Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), March 6, 1918, p. 1

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the georgetown herald fiftyfirst year of publication georgetown wednesday evening march 6 918 150 per annum or 125 if paid in advance the georgetown herald is robubhbd eveey wednesday evening at thb hkbald power printing offioe georgetown 0nt y i wssobipwqw bathes va0n yevjiwi ions6 it vp i 4 aj 8x njtotha 5 pteiiadaim- the address label shows uie datejqur aabeeriptton eipiree ooiftbaot advertising rates famjahe4in application j ten cents per line for first insertion and doe cents per line lor each eubee- hmai loan v alterfisemeot witaoatapecifltf dire uohs wlilbe- inserted onffi forbid- and eharged acpordittgly advertisements will be changed once eh baontbwlthdat extra charge chwee tor contract advertisements ioat bvin thaofbce brandajtnltag j- m- toobb publisher 1 iirs rta r eoiafq auaz paeenger 90 am passenger 1100 a no mail 1189 am passenger s 46 pm mail 718 pm oourewaarr mailvl 767am mall 10 06 am passenger 208pm passenger mail mail mail ooim hobtb aouta booth 686 pm 767 pm 3 pm 1006 am no shovelling required standard anthracite- lasall atses automatically screened and loaded ftdm wood seeot lrinip for domestic apd thraehing purposes smithing andcxnnol coal in fact i carry everything to be found in yard john mcdonald aeoraretownl tr phone 1 2 t ryj- mall contract atincbixi i feen keitfri tiie bogroiiaabv finpv tofeyevtbkt yeitnofnpnapi ov stiff tlratyoiir drtlfjs eyesf ire perfectly normal make itia ibiittb nnd- 0ut modaatoponrjuti tin ibceuf jjii ana of proimvd cohtrnctbtay terras of tender jnay bo n tff atirsn rt wi ttmttssca tnclrtofolar v- avulhijtadf v boat mfeeinsfgw m ppncskeiniptetorvotfloe toronto january iflbylltls p n- w nr r- dciuwi ndcr dhr4i6d toibo fttanutttt uwnitln berwrtvklttttru ndim noon- on fr- on prwy uie mtv march nils for thacbiv voylnf of rii majetuy it it is on propose cottrict for ibur yot six timet fxir week on the route utlton uat hh no 3 frotr ho tot apr 1 1 ls prlnlwd notlof eodulnlpn ftujticr fijtortn dmtopontfulia off my chum hbali contract dr plant optometrist georgetowu phone 199 office next to- library j w kennedy tomonto suburban railway daily tiubtabla am pm pm going east 810 220 840 going west 866 266 747 6unday timbtablb am pm pm pm going east 1020 1260 416 810 going west 1040 610 directory flal shilton wallbriduka dale barristers solicitors etc tobonto and okobobtoirk office kennedy block le roy dale in charge of georgetown office wrdtral dr joseph mcandrew physician and surgeon medical officer of ileal th 4 diatrict surgeon g t r office hoars 2 to 4 and 7 to 8 p m phone 68 office a r mainflt south opposite presbyterian chnrob liiroprartir no medicine surgery or osteopathy a u neilsen do gardnate of the palmer the original 8chool of chiropractic daven port iowa usa office over hourigans drug store consultation and spinal analysts free toes tburs and sat 2 to 5 a 7 to 8pm phonb 160a hardware paints stoves tinware electric fixtures sewer pipe -and- cenaea tinsmitliidg and plumbing hot air and hot water heating electric wiring j w kennedy phone 2b georgetown oni seld tend oonaral will trldaj the nd sj jity years u jv nor we it n olielttinhaio itr no fcroiqtbelkof ajiril ace of lay th hit i addressed to the postroiytcr received at oustgauntlt noon j mavch for fho convy- main a a iiroifffl contact jtorjiuryfirs ali 3h printed notices ointalilnjr further idforma- each way between lit ptienl l l plant do 0l d georgetown eyesight specialist glass eyos eyeglasses office nextto library phono 199 for appointment tal frank r watson dd8 mda dentist georgetown ont hoars 880 am to 6 pm dentistry in all its branches over bank of hamilton f l heath ld8 dds dentist office in lane block on door north of oneills carriage factory hoars 8 am to 6 pm what of to- morrow is the problem of every thinking man and woman tbo proper bnfilnofih education qiioosoh hon as to condition nt irtpnsel contract may be een and blank formii of tcinlr may be obtained at the poit onjcoa r cheltenham and at the office of the ioat office inspector toronto a rutherlahd poet office inspector post office loipactore office toronto feb ruarj t lots he stood at the crossroads alone with the sunrise in his face he had no fear for the path unknown he was set for the manly race bat tberoadiitrettjbjaa eaatnd knd tbo rpifdtreipiittltfoet- ft jrhetebwto jirtneft way vastttflbeati 8b my chum turned wrong arid went down down dowq till he lost his race and the victors crown and feil at last in ap tigjy snare bllnbtwub jikvtotocl tititrvfeibiatindjii y olhesoi boiipfherilojfj ii amheiselisatocresrpdaetoo h pausea anent o chbbso unl wj baarfsler thntwoojd leadethe greater gatxii and- the road bfrebsbe east anil tbe robdstretcherf west bol i was there to show him tie best- 8o rnychqm turned right anil went bn and on till he won the race and the vjctore tcrojwh he came at lest to the mansions fair becaabe i stood at the croearoadfl there since then i have raised a daily prayer that i be kept filmullv standing there to warn tbe runners as they come to save my own or annthera chum laura soper in epworth herald tcrlrn he had sent utile ruth sttts from time to time and when he was ready to atart on the road again he wrote the baasford merchant telling dim when ho would call on him it was dark when beardaley reached bnsafnrd a tittle ilrarviuui twere to jtwevilinibirtml tfd e pjotnete was wmb-iioe- wolli ideclatoltnbliaari warm ing to 1iav4rue frlendij wmltlpg jto wel come yoo cried bpardatey and ha hot only grasped biit held the prof fered hnd of mrs- jsle vr norton the starekajepei tcm n whn yu wolldarrlvy axclnlme the- widow aijhdbntlyvand o wit ljae moved slnceyjoii jvers heire wt- t r coins tbpike yon tp otrti new boina ffuirtiij jfm thsil irnlred the smile be it foul or be it fair smile never give in t6 despair suil allthedawanj lialttfiemifsy 8wyrwyrfuwkjlrjjourtiit arfdbpjile has dame fortune iliwwnyoh tl8wn- vlmile i jjever tolndjier ilbklu frotr sttlio jnat biteteadyifnyi x hi iffall contract healed tenders addressed tbe poniihaatar general will be received at ottawa until noun on friday the htth march jiils for the t-uti- veysnoe of ills majoilya mails on a proposed oon tract for four years a x tlmca pur wefk each way between flrampton rural route nov rom tlo 1ostmastffr oiiiernls plensuru rrlnteji nttlcs containing further informa tion as to condition of propoeed contract may be seen and blank forms r tender may be ob tained tit the 1ost offices of lirntnpton and at tbe office of the post office inspector toronto a sutherland iot office inspector poet office inspectors office toronto feb ruary 0th inih ail contract worth winning by george elmer cobb ssissftwswlwsswssi db l l benne1t dentist office at residence main st north first boose over gtk bridge phone 142 georgetown 5 grurttonm benj petoh licensed auctioneer forhalton and peel ofenwlllinme post office salea con- doated satisfactorily and at reasonable rates orders left at the gbobobtowm hbualj ovficb will receive prompt attention we want now a reliable agent in helton county to ell pblba mb pbbblbu fbuit and obna hbktal tobjd3 during fall and winter months good pay exoloaive territory tee selling equipment over 600 acres of the choicest nursery stock including new varieties controlled by us handsome uptodate selling equipment and a splendid canadian grown stock to6ffer cnttomera we are not jobbers n b oatalogne sent on request to ap plicants for agendas oi purchasers of nur- ery slock write now for agency terms to peluai mr5ev co toronto ontario jackson and lee civil engineers surveyors temple bldg brantford moj a m jackson r m lee ateobanloal englnoer etc olsdlb b 0 wynno roberts water works odglneor w o tilley registered arohiteot your opportunity for service and salary will torilyj tal low course in one ol bbawt bus- ineu sobools toronto writ for por irimobtoloaroe w h 6hw preel- dent 8mronie 6t i and teaohofl thotto facth ohhontlal and iibofnl to the daily life of thoso who acquire it it will profit you to rccuro a busin ess training in this practical and suc cessful school of buridcss students may enter at tiny tlrao at the ortjlgltplcl business co liege quelph ont- and rocolvo individual intonation a lbouck principal j m buck butcher aeorgetowo always has on hand the finest oj beef pork sausage b0loqna etc home cured haim8 bacon lamb veal in sbasoftl tufpid w plain ouvbb hiintz awift piokuta in bulk to attond tho best it pays elliott x0e0nt0 oht yohgb apd oharlos sta toronto ont has a national repu tation for suportor work open all sear enter now ootalogao free reat domand forouroraduatoii w j bbuortr prlnolpal e8ta8li8hed 1884- the merchants bank of canada paidup capital 7000000 iiohcrvo fund and undivided profits- 7421299 total dopobits 99102079 total asots 121180558 winner or waster which are you on a rocent public occasion tho nonorablo tbe minister of fin- arjeofor canada in aildreflblnft a roprcsontatlvo cantullan audieuco dealt with tho urgency of ororybody doing evon in tho smallest way tboir kharo towards aiding the kmplro it la woll to roniouihor that evory dollar thrown away extrava gantly doofi one humlrod por cont mora good to the enemy than ono dollar navod by ourholvob tho woalth of tho world finally niters through individual dollars and if tho curse of oxtravaganco striken deeply onough our ruin is bound to follow save a dollar today and do a hundred per cent more for the empire than your extravagant nolghbordoes for the enemy safety deposit boxes to rent c w grandy manager georgetown branch healed tendera addressed to tho postmaster general will lie received at ottawa until noon on frldny tlio filh match i9l for tho con veyance of ills majestys mall on a proposed contract for four yesra tt time jier week on the route ml u west hural koutc no from tho lut april iflfl printed not i ecu cuiitaldintr furthvr informat ion art to condition f proponed contract may lie aeen and blank forma of ton dor may be ob tained at uie font offices of milton west and at the office of the iost offlcn inspector a kuthcrlaud iost ofhct inapoctor post office inspectors office toronto jan 2nd 10 18 saturday treat this saturday we havo something different for you 75 lbs of viotory fudge tbo tasto is juat as good as tbo name sounds a dellolous creamy tasty and wholesome fndffe in anowy white vanilla and pale pink strawborry ono pound is as good as a meal to you sold at 80o per pound in tho city shops saturday treat price 19c weekend chocolates judging from tho increasing demand for our weekend chocolates tbey must bo wonderful valuo so they are just try a pound and see regular auo per lb weekend special 29c lb t b ihooiueshea clifford linham butcher main street for the choicest beef butter pork lard veal eggs lamb fish main ttrett norrincton manager phone 89 oeoroerown lets send you tbe herald only 125 in advance to discovor a nolo liko this in tho oomfortablo shoos that you expected would last for a oouplo- of months londejuanyway however if you somttbom to us for our high class shoe repairing wo oan resolo tbom restore tholr good looks and put them in condition 3 glvo you long sorvloo why not try it aw whmrrsd r main 8treet phone 1 47 ssss cooked meats and sausage swifts noted premium hams and bacon deliveries daily to any part of town clifford linham specials choice fruit ooll and seo us this wook and soouro somo of our oholco ooodh a bestivo fruit specialist main street georgetown e i have just received a car of the best wire fencing ob tainable which i am prepared to sell at a most reasonable price let us fill your order 00x8 plain ay to tiros guaranteed 000 mllos hon ko for t000 oaoh aibu tubes oto th0se hewson norval ontario hun 10138 jean 8erdlyhrmedpople he was forty rubicund jolly an encyclo pedia of jokes ainl quolnt sayings he waa liberal too nnd ho made haste to tender the fullest service there wna no hotl nt hnssford but there were half a dozen grain eleva tors which drew tltn rtirinlng coitintu- nlty for mllca nrond this meant on- tshllbhed trade for tho one general storo which wos n customer worth having for the jovial ravrllntr man hoardbley hndto sttiy ovcmlirht st bsanford olwnys tor tbp rnlns wore infrequent at his first visit he naked the atorekpeper if there was any pros pect of making an arrangement for monls and a room anywhere in the vll- inge why yea rondlly answered the inercttsnt mrs lisle haa done some- thlng in that lino for trnnncula shes n widow ami thrifty and industrious nnd needs nil sho earns fine woman sir i but had n scallawag of a husband who drank himself to denth leaving her a houso nnd lot and n little child of fire thnto her plnre and the speaker pointed out an oldfashioned house a block dlsliint tell her i aent you for hho is shy with strangers neither the blooming kindly faced widow nor the pretty lively little ruth were long ahy with lieurdaley how ever ho bustled in upon them frank nnd hearly ilo paid what waa charged when he left avowing thot the laven der scented bod nwtinloil him had in duced the soundest slrip he had en- joyed for years and lio scrapple and pnnenko dainties would leave a laallng longing for more something seemed to pa8 out of tho lives of the mother and child when lie cntiio to bid them adieu he waved kisses to the reapon- slve little one until he was out of bight with bis greet echoing volco promis ing her the prettiest elty doll ho could find on his next visit boardaley and tho loll arrived on schedule time and nt the ond of his socond day at the nent homelike domi cile of the widow benrdsley was more effusive than ever in his enthusiastic appreciation of the comfort and atten tion awarded after that net only mrs lisle and both but he himself looked forward to these monthly meetings as an event in their lives he always the gonial ploaaed visitor fnonfly but respect ful the widow chuery oagcr to pre pare for him her 1 nt cooking and ut- tlo lluth dellghleu while he waa in the house and in tears when he went away one wintry nigh a belnted train car ried an unusual and unfamiliar john beardsley throng- the drafts and snowdrifts for tho smile was absent nnd the kindly eyvn dulled with gloom isnrdsley had just left a town where n former fellow trnvellng man had set tled down a mefoiy of the cheery home the loving vrlfo iho comforfnn- chered husband rundc him rellect thot he waa missing the bril gifts of life fie was a lone sheep indeed be mourn ed a wanderer a kpevles of domestic outcast however once beside tho cheerful flreplaco rt the lisle home his ordinary good naturo revived he awoke tho next morning at the sound of a vigorous knocking en bis be m door till mr beardsley i called ont ruths voice iiinronia ays youve hardly got time to get up to eat break fast and catch your train no wonder i retorted beardsley after those hotel beds this one is a luxury ill be right down little one he hurried his hreukfust for he had limited leeway of time his watch told him he ran up to his room lit a cigar and began piling his traps into the satchel he placed the lighted cigar on the window alii and forgot nil nbout it leaving it there and rushing down the stairs and mrs lisle called up mr beardsley you have barely four minutes and i hear the train already whistling at the crossing iluth insists on sealng you off flood for utile rulhlel cried beardsley here i am nnd tliey left he houso in company and ho hud just time to pllo inlo the renr enr of tho rain as it pulled out of tho dopot ho stood on- its platform swinging ids lint wlillo ruih threw hlln ulsses nnd mr lll waved him friendly goortby tho dull season came on and t ns threo months kefore beardsley jfn rtsssford djlcibulp-in- we jhjive gota aniailerr house ex plained mrs llilo evasively arid he found it sd wtiep hecnclieii if bdr inmfaculetely clean add corytiathe old oh tm going to stock up morton said beardsley top i shall be here two er three days he arose early the next morning and took a stroll before breakfast as he passed the site of the old lisle home he halted quite staggered for tt show ed the burnedout skeleton of tho house in which he had passed so many pless- ant hours i say be balled a neighbor going about bis yard on crutches whats happened here ob the house burned down when was that about three months ago it was the brat of februnry as i well remember about eight oclock in thoroornlng it caught in the west room i saw the curtulna on flrefrom my place here but i was nlone im a cripple nnd i couldnt do anything i telephoned tbe fire house but it wns all in flames by the time the hose curt got here how did it catch queatloned beardsley dawning intelligence in his face dont know mystery mrfc lisle and little ruth had gone to the depot with a visitor and when they got back t fe h beardsley started briskly away from the spot there was a queer in spired resolute glow in his eye tbe first of february i right oclock in the morning i cttrtalna on tire in the room in which he slept 1 where i carelessly left ray cigar i he muttered that splendid woman must have gueased it tried to hldo it from me and never let but a word bleas her dear honest soul 1 but ill surprise her two hours later a roll of liluo pa per under ills arm beardsley reap peared at tho new home of the llslea oh dear where havo you been mr beardsley cried ruth weve kept breakfast waiting for two hours and mamma was afraid something had hap pened to you and was almost cry ing nonsense flashed up tho widow blessed woman apostrophized beardsley audibly never mind eat ing he almost shouted im too ex cited for that now then mra lisle here are the plans for u new house ive ordored built for you on the old lot to replace tho one i bnrued down tbe ono you fluttered tho widow and you knew i did and you never told me or blamed me 1 dear aoul 1 if i wasnt an old roustabout bachelor and not worth two thoughts from any woman id id hla extended arms quivered id grab you end bold you ond ask you to marry me you nro nothing of tho sort i re sented the widow indignantly youre the best man i ever wet you think that do you cried beardsley hopefully i know it declared mrs lisle btanchly then oh mr beardsley i if we have a new bouse why dont you be my papa and stay with us all of the time put in ruth youve said it llttlo one i chuckled beardsley and what do you any he challenged turning to the bluahlug mother her eyes drooped and her head sank low there waa no need of words however for she had placed on his arm a warm trembling hand tfcesymbol of perfect conndsnee and love soap bubbles are durable if blown in accordance whh den tists directions they oan be mads to last far mentha the transient existence of tbe soap bubble is proverbial but prof jdew- er la a discourse delivered at the royal institution in london explained how soap bubbles could be made to last for months nnd exhibited several specimens the first requisite ib that the air used in blowing the bubble shall be free from dust in professor de wars process the air is filtered through cot ton wool and the bubbles are blown by opening a stopcock in tbe airsupp tube for the soup solution he prefers the purest oleic acid tested hy the iodine number and ammonium soap not potassium or aodlum to make a bubble durable the sac of liquid must bo removed from its bot tom by auction through tubes applied from outside the lecturer showed bubbles more thsn half a yard in di ameter blown in glasa vessels contain ing pure air at atmospheric pressure a little water is kept at tho bottom of the vessel a uniform eiupcrutur of about so degrees fnhrenholt is fa vornhle to longevity professor dcwur snld some of the smaller btiliblea were a year old f ne place like horns neighbor hello jenkins i how nro you havent seen you for quite u time and you never come and see tho wife nnd mo now why in that jouklns well the fact is old chap dial jfsunt through 111 will or bad rcuiriij or anything like bat you know only you and mrs postuoro have horrowed so many things from me that when i seo your place it mokes rue feel homesick his fault tho preacher who was on exbase- hnll player stems to depond much up on bis delivery it would be much mora effective it he only knew offlettilnf about being a hortsjoa vrlfpfcprbhllrfiionvcilir ifikff toriie a yirirnnl ifcjr flljp inrtny- throughout ty fttjviiua wuo ftppiir- ehtlvoannot got ujorfg- iitdiout tlioit taoazo havu ttavefypeiltjie ovfract habit fjjtvoriiig uxtrnot contain nearly perfiotitbf flluoliol nnd the bale of miisp ltirti grcauj increas- cd since september lfi liilg and tho manuftiit titers lisivo tm idea that tliey nro biiim inluii raw not wishing to havo tlin fxliaols tisod as a means of evading ilii law tho manufacturers took tho mutter up with tho license board and for somo time a commit too of tlm inniiufoa- turers has been acting in coopera tion with the provincial license board in drafting new law to put a stopto tho practice they havo now completed a draft bill wliich willlm presented to the legislature tt will provide that extracts shall bo put up in bottles containing not more than two nnd a half ounces that not more than one liott lo bo sold to a person at a time and tliat grocers and registers keep a record of all extracts sold similar to tin record druggists aro now retpiiml to keep of poison sales correspondence poet office iftniut merit cflinula otuwft february siuli 1018 it has bron found that the rhargr p vibiibly fttipiilhtil frr ttie forward ing ol tormhpnmleich from canada to enoinv and enemy occupied territory uiiuigh the medium of thou cook son montreal hoes not rover ilio cootfl of pueh tranemipnion iwnl in futuro the charge for forwarding mich correspond ence will he nfie per letter thin amount is tn he remitted hy means of a porth not together will the letter which 1h to lit orwunled to ilioa cook son wo st chtharinu hired want montreal in accordance with instruct iooa which may be ohuined on implication from thos cook fc son all enquiries on till enbjeet are to be mado to thoa cook a son 630 st cath arine street west montreal who will fnrninh a copy of the reitnlatione to he observed in ending unch correnpondence when writing thos uook ason a otamp- ed addressed envelope timet bo enclosed if a reply is desired too run oil attention cannot he paid to tho regulationsgoveminirthib oorreiipond- ence as any item wliich contravenes there regulations in any vvny will not he tranpinined tt m oulter der uty poet master general milton mr j a e broden llarrltter and miss grace denovan dsnghterof a m denovsn kq toronto wrc married in new st pauls church toronto last hatnrday afternoon altera ilunon tonr to atlantic city n j mr nnd mrs hradou lll reside in town common hense eomplainp lllnt milt on has too many 1cih and slh which ootihiiuie meat and milk and other need ed foods charles h hartman dietl nt stjosanbb hospital hamilton last irilay aaeil 47 he was born at new haruhurii to milton about twenty years ago and was landlord ol tho new royal hotfl for about ave years alter which he removed to hamilton where lie waa proprietor of tbe hartman house ho left a widow but no childreb he was very popular as a botelman champion erin rev q w tebbs lormorly ol erin has boon appointed by the bishop ol niagara rector in charge ol oliiircli of ascension hamilton during thsabsenoe ol or 11 j itenion vbou proceeding overseas mr tobba assumes his new duties on march 1st a very sudden denth took plaoa thur sday leat at o simons 4th una erin when mrs blmone brother mr dlnuman who was visiting there was taken with a stroke from whicii be never raljied the interment took place nt li illlrxttsd on humbly at the licv j moivin smith conducting the service tbe wind storm on monday night lid a lot ol damage arnundthetoun fry mr ii oavls 10th line had the roif blown off hie barn and mr j ureen olh line had his windmill blown over mr a megiii oth linealso had tho nrrlrita on bis ham door snapped in two norloubt there are many other inialmps ofwhloh wo have not hoard it certainly was some wind itorm mr nnd mill walter thnmpian of aslntrove aro viitintr manila num the 5uehts ol the latlu h puent mr mid irs j muse and other friinidi adverlhlng an invesmenl advertising is an investment not expanse nnd shoiihl hn treated as bticb because it lina been ihelmbitof tome mefclinnta to look upon it aim ex pense a wrong view has huan trained lurliaps iho misconception arosa from the fnot hint in bonk keeping it lias basn the habit to oliarge advertising tuakpense advertising produces now liuainrss it awelts the volume of bnlneas nml pro fit therefore it in nu investment only the man who loika upon urivortulrigaa an expenso who is afraid ol it prejudiced against it loses mono in aiketiiitig the man who treats ndiortuuig man in vestment and gives it die niton i ion an investment requires known that evory dollar rightly invesid in ihi- lirieiin yields compound intnrow mill mora castor ia for infants and children in use for over 30 year l8li iiif mm

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