r leading funeral di- if rector and embalmer w h wihsonji op i i v georgetown out it 11 h ml v it nil il n l go phone 64 j r died loiinhion 1 11 ksipiosillg oiltllcs dm luh dili 101h npi j illllmstllll lllhtl h mills i inns tin fnni ml xx ill tnlii plan 1 1 oin ills lilt ii killlmii i i sllll siiik oil tlnnsiliix ill 1 ml p 111 lull i mi tit in itieiiwxid iiitutiix il iii m lll m mil ill tftn- at tliii on julx cjii vnlhumj ftlcfjhiijiioti msv v j j- 7 the georgetown herald x uodinfrdibxfulx loili lms ljvihov ijif ilrixxi tjjp tyx w rulirmv if ii iiiv triowxupt flyf vom ciikjjpniiou job milit ho jxuiloiml imi vtr4ln4jittt oikfo so iitfixrt t w yifinolii i tlu ijiifi ii nlisljiin mi c its ll imbio uiij llivlkiii ltl 4i1 looin ujminlulj a lnht llnlo mho li noted xxltithoi iiofliit tolil uh limine xxeio id lime a iotik fiotu sijiii mof if so il hipioiii liniotpniink wuie now on tin lust liulf 4 tlio m and hum has brill no sign of thesiimmti 1 at no time linxo iii llcoil 100 lll to lolllolllllol tllllt tin- ml inn ihktill omptx cofhmln this month tlio hopli of cunnilii nio failed upon la make sonic kill mkuiuos in food thiil then mm he moio to send o olsons so fin except foi high pi i os w iiiim hud little to gium bio oei ho id tho interest cnna ilimih take in winning tho win bo cxemplilml in tlio position the tnke and thotxtonl of thou coin pluiiho with tho loijuost of cuna da s food hoiutl foi gioatei food mixing school report following w l he iublii si liool rt port lot lit month ol jutu ji iv to si 1 hon lr i iwion piss iij ki i tnoiitl 1 lit n hi ntllt paul i 1 k i or ll tit tu t ht nil tin rti 1 ul iiitit ton hulur si iii to ji i hon i ililh c tvt 1 bourns i isoti m mil mi don dil il in moot i nam mi k i ii im i iwhoii i iss i oumui linix oulton mi cut n ikihui lotil miulrd i ink inns i otlxs i onm tin t whit nut do i in m i nut m tinll llilloik i iii l hinjll llki oil i t hi tin i tititl di kson km in iislu u illu link i i ilrunlon 1 1 tri nnuis t iud m i oru h ill intuit ui i m in m i kimion mi rli i ihi i cnss kiilunoiul dtrolhv loulutd 1 t wis i and iii h to si iii lnv iioiohn hicl ht idl i dtii sliutni jink hull tntim wind i oilh jr1t1 ttt- sr it tinnrotblti7i men i i sp n s htrbirt c otitis ji in mi ki ti 1 claittin kin pans m i mi ni till stisu cftmiti and akx i rasi r i than walkon and llulmii ik nt 1 1 v 1 as mi rthur i vntlull mm i saxi r i tnond wliit mi t i lin tu i cook anil iinon cook doioth 1 ni nipt on toll t i in is ktithk n licanor htniull i ihiliiid minn 1 ostiandi r kn nt i in luintis j a mi h k illson da i am si ii to jr iii ion ixiia holm isali ii midtniin1 lain c nmron mirant coutts mitu lost t i tl tan kiiiiu is pass jai k i in is si ink odfri knili on clan i i shiui clan in i ualtus liihs imt inin lm htr ii ml iinsiii iij i ortfi kali norm in st in li i i ii i uh rson i i u i in i itonskill k jo ml n v iihii pain j uktluut all ji ii 1 st ii- mm link ilit k ss i i i nin njton pass kta lost muu link and id na j nkins t iial iniftt d j inn s d tiny wliiimit ru moiul i liiru cnil siapl ton n lor diitih i it tl spin h i ditli i r in is c 1 1 id itimsidt allan hakt r onion jink tis mv willis j in ml in juiii miibhm jin dobhu mhnt 1 i u hi ssn doblx i m ln st m k loid sain m ki il john xinistton jm mucins dotothv h ill inlnu stilla sit ihlliolim kit aihilil m ilr n i dar rush i kit dohhn i jl iiinitfton i ninin sim kins i n tl sunk ins ix inn r i and cn it sull intu k ll ii nokl ltullianl ji ii h to ji ii maiaui kuiintu it rl link i lor i tldir c harln i lamp ton in in lost how aid vint mtun iain lorn u ill v ioii t 1 1 tltli i du k i oisli i john i win i i im im man him nt si liojrll htxi mmiiitt kuinult ptaitkit hi in i ik iih ili i n ittillivanl pasi jm k ciinliton itinnitl vrnold jaik mi diiniiil mnjoil ililuuk mar kt illoujlib i tilth dims olaf sla ph ton niwniiiu 1 max jr i to sr i jiu it i oistti wilfrid mi uuli i lod colt si iv to 1st hook lion v ioii i hlair marion s at h rjttlili i n llnriii n c laudi ki nt in i ft in w jilt i mi in i c aim on jtan llilhs lilum lloan donald ii i inton dais ttn w i imm thok hariikon willie i orbi h ra milts 1 1 1 k ti 1 oi wit r lit ih it i lamil ton madt inn iivmii matilnu houskill mm orti mm ki nu rt i i tltln i tan ik vui jipkon ji iv to si ka omian il i n trout jt an hnlllvanl mjiiu i l itiaisln i thin i t ltd htikhii simtli ralph viinstion km hradli main toki i liui miiiik aithnr smith matuiio llillm k i tank i a iosi marfan t vk riht i linor 1 1 nor liiorffi i loan pi m harkt r ji pi to si iv w illutni knitf doi a ml donaltl i thih lmi ladk jit m jai k v am nornuin i iih r kotu 1 1 i anon llaioltl lost hid i ut kitthli in w ritfhi maiuiaiitn htknllilin c latent o 1 csln roli it ii ihik i iiiik s i hi on ainu r c ostian ililliaul mini lit it n un xx ro mt i nt rt i horn nholiju liiiiituih forinlin ttim hat a mark ul thtn natno apptuh to t onipuu lit town council coiiik i im i nt h ixloik on tikbiriiis eennik willi tin lleim 111 the linn unci iiiiiiiihihiiii pie moilt minuleh ol t ik two pi iuiih moi tings weie milliinil on hi med coniinuiik hlkins i ii iiiul fioin akkihtimt puniniihl sei tetai in 1 until o hhhokhtllpilt tut pioin i nil lnm i mills ieoi4elown mid fioni the ciinnihun win hospital fund mis canute asked the coiiik il in fl a ulbeit in fionl of 1km iohi leiue mux oil hx cook sconcll 1 speight that iii laxx no giant nig eemitioii to faun lands situa ti d within tno coipoiatiou to the cxuiiliif jhi1ioi thcil ansoss iiuf ijciium tfwi w notluuo uttfritb n ftilv im extjont ov attest 1ldlilf v ilfiriibt tlbrt f4 oflioj proihtlatii ij mow ioad ii ilrnt iind o oud uiue h ai 1 led moxed l flan lax sepoihun b coo that bx faxx no yijifjtuik evvv f ituul vitlun tlie coijoiiitioi lo uie vi tolrtvof inillstut tuouiwpstinioaci lveniiki- s pp not btniotuhd tip iwkfeaf itri iintujiii bv ktuih jih ink ixnd lire mooetiiou iw otlun liiujioiufk ijo flow npiid ji tjiml mio and liiiijlty passed null that the sli of the col poi atlon bx ut tn hod- thoi-otov- mt ntid moxiid b ooofi seondoil bj rush that mosuih ihoik stew nit anil ijivoii cook bo yanteit an ox toimion of fi iiioiitiis in ordoi to kot thou fill tol v coniplotodcarriod moxod bx ban lax seconded bx speight that the reoxe and cloik be autlrortxed to sign tuotbuchaigo of nioitgngo hold bx the villako of jeoikotoxxn akainst tlio fiutotx and sirht of ii t arnold sons of tho village of oeoigetown cai i led moxed bj battlax socondod bv speight that tho following ai counts bo passed hxdioelih tin town ball 1 ha light town hall r 10 d j matthew stamps foi xx aloi xx oi ks jt 00 schnuotondoif co pic lianng schedule foi 12 oai a debentures 10 00 h maichniont sts 27 00 xvatei xx oi ks 9 0 toionto ceneial hospital i bin ltx 20 2o ai i led hx rhh so bv ilxdio cook that the folloxxini ik counts be passed w bulhxant ho ins postmastei stamps s tx municipal assosiu lion j m ouss inspe tion w bulhxant 20 ins n bell flight mc donald a- willson sup plies a henix hoises c nli al eleitiii co sup plies hidro eleitiu conini supplies hydro blwtnr oomm poxxer foi ajnil w bullixant v his j m lass in spec tion clement mfg co supplies j t camei on oxpicss j m class inspei tion w btllixant h2 his j m mooie punting tin 1 101 moxed in baielax socondod by speight that xxe do noxx adjourn to moot at the next legiilm moot mg oi at tho call of the reow nil h d 9 00 4 00 00 1 rr 1 00 r jig 00 ir 10 71 00 142 05 900 90 10 ro 8 or 1 10 hi 51 7 8fi 1 in 9 to 1 no if ews topics of week i f iho iiollnt in fioni of he okt ii fin i ivli kn plniik union of to- lm porta nt fvents which have occurred dui ing the week j tli ilusy u orlilm hupiijiifn ure- fully mupiliml iiiul liit lnl hitiiriy mid atlrarllve hiihik for th lliulen of out ihr a tiollil hour h knjoyment kinln ilk ilin k k i lag ih in inn it i in in lln l il j l i il n kirik seek- ii is piphcntn 1 i ml the strike ivkunumday it liim been decided in finland to author keel un expel all hnslishmen hon dr belund expects to be in quebec within the next fortnight the chasseurs alpln spent a hup- py day ln hamilton and left for toledo pte o c crozler ka f of mono mills was instantly killed ln his flrst solo tllfcht at camp borden li col it iv patierson of paris ont kttajien isronioted brfiadlbr- inneiwl bnccevdtne brt qep seply tbgailiweheva crwp 1s revdrb- t in a pdiithtr pvdiulstnj a sleld eqinl icj jr greater uutn hat of the- past two years x p witrren ot r engtmcr wait crunlnil tb irokili- itear tjtuiurori when his eilelne reuvlnje tin track fell ovui upoji lilnt mra il wood totoii6 xvuvtof lieut woa o1tl tth om h who am a prisoner jajf ft jjrni4iiijr ln died irani uretirisy x h persia triidn ms beun purolyieo- by th ynf typaold anil typhus tiawci lxcmua 1jfllerilc ifnd tile hum ber of detlia has reached ten tune thjs jioiinal a umber lltjit lllmt j61in indjleld mv- dobald browjie 8oh of mr w b bijownet hour exportefr is repdrteu nussine afu6r a flight oyer the oei ulan lines in prance fair and medium crops can be ex pected in hunary thlbyearsnys an omilal hungailan rjeport frosts in march did great damage lo sumuu r cereau and guidon produce canadians in tho itoyal air force are to bo recorded ln a special cana dian section and given a distinctive badge but tbls will not affect their gtouping in squadrons of the raf serfl w b knight a toronto nftin who is a member of the camc is reported to have sur vived the disaster which overtook ihe canadian hospital ship uand overy cubtle and at least two other toronto people are known to have been on board thursday antl semitic outbreaks have oc curred in jaroslau and other oaliclan towns the number of motor cars report ed stolen in toronto during the first btx months ot 1918 is 365 one hundred cadets ot the royal air force are being sent to england for theii flying training joseph allen baker a member of the british parliament and a native of trenton onl died in england despite shortage of tonnage cana dian factories have increased their xx ill illlo 4 fr i il i ilii i o rloi k frl- liy hlillllrik alioill ti ilf of jlie elll- lilnvi i fi iiiikui i l ih all h ll lllv ilnllylmii nun ii has biniklh r ik ret nt pr4ipt ilv lu ii paik itev uro l4ii 1 1 in j hkmii for mor liini in of inrat s liools in loroiito died of htsil fuiliiio 1 h dominion itnilwu uoiud has iihkiisi in irunscon ttnentul neilboiimt oiunioility rales geo mcllkllll u promlik ul fur nlfure liiaxiiifaiturir at slratford dropped dead al tht nttl e of his com pany lt col hogg has tesigned ab po lice mukistriit of coboiug having been appointoo lo militut duty at kingston bunils ihe nixv poa ei we t several ucr ontario nfruws nd modlcirlu atv ulcutlntttl aiulxn those who- pmlshed when th li uiiovery castle was tyip lo d the itotuiy tub if luiiu tttttrnml iffl uijjuiiixrjdbl im gggrxibabbl grebbamrirnt51 imimnrmi rtlngstou the yjretn hiljils lite nixv poa ieslpili of tlieilynjild aiiu in tho west indua intw irutiit ltr- oil afr willie wiir tho aiihiiiiiii soldiois that ihieutenod lo hiiooi then olhceis if the hi end inlion xvas lediuod xxeio not taltiiik mile h of a cliiineo jliej niight haxn been shot but tlutts an eiihioi death cliiin slow stai x ation norval station the following is the school ic poit foi 8s no 2 clung foi the month of june names aie in oi del of meiit signifies ioifot attendance si iv phoebe mi dougall isa bo i witt kins klsie bud ti iv kicilii moms nellie llidlev nttu ilaitling lioslie young wilfied fjeslie hi ina campbell hugh clink waltei rullex ii rolxit andeison bessie campbell ijiiox haidinuwilma llidlex kied hauling 8t i ale andeison ijloxd leslie john bud donalil clink ai thin clink ji i nellie llaikoi k iloiaike llaiuocl kxolme young don aid campbell il allael llidlex hllon hind iu h minx andeison cool so pei joe llaikoi k m i hi i i tea hei c military news ilight rjieiitenanl william doin xille son of tjieut col and mis domxillo ol hamilton has gixvn his life loi tile cause wonllias lieon leioixed that the xoung ax mtoi 20 son is of age had i led in a kingston hospital as the lestilt of injiiiioh todixod in a ollision a gioup ol soldiois xxeio lol ling stoi ion loiinil tho table of a y m c a hut tho tin ii or n olonel nine mound 1 haxeat lionie he said a pel lalllosiuiko i saxod its life oiiio and tl seems lo leal ie it ono nigh t i was awakened bx mj xxifo who had henid a noise low lihtan h i gni pod my loxolxoi and stole doxx n hen id a htiuggle going on in tho dining loom imagine mj sm pi iho xx lion i saxv my lattlosnako with ins bodx tightly lound a bin glai and its tail out of iho xxtndnxx milling toi a polieoman b of guuds t 9 af arthur leavoy 16 years old of valleyfleld que was drowned off a wharf at kingston while chasing a rat finance commissioner bradshaw ln his annual lerjort for 1917 made a plea tor no further civic undertak ings by toronto city council under present financial conditions ninety per cent of the disabled soldiers returning to canada are making good some of thorn in new trades according to an address at the engineers club toronto the 0 or man club of chicago said to be the largest organization of the kind in the united states has chanc ed its name to the american unity club applications have been received rrom ten persons by the ontarlooov ernment in connection with its scheme to have thrashing gangs op erate throughout the province this season the 8ummer school for teachers now in session at the ontario agri cultural college has some four hun dred in attendance the largest nuiu- bei on record dr j p rankin ezm p for south pertti was fined 50 and coats for giving a man a prescription foi whiskey when ln the opinion of the court it was not needed lord robert cecil minister of blockade stated ln the house of commons yobterday that a permit had been granted the bishop of oz- ford to visit the united states a message of personal greeting from president wilson will be deliv ered to day by the american red cross to every american soldier and sailor in hospital in great britain friday a second big fire has occurred in kiev which destroyed buildings in an area five miles square the orand river railway has been permitted to increase its freight and passengor rates 15 per cent a fresh war credit of 15000 000- 000 marks to be covered by loans has been introduced in the reichstag the results of the man and wo man power registration senator rob- tson declares highly satisfactory one hundred thousand dollars damage was done by a fire at the st lawrence starch co plant at port credit cruwford vaughan former pre mier of south australia is to repre sent the commonwealth in the unit ed states the indian chiefs council of th six nations decided to make a regis tration of their own on the reserve near brantford norman lonsway is dead and geo macdonald dangerously injured as the result of an automobile accident near collingwood percy innls a former havelock boy has been recalled from his post in the navy to london to receive a decoration for sinking a submarine a general ccuirtmartlal was held for the qrst time ln canada dealing with the cases of seven soldiers who were charged with refusing to sub ject themselves to military discipline toronto colebratod independence day foi the urst time ln its history and mr james c obrien an old to ronto boy now assistant attorney tor illinois tuudo the principal address commends liitw an ahgdlih bell ty vurtk ii l yi djiy for a uiln uiiiji pjiiiei ipiha itlluu ttiilbe tlttr 4vf viltbln itt toionto rij- clkhd wwmvsor pj4mtftmkftnriu to tli toronto hidi aiieomi oyiilntu- mijpiju xuiedlbjs mr it btilc re- slgnoll a x di muitl bualiiuun or lie board of gialn ijiioei x aorh tented thai canadian vlh4u irf lu tit laised to if 3 plra1liv to the new pi fa ih the uiilieor- jtatts i some twenty lite or more teaching tlstern from itotuun citthollc con vents jn western ontario aie taking the sptlul couuh la agiittiuure nt qiielph for thflts tlnu a virtual r ituoiity in lonscrlp- tlon between t hu united stilus and canada will lonn into foil ehorlly whereby azmiuins in canada elig ible for service ill be siiuid and vice versa mtlxiim gen dietrii lis is in coniiiuind of the czechoslovak i loops nuv in con trol of vludlvmiok ninetem littndi d niiintnrs of the orange order uin nilid dlvliu service in st pauls oiniuli toromo col arthui iinili li is inxuid col roosevelt toio lo inland uud assist in securing reciults rit th ftont w gerald foi ihitly six yuts ln land itcveniit jtllii ul xxuiirloo died stlddinly oi liilil liuiibu murine plumlnis and plpilayers at two toronto shipbinliliiu plants have gone on strike in higher wages one hundred motorists wire held up on the toroulo hamilton highway and made to show ilieli military papers reports reachlnk london from dutch sources un to th eff rt that iho lat hul inn of lurky a assaa sinaied nt ll kin linn a the hnrty townsend township f inner who dis appeared ttvt wi ks ago xxuh found in a fence coi n i neai his home u s congihb settled the long standing contiovtisy over the oo- ernnienl guaranteed price of wheat by approving a prke or 2 40 the jesuit colltge at oiulph was raided on direct orders ftom gen mewburn sdlnistei of militia says rev k h palmer of ltiilph who priached ln toronto the amalgamated soi ii ly of en gineors bent un ultima mil demand ing a settlement of i hi si like at the russell motor car co ilinuiening a goneral strike in ins of a ipfusal a number of nieniliois of the city council favoi c oni il in i ion on ihe civic strike issue bill oljil to inning it undoi the pruvtuiuti of i indus iiiul disputes ad g n w tclt iiphcis have served an ultimatum ill inandlni the rein statement of ihe two mi n who were dismiss d by ihe company iionie time ago with a si i ike on wudmtiday as the alternailvr husiitv there was a not gain of 11 772 in the canadian kipcditlonaiy forcts during june most of the infantry units in the loronto mil limy district have been warned lo set nady foi oveiseas 7 he ontario railway and munici pal board is conducting an inquiry into the natural gits situation at chatham iho biisinhs section of the town of gialuuii out was wiped out by flu doing damage isilmated at 1700 000 ihe rood uoaid has arranged for a supply of fuiinu for feuding young chlldion during the hot summei months loionto bourd of control voted a 2 wai bonub to hist class firemen leieivlng 1 250 and the grade ln- ci ease to others j g holey clerk of the crown in chancery for ten years and in the ilvll servico for thirty five years has been superannuated an epidemic of spanish grippe has invuded switierland and is spread ing rapidly attacking particularly pet sons under 4 0 years of age the employes of the transporta tion motive power car and passen- gei departments of the grand trunk have been given increases of wages rev a c eddy and rev t h ibbotl lately of the hamilton metho dist conference have been ordained as deacons in the anglican church changes in the schobl curricula will be doferred until the ontario educational association can consider the revisions according to hon dr cody mrb lotltia layland wife of a soldier was drowned at centre island while attempting to rescue her four- yearold daughter who was also drowned henry johnson and robert robin son colorod soldiers from new york have been ciled for bravery while lighting with llieii units in a sector uf hit fionih front pi em lor lloyd george ln moving a resolution ln the house of com mons conn at ulutlng the king and quoen on their sliver wedding paid tribute to the manner ln which the king had need the war and its perils themensstore noui in w spi mil sun iiums nut hint to la desinil whin hindi in iis vii on m k is lianil liuiile isissessini a din nhilitx ii stxli ami llnisb st limping it dislinttlx is inn own pmilik t lit us biiilil wan in xx suit kt h lit mil lllllsll j 1 1 ii ii lit 4 i i llllgl 1111111 lo si lo t iioiii special mime iiiinn tnl im x blue and him i si i gi s xi mime good pi lies an going skx high m i liesc mateiiiils tint will hi h inula i in iinolhii month plan xom oitlii nnxx iindsaxi itioni x mens furvziabinga ncxx minnls m sdmis ol r inrivrtiyhxwtmjtiiif hiu it hxjixviii wi utir iitrrti llllujlltljv i iii v s t0 ityf 11111111 jltixl siftlliitsurw iiijih rtsadytoweax clotlilrag v imm ii full ninge tit inert s end lo xoit sluts odd pimk et hit hioi- fuipmse alt tlie latest hoxviiioh hi tin ll s i hhri w o irili muu hfmki lulu jnijts imbl as xy i jnnx hiind lihtiiikthi bjitiiilviiiiei i millar co georgetowiy phone 1526 11 lh class talloitlnci ani1 1ias kuitnihiilnds aginlsofor stkill llcnili isoh a co 4 ix4maiid cliiuieis ten out m itttrntn ml aixijiiliiiiifjffil h 8prat this teas with acco spray i ainonite of jlime i the king of bug killers sprayers 50o eureka glass tank sprayers 85c dr williams fly and insect destroyer mis pi pat ut win mmiaiilenl lo jnti htiihis mj i jnjtl iesttihestr6 vvjnit j isf- wil rwlj t l 4 vilimf l joldiztfeotaat muushfripl fli- ti ulxx4 mi used gal cans i2 18 gal 15p j 4 gal 5po wc anthoiw phone 40 oeorgetown ont ti saturday treat oon i sli iltug good lul hmii llotin made toflt jusl it i nrs a is siimint i l in h n y on i ki 0111 hilfet home pul in i tin box k litl on tight uid a will k cp ilrx iikiiki 1 iiih satuul x wt oil i u 100 ihs ol oin ii im xi ol peunul i oil itig vk hi saturday treat price 2bo weekend chocolates i itui iik in d i sh i u r i k fioni our own niith kitihin mmimikiii il pi nil mi id in mil hint inlur v out inoiu rtfinuliil it ou ui 11 t idisluil l mull i nod liitiuu no 11 ohh t h moorehead groceries a l oo ml loe inc 2 10c hoc and 50c 20i b0 cixstal sugai 11 lbs foi kmdei s poll and boanti 1 h foi btiing beans in tins log 12icfoi ijo xx ashing poxx dei 10 ii foi llapiix home soap 7c i foi welch sgiape juice poi bottli mill sli s gi ape juice iei hot tic itjispboiix x inogin loinoiiiulo oi iiiigiide bottle b0 hulk blik k tea poi lb 10c r0 lapan tea mi lb i0 f0 we haw on hand coaise mid lino salt in km pound hags and iii bin ids also dan salt in oil ixiiiihi bags t iimila i nod hoard i u ns- so h i27k counter check books we are how prepared lo furnish the beat counter check books made to merchants and others who require same let us have your next order j m moore herald georgetown reliably counsel on legal questions without cost the mortgage on my f e tom tim a m grandy the pure food store phone 75 esquelng ss mo 16 die follow ui ih tin i kijiifsin s o h ifpori for tin imtnth ol jimk jr l to si l hon i si ik i it ss iiinm hiik suit hut in nri htm sr iii injr 1 kniuili iiiinihini ho wiim slull hi i ilu- st oil sr ii to ji iii jak i iulsa l t ht kht ji ii o vi ii hon i i sim inn llrlt n rihl i la i i st otl iiimn kavmoiul conu ii j o sy i hon hlni h itrhl drat ojirlin iihh vihut st oit kov hum jrlriosi li jihw ihomphoii ntrma millar uu tit i situation wanted an unfin c ompaitit u pah uf liny uy wttk ajml hi iltiraltl lip il t 8 f oolloke of muhio i lotloix bnarland arthur b castell s clolrmabter proabrterlan oburoh otorgmtown teacher of piano or gan cornet violin and singing iiiilionlii in n braiuh 6 poi it i in of jo limwntm at mj tit mt mtuu st tttirkttoun or itt ptipilw hoin piawos tuned fiff 1 17 ittttiir wh s- no heat waylaid straight walls in the deep firepot of the sunshine furnace pre vent ashes from col lecting and absorbing the heat instead of allowing it to do its work in heating the home one of the feat ures that make the sunshine the kind of furnace you want for your home ago now i wih to tell the property mutt i have the mortgage renewed before i can make a tale or can i leave it to the pur chaser to make what ever arrangement he can with the mort gagee knotty legal points suh as this arte answered free of charge in lgal opinions and advice xvhich appears every saturday in gjjr ittail an tfmpirr it is safe to say that many hundreds of dollars have been saved to our readers in law costs by the sound and timely advice of edward meek ic c by whom the department is conducted the fact that mr meek is a lawyer of long experience standing high in his profession unquestionably assures that all questions sub milted to his judgment will be interpreted in strictest accordance with the law s4j 00 per annum ly mall ft 00 di 111 red order tlirouirli dialer local paper or dire t llll maii m i mllltl i lr illation dipt loriiiito fuel supply free to municipalities of the province of ontario fob sale bt j w kennedy m sunshine furnace london toronto montreal winnipeg saskatoon st john n b calgary hamilton edmonton vancouver a view lo the ttsnlwood loretli in ibe algonquin park vwing to the seriousness of the fuel situation v at the present time the government of ontario would urge upon all the farmers or others who may have wood lots to assist at this time by making provision for their fuel supply from such lots the government would also draw the attention of the vanousmunicipahties throughout theprovince to the necessity of taking some municipal action to secure fuel supply to this end the government has decided to issue to anv municipality in ontario a permit to cut fire wood in algonquin park or from r other crown lands free of charge for particulars as to localities conditions of cutting etc apply to g h ferguson minuter of land porou and mines parliament uuildingk toronto a youft stationery is the first intimation of your message with this thought in mind the discriminating correspondent in penning her thoughts upon a sheet of courcelette cloth note paper is certain she is beyond all criticism 50c per box and upward hourigans iwdt s- the best in drug store merchandise the finest in drug store service