Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), March 20, 1918, p. 4

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w the 6e0r6et0wn i1ekald wednesday evbo mab20tn 1918 the knitters blesied sre they who mourn end knit for they ehall bo oomforted with tbs foregoing an her text mrs john b evana otselman alt wrote the follow ing itanzas do you wonder dear what they aay to me these knitting needles two at the doll grey wool and kbakiagold in tarn pan oer and through tbey aay to me yei none may hear tie so far in the dim deep put- white heart and onlnd keep time and croon hand iv m fyv m lav dlasl ihon not weave them well will toy atfhjh hold trust somewhewln that fo mspvlsnat they wro thine alone eoh before jumvyjt rv v fal6oaofnnirjgbt kw ob till mpow dtdtt tfjou rerjlii k aw iif hroijrfnb alonb tnosajwv l r vdlde thou weave tfiemiroe they lily fatef thefattern pt gbris was rtflne wlll thy atitoh hold fast efkjh day most vtoto ohinotberbl your boy atftl mine the neodlea fall from my trembljng wahdiii v ityettultoltirtjodstandsbare wblle tbe wlndldk tears from my eyes fall fast then i see oh my boy so fair why mother dear i hear bim say with the same sweet boyish kin twae for god asd for thee we came greater love bath no man than tbia fear not though he walk through deaths shadow deep a volco alls my soul with song if thy stttebee fall and tby threads grow weak his saviour will make them strong oh mother- heart of the world today torn bleeding crushed afraid for the child of the soul in yonr faroff trenoh trust tbyqod bo not dismayed two pierced hands with infinite love some famous battle cries maamalads forever peculiar slogan whloh scotch taolment- orig inated curing charge marmalade forever r this quaint battle cry originated from a certain scotch regiment during a chargo in the present war says london an swers stand the cumerons 1 is the roar of another regiment of tbe kilt ies and serves to corroborate the fact that as official reports have it the spirit of our troops is excel lent among others there u the gallant cry of stick it welsh 1 ottered ttf the late captain haggard which ha been an inspiration to mnny welsh barda ft is sj toteeall 5ht3apt wnkdffet- ecpurojjstttk tt menwjth the ttlant cry of come on the iwlccstrshirys lj fellon the held but the ttilcestorshtros did cotbo od with disastrous results to tho buns wo must fiot forget however that famor cry ijf lnmord i atfered by whole ooroinn regiments which jinisj perhaps eritourribca our jnerr bjoj thhn nn thni ortsuji amuilhi saturday treat exqitkn our baturony treat this woclt will oxcllo any ouo who is fond of kweots no umko it a point lo jjot your bluiro of this oxtraoiliuary value 70 ibn chocoliitti rcnutil cliibtcih a cluster or sweet small pea nuts covorcd with delicious chocolate worth soo per ii saturday treat price 29c weekend chocolates if wo did not mako onr own chocolates of course wo could nob soil suoh tfood onoh at sbo por lb we arc proud of our wookond chocolate mixture reg 40o lb wctkend special 29c lb t el mooreheao an0rr1nctqn manager aroiiatrfown 5b groat terna mheir wjtritjf bsids ipajneredfhqyblleitv i tommy lowered lils hnr wnng it 9 fie wuttcped tbjth the blooming word l wo ryuiir xol think ot when argorhg witw ffobby smith 1 rats march like sctjlthers rodents have little difficulty in find ing supply of food and adapt themselves to conditions will strengthen thy threads so frail by boy to bib god and yon holds tn sear mothers he will not fsill bauinifad too late for last iisue saturdays show storm helped the sleighing very much tbe annfhor mr james kirk wood made hu tup through this neighborhood last frlda mrs olivr marshall of elora has been spending the past week bere with her parents mr and mrs g 11 savers mias nellie lindsay of georgetown was the teacher at peacock sobool during tbe rent illness of miss m 8mltb tbe lias violet savers has returned borne regular teacher mlm violet say after spending a few reeks with her sitt er mr oliver marshall at elora a number of tbe young people from bere attended the danoe at llmehouse isst friday evening and report a good time mr and mrs e beswiok of aoton werej callers at mr t b vannatter otf monfw- mmsmmmmmmam the ready adaptability of rats to their surroundings is one of tho quali ties which has enabled thm to con quer the world r w nelson writes in the national oooirrnpliic magaslno on the approach of warm weather in summer large numbers of them leavo buildings and resort to fields on f ros or to the outskirts of the towns where the growing vogotatlon particu larly cultivated plants affords them ob abundant supply until tho approach of winter at tho beginning of cold weather they return again to tho shel ter of buildings where they find the harvested crope ready for tholr con sumption when the food supply suddenly de creases following n period of plenty during which tho rats have rroatly increased in numbers a migratory im- pnlso appears to affect the entire rat mbqlajlojlojerjnjafjr arena nnd a general migration takes plie at such times the rats are extraordinarily bold swimming rivers without lionltn- tlon and surmounting all other natu ral obstacles tho first invasion of eu rope whpn rnts swam tbe volga was an instance of this kind experi ments by the united states public health sorvlce bavo shown that when released in tho water of a hnrbor rats may swim ashore for a distance of 1600 yards tired nervous housfwife took vinot mow she is strong and well 0t wtf nerraks irritable no appetite could not sleep and was always tired so my house work was a great effort after many other medicines bad tailed vlnol built me up and made me strong i have a good appetite and sleep well every nervous weak ailing woman should try it mrs n edmunds iojp dwight way berkeley cal we ask every nervous weak run down ailing woman in this town to try this cod liver and iron tonic on r guarantee to return their money it fails to help them our if l v hourigan druggist also at tho h p ontario towns wuamuan vruuyibd oeorge town also at the best druggist la all bailiffs sale premium separator co john hluen aoo vb it m molntyro tho undcrelgnod will sell by publlo auction nt the overland oarage george town oh wednesday maroh 87th 1918 tbe following goods and ohattols belong- tob to tho dofondant 18 auto tiros now h do tiros used safe typewriter olootrio fan office desk and stool 8 usod autos a quantity of oil and axlo grease w ward bailiff one family doea its bit it is not vory often that these mem bers of one family take tho town by storm simultanoousl hut this soya tbe christian sdenca monitor is the record- of the geddesen ptmhandgs lord of tho british admiralty he hat dona a great many things nnd aston- ishod a vnst number of people slnca tmr war began his brother pi gamp- bell geddes la now tho bend of na tional recruiting on a civilian basis to be intrusted with the writing of a fresh charter in tho hlftory of recruit ing nt this stngo of tho proceeding is in itself tho highest testimony tn high qualities the third geddes tc win prominence is tho slctfr of thest two brothers mrs chalmers watson who after performing valuable serv ices in trance has now hecomo eom- mnndor in ehlef of tho now worooni anxtrlary army eerps ntiasjs ntrasbori will probably quite shortly run into six figures italys asrlal tramways beforo tho war the aerial tramway was utilized in various ports of the world for transporting materials across chusms uml up mountain sides but l romnlnoj for tho italians to adapt ii to tholr necessity of negotiating the shear heights in alpiao warfare ac cording to the national geographic magnslnn a young onglneer of milan is credited with having first suggested its present use but it soeros to have excooded in usefulness his wildest dreams few facts have been given out concerning the extent of the sys tem but when this war is over a thrill ing tnlo of engineering feats in its con traction will remain to be told clearing auction of farm stock implements the undersigned has bees instructed by george pollock to sell by public aunlion at lot 1 in lbs otb eon oslsdod on friday march 22 at 1 oclock the following horses l team heavy horses 1 car risce mare 3 yrs cows 1 durham cow fresh i dur- ham cow fresh 1 jersey cow 1 durham oow young oattlei1 durbsm beiferu jjwi -p- f i d oruel words but cant you glvo mo any encour agement at ullt askod the rejected suitor im afraid not replied the heart less beauty howoyer i dont mind tolling you that i have refused one or two men who plowed mo even less than you do if yon can get any com fort out of that yon are welcome to it a waiting attitude bare yon learned any of tbe new dances yetl ho replied the man who takes himself seriously ive been thlnkjnjr of trying the oblneie toddle but rm walunf to bear bow the political situ ation in onlno crystallises i dont be lieve in encouraging a country as long u it shows soonareblstlo tendencies bull 10 months 1 durham calf 8 months pigs 1 young sow bred peb 28 bheeii4 cotswold ewes suppot be in lamb fowl 4 geceei 15 bena 1 tnrke implements binder frost and- wood 0ft new 1 seed drill ooekahatt new 1 mower deeririg oft cot i borserske 1 farm wsgon set of harrows plough bay rsokjbuggyj culler bobsleigh llgbtbob- flelghf set double harness set single bar- mower sgon set of h uggyj eutfer i set double bai iohe wheelhai chains peck yokes doubletrees forks sboveii standard cream aeparaipr nsw brrelphoro80albwnn hot water lank 8 storm wit lidderi looglsdderi 2 string bells something new t s riokman gkonoirrown will buy anything you bave to soil and pays tbe highest price for live poult ry i can afford to pay a higher prise than others in ontario as i ship lo montreal pride from 20 to 80c lb any person having poultry to sell let me know and i can guarantee you better astisfaetlon ban you will get from anybody else i buy old bags with or without holes also rags robbers bottles old iron stoves second band olotbes bides and ins i pay a price that will surprise yon if you bave anything to sell mail me a card s rloeman georgetown po private residencenext door to 3 a bells ebop 2h74ip isprsyeridlscj all above implements are as good as new aiisotlty of galvanised iron pipe v mifluhi am thit sums offlooo and on- mc amount 8 months n approved joint notes plv iter rirjnumebfoasb a ihy uil i wood roh bau i can supply any quantity of good bard wood in m inch or any length dealr j j orders promptly brandford college ed aplit and delivered attended to 1 vr x27dtp hovmt tohint in olonwllliams iargo brlok houso and good ontbulldlngii about 8 acres of mi tvag for ontario the world demand for wheat in 1918 jnatlflon tho groatont posnlblo eff ort towards inoroasod produotlon tbo small ooreagon of fall wboat put in last fall will mean increased acreage in ontario availablo for spring whoal the ontario government is cooperating with tbo fanners in order to provldo seed it has purchased 80000 bushels of no 1 marquu spring wheat boed through tho seed branch of the federal department of agriculture mora will be pnrobasod if necessary to all needs distribution beod is sold only in 3 bushel bags carloads will bo laced at certain points in the provinoa whoro less than carload ordors can filled the purchasor paying local freight from ditch distributing point to his own station where formers clubs or other organizations bring in car load lots tho prlca at tholr local stations will bo tho samo an at distributing points where to buy purchases may be made el trior in tho warohouso at tho distributing polntb or orders may be placed with tbo nearest dibtrict repre sentative of the provincial department of agriculture or thoy may bo kent direct by mall to the markets branch department ot agrloulturo parliament buildings toronto pay in cash prlco is 274 per bushol at distributing points in all cases without exception cash must accompany ordor send remittance by marked cheok postal note post office or express raonoy order mado payable to ontario department of agriculture markets branch order early in tbe event of tho requirements of tho frovlnco bo- lng underestimated thoro may not bo onongh seed to go around it is advis- ablo in ordor to insure having tboirordors filled that puroliaxora should placo orders as soon as possible all ordors aro subject to continuation and will be tilled in tbo order reoelved as sood is dollvorod in 2bunhol bagx ordor should be for even number of bushels and no ordor tor loss than 3 bushels can bo acoepted names op distributors at local points will bo announced later distributing points at present doolded arc chatham london woodstock hamilton brampton st marys oshawa toronto port iiopo port lorry peterboro lindsay barrio oriuia newmarket llstowol orangorlllo allia- ton durham slmcoe wolland palgravo kemptvlllo uranlfoid w f strong ontario department of agrloulturo department of agriculture markets ilranob burlington ont parllamont buildings toronto jazz musi foe of bcues oops not consist as is qsnerally be ihived of lot of noise without rhyme or reason various descriptions of jazz music bavo from time to time appeared but nonu sihmii lo lilt tbe murk exactly says a connoisseur of this art tho common inipresulon is that it consists of a lot of peculiar nnd uolsy sounds without liiymo or reason this is not the case however it consists chiefly of syncopation peculiarly accentuated variations hy of the instruments improvisations hy others mingled with odd sound effects through all this the melody of tho selections rendered luhsf twalisdngmjeheble anfttimovr tin fta hdisesibattngytliq hfeoftjof he dhrtis bhistlng by thobxass ln slrifnent is entlraly urrrievessrjrir coutcaits bouyoon plnplsslmu and for tlssuiuo prrssrvfrcs shoulibe shown just as much d jazz music as tn the close- i another wrorip lrttrslinls that jsis orchestras mus consist aserv j vaifrf strnefitrwqrt tthls ajfols not mile caajq tlrevkrtlri lynlio conjet p linger lii ttitic qylebnah jnsft4- mint csh be used t ftuuda if 0r4lliaiy orariloririivjlilr liiiijyand aoubrtn6jnrppvd iihtsi to iiiaijf riex irro churajatsr to it wo nuwitwf- or mosflkris fljfaf cri jrfzprivrtk ivi sul1 jo jyp wji irt- t0- ciuiso rwlly ivtiultei kif riusl claris jvno diffst also ho enddwid with tho swlug orknol 6f porfufiulngjt ahliuuuh inuay of iticacctuud thea- ftr orrlieslnts nru cojtlirosed of gobd muslclnhh thoso wiv can jiiss are scar- on lib other hand many of tbo selfstyled jazz orchestras aro mls- rcprimmiulniih and cannot play tbo stiiilcliihslcs or ciiihs1c8 adiiualely some eannoi perform it properly and to offt thin iviiort to nolso and dis cord i litdtatloti thereof the per- cen of iniinjiliuis who can do jus tice to the elnsskh anil ulio play jazs is ciiiimiiurnily even small r this kind of urchvstra is exceedingly scarce jazz music is rhythmic and inspir ing it li dcclnrod thu best nntldito for tile blues milwaukee sentinel scril ktton coal in all sizes we have in stock a large amonnt 0 slabs in fourfoot lengtba snitable or hammer fuel ptiefl syodl proltois dnt- john ballantine 1 i poneso i- n svtjittiisfjlill5fc l axinpry the old reliable laundry 3 firstclass work guaranteed at 3 the lowest pricb shirts 10c j hob block asoaaarowa 4 great profit on steamers when you put your best efforts into a pie you wluli to be euro that tbe best flour le there too use our flour and you will never have cause to com plain that your skill has been wasted on poor material this la the best flour that the seience of milling ban turned out there can never be a better robert noble limited nstolrvaxj ointta1210 for infanta end children mothers know that genuine castoria counter check jtoks fdto the best counter to merchants and others who require same let us have your next order j m moore r heralcr office bracelet watches our stock is now at its very best a gift sure to please the recipient and to keep the giver in plea sant remembrance silver and strap 7 a is jewels 1500 and upwards gold filled 7 is jewels 11000 solid gold 15 jowelb 2000 solid oold 14k is jewel movement 250o soldiers watches with radium dial and hands in silver or nickelcase fitted with walthatn or swiss movement x a small deposit will secure any article for later delivery one vessel 8old for 2000000 more than it cost after being in serv- ico for kivo months sorun ldin of tho trcnuwirious nd- vniiiti in tho prlco at vcisil property and th fnhulmh ptlrci now h in pnltl for vessels hint can he boiiht is mliinvn in tliosiilo of the jctiiii steam er tidovnler hhleh has ehuned mvn- ershlp after rtiniiluy in the rnnt-onrry- loj triule to t liis port fnr less than five months says iho itiim tllnhe tho mi miller i t hllm li ii stiwvo ami was sm for moie thui sjtlnotioo a prullt of mi re ihon sjihhliini the tlleunter vm lnllt nt ho now york silitiiin ciiiiihiiivm ynnl cnniileti ami was completed early tlio present year tin vessel 3 eunsinieieil of steel is rwwh feet lonpr b52 foot heaiu and 10b feet depth of hold her not tonnage la 1iril and gross tonnnfce vjilo she was owned by cnstnor urrnn istillltt and was mexico an indlrn country it i of imihtrtiinco to inquire into tho nttuuiii mkrii hy tlio huuthcrn jmtlnntt of mexico toward tho ulclul siuininh clylllzniloii miys tho now re public if it is ffnult for mi out sider only nlljrhtly ncciunlntcil with tho hihiiiicrn iniinns to uiidiiktuihl tho reatonx for tholr runrkod tut i rod of tlio spmihinls ft soomn solf- illntt of imyono who luis spent nny thno vvlli iitcii to tho southern i- dlttni the sptmiiirtl nnd his successor tho spiiiiltjhhitcnklnir ilexlcnn is tho cruel ullcn omquoror tltoy fool tlint i hoy are inditns and unit mexico is nn ndlnn rounlry for inotiinro one ot tho oomrnon oljootions to mitdcro onoountered in onxnon wiih that ho wns not nn iwlnn nnd thnt the presi dent of mxien shuihl he tin imllnn tjii nttltudo is hluiilmennt hml it is not stntiifro lo find even u northern indlnii imco hticrln proudly ovehilm- ini vo ko iittllnno ctirnmnm luck of pitpuliirky h lie south is not no tiiiuh due to tho fnft that houthoru mexien is tho homo of olnz nn to tbo fact that nminzn in not nn indian r c nixon laeoroetown substantially made darness rkgjna pneumatjo cleaners for rental at 1 dollar per day a good assortment ot trunks unci valises agent or pnge ft7ice wire hepa1hino promptly done nixons harness repair shop and v fruir trees and plants for spring planting wp need no further introduction the fart thnt wo hnvo been in the nureery ttininesn pixtyone ytarp and are now prepared to meet exiting condiliona by offering our jiigh grade trees and plants direct to tho tubtoinure at rock bottom priech setul lor our illustrated circulars of hardy varieties which yon cod order dir ect and tave the ngents commibflod of which you ni th hem fit onr prices will he mire lo inteuft you nnd all stock is nbeolutely flrtt ciofs and true to nsme a b wilson main street next mcclbbon hotel t mukesc0 the best wall finish leads all other finishes its easy of application piece of fir 615 yesrs old tho fiiristry olll it iortlniiil ore ritilved from itn f the wnslilncton riinuors n sp i of dnultis fir known to he i yoars old the tree whin 121 i old fell to tho ground wiuto n o if troo took runt in the iii and irnw yndisturhod for 20 yours tlio cednr wns recently cut in to shingle holts and tlio specimen of llr win found in its root woodsmen enn toll nrruratcly tho nge of a troo hy tho nutnher of rings shown in tlio trunli utuiup when tl0 tree is felled tho fir specimen is sound and is thought to bo tho oldost of its kind in exlfilonco tiik ciis1 httiiks co ol t iilnrin ltd mmaiuimikd ibfi7 coliioltnk ont v next to beauty and sanitation ease of application is the strong factoi in favor of murhsco the tint card with the sample of the sixteen delicate tints is evidence of its beauty and you can readily understand that a clean tinted plaster is more sanitary than wall paper that muresco is easy to apply white muresco in bulk 9c a lb lb pkgs 50c so once we convince you a sale invariably results tinted muresco in 5 witchcraft qrlp moreeod to tliiwi who itnow of tho occupn- tloi of mnrihco hy tho ircncli nnd of ililf jtuit work in that country it in- j tioiiii mlrnnno thoro should still roiiinlu irmly tmplnntod in tho lives of tho poopln iho most persistent and rurtiliiotis forms of wltohcnifl por luiiiiy yiiirn iho lroiwh have rniloav- orcil to uproot the hollrif nnd to con- vii 1 tlio 010s who prncllio its ovll liiih lull tn ijlile uvnll today wltdt- ii ir lioilovoil iii nnd is practiced hi it won in ilnoloiit minos und that won ii iu my rlili 1 mil hi itnpt in a state oi neti ro wit by its inilueaoo loal agent wanted lor tloorttilnwn nnd district to fell lor the ojji kumaiiiu fontiiill nuiisenms siiulil lift of htocli for fall planting 1117 uml hprliik planting 1018 including ninny now vnrieiiou wicb we alone con trol hend for now illustrated cstnjogue slao agents prointitioii handsome free outfit exclusive territory liberal com missions stone and wellington the fontiiill nureorlea fstablielied 1837 toronto ontario insurance j t iv h atents 4avwanbl warion a marion 884 university 8j nontrssi fire i and accident georgetown j ontario mrs roe ocedar mops and polisb i bottle liquid veneer and l v dust cloth 50c while they last farmers attention let us quote you prices on sap buckets kettles maple syrup cans and other articles you toiay require for the maple syrup season e aftthonyl w lets scud you lilt herald iv 1 f arthur b castell tsf oouioi or mudo lonoos sajiseo ouoinusru mnamsus ohusoh omshtims tolllco rea insoy brsnen ejoopor tmmmmmmmmmmmmi the dl wre gos scranton coal the standard antlvaoite tbo dl w boranton in all aizos is tbo only hard ooal we carry a large stock now on hand also threshing and arrffthing ooal ooal bins opposite nor vol station phone 62t24 bell line watkins norval j a tbacy llei k townsbip ol eequeslng jlork llrd division court the lending klro we insurance ooa tpproaoriteil issuer ol marriage licenses offico tirstistft wert qsoruutowu 0 oilice hours wednesday sstar day afternoons igek saskabsaabaeas4lsbsksabkaaskeksttaabeasft sabsl mssjwsssimijgsiaiiatiemmiiaaahi

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