Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), June 19, 1918, p. 1

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t the tviiirst ygar of publicalf ion herald 0tf iel8 ahrtifiswi4 liss ji the georgetown herald i published r vcftv vejcne8lar tvenln i- v t i v fterald rowehprintwoofpkss out georietown 7n subscription btp8 one rear jqi 6r 125 part in advance six molitfig 85 cflntsta ad vance hs uhdress- label shows the date vpur subcrltrmexpire 3 m- moore publisher st ge6rqes church rev wm burt lj h fuotor sunday service as follows matins 11 a m evensong 7 p m sunday school 946 a m in base ment holy communion lbt and 8rd sundays of each month at 11 a m legal shilton wallbridqe a dale barristers solicitors etc toronto and georgetown office kennedy block le roy dale in charge of oeorse- own office medical or joseph moandrew physioian and surgeon medical officer of health district surgeon o t r office hours 2 to 4 and 7 to 8 p m phone 58 office and residence main street south opposite pr church chiropractic no medieina surgery or osteopathy a m ne p c oraduate of the palmer the ori ginal school of chiropractic daven port iowa u s a office oyer hourigans drug store consultation and spinal analysis free tuesdays thursdays and satur days 2 to 5 and 7 to 8 p m phone 150a optical l l plant d o oph d eye 8peoiejlst georgetown ofllce next to library phone 100 for appointment dental frank r wat80n d d 8 m d s dentist georgetown ont 0 an m to 5 p except ftwtaary obbxetitia cmosoiajh- m 8 flp 9t htms yearsy qjtfmwna- bhrkufiij- vehfllf jof th late j6ha c licrttauih passed away lit fchelionie orherjragbrter mis b elolay op buwday june lath- deceased woe born at coit- hoarjf riaair bdinbugb scotlandi nov 29th 1826 she worried jphri o mobanjflqjjjjjo dibrv2 yearao t l846 united fjtateso4 years ago where she re sided until 6 years ago w she- came to tire with her daughter mrs b firilay deceased was a membor of the presbyterian chur ch she ib survived by three sons alexander of lee mobs j no c holyoke mass scott a george town and one daughter mrs e finlay georgetown another daughter died 8 years ago she al io leaves 18 grand children 7 great rand ohildron and 2 great great grand ohildren the funeral which was private took place from the home of her daughter mrs el finlay main st north on friday morning the ser vice being conduoted by rev b f cameron the pallbearers were grandsons biohard a edward and wallace finlay j j allen g m arnold and dr moandrow the remains were interred at holyoke mass church news knox chcbch sacrament of tho lo thursday afternoon dentistry in all its branches ovsr bell telephone offioe p l heath l d8 d d8 dentist office in lane block one door north of oneills carriage factory hours 0 a m to 6 p m j- auctioneers benj petch licensed auctioneer for hal ton and peel aienwllllama post office sates conducted satisfactorily and at rea sonable rates orders left at the georgetown herald office will receive prompt attention jackson and lee civil engineers and surveyors temple bldg brentford maj a m jackson r m lee mechanical engineer etc olsdl8 r o wynne roberts water works engineer w c tllley registered architect died mobsman in georgetown on thursday june 18th 1918 christina o mossman relict of the late john o mossman of holyoke mass aged 02 years 6 months 15 days in memoriam frnlay in loving memory of ed ward finlay who died june 18th 1912 wife and children supnor will be dispensed in knox church noxt sabbath morning procommunion service will be held on thursday evening at 8 o clock whon rev j c wilson of acton will preach the sacrament of baptism will be dispensed at this service the masons will wor ship with us next sabbath evening woddins beou a very pretty wedding took plaee last wednesday june 12th at the methodist parsonage norval when miss josephine broom of esques- ing township became the bride of mr stanley f price of trafalgar twnimico council met on mbday evening withfche reeve in the chair maiii- aerapresenvc6ok rnsn and bajv dibr- i f w- x mtfbbeet1g i igommuincatlbas were riiad frttrr lid boy pale grdndtrnnk by do- pujby minister of finance oijnaa- ion fobaohdafed rubber ocf sidney kendall toronto mr a campbell addressed cdiu- oil re assessment onfarm lodj mr j h ijane addressed coun- oil re opening of ditch on main and wesleyan sts this matter was laid over for a few days moved by bush seconded by cook that the resignation of le boy dole as town solicitor be ac cepted carried moved by cook seconded by bush that the following accounts be passed h marchment sts w 12 00 corke bylaw expenses 6 00 c w qrandy and e mo- connah auditors and expenses 55 00 carried on motion tit rush and cook a bylaw was read the necessary number of times and finally passed authorizing the beeve and trea surer to borrow 5000 for current expenses of the town moved by cook seconded by bush that constable beith be in structed to have tle parties who dumped a e in the park i military news flighkliejjt h j clark qa3lgd the ceremony was performed by the rev a s truoblood the bride was becomingly attired in a gown of japanese silk with ombtoi- dored silk ovorlace and was attend ed by her sisters misses florence and bertha mr lloyd brigton ably assisted tho groom after the ooremony the happy couple left for different points in west ern ontario on their return they will reside in trafalgar mail contract stead of throwing it over the bank romovo same at once or take ac tion to compel them to do so car ried council adjourned terra cotta we are sorry to learn that mr r mccauleyis on the sick list we hope soon tohear of his recovery rogers wo of toronto are shipping stove from their quarry on the mountain having received some large orders ptos clarenee tyonsr and wall- arte mcmillan were home from tor- gundtty with his corfsiriilr tbompsori cadet bdmondb bennett of baiatopn nwatiwohaiwkafic aionvcamp l with mr w4mrai7bbnttetc cadet ix mcnanght of bapid qity manitoba who is training at wycliffe college toropto for the royal air fbrce sptot sunday in town as a guostat the baptist parsonage gunner harvey wilson writing to the herald from france under date of may 28rd states that he is quite well but vory busy he re grets that there is no trout fishing in france but says the hunting is very good just at present previous to leaving home to go into training for overseas allen d reid eldest son of mr r w beid was presented with 60 in cash by his neighbors i pte bert pant writes his mother from somewhere in france under date of may 11th as follows my dear mother just a few lines hoping this finds you all in the best of health and as for myself i am fine and dandy going on well so tar we are having lovely weather here now i guess you will be hav- ing summer weather over there s n no doubt y will need r lojcal news hems ydruinlpotsntaoft a jjj- tow juty 26ss7 yfatotfprtnr- thpprtipolar v vbjn butbreatioanthramcrng isdmboattlesp peerisreportedand aumhe of animalsaave ded forsaletletytpnuvtp caulibowerandall varietfes otcab- fge plabtsfor s8jeatwh0bd- freysgueljih9fer 8tp there was a big crowd at the garden pacty at a gclaridges on the acton cross road last evening tho program was good the members of credit lodge af am will attend service in knox churchiext sunday evening the masonic choir will take part in the service the motor club will hold their postponed picnio at bockwood this thursday cars will line upon main st at 180 sharp every body welcome a full attendance of the mem bers of orion lodge ioof is requested on monday evenipg next june 24th be present as import- ant business demands your atten tion there were over 800 present at the dance holdby tho young peq- pie in mr b w beids new barn on friday evening last it was the event of the season and a most en joyable occasion for the young folk scaled tenders addressed to the postmastor oeneral will be receiv ed at ottawa until noon on friday the 20th july 1918 for tho convey ance of his majostys mailo on a proposed contract for four years thirtysix times a week on the route georgetown and railway station grand trunk from the postmaster generals pleasure printed notices containing furth er information as to conditions of proposed contract may be seen and blank forms of tender may be ob tained at the post offices of george town and at the office of the post offioe inspector toronto a sdtrebland post offioe inspector post office inspectors office to ronto june 14th 1918 saturday treat our home made assorted jellies are a great favorite with young and old and this saturday treat will cause quite a etir at our candy counters this saturday 100 pounds of our home made jellies assorted flavors regular 40o per pound s atnrday treat price 25o weekend chocolates 7ou must remember that when you our weeipend chocolates you bqy a food hot a luxury sugar and chocolate are great energy builders are you energetio bat more candy and keep alive regu lar 40o per pound weekend special 88o t h moorehead onto for the week end the halton briok co are busy shipping briok at present they have received the contract of sup plying the briok for the erection of the new acton shoe factory mr c whitney is getting his ma terial ready for the erection of his new barn good morning have you register ed yet 1 eh mr and mrs e marshall of lime- house aro spending a few days with their son mr w g marshall mrs geo marshall who spent a few days in toronto had the mis fortune to have her purse and 40 stolen while shopping by a piok pocket a number from here took in the garden party at ballinafad and re port a good time miss m parker of toronto spent a few days with mr and mrs e town- send we understand that miss baxen- dale has been engaged at the 10th line sohool for another yearat 700 miss baxendale has given splendid satisfaction in the sohool here t ohsrs itoengsgsn at a meeting of the publio sohool board last evening the teachers were reengaged for the ensuing term their salaries ore as follows prinoipal green 1225 miss ryan 780 harrison 706 langan 705 robertson 680 jenkins 850 arnold 650 roe 655 mr a b oastell singing 100 norval the result of the guessing com petition for the three silver cam- poin pullets and cockerels kindly donated by the misses howell to the womens patriotic league was announced last week at the sewing meeting held at the home of mrs louis laird the successful lady was miss amy clark of george town who guessed the correct num ber of eggs tjie flnanoial result amounted to 25 some nico weather after the severe winter you had i was going along a street here lost night i cannot tell you the name of the place and i met boy page to my groat surprise he still looks the same and wishes to be remembered to you he and i went on for a walk and we ran in to boat barber so i thought i was sure in luck meeting so many from home so we had a very nice time togethor for an hour or so i think they are coming to see me tonight i have heard from geo rge only once binoe we left eng- hnf t flnona vio is ok nr t mrs w mills of toronto visit ed friends in town last week mr w a f campbell of port hope was in town on monday mrs kerr left on friday last to visit her brother at cheyenne wyo mrs g lawson of guelph spent a couple of days with friends in town this week mrs gardiner of gait mrs scott and children of primrose are visit ing at mr h shermans rev mr burt has been confined to his room for the past few days with an attack of tonsiliti would hear tell of him i am go ing to write to him tonight i see some of our old 164th boys oocassionaly but it is only by chance that you run into these fol lows out here i have not seen fred mccartney or bill brent since but i am going to look up them and harry lewis the first opportunity i have well mother i hope you are get ting along alright and dont worry over me too much for i am quite al right here write soon best re gards to all and best love to you and jack bert presentation to mrs novias about 85 members of tho wo mans auxiliary mot at the home of mr and mrs a b castell on monday evening to say good bye to one of their members mrs a ne- vins and presented her with a handsome reading lamp and the following address dear mrs nevins we the members of st georges womans auxiliary have met with yon here this evening that we might have the opportunity of expressing to you our sincere regret at yonr de parture from georgetown you have for many years been a keen and interested worker in our wa and also in the churoh we shall all miss you very much we trust and pray that every success and blessing may attend you and your son in your new home and we take this opportunity of extending to you our best wishes in token of our esteem we ask you to accept this reading lamp and we hope yon may long bo spared to enjoy it signed on be half of st georges womans auxiliary a b b o e emma castell tress s beaunont s young h matthew mrs s young read the address while mrs s beaumont made the presentation refreshments were served and a most pleasant social evening was enjoyed by those pre sent a deficit is what youve got when you havent as much as if you bad just nothing miss agnes mcgraw and miss clara hinton of toronto spent tho weekend with mrs j j gib- bens mr and mrs l e fleok and daughters mildred and marie left for a motor trip to erie penn last saturday mrs finlay miss finlay and mr john finlay accompanied the re mains of mrs mossman mrs fin- lays mother to holyoke mass last friday major grant mr papst mrs lawson and miss margaret law- son were at listowel on saturday attending the funeral of mrs fra- ser of manitowaning daughter of mr j b grant of listowel miss helen oline who has been allotted an appointment by the on tario government employment bureau is leaving today for the ywca camp at vineland ontar io where she expects to do her bit during the next three weeks on the government farm whore to register citizens may register at any of the following places in george town town hall high sohool publio sohool publio library and the offioe of the coating mills a splendid fish market pattersons hook caught lake trout and white fish are having a big sale they are the choicest that can be procured are received direct from the lake twice a week t and are cheaper than other meats have a fish dinner and bny yonr fish at pattersons meat market bex theatre friday bought and paid for with an all star oast the screen telegram and a billie rhodes comedy saturday nearly married a goldwyn comedy drama with madge kennedy and a two part bennett oomedy wednesday episode 8 of the mystery ship with neva gerber and ben wilson watch for june caprice in a modern cinderella

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