Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), February 27, 1918, p. 4

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the 6e0r6ex0wn herald wednesday eveg feb 27lh 1918 you should wish wish for summer eons to shine make the happy harvest fine wish lor aprils singing rain tbat the seed may drink again wish lor clover large and sweet smiling at th cattles feet wish for green grass on th hill and fair brook deep and still wish and keep on wisblo yon maybe it will all come true z4trv ft those who failed to report under the first koftarenow beingarrested iierr- id mda w not sirajd xjfeiris ameted v knowtng tl ellthetthe pjbcadtell overcoat l v prsvi- u fe w- f iiir i 1fv tis ju rviv v l- v pfttitivc ninting proof we publish the formula of vinol to prove convincingly that it has the power to create strength jr co4xiend beef psmeaes iron and maoganem faptonatas iron and ammonluto cltrata and soda glycerophosphates c any woman who butfs s bottle of vinol or a weak rundown nervous condition and finds after giving it a fair trial it dd not help her will have her money returned you see there is no guess work about vinol its formula proves there is nothing like it for all weak rundown overworked nervous men and women and for feeble old people and delicate children try it once and be convinced l v hourigan druggist george town also at the best druggist in al ontario towns auction sale of high class dairy cows young cattle sheep pigs the undersigned has been instructed by timothy e heid to sell bv publie auction at lot i5ln the 9th con eequeslng 1 miles torn george town an b m from n villa on thursday mahoh 7th 1918 at 1 qvlock sharp the following cowsfawn jersey cow calf at side fawn jersp cow calf at side dark jersey cow call at ids brindle jersey oowcalf at side fawn j- rsey cow calf at aide fswn jersey heller a yrs old calf at side fawn jersey onw calf at side dnrham cow doe time of sale dnrham cow calf at side dark jersey due time of sale brindle jersey due mar istb dnrham cow dne mar 19 dnrham cow dne about time of sals jersey cow dne in oct fawn jersey cow due in oct fawn jersey due 9th of april fawn jersey due in april dnrham cow dne in june 2 dnrham heifers due time of sale 2 jersey heifers due time of ale 1 jersey heifer due in september durham cow doe in oot with the exception of two or three al eboveoowearo yo yonng cattle- 7 jersey heifer calves 11 roos 8 jersey heifer calves 5 months 1 jersey hull 2 yrs pigs yorkshire sow due mar york shire sow bred feb 10th 9 store pigs bj months 10 pigs 3 mos sheep is breeding ewes supposed to be in lamb shearling leicester ram dairy utensils premier cream separa tor 1000 lb cap 8 eight gal shipping cans and lobe 1 eight bottle babcock milk and cream tester termk all sums of 110 and under cash over that amounts months credit on approved joint notes 6 per cent per aiioum off for cash all radial oars will let yon off at stop 66 2 minutes walk from farm gate re freshments served to those arriving early benj petoh jumper bean crop assured exports agree that final figures may show 28000000 buahsls anal lower prices are in sight there is cheering reassurance in tbs news that this years crop of beans will be much more than double the av erage yield says the indianapolis news as a rule the country produces 10000000 bushels a year in 191s however when the demand was great er tlinn ever before the crop was only 0000000 bushels the shortage was immediately reflected in the soaring prices and the lowly bean as a con sequence came in a new prominence scnrclty served as nothing else to bring about a realization of its value and an appreciation of the place it sccujileeoptbe aipeiicarrtuoun ii tjiu ymv esrs agree the nl figares ma sho fcttop ofjtfsjqoojjop bushels the columnar this wringer bould ondbeans restored tortbetr nor mal prices avyvwsans they are colled by some by others they are known ss peaus the ew bnerander calls thfui merely beans qjhe jeter ehce totftvw hpjrever nsrievipf vnhyvteaos is rihti jwtljosr sigtifr flcjbqce ticm atxhtrp baberriwaa a staple hi the rttferjso jfyth fejanvj and the nruijrv if apneajrm yrejiuenlly morning noou and nlgfit ltvwq8serverjv bijtir and hhcd jjna in sotib the x3tvjrwafit has beep told wjis fought on beans thejrntlob of the united statessoider and sailor is rhose va ried today but the- booh is wit lack ing it js there as of yore beter po- derttodd innd nosiesbjstrenethenlng or palatable how many thousands of bushels of jthla yeara enormous benn crop tlio army ancunavy of this country nnil the armies and navies of our allies vrtll consume it would be difllcult tu say- but the experts are of tho opinion that the crop is by no means krentorthan the demands that will be made upon it even so there should be no shortage and no exorbitant prices benn enter everywhere will appreclnto mr hoot ers careful consideration of the proil- uct to the end that prlcas approx imating the antebellum charges may be restored war dogs and cats needed bureau of mines can use qreat nutn- here for experiments with oss masks if yon raised fide to be a hero send him to the bureau of mtnes and if there is a torn cat about the premises who shows signs of heroic qualities send him along too the bureau ol feline hsroes right now they enn he devoted to s very uacful ptirpnne one tbat may be tho means of saving the lives of hundreds of american soldiers the bureau is using cars nnrl loc in experiments with gas mnflha that will be supplied to american soldier nt the front hundreds of animals can he used and the burenu recently rent out a call for more of them in neh rnre the animals are shipped nt government expense the yale mcdlcnl school at new hn- ven also is conducting cxivrhnenu with gas mnaks and ran use almost any number of dogs and cats w a wilson clerk auctioneer kit- we- iv great auction of registered grade holstein cows tho undersigned has received instruc tions from mr ohas wilkinson to sell by puhlto auctlonon tho premises lot 81 tlocond concession west chin- rmacousy noar boston mills on tuesday march 8tb 1918 at one oolook the following pure bred and grade stook cattle holstein cow pontine daisy no 9848 blre pontlao hermes 6442 dam bello zeeman 2nd8418 holstein oow 9 yrs reg pontlao rosa mo 9854 due to calve in march slro pontlao hornies no 6442 dam carrie mercedes dokol no 8098 rosaposoh dekol duo to calve march 1st blre lord dekol poeoh 7886 dam pontlao rosa 9864 holstein cow 6 yrs daisy de kol pontlao no 46487 dne to calve march 10th blre lord dekol posch7866 dam pontlao daisy 9848 holstein cow 6 yrs ida dokol posob no 4648 bred onoot26tg 1017 biro lord dekol pos- oh 7866 dam pontlao dalsy9b47 holstein cow 4 yrs flora olotnilde pobobno 46486 due to calve april 1st bbrpking clotblldo paul 16978 dam boss posob dokol 46484 holstein cow 8 yrs lofty olotnilde pontlao no 46486 due to oalvo may 20th slro king cloth- udepaul 16978 dam pontlao rosa9864 holstein bull 2 12 yrs king lpans alluvlaldalo no 27761 sire edgomont korndyko bogls 18464 dam silver lily 27068 holbtein bull 18 months old victor clothlldo paul sire king cloth- ude paull6978 dam pontlao daisy 9848 4 holstein bulls 11 months reg istration applied for sired by king cloth- udo paull6978 orados holstein cow 6 yrs calf at foot holstein cow 0 yrs calf at foot holstein oow 8 yrs ouetlmo of sale holstein oow 10 yrs duo time of sale hblstolngow 8 yrs duo april 1st holstein oow 8 yrs due time of sale holstein oow 6 yrs due april 2nd holstein oow 6 years dno mar 38th holstein cow 8 yrs milking well bred jan 16th holstoln cow 4 yrs due may 16lb holstoln cow 4 yrs duo may 96th holbtein cow 4 yrs due time of solo holstctn cow 8 yrs milking well holstein cow 0 yrs due in jane dur ham and holstein cow 12 yrs duo in kardb 4 holstoln heifers 9 yrs old steers rising 2 yrs old 0 holstoln efflolenoy of sammys kit it mey sound fttrsneja to ameptean- esra accustomed n ther nre to renun ciations of our nrtlonnl kvrvines bays lesllos mnknlno to henr that the amertrnn soldiers equipment la conceded by military authorities tn b ihe finest of any nrmy in the wrrld thus it is llint 3imniyitlll go tn france or to russia or meaopntnml or wherever the fates decree cnirylix on his person the most complete most adaptable lightest handiest nnil most thoroughly efficient living working and fighting outfit of any soldier on earth not excepting either our euomloj or our allies the personal equipment of the americas infantryman and wo take the infantryman because he is both the bsekbohe of the army and the bwk of it i tsseilsjla busi ness efficiency and applied common sense in its highest practical manifes tation knelt detail of every tiniest article even the most insignificant strap or loco is the result of scientific study nnd experiment somo things about our nrmy may not be above friendly criticism hut when it comes to the design of the individual soldiers outfit the united states army has no p- ljs motordriven barges a success a train of barges driven by motor traction recently reached the regents csnalwlth loads of coal from the mid lands in england these were the first motor barges to nnvlgato the eng lish canals for any dlstanco and the beginning of s development which the board of trade is watching with in terest in their journey of160 miles from cannock chose to fit oeorgos wharf kings onus the motor bnrgos navigated seven different canals and managed all the looks with easo leav ing the borseson the towpath panting after them in vein the motive power is a small motor driven by a mixture of paraffin and petrol this is fixed to the stern and can be transferred from one barge to another in a few minutes worthless without the name v t i v is thtj marh of quahtv is vibitjs lrymgteys as im wholesome beneficial prodifct pi j the larf ic ti tfie dominion y y u r the delicious refreshing comfort ing confection that costs somlttle but lasts so ioiml it helps teeth breath appe tite and digestion perflc the flavour lasts s juicy fruit i made in canada 43 fqtablisked 1872 capital authorized 8000000 capital paidup e30o0000 surplus 03500000 send your boy at the front a five franc note for 100 1 can be used to buy little com- yfpjf f c behind the firing email lines for sale at the bank op hamilton georgetown branch c c mackay manager when you put your beet efforts into a pie you wish to be sure that tho beet flour is there loo use our flour and yon will never have cansejo com plain tbat your skill bss been wasted on poor material tbia is ihe best flour ibat tbe science of milling has turned out there can never be a better denver monkey a hugger i sc5iarftoti robert noble limited fresh salmon by the fish 17c lb beef sold by the quarter at lowest possible price watch our windbw for extra good values on fridays and saturdays ground bone for chickens any person having veal calves for sale please phone or write us w j patterson georgetown eoooooooo phone 7 mm bracelet watches our stock is now at its very best a gift sure to please the recipient and tn keep the giver in plea sant remembrance silver and strap 7 a is jowols 600 and upwards gold filled 7 a is jewels s1000 bolid gold 15 jowelb 2000 solid gold 14k 18 jewel movoment 12500 soldiers watches with radium dial and hands in silver or nickel case fitted with waltham or swiss movement x a small deposit will secure any article for later delivery children cry for fletchers castoria tho kind you have always boagtat and which has been in use for over 80 years bos bornotho signature of and has been nimlo tinder his per sonal npervlsion slnco its infancy allow no one to deceive you in this au counterfeits imitations and jmtt- srefod arc btrb experiments tbat trifle with and endanger tho lienltli of infants and children experience against experiment what is castoria castorla is a harmless substitute for castor oil pare- irorlo drops and soothine syrups it is pleasant it contains neltber opium morphine nor other nnreotto ubstance its agre is its guarantee it destroys worms and allays fevorlsbness for more than thirty years it bos been in constant rise jor tbe relief of constipation flatulency wind colic ail teething troubles and dlarrhcoft it regulates the stomach and bowels assimilates tho food glvinp healthy and natural sleep tho childrens panacea tho mothers friend castor i a always bears the signature genuine of ep- wr heifers 10 months old 9 veal calves milking machine human milt- rtgood as now 8 units hay and seed oatb is tons of good ulxod hay 1 stook of timothy hay gtonssof two year old hay 600 bris of oxtraljood beeodsts tlio whole will be sold witbont roserve s tho proprietor has sold one of bis farms and is golnfi oot of tbe dairy bus cpo p b train will bo met st obelt- nbam station foroonvenlenoe of people coming from s distance t itefllfbi hsy oats vesl oolvei end ji snpudf ho and nnaer pasbl over tdmunoopt 7 mbntbs ormit on spprov edlbldtnotos blxporoeut persnnnm oflforoofh i iir i bj5nrpbkji vmmmmm cleaned up for nothing oeorges voluntary scrulihlnftn wore few indeed in fact ho urmiin wushod his hands beforo a mcnl imiiks ordered to do so when undo mu mis ot- pected for a visit gareio i miuln to wash himself vlgorim- ly n- i ciinli his bnlr neatly but imiu i ill illil mh come and tbnl nlelii wnlli u up to liln fnllior lin snm 1 ii nc ov n- t ii notice to creditors in the matte ofthe estate of flixa ann barley late of the rtuafe of georgetown in the ountu of halton widow de ceased notice is hereby given pursu ant to statute that all creditors and olh- en having olalms against the eatsto of tbe esid bliss ann harley deceased who died on or aboot tbe ninth day ol jannary ad 1918 are required to send by post prepared or to deliver to charles b day foot georgetown ontario one of tbe executors of the sail deceased on or before tbe eleventh day ol march a d 1018 their names addresseeand descrip tion and s fall statement of the particu lars o their claims end the nature ol tbe security ii anv held by them and further take not ioe tbat after tbe slid lost mentioned dste tbb assets ol tbe said deceased will be distributed among tbe parties entitled thereto having regard only w tbe claims olwbiob eolice abslt tben bsve been s this twelfth dy obsrlee brown dsyloot a b wilson main street next mccibbon hotel in use for over 30 years the kind you hayo always bought tt tnfff fttri the tools keen kuttertools are in every case made of the bert steel obtajhabloand are made by thoroughly expert toolrnaken tbrougbout the whole line of these tools will be found the same iterling quality the quality that has made hived da jated at brsts of rsbrasry ap solicitor tor kurren tools the standard all keen icutur hatchet and axes sro wedged with the orellner patent wedgt yrhlch prevents the hssd evtrflylajr oil or working ioom sod are iharpened reody tor use tne kesn kutter tnmsacpyer a corn- piste uot of tools oodcuusjrjv 6old by vljvar iwijmfwmfiki georgetown creamery we pay the highest market price for cream in any quantity i we will pay you the highest market price for your poultry live or dressed also fresh eggs georgetown creamery co h saxe manager iwvmv jvrl fyri iwvwli iv1 vrv mi -ic-ip- j li ivvr iarnw we are now prepared to furnish the best counter check books omadctto merchants and others who require same it us have your next order m ce 9g shnlan causes saneatlon when he boldly mbraeea young woman passing along street tbe lovable monkey is loose when be swung from tbe low branches of a tree at twelfth avenue and detroit street and threw bis arms about tbe neck of a young woman pedestrlnn there was a lot of commotion toys the denver post aside from break ing the spooning isws the monkey shouldnt hnvo chosen broad dnyllgnt a screum from the youog woman brought residents to their doors thay saw her running in one diroctlon and the monkey in another it was dim- cult for them to ascertain which was the more frightened tlieyouos won sjaiotkootiarnottkejri wilj aenifjni wsp- tavi- 1 tkmiivrf rjurmlrrg sfi oyadto imonf eli owetho mootcialrstttiit vriora ttio rponljby cuuio from ls a question thosoo kjeepernt ctypnu says ail hie monkeys are just wlioro they wiovrli be that none of tlianft would be ungesitlenianly uougb tq ehvi ubio xfjp to jlilgn patiesv trjansji i jpesieacs of bei wolimhlrjdjrsitrtclk jolp64 fa hubt jtojivtos tre8ercirlk bsing madetjepdij taiethuagaa vmliiatlyapt tiw nukf rr at blgbflli teneaijlcwytorr atreot where tho effuctlonnfei sliulnu zhjltiitijityiti- tueintyibcy sought jepiporory jwiionjpfi fb wont- poreli of ti ai clamius loino 0i5 detroit f street but wlneaipn uttoiipt wns raniis- to capture lilm he curled lip blstuil iind deported sikliluuly jn tlicfrightcbcd woman pnlcsirlnn the mopkcprwasiseeu hug ging sdvcral troea just now ho is luigrtng somo secluded spot ltoslilonts hope he is apprclicntlnu ns thoy uo not wunt to be monkeyed with any more coal in all size 8 we have in stock a large amount o slabs in fourfoot lengths suitable for summer fuel prom feed and provisions john 3allutiii v i jp-i- jia rphonivisii ii jt- call british tanks willies during the ruirncr of 1010 an en emy ugiiil trying to tuii thu wires lu knrclnmj riilhl imvu iniii mystified to pick up such imshtigwi ns twelve willies rench ju tudiiy or send tails for six females writes col e d swliuon in the worlds work wlllk u pet cojiiulmli ndnptcd ns sultihlo for the telephone inul olivlnt- iiik the uko of a code fur telegrams uns suggested by the fnrt llint tho llrst experintoutnl inndiilp com pleted though equally nmlevolcnt was innllor nnd less puwerftd for evil than its liniueillntu succehkor eventually ihe type niloiiteil when the two crea tures were logthor they guve tho ludi crous liiiiiussloa of being child and mrent of n numstrous nnd evil brood hence initnrnlly ilitle willie and illg wililn the hlgiwhilfs were rlpn bmnrwhnt unlitnloimlly dithl- ikd ns mules nnil females nccnrdlim lo their nniminent inclilimitally to help to ciiineiil tho ilcstltimtlon of tho limits nt the stage wluu uny lllusinu as to their purpose was precluded iliey were piilnteil with the inscrrptlon with cure to iotnigrad in inrgo ituskiun characters englands need ilownnl k codln who is standard izing tho aincrtam airplane snld to a cntekiinilonl slanilanllzntlon is the modern effi ciency met hod tho germans have stnndnrdlised tliclr nubmnrtno england l n rent ciiuniry a hrnve country an uiiconiiuiriiilf country but england necils sinnilardlzatloh when nn kngllshrann wants to say t lie t a click is for deposit only ho doesnt wiito thnt on it no that isnt tho kngllsli way lie writes co a cainbrhlgo professor once ex plained to me sjb of the terms used nt tho great knifllsh university ho snld full term menns throe- nunrurs of n torm may week is the first two weeks in june general ad mission day is the day everybody leaves an ordinary degree is one obtained by a special examination and an arts inspector is an arts students the old reliable uiuiadry first class work swiranteedat the uowest pricb vtsblrts ioc hoi block asobosrrows r c nixon georgetown stibstaniially made harness reoina pneumatic cleaners for rental at j dollar per day a good assortment of trunks and valises agent for page wire fmce repairing promptly done nixons harness and repair shop long flights of birds a thrush was caught at bonthport recently with a ring on its leg marked mrrena vntnerbr ken hs london mr h b wltherby who is tlio editor of british birds has ulnce 1010 hnd 7 birds so marked in i lie hopf of learning something nhout their travels a swallow ringed to lituulilie was found seven months aier in grnhninstown south africn 11100 miles away a lessor blnck- liikltcd gull ringed nt the fame inlands oft nortlinnihorland was found eight months 1- r nt st iouls flunegnl and n llrd ringed st london was foiml in moscow a few waclcs nftii- it would eeem thnt birds nri gir travelers than most of us imagine what women did in civil war wonion nil pver tho united states formed societies and modo bandages and comforts of vnrlous kinds for the soldiers hut tholr worc too lacked tho direction nnd uniformity which nre nicossnry fqr prompt nnd effective ns- nl st a ii co in the civil war country women wero especially generous in contributing time nnd labor to the cnuse of helping the sick nnd wounded in mnny inntnnccs the men woro not fdvon enough green food and farmers contributed potatoes and fresh vege tables in largo quantities which fre quently saved a camo from scurvy and otlior diseases fruit trees and plants for spring planting we need on further iutrodaetion the fact tlinl wefhavo been in tbe nursery husiness eixtyone yeare and are now prepared to meet existing conditions by offering our high grade trees and plants direct to tho customers at rook bottom prices heid for nur illustrated circulars of hardy varieties which you can order dir ect and feftvu ihciigents commission of which you get the lenint onr prices will be fure to interett you and all stook is absolutely flrnt clues and true to name thk chase brothers co of outsrio ltd kstanuallbl 1s67 ooliiorne out local agent wanted for ieorirelown end district to eell or tliu uu kemahlk konthiix nukbbuies kplontlid lint of stock for pall planting 1917 nnd bpririr plantiti 1018 including many now varieiit wich we alone con trol bond for new illustrated catalogue bibo agents proposition handsome free outiu fxcuibive territory liberal com- missions stone and wellington the konthill nurseries establiebed 1887 toronto ontario ik insubanqe history repeats tho pennlties for poaching used he very severe yes and were drifting nronnd to those tlmvs ngnln as values are going 1 shouldnt bo surprised to see stealing a wnterrnelon or a chicken elmssd u grund larceny atent5 isiiillqtirjevs h tt3t xsl for our 1nvbn- tons axvtfljhnwhioh will be sent free makion uajuonr m4 university tu montreal fire j and accident mrs roe gks katisast aithurboastelll tbf oolllal of mu8io umbos smotasoj cmoiuaana pmammimm owsam oaoassfam teacher o comes vntfti toltloo vse in any tarm r4wivnstisr the dl wer oob scranton coal tbe standard anthracite the dl a w boranton in all lizob is the only hard coal we oarry a large stook now on hand also threshing and smithing ooal oal bins opposite norval italiion phone 62r24 bell line j w atkins nfltal eeeewes j a tr i aierhof ens townsh i agent lor poderal te insurance on ouusda flstlpnsl fire raur snee oo travellers aocljent in- surnnce co qrekt west perma- nont losnoo issuwolflsrrisge offloe mill street weef

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