Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), February 27, 1918, p. 3

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matthews drug store special jdrv3 in ienvelopesj special business size and linen correspondence for one week only i e a good chance to stock up at a low price 3 3 3 3 3 mli- bens 8piiht of acton spam sunday with friends in town miss ida livingstone ol barks falls is spending a few days at her home in kpojaide mm p b coffen will remive on tburbday feb 28lh from 4 to 6 oclock nnd aftfrwanjs on the flint tuesday of erirh month mr josrptv hnrne ol holland mich nalurm study the teacher waa hearing th slasa in nature trying lo impress on ihe child rens minds the horror of cruelty to an inula she lold the following eiory once a farmer went oot to milk a cow and a little calf awilched tho man in the eye with its tall the man took oot hl knife and cat off the calie tall now children what vera in the bible ahoold that man bave remembered of course she had referred lo blessed are the merciful bnl philip had anoth er answer what od hath joined together let no man put asunder care of swing at a time when every person who cjm rotherhhqlteirtrfooal- u- 1 v 6l briaotf of rvpjjbraftojk their hotae they hae the best wlsbf a of many friend for heaitb and prosperity in their western home ury k wm burt l ttu becjor a 8nnaayervfcosfplowbt jtinrujn k t ewinaong 7rvra 4 v- bnqday school tu5 a jno hj basement holy oonjnwnion 1st anfl kra sunday of auib month at 11 am s condbnsebjjews items oonneil meeting monday erenlsg bead e a benhama advt in tfaia issue chocolate easier eggs at moors- dont mils the concert and lectors lo the town hall friday evening news items that arrived too isle for this iasne will appear in onr next to water users all servicrs will be bat off tomorrow thursday for ttie greater part of the day the heavy wind storm on monday night took part of the roof off mr nell gillies large barn secure yoor ticket at matthews drug tore for ihe patriotic concert this friday evening there will be no snnday passenger iraina ton on the grand trunk ballwaj ontil farther notice will merchants kindly hand in their- changes of advla not later than tuesday rioon thank you auctioneer petch conducted a most successful sale for mr george doughty at lime house last thursday spring may not be so far away tome people think the poelsare begin jngto blossom profusely there should be a good heavy fine provided for those who persist in damp their ashes and rubbish on ihe public street 1 f any person wants farm roaohioery or wire fencing it will pay themto gt in touch with thomas hewson of norval bead his advton page one mr mcallister of guelph bsspnr chased 10 acres in erin township be longing to duncan mclean sals wai made by j a wllloughby georgetown there are still a few of oar enburlb era who have neglected payment of their subscription we would ask them to kiodly attend to payment of same dr webster of norval has purchased so acres in eaqueaing townahip belong log to j h hoare sale waa mads by j a wllloughby georgetown mr john mcdowell of lot 8 con 4 eaqueaing has sold his farm and will have a clearing auction sale about trie middle of march watch for fall parti calars the regular monthly meeting ol tbi womens institute georgetown branrjb will be held at the home of mrs a nev ins od wednesday march 6ih every body welcome the georgetown womens institute on feb mtb shipped to the red cross for soldiers comforts 80 pairs of locks and to the french belief 1 bale clothing containing 118 articles valued at 91102o- w f ogonner cost of living com missioner reporting on bakers profits in canada linds these not excessive and say he finds no present evidence of unfair dealing it was women who in maintaining that womeu exercised great patience declared that they had to bave anoh a trait to wait all eternity for the men to join them where she didnt say mr t e reid will bold an anoiioo ale of high grade dairy cows young catt le sheep and pigs on thursday maroh 7tb any person desiring first olsaa stock should not misa this opportunity see advt in this issue miss 8 k8 telle labultcm graduate pupil of mies h ethel shepherej ol toronto conservatory of music esch ar of voice and tight tinging tor term ppy t the mcgibbon house on wednes day eveninga private and class lesions owen sound buaineis men are mak ing an eflord to eliminate the saturday night delivery business every grocer and botcher in the town have signed an agreement not to deliver goods that are not on order at 6 jo oclock on satur day afternoon i bave now a stook of all tint of boys boots alto a lot of womens glrpa and mena boot tbat i wont bars to make tale to tell people are wonder ing bow i sjell them to ebeap last week ww the mat week i bave bad and i am now gojog to keep op my reputation for the boat and cheapest repair bounty j pjljalna cciistlh x i few ilntotathowwho ejre teaklng pyl nia left hand sid of coat bejiolngi incbmroml necknot in collar band lset hole 1 inches front bottom fat leans and 1 ioohhetnson coat sleeves and tronser legs- 1 died from dast ol acid miss amy wbite twentyseven years old ol oaledon e si died on thursday fob 14th from he effects of a doeeof scid which she had taken in mistake for midiolne medical aid was given promp tly but she never reoovered consciousness and died within three quarters of an hour rex theatre wednesday the price ol folly with edith storey episode 14 of the voice on the wire and a vitagraph comedy friday patsy with jnne caprice little jane lee and harry hillard nnd tom mix in a two part western comedy saturday the christian another etateright picture by hall celne with edith storey and earle williams watch for more atateright pictures the hone market canadian and american horaebrerders associations agree in the opinion thst horse prices have started on the up grade and tbat they will increase fast the ad- vance per head tor farm rnarealnttis united states is already 150 per head the big demand is for heavies and those who want them are advised to buy now ktep roads to rural post boxes those having postal boxes along rural routes must keep the snow shovellcd a way bn that tbo mail carrier ctn drive up and deposit the mail otherwise he is no compelled to do so there lmvi leen plsces where the boxes nre alt hm ed lo which is u great lnconvieucc to the mall csrrier concert and lecture a grand concsrt and lectnre under the auspices of the womens patriotic lngne fill heheld in the town- hall george town friday march 1st an excellent program by the following talent mrs jnmes firsthrook of toronto who spent two years in switzerland will speak on prisoners of war miss ethel wether- epoon contralto of toronto mirs vets trsy elocutionist of toronto and mis ksihteen barber accompnint admis- ion 2nc cod bave the king oakvtle minister declines increase the oakvllle star says the presby terian church held the annual congrega tional meetiog on fridty evening last there was a good attendance general chnrch business concluded the pastor rev j e mnnm wss naked to leave the room and then the congregation voted him an increase of 126000 making his stipend 2000 upon the pastors return be asked the congregation not to make the increase under present conditions but the congregation would not hear to bis request and the matter remains burlington council troubles the town wss thrown into a great state of excitment on friday last when it be- cameknown that reeve cleaver cre bunker campbell page bad received a letter from m j oreilly k 0 of ham ilton on behalf of certain ratepayers of the town whose nsmes where not dis closed requeating them 16 resign their eestaorproceedings would be taken at oegoode hall to unseat them on the ground that they bave not sufficient property qualifications to hold office all kinds of stories are afloat and the ratepayers are anxiously awaiting further developments gazette importance otpure seed pure seed is an important factor in greater production it might almost be said tbat it is the most important for weedy seed hsving once been sown it is impossible to fortell the damage that may be done to tbe growing crop or tho disappointment tbat may ensue whon gathering or reaping timo cornea round hence at this sraeon of tbe year when towing is in prospect a pamphlet issued by tbe 8eed branoh of the department ol agriculture at ottawa entitled cleaning seed it most timely and valuable it tells of ihe implements tbat nre needed and the methods thatehonld be followed especially in the cleaning of grain and grass teed a letter to the publication branch ottawa will bring tbe pamphlet promptly and wlihont cost iring ronay tbe gold boot in tbe brampton undertaker disappears the globe ol this morning sayt mucb anxiety la felt over tbe myiterlouj die- appearance of mr j m crawford in no derttker in brampton for tbe put 80 years he baa not beau teen since 7 oclock iaat evening be was oh bia way to tbe borne of b h pringle in con- station with tba arrangementa or thai g entlemana funeral which look plact today mr crawford accepted a ride 1 in a friends motor car and waa dropped off near tbe priogle borne he stepped from tbe car a few feet from toeetobl- cokeoreek then triucb in flood and the fi la that ha might btve fallen into it jjftbd boon carried away at no trace of bin iwbataver baa bean found linos mr orawtorf who was highly eatif mail li a i- jks wi vafteit ajrfjllniss of honjeiflve vreekf rju rerioj james wjhmtbr hniibhton passed jlwaytat 1 bo homo oljr john 8heuberd 8tewariliawn bn weilnhsday february i3ih deceased was born in laaoashire engutridj and- went to the united 8tarea 29 years ago he came id canada nine jearsagcrand has siuce made his botrfe at mr shepherds whose wife was a first cousin rtf deceased he was of a qiiite disposition a hajd working honest and industrious -msn- and hrsdeatbis regretted- by pumeroua friends the ye- mains wer interred in stowarttown ce metery orf february lolh tbe funeral service beiog conducted by rev dr smith mns mary j morrow at tho ago of 70 years mrs mary 3 morrow relict of tho lato hugh morrow pansod away at the residence of her ronlnlaw mr w c anthony on bun- day mornlnij last docoaaod was the oldest daughter of tho lato joseph hlllls of county antrim ireland and was married in 1874 to hufjh morrow who predecoased hor some years ago she caruo to canada 80 yoars ago and resid ed at brampton until 0 years ago when sbo catuo to georgetown to make hor homo with hor only daughter mrs w c anthony six years ago sho became afflicted with diabetes and also lost her sight sho was a true christian woman and bora her affliction patiently she wns a uiembor of tho proabytorian church the funoral which was pri vate took place on tuomlav afternoon when tho remains xvoro interred in groonwood comotory tho sorvioo being conduotdd by hor pastor rov r f camoron bosidos bor daughter sho loavos two slstoi8 in philadelphia pa mrs ken- ncdyanillirij watt and fisibtorsand tha dstmantofagricaltnreat ottiwa- ntitlea- arid at 8rtacomea tnott ooportonelyi tbe will sell eggs by weight ft- is stated tbat at the approaching eesaloq of parliament the sales and in spections act will be so amended as to provide that a dozen of eggs must we igh a pound and a half if they do not pro vision will be made for adding the nnmr her necessary to bring tbe weight op it is also proposed to mske the standard cord of wood 128 cubic feet about news it any of our readers are diasappointed at times in not seeing an item of news in this paper of wbioh they are fully acq uainted with tbe details kindly do not place ihe blame with ns we are neith er mind readers nor prophets and if we house georgetow bargains in many lines pamphlet the pnblli which can be bad free from ittohs rranch at tbe federal icai capital contain sections try three of tlie adin euthorlties oh tire snbivcfin can- oltr ada tba- am oi tbese is rrntetoor q i bay jormerly of beqntarto agriculture dllgefboi writes on the selecflonsdf the hare ndthemriifreairjot of botbaptl jfjthe aimiftt pigt ttieaei l8imrrrjfli hakl dproioip arrtmalhuabamlniao ho deals wu ifle fmrperia chearj pitxeh trrrpeing die mxbt of appropriate bnildlrjgs wtthdi- graibs of apni rbshslone and ouo brother in castlotown county an trim ireland tho pallberirors woro jno a glffen james anthony john- momeokln dr j mpcluro s j mccluro s d mccluro glenvvilliams isbaiomr and other uselui partlcularsi the third is mr g r rtthwll askls tant dotninkoin- animal husbandman wbo deaiapwltb be srneeabect but frtim s different standpoint he describes a chap ndtruble bogeabo that can be bnllt ibtl utilized by practically anybody who s wtltiagto lake the trouble lilfis- tfationt of the cabin and dlagraiot with speduortibns are alto glvso i bave 12 pair of soldiers boots size 10 and ii which are going to be sold cheap these are a hard size to secure so come and take your pick at once for 850 worth 6 of any mans money al so new boots for boys in all sizes from 150 up roney the cheap shoe man handkerchiefs lodios fancy handkerchiefs 10 15 20 st sbc laillok swiss llanducrohlofh 20 25 115 a t0o chiklrons white fancy bandkts 6 7 10 a 12jo ladies cloves iiadlob colord kill oiovch kizos 7 71 7 at 185 ladles tan nnd lirowu kid gloves 8195 ladies black kll gloves 195 ladies rlngnooil giovob 85 and 50o spring is meat the following has been received from 9he of our sprfhgrjonte arid like the robin is a sign that spring la approacbiog back ward swing rntekwerrioheeih jvn 0 apw wu on trie rloat of tfifetropipatjoopi roast rh auism cooked hp tbebonovjiam sd tired if fref ztajr my noae waor4i ojjeuil- vlawndcrda ear of trying iolepvwieom feet tnrni on tbe beat mister inrnwthe beatl bpk ward tarrv back word ob- lima in yowr flitfat give me jdlysgaln jostwr toruj soften tlie grdund where he frost klijf baa lain oh i let me hear a mosquito a- galn iam o- wssr otirwdrifteii ice wearying ol paying u coal trust- ite price weary- of eating- frostbitten pie ob give me a slice of tbe 4th of july pfnk j iadisuk waiisfs in wliiu arid djalio at 500 a 050 rvadloa whpte voilo waists 8 00 850 1400 wool scarfs and gaps ladlo mlssoawooi oorb50o toovafioo dadfos pssisa wool bets 4x0tmv loidfea ertfhhbbb wool sqarf 8 h l sb qbllas wbifo woriiscaijw40 0c ladies collars ladios cropo do chino collars ifl 135 h50 lallos laco collars 100 to 175 ladlos not collars bo 75c and 100 silks a lovoly rango of oropo do chlno stiltahlo for waista aud dressos in all thu loruliog hluules including raaue canary poaoh old rose pinlt sky bluo hollo paddy and nlger brown at l60ant 175 a yd just ttohaaartntaq rhngadtjuobsoxviv tv- r f j vaiflpgphoiiavgfta a v ts j jv a s ivvjarji pixmoimajqmvfistzm- t m- i- pzi ilaaiofl eoslyrvei unjdn ucti jbjaei aprl s1 v slk stdcwriga fi p- vj ijadtehc66limcrujteifirvjo l00i4j- padhiuniojint8ej0sh 75o imaiosillk hoao 1jiboiw ohimrons mlttbjy o and 0o- utdles mitts 50 and 75o w5 mdna lined kid mfttsjfl 60 mjeaslzilned mocha gloves- 175 2 20 mentt ltned heavy mftts 750100 125 180 bdyb mitts 35 50 aiul76o boys lined fttodhi gloves at 185- mono foor infhand tieoib 50aud75o meob jsnfftihpadkolcliiof26 sajifl itite monvititvtrn hadjtdttiofe lojlaondido t anlborttnrrforcaalwii61tslluporbvti0sllv yi mlhsthfeiosllpnoraiiooloile6 v u tihasnvti cloth top bbotil6rfoi5bo 1 iiafllos plalo tborkidljpots 1 500iw0r t jso tqrvtls v a large gotftonf it of tbwoisaqtttowoung nldnldnqp and turkish- 1 ijaj 0w11 yon get quality and promptness in witch repairing when yon have foster do it leave it with l v hourigan local agent tho pabtors subject at tho mothodlst church glenwllliams on sunday even ing march 8rd will bo tbo praying christ lto edward beermah who wont over seas with tho 70th batt undor col ballantlno d8o returned home last friday and was given a royal weloomo at tho homo of hia slstor mrs james norton ar dr j k nixon who was chairman on tbe occasion presented the rclurnod hero on bohalf of friends with a wollflllca purse the glon band fur- nlshod music rofroshaionts woro scrv- od and the oocaslon was n most enjoy able ono pto boermau who had been wounded in the arm and log thanked all for their great kindness and the splondid reception oxtendod to hlm- ddg m visits credit lodge friday evening last waa the occasion of the annual visit of ddgm rw bro ds klelnnana of kltchner ont fo credit lodge a p a m there was a good attendance of members and vlsitv log brethren tod a most plesaant and in structive evening wit spent after the bntlneta of tbe lodge bad been deall with tome degree work was put on and the offloert were highly commended by tba ddgm lor the able manner in which they performed tboir various parti this wu followed by a banquet which was served in the lodge room aqd wss presided over by wm bro ab oatlell after the many good things bad been pajlajifu of nnd ihe opening of be infer- imltotat list by singing the national so- thorn speeches followed by d dgm bw bro do klelnhsns w bro bom- he and rw bro stephenson gnelphj w bfo downey kltchner w bro moore nlagira falls itod members of tbe local lodge tblt molt pleasantooca- norval the womens patriotlo leagao of nor val ontario bent a bale to headquarters of the red cross toronto ontario on thursday february 21st containing 00 vds white flannelette 20c 18 00 madp into 18 suits pxjamas 24 lbs wool 185 44 40 made into ft do pairs ancus 67 yds of huuk towelling 15c 10 05 made into 57 towels 1 skein of khaki wool 17c made 1 trench cap and 2 caps given mrs l v hourigan entertained the norval womens patriotlo league to tea on tueednvj february 19th at which the ladies brtd a most enjoyable time kindly take notioe tbat the reception to bo lendereilcorp lobn fiocber will take place in campbells hall on than day evening committee j n mcphei son chairman w g daviee seey wssmwrvw brl pbbl iwhiljiji jfd ualtojvs bargain store with some its quality with some its price with us its both groceries 12 lbs rodpaths best yellow baftar for 1 00 11 lb redpthn best grain sugar for 1 00 4 lbs best rolled oats for 25o 8 lbs icing pngar for 29c 3 pkizs ammooia urge alee for ji c cellaloid eiarnh per pltg 10c 2 one pound has barnhitrs bakiog powder for 45c corn btarob per pkg i 11a idgersoll cream cheese per lb 26c one pound tinsoboice pink salmon 19c dates per pkfj 12c teuere boda biecuita per box 21c 3 tine tomatoes for 05c american oil 6 gal for 1 00 the acid test of comparison our goods and prices bave stood it for years barnhlls norval ivmammummmmmmmmmmimmmvmmmmwmi to dikcovor a bole llko thin in tho i comfortable shoot that you ox poo ted would ldat for a couplo of mouth loufier anyway howovor tf you l send thorn to us for our high class shoe repairing i wd- can rosolo thorn restore tboir dood looks and put thorn in condition to dvo yon long service why not j try u jtft a 1 per guaranteed zz1d wheat oats barley flax live stock spportunities immense wealth in western canada send for free book homeaeekers and settlers guide low kafies 00000 free farms improved lands of 160 acres each northern amjveyrd nd rewdy for entry yours wajtiiw mod t haroi of tlio threouarter billion dollatrsfor crop prodaction to oediatributed tiformera this fail ilimtd crop valuea of wheat 0t barley and l1axteed ntono for 1917 in manitoba saakatchewui and alberta is 61368570000 from 15 up per acre along canadian northern rich well located frma ciom to rail wny immed iate prod ueere can be purchased on easy terms roah or raah and crop payments means achoola good roads telephonaa and convenient transpor act now get awa this spring tractors farm implements enally available new government asalstance plan capital or no capital tho work the opportunity la there and th canadian northern offers the way write today far tha new guide contains valuable information based on government statistics any ctnll asent at general passenger dept montreal que toronto ont or winnipeg man d j matthew local agent w whrrrkd main 8treet phone 147 terra cotti miss joan burgess of toronto bpenb tiro weekend wltlr her parents bora mrs jas davidson of the mountain wbo has been confined to ber room for soma timo is making favorable progress toward rocovory tboro was a good attendance at bo fatmore cooperative mooting wbioh was beld in marshalls ball on friday evening of last week mr pow ers gave an excellent bpoooh wo aro sorry to learn tbat mrs n stuart is on the sick hat mr jas mobrlde baa moved book to our village again we are sorry to learn tbat mr root mcoauley is ill at presont we bopo soon to bear of his recovery a number of our bed cross workers attendod a knitting bee at mrs bobraga last friday i gibbens cut rate cash and carry grocery choice pink balmon in tall tins 19c eaob beat flaked wheat 2 lbs 16o salads or uptons tea reg 6 per lb for 500 christies soda biscuits reg 8o pkj for 26e aunt dlnab molasses reg 15 per tin 2 tin 26c bee hive com syrup reg 80 tin for 23c pnre lard per lb 82c 4 lb pall pnre frnlt jam res 00 for 65a mcdonald tobacco three plugs for 27c magic baking powder per lb tin 88c pansy brand seedless raisins reg loo per package 2 for or 26o bollej oats purity or quaker brand large package 29c crucoin 1 lb tint etch 85c choice fresh prunes per lb 18o can pumpkin large tin 18c edilya matches large boa 15e shredded wheat two packagea for 27c b lb beat japan liice for 81e we will pay oisil for butler and eggs j j gibbens phonb 160 georgetotm vjain43iv delay and theyll all be sold look into thepe farm bargains success awaits your efforts and to be a producer is a patriotic duty for war prices are assured come back to erin for a bargain stock and grain farm of 260 acres i mile from peacock school erin village five miles 180 acres workable 2 bank barns 2 silos frame jiojise 6 rooms 1500 oasb prioe 8000 balance arranged tokyo ham farm en oood oravl road balwaan halloo and pool coubuom 100 acres well situated norval 2 miles all workable 2 acres orchard soil day loam solid briok bouse 8 rooms three frame barns no 1 70x80 no 2 60x24 no 8 80x40 driving house ben house pig pen sohool 8 lots oood reasons for soiling going to be sold at onoe buy now if you want it prioo 7500 2500 oasb balance arranged fibo- slock and orala farm ioo aorts hornby tbreoquarttrs of a title plenty of water for stock fine large solid briok houso of 0 rooms 9q acres workable 2 acres orchard soil gravelly loam frame barn no 1 80x60 no 2 40x67 pig pen 20x80 silo and windmill sohool mile church 1 mile possession april 1st 1016 price 7850 2000 oosh balanoo arranged 100 acres brampton 3 nile8cpr station 2 minutes walk 00 acres workable 5 acres hardwood bush balance pasture i aore orobard soil clay to sandy loam plastered house 5 rooms fraino barn 80x60 stable and pig pen sohool 1 mile oburoh half mile eadial station lotainb walk 85 acres fall plowod prioo 7000 so acres csledon two cheltenham 4 miles all workable soil light day loam plastered houso 8 rooms bank barn 86x60 school and oburoh it miles rural mail and tele- phono price 2600 j ajwilldmhby beal estate geobgetown spring wheat seed for zrataro tho world demand for wheat in 101b jubtlflor tho flroatowt posfilblo off ort towards incroasod proluctlod the rtimii acroaor of fall wheat put in laht fall will moan iuerensotl acrongo id ontario avnllablo for rprlng wheat tbo ontario government in cooporattrjb with tho farmers in order to provide rood it has purchanod 50000 buholh of no i manjuu spring wheat seed through tbe seed branch of tho fed oral department of agriculture more will bo purohakod if necessary to 1111 needs di8tuibution seed is sold only in j bushel bags carloads will bo placed at certain points in tho frovinco whore less tbau carload ordors can bo 111 led tho purchaser paying local froiiht from such distributing point to his own station where far mors clubs or otbor organizations bring in car load lots tho prlco at their local stations will bo the same as at distributing points where to buy purchases may bonrndooithorin the warehouse at the distributing points ar ordors may bo phicod with tho nearest district repre sentative of the provincial department of agriculture or they may bo sont direct by mall to tho markets branch department of agriculture parliament buildings toronto pay in cash prico is 27j per bushel at distributing points in all oases without oxeoptiou cash must accompany ordor bend remlttanco by mariitid check postal note pobt office or express money order mado payablo tobntarlo department of agriculture markets branoh ordi3h early in the event of tho requirements of the provlnoo be ing underestimated tlioro may not be enough soocl to go around it is advis able in order to lnsuro having their ordors 11 hod that purchasers should place orders as soon as possible ah orders are subjeet to confirmation and will be filled in the order recolvod as seed is deli ve rod in 2 bushel bags order should be for even number of bushels and noordor for less than 2 bushols eon be accepted names of distributors at local points will be announced later distributing points at prosont docided are chatham london woodstock hamilton brampton st marys oshawa toronto port ixopo port porry peterboro lindsay barrio orlllla newmarket libtowol orangovtlle ajlls- ton durham siuicoo wetland paigrave kemptvillo brontford w f btrono ontario department of agriculture department of agriculture markots branoh burlington ont parliament buildings toronto house to rent frame on union street rooms and watr inuidu immclinte fnpgeeson apply jno balltintine enrrttown wanted at once men to out cord wood in first class bush near terra cotta in order to got men will pay 260 per cord work can bo dono tho year around board can be had near to tho bush for particulars apply to j o rutledgo or j l cralno terra cotta ont 2tp watch found small nilver watch owner may have earn by calling at herald hike and pay- in for advt tf apartment ror rent over bank of hamilton all conven encon apply on the premises wood ror sale i can copply any quantity of eood hardwood in 14 inch or any length desir ed split and delivered order promptly attended to j brandford college view u274tp sherrifips sale by virtue of a writ kierl kanlas isnned out of the illtrli court ol jnsnce and llr- acted to the hhoriff ol the fjqnnty of hal ton againat the tood and climtles of maicofal mccalium at the soli ol the farmers bank i have seized nnd tiken in execmion the follow ing jooils nod rhnltlps 2 lielfer ivfs 1 vear old 1 lerflev cow ine in miimh 2 black liclleni with olf 2 yrars im h heifos 1 jpar olildiirliain la lyearolilj jersey cow with rail 1 grade dnrhnm cow set team harness sale lo takn plaoe on the farm nf mr geonre brown lot no 9 8ih ponoeseion of the townslilp of etiuealnn on thuk8day fkby 28th 1918 at 2 p m telitfs cash samuel webster sheriff county of halton dated at the sheriffs odloe milton tills 16th day ol february 1918 solid quarter cut oak polished hall racks 30 in wide 82 in high 16 in shaped bevel british mirror box seat a regular 25 vtlue for mahogany finish parlor tables 24 in top a regular 4 value for sectional book cnse 3 book sections base and top oak fume finish com plete for you can save money by btjying furniture now 1500 290 1500 some linen values that are worthlnvestigating fine bleached linen tabling 72 in which would be good buying at 150 yd for 100 per yard extra fine quality linen tabling 60 in for 125 special turkish towels 36 in for 45c extra heavy turkish towels 48 in for 76c v 34 iu buck towels for 1 5c soft finish fine cloth 36 in flannelette 25c thre 1 lb packages star amrnouia for 25c 1 lot only to each customer extra value in mens overalls and jackets all pocket requirements the factory price is 24 the best quality cloth well made doz for 200 mens 44 in fourinhand silk tie for 25c mens scarfs clearing at 25c r vyl new advertisements maid wanted rollablo houromald no washing iron ing cooking or rwcepln evenings froo good wages apply to mrs frank j barber main st 218tf house to rent in glenvrullams largo brick house and good outbuildings about 3 aejrea of land and about ij acre of fruit apply to w h bold box 572 brampton 2028tp position wanted yonnff lady firadnat of shuw busi ness fienoolb deaires position asfltcno- sropber good referencwi apply steno- grapher core of hernld ofllc tf for sale or rent two houses in college view conven iently situated water and electric light cement cellar apply emmannl loruuso college view box 106 2118 12tp iiskm ilvl

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