Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), March 20, 1918, p. 1

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the georgetown herald dnv fiftyfirst year of publication georgetown wednesday evening march 20 1918 150 per annum or 125 if paid in advance the georgetown herald 18 published vxbt wednje8day evening at ths bibald power printing office georgetown qui uwf- vv 7 6pfl5b8fphii riya 1 i months 8s snip in rn6 ipiijhsv she address label snows tbe datoyobr bkcrption erpires ioowtkaot advebti8ing ratbs ftlrnlajiea on application ten cento per line fat ii anmttitia sad fle oafus per llbe lor bapl oabsh will wobaixm fdrau ijyfliiajbtvorlibtimisnlbr twain junca jwwrrtimmenbj without ijpeoinciilreo- uaha will bo rusareed dnt9 forbid ndj eharg accordingly a vwrtobcpjentji will be vhonged- onoo each raonih fcithciuj extrajcuarge changes or eohtrnnt advettiswenu must tie in the ofdee jj j monday evening v i m sdtfore- 1 j- publisher ps 9 r a tim tail eoise un pssaenger 20am e 1100 am ms 1189 ajn 846 pm 716 pm goiha wb8t m 767 am j 10 06 am psuenger 208pm passenger mall hail qoiho booth 686 pm 7 67 p m 6 so pm oolma booth um1 1006 am toronto suburban railway dilly t1mbtablb am pm pm going eut 810 2l0 040 going west 866 268 747 bumdat tiubtablk a m p m pm pm going east 1020 1260 416 6 10 going weat 1040 610 s no shovelling required standard anthracite j st j scatoncda jnaulajraes- automatically screeded and oa heleet lamp fordopjestic and threshing purposes smithing and cannol coal in act i carry everytblnafo he fofind in an upkodate veal and wood yard john mcdonald georgetown i k phone i2 1 clifford linham f oyoui 0 raj- thought aij this season opd if is most that tbtilr health be grcservbu and tbwr comfort jntrared ittohtfiarrdasttorfriojoverjraayerife sbai will wit- nd bid westher am call and hfivo ihe ia j wkennedy diregtory tqal 8hilton wallbridub a dale barristers solicitors eto toronto and geobobtowm office kenned v block le roy dale in charge of georgetown office gudltal da joseph mcandrew physician and surgeon medical officer of health district surgeon g t r oidce hoars 2 to 4 and 7 to 8 pm phone 68 office and residence main st booth opposite presbyterian church dhiroprartir no medlolne snrgery or osteopathy a m nbilsen do gardoate of tbe palmer the original school of chiropractic daven port iowa usa offloe over hourlgans drug store consultation and spinal analysis free toes thnra and sat 2 to6 47 to 8pm phon 160a ptical l l plant do ojl d georgetown eyesight specialist glass eyes eyeglasses office nextto library phono 189 tor appointment hardware paints stoves tinware electric fixtures sewer pipe and cement tinsmithing and plumbing hot air and hot water heating electric wiring j w kennedy phone 26 georgetown oni pryd etivpd hart woffther ami prvo aurabteaonooonbniloalbivostmont 11 and bavoihe fondly fitted hereto satisfafory fob jreax for all occasions r rumford the stiqe 7vtan the home of better shoes te-pwjt- for me ghioieest piorkruir veiaivveigi jliib pish choked pfeats nind susiigb swifts noted preiaifiih hams and bacqiij do you realize that tho contral nppoal jupfjos docislon re dank glorkn moans that tbo pohi- tions vacated must bo fllled by young ladios and tho youngor mon brutal frank r watson dd8 dentist md8 gedrgotown ont hours 0 am to 8 pm except thursday afternoon dentistry in oil its branohes oror bell telephone offloe f l heath ld8 dd8 dentist offloe in lane block one door north of oneills carriage factory honn b am to 6 pm dr l l bennett dentist office at residence main st north first boose over gtr bridge phone 142 georgetown qmlonms benj fetch licensed anctloneor for halton and peel glenwllllams post office soles con ducted satisfactorily and at reasonable rated orders left at the gboeobtown hibald omoa will receive prompt attention wjj want now a reliable agent in hallon county to ell pbihaub pitkblksa fruit and orna- miktal tobea during fall and winter months good pay exclusive territory tee selling equipment over 600 acres of tbe choicest nursery stock including new varieties controlled by us handsome uptodate selling equipment and a splendid canadian grown stock to offer customers we are not jobbers n 0 catalogue sent on request to ap plicants for agencies or purchasers of nur- ery stock f write now for agenoy terms to pclhim nursey co toronto ontario jackson and lee civil engineers surveyors temple bldg brantford maj a m jackson r m lee heohanloal engineer eto olsfdlb r o wynne roberts water works engineer j v7 0 tuley beglsterod aroblteol your opportunity for service and salary will rarely hi- our commercial course givos tho nocossary training for bank ing positions now is tho time to prepare special rates to thoso starting march lft and april 1 your looks wont be marred by tbe glasses we fit we take iuto cousideration the contour of your face and the shaping of your nose every lens is individually fitted to the patient dr plant optometrist georgetown phone 199 office next to library deliveries daily to any part of town clifford linham paper hanging ri now is a laugh in church bo eat on tbo eliding cushion the dear wee woman of four her feet in their shiny slippers hong dangling over the floor she meant to bo good she had promised i w yr tffcslwerlwjniowi 4n4oonbwfowiingfffe she looked ui op at the preacher but she thought of the honey hees ivowng awey in the bloesoma tik whitened the oherry trjefc bhe thought of brjjken askoj vherecurliduidnbky heap- thteijwek rottnd pm frin viiyogilj aadiisoltjwifmriodipstoddle suich ju4r hitle- hearts to beat snyplift ronndtooiwstowsaji sofl eprawllqfe cushiony feef she coijld feffl iniirt plaspfni liocera thntobcllofthtid7ekljn ituf acold wel noso enplortng thedltuplei under her uhtn thena bnddein rlpplepf laughter ran ovorthe parted 4ips bcquiofc irfawb0 could hot catch it with herrosyfinger tins tho people wtiiepered bless the child aa eaoh one waked from a nap bat the dear wee woman hid her face for shame in her mothers lap to- days story the time to make arrangements about that pap ering i handle tho celebrated kmplro so ml trim rued wallpaper which can not bo surpassed for beauty design and coloring something for evory room lot me call with samples and sugges tions efltimatch given pricos couhib- tcnt with good material and workman ship for those who wish to do their own papering you will hnd the empire semitrimmed a great boon painting graining c e bludd box 109 c3rx3lxl3ll business college guelph ont herald bldg at the post offloo a l bouck principal j m buck butcher aeorgetownl always has on hand tbe finest of beef pork 8au8age boloqna- etc home cured ham8 bacon lamb veal in sfasonl stuffed ako plain olivi8 hcintz 8weet piokles in bulk to attend tho best it pays elli0it s0bovto ont yongo oqd charles sts torontoi ont has a national ropu- cation for suporitir work open all year bntor w ootnloguo free great damand for our graduates v w j pluottpirlnolpji qbblijfusd i872i capital authorized 18000000 capital paidup 13000000 surplus t3b00om thrift to earn a little and to spend a utuo loss was tho advico of robort louis stovenson thrift is a virtue that la eahlly acqulrod and dooldodly profitable you will ho astonished to and how quickly your savings will aooumulato with the interest i addod one dollar will start a savings account for you at the bank op hamilton georgetown branch g c mackay manager 410 established 1884 the merchants bank of canada paidup capital t 7000000 rosorvo fund andjundlvldod profits 7431293 total deposits 03103073 total assots 121180668 winner or wastbr which are you on a recent public occasion tho honorable tbe minister of fin ance for oanada in addressing a representative canadian audlenoe doalt with tho urgency of evorybody doing even in tbe smallest way their share towards aiding the empire it 1b woll ro romombor that every dollar thrown away extrava gantly does ono hundred por cent moro good to tbo enemy than ono dollar saved by ourselvos tho wonltb of tho world finally filters through individual dollars and if tho curse of extravagance strikes dooply onough our rain is bound to follow savo a dollar today and do a hundred per cent moro for the empire than your extravagant nolghbor does for tho onomy safety deposit boxes to rent c w grandy manager georgetown branch iittn ilt to dlsoover a holo like this in the oomfortablo shoos that you expootod would last for a oouplo of months longer anyway however if you sontl thorn to us for our i high class shoe repdirlilg we can resolo them restore their good lodks and pot tbom in condition i to give you long sorvloo wby not try it y inl whhrrmd s main street phone 147 1 glenwiltlams phono s ring s specials choice fruit call and soo us this wook and soouro some of our choice goods a restivo fruit specialist main street georgetown thanksgiving surprises by miis hortenie yates administbatkix auction sale of tho chatties of the lato malcolm mcoal- lum will bo hold on friday 29th day of march 1911 at tho east half of lot no 7 in tho 8th oonooshlon township of esquoslng county of halton at 2 ooloclt pm 1 bajrtuaro i years old 1 brown home 0 years old 1 binder 1 market waggon 1 lumber waggon bobsloigb set of light harness double sot hoavy harnosn covered top buggy hay fork kitchen cabinet table rango nearly now cup board chairs tools various othor artic les at tho samo timo and plaoe thoro will be offered for halo subjoot to a res erve bid that firstclass farm of 200 acres being composed of the oast half of lots nos 6 and 7 in tho 8th concorslon in tho township of esquoslng county of halton thlb is a flrstclafls grain nod stock farm oood comont blook iiouho barn outbuildings and wator it roqulror no rooommondatlon a money nraker for either owner or tonuant sea it if not sold tho farm will bo rontod for ono year samuel websteh agonfc norval benj pktcii auctionoor notice to creditors in the matter of the estate of catharine ryan late o the village of georgetown in the count of salton widow de ceased notice is horoby given pursuant to sootion 86 of tbo trustoos act itso 1914 chop 131 that all orodltors and others having olalms against the estate of tbo said oatbarlno ilyan widow do- ooased who died on or about tho sov- onth day of juno ad 1017 at tho naid village of qeorgotown aro required on or hojaro thd fifteenth day of april ad 1018 nrsefid by post prepaid or deliv er to tho undorsignod solicitors for mary t crowley tho administratrix of the estate of tbe said doccasod thoir christian namos and suraamob address es and descriptions tho full particulars in writing of their olalnm a statomont of their accounts and tbo nature of tho security if any bold by thorn and toko notioo that after suoh last mentioned dato tbe said admlnlhtrlx will proceed to distrlbuto tho assots of the paid decoasod among tho parties on- titled thorotb having regard only to tho olalms of which it shall then liavo not ioo and that tho sald admlnlstrlx will pot bo liablo for tho bard assots or any part thereof to any person or personx of whose olaiui notice shall not have boon received by hor at the tlina of snob dis tribution sbilton wallbbidoe 4 dale solicitors for tbe said admlnlstrlx dated at georgetown this olovonth day ormilrok avb wis f l8 i jftssijewwsi4 cairrlaht mltliejlccluxnwapa par oyddloata 111m hortense toted raynor college raynortown ilav at last aold bualnpsa to great advantage have sublet apartment her to colin dare and will spend the winter in travel will spend thanksgiving with you at raynor love from father this was tbe tolecrnm that mr yatos wrote a week before thanksgiv ing i just couldnt hdll it own to ten words mamma he said to his rclfe an he rend it hul the times come when wo fun be a little lavish now weve retired hortense certainly will be surprised poor girl answered mrs yates sha couldnt nttora to come home for tho iliort holidays something la her lrttirs souiuls ns if alio thought you liil been feeling hard tlruea that v lie dhlut ipttnd tho monsy when rlio learns what a wonderful illspopn you luivi lunde of yotir busl- teae vvut slio bo surprised kheii bo niiio suituised if she didnt cot the thkfnin tou dont iniiiii patin that youd jtibt go out unci mirprlse her well what a woulerfu lihn mr henry yatcs 701 west ninety- ninth stroet new york city have earned a little money tutoring and have decided to come homo thanks giving love hortense hortense struck her pencil through n word here and thoro to get her tele gram down to ten words and then paused with the pencil lti mldalr they would be n lot more surprised if i didnt scud tho tcligrttm she re flected whnt a wonderful idea i as an aid in effecting a perfect sur prise hortenso rejoiced that she bad in her possession a lalrh key for the amalj city apartment where her moth er and father hnd nindo their home since four ycara beforo she first flitted off to college sho arrived at throe oclock the afternoon lioforo thanka- ffivlug and sultcnso in hand passed quickly by elevator nttendants to her parents apartment on the aocond floor it was not surprising to her that no one was homo wednesday was her mothers club afternoon and she some times remained out nil afternoon and then met her husband downtown far dinner hortenso hoped this was to bo tha case this afternoon for than she would linve moro tlroo for perfect ing the plans that she hod in mind hortenso found her tittle cbintc- trlmmed bedroom in immaculate at tire and having quickly slipped on a comfortable house dress rolled sp her slooves and donnod an apron she burrled out to tho kitchen dowd on her liuoos before the ice box she opened tho door and sniffed sad peered curiously into its interior poor old munisy alio said to her- selff as she beheld n meager broiling chicken a few apples and onions and a small measuro of potatoos times hero been hanl with dad and she didnt even have n turkey hortenso recalled that her mother had written some ilmo before saying that thoy oxpectocl to linvo a quiet little dinner together uu thanksgiv ing ut she thought that her hearty you mother and father had planned to feast off a slnglo squablike broiler brought tears to uortenses deep blue eyes she counted her money carefully folded her returntrip ticket and a few new dollar bills into a little purse that she put for safokueplng and be yond tha temptation of grcon grocer or butcher lna little poekot beiiastit- tba folds of her bodice and then count ed out 15 besldos thatll get sous sort of ipctad she said if j go t the inexpensive places aud make good bargalm she found an empty mar ket basket and having put her eeat and hat on slipped ber arm into tbe basket and sallied forth it was as hortense supposed her toother and father did not return for fllsneropd iho worked interruptedly on at cranlieris entice and a small pumpkin pie till long aftor dark tbe feast was not to bo a litrgo one but qortonas was a deliberate sort of cook and so busy was alio with cul inary preparations hint she did bot- tulto ilmo to sit duwn or even to en ter the living rooms of tho apartment or her fathers and mother bedroom f sho had ab would have seen ob jects lliot would have disturbed the utfcflltyjh jtatdjot a hehjid rjfc placr1 th bfolter with a turkey for the thanksgiving dinner abe sausaad her own appetite now well developed after all her many activities on half ef the broiler and another tear stele into ber eye aa she rsaucted that thle small mra bad beeajnunded ifp fa mx v it whop tie tivfrbom x struck fen fuhrtbnse coacladed that her ttoth- er and father had determined to stay downtown to the theaters bad been their custooi uoijpre poo drs she murrfjured itlsprbbabji only a drahp nrovlft shoty wofiv- by her tyef ant her oxortlpnwho doter frjmiwd toioiteblbd but- flmtrtthqvvrtile a bttje ot wiifcnjih9tttmiat b jajjoxible to turu eat ibe ilgbtlnhei ipreatsatedroom shblitied jt po- esjabioa aa the bureau there tt aaldt 4 oeesf what has wnpened ifyos caet rum then- ookinthi ktfehen rjfrjgetatoj- and if itliat doesnt tell you peep int the uttle bedroom and see whos there this was the noto that gojfh drc elabachelor frfeiid of b vales fofiod 6a the pincushion rftitm ho returned te his room at eleven after art especially trylsg evening spent with a client in his law efflces the handwriting was nafamluar to him and there was noth ing for him to do but to follow the in structions of the note he lookod at the beautifully flllud larder and still in doubt peeped into the little bed room that for aught heeknew had not been touched since the original tenants of the apartment had left a week bo- fere he softly opened jost enough ef the door to see hortonses tumbled carls on tbe pillow and then withdrew as silently as he had approached per plexed with what was an extremely difficult question to solvo it was hortense thoso curls could be no ones else and the chances were that she would be in high dudgeon when she awoke to loarn that he had al lowed her to remain there all night so sore was bo that ha ought not to allow her to sleep peacefully on that he tried to lmnglne his best- method of procedure la waking her but this seemed bo much more diffi cult than tho task of simply lotting her slcop that he faltered and soon retired to bis own room he intended to stay awako all night se that lie might be prepared to relieve her dis tress when abe discovered that her parents wero not in tha apartment but toward dnylluht ho fell asleep in his dressing room gown on tbo lounge in bis bedroom and slept so soundly that only the tempting aroma of coffee and browned mufllns wnfted from the kitchen window through tbo court into his own bedroom waked him it waa a perfectly shaven serene- looking celmoyed young lawyer who presented blmself at tbe kitchen door a half hour later and was all but caught- in the embrnco of tiro very much agitated hortenuo not from tbe even and tho munlus ob i thought you wore father she gaspad and thou lenued back limp and confused against tho kltcheu cup board the only thing to do was to eat breakfast and nfter that the onv thing to do seemed to bo to spcuil thanks giving day togtthur rani feast upon the good things that hortense hud prepared tliuro were meunwhlle many explanation end much discus sion of what xhotlm he done next colin daro though he recalled hor tense as a vory llilin ul little girl whoin four yearrt exo ho wus in gooj way of being in o with if sho bad permitted ft recorded her now as a sort of thanksgiving nngei tho per sonification of bounty end good cook ing he hod hoped to keep house with a jap chef but four within a week had proved either thlcvou or fools so he had despaired tile broiler he ex plained was left from the order of the one that hud left the prevloua morning once you know a girl wcfuld have thought her reputation had beon compromised just because sho had ac cidentally stayed in the anmo apart ment with a man all night colin told hortense i am glad you didnt look en it in that llghl hortense assured lihn titnt sho was far too uptodate for suah foolish ness shu she said mothor is a little oldfashioned of course ill take a train back tonight pid ill tell her just what happened i wonder what a girl would linvo done when mother was young when she found herself in just this situation she would have felt that she had to accept the mnn in tbe question as ber husband whether sho wantod to or not pronounced colin with lawyer like conclusion that is why im glad you are a girl of today if you should ever consent to be my wife i waul to know it is because you care for me by eight that night hortense and colin were en their way lo meet uor tenses parents in rnynortown win ro they hnd been wired to await hor tense somehow in thnt thanksgiving afternoon colin had wooed nnd vi n tbe dlsdulnful little girl ho had on a almost loved nnd they felt that the thanksgiving surprises were not com plete till they hnd both together craved uie pafeuliil blessing graduated war tax on incomes those enjoying highest income will pay fe appfled dldqdtrtg6rd alv dationaj moclolftking it would aeryear meet neiiil nnrpose tfe takfnff of oh iovntnrr pf onte rebotnwfl uivarjably iiirhicep desire to jreqbenv af tfimbtotyjbf cpblwr r airevitoonlea to iipi oortop oi- widow hbtl wjiowe wtflott aejwntleittcmidrec rtnvtoikjih ititoaier prlt0qintloxex and tajt htherjjpr- sons reqdvnr7 on iqcomortf h0pand over tni4 tm orernriyv rfertiinjt juilnqpninf j3gqt oer will- on- tqehtibbrftlity renltlria nrsv ffrnjiopuoilp ottfiv inttvftterw ahd thairabanft frrorn jonorajf prosperity find r renewed nfltiotil ptrmith i lit a nattoml blnplitftkinh ifohiy in- iilisntnucf miinm p ufxi vliu nurpoe of the tncdqau wnr tax whlph isto-pro- vide revliiui for llio prc9cntioh of the war in as equitable n manner as pnneible the lax id to be graduated accordi to ones ability to pay thoe who are in receipt of only a living waje or salary wilt not bo called upon to pay those enj oyinn the hightet incomes wim he called upon to pay the greateat amounts and the great body of income recfivora be tween will be called upon to pay in their due proportion moreover the purpose of the act ie to distribute he burden equitably among all clrtpbefl by way of lllobfration the farmer will herequired to add to the val ue ol hia actual income the value of tha home grown prodnrtn which hie own family coustimes this pi ares the former on a piano with the salaried man the val ue of whose services is wholly represent ed id the income receivrd and againat which he must charge all his living ex penses canada lias edtabliahed a war record that 1b the envy of the world it is cer tain that the canadian peopje will run true to form in answer to his latest call of their war fovernment newspapers cease publication twenty have died bvcnnn they couldnt live twenty mon pooplt vvlio have otruggled to make both ctidn hum t linvo thrown up tho sponge yn tait huy paper at present prices ancj jivi ii away most likely those editnra all hekd heir sub scribers month after month to pay up k very body who reads a country paper knows the sad cry drop in nd pay your bubecriptiotj wtii theyre no asking any more they just got tired and closed up evory ono of these towns will miss their newspaper and miss it sorely high priced calves at the annual salo of ayrshire pure- bred wi calves in bcottanci 21 bull catv- ea were offered and all of them were from cows wiiope yearly yield of milk was over 1000 gallons which allowing co days off for the dry period gave a daily flow of 3 2h gallons cue nino mnnlhsnld calf brought 1150 and another one year old sold for 1500 its dnm had a record of 116fi gallons of milk in 48 weeks yield ing 3fi7 per cent of butter fat mention is also in ail o of an ayshire cow whose flow conmituiph n world record iu 9 sensoosrhe eavol60u gallons of milk and calved on an nwrnut within 12 n un til o on account of the great scarcity of cowa thpre is little opportunity f weed ing out pure milkers tul with the r ft urn of normal timpn tlnw will be one of tbe objects aimed at the iloletein breed is now competing in public favor for first place as being the most popular breed grocers to be licensed an order has been iaaiied by the chair man of the canada food hojml bringing the retail grocers of tho dominion under license on mid tdtrr may 1 it will be il legal for any retail rrnrer to carry on buninepb without a liccnay from tho food board the regulations in regard to this trade aro similar to thoso covering the licuneink of othor retail dealers oxcepl that the last day for- licensing of retail grocers has bout fixed at may 1 while tho othor trodos will not ho under license until may if the regulations contain provisions against speculation unreason- fcble incrpope in piicu tcstriction on sup ply or attempts to monopolize food pro ducts destruction of food fit for con sumption and wieto or failure to prevent waste or deterioration where raiich is pre ventable are prohibited licener are made uniform with thobe of our retail dealers in food products namely 2 on a turnover of soouo or iopb per annum and an additional 820000 or fraction thereof of turnover approximately 22000 retail gmcers will he affected by this li censing arrangement terra cotta too much to endure i saw itegglo yesterdny sntd ono borus girl to a second row girl whon hoy met on broadway and heb all irukon up over your turning htm lown i dont care came tho aasal reply ho can dlo if ho wnnti to i nlnt going into no matrimonii venture with nn alienation enemy o usihntever you call it i wnrnod reg- jp that id put the skids to him be- tiiiso ho whs afraid to enlist so to r in ine over he gives ino u nnsh hag and what do you suppose i and print- rd on the inside of the clasp gcr- iian silver can you beat it temperanee in diet ahstenilnusness in diet is one of tha very snutuleut of the means that are ieiiilmttnded for youth preservation snd louiovlty extreme temperance in diet as a means to long life was wide ly proclaimed some centuries ago by on italian philosopher who claimed to linvo lived on ono egg and a little win eitch day as meats and wine were thou considered the sole sources of klrongll tho gentleman douhtless thought it unnecessary to tell us bow illicit bread and vegetables beate bill riospite this evident omission bis prlay clitf was to line lor lnt weok mr john lynn had oil i his silos blown down duiiiiu tln rucont uind btorin mi j meniiminl uwugwnihl in vi- itlng her mtlur mis k timrt ol i ills plo mr j sowell if glonvvilltamn was a pliiihiiut culler iu our llhtnet jhis week mr thnp jomer of the 10th line had tiu ixlrn ilenrm blown if luring tin- wind htonn ills liinlir wiii litso ihuniiired mrsiuliii iiimiienir ol toronto was outliere nnd vicnt over tno liiiral mail itourp ii tho roof of mr haywoods sultles was iilnwn nff iluriiia the recent wind horfo mis 1 sehrik linn moved to ihnnipton where she hur necepted a ponitini in the kinservhinr tlllee we wihii liercontln- lleil hticeeiu in linr now hnine mibk mniiuih uiitl lean ihirms of to ronto spent tint weeliend with their par- outs mr mid mis a burgess hero mr t tciwnmnil of coulnecu intlier is spendlnn a itw iihb with filrqds in our ilitmlui karropr jinltliti tho uidower whs mnriving mne swi7i h ny splutter of uiiieftinti iije nui iliiitlin the vicar renil out the wens iive iionnr nnd bny uiitl linn jitiklivi htihl liim itend thit ikiln nir ho mm kead il once uioro mib tin lady iuu eaich the full bolonuilty liliu nnttiiiu lto len married blornl in thncnipitriiiive nie of wod at otlflpli i asl vtai i i 11 inn l iiuiy iiiuiiiiit otrt800tleeeeb wlllildil iiiitof j l0h pounds 702ow hilng ihe caeh bo in of xj j skvei misimmmmmmm rig rtmliel in uu on county ptncxuevihth in in ilio suiount of monoy wool in 1017 rol lllllt- ih ilvnie lucrived lor vj y k tizkm jffl

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