Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), May 15, 1918, p. 3

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iilx0f- me v -v- n 1 i w i otih ou8 at the front afcesur porb their fathers and mothers and wjvos bolievo in thorn and on- winnipeg travellers get chance to study hinterland naw ontarios imminm f colonlpatlon bansm of grt inursst tbt traveller oowedayi wants om- tblng mora than formal teat fpaca and the well caubtlabcd ervlee of the canadian northern towutcrn cariads fforde mmpl opport uulty for thought the imnenie nande of merchantable timber tbe untold wealth in water power and tbe ttftl iri cultural pmiibllltlee of northern ontario should be matttra of common knowledge to caoadlane modern trains of etondard end tourlit eleep ln care and coaebct leave toronto in btatloo at 1000 pm mondavi iqeadaye and ridayi c caoada i union btadbo at 1000 pm monday wfdnudayi and frldwi oonnaoifai at winntpif lor ail polsla la wfrttni canada for information lltcniiira tckt and rrvtttlon apply to d j matthkw drunbt oeorimown or wrlto oonoral pauenger dtrpart- diodi os kiag atiut bait toronto canadian northern u- ir ii i i i i i m- ybavelry woniarlis sot tin hoiself itgaurio her jrodgrdra or 6thtt missions of mercy the fatifier with his town ibybtjlper is- wnajhr hfsj ijabk to produce mos ftood thwhoayflrrigileyartj n loosening then pirrsosthng even thdse vho bori oply criticise and complain keop their months shut up foe very shahiaat such a time allwprthy people point tobrfghi signs knowing that q onn add physical strength and staying po wer to our men by our oonrago and hope new advcrtismenls wood tor sale r i hare a large quantity of wood suitable for summer fuel oat in 12 to 18 in lengths split and delivered apply j brantford college viow 4tp 50 reward 50 reward will bo paid to any person who will give suoh informal tion as will seouro the conviction of the porson or persons who cut and stole bolting from my saw mill tit georgetown botwoon saturday night may 4th and monday morn ing maysth fi p ijawson to trespasser any porson flailing shooting or otherwise trespassing on lots 18 14 9th lino will ho prosecuted dogs found running on ahovo lots will bo shot james mcdougall 2tp house to rent brick hoiiho in college viow possesion juno 5th apply dr mc andrew h to rent fraino house main st south possession juno 1st apply herald ohiico jerseys for sale one year old registered jersey bull some jersey hoifofs also ono holstoin hoifbr w a mccluro phono 0g r 6 georgetown 2t private sale i have the following which i of fer by private sale jewel rango heater dining room furnituro new parlor suite two bods with springs and a now leather rocker milton a ross main st sou 1 1 for sale voting horso also buggy and harness will bo sold reasonable jamob marchmont qlonwillinms egos for hatching oac brodso lay barred rocks 150 per sotting after may ib til 11 l hutt sons phono 102 ooorgotown tf land to rent ono or two acros in tho village of georgetown will mako good po- tatoo ground mrs munn guelph st cornor cemotory road to rent framo hon so on arlotta st hard and soft wator and olootrio light rent 0 por month apply miss gillies charles st 5 15 tf t in all oounlrlot aalt for our invbn- toits advisffiilwhlob will be out traa marion a marion km unlveraltv mantr4il r vy f- vr is- vsf i a a mtyrt rjelat awjra w ww v t r r 1 zwa vj 4 t rv rti k i th l iti m i ijv 1 when drastic jeguktidiis for tlieiiatibnin of ipoclcom0 intip effect and such an t order in council may beinade very early neit fall ybii will wish then that you had a crop of nice vegetables ready to take off your garden or nearby piece of vacant land that you could have cultivated if you had really wanted to well all we say is dont wait and wish if you have not yet decided to plant a vegetable garden make up your mind to do so now you will not regret it there is still lots of time potatoes and beans may be planted up to june 1st and these are the best substitutes for wheat and meat for good practical advice upon how to lay out and cultivate a vegetable garden write for a free copy of the booklet entitled a vegetable garden for every home this has been prepared by the ontario department of agriculture for the guidance of citizens who will respond to this call for increased production j mail i this coupon now organization of resources committee parliament buildingwtoronto i dear sirs please send roe a copy of your booklet a vegetable garden for every home i name i i f address organization of resources committee in cooperation with canada pood board directory first to guess at telephone numbers to rely on your memory or to consult old lists of telephone users means wrong numbers delays and general annoyance q sometimes it takes a littje longer to make sure of the number more often it is clear gain even as regards time j why not adopt the motto directory drat in telephoning the bell telephone go of canada chancps are that before long wo will all bo onting johnny cake and potatoes and glnil to got oin for it bogins to look aa if wo arotfo- ing to have a good many of our lux uries curtailed and what wo savo will have to go into war bonds well i dont knowbntwhat it will bo a good thing for ns all if wo hivvo to reduce most men worn eat ing too much anywuy ami making a god out of ones stomach isnt a good thing for individuals or na tions tho knowledge that loss food was helpinn to win tho war would porhaps brinjj it homo to somo people more than it liushcon brought home in tho past and how trivial anything wo aro nuked to do is in comparsion with tho heroic things the men in tho ironchosaro doing daily milium any im5h80n in canada failing to register on tho day sot apart by tho dominion govornmonl for tlio registration of evoryono botwoon 10 and 00 will oxposo liimsolf to serious ponaltios and disabilities ilo may bo fined or imprisoned or at tho discreation of tho court ho may bo both flnod nnd soirtoncod to imprisonment ilo will forfeit any right ho may othorwiso have had to voto at a dominion election ho will ho disentitle- to rccigvo any wages or salary to obtain board or lodging lit any hotol ros- t an rent or boarding house orto purchase a ticket for to travel up on any railroad or steamboat any person knowing him to ho uhrogir- torod who gives him bonrd or lodg ing or who sells him transportation oranyconductor captain purser or othor ollleor who knowing him to bo unrogistorod ponnlts him to pro- oood upon a jonrnoy will thereby rendor liimsolf liabloo boavy pon altios vote fop the woollen mill bylaw if you want the best quality fresu and cured meats at the lowest possible prices try clifford linham butcher our now cash and carry system makos our moats cheaper to you in clifford linham phone 196 main street wire fencing i havo just roooivod a ear of tho best wiro fonoing obtainable which i am prepared to soil at a most reasonable price let us fill your order 80 x oj plain auto tiros gua ranteed 8s00 miles reg 20 for 10 so also tubos etc thos e hewson norval ont i mtsi

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