Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), March 13, 1918, p. 2

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w h wlllson leading funeral direct or and em balm er booldopce oflloe opp uercbaota bank open day and nlfrbi georgetown ont phone 64 births marriseefl and deaths are charg ed for at the folio widji ratei births 25c marriages 60c deaths 60c born early at norval on friday march 8 1018 to mr and mrs philip early a ton tv j- dp i -p- i owkajj dwrwtojro on yw8aj mfi6h7uislbvrina whfliine bv uwed wife of jarhfci owens bora april reth 1886 died march 7th ims mcnally i qporgetown on friday march 8th 19l8tingb mqnally- in hi28lh year mokinji9niit georgetown on brfday marcttstblwsinea mckinnon aged 0yaravsiioirthiajid9irays fetewefeln deantrttawn vn monkey i haiti xlih- 1918 dr t lj bennttl in h 76th- year v- the ftrneralwju take place on ttiursclay mors mthlrom biilate residence itylo street fitalm hornby on friday ijt march 191 8 vary jape jjindsay wtd bjr ot the janlel in her 88th year haycabi in enqnesing on saturday march 2nd 1918 thomas crozler tfaj- gard to hle79th year town council new town constable and caretaker engaged applicant lor auctsor tbe council met on wednesday even ing last with ibe beevo in the chair and blithe members present the principle business was that of se lecting a town constable and caretaker to fill tbe vacancy caused by tbe resigna tion of mr king- cooper tbe olerk read applications lor the position as follows ana the salary asked aa stated in each case alex keith- lucan 76 per month thoatomboll ftoudaa1200peii jefcr p johnston- bprlsf 5ll36 par wet janjee ctom jv john y mirandn gadaqna tt per year r r 6 urqnbart niagara fall 75 pev month- t nie brl j t flaming qrulla ijeoo per year wallace cochrane qolborne r p iywtebmuha fam7b per month kpj dan milaolatf toopth brrfe jagttn flfybp rjlj- atuskplia yeat pet she obituary the ge0r6et0wn herald wednesday eveq mar 18th 1918 a bill before the quebco legis lative assembly proposes to make it an offence punishable by fine of 100 or imprisonment for any per son to listen to or acquire know ledge of tiny eon versati6n or message carried by telephone companies and without proper authorisation divul ges or makes puplic tho same on pnity lines it has been a some what common habit for neighbors to listen to what is passing over the wire between families tho adoption of a like measure in ontario would no coubt bo regarded as a gross in fringement on personal liberty tjtwclerk also read p awipftifoo for toe loeiiionqi aeseesor iron sjemo cannab the application of max beithcl lncan was cotxetdered favorably atrdthe clerk was instructed to- cdmmoiitcate with him at once injepmibe ta a call m belthcaine u town on thursday and was engaged by connoh he will commence his duties on monday a mr albert tost was engaged- to fill the vacant position until arrival of mr reltb at a salary of 20per week imnil jamkri owknh on march 7tli at tbo uootl old ago of k8 yearn less a fow nooks anna will iams beloved wlfo of james owons panned quietly away at hor homo on queen bt deceased had beon an inval id for thirty years tweutyllvo years of that time being entirely confined to hor chair and bed she was born on lot 21 con 11 township of ehquoslng boing a daughter of tho late joel and adolino williams with tbe exception of cloven yean spent in bolton village and tho lart nino yearb in goorgctowu sho lived wiioro bho was born bbe born her yoarv of suffering with groat 6bemturjesa nrlcl jpavsis t ufourp the loss ttf a ftfthfiit lroanl6vtng niothor ranadedhbabei a jltffoniblcj son j aowvdboi 8feorg6t was ft tncmbor of the meclidulstoluirch from girllibod tho fottorarnorvlcob wore eowuotid by tovi mr trnojtoos- sisted by tlio eqv mr caiuorpn on mar flthwhonlntoraaedf took place 4t olcn- wluambihepallb4rorswerem4ssrs buptor- oeesu itpddyj- mp- flonaltt o botteld jr ihooiioiiconmcfatilif v woollen mills burned plant of h corkeev co totally destroyed by fire 8ik william hearst min ister of agriculture introduced n bill in tho legislature providing for altax on dogs with tho object of protecting the sheepraising indus try the minimum is to be 2 on dogs and 4 on bitches and muni cipalities will liavo the right to in crease tin- amount as they see fit by bylaw sir william explained that munici lilies would bo responsible for the lull loss of sheep owners in the event of sheep being killed by dogs 1 u elliott west middle sex asked if there was any limit that might bo allowed for any indi vidual sheep and sir william repli ed their was none mr elliqlt thought there should be some l1hit to the maximum tax as somejjown- ship councils might bo disposed to make it prohibitive to keep dogs he asked about arbitrators to deter mine tho value of the sheep destroy ed and the minister of agriculture said a number of good arbitrators would be named for different parts of the province about nino oclock on monday morn ing tiro was dlscovored in tbo tippor storey of h corko cos woollon mill tho alarm was immediately sounded and tbo uronion wore on tho scone in good time but tbo flauich spread ho rapidly it was imposslblo to save tbo large frame baildlng which with its contents maohlnory etc is practically a total loss although this industry hod only boon established a little over two years a largo and prosperous trado had boon built up and tho demand for its products wore steadily increasing it is hoped mr corko may be ablo to secure a suitablo building in which to continue his industry until sucb tlmo as bo can rebuild pinlhcnje aduyfoirogh gm naly jnstit ditr most imlnatriona and ireppected yoorjjuiibronfridby monjlrjr last mr mcnsllv had tenantda meet- dkoi thelirenimi the iilgln before ai retired o bs dboal health about ifll his wife aaroasm hlsheavy breat itift arid before doctor cotfld be sunr first bank in the county in perusing an old atlas of ilalton we wee agreeably surprised to learn that georgetown bail tho first chaiterrd rank to bo opened in the county of ilalton december 1875 an agenc hamilton was opened here of the bank ol being the first bank in the county a mrcoiqu- bonn being the agent for over lorty- three years this splendid flnanolnl institu tion has been serving the public of this community and its large business has been secured by coortoous treatment and the excellent facilities at the disposal of the pnblic for transacting business school report stewarttown following is the school report for tbe month of february sr iv dorothy rao dorothy tblrston annie xelly gwen rae nora wilson joseph blandish beatrice blandish thomas giffcn harold oreensidee br iii edward baily jr iiikva ilillz beatrice hodgo br ii fred bonalhan percy baily margaret giffen jr ii- ieabel wilson reggie lunan ross thompson gordon graham 6r iordon tblrston jr i bill bonatban john kelly her bert lnnan walter llnbam dick stand- lib ruth olffen 8r pr frances thompson jr pr frank kelly norval following is the school report lor feb roary 8riv- winnie knight hazel hugbes scott ferguson kwart early jr iv annabel mclaughlin donald bafsell lillian green murray laird alicia whitfield charles rankin 8rhi marion noble ivy whitfield marion gollop oliver hunter george louth harrison wilson george moore earle mcoltire jr iii dorotby wilson eva green willie fiddler margaret mcmeekln sr 1 1 bernard knlgbt nixon hunter hilda ranklne gordon oaseley v g mcoannel teacher int ii margaret wilson ethel noble edward benson reesle hunter wesley louth ina campbell jessie smellie minnie inglls beetle mcclure jrii wlllio inglib christopher grim- wood james benson george halls bessie campbell edna kerr jr 1 gordon bharne ralph wbltlleld george inglls atnoit noble harland hostler elsie loath edith casely a class jean green helen fendley pearl louth mac walson bobbie oonp- isnd babe mcmeekln donald campbell b e homo teacher military notes david hoteheon county treasurer baa received a photograph of bla eon trooper r s hutcbeon omr who sent ll from germany where lie baa been a prlfonor of war for about a year and nine months trooper hutcbeon looks better in tbe photo than ho would had it not been for the food purcole wbiob be repeived regularly cadet roy bessey of leaeide avia tion gamp spent the weekend at bis home here killed in fbanck lient roy t melllsh a former park- dale collegiate boy and aon of mr and mrs a w mollleh of 12 sorauren ave was killed while flying in france on maroh 7ih he was 21 years of ago and bad beon in franco but a few weeks in august last while flying with a compan ion soar tbu roiodate golf links lieut melllslr foliar distance of 200 foot ho was a member of north parkdale metho dist church and la survived by bis par ents two slaters and oco brother ho is the fortysixth parkdale collegiate boy to give his life in tho present war doceatod was a nephew of mr elmer thompson goorgitown following is tbe school report for tbe month of february 8r iv honoursdan cook yvonne adama pass margaret treanor beatrice mc- gratb george kennedy howard hil lock george green and roy king equal mattie mopberson lack barber hilda erwln margaret mckay norman hen derson edith hugbes cameron bell alvin bell dorothy thompson evelyn search josephine willson sr iii honours tom eason maud mcdonald edith cave merle fieher pass harry nevene eva bothell connie whitmee creasy richmond dai- ton mccartney helen lawgon wako- fleld ford inez leslie lewis laird john canon dorothy lougheed ir iv honours marion mckay ass reginald haaelwood ailepn moore gawman truax doreen mccnaig mildred fleck and mary mcklnnon hazel bradley eva frampton morrell hillook dlokson roe jrlll honours herbert contts nellie james lenore cook georgian henry jean mokenzie busie canute thelitis henry clarence king mnivie mcdonald pars- kathleen treanor lilian wat- son dorothy frampton nellie francis arthur tyndal alex fraser muriel oatrander burnell lougheed violet lu cas mattie blair florence cook br ii honours isabel mcdermld margaret coutls ruth orr myrtle tost marie cameron and delia boles equal lilian kennedy and bornard armstrong equal pass clarence spenee stanley godfrey willie edge jack lucas olarenre wal ters eric emerson clarence bousklll george hale gladya tost jr ii pass alice took marie fleok daisy wbltxnee and edith francis equal claud burnslde rota tost winifred james jr ii a honoursvictor norrington pass alleen ross victor dlogins and jean allen equal garfield mcgilllvray john armstrong bessie dohbie ray mond harley and jean mciibbon equal allan baker cecil btapleton jim dobbie flossie blair jr ii b pass ireno tost viotor ted der fink class margaret kennedy pearl bnxe brace heath jack mcdermld newman truax jack crichton hugo diggins marjorie hillock willie merritt eileen bnllivant pass margaret wllloughby charlie willson courtland richmond ollfford bradloy gordon speiico olnf btapleton allco treanor lome cave willie reeve kenneth weston jaok watson eleanor maw br pr honours kathleen bslnes marion search jean hillis donald her rington ross edge wle forbes ed win hoaro violot blair jean watt pass madeline erwln albert faulk ner isabel cameron cland kenlner helen forster jack harrison matthew boaskill jr pr pass- ralph armstrong arthur smith evelyn hillis roy bradley peroy barker msurico hillook alfred leaning harold tost waller lawson clarence leslie norman piner martin rosli george hoare robert eason warouiejlby hlsheavy breatbt jng arid before doctor coijld be atitn- mqned be passed away deceased was born in georgetown gsyears ago and was the second8onof mr and mrs tbomas mcnally he waa married abont seven years ago and besides his widow leaves three small culliiren toincmrn his iocs he was a faithful employee ofthe prov incial paper mills for the past nine years and will ne mnob uilsaed at his post aod by his fellow workmen he was a mem ber ot the iof and georgetown fire brigade tbe laiter attending tho funeral in a body tbe services at the funeral on monday afternoon were conducted by the rev it f cameron and the casket was carried by fellow workmen of de censed a home a duncan b west on u vreenaword r buchanan and a vshinoro tberemains were interred in greenwood cemetery beautilul ilotal offerings were contributed as follow wreath the family provincial paper mi is mrs cowen anchor from his soc itl irierids pillow from fire brigade sprays girls ol provincial paper millb mr and mrs ferris misses edge tor onto mr and tire john monally mr and mrs john blair nkii mckinxon a tier a lew days illnens witb pneumon ia neil mckiodon passed away at his home here on friday last deceased was in his 27tb year and was born in alliston be catnetoglenwliliams some ig yearb ago and later moved to george town he was employed in tbe munit ion plant st brampton when taken 111 he was an oddfellow and an orangeman being a member ot local lodges and a splendid young man respected by all who knew him the fnneral took place on monday afternoon to greenwood cem etery and was in charge ot orion iodge i 00 f the r vices at the house and grave were conducted by rev mr burt and members ol the orion lodge iz noble grand fred erwln chaplain a norrington n v g howard kentner and marshslls m hamilton and a dobh ie the pallbearerb wen jno campbell w long gen mirlln high living stone ed wheeler and a minn beautiful moral tributes were contrib uted by the following wreaths em ployees provincial coating mills mm ewlea and fellow boarden mrs hamm ond pease foundry girls knitting fac tory brampton family rebecca lodge 184 orion lna 100 i o of bcnrlet chapter of i u georgetown l o l 340 glenn lll ins 8praysmr and mrs kobt maw mrs ivhietand family minn verna kalrl and miss bersey james georgetown mr hnnre purler toronto mrs t j hill tliirilhiis dr l l bennett another of georgetowns old and re spected citizens has passed away in tho penon of br l t bennett deceased was in bis 70th year and waa born in nel son township being tbe youngest sou of tbe late thomas bennett he studied and practised dentistry with the late dr zimmerman and passed his ex amination before an examining board at toronto before tho dental college was established he came to georgetown in 1864 and has resided here continuously since that time he waa a lifelong meth odist and one of the founders of the wesleyan methodist church here at tbe lima of hie death he waa a member ol tbo high school board methodist trustee board methodist quarterly board and was also one ol the stewards ho was an ardent temperance worker and took deep interest in the moral wellare of the community in politics be was a conservative dr benrctt was twico married his firat wife being 6arah moore who la sur vived by two children mrs h t arnold georgetown and mr clarence bennett buyer for tbe t eaton co of winnipeg his second wifo was jemima powell who with two children mrs g b grinyor of guelpli and miss lillie a m bennett of clevoland ohio survive in tho passing of dr bennett a good and worthy citizun has boon romovod from our midst tbe funeral will take place on thurs day aflornoon to orconwood cemetery v ssssssssssssmsssitesssvis wvwisi the men in spito of tbe fact that owing to llic war british woollens liavo advanced greatly in price and tailors nil over canada bavo lieen compelled trajgcprivsh wftqu bbrffehmcofpi andfingijijjri tef jaoif 4jrtfff that will bowjn tbvarifof cverulujj v this ifl tbe opportune time ic place ybijr order to geji tlie ad- vantage of tbo jd priceu v all opl gpod bsncu b v9 jeffa t lleriecnfcliigwinjke i lr cw iy j t bjisljjitfr v b l a 8plen4idliij0 bf ter6atsvlrfe1ti8ftnii 1foijjrbi- tii i v goods must bodlarftd jtto tvill ttv6joi tliebiit btirgaini eveftg ojjbbj ift kltjjmes ot jfeng wear 0ur is jarue itriilirmbe olrqe4- fute a money savor paio yy we invite you to oall and bo convinced gibbers raisin bread otie loaf served od your table will be more convincing than a whole page of talk every loaf backs up our word you try a loaf today 10c gibbens corner bkery b v cibbens t muresco the best wall finish leads all other finishes beefultlfull tints its easy of application next to beauty and sanitation ease of application is the strong factoi in favor of muresco the tint card with the sample of the sixteen delicate tints is evidence of its beauty aud you can readily understand that a clean tinted plaster is more sanitary than wall paper that murksco is easy to apply white muresco in bulk 9c a lb lb pkgs 50c so once we convince you a sale invariably results 5 tinted murksco in 0cedar mops and polish 1 bottle liquid veneer and l v they last dust cloth 50c while farmers attention let us quote you prices on sap buckets kettles maple syrup cans and other articles you may require for the maple syrup season w c anthony phone 46 georgetown millar co qeoroetown phone 126 fine high class t ailorinqn mems furnishings agonts for stockwell henderson a co pyttrs and cleaners ksssvkttsws s59ssivs5vscs vftvs toronto a ei f tzzl l zzji1 1 the home of good groceries salmon in lb tlnx at salmon in j lb tlnn at ill 15 pork a doauh plain rcg 20c ouunh pork it lloarih in tomato waucc rc joc heinz pork deans in tomatoc sauce at pork itoanfl in tonialo sauce riirnlor uk bpukbouo in tinb at 20 w 80 3tio li ill jll 2fle j for 30c j for 36o lfic iso a 30o 3 or 27 ifl u0 80 on and after castoria for infants and children in use for over 30 years 18th sour picklob plain mimtanl ifl 20 lll alio bwoot plckloh plain a uiuslaiil jo 2fl 80 10o toiuatoo cathiip por bottle 10 ifl ifl 80 8flo rahpborry strawberry dlack currant peaeli a ilum jam por jar 2so 30o poachos plum pineapple por tin 2so right goods at right prices let us have your order aud be convinced a m grandy the pure food store i in order to reduce the high cost of liv ing in this most critical year of the war we the undersigned butchers have decided to inaugurate a always bean the signature of ringworm- scalp sores if yo ddd ou want speedy liolp try tlio prescription so easy to apply not frcasv or mossy it wasboh into tbo scalp and tlio rollof u instant try it today on our guarantee notice to creditors in the matter of the estate of catharine mycin late o the village of georgetown in the county of ilalton widow de ceased notice is hereby klvon pursuant to soot ion so of tbo trustees aot itso ion chap 121 that all orodltora and otbora bavins claims against tlio eatato of tbo said catbarlne ilyan widow do- coahoil wlioulodon or about tbo sov ontb day of juno kv 1017 at tho said vlllaga of qoorgolown aro roqulrod on or boforo thollftoontliday of april ad 1u1m to soud by iiout prepaid or doliv- et to tho uiidornlgned sollollors for mary t crowley tbo administratrix of tho estate ol tho said deooasod their obrlstlan uamos nud nurnamos address es and desorlptlons tbo lull particulars in writing of their olalms u btotbment ol tbelr accounts and tho naturo of the 3 it v houbioan druggist ooorgotown aoourity if any bold by thorn and take notice that after suoh last mentioned otto the said adminlstrix will nrocood to distribute tlio assets of tbo said docoased among tho partlox on titled thoroto having rogard only to tbo olalms ot which it hhall then bavo not ice and that tlio ald aduilnlbtrlx will not bo liable for tlio aald assota or any part tboreof to any person or persons ol whoso olaim notloo shall not bavo boon reeoived by liof at tbo tlmo of sppli dis tribution shilton wablditldob ot dale solloltors lor the said adminlstrix dated at georgetown this olovoutli day ol march ad 1018 188 bt cash and carry system on and after march 18th everything will be sold for cash at the lowest possible prke and you take your order with you thereby saving the cost of delivery we believe by this system of cutting down the ex penses of both the producer and consumer we are assisting in this great world war for freedom and sincerely hope our customers will appreciate the saving to be derived by a cash and carry system lets send you tnc herald only 125 in advance l w j patterson o linham j m buck adams coy all cash store 1918 march 1918 unknown today in any line of goods is prices hfijug reduced everything is higher and still higher we are just through our yearly stocktnkin and we have many articles in our big store you need you can get them while the- last at less than cost prices today hurry money saved is money made and grocery department everything fresh and neat the most possible value for your money come and see us today dont miss this chance of goods cheap 1 rdrms sco georgetown main and mill streets phone 43 sjvv vkp for ct9 bpxes w we sell all the little necessities like ink tablets 25c bachelor buttons 15c trench candles 1q chocolate bars 5c 3oc cigarettes playing card c ci let ua help pok your next overseas box excttd store ffitr nmi ua neip wmvm your nmt vvcrseas uox ijri the best in drug store merchandise rmabaaajaibaaaaaja the finest in store service a

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