Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), March 13, 1918, p. 4

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the georgetown herald i ijvvij r x ec 111 bstf- wednesday eveq mae 18th 1918 press on still will we trait though earth nem dark and dreary and the heart alnt beneath hla chast ening rod though rough and steep oar pathway worn and weary 8 til i we trait in god so from our sky the night ahsll fori her shadows and day poor gladneas throogh bta golden gates yodriotagbpatlirlead to llewerensmellea r iatiffyiff j ovv jjfaeyoconhrt wmi il nspress on in patient jelfdenlal accept the hardship shrink not item the loss ofl guerdon ilea beyond the hoar bi trial 0prown beyond tb0o yiw t ckytdtotoiuinjrjrtt wulisib bofley pralblop eatne to an ontttnely epdkatiraelt wille worjrjhg to the woos vptb his son he was felling 1 a tree when be wis struck by one oftlm large liinba and plpned lo the grobnd bis sonrtelyaswl him jty chopping oft therlmby and a doctor wss called bat the nqlortunate man heed only a jew boors hla back and several ribs were broken and he sbffered otnvrlnjariee should keep on achieving after sickness they gave her vinol and shsj soon got back her strength now cattle ini the meulea left ma run down no appetite could not reet at night and i took a severe cold which aettled on my lungs ao i waa unable to keep about my house work my doctor adviaed me to take vinol and six bottles reatored my health so i do all my housework in cluding washing vinol la the best medicine i ever used alice record 437 so nth st new castle ind we guarantee this wonderful cod liver and iron tonic vinol or nil weak rundown nervous conditions l v hoirigan druggist george town also at tho best druggist in all ontario towns oeod work demands continuous im provement in every ri erf human activity the other day a famous author ml telling me how he felt when his bret story was accepted he said that wltb- in a few minutes tho thought flashed across hie mind that be could not stop but must go on one good story roust be followed by another end an other and nnother else his reputation would die and he would be humiliated he said thnt the feeling was not ex actly comfortable that the prospect was in a way terrible being success ful he said is not easy the srnc- coaslhl mho trovejlscs to- the world tiotbo can aocerwlnthln end he musrtigoditoakirlggobd er backoff the man tts a treat aensa- tlpn a great erperiencworthajjuoet npythlng hnt it isnt a enap7 it is the same way in business gays a- writer ju the american mttfroslne the salesman- wjio sets a hlh martr has to go right out- tad bentfbnt rbntk or sfytoer by comparison wlth his own record ho entshdown in a rockiogcbnlr and devhtefhe rfttnnt hhvlfte to recolvicopficuihpn have jron eve snfjn a vestaiirarit rjhd compared yor jott with thnt of a wajtarr try it sorne trrjo no matter your work is j am sure yoo win see the point if you wafch the wsitirv and thlnkhowexatlyhwjob ijftilites yours- take for exartjpic niy job- that of an editor an editors job is exactly jlke that of n waiter ite has- to go and get something gopd nnd bring it in and after he has brounbtit in he has to go right out and got some thing more and bring that in the minute he sits down or stops to talk unnecessarily with the guests he ceases to give as good service as be fore then the guests who praised blm a moment ago begin to growl and so almost immediately he has turned from a good servant into a poor one this fits any line of human activity a continuous performnnco is what is wanted nothing else counts clearing auction of farm stock implements the undersigned bae been instructed by george pollook to sell by public auclion at lot 1 in the otb con caledon on friday march 22 at 1 oclock the following hok8es i team heavy horses 1 car riage mare 3 yrs cows 1 durham cow freeh 1 dor- ham cow fresh i jersey cow 1 durham oow young oatrlel durbam heifer 1 year 1 bolstein heifer 1 yesr 1 durham bnll 10 montha 1 durham calf 8 months fihb 1 young sow bred feb 28 sheep 4 cotewold ewes supposed to be in lamb fowl 4 geese 15 hens 1 turker implements 1 binder frost snd wood 6fl nenj 1 seed drill oockshutt new 1 1 n j h 1 vu new j eeea urill ik mower deering 9ft cat farm wagon set ol harrows plough hay rack bnggy cutler bobsleigh light bob sleigh set double harness sst single har ness scythe wheelbarros 2 logging chains neck yokes doubletrees forks shovels standard cresm separator new barrel ohurn 80 gal barrel sprayer disc hot water lank 8 storm windows step- ladder longlsdder 2 airing bells all above implements ere as good as new a quantity of galvanised iron pipe a quantity of hay tehmsall aumsof s10o0 and un der cash over that amount 8 months credit on approved joint notes five per cent per annum off for oaah benj petoh anotioneer credit auction of farm stock and implements the undersigned has received instruc tions from mr william 8mellie to sell bv public auction at lot 8 con 11 township of esquesingon wednesday march 20lb 1018 at twelve oclock the following t bob8e8- sorrel mere heavy agricul tural rising e yrs by roy si brineune brown gelding heavy agricultural rising 0 yrs brown gelding general purpose ris ing ft yrs by baron onslow bay gelding esneral purpose 0 yrs brown mare eavy agricultural i8yra heavy draft horse aged oattlegrade bolstein cow call at foot seven grade durbam fat cow 6 krade durham beef steers not quite finis- ed 2 grade durham steers rising 2 yrs 8 grade durbam hellers rising 3 yrs would make either beei or breeders 4 grade durbam heifers 2 yrs s grade dur ham steers rising one yr grade durham heifer 1 year pigs 8 store pigs implements maueyharrla bind er 7 ft cut with abeaf carrier track and forecarrlbge m hdlic drill 16 discs m h bay tedder wide mh disc bar row nearly new cockshottdiso with two independent levers m h cultivator 17 teeth width both narrow and broad points mh 70 in manure spreader mh bone rake 10 it peter hamilton 6 it rear cut mower with pea harvester attachment set of diamond barrows 4 fiiece cet ol s btrrows balance grapple ork set of wooden harrows nearly dot 3 piece land roller 2 patterson plows in good order 2 cooksbnlt double forrougb i lows turuin drill scofrer market wag on 2 seats j n oneill make not much used old market wagon in good repair 2 good truck wagons- 2 sett bob slelgs 2 flat hey racks sleigh bay raok leflti onehorse milk sleigh chatham fanning mill with bagger 2 fsoka supposed to lift 2h tons esch buckhiwk corn shelter section grinder with sow gummer attach- merit set ol wliifllotrees new 8 sett of wbimetrees 8 neck yoke one now 2 good logging chains 2 dos grain bags i jeering mower oil out a quantity ol timothy bay hibneffejjet team baroess nickle plated not much used 1 8 est testa har- nensel single i harness 2 high collars a number of other collars terse shovels noes and other articles not enumerated ah will bosold without reserve ss the proprietor has sold his farm terme fat cows hay and all sums ftiflo and pnder oaihj over that amount 8 morilhv crtdlt on approved joint notes annua pbjgr judicial 8ystems are old men wrangled over rlghta and wrengs from time they began ta live together use concrete beginning of a system- tsed judiciary writes lents m hosea in case and comment are as old as the tribal relation men quarreled about rights and wrongs as eoon as they began to live together as a com munity and the chief of the tribe or the eldexa judged botween claim ants indeed at the earliest beginnings of recorded history we find in egypt a judicial system including a reviewing power and remarkably developed ideas of administrative justice judicial of ficers in their epitaphs rest their claim to immortality upon having judged im partially never oppressing the steak and humble and their merciful regard for the fatherless and the widow in the code of hammurabi qf baby lon were embodied many of the ofiren- tlal principles of modern jtmtlco which were transmitted to european peoples through tho conquests of alexander and tho homons thenn form tho primal hosts of the itomnn rlvll inw of our english ancestors derived through the esrly tribes of northern europe even old homer 00 b c gives us a suggestive picture of the modern sys tem of court trials as tho odyssey what time the judge forsakes the noisy bar to tako repast and stills tho wordy good wages necessary proper remuneration of labor and wellbeing of the individual must be recognized ns elements of sound busi ness management says the cleveland plain denier tho ago has passed when the yearly dividend paid to stock- holders is accepted by tho public as the sole csnee fee the existence of on industry mwfthw srre we jsbssnoat in passing jurigmeslt on the quality sf in dustrial administration or on the prac ticability of nny systom of factory op eration solely on tho basis of whether such administration or system will in- suro a permanent or increasing degree of flnnnclnl profit to tho owner we have to consider the human side of all industrial activity not alone in its re lation to the segregated community and the public at largo selfcenfldence wins have you ever felt the chagrin of knowing that you have failed in an en terprise whether this may havo been a mere incident of business or nn en tire career purely through lack of self- confidence thousands of men have failed in just that wny writes hugo masters in phy sical culture selfconfldenoe is a factor in success of such importance that tho man with moderate ability but nlonjy of confi dence will succeed wffero the roan of far greater ability coupled with a lack of confidence will fall this has boon proven probably a few billion times in the history of human affairs what will the harvest be few americans are nwnio that they live in a country inclosed in a circle of mine and nets writes nlksah yet such is the case since the declara tion of war the navy department baa beso sewing the waterways and har bors tt the country with means of de struction in harbors nets designed to catch nemtrlnss are tho chief reli ance while in livers tho channels are bleated with mines something new 8 bioeman georgetown will buy anything you have to sell and pays the highest price for live poult ry i can afford to pay a higher price than others in ontario ss 1 ship to montreal price from 20 to 80o lb any person having poultry to sell let me know and i can guarantee you better satisfaction than yon will get from snybody else i buy old bsgs with or without holes also rags rubbers bottles old iron stover second hand clothes hides and skins i esy a price that will surprlae yon if yon ave anything to sell mall we a card s rloeman georgetown po private residence next door to j a bells shop 2274lp wood roh sale i can supply any quantity of good hardwood in 14 inob or any length desir ed split and delivered orders promptly attended to j brandford college vtow 287i4tp home to hiht in olonwiulams large brlok houeo and good outbuildings about 8 acres of tt during convalescence and when appetite lass mouth afresh ness and a soothing balm that coaxes back the enthusiasm of health thousands of 60ldieraf in europe have ause tts tonic eftect k supplied when yon pat roar beet ufforta into a pie you wish to be bare that the j best floor 1b there too use our flour and yon will never have cn to oom- pulo that your skill hoe been wasted od poor material- this is the best flour that tbe science of milling hae lamed oat there can never be a better the flavour lasts bracelet watches i our stock is now at its very best a gift sure to please the recipient and to keep the giver in plea sant remembrance silver and strap 7 18 jewels 500 and y pwgrda gold filled 7 is jowols 11000 r solid gold 15 jowols 2000 solid gold 14k 16 jowol movement 2500 soldiers watches with radium dial and hands in silver or nickel case fitted with walthani or swiss movement x a small deposit will secure any article for later delivery a b wilson main street next mcgibbon hotel children cry for fletchers castor a k w ood floors cost less than carpets n in wnnss2kjk tho kind yon havo always bonght and which ims been in use or over jmkycars baa borne tho signal tiro of i and has boon made under his per sonal supervision slnco its infancy allow no one to deceive yon in this all counterfeits imitations and justasgood nro bat experiments that trifle with and ondannror the iienlth of infants and children experience against experiment what is castoria castoria is n harmless snbstitnto for castor oil pare goric drops and soothing syrups it is pleasant it contains neither opium morphine nor other nurcotio substance its age is its guarantee it destroys worms nnd allays feverlshness for more than thirty years it has been in constant use for tho relief ol constipation flatulency wind colio all teething troubles nnd diarrhoea it regulates tho stomach and bowels nsslmllatns the food giving healthy and natural sleep the childrens panacea the mothers friend genuine castoria ibears the sign always of it is cheaper to lay hardwood floors in a house than to buy carpets for it whats more the hardwood floors will last a lifetimo are much easier to keep clean and in every respect will return you dividends of pleasure on your investment beaver brand hardwood flooring it is thoroughly kiln dried accurately machined per fectly matched and guaranteed to last a ltfetime ask any person who has hardwood floors in his house whether he would go back to the old softwood floors and carpets the answer will convince you that it pays to buy hardwood floors j b mackenzie georgetown and acton in use for over 30 years the kind you have always bought hso ol p guaranteed zzibu wheat oats barley flax live stock oppokvunitieb immense wealth in western canada send for free book i homsaeekera and settlers guide low fares 100000 free pabhs aa ijvfrhwfthm i georgetown creamery we pay the highest market price for cream in any quantity poultry and eggs we will pay you the highest market price for your poultry live or dressed also fresh eggs to fiumurs ibu fl impfioved lands jtcv ttleumporl now get away wetl located utm doe lrchaaod oh aay umu good road ubphoaaa thuapild- apiiiif tractors farm implements easily available new government assistance plan caplhd ot no apjul iha work llio opportunity is thore om canadian northfrn offers lha way writs tohlsy for tha now q contsjas valusblainfarniallpn batadoa government statiailfls cghh wi or qjnersl pheseogs dsptv moottjol quo to bansbawsbsstabbbabsab i v mia georgetown creamery co m saxes manager i w swvjviwjvjvrviwvvv vrij7wvvki viym counter check books we are now prepared to furnish tbe best counter check books made to merchants add others who let us have your next order require same mmqqre scnm9i husband the better lover he ta practical demonstrating hla af action in deeds rather than in words nrvartablv the radiantly happy mar ried woman of fifty bos adopted the mans point of view restnrdlng her life the average mnn is a better lover than the sverneo vromnn because he loves prnctlcnlly showing artrctlon in sols rather than in words from tbe beginning his home is his lnventtve to effort sometimes after mnrriago as demands lncreuse he becomes so en grossed in his purpose that he forgets to talk of love then it is that tho wife who has aplan undersfsndlfjg of ittyo action t pnwrmwnse grown olnbf hentfeverhirttiesi he fall w protiaintt pbystoilproftr of bis affection- the woman who finds hanplness hi naairriled life- has a snfllcjently inascn- fine ontlook to riddenstund blmv srle instead of nvvoelirtg over loiaglnary wights 10 retard pronfsier tlevmionj ti worfc v nfloaiikyiove ax- ber tbaughtsupri f omeilllng dl vevtlng wfiue shc okc tjhgi uieoonfn6npiuce v f she eajtf bnr the sohr of ihd bird orttnntt t the storj shurca inst eve rifrtg while shedoes tbowqrlroftho absent eooji tohi it is ajny rj pradawrnctlvcmeiruj that vrrirdiito- tner eimefency of her lovod hnes shet has a profession homo making pittsburgh ylitpntcl scramton coal russia country- of famine peasants next to orientals are re garded as the hungriest people on face of globe next to the prolefrtfiut of india and china the rusblnn ponsnnt feels the plnrh of poverty nnd hunger more keenly nntl more frequently thnn nny oilier eltlzen on enrth ihe nntlonal geographic ninjrnzlne nssertk one of ihr enrlloftt famine in une- sln of wlilrh then is nny definite rec ord wns thnt of 1000 which continued for throe years with ntlenth toll of 500003 pensants cots doks nnd rats wcro cnton the strong overenmo the weak nnd in the shambles of lli pub lic mnrlccts human fiosli wns sold multitudes of tho dead wore found with their mouths stufted it- 1 r h strnw three ituslnn tnmlnos of coinpnra tlrcly recent ditto were nrnong the most severe in tho history of the coun try they occurred in 1301 iikk5 and 1911 iuring tho ten yenrn following tho first of those periods of denrth the cfivcfnnietir nttnrrnd nenrly siishx 000 for relief work hut tho suras were not judiciously expended the fiitnlue of 1011 extended over onethird of the nren of hie empiro la europe nnd iiuycliil more or less 100011100 people whllo sooofloo were reduced lo btnrvntlon weeds the tmrk of trees iiml liltier liniid nimle from qcorns conitltuted the chief diet for the destitute this wns ihe most wldespreikl nnd most severe fnnilne which linn hefnllcn a kuropeiu nation la modern times in all sizes we have in a took a large amount o alalia in lonrfoot lengths soluble or iinraroer fnel ploj feed an frovjslons l a tjnj k y the oh reliable laundry firstclass work guaranteed at- ie lowest price the sblrts 10c bos blocs nsobostown first woman dootors tho first woman admitted to the eeolo mcdeelno the fnmoilb paris med ical college who also the qrst to he roine n in iiiut ofthe newyorr acrisp uiny of h 111110 wns hr mnry iut- niiin tneolil i ho wns hern in london seventyfire yiurs ngo she hns tho daughter of george 1 iutnain the kew vork puhlinlier nnii bttldlcd in severnl american sellouts hoforo tak ing her drgrco in purls in 1s71 two years inter she liocnmo tho bride of dr ahrnhara jncohl n nntlvo of ger- innny i- lio fleil thnt country when chiirgptl with high treason for par ticipation in n herman revolutionary nwivoment and settling in new york heenmo one of the most distinguished of american physicians 1 r mary putnam jncohl was prominent in the profession ns professor mid hospital physician until her lentil in hwu tho tlrat woman physician in annrlea was dr isiixuhelh llluekwill a nntlvo of knginnd who reculvod lier deftrco of m ii in 11411 anil later relumed to lciiulainl to practice her prnfcwlon r g nixon aeorqetown substantially made harness reg in a pneumatic cleaners for rental at 1 dollar per day a gaqd-aor4menlt- trunks and valises agent for page wire fence repairing promptly doiie nixons harness and repair shop fruii trees and plants for opting planting wo need no further introdoetion the fart thnt wf htivo bieti in the nureery tmeiihrjm ejjttyonn care and are now prpnrccl to inel exifting condilions by off ring our hifih prndo trcea and plants tired to tlio customerb at rock bottom pricep send for our illtifilrnted circolars of hnrdy variititp whinh you can order dir ect nnd rave t he ngente eommienjon of which you pet the tfnofit- ouv piicfb will he surf to inttrftt ou nnd ml stock is nhbolnloly fiitt claup vnd trneto name tdk c1iahk iikothkr8 co of ontnrio lid krtallitrhkd 1h67 colboknk ont spud is important tho hmiililo polnlo irf drslluod to phiy mi i iniitnlit pnrt in ih lutmuit wurl wr wo nro wnrnel llitil ufl tiitrh lcptii upon hritil n- mm lots hut nwrii in tho nirrliy of hnml ttud mi oviriliiiidtim- i if point tios it would nrcm thit r n ntlotitlon must ho k i veil to 11 it iing nml preserving of thin crop rolontu sod to any that thers wns hut ii mn food rnluo in uio p- tnto iiul rcrnntly they hnvo learn ed with others that a little learn intr is n lantjvrous thlnp now w nro old thnt thcro fs nlmont a hnl- inictd ration to bo found in a bnun tlful nionl of potatoes at nny rat it hit horn amply proved tbnt thore is no hliurto roirotnblo thnt brightens o tunny lioincy or feeds so innny poj pie us tho potato kxchnngo local agent wanted lor georgilovvn and dielrlet to poll lor tuu oin hmiaiui fontuiil nuhskbibs splendid list ol block or fall planting 11117 ami spring planting 1018 including ninny nw varleiieti wlch we alone con trol send or new illuat rated catalogue also aeniits proposition handsome free outfit exclusive territory liberal com mirbionb no you dontl tho late john j joloison tbe fa moils riilladi iphln lawyer wns once engngi in a ease whore a certain can- in nl eious old woman bore witness fosr tile opposition her testimony concluded the old wnninn proposed to leavo the witness box but mr johnson said bold on madam ive one or two questions to nsk yon tho old woman howevsr did net bnlt in hor departure no ye dcat she said none yer qncsttons for nsa ton atnl m rslde stone and wellington tho iqntliill nurseries kkatnblished 1837 toronto ontario s ik w 1m1w i insurance ifire ani- accident mrs roe ueoboetown ontario atents ipromptly brcubeffl in nil countries aslc fdr our 1nth5m- toila aljvtjnilwluoh wli ma1uon a marion bm university er montrsal arthur bgastelli tbf oollcqs of mu8i0 unoon nouknn ohoiasuarsa pmaavrsaum ohuaflh omaoirows teacher of piano organ oorneb violin and singing tuition fes fin any branch saoo pur uons at my resldeooe tsretown or at bomsil hivm h ml term- of so lessons imaln st oapr paplps 1 pianos tuned the dl wrr 00b scranton coal the standard anthracite tbe dl i w soranton in all sizes is the only hard eoal we oarry a largo stook now on hand also threshing nnd smithing eoal coal bins opposite norval station phone 62r24 bell line j watkins norval aasssjeesiesess fj a tracy clerk township ol lieqiieelllg clerk flrd divlaion court i the lending firs lite insurance b gos represented i i ifbiuir of marriage licenses office mliibtreet west i gooiaetown x ofilce hours wednesday lur f day nitarnobns wz i v dimayskid m

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