zt- n jwap ctfsjttptffj wjwrlmnv 5- v tf v i- f r n vff tyfirs yfiafc of tfttecitsatjoh wedneadasv mar istfc 1918 v i i m- i i a annuity- ar 135 iftpidr ik advance imeprgetpwn herald ft- a u 1ubl1mfw y fevery wwne8py evfcnljmo rtihj herald power pstntlnqcifktce georgetown qnt jhfmary- 4 antmlliny rtfi nvamnflutifl tr 1fa i v 7 j h mooris pubilbher jgal 8hilton wallbridqe dale barristers solicitors etc toronto and georgetown olflce kennedy li lock lo hoy dale in charge of george town ofllcq medical dr joseph moanmew physician and suroeon medical otncer or health district surgeon o t u oinee hours 2 to 4 nnd 7 to 8 p m phone 58 office and residence main treot south opposite preshyterlan church chiropractic no medicine surgery or osteopathy a m neil8en d c graduate of the palmer tho orl- fflrmt school of chiropractic daven port iowa u s a office over hourlaans drug store consultation nnd spinal analysis free tuesdays thursdays nnd satur day 2 to 5 and 7 to 8 p m phone 150a optical ll plant d o oph d eye specialist georgetown ollloo next to ubtnlyl phone ia9 for nppolntmont dental frank r wat80n d d 8 m d s dentist georgetown ont hours 9 i m to 5 fi m except thursday ifiernoon dontlntry in all ith hrnnrhow over bell telephone office f l heath l ds d d s dentist office in lane block one door north of onelua carriage factory ho urn a m to 6 p in auctioneers benj petch licensed auctioneer for haltnn nnd peel glenwllllnmft post office uicb conducted satisfactorily and at rea sonable rates orders left at the georifetown herald olllco will recelvo prompt attention jack80n and lee civil engineers and surveyors temple bldg brantford maj a m jackson it m lee mochnnlcal engineer etc olsdls ii o wynne kobeith water works engineer w c tllloy kvtflhtered architect a churn of thfc hu uncecorp mino cwhtojl mrvnji rbmlho a fbljjw ffithco prli tm x9xb eoi- frlenua it i with tei re jiret apd a most sympathetic heart thafl am cabled ulfon to vyrlto you a letter of this- aature but as a friend of yohir lute son i fed it ik no lass thnn mv duty to offer to- yeu notortlymv sympathy but the sympathy of alf the officers and men who have in nny way become nciuuinted with your buy i can assure you thnt he wits be loved by nil his comrades unil envied for his conscientious habits smart initiative and wonriciful spit it of bravery that all tendh to show his entire devotion to duty his only thought us for tho men under his cure and nothing watt too good for them hut in return ho demanded tho tiuat and confidence of every man tho sad news enme to me as n blow from a blacksmith hammer as i had not only been a mend of alexs but we had learned to love each other as brothers but wo must remember thnt god moves in a mysterious way and we are but poor weak earthly things whose entire destiny lies in the hands of tho god of all tho day has como whon we must all he prepared to do or die nnd if the latter is our lot it miiht be lomombered that by paying tlio supreme sacrifice wo are doing a jronter service thnn could possibly he done in any lifetime i will close my letter with the prayer that god will ho ory near to you all iu this darlt hour ajid that strength will bo given you to light the good flght ns our dear on lias dono i am yours in sympathy svl smith in lqvlng mommy of lnnpocorpornl alex mino who paid the supreme sauilhce thursday april 5th 1u1h ho was with us but a httlo while when he answered freedoms rail but by pleasant oleo and cheeiful km mo won love of cnrpiudex nil lie did his lut ifttc n irnn like alt c mi dliins lo tie died the dentil of it hero like the men of waterloo after month of weary ngntlng the good lorcl flld well dono taking hlh soul unto himself to a rest thut had been well won this was tho way ho left us without even saylnjc good bye hut his soul is at rest in heaven tn the realms of glory on high he pave his all for freedoms cnuse like christ on calvarys tree he died that tho hrltlwh empire should be fotevet free from his pnl pte sydney smith enughosclgavor ivovo of bur lington has ghon up ina law prac- tioo and all tlio briglit prohpoots that piehcntod tliomsplvos to him for tho position of a iirito in tho tank battalion vcanfcetllintf m ovomptiorjh tonpt lirifab about married nr fo tdag ydars w1l 9r j m j5w rid vlmnm n fnrilii tcj chairman tlunfcct kcnny eahk of hamilton increased production of wealth is tlio only ay in which tlio rcquironionthof tho nation can bo mot without oxeosmivo taxation for tho not dncado tho expansion of lojiiinato biminosb is ossontial and tho banlt of hamilton is prepared to oncourao it by tho judicious extension of cre dits georgetown branch o c mackay saturday treat t in complianco with tho food board wo aro using only one half of tho sugar we used last yoar this moans wo must use other goods this saturday wo offer you 70 lbs of fig caramels mode of figs cocoanut corn syrup and sugar this moans only25 lbs of sugar is imod in making this 75 lbsof candy help us savo sugar by buying our saturday treat rogloc saturday treat price 26o weekend chocolates this chocolate mixture oon tains poanut clusters joihoh fig caramels maple bordoux and mint gonohso nearly all tiie favorito fruit flavors and cream oontros rog 40c weekend special 33o t h moorehead that a change of ocflings has been evidenced dnripg the liast few days fnquefieoprovmce jfon otlyinr to be galled upon jo register ior- military service a proclamatioh to tlifs effect will bo issued shortly and it is understood will provide that tho men must register beforo juno 1 none of tho men will however bo actually called to tho colors befoio july tho proclamation will also apply to unmarried mon and wid- owors without rlnldien born sinco october 18 1897 tho military cross has boon presented to dr o b curbert of cinnpbellvilio ont father of cap tain c m carbert late of the 20th battalion nnd to mrs t e pntor- son llarley ont sister of the into lieut alva e metcalfe vote for the bylaw monday next mny 20th is the date set for the taking of tho voto on the corko woollen mill bylaw ijotoor property owner go to tho poll with die firm conviction tliat by supporting the h law he is as- sisling a worthy industry and in curring little if nnv risk mr coikn has made good in the past and he will do so again in tho future voto for tho bylaw and help build up your home tow n card of thanks wo hcrobj convoy to friends and neighbors our very sincere thanks for the ninny kindnesses anil hmii- pathy extended to us in our sad bereavement caused by the death of our beloved son ijnncocorp alex s mino while lighting for king and country in france on april oth 1018 mrand mrs cw mino born ruddy at west toronto on may 8rd i91h to mr and mrs john roddy a daughter applryaiid at glehwilliams on may oth 1018 to mr nnd mrs f w apployard a daughtor freda eahly on may 10th louhfomr and mis 8 a eail b01 poplar cresent saskatoon bask a son died cain at toronto general iiospi- t tal on thursday mnj 0th 1018 jainck cam aged 01 years and f months gtr tims table ooino east mail 048 am passenger 1100 am passenger 845 pm mail 028 pm passenger 880 pm goinq wkht mail 757 am mail 1005 iini passenger 201 pm passenger 585 pm mail 757 pm ooino north mail 767 am mail 680 pm ooino south mail 1006 am mail 740 pm toronto subnrban railway daily timjstablk am pm pm going east 810 224 040 going west 855 810 lh 8unday timktaulk am pan pm pm going east 1021 1220 845 010 going wost 1040 010 mr p p roid has returned to tho olon after a ploasant visit with his brother in texas two briok houses on guolph rood ohango hands mr sidney mokenzio of toronto has niuohjisod mr prod nears liouso and sirs john lioslie has purchased mr h h uoartwclls salos woro mado by j a willoughby and thompson minutes of hist meeting read nnd confirmed moved iy hnutoiv sebonded 1y hcnnedj tliftl thjj ollorwing oo- cdunts be paid a tost repairs 4 78 ii p lawson wood 0 00 w c anthony supphos 11 21 carried tho half early report of tho in spector was road by tlio chairman moved by thompson seconded by i u n tor that tho report of mr don- jos bo accepted carried moved by uuntei secondod by kennedy that mr green bo grant ed permission to presido at tho de partmental examinations at tho high school curried moved by thompson seconded by kennedy that the ifupply com- mftteo make arrangements with mr john mcdonald for the fuel supply for nevt winter carried tho board thon ttdjanruod georgetown motor clnb the annual meeting of the geo rgetown motor club was held on tuesdav may 7th m the public ijiluary the secretin v reported a mem bership of hurt live the financial statement was pre- scntcd showing a balance on band of so 10 also assets worth 5150 and all accounts paid except due the ontario motor ijeague it was decided to hold a club run and basket picnic of all mem bers and their families on thurs day afternoon june 18th to some place j to be selected tho officers weie elected as fol lows ttoiinrarj piesident dr a w nixon mtia president dr f r watson vice pies j a willoughby secy trcas f j bar her diroetois t j speight dr j it nixon l e flock win dowdy j ii bingham auditors w w roe b g arnold rood sign com mittee w w roe w mcmillan r c adams b g arnold presi dent secretary stewarttown everybody is gardening tho small boy is having the timo of his life fishing nnd catching chubs how about some now sidewalk this ciii wo lmo about four ears stut no labor money in the treasury at the special meeting of the hs- quoming council on saturday even ing last sergt 1 1 mis of the bank of hamilton staff was presented with agold chain and looket and private joe fry of glonwilliams with a gold watch each being handsomely engraved with tho name and no of battalion tlio roovo called tho men to attention and in a few well chosen words thanked them on behalf of tlio municipality for tho for tho patriotic spirit they had dis played in onlisting early in tho game and not waiting for conscription tio presentations woro mado by messrs bingham and stundish church news st georges and st ammns whitsunday next sunday being whitsunday holy communion will bo administorod in st georges at 11 am and in st albans glon williams at 0 am methodist romombor tho sunday school at ibrlo new timo next sunday morning will bo givon toa mothers sorvioa especially those having boys at tho front evening fathers tho helpful kind will our aubficrlbors who are til arrears kindly forwiird thotr subnarlp- folis to us at tholr earliest convent- onoo we sure need the money and bollove our patrons will do tholr port in helplnjr us roostitbllsh our busi ness rernomjibgr tho entertflnintent wb st ajbanspliurcholfcnwfllumwe twtfbridypvoiiilgjiay vt id r ipllyjoinv6to n favvvof tho- woollen vdjlts bylaw onbtonday next with tolntoqo and matches in- pronsed how in- ho world tiro wo going to keep lho homo fires burning whon a boy is recoivinga span king from his father he does nottfeel likeieiotttingthebiblotoxt thy rod aud thy stuff thoy comfort mo the tax of flfry per cent on an income of one million dollars a year seems pretty stoop but wed glad ly pay it to have tho income at a social gathering hold re cently in tho presbytorian church noival tho congregation present ed carl adams retiring choir lender with a most kindly worded addiosb and purso com a hall game camo to a sudden end at collego view last sunday evening wlion tho chief appeared on the scene another such game will cause apolico court chief roith last week appro- hendod two young men by tho iiiuno of woodcock for evading the military service act they woro taken to toronto by the military authorities the young fellows who were arrestee for stealing from the grand trunk appeared boforo magistrates lleartwell and near on monday they were let go on suspended sentence it just took 15 seconds for tho children to vacate the school whon chief hunter unexpectedly sound ed the fire alarm last monday it was a very cieditablo showing in deed and speaks well for tho train ing received from the staff thrwlay afternoon may 28rd will not le it half holiday with our meiehunts ns friday 24th is vic toria day customers please boar in mind tho provincial papor mills have been granted tho supply of ilydio they required tlioso lumping ashes on john st lire wan eel against dumping cans and papers with thom any disobeying the notice will bo prose cuted wo understand that tho upper canada college farm at norval will bo operated by farmerettes this summer wonder if the township will bo responsible if thoy got worr ied tho reason i nm always busy is w lion i do a job you can always depend on it my half soles go down the shank 2 inches further than other shoemakers put thom the novor spring off and you aro not walking on a lump ilavo just roeoivod a lot of good secondhand boots also now ones and will out tho price to a standstill j ronoy the gold hoot rex theatre fiiday tho wrath of lovo with virginia pearson and a 2 part tom mix comedy saturday spocial tho barrier by tiox bench music by tho misses mason of acton wodnosday salvation joan with dorothy kolly bobby con nolly and harry moray- episode 12 of tho fighting trail jr prof and mrs hutt and family have taken up their residence in town mr j j allon loft last wook on a business trip to tho wost mr and mrs miiler prentiss and little daughter spent sunday at mrs prentiss mr jambs curtiss of barrio spout monday in town mr and mrs wm whyto havo removed to toronto thoy wojo good citizens and we aro sorry to iobo thom roovo iloiirtwoll attondod tho good roads convention at hamil ton last thursday and friday mrs john watkins and miss watltins of toronto aro visiting in town