Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), March 6, 1918, p. 4

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fee the georgetown herald wednesday eveq mar 6th 1918 a mothers meditation by elsie brltlon matchetl oh that i may b brave to live each day and still uiy trembling heart to wait the issue that must lake or leave my bod thus do 1 wage my war in this blood thirsty fray thus most i summon from us depths my soul and bid it stand on duty till tbe end the while my mothers heart aches for oi- qtie joucn i i qtwmh olwre3aar mskuw lii j rjltoi iv ikkafr ipluumb to smooth jnotonjcev hisbrow sustain me oh my soul grant me this rhoohv know even in the march oiaiento ijk iwrtaln dieal i tftinotbendprnrnthifoogh p w an v i vato i c- let mripte rlatlobstisa iijda ttw i yereijrjrt one pdf pose progress and all peoples frm and brotdethoodoiitlpeacfi shall wbrjdr v wlderelgn i posteritj blonde a-tlptoe- shall wfcttir shall tee withhold onr best and leave them bound in the still niafct when- gentle ieebbsa thrown her kindly mantle oer as and has hashed oar sorrowful forebodings then my soul hasten ere dawn from yon blaok night has grown and find my boy and bid him to be strong and whisper that his mother prays for him anolent bird the pterodactyl had twentyfive fast wfngi walahtd about twentyfive pounds whence do the angels derive ttalr wings the angels that is to say of painting nnd sculptural nrtl from what source is the accepted model for these nppendases derived it la rather difficult to say accord ing to the philadelphia public ledger itut apparently the wings convention ally worn by angels are those of the albatroas at all events albatross wings correspond most nearly to the patterns the albatross weighs about 18 jtormds sad bos a wlw ftnreaj 6f fti trtngs baa aivilrea ot sevehlun8 oot with a wojf smread propdrtlonftte- aloe ah sngei ttu well equipped for flight as fjia albatross ought to be able to fly very well tho trumpeter awnn which is the greatest wolghtcnitler pfall ongls- rancu flyers would bei at ardlitrdvan- tagein cobipatrd wtfb nn ofngel it frelgrrsso pounds ajjjlbafc awljjg spread of onljelghtfoet bat notbrigalopmodsth cfnltj cqidpnre as a- flyer iltfc dvtyl yeayiflrr ago whjkn vrelghlnj perhnpt 25- pounds- had wlnt spread jjf feet us bones- were aunqstpaperllloenndltii body hardly mora ttinn iaafpsndige to- its wings wmhiriheadi that was principally a jdoggerllke deak and d pouch like that of a petctlnt flut- tercdmotluiu oooklrjbfnr fish jlng tho shores of the cretaceous- bcathat extended northward from the present gulf of mexico tb nnd over kansas ho was some flyer the pternno- don as naturalists call this species of pterodactyl our modern flylug ma chines have yet to rival us perform ances we must do it ob theyve riz the price of every thing that folks has got to eat they boos ed up the price of hay of oats and shorts and wheat and then we thought wed feed on straw and eat oar summer bat when they tok a bolt by heck and sprung the price on that of course there aint no use at all of weepih bout such things nor trying to pall another reef from out yoar old purse strings for when they say the price of stuff baa been all fixed and sot yoj might as well just make a face and straightway pay the shot and now the laundry folks has gone by criekety so they have and stuck their angers in the pie and spread about tbe salve theyve put the jacks right underneath the prices that they charge for whacking out the dust and grime the grease spots small and large that linger on our stiff biled shirt and camp upon oar wrists for cleansin out tbe epreckled bands that snuggle oer our wrists for oollois too the prioe ehe jumps oh hang these risln times that causettt us to loose our rett and pen those foolifli rhymes well have to g them collars what you launder la i shed or hiush off with your pillow slip before you go to bed and as for shirts we 11 rermrrect the good old dickle style because there aint mnoh acreage for us to spoil and spile i mow as now we won t look up to much io this array and praprt well have to quit the things before another day but well just ram- magm round a bit and try the things y heck and cut the riel hat decorates our neck by beck and cut the rielng cost of stuff tbi ark in searching out delinquents under the military service act it is foreshadowed that the authorities will soon demand to see tho pay rolls of the various employ ere this will be a fairly simple means of routing out the defaulters as if a de faulter qullb his job when bearing this news it in good prima facia evidence fdr the pollco to proceed upon also em ployers are recommended to scrutinise their pay rolls as there is a heavy peualty imposed upon thoee who employ men in olaes 1 who are not exempt or who have not leavo of absence vinol makes children strong and invigorates old people any doctor will tell you that the ingredients of vinol as printed below contain the elements needed to im prove the health of delicate children and restore strength to old people t cod liver and bf pvptones iron ddmanganm0pptooatm ammonium citrato lma aad soda glycerophosphates caacarla those who have puny ailing or rundown children or aged parents may prove this at our expense besides tbe good it does children and the aged there is nothing like vinol to restore strength and vitality to weak nervous women and over worked rundown men try it if you are not entirely sat isfied we will return your money without question that proves our fairness and your protection mil lions of people have been convinced this way l v iiou1uoan druggist george town also at tho best druggist in all ontario towns auction of high class dairy cows youug cattle sheep pigs the undersigned has been instructed by timothy e reid to tell bv public auction at lot 15 in the 8th con eeqnesing 1 miles fiomgeorge- town and 2 miles from norval village on thursday march 71 h 1918 at 1 oclock sharp the following oo we fawn jersey cow calf at side fawn jersey cow calf at side dark jersey cow call nt side brindle jersey oowcalf at side fawn jersey cow calf at side fawn jersey belter 3 yrs old calf at side fawn ersey oow calf at side durham cow due ime of sale durham cow calf at side dark jersey due time of sale brindle jersey duo mar isth durhsm cow due mar 10 durham oow due about time of ale jersey cow due in oot fawn jersey cow dun in oct fawn jersey due 0th of april fawn jersey due in april durham cow tie in june 2 durham heifers due time nf bsio 2 jersey beifsrs due time of ale 1 jeraoy heifer due in september durham cow duo in oot with the exception of two or three al above cows are young yonpg onttle7 jersey heifer calves 11 mobjb jersey boiler calves 5 months 1 jersey bull 2 yrs pigs yorkshire sow due mar 20york- biro sow bred keb 10th 0 store pigs 5 months 10 nigs 3 mm sheep 18 breeding ewes supposed to be in lamb shearling leicester ram dairy utensils premier cream separa tor 1000 lb cap 8 eight gal shipping cans and tubs i eight bottle bsbcock milk and cream tetter terms all sums of 10 and under osibj over that amount 8 months credit on approved joint notes 0 per cent per annum off for cash all radial oars will let yon off at stop b6 9 mfnntss walk from firm sat re- served to thoss anfrlniearl son all aircraft outrivaled happiness induces old age human body demands enjoyment nd like a rose wltl net thrive in shadow a woman has declared that at one hundred and six she is in better health and happier than at any previous time in her life according to tho christian herald surely a woman who la healthy at one hundred and six ought to be happy she would have to be happy to bo healthy none but a happy disposition could carry ono through so many years a gloomy tempernmont would strangle life out of the body long before the age of ono hundred and six the human body can no mors thrive in shadow than can a rone we live by desire to live icnjoy- raent of and zsst in life sre a constant aurce of life supply old age ought to bo tho happiest period of life particularly for a worn nn if she has kept her mind nrllre nnd has wlsoly refusal lo sclllo into the dull rut that people alwnya hove ready for her she can begin hi old afo to enjoy life in earnest in old age there is no tnnrv worry about the babies no more mirroring for others the children nro grown up nnd if hor pnrt has hern well dnno they are a prop nnd a leclnco to hor grandchildren- are a rtrllglit wllhout the bitter constant worry the woman grown old in yenrs should be at hor best meiiiilly she h free to indulge her tnmivi mijoy a jood book nnd the convcrsntlim of gjeulnl minds women retain their vltnlily nnd spir its longer thnn mm do thr burdens of itfo fall from them grndtmlij and tho pence of retirement fruin rtetlvc du ties conies upon thci lllilo by ilttlo and almost imperceptibly optimism helps 8ome happy is the man or tvomnn mlto rnn lay aside tho enrra and borrows of the rushed and crowded today nnd revisit the acenes of yesterday hnppy too is the mnn or wimnn who lives in the tomorrow that tomarrow where nil is fair nnd bright hint tofaetrew in which we nro going to do noble and helpful deeds and to win fruio nnd for tune that tomorrow in vhleh we nre gnlnr to move tho world n million miles nenror to henvrn mnuinf it a bettor plnco for our fellowinen in which to live thnt glorious tomorrow in which our dreninn nrc to come trtio if proy era nnd conscientious efforls count for aught in bringing them to puss dont give up your droanm dont deny your self this bit of happiness for each benutiful inspiring dream mellows your heart nnd widens your mental horizon alios waa not particular llttlo alice was a grunl pet at her grnndmother who lived in tlio frame house with hor alice hud the hnd habit of running nway anil hor mother often had to resort to rather tlrcnn- ous measures to keep hor at homo one afternoon hor mother wnn ready to go to hor club but nn unti l alice was missing so she alurlril out in search of her finding hor nt one of tho neighbors she stnrtrd with hor townrd home in silence suddenly al ice looked up with a winning smllo and said oh mamma you dont nood to go homo you can just go nn to your club and grandma enn whip inu miscalculation why didnt that widely ndvortlsod cafe open well you see after putting in n dancing floor an ice slintlng rjnk dressingrooms for tho cuburot per formers nnd a platform for he or chestra there was no room for tnulca tbe lamb fn notice to creditors in the matter of the estate of ceased notice ib hereby given pursu ant to statute that all creditors anil oth ers having olaims agalnat the eilato of tbe said elisa ann harley deceased who died on or about the ninth day of january ad 1018 are required to send by post prepared or to deliver to oharles b day foot georgetown ontario ono of the executors o the said deceased on or before tbe eleventh day of march ad 1018 their names addreseoaand deaorlp- tjob iola full statement of the particu lars ombeir claims and tbe nature of tbe security ilany hold by them and further take not ioe that after the said last mentioned date the assets df lbs said deceased will be distributed among tho partlea entitled thereto having regard only to tho olaims ol which notice shall then have been reoelvedj dai february dateid at brampton this twelltja day i february ad1018 w s morphv brampton jjotvm trllftmjlbsrtjba1yi wrigl bracelet watches our stock is now at its very best a gift sure to please the recipient and to keep the giver in plea sant remembrance silver nn1 strap 7 a is jcwoib f5 00 and upwards gold filled 7 15 jowols tlooo solid gold 18 jowols j2000 solid gold 14k 15 jowol movement 82500 soldiers watches with radium dial and hands in silver or nickel case fitted with walthain or swiss movement x a small deposit will secure any article for later delivery a b- tvilsori main street next mccibbon hotel harjwood floors cost less than carpets it is cheaper to lay hardwood floors in a house than to buy carpets for it whats more tho hafdwood floors will last a lifetjnteare much easier to keep clean and in every respect will return you dividends of pleasure on your investment w beaver brand hardwood flooring it is thoroughly kiln dried accurately machined per fectly matched and guaranteed to last a lifetime ask any person who has hardwood floors in his house whether he would go back to the old softwood floors and carpets the answer will convince you that it pays to buy hardwood floors j ibmaokbnzfb georgetown and acton children cry for fletchers vwvww castoria the kind you have always bonght nnd which linn been in use for over so years bas borno tho slynut nro of and has been niado under his per sonal supervision slnco its infancy allow no ono to decelvo you in this all conntorfolts imitations and tustnsgood nro hut experiments thnt trifle with and endanger the lionlth of infants and children experience against experiment what is castoria coatorin is a harmless snbgtltnto for castor oil pare- ijorlc drops and soothing syrnps it is pleasnnt it contains neither opium morphine nor other nnrootio substance its ago is its guarantee it destroys worms and allays feverlshness for nioro than thirty years it bus been in constant use for tho relief of constipation flatulency wind colic all teething troubles and diarrhoea it regulates tho stomach and bowels assimilates tho food giving healthy and natural sleep tho childrens panacea the mothers friend genuine castoria always bears the signature of in use for over 30 years the kind you have always bought 0 ol per ag zzibu wheat oats barley flax live stock spporvdnities immense wealth in western canada send for free book i homasssksrs and sattlers cum fares mmmnmmm 100000 free farms government landa ion tho canadian and ready for entry yours fa waiting and a atiara beauajter billion dollarsiorcror production to bo distributed to farmer thla fall estimated crop value 0 wheat oala barley and alonf for 1917 in manitoba saskatchewan and alberta is op 160 acres each northern surveyed ar of ttts three- to farmers tl halloed aloof foi improved lands ter alono canadian northern rich well located farms close to railway tromsdlato producersr can be purchased on easy terms cash or eaah and crop payments means schools good roads tslephonss ana convenient tra act nofvygat awa this spring tractors farm implements easily available new government assistance plan d i matthbw lfcodl agent bmi mfv wrn jf a georgetown creamery we pay the highest market price for cream in any quantity c dezz1c poultry and eggs we will pay you the highest njarket price for your poultry live or dressed also fresh e raise five vice p tyler fulmorsv johnson arthur and rooosvslt suooeeded on death of tho president pito vice presidents of tho united btateb have on the death of the presi dent succeeded to the higher office tho first prikldent to die while in office was william henry harrison rrnnrt- fnther of benjnmln hiirrlson of in diana nis dcuth occurred april 4 1841 just one month after his inaugur ation the vice president john tyler then nt his country home in virginia was officially nodded of tho event nnd oil renclilug vnslilnkton ut once took the pit th igf office as president- jairtbis wprtiwflrs casvpf ntth rthire was fiim fllsusalon jos a itmu taaml out eaeonafb8ti avtpyjers- proper ntjeihstirwhihof ho was vies prudent m tie uitsid su3 actluff astprestdohl or pe1jelent tt was flnnfiy conceded ori rill sides that the uwnfuage pf the constitution isf clear that op the death qt the prasl- flert in office tije- tlee prftdebb ej eomfs ihjjanie i fjnjjt pvqsrtlertt the fynmiifq of tc 0onstitatan rtu n6t leave- twtloor open- ror iroqlile hhijt te toenllty o nctsdonfe by nn nctjn8ilrosidht db the death tt presldorh flucjiary taylor jnlfc 10o tlcetvefltitehf ajilliirfl firflmore siicoofdeflfo thopywjp dcntynrhr yns at alnterdtfte an rui- fmccoxsrtir riyxjldnte fpccfbcmnn to ore office andrew johnson the third vice president tv succeed to the liluker of- flee toolf the doth aprtip 1805 the flriy niftrr the fissnlnnti6n of- prest dent lincoln president garfield was mint july 2 1881 died the following rejtenher 10 and was immcdlntoly mirroimld by vice president chester a arlmr vice president hoorvelt suc ceeded president mcklnley who died september 14 1001 and wns the only ono of five vice presidents thus suc ceeding tn the office who was subse quently elected to it sing to settle quarrels eskimos have peculiar manner of adjusting their grievances en emy must listen tbo eskimos who llvo in tho ice- bmiikl bnrron northlnnd hnve a way of rottllnf quntrols which beomb very strnnuo nnd timihlnj to those who llvo in a in ml f pomromen and courts of jiimlc tlmr when qmvrrels nrlse thi man who has grievance writes n uhr in which ho tells the wrongs that imve hern done hlra when this has lfiii cuinpnsiml to hln btitlsfrctlnn lie invlu iili enemy to come nnd honr mm sing it tills the enemy mnut do uiitl ti hrlniri with him nil his roln- l jind 1inriy of his friends whllo il hir r nlii hns gnlhered mi friends nnd rclnilves fnr the occiirilnn which ciildiivil ometlilng of n general enliiljiiiijhiil liy he people of the- vll- lir lit wlih li the men live tlfti while tther men of tho vlllnge t i imid nirily nn lince druins tho sonar of wrniis is hefriin when it in fln- 1 1id if ih n mil once expreeh np- fiicvcl ili singer is considered t hnvo i md hnve n just ennso of com- i urtr til if dl satisfaction la ox- 1 i that is considered sufllclent j i m 1 1 1 1 1 i aftt the song everyone i r i 1 the party breaks up in j at gnl lminnr di dlq jobs first ih more you ponder difficulties the lei they neoin so the thin is to i hmii ojt he sin to ns soon as possl- yoti get them off by going nftor m liti cast up tho work of the y i fiate the toll in each prob- i ta le tlie hardest ono before iv tved that rany not be ac- tt ij precotlent but its according gi ui gitiornlslilp as soon as yoa ft hi oft tho list tackle tho next i n in impirtnnco keep the work ij iml youre bound to win vle- ri ver pelf ond the job you face there wont be any real problems i iny ytu it will just bo a matter f nilaeklug things in the best order vi un gone a lonr way towmrd e lery wlien you have learned to do ijj things first icelanders as emlgrtnto it hi eh lined for tho icelandic set- t thn tlicy have plnyed no small 1 n in th progress and prosperity of the irnviie of manitoba canada and it in nsjiiril that the story of the fbr- rliii pipnlaiiijii of winnipeg must nec- isnrlly h- ln with r icelander he has net tlu- piv ft ill the incoming races jle is t e trillion par excel net of how n j po of nmhltlon and industry en i mqv dllllcultles trl- tinifili over uulce and attain tholr tdivd place in tho commerclul tho iiicmi tho intellectual and social hiv nf n hustling and growing city in a hinuiir laud outskle the city it is not itniunl to and icelanders with limns of 1000 acres 1 georgetown creamery co boosy lacks preolatlon stopluii culled to seu the now jer sey cnlf so he wus taken out to the imaturo whom it wns tho weekold cnlf was nt one end at the lot looking through the imrn while tho mother old ltess wnsuiu fnr the opposite sldo as she could nut lnzhik into spnee after waiting ifotue time for a display of nffocllon between mother nnd daughter stephen lookod up with n puzxlcd ex pression nnd snld wlints die mutter with that cow uncle dont she pre date that calf xt tunning ob bffle your now gown and bat are stunning i yes alfred hasnt recovered yet from tbe shook ths hill gave hliu n saxe manager lotebsjebsecl counter check books we are now prepared to furnish the best counter check books made to merchants and others who require same let us have your next order j m moore herald office atents eountrlos ask for our invt5n- toua avislirtwlileh will bo sent roe marion majtion b64 university btd montreal arthur b gastell tbp oolleoi of musio london bnolanoi onaihut pfaivimmi ohuaw ourianown teaoher of ptano ordan oorneh violin una inginif tuition fes in any branoh seoo por ltgorgtown popllieomiil term of w imsoni main bigprttown or t pictnoi tuned nhmmmr coal in all sizes we have in stock a large amount o slabs in fonrfoot lengths soluble for uummer fuel flbori feed and provision v r ijbeisingr ijjatjnprt j the old reliable laundry 3 firstclass worlc guaranteed at 5 tmr lowest price shirts 10c ios iiioci gbobo stows r c nixon qeoroetown substantially made baiinjbss reg in a pneumati0 clean elts for rental al j dollar per day a good aeiiortmeint of trunks and valises agent for page fcnne wire repairing promptly done nixons harness and repair shop fruil trees and plants for spring planting we need no further introduction tbe fact that we hnve been in the nnnery biiriinifi rixlonh yenrp and are now prepared to mcit existing conditions by offering onr mgh grade trees and plants direct to the customers at rock bottom prices send for our illustrated circulars of hardy varieticp which you can order dir ect and fftve the n gents commlitlod ol which yen get the i enefit oar prices will he ture to iitcrett you and all block is absolutely urtt clute mid true to name thk uiakk ijothkk8 co ol oitiuio ltd ivraimmied 1867 col1joknk ont local agent wanted or georgttown and district to sell for the old rkumilk fontuill nunsrbibs splendid list of stock for fall planting 1117 und spring planting 1918 including many new variation wich we alone con- troj send for new illustrated catalogue also agents proposition handsome free outfit exclusive territory liberal com- misbione stone and wellington tho font hi ii nnreerles kstablished 1837 toronto ontario i insurance fire -and- accident mrs roe georgetown ontario mikwi mkmmm the dl wrr gos scranton coal tho standard anthracite tbe dl a w soranton in all flizob is the only hard ooal we oarry a large stook now on hand also tliresbinp and smithing coal ooal bins opposite norval station phone 62r24 bell line j watkins nonal re oeeaa0sjss j at ea c y j clerk township of egnueslng s olurk hrd division court the loading fire alifo insurance oasrcpreaantetl lesnor ol marriage lloensei i offloo mill rjtreet wett geqrgetowp i i m fe w rwimmm r i ii444iiijii- nffi jvmwsa jv jiiciiiuiii xz am lvvv-aliifi- in- f ofllco hourawedbeaday 4 sutor i- simfefrwf f mm i a i 3 d v s ottd ln

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