Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), February 27, 1918, p. 1

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1918 v a ullleon iior 185 jan 18 150 per annum or 1 25 if paid in advance to lieut col john mccrae tho vovriioraimlj bn7xmwbf 6kwr staievwjmeji orraropomi mania mrfk yoq gave so lavishly thl all was spent no man may know how many left your ooe more white cross where blow the popplee red one more green monnd and one more soaring aonl free from the toil and pain that held it bound to earth and loitering has readied iia goal hand with ltlerestored and heads again held hit srlnfedirojucei containing further inform m wooridltlonsof proposettconfract may be wen ted blink forms of tender may be ulned at tbe poll offloea tit gneltenham id at the office of tbe poet oltico inspector toronto a sutherland post office inspector poet office inspectors office toronto feb ruary i 1918- al bhilton wallbridue4 dale barristers solicitors etc tobohto and gzoaoerowh office kennedy block leboy dale in charge of georgetown omen pdital dr joseph moandrew physician and surgeon medical officer of health district surgeon o t b hoars 2 to 4 and 7 to 8 id 7to 8 pm nee main st booth opposite presbyterian cbarob cbjtqnrartir no medicine borgery or osteopathy a m neilben do garduate of tbe palmer the original school of chiropractic daven port iowa us a offioe over honrigans drug store oonsollation and bplnal anslysls free toss tbaraandsat 2 to 6 4 7 to spm phonb 160a bptfotl l l plant do oil d otjorqetown eyesight specialist gloss eyes eyeglasses once noxtto library phono 199 for appointment jortttal prank r watson dd8 mds dentist georgetown ont hours 880 am to 0 ptm dentistry in all its branches oyer bank of hamilton f l heath ld8 dd8 dentist offloa in lane block one door north of oneills carriage factory hoars 9 am to 6 pm dr l l bennett dentist offloa at residence main 8t north first bouse over gt b bridge phone 142 georgetown qmloutttt benj petoh licensed auctioneer for halton and peel glenwilliams pest offioe sales con ducted satisfactorily and at reasonable rates orders left at the qsobostowji hbbald omci will receive prompt attention we want now1 a reliable agent in halton county to ell paxba mb peebless fbuit and obha mbstal tbua during fall and winter months good pay exclusive territory see selling equipment over 600 acres of tbe oboicsst nursery had 06401 equipment and a splendid oanadlan stock including new varieties eontrolli by us handsome uptodete sailing grown stock to offer customers we are not jobbers nbtoatalogne sent on request to ap plicants for agencies oi purchasers of nur- ertilock writs now for agency terms to toronto lift- 31 jackson and lee civil engineer surveyors temple dg bjnjprd wiaimjaokaoii j meoanloal engineer e to ol8dbb jj b o wynnerobertt yraier tt tinsmithing and plumbing hot air and hot water heating electric wiring jewxennedy phone 26 georgetown oni mall contract sealed tender- addressed the poxtmaster general will be received at ottawa until noon on jtridav the tb march 1018 for tbe con vey anon of his ii a jellys malla on a proposed contract for four yin ex lime djt week eh way between brampton kural route no 8 ram tbo iostmaiter oanerals pleasure printed not i cm containing further informa tion aa to conditions of proposed contract may be eeen and blank forma of tender muy be 06 talned at the pom office of hrampton and at tbe office of tbe poet office inspector toronto ahutherlnnd poet office inspector poet office inspectors office toronto feb ruary 0th 1918 lyiail contract mising child has been kept in the background ow ing to eyes that were not normal if you are not sure that your childs eyes are perfectly normal make it a point to find out what of to morrow is the problem of every thinking man and woman dk plant optometrist georgetown phone 199 office next to library tho propi orbnginobs education obooses and teaches tboso facts essential and useful to the daily llfo of tboso who acquire it it will profit you to soouro a busin ess training in tbig practical and sue- oossful school of business students may enter at any tiuio at the c3rtjlell3tx business college goelth ont and receive individual instruction a lboiick principal j m buck butcher oeorgetown always baa on hand tbe finest of beef pork 8au8aqe bologna etc home cured ham8 bacon lamb veal is ssasosl tumid plain ouvia hcintz swskt pioklfs in bulk it pays to attend the llxwott zoonto omk yonge and charles st toronto all g and sooros of onr grad uates of the posttokr have seoared good jjosltlons and sull tbo demand js tor beyond oar supply write for mwpgue enter any time i w elliott prinolpal jsaasstjwisww e8tabli8hed 188 the merchants bank of canada paidup capital f 7000000 reserve fund and undivided fronts 7431993 total deposits 99102079 total assets 131180658 winner or waster- which are you j on a recent publlo occasion tbo honorable tbe minister of fin ance for canada in addressing a representative oanadlan audience doalt with tbe urgency of everybody doing oven in tbo smallest way their sharo towards aiding tho empire it is well to rcmomber that every dollar thrown away extrava gantly does ono hundred per cent more good to tho enemy than one dollar saved by onrselvos tho wealth of tbe world finally filters through individual dollars and if tho curse of extravagance strlkos deeply enough onr rain is bound to follow bavo a dollar today and do a hundred per cent more for the emplro than your extravagant neighbor does for the enemy safety deposit boxes- to rent c w grandy manager georgetown branch healed ten den addressed to tbe postmaster general will b received at ottawa until noon on friday the mh march 1918 for tbe con veyaoce of hit ma jelly mall on a propoied contract for four year tf time per week on tbe route milton west ilural route no fl from the lit a prll iftlfl printed notices containing further informat ion sb to conditions t proposed contract may be seen and blank forma of tender may bo ob tained at the poet offices of milton west and at tbe office of tbe post offlcn inapeotor a sutherland poet office inspector post office inspectors office toronto jan find 1018 cjfford linham putcher tp live and love sod flgl 3rnpwv iseot job ljetndieiv itbiik tbe toe1arkawiile above vout heari bscsuteyoq ipyw tbett and alone could tieir their brav sweet jirog abdve the csd vhontbar anj- they jest your sniping spirit bleep wel where poppies blow and sky larks sfng- the torch has fallen from yoor bands and yet your sleep need not be broken we wbo knew the splendor ol your aonl shall not forget m p g in baltimore son the husking bee by snh ettelle balcom maim stbeet fob the choicest beef butter pork lard veal eggs lamb pish cooked meats and sausage swifts noted premium hams and bacon hai jfropd floors cost less than carpets it is cheaper to lay hardwood floors in a house than to buy carpets for it wliats more the hardwood floor will lart a lifetime are much easier to keep clean and in every respect will return you dividend of pleasure on your investment beaver brand hardwood flooring it is thoroughly kiln dried accurately machined per fectly matched and guaranteed to last a lifetime ask any person who has hardwood floors in his house whether he would go back to the old gofrwood floors and carpets the answer will convince you that it pays to buy hardwood floors j b mackenzie geoietovrh and acton buy wmcv f ssss f at i v hourigawq iv deliveries daily to any part of town clifford linham specials choice fruit oall and see ns this wfoobl and seeurc some of our oholoo goods a restivo fruit specialist main street georgetown irbave just received a car of tnev bebt wire fencing ob tainable which i am prepared tjusell at a most reasonable ptffee tjet iis fill toub obdeb 0tj plain auto tires guaranteed 00 mlloa nog 120 fer fe0 each also tubot otc i thosehewson 1 ontarib the husking 040 was at its hslght of jollity and excitement whan ned dawson was lifted te the seventh h o ec ail tk ave h hag moved about and made a shew of stripping the long crisp ears of corn with isjes only for arllne woolson three times she had brought to view a red ear nnd had been apeedlly captnred by her male companion then with pain and longing ned had seen n kits stolen from her damask cheek just now ho was pnsslng her tbe eeat beside her was vuennt she dart ed a bright glance ns this shy bat de serving suitor at a distance she drew aside tbe skirt of her tasteful merino dress invitingly making room for htm ob thnnk you i he almost gssped and amid his confusion npset the high basket between rfieiri then be ner- vously set at work at tbe basket to his left so dnzed yet happy that be was all at sea why you are helping the next girl and she lins n partner cried arllne with a swoet trilling inngh this is your husking bnskot i have fonnd three red enrs already i i wish they were all red ears stammered nod and then at theplsy- rul yet seemingly ahlldlng glance of ar llne he dropped his eyes abashed she forgave him by sitting up close to him tensing carl about the cornors of her rnorry lips i i nm going to the dance np at hartleys saturday urenlng he hap pened to say and halted there i hopo ynu will have a splendid time said arllne tf i only had cnwpnny he began and blushed lllo n silioul boy and felt tbe ordeal of the moment too much for hlra there is your sister suggested arllpe heartlessly i dont know bet ter company anywhere than edna oh dear i a red earl rang ont an excited chorus catch her quick dawson i shout ed his neighbor she runs like a fawn this urns that was just whst arllne did she was out of sight by the time nsd had crossed the threshold of the big double barn doors cooeel rang out her clear tanta lizing tonss from covert then the flashing edge of her dress guided him to a thicket thence a sight of twin kling aggravating set led him to where a heap of hay shut ber out round and round tke yard with all its numerous biding places he pur sued to and no further trace of her he came back to the barn and un obtrusively regained his seat amid the dancing that had now begun he was unnoticed he looked eagerly but vainly for arllne tils heart ssnk she did not want me to kiss her but she let tbe others h choked up then his eye lit upon tbe red ear at his fest that aillne bad droppsd in her flight he clartod wsearchlng glance all about no ens was looking nod seized the precious reminder of bright smiles and dancing ayes thrust it guiltily into his hosm arose went outside and stnrted drearily for home wl- i muffled soh atrango arllne ssld neds sis ter confidentially nieellng bar friend on tbe street n few days later but ned is acting peculiarly mother says he is in love if he is be keeps it close to himself but mother found some kernels of red corn in his bsd welt t watohod and what do you tblnkt ned puts an oar of red corn under bis pillow every night i saw him take it off from the bureau last night and kiss it arllne looked sodnte almost solemn tea she murmured he must have met some girl at the busking bee who struck bis fapcy but it dont seem to make him very bappy had mopes around evenings dont go anywhera and has written to friend la the city te find him a po- eltlonv ob be mustnt leave edna cried arllne and then checked herself i i moan be shouldnt correeteirar- hue blushing furiously he is just the nicest young mnn in towu tion arllne liurrjad away uncere moniously and turning a corner had out of sliiht of edna she bruabfber eyes suspiciously poor fellow and it is frivolous heartless nie who ba done all this vtafeiuuibt lb choked up ob tlvif nnir how can i mend it t artino tried to nt any rate she tnnde it a point to stroll about the street a where there was a chassee ef meeuag ned once she saw ktss square distance coming her wear and set her fare to look its prstueat and most wlnalng but evksauy ned had aouced ber sod turned into a side j vw halve hftrtm w eatt anye tsbls mwwfttyrr aritnauv -i- iv tre dnya anorhslxrnnfl sisv jfd wttbdpwod hend and wretcliod mien pass tho ttbuaol jlodhnioirod wljdre s stroteh of woods hgitu kj0 fol lewcdlrim tredfcnmji diliallen t roc- qqk jv a- j i a- packet kglfa aid- iegan digging iov the soft yielding earth brsu if hu lips were aetrlmly- his face was a uup of blank despaftv ho took from his boppmthsred earof corn the f 11 my hopes 6m- mourned and placed tkf reij ar in the hole be had dag then he- lifted the prized tokenl of the husking- bee to ma ftps badly but reverently he seld ft there fdro moment he closed his egos in mourn ful thought f j and all the time arllne was in sight sad hearing she had stolen after him into the wood troubled with maidenly scruples tempered however with a sense of culpability that stirred her heart to kinder emotions then not five feet away from ned she peered through a screen of vines wondering curious interested and finally her loul was stirred to the depths at what he observed it night have been ludicrous this mock burial to a callous woman of die world but to gentle sensitive arllne the circumstance was intensely loulful and pathetic yes i will leave home spoke ned half audibly i must forget her i may in time and good bye good- sysl gently he brushed the earth over the cherished red ear as though he were shutting from sight and memory the most sacred memento of bis first love experience dpnt oh please dent ned dswson lifted his eyes to gaze transfixed arllnshadjrarst through the uttle girl who cannot add by edward a guest the little girl who cannot add subtract or multiply has worry on ber pretty face and every breathe a sigh she alls beneath tbe table lamp ber head 1 upon ber hajad- andfrind fm wit4ouim 11 8he shews hetrencuirmie kuim3 froabieilliadandsa iisiwl ijl m vjkawj ttoobled maid and sa whobas discovered life is not one round of plaasure glid ob manjr p sail mhitalte this lroubldltilegirli v v v tlu problems otheitiypbinjlul 0utay4 jefihet brn1pa i anstbu urewhet sb j rt gropes her way along anjdlsappoihtnjfeux cpmswhen he wi ttm-tbstshejswtoegjv- i- bhes niw beset witti donbts iu8 iears and there are jei too iv v j i- wrelri skeila1irupvhiijtfngiy asoldbf- j j pedple- do- last night she brought her school books home i sawder work and smiled for ttjerdlsaw the sorrows of- formef- j little child v i saw the blunders hohad madeand on her scribbled page i read the trials of a boy when be was jast her age and ob i understand her griefs i knew what made her sad for once i ibongbt it hard to learn to multiply and add she little dreams that never more will life be wholly gay that she has stepped forever from the realm where all is play that every morn will bring its tasks arid disappointments too for many a sad mistake will spoil tbe work ebe trite to do some day she will have greater cares than learning how to add and oh i pray when help she needs shell always come to dad war time helps ths frail foliage she was at his side timid though resolute flushed end pale by turns the ring of real pathos in hsr mellow accent the glow of true love in her bonny eyes why arllne stammered the poor fellow you hero i i followed you voiced arllne n a wild flutter and ran away from nie that night at the husking bee and let the other fellows kiss you and not me ton did not run away from them because i did not love them cant you see 7 but you did me7 bho covered her burning face with both hands and kept it from telltnle view in muffled tones she sobbed out ton wont go away from home til stay here all my life if you tell me to be cried nnd his aonl jeemed lifted to the heights you didnt kiss me st the husking bee whispered arllie but i may now and her lips not her cheek met his in true leva submis sion live chiefly on tlrtles residents ef small islanda off oast ef csylen find plenty ef foes nesr at hand a correspondent of n oeylon journal gives some interesting information about the turtles on the coast in the neighborhood of jnftnn in the north of the island whleh are snld to be in numerable they are of three species called sea milk atd pariah turtles re spectively the ordinary or ses turtle is gener ally large in slse anil is met with everywhere at sen nround jnftna two tiny islands called iranntlru are liter ally swarming with the creatures the islsnds themselres are sterllo end always exposed to inundation the inhabitants are poor and ignorant of agriculture and live chiefly on the tur tles they use the shells of tbe large ones as seats in the town of jaffna ths ordinary turtle is always procurable and is a favorite article of food with the peo ple the milk turtle is small in size end is to be found only in wells and banks it is not an article of food ox- cept with the poorer classes the pariah turtlo has a high back and a shell which somewhat resembles that of the tortoise it is found in marshes and ditches it is not an article of food but is highly valued by nauve medical man because its flesh and blood are auppoaod to be a panacea for aliments peculiar to children urns inconsistent in leva bums love affairs were both tbe product and the insplrauen of his genius although be had written u olarlnda of edinburgh that com pared with her jean armour was as tho expiring glimmer of a farthing ta- por besldo the glory of tho meridian sun he married jean within two months lost year at sothebys a let ter written a woek after his marriage vindicating jean entirely fetched jino later a curious burns lotter was offered dated juno 21 1ts8 burns was married ausust s 1788 in which ho htules i have waited on mr auld about ray marriage nftel nnd stated that i was legnlly fined fo an irrbrulsr mnrrlngo by n justice of the pence he says tf x bring an at testation of this by the two witnesses uicre shall be no more litigation about it the logsl marriage which fol lowed august 8 was apparently the di lution of the trouble doubts ralsil in the auction room as to the authen ticity of tbe letter were dispelled london telegraph her business i is this you doctorr asks toe nurse ever the telephone yes answers tho physldan well you know you auld mr bond er would not show any signs of im provement tor five or six days res weil this is ouy tbo second day and he is a great deal bettor already shall i glvo nlra something to maue bimworso tor tie other throe or tour erar w buva amu uikls can help soventyono thousand boys and girls of suhool ago inst year increas ed tlio agricultural output of on tario to tlio value of 125000 every farm boy and girl this year should bo encouraged to rear a pig a calf a baton of chickens or to grow a plot of potatoos beans corn or vogotables get out your sap buckets farmers and otliors who have maplo bugar out6ts oven if they have not been in use for years should put them to work this year there is a sugar shortage and canadian maple trees should be made to produce to the maximum 80 oven if you havout the most up- todato equipment tap all trees you can aud niako the most of the facilities you have on hand thoroll bo a good murkot for all the maple sugar and syrup produced stoke the ice by btoring all the natural ice that it is possible tir harvest ice com panies farmers creamery owners and others will help materially in saving ammonia this year even at the present time there is an abso lute shortage of ammonia in the united states of 60000000 pounds per annum for war and oemmorcial purposes sap ltunning begins soon the first run of canadian maple sap begins down in essex county ontario gonorelly about march 20f gradually tho warm weather works north east and tho season onds up in quebec when the leaves break tho buds a bit of a sermon 8omo folks tbey seem to get possessed ol ihlnkin mighty queer and reasonin in ways and paths that aint quite clear tbey seem to think tbe more they gel of things to call their own that more of joy and happiness will oamp within their dome and tbe more of pleasure they oan squeeze into eachtpossing day more bright will be the light that shines upon their dusty wsy and so they go s-rsnt- in ofli aohasin here and there expsct- in every turn they make to lind a day thats rare but they get fooled by book tbey do they get the dirt and dust and find tbe babbles that tbey grasp are only msde to bust for it aim the things we doeach day to boost ourselves along to make our wsde grow higher and build oar fiurses strong nor the dollars that we ling about to satisfy our whims nor tbe raiment that we got to wear to decorate our shins ob no haint none ol these things whst makes a lifn worth while and spreads a lull sunshine round and makes a little smile or chases back a tear that had just got a chance to start or brings a little gladnessvxan aching heart hemember this hero holnely rlfyme is writ to say this thing to make some fell ow loose his jaw anil try a bit toeing its only when we look around and cast our eyes about and see pome fellow over there wbos sort of down and out and find somebody with a soul that lias a load far bigger than his buck who need a brooder shoulder to set behind bis pack and then turn iu anil do ihese things sua hoist along these loadsandpiil yer kind ness roller along their etony roads its then and not till then ol top youll find out what it means to make n blessln ol e coin that jinnies in your jeans for heir slnt ho joy in lookiu ont for none but uumber one and ihlnkin bus the biggest thing beneath hods sunny sun if you want to know tbe inenuin of pure and buhbllu joy youve got bigot along and help some poor and bueted bay i m j akk alvtnston mllltr plnid a test esse was heard at alviostouon february 19th when john wheeler proprietor of the alvtnston milling com pany was charged by ha uilroy pres ident of lambmn county former co operative boolety with selling bran and shorts at a higher price than that allewed by the food ooiitrnlleis order when i he case was oslled mr wheeler pickled guilty r wilson ol hiinbi hie hewn prosecutor pointed out the sniiuini of tberotlter and suited flint iio umsi- muni flnu was 91000 id thro- iimnlbs in prlbir magistrate n-cimii- impos ed ulinsbluo ana eusti and warned tbe miller i yu 3iv v v i c i sv vjv v cvi -t- v w tii v v iv- j i itejiaif rm vt t vm itfvi 5vs ey1s

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