Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), February 20, 1918, p. 4

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ir- the fifiorfietowfi behld weunk8day eveg feb 20th 1918 in that old churchyard in m if- -i- t sj 4 i vw by oakley selleom that old churchyard bleep many friends i visit there and my thought extends to scenes of youth in the sweet hay fields- old friends sleep soond bat my memory yields to days long passed when they were young strong hale and hearty aa they swung the scythe i followed stirring bay ijteeeois io me twmktmt jwtmdfj vaiajs ittt0twp v tfcexwnotaesii so wjtt jbnurjaolh- i drive tbe cdwsst ifillmonr tbey aire not dead so with joyous laugh 01 msnnopd strong eee them al were busking corn tislsto in all the yeitow pdmpkinb dbtthe-fieldi- i think otihe jitestbeji- wjit yjeld abdmany alottonteecs9re thejt allijeiobgw diys qlvore 1or time has chtnged me from alsd- cimitfti lwi wg oxesjieally ajsv8xdrlng ronv the old cnnrcrjyrd6 urt big hay stacli lu andltfl fjeldswgraln ylth their popples refli vbeyo tbebiros sang songs at their young hey fed i srent my days mid scenes of youth 1 in that old ohnrthyard and i- learned tje truth- that none will die while memory lives ill call them back what delight it gives midst silent monuments that guard i visit them in that old churchyard slow travel in manchuria castor ia for infants and children in usa for over 30 years always bean the signature of every toind added to the nourishing things to eat animal or vegetable will count in this momentous year of 1918 no one should shirk taking up work on a small plot through too modest an idea of its value food control bar to begin on the imall scale it will be chiefly effect ive through its thoroughness in the small but innumerable households in tbe land 80 if there can be more foods grown on the home plot no matter how small there will be a saving in exportable food and to tbat extent increased amount of food will be released for shipment to tbe allies em ry new bnsbel of vegetables next spring and 8ummer will release its equivalent in wheat it is tbe drops of water in the ocean that go to make op the mighty tide of the bay of fundy tbe eisence of more production does not mean simply more acres put to wheat but more eatable things from each mans labor a bruell area well looked after is often more profitable in an unfavorable season tban a large one an english farm is often measured downwards ie by the depth of its productive soil rather than for its sheer aoreage vinol makes positive convincing proof many tocalled remedies for anae mia are only so in name their mak ers are afraid to prove their claims by telling what their medicines contain the only way to be honest with the people is to let them know what they are paying for here is the vinol formula when the doctor knows what a medicine contains it ceases to be a paten medicine jt cod xlr and beef peptonee iroo and r maoganaaa peptooatee iron and am manjum citrate clma and soda olycaro- pboophatas caacarln any doctor will tell you that the in gredients of vinol ss named above will enrich the blood and banish anae mia and create strength when the blood is pure and rich and red the body is strong and robust you can prove this at our expens- because your money will be ret urn if vinol does not improve your hjallh l v hotjrioan druggist george town also at the best druggist in all ontario towns better progress is made in winter than in bummer by antiquated methods although it is much easier to reach manchuria now tban it waa ten or fif teen years ago the man who would travel in the interior of this primitive part of china as soon an he leaves tbe few railroads must rely upon means that were standard a century ago ir it is winter be will rattle over the frozen mud in a cart drawn by three horses at night he will stop at an inn where he must supply his own bed and a large part of his own food unless he is willing to be satisfied with a little bqljed corn the walls of ma room whbeofpapitendeyesin0eert him tbrowfr hplesomsttly rnnchedfor the purpose lijtne rodrnlhg hl driv- erwlll flwakon blrn before daylight and start him an another ions day of jolts qnd freezing in the summer travel is easier and pleassriter but also rnrjck slower a boat penny be taken upon one of the rivers itjvli crawl along be tweed jllcnsnhtly snodirt bjiriltf and green fields evoryjwtle whr coming orast upon a tahdbnrsotnalr progress is un- belfevabry slw oven going tldwn- stream agnnjith curreal tsjevnt ls lajrorlouslynolcdaqd jrtfgeed witti henvjr ropes s 6y these maannthb tnvvplbr mv penetrate ulto a rklrfi wqere change is lirikncwn nndthe prlnbclrles of conv fuclus still rule he will meet natives wlio have- never seen a watch or nrntl- rood train although they nomhnly belong to one of the oldest rlrlllza- tlens he will see tho squalor and dirt and disease thnt go with ignorance the fact will be forcibly brought home to hlnr that modern progress travels over good roods the horses prayer to thee my master i otter my pray er feed me water and ore tor me and when tbe days work is done provide mo with abelier a clean dry bed and a stall wide enougii for me to lie down in comfort always be kind to me talk to me yonr voice often means as much tome as the reina iet me sometimes that i may serve yon the mora gladly and learn to love yon do not jerk the reins and do nnt whip me going np hill never strike brat or kick me when i do not understand what you want but give me a chance to understand you watch me and if i fail to do your bidding see if something is not wrong with ray harness or feet do not check me so that i cannot have the free use of my bead- ii you toaiat t iwjear bdnderesoptbatl cannotaee behind ma taiwmjnnwdeajijiboud i j j b careful ft jhe bliodfcrs stsnflwellnt rrom- friy eyes 1 do not overload me or mich trie where water will drip on me keep me well spots examine my teeth when i do pot eajt i may have an ulcerated tooth and that you know is very pamfdl do not tie niy head in an uonatnral dbalticm or lake awaj my beat delebae against fle ana mosqdltoesby catting off my tall i cannot th yon wben7 am thl often give pie clean 0 hy all mesui in tyoijf fatal diemse- the glen oojpl wsteibaa me r power itorri thit glanders icannoitsh ng wben7 am tfilrsiy so fbaame irprri thi yoh friwor whedtl so watch de aodyjjgbsyojimay kadw myeoa- itioq give me aflposaibte shelter front 4be bb sofl and put a blanket on jnu- nqt when cam working bat when 1 am standing in tle cold never nut a froalt i arm h by hold- hit in my mouth orst i ing it a moment in yonr hands i try to carry you and your burdens without a murmur and wait patiently for you long hours of the day or night withontlhe power to obonse my shoes or path 1 sometimes fall on the hard pavements which i often pray misrht not le of wood hut of snch a nature as to give tne a safe and sure footing re member tbat i must be ready at any mo ment to lose nty life in yonr service and finally o my master when my useful strength is gone do not turn me out to starve or irejee or sell mo to some bnmao brute to be slowly tortured and starved to death but do thou my master take my life in tbe kindest way and your god will reward you here and hereafter you wilt not consider me irreverent if i ask this in tbe name of him who was born in a stable amen tsf qpllkoi op mubio 9 iqmolwmttimpmfamrntwt dmmahjjflt tfiaekw fifpvana ortaa osrnsi voqunbhcf t v- siinii v ernwoo iw o ar bnuien ikadtiw tativinftolauonrattvnsalajuioa tto attbitworft- x isaputisjoan wffcutihiii-tjz- when you pnt yonr best eiforta into a pie yon wish to he nre that the best flour is there too use our flour and yon will never have came toconi- plaln that your skill h wauled on poor material til best florh- that the science rnillinu iibh turned out there cn nnver be u better roet itfolrte united rtam confusing city of cagnes tourists find it advantageous to learn to distinguish from 8lmilar name cannes american and english visitors to the riviera soon como to know cngncs by name according to harpers magazine it is a challenge to their ability to pro nounce french hi challenge that must be accepted if you are in the region of grasse or nice or antlbos two distinct tramway lines nnd several roads lesd from grasse to cannes and oagnes unless you ore very careful you may find yourself upon the wrong route onco on the cngnes trntnwny or well engaged upon the road to cagnes when you had meant to go to cannes the mistake takes hours to re trieve at nice chnnffeurs nnd cochers love to cheat yoti by tho confuton of these two names you bargain for tho inns trip to cannes and nro nttrncted by the reasonable price quoted in a very short time you are nt cntnea tho vehicle stops iniponsibte to rrctlty your mlspronunelntlon without a auh- stantlal lncrcnso nt tho original rum of the bnrgnln antlbes i lirtween cagnes nnd cnnncs cnfrni nnror nnd it is nlwnys to cntuii thnt yon want to go spell tho nnno or write it on a piece of jinper if ym nro to be kure thnt you will bo tnlm west in stead of enst i unrebebveil auction of farm stock implements c tho undorxfgnod has received instruc tions from robert doughty to sell by publio auotion at llmehouse tjot 22 ron 6 esqueslng twp on thursday february 21st 1918 at 12 ooloolt sharp tho following horses bay niaro hd 6 yrs brown gelding ha aged bay gelding hd 8 yrs woll brolcon bay mare roadster s yrs bay fllly rising 2 yrs wagon horso 0 yrs cattle tborobrod iloroford cow duo marjst shorthorn cow duo juno 11 shorthorn oow due juno 11 short horn cow duo july 8 horoford cow fresh oalved shorthorn cow frasb col- vod folo angus oow calf at side black oow duo fob 27 shorthorn duo apl 12 holstoin due mar 7 shorthorn due apr 10th shorthorn due may 10 shorthorn apr 0 shorthorn due juno 17 short horn supposed to bo with oalf jersey supposed to bo with oalf horoford sup- posed to bo with calf 0 heifers rising 2 yrs 0 feeding stoors is spring calves horofordbull 2 yrs shorthorn bull t yr sheep 17 ewes duo early part of april pigs 0 store pigs 3 yorkshire sows duo feb 7 a mar 11 implements gllson 6 hp gas englno hay tedder maple leaf grain grinder bay ralio potor hamilton cutting tmhoiand or power no 9 oli ver riding plow no 12 floury walk ing plow out throw diso harrow 2 bay racks 2 snrlngtootb cultivators rood oart sotrllght sood harrows 4 pas set heavy barrows 4 pos stook rack seed drill 18 boo frost and wood land roller turnip drill masseyharrls soufflor now dooriug manure spreador deorlngmo- wor 6 ft out in good order bain lum ber wagon and box low down wagon ana grave box 3 pair box sleighs wheel barrow oomplote sot of loudon slings chatham fanning mill two seat- ed auttor tolton root trainer and slloor e- pryor sot of weigh soales cap 2000 lbs b sot doublo harness sat sin- go harness number of horse collars premier soparator quantity scrap iron and motal doublotrees nock yokes longing olialn and other artloles too nv meromto mention a ijusntlty of hay oats and mixed in about 38 bus seod spring wheat bbms hay grain and ums of 10 ertcasn over that amount 10 credit on approvod drum major necnry tndlspensphle tbii ru 1 mntnr of n rural brnpi hnnil r nd tin- 1 of tin- small boy is ho ns etl tlq ftinc- tlonnry l rlmut ns vxtrephlo ns p tltnirelend on n tiilttor np rltes zlni in cartoons mnfrnztie yit tn rlutlo ore beyond ostlmntln in ln th tnbns nnd trnmtiours front stumbling into mud puddles nml pitliliip tlio nl- logod mnilelnns pn rofreltiiunt em poriums ills ftieecss rests nn tho ex tent of his ability to twill tho stick over threestory ituihllngs nnd catch it behind his back nn its descent ilo in to tho band what the monkey is to a handorgan all eyes nro upon htm while the ears titnm on the music big city bnnda often rortm about the strcots unescorted by a drum major nnd feol not at all discommoded by his absence but a country band would not deem itself fit to be seen np pnrnde without this distinguished appendage mm j872 capital authorised 8000000 capital paidup m000000 surplus 3500000 success success is seldom attained without at least some capital the thrifty man m w saves regularly is the one liju ijff w reaches the goal of his am bition start a savings account today at tho bank of hamilton georsjslown branch g c mackay manager r- 41c bracelet watches worlds greatest weavers the onclont indians of peru are now regarded as the worlds greatest weav ers this noteworthy revelation in the history of textile nrt is the result of the critical exnmlnntlnn of many rich and beautiful tnpostrles and other fab rics executed by the gifted anclont in dian population of peru though burled three centuries or more in the sandy desert nftor being mnde with primitive hnndloomn and other weav ing implements thoso wonderful fab rics are now found to be superior to those turned out by the automatic looms of the great mills of today hho primitive peruylng handlonra consisted of two sticks one at the top and one at tho bottom our stock is now at its very best a gift sure to please the recipient and to keep the giver in plea sant remembrance sllvor and strap 7 a 13 jewels 500 and upwards gold llllcd 7 a luwels s1000 solid gold 15 jowols 1 2000 solid gold 14k is jowol movomont 2800 soldiers watches with radium dial and hands in silver or nickel case fitted with waltham or swiss movement x a small deposit will secure any article for later delivery specials in canned goods this weex choice potatoes by the peck or bag 5 cans of peas for 5 cans of corn 5 cans of tomatoes 89c 114 119 fresh salmon by the fish 17c lb beef sold by the quarter at lowest possible price watchrour window for extra good values on fridays and saturdays ground bone for chickens any person having veal calves for sale please phone or write us w j patterson- phone i georgetown l b wilso 1 main street next mcgfbbon hotel ifitctr the tools ef quality catherine long en blessing catherine who lives in tho soma town with numorous rolntlvos was wont to remember thorn all separately in hor prayer each night a few nights ago sho was ospoclally tired anrkileepy and when sho began to enumerate them evidently the task lookod hard for she ended up with nnd bloss ev erybody in the telephone book tffipte wife palled to koap her word boyle doyle is suing his wife tot breach of promise boyle for breach of promise hoyle yes 1 she promised to divorce him but now she hat backed outr town topics notice to creditors in the matter of tjie estate of mlxa ann barley late sf the ytllafe of georfetqwn in the county of halt on widow de- ceased notioe1 is heijkby given pursu ant to statute tbat all creditors and oth ers having claims gainst tbe estate of the said kills ann harley deceased who died on or about tbe ninth day ol january a d 1018 are required to send by post prepared or to deliver to obarlea b day foot georgetown ontario one ol tbe executors ol thessjd decerned on or before the eleventh day of march a d 1018 tbelr names addresses and desorip- lion and a full italsment of tho particu lars of thoir olalms and the nature of the security if onv held by tliajn and iukthelt take not iou that after tbe said last mentioned date tbe 4bets of tbe sold deceased will be distributed among tho parlies entitled thereto having n gsrd onlvto the claims of whlob notice shall tban have been received dated at brampton ibis twelfth day of psbrmrv ad1018 w 8 morphy brampton keen kutter tools are in every caw made of the best steel obtainable and are mode by thoroughly expert toolmakers throughout the whole line of those tools will be found the same sterling quality the quality that has made ffiifpiiwsi for infants and children mothers know that sm fientiine tastoria jsusunttefooduyi jthsretwnilns di4cs sanurestconj emteronhimmoriu mineral not nmi jul crj ahdftan consianonnndw 5 cof exact copy of wrapper signature of in dse for over thirty years castqria keen kurren tools the standard all keen kutter hatchets and axes are wedged with the grollner patent wedge which prevents the bad evor flying off or working loaft end are sharpened toady for mo the keen kutter trademark coven a com plete una uf luols uuil cutjury bold by w c anthony georgetown bolloitor tor and t its discouraging to dlsoovor n i10i0 llko this in tho euinfortnhlo shoos unit you oxpootod would last for a ootipla oflnontba loiigor anyway ilotvovor if you solid tbom io us for our high class shoe repairing we can rosolo tbom rostoro thoir good looks and put thorn in condition 3 glyo you long sorvlco why not try it d isfjmtfl a vaf a fl georgetown creamery we pay the highest market price for cream in any quantity poultry and eggs we will pay you the highest market price for youp- poultry live or dressed also fresh eggs georgetown creamery co h saxe nahager msmssimbbsmsswsmmkmm counter check books we are now prepared to furnish tbe best counter check books made to merchants and others who require same let us have your next prder j m moore fa cites folly of w0rryin1 retired buslnesa man offers hood homely philosophy n long experience a retired business man now uvllaf in a soldiers home writes the follow ing letter to n friend in the dry goods market and its homely philosophy and conddencb will be found refreshing btnce i saw you 1 hnve entered on my aevwitykmwnth year my experi ence has taught iie tho folly of wor rying over events i cannot control i have uitirh reason for gratitude as 1 fluve been allowed to live long my hoes are cast in pleaannl places aasl unit is morn thnl many lullllonalra vaiv truly say i nrs ittfle sjtinpafnj or jkjfip m0 nttrfjttivr eia iflf0m jiu jraiijvtrc gnrsmvs jousrslil ahd fteirhinrr uncoifort rlre v- my- flro rnentiisrnirtivlty in a fehet- rjrlrimrr sliowed ido rijtlttle after oli a jjefson tttnjilres to he perfectly hnpi yar3ilf4ntehfrid rtjlaeiieoiml squttrtj jyou vrllif thlrik 1 aitf- bfitftrit jntoniy dpt8ge- surk iourniof kriejoolnd r bullulln j v k wfuraf tunnel erigllah fchenrjet a tniihineforuntclrtiti knajllsh chnnncl 10 35 ditys hns hceh brought tothe uttndon of yiejlrttwj goverq- niupttjy mr5r-lin- j hcnjanni a cfyfl rntflneerof newyirkwhohtae tha he hns ottlclnl npptwvul of his srheme 1he srltlno conteintites horlni four ttittnels by nienns of eight machines that will cut throuirh earth nnd rock tit the rate of 100 feet per hour nnd provides nut only for n trtirhwny in nch tunnel hut a drlvewny along with motorlorries could he driven front icntrlitnd to lite supply bases in irnnrp mr hpnrlcn urcrti thnt he- can ltnvo tlto tunnels omiloto nnd reav fr operation within a few moith titi and eteclarcs thnt fciould the kihiiio bn cnrlcd through it would ivhiiso most of the shipping now used between england and franco scramton coal in all sizes wtj fikvi 111 nloctc a large amoant of hints in fourfoot lengths en liable lor rtimmitr fil if fear y6 p forwoiv ther old reliable laundrv flratclass work guaranteed at the lowest price shirts 10c sos block gsobo stows jane austen andrew lann rhyjne nn the tifa nnd icttfrs pin sue would not apply to jtitio auten the centenary of whose death wo celebrated recently snys the london chronicle sixty years pnssetl iny before any blog- tiljliy of her appeared once the ball was set rolllnk however it soon gnth- ttrrt frrrm null hih uuujbitt uf lives of that most in- est of authorcssoi vhlih have- appeared since hnye nmply made rp for the previous neglect so ittllo did miss austen like publicity thnt mr anst enleigh has told us thnt durlint her llfetlmo few of her read ers utiew even her name nnd none knew mora thnn hr name nnd on lit r death li 1817 ttiero was no men lion of her or hor writings in any of tho pcrlndlctils of the dny white house closed to visitors 80 strict li the rule nirnlnst ndmle- hon to the wlito llousa that the ppeelitleiirrl houra bnvo been nbol- islnil llretoforo it has been possible for n nietnlnrof congress or an official of the government to obtain a card from secretary tumulty admitting a cmnlltuent or friend to the lower floors of i ho mansion this is now ab solutely forbidden nnd thero are no sxccptlons thoso surrounding thg president will take no chanc concerning women women operate taxlcabs in washing ton d o woman letter receive s francs 1 carriers 1 day in franca tho new labor party in roumanla u in favor of woman suffrage miss molla bjurstodt is known gs the iron woman of tennis itnly is depending upon her women to till tho soil of that country the 111 hill repairing of water meters in iphln is to be done by womoa miss itlrdluo bright factory inspec tor for the hoard of public works in inins tlty is iiinttlnjj n survoy of eniployiet of stored fnctorles res- iitiinntfi olllces nn1 her places ol lousiness where ci- niid women are winpliiyed in ir get accurate lists of thoe who n setting a wuge of t a week or le r c nixon neoroetown subatantially made harness- regjna pnevmatio cleaners for rental at 1 dollar per day a good aksortmetil of trunks and valises agent for page fence wire repairing promptly done nixons harness and repair shop frui 1 trees and plants for spring planting we need no further introduction tbe set ttiaf we have been in the nursery luisines tixtiono years and are now prepared to meet existing conditions by offering our high grade trees and plants direct to tbe customers at rock bottom prices herd for our 1 1 lustre ted circulars of hardy varieties which yon con order dir- ect and eave the ngents commission of which you get the loneflt oar prices will he sure to interest you bnd all stock is absolutely flrit ijifs mid true to name xue ciiahk iikother8 co ol ontario ltd kst 11 ltsil kli 1867 coliloitnk ont among the inventors a new rumcrncnrryliig case has fft nwipnrtmcut for additional aims a icniisns inventor hns dovlsed heels i mainly of colled springs covered itliluixlblu leather rollshlntt furniture by machine in- end of by hnnd la mnde possible by 1 recent british invention concreto may bo mndoto resemble intuitu iin closely by tho addition of powdered mica as almost to deceive experts to koop men who use ladders a great deal from slipping an inventor has de signed roughened metal plates to m worn on shoes a fronch invention to warn an ivfg tor when bo is deviating from his ln tended course consists of form nt camera obsenra j local agent wanted lor cieorgetoivn ami dittriet io fell for tits oip keuiiiik lovnitu kuitsbiuss splendid list of mock or fall plsnting 1017 nnd spring planting 1018 including many new varieties wicb we alone con trol fiend for now illustrated cstalogue also agents proposition llbtidsomo free outfit exclusive territory liberal cono- ruissions stone and wellington tim fnnthill nurseries kkstabltshod 1837 toronto ontario 5 insurance i ifi rb -and- farmers buy your gutters sleighs robes c from mb horse blankets and bells thosehewson norval t ontario ilione lolrss v accident mrs roe oeorobtown ontario wiv waatsttm fiyia btents i 0 aalc for oiir-rnvdn- tor ytsanmbh wlu bvsost tno- wmluont 1 j 7 iii the dl a wbr 00b scrantoo coal the standard anthracite tho dl ii w bcranton in all sizes is the only hard coal we oarry a large stook now on band also threshing and smithing coal coal bins opposite norval station phone 62r24 bell line j watkins norval j a tracy olerlo of esgutint township agont or fodoral life surinob co ounada nauonol pirehntary ance co travellers accldeqt fin btiradoo co groat west perma nent loan oo leaner of muri li6ensea a 0cwllttitffmt- qoorgebjjgn i t immmihii

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