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a i v matthews drug store royal purple calf meal nbw supply now in royal purple stock specific colic cure qhick feed i sweet liniment worm powder gall cure c iake yotir jieps lay with royal purple specific l v y l rglwabeiiw vii v tr i i i i i f m i i i i i i i r i personal kqdakb and bupniiis nyax bbmkbiim wnlajina ondcoiiram v pruq aw statloneby siy- i7i v v u l rtv win biurt i tiurfctife sunday aeryice followa munith m vsanday sctyodl 04i a m irbisfjrnent alyt6nimnniadiatfarjdird baodayq of each month at 11 a m condensed jiews itemi have you formed one good lenten reanlntion a great many of our town water ber- vices are frozen the order of the day eat onions and grow stronger onr local butchers will inaugurate cah and carry system on march 18th the anxiety of t he school trubtero in furnishing fuel is not shared by the email boy mr john bingham has been awarded the contract for the fill at the paper mill bridge a most enjoyable dance was given by etquesing bachelors in the town liall last friday evening married men without children elid ible for military service will now wish no we wont say it now that we may expect warmer weather and occasional thawe people should beware of hanging icicles a mflhng nt thn wnmant pf tt league will he held at mrs j v kennedy on friday at 330 pm every body welcome a man isnt always to be judged by the cigars he gives to hi friends they might be the ones his wife gave him foe christmas the remains of the late jas hough ton ho passed away at htewarttown on thnrsdav lart were interred in green wood cemetery on 8attirday afternoon clifford cinridge of hornby baa pur chased the filacer homestead being part of lot seven in the 6th con of trafalgar township 8ae was made by j a will- oughbv tieorgetown there are several applicant for the position of own treasurer at brampton and it looks as if there would be a bot run for the position the hy shy ny class of the metho dist sunday school spent an enjoyable evening at the home of mr j m buck on friday evening last mr samuel trimble has sold hie 100 acre farm on the eighth line below george town to an eramosa farmer sale wis made by j a willougbby georgetown onr civic skating ridk wblob iiu proved quite an attraction during the winter will close for the season the end of the present month wonder if the man who grumblro about having to pay a cent war tax on letters would rather have the kaisers picture on the stamp than pay the extras oentt major w f eatons handsome reif- dence abont two miles east of oakville was totally destroyed by fire tuesday night february 12th between ten and eleven oclock the junior red cross club of bttr- arttown have sent their first parcel con taining 0 prs of sooks 47 wash clolba i necktie and 0 bath towels to the wed cross society the farmers club of terra oolta will hold a public meeting in marshnllb ball friday evening feb 22nd at 8 oclock mr powers of the v f 0 will addrera the meeving everybody welcome it utd to be come lets have a drink and go home now its lets go home and haves drink after april i it will be lets take anqiber snort of water and make a night of it word has been received tbat dr grenlell has been ordered south for the present lie hopes however to resume bis lectures later on any one not w lett ing lo bold tickets may leave them with mr mathew and have money refunded messrs preston brothers of hamilton have completed their contract remodell ing the mcleod blook for the bank of hamilton tbey certainly made ah ex cellent job and have proved themselves expert mechanics in their line aikens jjomeatead changes hands gain mr john mcdowell sells his 20o acre farm being lot 6 con 4 esqueeidfi twp halton to wilfrid bnow this farm baa the reputation of being one ofle cleanest and beet farms in the county of halton rale was made by j a wlll- flughby georgetown some weather prophets are sore that tte thunderstorm we had the other nigbt means a backward spring others agiin are satisfied that it means an early spring and the qnick disappearance of wldter for our own part were quite certain it means one or the other 1 have 12 pair of aoldisrs hoofs elae 10 end 11 which are going to be sold cheap these are hard sire toiajsnre so come and take your piok at once for 9360 worth 6 of any mans money a i- so new boots for boys lu all sites from 160 op koney the cheap shoe mm ft lost his thumb mr alex humo esquoalnfl had tbo mlstortuno last weak whllo outllng wood with a otroular saw to have tbo thumb of bis rlghfrhanff amputated wo aro pleased to say tbo wounded band is hoallng splondldly sex tbealrt wednesday the question wish alice joyce miss joyce played lead in womenhood episode it of the voice on the wire nnd bobbys be- diet with bobby connelly friday- the victim vox picture and the halifax disaster photograph- d by paths 8elurdeyib masque of life- with itftf cai liv frovlacial prohibition convention the anndainonvenrion ofttho onjurtor branch pi the dominion alliance wjlr meet in mneiey hall toronto orrttwa- day wednesday and thursday feb 28th 27tl arid 28th and it is pxpeeted thvt there will immi enthusiastic rally of the temperance forces of the province new one dollar bills the new onedollhr bills which frere icuol in march ust ere now finding their way into circulation they are said to be of a very artistic drsigu green in color and from a pictorial tnnt of view are an improvement on the old bills on the front ih a medallion showing n por trait of piinreps pstricia while at the heck is n picture of the dnihinion houses of parliament womens institute the meeting of the winter series will be held in stewarttown on tuesday feh 2bth the nfternoon meeting will be held at pare john wilsons home at 280 and h joltt meetini with the board oi agriculture in the evening in the coun cil chamber mire m v iooll of whitby will speak at both meeting both meetings are open to all whether members of the inhtitnte or not extend ministers terms the qu telly u h of all methoditt chorchee at their meeting tor the month will at the request of thetieo- eral con hrence express 0lnine on the itinerant pyetem in connection with the pastoral term at present the ministers are stationed with a congregation for tour yearn nnd the question of extending or altering this termias often come up for dlrcuseion in church circles dominion buys 1000 tractors the ottawa liovernmetit hue pun imp ed a thousand ford tractors tt cost tbey will be rold to csnwlian farmers also at cont pins freight detal s of freight coats heve rot yet been woikid cot but it is estimated that the avcrsee coet to the farmer including freight will be abont eight hundr d dollars in addition the government has secured optionb on another thousand of the ford tractors the traction is said to be able to plow eight acres in ten hours cremated remains a peculiar parcel and the first of its kind to arrive in fergus was received by express a few days ego it was a email box about a foot long and six inches square and was sent from seattle to messrs john thomson hon nd con tained the cnmnted remains of the late mr agnew formerly a mail driver at metz who died in thnt western city the box will bo deposited in belsyde cemetery beside the remainb of ills wife who predeceased him some years ago golden wedding our esteemed and respected reeidenip mr and mreh c claridge celebrated their golden wedding at their home here on tuesday the immediate relatives and members of the family were present and a most onjiyable time was spent in rehersing the remlniecences ol the past lull century social intercourse and par taking of the good things provided for the occasion mr nnd mrs claridge were the recipients of a purse of gold and many hearty congratulations from their numerous friends to save creditors a further fnnd which may in certain circumstances be tapped for the benefit of the debenture holderb and doporitors of the dominion permanent loan com pany in liquidation ma be provided by the estates of some of the deceased directors of the iifltttnlion while no steps have been taken sn far by the as signee coneiueration ss to the debility of the estates of former directors now deceased will probably be made the sub ject of litigstion according to official assignee u t clarkson halton board of agriculture public meetings of the halton board of agriculture will lie held at keqiieelng on feb 20th and brookvilleon feh 27th at 2 pm ami 7 so pm mr 1 b both- well of exper farm ottawa and mr w c shearer of bright will he present nnd take np discussions of different farm topics miss powell of whitby will ad drees the womens i nstituto on tueeday at 230 p m at the home oi mrs jclin wilson esqtteslng and each evening in tbe hall at 780 every one is invited lo be present and take part in the dlecusa ions 2t meatless days changed owing to tbo roman catholic lenten restrictions tbe meatless days will be wednesdays and fridays throughout canada the ohange went into effect on ash wednesday the first day of lent hotels and restaurants are or dered o govern themselves accordingly under the amended regulations beef must not be served at mora than ono meal on any day while its use on wednesdays and fridays is absolutely prohibited similarly pork must not be sorved at more than one meal on any day and on on wednesdays and fridays must not he served at any time henceforth no pro prlotor of a publlo eating place can avoid serving rn bread dstoakes or ilmilar subbtlfutes for white bread under tbe con tention that potatoes are reoognised ns a subeutute ip the food controllers regul ations to avoid this difficulty ho word potatoes has been definitely elim lusted from tbe enumerated substitutes and in future some aubslitue or spbstituto musty bo served at every meal at which w bsuta served mrs kerr is spending a couple of weeks with friends at woodville county crown attorney diok of milton was in town on friday mr harold wrigglesworth of toronto petit snndav at his home here mre charles dick nf cleveland ohio in the guest of mr and mrs richard dick mlis francis knowles of thnrold ii visiting at the home of mr and mrs w book wanlejidrsi itobiltrapf ijejsdaijete in town ontsaf nt mr jndmts- david brill returned laev week from their- honeymoon and have taken- up their residence on john street tlie many friends of mrs j atvacfy wfllie f leased 10 wirt ht she returned hpme lasxujeik riiuob improved in neajvh eorjjr was at itap la last rweek wtenoipg he fdriersa of berfatber thefaro jolmfblpughjjeceasad was in htssueliv imaievvvmvwvvvaaweivii jl ofneriatber 1 k hemffjiajlbngk lecewlaja waain j -tfn- v v v- mrsiwiirin hi retornef to her iijmo rij wimripeg after spending iix lnewka wijh hey irents mr and mrs jolin balrahttne flft anamr iwex llvangstqne gerffgii- own npnminoothecmgagerpenlof their daughter wilhelmlna to mrfrdwee- tey burks fatle the wedding will take ijace he eud of february lrsfilcampbellf krfn mys r f jenlie and daughter annleiol tiinqn and mr janips lynns andann of cheltenham left lat week for finnth carolina where they wnl bpend a few weeks mr snd mre f h boulter niagara knlle mr nnd mrs w j arnott hamil ton and mr and mre w j hunter of brampton were in town on tuesday alt emlnik lh golden wedding of mr and mrs h c claridge what doctors use for eczema a hoothlng combination of oil of win tcrcion thymol and other healing in grodlonth called ddd proscription la now n favorite remedy of skin specialists for all ekln dlseasox it penetrates the poroh lvo instant relief from tho most distressing skin diseases 1vhil ll perl jtjfd mtutojfs bargauf store with some its quality with some its price with us its both groceries 12 lbs uedpaths beet yellow sagar tor 11 lbs redpetbs twutgraln sugar lor i ibsheeyroliedfaiaior irg-ejijl- fo u i ti 1 f tavf f 8 lbsictbsng foiajtvv1rsi 8 pkra ammoi iritt dellnta 2 one jouridtinsbarnhitlsslriqgpoiorforf corn stnrcb per pkg w tngenol1 creain jheree pey lb due pound tins obpioe piok salmon gates- phrpkg u 1 teller a soda blscuitl perbox 3 uistomaioee for 5 meticau oil 6 gal lor iwj i 1 00 1 00 26o lot m- ires 26c lo 12c iq 19 arntijlsmexdh mammoth house georgetown f bargains in many lines handker chiefs ladles knncy iiiuidliercliiofh 10 15 jo 25o liuiioh tjwiss ihuullhtclllcfh jo 2f br 0a childionh white fancy humlkfh s 7 10 120 ladies cloves ladles colon i kill ilovcn ki7ut7 717i at 185 ladien tan anil lrown ki1 giuvok fjadlck thult kid gloves m0a ladlos ltlntiwiiod olovos sr and ooo ladiea taffotta hllk qiovcmhoo itapuosohairuols clofi 14ii 100 jfmivvmfoc16tbwiovohq j slxkhfaiurs j 4adlceillh- ssusts lktwwtopfiikjoldkiso 171 at ijiojs 0apie a ivacdtivin csf- vjvjry f ladles white vollo wfldstesoo as0 1400 wool scarfs mho caps ludroh dcmuaos wool caps ooo 75o a lloo tadlea misses woof sqta 2o0-7s- ijadloh a mieies wooh 8parf tli28 cuudswhlto woo hearts 0 bqc vv 1 hdittmy j ladles icashraorp union loqeo iinnt nfll v vaukstoowngs 1 l ndlpcasbmoto fjdse 7bc j00 1s8- tiadlclr uuiob upe jo s0i uf 7pd 1 i ladioa stllc huaol 41fa0p otrtldr6o htt otwamgda v tiidlomltuoqaijd75o ladies collars ladloh cropoiloolilnocnllaih 1 0- 1u5a 150 ladles laco collars 100 to 175 ladlos not collars s 75c ami eluo silks a lovely ranfjo of crepo itc cliiiu- suitable for waiitth aud dtchrios tn all thn icinliu- sihiiich including rnaio canaiy peach old t-i- pink sky liluo hollo paildy aud uiyor brown ut 150 and 175 a yd just to hand a nloo rango of mens sorvioo- ablqsbode for bolidnv blftsv f mwbnadiciaq16seea3a men tinod iuaiittkiao f- v- honu jciood mbobaihovos1 7s 4 3 i mens elried heavy mlti75olot v4s 10 boys iff lets 85 50 and 7o b6yb trlnod mocha gloyott at ms monk four in iraml toa 115 66 and 75a mouh ijnoujianilkorohlpv 31aad soo morx5iawpirnliiqiehltifii iff id and asb i boofkatii3tol vianled rftogvof iee fqls slipperrii10tii7ft v miaslstoltsllppdrhvfiop flsi i juadwn ibototftoi jwdtaasaivsqoi r lotfwsvllfotbokidbootajbvwivnkcifiaao t v iys tawlls a largo ttssdrtinrontroflipwotb towohng t fo qbttou unldbdldoflandtaiklsk ri jft v i lirtxxid v houkigan druggist georgetown gibbens cut rate cash and carry grocery hir1r or liptone tea ref 55 per lh for 50c clirisiiee soda bisoaits reg so pkfz for 26o annt dldoh roolafeses reg 15 per tin 2 tin 25c fit hive corn nyrup reg 30 tin for 23c inie lard per lb 82c lib pull pure frnujnmreg 90 for 65o mcdonald tobacco three plnga for 27c vngic baking powder per lb tin 33c panny brand eeedlewraislnfl reg 15o ir package 2 for for 26c it oiled oats parity or quaker brand large package 29c oinco in 1 lb tlna each 35c choice freh prunes per lb 16c on pumpkin large tin 18c krldyf mulches large box 15c shrrddpd wheat two packages for 27c u lb bpbt japan rice lor 31c we will pay cash for batter and eggs j j gibbens phone 160 lane block georgetown gbeat auction of registered grade holstein cows the undersigned has rocolved lnstruo ttons from mh ciia8 wilkinson to sell hy publlo auctionlon the premiaes lot si bocoud oucosblon west ohln- gttacotisy noar boston mills on tuesday march 6th 1918 nt ono oclock tho following puro bred and grado stock i cattle- holstein cow pontine daisy no 9848 biro pontiao hormes 5142 dam bollo yeoman jind8418 holstein cow 9 yrb reg ppntioo rosa no 08a4 duo to oalve in maroh slro pontiao hormes no 1 5412 damcarrio morcodos dokol no js090 rosa ponoh dokol due to calvo march 1st sire lord dokol posoh 780 dam pontiao rosa 08s4 ilolstoln cow 6 yrp daisy do kol pontiao no 4s4b7 duo to oalve march 10th biro lord dokol foscli78s8 dam pontiao daisy 984fj holsteuoow 1 yis ida dokol posoh no 46488 brod on oot 25th 1017 sice lord dokol poa ch 7880 dam pontiao daisy 0847 ilolstoln cow 4 yrs flora clotbllde posch no 4s488 due to calve april 1st slro king clothildo paul 18978 dam ltoxa iosuh dokol 48484 holstein cow 3 yrs lady clothildo pontiao no 48480 duo to calvo may 20th sire king cloth- iwln laul 16078 dam pontiao rosa9884 holstelu hull 2 12 yrs king lpous alltivlaldnle no 27781 sire udgomont konulykosogls 18484 dam buvor lily 2709h holstein dull 18 months old victor clothildo paul slro king cloth ildo pauls07b dnm pontiao daisy oh48 4 holstelu dulls it months reg- lhtratlon applied for sired by king cloth- lido iatili 18078 grades llolhtotn cow 6 yrs calf at foot ilolstoln cow 0 yrs calf at foot holhtelngow 6 yrs oue time ofsalo hnlstoin cow 10 yrs duo time of sale ilolstoln cow 8 yrs duo april 1st holstelu cow 8 yrs dna time of sale ilolstoln cow 0 yrs due april 2nd ilolstoln cow 8 years duo mar 28th holhtoln cow 8 yrs milking woll bred jnn 16th ilolstoln cow 4 yrs duo mov 18th ilolstoln cow 4 yrs dne may 20 tli holstein cow 4 yrs duo timo of sale holstein cow 8 yrs milking well holstelu cow 6 yrs due in june dttr- hani and holhtoln cow 12 yrs due in march 4 ilolstoln heifers 2 yrs old 9 steers rising 2 yrs old 6 holstein holfors 10 months old 9 veal calves milking machine hinman milk er good as now s units hay and seed oats 16 tons of good mlxod hay 1 staok of timothy hay 0 tons of two yoar old hay 800 bus of extra good sood ontfl tho wliolo wilrbo sold without rosorvo lis tho proprietor has sold ono of his farms and is going out of tho dairy bus- inosh up c p r train will bo mot at chelt enham station for con vonlohoo of people onmlngfrom a distance terms hay oftts vonl calvon und all sums of flu and iindor cash over that amount 7 months credit onapprov ed joint notes six per cent por annum off for oash ben fetch auotionaer dated yebruary istb m 1000 tractors for the canadian farmers bought by the government sold at cost plus freight average cost around 80000 so acres caledon township cheltenham 4 miles all workable 2 ncros orchard 8oil light clay loam plaster ed bouse 8 rooms bank barn 81x00 school and churoh miles rural mail and phone price 2600 145 acres township of nassagaweya halton co 80 aores workable balance timber and pasture 2 acres orchard 2 wells roughcast house ten rooms good collar bank- barn room for 40 head of cattle driving shed ben house silo school 1 milti- church 1 mile rural mail price 000000 this farm too small wil ex- chano or larger farm terras arranged very good buildings nason homestead too aunt trstltlgtr taurasblp courtly of halloa all workable 8 aores orchard soil day loam largo frame house bank barn 00x48 on stone foundation stable 80x00 driving shod wind mill sohool i mile church 1 milos nearest villago three miles rural mail and telephone price 10600 a grand farm for bay grain or mixed farming terms arranged close to school and station you oan ship milk from tbo farm to toronto linear station 1 mile cpr good reason for selling ioo aoros erla township aoton mod ceorgttown six ullos 76 aores workable balance wood and pasture orohard soil clay loam frame house 7 rooms good collar pig pen barn 72x02 arst- olass stabling cement floorer driving shed sohool 1 miles churoh 2 miles bural mail price f 076000 terms arranged aoaorms township ot trafalgar stnotsvllla tbraa flllaa 70 aores workable balance good bush lb ao of apple orohard and half an aero of small fruit soil day loam two wells frame house 10 rooms barn no 1 80x10 no 2 80x58 no 8 80x61 driving shed silo rural mail and tolophono cliuroh and sohool ono and one- quarter miles prioo 060000 tonus arranged a ford car takes the place of all these things tttthen you own a ford you can do away with many articlea f that are a source of continuous expense to tho man who still 7 y drives a horse for instance not only your drivinghorso and buggy but the single harness blankets whips currycombs brushes horseshoes pitchforks feedbins etc in their place you have a speedy dependable dignified roomy ford cur complete in itself it is vastly superior to the narrow cramped buky that travels so slowly and vvhcnaford isstanding idle it does not cat threo meals a day and it requires no looking after a ford will save you time trouble and money it is the utility car for the busy farmer and bis family the universal car touring 49 s runabout 475 coupe 770 sedan 970 f o b ford ont j n oneill dealer georgetown jacesof you can save money by buying furniture now 1500 290 1500 solid quarter ctil oak polished hall racks 30 in wide 82 in high 16 iti shaped bevel british mirror box seat a regular 25 vithie for mahogany finish parlor tables 24 in top a regular 4 value for sectional book case 3 book sections base aud top oak fijiiiefinish com plete for some liiien values that are worth investigating fine bleached linen tabling 72 in- which would be good buying at 150 yd for 100 per yard extra fine quality linen tabling 60 in for 125 special turkish towels 36 in for 45c extra heavy turkish towels 48 in for 75c 34 in buck towels for 15c soft finish fine cloth 36 in flannelette 25c three 1 lb packages star ammonia for 25c 1 lot only to each customer extra value in mens overalls and jackets the best quality cloth well made all pocket requirements the factory price is 24 doz for 200 mens 44 in foiirinlifind silk tie for 25c mens scarfs clearing at 25c j aiwuloughby real estate geobgetown c4l wif ffggffi ijhrw ttftfevii ww i r n 4

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