Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), March 13, 1918, p. 1

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the georgetown hi cn it ooa or is fiftyfirst year of publication georgetown wednesday evening march 13 9i8 1 50 per annum or 1 25 if paid in adva m georgetown herald is poslishbd ivbbt wednesday evening at thb wald power pbinting office six nnonths 85 mints tn attvance thi addresss label ahowf the date your sabecrlptfoo expiree i- txlcrjlpyebti8ino ktbg v l astorniswu ph smplicaqdn rrtys dejxeeplj per ijneffcr prat i- and flira br ak nmb- ejit bdqhjutfkli jt til trinjfeo t 1 vertfcempnta twelve lines inch v j k ttbbapedfljdje- v 1 tions will be uwprted anm forbid and ehjnsrdlngly adrertuyrnenta vailt he chani bach month without exbchanj obsngeai tor contract s4vertiaenient saostlie in thai office by monday evening j m moore publisher otr tmm tmbla aoun bast 920 am passenger 1100 sm 1189 am passenger mall mail mall paasenier passenger mail mall mail 845 pm 716 pm 767 am 1005 am 208pm 686 pm 767 pm 620 pm aowo norm 1006 am soma hobtb no shovelling- required standard scranton to all sixes aotonutjcally screened and loaded select lamp for domestic and thteehlng purposes mitblpk and oennel coal is fact i carry everything t be found in eh uptodate coal and wood yard john mcdonald fjeorgetown cc phone i2 jghlail contract fiiii2jrk sealed tondera sddreawil to the hoatm ueeenur willie radolrsil st ottawa until j wkennedy toronto suburban railway dailv timbtablb aro pm pm going east 810 220 040 going west 865 266 747 svndat timkt4blb am pm pm pm going east 1020 1260 416 610 going west 1040 610 directory al 8hilt0n v7allbriduea dale barristers solicitors etc tdbomt0 amd iloeoetown office kennedy block le roy dale in charge of georgetown office udiral db j08kpu mcandrew physician and snrgeon medial officer of health district horgeon u t r office boon 2 to 4 and 7 to 8 p m phone 68 office and evidence main st sooth opposite presbyterian chnrch tfltiroprnrtir hardware paints stoves tinware electric fixtures sewer pipe and cement tinsmithiug and plumbing hot air and hot water heating electric wiring jwkemiedy phone 25 georgetown oni 4 are your first thought at thin season aridvit ib- moat impdrfam that jthoir heolth b6 presowoo and tbefcofrnfort ibaared r t fecwt prfxindaribeb- or erery daysevloe tbit will with stand bad woathor atfiiptovoidurablo are anecbninloahnrostment gall abd bevo the family flttjsl here of satisfatory foorwaar or all occasions r rujvifqrd the shoe 7vthn the home of better shoes on friday- die ftfh maroh tms lor tlio con veyanoof itia mnjeity a maiu mi a proiioaed pootraet for four ynra hli tinn per week onbe rontefut4n weetku no 3 from hjulaprtr id1j the tightwad is let aprir itiia prletod npcjcee cooutnlnft rtljtaier1 jloiv to otdltlqnv nfatwpoeeo cantrn vt4n ajidljimi rohnerol tmilttt j j jtpomliajita otmlltim nforma not niay yeetajtdnl iti ijld tile idonft adta ioat obice ihjiocierj mire tocmtp roth w ka anjtaryj iil0dmjtipwiiet otmllkw yevidibt vdont dm1ttbatiihit ht teoceirtbilf8iitrtnptt3nviri v iwliiii l jj of tbelmbdntjiaryphnxwvtakdnjt dovt recjillhwr couth ljailof y tbat yoo mede sle monhi ago iiet rccuefomell rorliefkttinn vjt pece reigns per uja ocean yonu be asked to part with nloriey almoat every day orso sealed temtere tddreww to thoppatmaai neperal irill betofetved at ottawa until nmhi ob prlday the mild march far uieqonvfy- ance ofi hla majety malla n a pnp4wl uontraet for fjur year ali nulls per wcl each way between cheltenham kk no i from the let of april printed notlcea evntalnlnir further infortna tlon aa to eondltiooi of propoeed contract may be teen and blank forma of tender may be obtained at the poat ofllcea of cheltenham and at the office of the 1iiat office inapeotor toronto a 1 pai offuf i ihctor poat ufbeo inapectora ufflce toronto feb rtiary f 101ft tis a strenuous age wo ro living these are days of larger giving days when yestordayo donations dopothelp totmorraws scoro- so reslialnvoox mnltpfetrflftrer 2tt tojgetoaxvesfmmet v tbaaildg rbore d rifoffc every overworked committee knowsit really is a pity that the wouncjed need assletanee and- the boys need books- andshirts andwbenqnetai andwhenqne ttames offer money nah cfcecwotrnti jitf a sunny ilnfrl iflift ittoeflngri rimbatiiha hrlrtti v youve a heart triat hntbtlttie lot it stretch an- 1 bencla little tilve today and give tomnrrow very one roost do his bit iet title btein fuct be imparted- that our givlngs only started if its pkinful in b helpful we mnbt all get used to it to- days story mail contract no medlolne surgery or osteopathy a m neilsen do qardnate of the palmer the original 8chool of chiropractic daven port iowa usa office over hoarigane drug store consultation and spinal analysis free toes thar tnd sal 2 to 5 47 to 8pm phonb 160a pttcnl l l plant ao dpi d georgetown eyesight specialist disss eyes eyoglassos offlconont to library phono 199 or appointment ibtntnl frank b watson dd8 mds dentist georgetown onfc hours 9 am to 6 pm except thursday afternoon dentistry in all its branohes over bell telephone office f l heath ld8 dd8 dentist offioe in lane block on door nerth of oneuil oamiaee factory hours 9 am to 9 pm dr 1 l bennett dentist office at residence main st north first bouse over qtjh bridge phone 142 georgetown surtioiwrfl benj petoh licensed auctioneer for halton and peel glenwilliams poet office sales con ducted satisfactorily and at reasonable rates orden left at the gbobgbtowh hbbald oksici will receive prompt attention we want now a reliable agent in halton oounly to ell pblhams pbirxbss fbdit and obna ubrtal tusks during fall and winter months udod pay exolusive territory see selling equipment over 600 acres of the choicest nursery stock inoluiungnew varieties controlled by as handsome uptodate selling equipment and a splendid canadian grown stock to offer easterners we are not jobbers n b catalogue eent on request to ap plicants or agenolea ot purchasers of nur- sry slock write now or agency terms to peliaaff nurasey co toronto ontario jackson and led civil engineers surveyors temple bldg braatford maj a m jaokiod r m lee meohanloal engineer eta ol8dlb b o wynne roberts water works engineer wt tllley beglstered arohlteo msrs ygxiv opportunity lforservlcs and salary will surely fol- low oontte in one of sbawa bof inesisobools toronto write for our ijrttktootoeiwh 8bawpial- do you realize that the control appeal jupfion doclnlon ro dank clerks means tbat tho post tions vacated nrnnt bo filled by young ladles and tho younger mon our commercial course gives the necessary training for bank ing positions now is tho time to proparo special ratos to thoso starting march 10 and april 1 poor eyes make jack a dull boy many a pro mising child has been kept in the background ow ing to eyes that were not normal if you are not sure that your childs eyes are perfectly normal make it a point to find- out te v 1 1 f r- i i dr plant optometrist georgetown phone 199 office next to library 8vl4l tenders nddrcmed the poettnmter fteneml will be received nt ottftwo until noon on frldaw tliowth mnrch 118 for the r-u- veyanoa of hit mnjeaiys mftlla on a projujaod oontract tor four yeari m x llmo per week cacti way htuween urnmpton kural itouto lo k tom tho ioitmiiatir uenurnlm pltjnturo printed iotlce contain ntr further in forma tion ab to condition of nroitoied contract may be lean and blank foimi of tender muy be od tlned at the 1oit oltlrea of lrnittoi and at the office of the poat office inspector toronto a kutherland lot oitlce inspector poit office innpectoru tmo toronto feb ruary 0th iftlh mail contract ouelpli business college quelph ont herald bldg at the post oftloo llwct principal j m buck butcher georgetown always has on hand the finest of beef pork 8au8age bologna etc home cured hams bacon lambrveal m asaaosl stucpco o plain olivi8 hiintz awiit pi0kli8 in bulk to attond tho best it pays jeluott i0eont0 0k7 vongo and oharlos sts toronto ont has a national bonn tatlpb for suporior work open all year enter now catalogue froo cireat demand or our graduates avatr ww aajwsvaj capital authorized 6000000 capital paidup 13000000 surplus 30000o thrift to earn a little and to spend a little jobs was tho ajco ofttobor louis saivrintiblo you that is ell 2oto nnxjow quickly your ravings wul accumulate with the interest i added one dollar will start a savings account for you it the bank of hamilton georgetka branch c c mac y manager 41c e8tabli8hed 1864- of canada paidup capital resorre fund and undivided profits- total doposlts total assotn bank i 7000000 7431393 89103072 131180688 winner or waster which art you on a roaent public occasion tbo honorable tbo minister of fin ance for canada in addressing a roprcsontatlvo canadian audlonoo dealt with tbo urgonay of everybody doing evon in the smallest way tholr sharo towards aiding tho umpire it is well to romembor tbat every dollar thrown away extrava gantly doos ono hundred per oont more good to tho enoiny than one dollar savod by ourselves tbo wealth of tho world finally filters through individual dollars and if tho ourse of oxtravaganoo strikes dooply onough our ruin is bound to follow save a dollar today and do a hundred per cent mora or tho emplro than your extravagant nolghbor doos or tho enemy safety deposit boxes to rent 0 w grandy manager georgetown branch a its disco uragi to dlsoover a holo like tbls tn tho oomfortablo shoos tbat yon expected would last or a couple ot months longor anyway however l you end tuoiilkuia foruiur high class shoe repairing wo oan rosojo tbom restoro tholr i condition why not good looks and put tbom in condition to glvo you long service try it main street phone 147 ttaetew healed tenders addreued to the poatmailer general will be rnrclved at ottawa until noon on friday the 8th match 1918 for the con veyance of ilia majoatys malta on a proposed contract for four year t times per week on the route milton west rural itouto no ft from tho 1st april 1dih prlntod notices containing further inforrrfat- lon ah to condlllonn 1 proposed contract may be soon and blank forms of tender may be ob tained at the post offices of milton west and at tbe office of the post office inspector a hutherland post office inspector poet offle inspec offlcn toronto jtth yjtnd 1u18 clifford linham butcher main street fob the choicest beef butter pork lard veal eggs lamb fish cooked meats and sausage swifts noted premium hams and bacon deliveries daily to any part of town clifford linham 1te old auto by gilbert webster specials choice fruit oall and seo us thin wook and socuro somo of our cholco floods a restivo fruit specialist main street georgetown i fencing i have just received a car of the best wire fencing ob tainable which i am prepared to sell at a most reasonable price iibt oflpiirj voub oiidjait boxff plain auto tiros guaranteed 1800 miles boil 30 of 11060 eaoli also tubes oto th0sehews0n norval ponmlmrs8 ontario the crowning nmbltlon of nell bor den was to possess an automobile he began saving money to tluit end but the process wan a blow one he was a bright rubicund yoiink mnn of twen tytwo earned sixty dollurs a month as a clerk and was too goodnatured and satisfied with jlfe to quarrel or complain he was frooliourtod in genious but simple and credulous and as ho had never done anything to set the world on are was sot down as mediocre and contontod with being classed in that category as said neil liugod for nn automo bile and had saved up something to wards it and then a queer freak of fete or rather mtsmlvpnturo brought tbe coveted object of bis desire direct to bis doorstep a bird of evil omen adventurer swindler ond soldier ot fortune named boyden looking for a place to light swooped down upon fnlrvlew to in terest thoso having money in a gold mine promotion thuy line been bit- ton before hovevor unci hoyden met with little success lie in pt his auto mobile in an old shed all hint was left of structural evidence on lot where uie bouse bad burned down he sent for a partner in crime one devlin to join him and select some other terri tory containing gullible investors davlln arrived nt kalrvlew many seas orer took it upon himself to ap propriate tbe anto out for a spin and ii bout midnight at his hotel boyden was called out of bed to tbe tele phone its me was announced in maud lin tones who is raet demanded boyden joe davlln of course soy boy den im ell lu and ivo ran tbo ma chine into a telegraph pole and pretty nigh smashed it to flinders youll have to got somo garage machine to haul as into town boydens keen eyes sparkled he was never at a loss to turn an inci dent to bla own advantage ton get right to tho hotel here he ordered his befuddled friend man datorily leave the machine where it la dont say n word to anybody about tbe accident do just as i say or ill throw you over for good in tbe course of an hour davlln ar rived at tbo hotel boyden got hint to bed then he used the phone liberal ly he sent word to tbe ofqce of the city company insuring bis automobile against theft that it hnd been stolen placidly chuckling bo went to bed himself feeling that be had dene a good boars work next day the insurance adjuster ar rived tbe local watenman had found the wrecked machine minus its tires which someone had stolen there could be no doubt that it bad been stolen and wrecked boyden received three times what ha would have take for tbe machine nud left for new lama of adventure and speculatlan tt happened that ncfi came upea tka adjuster anxious ro settle the affair and get back to tbo city the wreak was offered to tho local garage for 100 i wouldnt give b0 remarked tka garage mnn contemptuously lte it for 80 pressed tka nv suiico adjuster eagerly dont want it at any price jhfortyr no th give forty spoke up kell and tbe bargain was dldched on tbe spot nad had a friend who operated a small machine shop and ta hla place lie had the wracked anto taken tka latter was friendly and clever patched op the disjointed maculae happened to have a set of solid rather ural tbat bad been ones used oa a track and clumsy grinding mlsslag flrejegularly bat going jut the same tbe machine tore proudly about the village nell was too pleased to hear tbe jeers of thoso who criticised the old rattletrap ho was proud as luci fer when coming down a stsep bill lie was erreitedjor speeding tbat wasnypower enlightened a friend it win momentum what does it matter so she gossl chirped nell now destiny was preparing a new surprise for nell whlcb linked in with the incident of the wreck one day a handsome young manand a lovely girl of seventeen oabrlolla north left tbe train ot fairvlew with some trcplda uoftv j tbey hastened to reach the outskirts of the town oa a beach outside of the abed wfcere nell kept me beloved antometlls sud was tlnkerlag over it inside at thstt tmnabthsa aat dowm to fcrtt jvi 4 v- i w friend- vldw refltja f n nr attuityoiir tmdla fia tetrad to ftave atotpeo w reah beiebwy spake tilt young man la baaxla and sertatts teho i then it aseuns mpnmpured youpg lsdr vorremffblly thai we go to hjllsrjnrrri tv vna liot trstoenlfl 4 soon a your neeftt4 welyjiwtthoirala hewirf haver m hlyl inf epics axuai hnli along the rente j wltirtl wiwmft rr go- fmg to do u srtrl at the point if tesjob 1 beach hojeoaijt rmteohr srky thai byvrafl vrna tho pnflnpt re- ifpenie tottse wntehfuku jrour uncle is he doqt knkw that we are headed for my friend the ev jirvl9 bothwell at ftorpbriry who xhv marry us at once then vro cjm defy the mnllghantofd guanllnn who is bound you shall wed another mnn of bis se lection walter nobbed oafarlelle patheti cally i am yours till freathp allthla and much mora nell ever- heard hnmmer suspended iris good sympathetic- j stirred to hie depths at the end of ten minutes he understood the situation complete here were two contle rouls pursued by an ogre in the khnpe of a meretri cious relative nnd gnnrdlan who sought to rend them rudely apart and crush their mutual love under his feet it should not liel nell atnrtled the cooing calculating pair by abruptly confronting them frlendi bo announced clearly tve been eavesdropping i overheard all you said ond im going to help you oabrlella clang closer to tier brave lovor walter scanned hopefully the open honest face of the intruder how can you help aa be ques tioned dubiously i by-taking- you to boeotrary in my automobile but the ronilb may be watched i wont lake the roadi explained nell that la the traversed roads heres tho proposition if yen think that striking roielmry after dark by an uotraveled route you can manege to reach tbls minister friend without being dlscorored ill get you there ton willi without falll ill make it the heat days work you evor did pledged walter young 8ee here friend im not marrying his jewel ofnn ongel for money ive got more of it then shp has its a casn of genuine disinterested love and a cruel schemlni guardian i guessed tlutf nodded nell in a chipper way now let me explain te you theres a hnlf roud west no ono ever uses it now it rims by the old glass factory ttint burned down its made up of refuse and cinders that would ruin ordinary tires in ten min utes ive ot solid ones folks have jeered at mr old machine but all the same it can make that trip aad they couldnt even bccln it ob wolter this is droadful i pal pitated qnlirtollo ns nn hoar later la the dark the old unto humped sad skidded and thundered along ever the glass works road not when it throws you into my arms 1 cried walter jubilantly think of our geod fortune in running across this genuinely line young fellow with a heart big as the moon i with a whls the automobile anally relied out into a ameetb country lane youve nrrlveil announced nell whats tbo proinnrnt this is the edge of roahury i think bpoho wnlter fter brief thought tint ill take no risks tit lesveyou two here go for mr both- wsll and well get married before we venture into town he was gone an runr so returned with hla friend there in the ante- mobile the lolemu words were pre- aouaced that made tbe runaways maa aad wife for you ipofce walter teung tak- tng nell aside and pressing n folded slip of paper into the hand ef their gallant chauffeur its s check sad good and nene too big for s man wke has helped me with tie beat uttle girt la the world i when nell borden openeel the cheek back at rolrvlew four hours later he found tt to be for one thousand tel lers tbe adventure it commemorated had awakened latent remaaao in hla heart he could afford to think ef a life companion new and fid hi choice fortunately fell apa a sweet seuled creature who did net dlsdala- rldlag in tbe old automobile and nail made that tbe test of her worthiness noduty on maliji slliaic maple sugar makers never had audi a demand to jill as this year xhesbortaajti pf ctyrie jirwl bect sigar- miltci ydm jjroaiioto tiot ajpt etjobfotutes- eljer sttgttr itteptet- tteraivailftble should bonjipea w spring- v evr by msrrkdliiigand uot toiophon- i ng orders tliq li6tsekeopei of gun ftdjt pari do moreo control ptjcwi-by- oojlnrjetiybnuian nnyqthir agonpy wpnv4y wakeful hours seem long one thinks he hsa slept uhtle if ha la aroused several tlnaen dur ing the night it is aarprlalng what little eleep men can get en with and then net a few men who think tbey are gelling only an hour or tiro of sleep n nlcht are really getting much mere but because tbey awako or aro awnkeued five er six times during the night they think they sleep very little in between ssys a writer in the american magaalae nothing is so fallacious as our esti mate of how long we linre besa asleep usually when we wake feel ing quite reeled we were scarcely more than an hour or two aaleep we wake feeling so tired that wo hopi it is before mldnlfht it is probably nearly time te got up only too often indeed it is afler the time feeling rested is very largely a mat ter of how much our wills are awakened how firmly we have get bold of ourselves and then bow inter esting is tho woru ahead of us aril how anxious we are to get ui and get st it while feeling fatigued la very much a matter of not wanting ts get up because tho work ahead of ns it sanoylng and full of complications and is not prdinlslni at best and has perhaps been put off for three or four days because we do aot tarn to get t it i imitating the oevvo i oan i get soma reab ga tt rgru house todayl asked nilghber m saull harry no mndan ratilad ta llttl i uoiiditwisialuyoppmiike5 otoflr hap ndnuticroijuelioii in tfitfro 6ej4ramoaforilricuiiiiuajbcro- poctcd bytbiierjd 4t laenbh xlie supply ef fafcs-aiid- baoqiv is low and increased imports are urgontly neodod thojtaliitii need is- the groatost of all the people of italy havo been on bread and- sttar ra- tions for solne timo and severe re strictions liavu been placed oil their eonsumption of meat your untapped tkees if you had fifty eows and they all gavo good matketahli money- saving milk- haul ii j grimm addressing the pure maple smgar association you surely would not 10 content to milk only twentylive of them and let tlui others go to waste would you and yet your untapped sugar maple trees are just like those imaginary unmilked eows thorn is money in them only wait ing to lie brought out and put in your bank maple sugar is tho quickest money making harvest in all your business of farming it needs noseeding it is all harvest and what is more the harvest is quickly turned into real money tiik deputation from sim coo anil york enmities which waited on the giiwrnineiir last week were told by premier i lea rat that it is now too hue lo secure stilliiient peat to alleviate the fuel shortage next winter hon i howard ferguson minister of lands forests and mines announced i but 1000000 cords of hardwood is available in a strip of land six miles wide along tbo railway running through algon quin park he said tbo govern ment would give permission to the municipalities to cut this wood this coining hummer as one means of meeting the fuel shortage next win ter the feeling so far expressed amongst tbo quarterly boaids of the methodist church in canada appears to be in favor of tho extension ot the pastoral term somo by one others two while a few favor a larg er extension tho greatest obstacle comes from the rural sections who apparently would rather see the plan reversed and the term shorten ed their idea being no doubt based on the personal one of having a chance at the best tbat is going which they fuur would not be possi ble if tlio city congregations aro al lowed to hang on ti the good men for terms longer than at present this doesnt seem quite logical ex cept on the part of struggling con gregations and theio are such in tho cities and towns as well as in tbe rural districts and it is to bo hoped that what appeals to be a sensible idea is not blocked by bullishness of lutei est to tenants a cas- that elinnlil be of inkrest t ten ants and landlords wnn iried in the div ision court at ht thomas jonathan lecksnn brought actiou rgoi si c mo- kellar for 775 tho plaintiff olnlmed that the defendant who wait a tenant on ills premises took away 17 electric light bulbs and left 2 broken globes when he moved out the defendant pleaded that be had been in tbo houee for two years and tbat luring that time the original bulbs hail all burned out and that he hnd bought about it dozen new ones he thought that lion he loft he had a right bi remove them lie eintwl that a lew days niter leiiving ho received a lett er from the plaintilla eojiciior to return the bnltisnnd lie rutnnieil tho ones burnt out his honor judge krniatinger held that notwitlielnndhig that the bulbs were imrnl ont it was hie duty to leave ihem then when he lid tlie luaiso he eiilireil jiilumeut ngiiiit the defend ant fin 2 fuel court oihk acton i3 i mr and mrs j k ualdwln visited friends in hoirgiinwn on sunday al a nieilliiu of the council list weok itev h k k lig h v ii l wiw ap pointed o- a imineil roiiremmitiuive on the 1ree llhimy lloitril m till tbo vsoan- e eaiihid by llm leiinval of llev mr avison tlio wisdom nf the laing of tho new ilrnlti from the corner of hewer ave and elgin bt inst summer wim clearly de monstrated during the thaw and rain last week the ontch basin drew off all tbe surplus water ninhho customary hooding of the promisob at that corner was ohvist- 1 the merchants hunk hu purchased from mr william while his prettv brick iuingalow oil lake ave ah a residence for the malinger of aetou branch of the bank this ib a woll bulb homelike place with fine gardon nnd has a ileeir- nbla frontavu nnvniry luke in nil pro bability therell be doings thoro in the spring the authorities of the toronto mubar- ban knllwiiy evidently consider tbat acton ib well worth cultivating for busi ness fr the linn assistant malinger w j hnd ford and trsfllo malinger irjank lindsay were hereon monday investi gating manure in tlio interest oithe road the result will ho gratlfyinulo the people of atiton in eeveral reiipentn a station inaaler la to he nlsded in ohoire at acton inw few day tfwip vrfl giv his whole time to the suit of tlnkuiii to nihunger receiving bhlppiug and- delivering ex- irue and othor matters to hnjiiltute the business ot tliupnblld with the mud by this new arraiigemnnt pnsnem willbs nue to secure return ticket to all pctnuivj iwlfji isi fet itiikvjvkpvmm mm wifev1k iaiiafejiglifeflaisriimniksfeh at loiter rev the station and othei toavrseilhabjrl pfbffb spwiill pb4nlinadu

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