Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), February 27, 1918, p. 2

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c w h wlllson leading funeral dibeot- ob and kmbalmeb itesldsnee aofflce opp merchants bank opon diy aod nlcbl gboroetown omt phon b4 blrthi marriages and deatba are charg- birtha2oo ed for at the lollowtng raiegi marriages 50c deatba 60c died georgetown february sith j018 mary jane hill relict of the late hugh mc morrow i iry oil 78rd year 8piee8 at the base hospital saturday febrnai bandar id her on saturday february aim 1u1 vya iiotrriniorat fitewarltpwn en wednea- day nbnuiry i8u wis janxur tylli llano hoohmni aged 40 yeara pbinotsyit bramplogfibroairythl 1918 robert- hall frjngle bairliter atlaw dearly beloved husband of ki lenwnrgaritt pribgje and fpsrth sonpf therlale rr jameirlnj7j of bramp ton j vtv iv v tj xt i wbbjjesdtatbvboeb 27tb lum general news ing royed by fire the total loss is estimated at flo000 tbomaa j burrowe wellknown auot ioneer of hamilton died there in his 60th year the deaths hare occurred at stratford of tbomaa dwyer aged 76 and john l kaslner 68 a revolution is in progress in costa rica and several towns have already- been taken william williamson deputy collector of customs at belleville baa died in hit 64th year samuel ban aged 28 of london out was struck by grand trunk train and killed instantly pipap4ivojbsfortibpaewhde asnsorts hlve proyftitaitbless du ing the warfare proposed in canada 1 separation irpm a faithlessjnaritaj boriiarehaull be made cheap so ag to be within therreaoij of all but nbt easy boas to become a notional disgrace if the london times has the german peace terms for russia stat ed correctly the world is given a splendid idea of what the huns re gard as a fair and democratic peace for the all ins to enter upon peace negotiations with the enemy at this time would in view of the russian experience be absolutely suicidal the fight must go many rounds yet before a truly democratic- peace will be possible if you have a copy in the house of tlio finished mystery one of the latest books turned out by the russelites burn it it may not give much heat but what you will save by burning it would buy a big pile of fuel the fine for having this book in your possession is just 5000 or years imprisonment -et- both the hook has been pronounc ed obje6tioiutble by the canadian seoretary ot state and it is illegal to sell it give it away lend it or even to in ve a copy in your possess ion other literature of the russe lites also comes under the ban whiln there is a good deal of us age of the wottls bolsheviki men- shoviki miximalist and minamilist not a great many people understand their manning bolsheviki is pro nounced most generally bolsheveek with tho accent on the last syllable the plural is bolsheviki it is a russian word meaning majority the most in present day russ ian p olitics the bolsheviki are the most extreme radical members of the social democrats it is the an tithesis of the of the menshevick plural mensheviki the the least tho smallest the most moderate of the social dcmoorats the latt er are really tho idealists of the party believing in a gradual social revolution maximalist and mini malist are tho frenoh terms for the extreme and moderate sooialist re- respectivoly cjxuroh nqinha i twoforelgi boardinghoub id jjatn- iltob were raldedv yesterday 18 aliens rounded up the reblcjince of siaarf brace jnear burlington u destroyed by flre-yester- day the rpajt being 10000 thj bev j j oea bjades si bap- mat hdrclt hamutbn has deoidsaoot accept m jrom oljieago wwdaoroffidalraie protesting agates the us of natural g w chatham nd wadlfcoborgmaijiifaturerj paasangav service iijbm hamuton to do tides was dlsconlinuad yesterday ow- to the congestion otrelghfc to have 100 eereerof- vacant larid in london under oulifveubri m nhe aim of ihtf oilyb high cost 361 living goto- rjgdftee t kevdr benlflon of tbeobureb ofthe aaceasionlltxilton preached bis are well aermon yesterday before going qver- aeaa rev george a little pastor of chal- mera presbyterian church guelpli has left to report for duty as overaeaa cnaplain u 8 shipping board has command eered the steamers maruba and yuba to be fitted imediataly for salt water service altbongb 160 sticks of dynamite were used under the direction of ir adam beek the river thames baa not yet been oleared of ice work has bean commenced by the ford motor oo of detroit on a new plattt to turn out submarine deetroyers employ ing between 10000 and 16000 men with the blue prints of a torpedo in hie possesalou marked operation 92 in nova scotia steel and coal co chas beek haa been arrested at leavenworth kansas that alberta is able to supply the coal needa of the entire west is the statement of h o anderson president of tbe northern alberta coal operators association to lighten the work of brantford gar bage collectors householders will be ask ed to place tbe receptaoiee on tbe street a aalary increase for tbe men ia also re commended edwardoertisj a maii driver of t4h sonburg wee aerlooaly injured when hie bone took fright and overturned tbe wagon tbe borse oraahing into a tele phone poet broke its neck many people of brockville cornwall and vicinity have been victimized by a man who represented himself as tirand organizer of the elks securing 86 new members at 10 each in the oonfession of fritz hagerman a german in custody at san frsncitco a woman is named as leader of the 1 w vv who are said to have been implicated in extensive arson plota- hides valned at 2100 have been re covered by the st thomas police follow ing the arrest of five men who are alleged to be implicated in tbe theft of goods un der bond by u b government an appeal to tbe men of georgetown the womens patriotic society and themselves in need of a considerable bum of moaev to enable them lo carry on tbe patriotic work in whiob tbey are engag ed they are therefore anting for the generous assistance of tbe man of george town in order that the appeal may be met in a systematic way a strong committee of men have undertaken to make a- tb rough canvass of tbe town tbe amount whiob they have set as tbeir objective is 1000 tyr 0 b day foot is the chairman of this committee dr heath the secretary and mr c m greedy the treasurer commencing oo saturday morning tbe ijndeavor to see every man canvassers iijsjrjyiwjjet 1 hardlv iraceww- mtiho in una w olivltl aah lortamied detail vorit fwbtplrv church nnien patriotic soqeet rx v fw mptlcsofleetv kaa been doing 7hr aggregate tbeyhffve aenf oer6fa toes of souliers comfort socks- bandagea pyjaiime and other hospital tnpplles they are prepared to go on with this good and very necessary- work if supplied with uremoney with which to porchaaa the rswroateflal this tbe- first dlreotabpaal formpney that twssoclety hwimade may tbe b eponae-besogeerbub- that the womenof tojsiurwirr knpithbi ahiataejl appislw itbe wdrkthey itawe- been doing for the aeddlelfi excellent bargains may be had in iar7 lhnds in the vicinity of georgetown also ia town and city property inquiries are solicited and will receive prompt attention besbateo ub ys iviibiiaqpo dont forget tte tctrj aild x military news j pie ray tfiornpsbn was home -from- eihlbltjon camp for the weekend pte harding of hamilton spent the weekend here spf harry elliott has sailed -with- his battalion for overseas- pte hugh graham haa arrived safely in england pte fred toat jr apent a few days in town laat week he haa since aailed with hia battalion for overseas under new rales of procedure and the norirfthizption of the deputy registrars dpirttiint soma few changes in the staff nr announced in london ont deputy hrgimrar w lamer reports that major u n weeks military repreaentative has resigned and that hie duties have been taken ver by capt hindaon and aa a rtsnlt several minor changes have been made a lkttejt from francs many readers ol tbe herald will re member tbe late d b arrowsmith wbo at one time bad a harnesa shop in town and who died about 18 yeare aeo he left a boy of two years who with bis stepmother now mrs w j mckecbine moved to the states tbe boy now 20 years of age enlisted in the american army last may a few weeks later went to france and is now a sargent tbe following letter written to mr warren who has looked after die business affaire aince mr arrowemitbs death will be read with interest iatirfit n here is andlihimoiavorlte afidwiirbbtl like sot jukes get yburshare 76lba of ifiatold fashioned molasses chealog toffee ope like s itand here is no aweet that tastes better than this old time fa tte reg 8o0 per lb 8e thafyott- saturday treat pidce 1 wbbkfenl ohocoiiarbs so good that tbey please tboae who are hard to snit they are sold at 40o per lb and are well worth it every saturday we sell them to yon at the reg ular price of weckend special 29c lb t ix ihoorehead a norrincton manager phone 88 main street oeoroetowh your opportunity for service and salary will surely fol low a course in one of bbawa bus- inesa schools toronto write for our 1 free catalogue w h shaw preal- dent 89 yonge st gibbefs no tii5ftteiii6w you make it no mut- t fcow ybii jbakte it q mater cpst8 ym canfrjtat fid eyeify tnfe a dhghatad ojkll ask for- more- it is 10 cents gibbens corner bakery i the mens store in spite of the fact tbatwing to tho war british woollens have advanced greatly in prico and tailors all over canada have boon compelled to raise priceb we will continue to make blue and black serges scotch and english tweeds and worsteds at prices that will be within the range of every man tfutageofthepld pdeb r py yi airwoo goods sooh as we are 8ollinka preseni -willbe- feo fie opnt- highe- iij tht spring bpy now special baltgainsrinallodd ifnosjoj iepsavcar 9 v 1 j s 1 slendirr jne ttf ovfirrax itm a 4oftim i of mett8 veir- qu3t qtimk ia lajg 41 mpip i a hlomytsayerle s -v- a lgboftsintmafrjfcoveearqdv offfiedlniall lines pf m redutwct thfsi8 we insite ydn oo oailand w onviiiribd to all whom it may concern acton the appeal of the food control ler to produce large quantities of maple sugat and syrup this spring should receive a ready response from those who have groves of ma ple trees whilo maple sugar can be made as it was in tho early dayb of settlement with every simple ap paratus the work is greatly reduced and bettor produots made when a modern equipment is utilized for the instruction of those not entirely familiar with advanced methods the publiaajjpns branch of the de partment of agriculture at ottawa has issued dulletin no 2 b en titled tho maple sugar industry in canada by text and illustra tion it rnaken very dear the opera tion of a maple sugar plant the time to tap the utensils to use the refining und handling of the pro duct are all dealt with this bulle tin is available for distribution to those who apply for it dr t gray arrived home from cali fornia laat week he apent a month in bualness and pleasure in ontario county loa angelee and other pointe the farmers club received a shipment of 75 tbreebushel bags of clover seed here last week it cost 24 per bushel and the lot was valued at over 5000 onr farmer friends are obliged to pay big e rices tor much of the merchandise tbey uy as well as the rest of us owing to ill health mr james l war ren who haa been tbe efficient and obllg ing manager of r noble limited in tbeir flonr feed and grain bneiness here for a number of years recently resigned that position col noble was here on mon day and banded over the management of the business to mr henry awrey mr awrey baa been connected with the bns inesa for several years he is lo be con- fratulated upon bis new appointment t was with mnch regret that noble co accepted mr warrens resignation free frees franco jan 20 1018 mr k d warren toronto dear mr warren i suppose you receive many letters from the canadian forces in france but not many from boya serving in tbe american fnrcea 1 have been in france for about five months wo were one month on the boat from the time we left tbe states until ve reached england a long and rather tiresome trip although we had very good accommodations on tbe boat the trip across tho english channel was short enungh but rather disagreeable one part of the triat least i enjoyed very much ard timt was a practice march on canniiian soil we bad a good deal of aromuaament with some of the canadian children for they all had different ideas of who we were and wbf irn- u 1 have not ftitu much of imnce during the sve months we have been here but my impression so far la that the country anil people are not aa progreasive ae the english speakiog people the woather here consists chiefly of rain producing plenty of mud then a windy dasor two to dry it up this is followed by more wind i had a picture taken about a month ago and intended sending one to you but found that the censors rules would not permit it we can seod personal pboto- f raphe to the states bnt not to canada or ngland i will alwaya be glad to hear from you letters- now are especially welcomed in france sincerely john o arrowsmith this is the milton j the food controller urges people to eat onions and carrots there should be no necessity for impressing on the minds of people the value of these vegetables they are acknowledged as valuable nutrients scientists tell us mortals that the twc vegetoblos mentioned contain essential properties towards the making of good hoalth some peoplo particularly tho younger set possess at times an aversion to tho onion because of the odor being a trifle repulsive when one is attired in full dress suit or on a mission that may lead to a matrimonial ven ture tlio same objection joes not hold good in connection with the carrot it may be used without later embarrassing situations cropping np however tho chief reason for the somewhat imperative order of tho food controller is that these vegetables now on hand will lose their powurs as a diet unless con sumed they are now best fit for human consjimption by taking advantage of this condition people will assist in helping out the food situation sergt charlton who went over with one of the early contingents and pte oliver pearson who went over with the 71 th in the spring of 1010 arrived home laat sunday owing to his being troubled with rheumatism pte pearson was un able to go further than england we trust tbe industrial committee of tbe town council are maturing plans for filling the empty houses in town a year or so ago houses were at a premium rents wero boosted and new comers lo town could not been re house accommoda tion for love or money for some reason or other things are quite different now and not as bright the above committees therefore have their work cut out for tbem tbe coal situation in town has greatly improved aince our laat by the arrival of a number of cars of black diamonds the dealers are busy now supplying tbeir customers it ia to be hoped the worat ia over and let as be thankful it baa not been aa bad aa it might have been not in many years haa the hollow been ao badly flooded as it wan on tuesday night when a number of those living a- long commercial etreet had to bo taken out of their houses caused by the ire jam ming in the creek and hacking up the water the flood waaat its worst about ten ocloek one man who started out on recue work hsdnt gone far when lie found himself in water up round his wajnt and bad to turn baok there were cries for help from a number of quaiteis where the water had entered their homes and tbey were rescued bv willing hands and taken to places of eafety cellars in stores and other placea along main at were badly flooded liy the water backing op in tbe sewer and in some cellars the water waa over a foot deep putting out tbe fire in the furnaces in borne instance by morning however there waa another story to tell tbe temp erature having taken a big drop and conditions became normal again re former dealing with tbe system by which per eonal effects of deceased canadian soldiers are returned to canada a militia depast- critical miliar go qborogfown phone 126 fine high cla88 tailoring and mens furni8hinqb agents for stookwell henderson a co dyers and oleanere toronto hi ii iii l hgal the home of good groceries 3 una of peas for 680 i tins of corn for 65c 8 tina of tomatoes 69c marmalade regular 20c 2 for 36c marmalade regular 25c 2 for 6c raspberry strawberry jam reft 45c 2 for 83c raspberry nod strawberry j urn regulnr 75c for c9e 69c raspberry 8trawberry jam rejr 30 2 for 64c kappborry strawberry jnn regular ooo for 83c 3 packages ammonia for 25c 3 packages corn flakes for 27c tbe above are a few of the manv bargains we have to offer qive us a trial order d satisfaction guaranteed id a m grandy the pure food store ment memorandum aaya that these sonal articles are collected by wbioh the man served and forwarded aa por- ft in quickly aa possible to the authorities in england when received in england they are checked and sent to canada as soon aa transport ia available in canada tbey are forwarded by express to the next of kin bnt five months usually elapse between the time of the soldiers death and the receipt of his personal ef fects the memorandum goes on to state that experience goes on to show that the overseas anthorities cannot take any ac tion towards finally disposing of an estate until some montha after an officer or man is officially reported to have died sufficient tune must be allowed for the audit of the account and ita transfer to canada where it ia chocked and distri buted the dietribuflon of an estate should not be expected before eight months after the soldiers death before tho official certificate of death can be le aned by militia headquarters it is neces sary to receive from tbe overseas authori ties in writing a confirmation of tbe casualty report this sometimes takes three inontbey castor i a neat lost t jroetoavn finder kindly phone j l moore 18oro signature of white goat rote between slawi e lrnri i and georgetown elation for infants and children in lis for ovsr 30 yean mown i alwaya bean what doctors use for eczema a soothing combination of oil of win- torgroon thymol and other healing in gredients colled ddd proscription- now a favorite remody of skin speclalistb for all skin dlaoases it penctratcb tho iiores gives instant rellof from the most llhtresslng skin diseases h v houriaan druggist georgetown vaya b the something new 8 rioeman geonaittown will buy anything you have to sell and pays tbe hfghesl price for live poult ry i can afford to pay a higher price than others in ontario aa i ship to montreal price from 20 to 80o lb any person having poultry to sell let me know and i can guarantee you better satisfaction than you wijl get from anybody else i buy old baga with or without holes also rage rubbers bottlee old iron atovea second hand clothes hldea and skins i eay a price that will surprise you if you ave anything to sell mail tne a card-r- s rlceman georgetown po private lesldence next door to j a bellasbop 227itp in order to reduce the high cost of hy ing in this most critical year of the war we the undersigned butchers have decided to inaugurate a casii and carry system on and after march 18th everything will besold for cash at the lowest possible price and you take your order with you thereby saving the cost of delivery we believe by this system of cutting down the ex penses of both the producer and consumer we are assisting in this great world war for freedom and sincerely hope our customers will appreciate the saving to be derived by a cash and carry system 73 i lets send you the herald only 125 in advance mi w j patterson c linham j m buck unknown today in any line of goods is prices 0 being reduced everything is higher and still higher we are just through ouryearly stocktaking and we have many articles in our big store you need and j you can get them while tbey last at adams coy all cash store 1918 february 1918 less than cost prices today hurry money saved is money made grocery department everything fresh and neat the most possible value for your money come and see us today dont tufss this chance of goods saieap j rdrms st co georgetown j phone 43 main and mill streets k hourigans annual gold fish sale goldfish wo will glvo a globe and two gold fish fkee with every purobaee ofitbjilli bbmbpieb amounting to do oenta or evory ponnfl opbka coppbb at wo per pound come while thev la8t l tae store the best in drag store merchandise the fin est iu drug store service

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