if fes fim i tli rjy i jl ttl ffrj s v heiletter that never game youve heard ir i in- lellor unit never ramc the eyes that wntclioil tn uiin youve hcardithe olil excuses luino again and yet lupini ah many u soldier fur from i e many sml hour lin ipiit awaiting the letter lliul lil come the letter wax never soul homesick hein the trenches drear beside the held of hume awaited throughout hie ilni- r fear the letter that nevir i-ainn- alert at call of trump m- iliimi twas sorrow hisgriiit bent he knew hint letter would never come because twas neer nt np wpuridreeeiveillivllie moiist- countrys debt t criminal- notorious frenoh swindler responsi ble for development of molt fa- morn fighting airplane rtio moil successful hchlliir pinna in the world today in nithntif question tin spud it of ruurse- the mount of the lute tnpliilti oiiym- out who it will he reiiiolnbired connlcd for nl machines before ixlnu shot down inst september jin hchlnl thi- oermnn front line the most in- llcltnt pilots hi the ijiftiyolle drllle ntao use this machine the history of the spud is imirhlu it owes ith orlitln to artiuiiti tlener- liissln- a former silk merchant of ly ons who amassed a inrire fortune by n series of swindling operations in mho he proceeded to nk nnrnt of his rains into aviation establishing a huee flying field and factory near reims nnd engaging a brilliant younc en- giner nahjedjlecherenu the rewlt i wumhjoftbb lvpraili ninnowsate 1 t 4 1a1sa iw iaa cma yjtv behold mi by hjsgriiyi inusc his atvcngcjr is uetrtlv slit hj tvojcoiml- x- v cuwv- ca 4 j- th v riitlpv ifisnt tooifey msltdqvkp qtidisfcrriwdxyvvitpi vi fiis wpftrv lifcitrt ohik write hin nleitrwjnt v hxnrylore dcrtili sdjojl v tie i h jsre jits yoiinfillfe ix- ip ewilifill hiulast jeliours vitli iw r the ettjoi- hisiovetj onert l rrtbeklian in i toronto tteniat liokmble uiibbly by tb ninbcnines wtj- kfiiietlnn of the fusoltipe greatly trap- rlar tbe tectahcthiiv nvdlj etiait- tfiepln ivogae on irlieriiii aftery the njtwsl at xwf ioirimeuetonpihe jitjrnydliweinsjs i ot fioflni fif ttw eheriilu lrehi iehalumfl timtir0fo- sbrreie pou aevophtovir ilf ilnj tlirntviw iignln rliupctj qillie rfcemlytlt esbetoiitjfctvliirlvviii6t ch rtitve teipngh ntii ihtteforv neperttiishlnstnliil ntiittvy topk place a few jniiriftik htol-piiil- r merely nominal neurone mix lnipicd on aeoount of the rrent selmcis ioim ejvnse of french aviation rtfnflibcilby tbe dejfenrlnnt oil well in english t0wn7 undoubtedly fluid la there but from whence it came 8am to be matter of mystery polluted well wuter of long rtnndlnjc at the mnrket town of itaniaiy ihmii i eterborouifh england prompted on i ell owner to dig for the cause snys jin exchnnge he htrurk oil in short n r and crentwt a boom and a uiya- ttry another well alno yielded oil rtnnplojk from hoth avemclng fsoo fail tons a day sold on the hpot for 2 shillings the gnlloii nnd burned in itunbn like ordinary hlumlnamng oil rneculators jumped st tlie flml rath er cautiously they inrkfrt the sport ing spirit of knnjhh htiil oklahoma boomer one ventured a ft note for share in a well nnd hnkod 1mn for ms interest next morning nothing doing the game wasnt ripe enough for plungers ofhelal testn of the oil deepened the mystery they showed tlie oil wan nl- rendy refined currying a npctn grnv- lty of ro which ih the grtivlty of re- tlned oil one of the temtors whose oplnlou wiin floiud olttrtxl a bet of 600 that the oil wuh nut natural oil no takers the present einliinlon sems to he that the oil is due to itpknge from some unknown source there are no oil tanks in itnnwey or peterborough town and the inures of ths lenk if such it is must be nt a g renter dis tance lucky well owner are not wor- rylng about the uninre with all the seal of gold dlgur they stick to the pumps and rnkc hi the niiiuiuun frmu ger buyer i4 rtuidy control your own kitchen ringing mesuge addressed to the women of american by one of their besjknewn writers the wolllctiftwn womans hume mnrenret delnnd wrltir anya in the compnnlon thla is a hrnve world just now nnd it shames ns to admit even to ourselves how we hnto to fnee anme domestic guns we hnte to nek nliotit leftover dropped cbkb and mill mnre do we mink the going hack to ihi- good sense of mothers nn grmwl mothers and do our own ordering there is however one tiling tlmi would help na poor hompkeir immensely namely a community ef fort if groups of women hie wnui ens clubs the women of a purnri the women of n street would get logelhor nnd pledge each other their moral rap port the domestic altuntlon would tie immensely helped we would cense to keep wriglcvs in mind as the ongest- astine confection you can buy send it to the boys at the front tvtkv another sad sihe of war mrny m n win hjive won hononi hnn lor t t i nrndrs and f eel lar1 of ctnpavnhip i in sin fyjrmlr i- lu iii mm i ii i liniiilid fet j- il -j- i luhkeinaiiitiiliiile reh 2e jur -ll- a i ihjj vr m frm lrhhh tt 5t rr i meuntts nii imtu ii 2f i hislfihily i- i rr i ion iul lwmoftr- mier n li tv i uluilemt lei- h aili l tsiiiii vttitipirim avstiswav 7 ror jrtors ceou uu iikfir w ibily li id ii viiiw u i jiiiliov j a 5cent packajfe of wwclevs h gve you several daysnjpyment its an investment ih benefit as- well- as pleasure or it helps reeth breath appetite digestion chew it after euefty meiil the flavour lnsfs sealed tlcht kept rlcl i l l lutll m jfiut iiliiplrilas trf jijiil sfini r joijiji ijiio in the v viiydvivj twvl lo i itiihihii nit tio tniw jtiid jnj whl l ifilrlop ji irl j vvimv ji jrpvono vtimiojii vvltii otj or wjliivi rhfiviiiiivu v lifllftintif irhnld j ritlj piirlkaiiir noldltir ajnurii t t limxr v ift evev kcx hnincli 1jn volrtgl baoi yiituvsjrtiiiahili the ldsiir ninilnirme we clnt iifrsnys- imti t tlfls ibtllluk 1iilne its ume roil it guts yijit in rlie long run there is only one iimiroi iiivortulitnl runipany left besides myielf londonmitll m 11 kinds of iunk mmmt if i iv llfa of man with rcpect to calls at first he is a rhlm nnd is taken to call by bis mother nnd li just slta on a ehnlr itnt sometimes in ihnt family there is another child it may be a boy child or a girl child nnd so presently ha finds a lltil plnymnte and begins to play until his mother decides it it time the mil was over and she tabes him homo then lio grows older ha makes en hi all liv hlrn- self and so impressed is he being at the impressionable age lr the sn ms- faction derived from certnln of these calls that he marries the rmtng wom- ao god willing and sinkes the call permnnont after that hli wife takes him to call and he tusl slta on n chair but it sometimes happen even as whea he wns s child that he finds a little plsymate sril then when all is well and he has quite forgotten hat be la ranking a nil ms wife de cides it is time hist ih cull ih o er and she fakes lilm lioiui- jvutu the march atlantic he bullied by our kitchens once lt mary renllre that not onlv mrs a is mean nnd mrs b snoops nrollilil in the refrigerator nnd mrs c gltes ye a cnlldown about yer potato par ings but that the whole alphabet of housekeepers will net permit ivmte mary too and all her kind will hq nllv fall into line i ton know the fable of the old mnn and his sons and the stlckn the single stick was easily broken tlie single housekeeper is ensllv cowe1 the fagot is unbreakable if we wmn- en all together insist upon a iniiml social economical course our kitchiias will join us coal jhe best s cranio n coal tn u sizes portias feng fjlour feed peovawns john ballantine gorgmirvn phone 30 turkey takea canaut for the tlrst time in the history of turkey snys an amsterdam dispatch n complete census of the whole empire i to he taken a german statistician has been appointed to superintend the preliminary formalities the turkish newspaper sabah aays v are ihe only nation in europe not excluding even the balkan states which po- sesscs no official statistics of onr popu lation the estimated population of i turkey before the war was roiinlit y i 21010000 of which toooooo were turks 0000000 arabs 1800000 ar- i menlans 1600 000 greeks limmuxm i kurds and the remainder prinea jews and the smaller tribes the turk- i isli newspapers have recently slimvn some anxiety ns to the large decrfime in population lately caused by the wiir and tlie prevalence of dlaense nnd hnve urged the government to take steps to decrease mortality nnd increase the birth rate -r- if- a- lively wedding fertlvltles wedding festivities were lurned tn rioting in natal the oilier ilny the daughter of a native chief luid been mnrrled to number chief snlilndl after the wedding a dunce took place about a hundred yards from the kranl suhnndl hnvlng made lilu speech of thanks he inquired as to ihe appear ance of an nrmy under the hrlde groom which hud not been present nt the ceremony the party began to move off and some throw stones nt the apecfnors a melee ensued some of the speetntors taking refuge in the kmnl up to this time no unrogtils had been noticed however ngnnyanit one of mtijiris men wiih stubbed with on ivscgul behind the right shoul der nnd killed other ciihuiiltles were stnhs and injuries to the bend and sustained hy seven nutlvuh all scrl otta hut none fatal up to in present as n result of the affray nliout 400 natives will probably he charged greatest in the world the new york connecting rallnny bridge which is better knnwn n ihe hell gate bridge with its three rnlles of ideriitml approaches constitute one of the greolest engineering projects of ihe world overshadowed only by its import 11 nee ns n trade route ami public utility for passenger and freliiht truf fle it is the worlds heaviest bridge of steel arch construction aerainmodnt- lug four tracks tt is ready to hear the live loud of 12 tons per linear foot while sustaining 2fl tons of mructnre per linear foot it is ralculnted tlmt this live loud may he llkeped to the weight of 4 of the biggest and henv- lest of modern locomotives in motion georgetown cre wr pny t itp hikiicm mnr kei t rrr open mon li w lines 11 iii i s il nrill llkln t 1 ii y m im mi 111- isl 12 it l iiiiim hill i il p- poultry we live will iii ckke oil i nl clio o ii hicli nil c i 1 1 iii i lll l georgetown cream m saxe manager iliileileesi wp fee ll fejl- 8ja -l- xi sffiijvii fef ffv fciii- av pptatoes for ducks ducka na well a imputim must eat substitutes 4 small potatoes inn small in fact for thu furinor to have pulil nny atten tion to ordinarily are wild to have solved the problem when mixed with carrots and other niutirliilit minus whont no wheat is tn be used for duck feeding said w b ayer oregon food administrator substitutes must be found and i am told thnt patriotic owners of duck lakes have discovered a romody nnd huvv npplleil it they are paying high prices for small po tatoes which in former days would pot have been dug ut all these thoy nre mixing with other mnlerlnls and the ducks are thriving on lliem doing his bit were saving fuel remarked tho lady f just left my hiudmnil stamp ing on the flnor to keep ills feet wavtn-r- vthrlft stiinips eh7 wild her wng- glsh friend safety zona teeth frozen this nil happened when zero wintri er prevailed and the vlcilin was clif ford allhiimk county lecnrder of clark enmity when he woke up one of those ll iiiiinlngs his teeth were cettalnly not chartering with fold he snys for they were frosen lljrht nnl he rnnlil not move them until ihey lm1 been tlniwcd out you- see he plnce1 tbein in n glass of water nnd ihe mi ter mis a solid cuke of lue-liidliiiiitp- plccsdllly again it was nt pozleres that an officer of the h s hud an amusing experi ence he was working ulong a roin- miinlcntloh trench with u party of bombers when he met a regular pro cession of undies nil holding tludr bunds well up and led by one who carried an enormous clgnrhnx over his head tho british olllrer su- iwcted some sort of foul piny ot course the doolies hnve piiiyed so many dirty trloks thit the follow whipped open the big box and shelv ed it had nothing n it but junes anil explained as well as ho could hint it was hy way of being a sort of pro- pltllory nlterlng ho wound up hy suylngt this war no good no court ut all sir piccadilly again soou now air i mniitroal herald children cry for fletchers the kind you have always bought tmd which has been in use for over thirty years hns borne the denature of nnd hus been riiirto iuuei liis per sonal bupervilim ciace itr iufuncy allow no one to tlceelvc you in tliis all counterfeits imltatloni and jublosgooti are but experiments thnt trifle with- and eiiduntr th lienlth of infants and children experience nniitst experiment what is castors a castorla is a harmless substituto for cnstor 0ti parekiiric drops and soothing syrups it is pleaunut it contains neither opium morphine nor other narcotic rtibrtaiire its age is its giuiruntee for more than t hi try yeors it has been in constant use for tho relief of const iputiun rimulency wind colic and diarrhoea nllaylng feverishnett arising therefrom and by regtilatlng tho stopinch and howils niiis the assimilation of food kiviii iictyhy and itttturiil sluep the childrens panacea xho mollieie friend genuine castor i a always bears the signature of we rise to was nor a in always been n friend of the hlillicil nt in to a hum liiwn ii hired n mm- of j fiom in- hurrlcii him to swnlloiv n vl other way riniinl it ln t rlli nnd biiih kiieiv it mill he imnle it si hot tor the uhnlc thnt the hitter speivcil lil oui lt n nllh cliy fr hl own safely he felttned rrieiilni flint delivered the iiiehsiige lih which hu had been in trusted however ever since thnt time the soic of the nhot have had it 111 fur the iihiih nnd at inst the time i get even today uhiile stctil is being sold in greai iiiiniiililes at the i inch t shops ii chenp meat nnd t nliimst as good as million or vcnl tnlie n ubnle steak half nil inch llilck ilroi it it hnlllii water for a minute adding u pinch of soda mien lube it out nnd place it in n hot greased pan senr it quickly on both sides fry ii for three minutes add lint- tcr pei per mid suit and you have n dish fli for a king verily the sins of the vhalcs are vlsllcl upon their mill- llrell commanding rsspeot are you going to town in your working clotlios v exclaimed farmer cnrntpshoiif wife thats wluit i- am whnen i walk np high street i dont want to be pennnt bread n 8uccoso a baking cointiiiiiy in inlnsvllle fin working in rnopernlbm with n f wllllniiisini n chemist ot thnt city lias put peanut i read upon the market mill is securing wide dlitrlhlljliil for it in ihit locality the peanut flour used is mitde from peanut calm left after oil evtracilon it contains n sal isfnciory pieenlaire of fat and is said to have iiiiiimii mi ihe nitrogenous food value of dried beef m per cent for peiiuin hour ngnliiht 21 per cent for dried beef onelift h pennnt hour to fourllfths whiil ihiiir prolues a hiilnnced ni- tlini supplying essnry liigredlents furnished hy bread nnd meat in human diet peanut tloiir is said to he read ily digestible wholesome and palnt- iille nnd ihe llorlda concern believes ii will he able to market if ntn price below unit of limit flour pound for pound ctory first giuss at telephone numbers to rely on your memory or to consult old of telephone users means wrong i i hers delays and general annoyance j sometimes it takes a little longer to make sure of the number more often it is clear gain even as regards time j why not adopt the motto directory first in telephoning the bell telephone co of canada- ilium nii mini ni nnnri niniii tni tr iin 1 1 iiiti-iitiiititiiipi- n tin tijjiiiiniiiiiiriiiiiriiijiiirrtiitffriiiiiirnnnniirrrtriniiiiiiinffiiji rrnn in use for over 30 years tho kind you have always bought thi okntauh qompanv n ww voww oitv yk vv mvi lv lets send you the herald s w advance yd a thing of beauty the plunis of hie ust rich is like noth ing else in nntiire the nearest i nihluiico is tn he found in ml ephemeral thingthe fnnm of s break ing wave it must he unthinkable ages since tho wings of this bird sub- served nny use hut list of beauty their function lu the mnttsr of cov ering the eggs during incubation is unite secondnry and could easily be dispensed with the perfectly ovan hiiihs nre aolt us gossamer and con trary to tho rule uinong birds that fly iptlle disconnected and independent one of the other the qutllh from their point or emergence from the socket hi increasingly flexible arid lithe the plumes convey suggutlnnsof ltura- rlnpt ductility nf erfnimless grnon of siiiiipliiriiisriohh and nimvn all of pur- uywilhuiu 0 fcouiiy in atlanuc t jmbuck butcher alwiy l4hit ii cholou sltwtlt of tho llot iuoomiibli lu fiosh mill suit moult lvhioh ii ho up ut tho iiowes possible prices get the best good flour is absoitjteir nece88aby to pro duce tho best in bread and pastry the noble brands are the superior flour of today try them robert noble limited nerval ontario 1 out ate gash and carry crrocery snow drift lour 2jii lui best imhtlvfinm 24lli ling liiptons liliult leu iee pklf 1 ll for iicmii piiiiies h iiih sliiellel coconniit ei lb llolletloiitn 4 lbs tel ris out inciil ciiwkeiv i hi- ki- pkg rm- silver ciohk klnicli 2 plo im oiunkeinaimiiliiile 2- meljiirimim nnii inituiii lb i 10 si j- 17c 2le 27e i 25c 1 lc i i 2lo i r 2l a a all sihtenim ilei- jirtfiiis cikou jjli kii1tij niftii iiiikeii vlrr- ne ip help for farmers for haying and harvest hundreds of men itre available to as sist in harvestim in halloo and iniinv are experienced in fanning tho ontario government and el bur ng olielis have looked up these men and ihe municipal council have aphiinled regfiu- irars to whom fanners can apply to for help farmers should avail inemselvcs of this assistance where help is needed farmers ciin lllc their applicalioii- willi any of the following halloo ugsli io- k lcgah oakvillci chns hall trafnlgar po- j f kichardson milloii w f strong rurlipgoil j w cricr mitloai c w uratidy georgctownt t j- rw acton i kmweminir pi mnihall holinos cnniphellvillc men in- boys willing to assist on fhnn can also register with urn of the a hove regislrars only do so at imce those wishing tn wrile direct inav do so to ontario kniployinvii hiiieaii sv king st wci toronto 6261l the kicat gram champion wild modal hackney stallion spartan 509 120s daiai enrollment no 1127 apnrovoa form a 1 first prize nnd twice champion nt toronto first priice champion nnd gold medal at ottawa 191u first prize at ottawa provincial wintev fair in 1914 first prize in hnrnesr for high stepping stallion at toronto national exhibition 1914 first at ottawa provincial winter pair in 1910 also oram champion and oold mcdnl 1010 first prize in harness for high stepping at toronto national ex hibition 1910 first prize and grand clinmpion at central can- tula exhibition ottawa 1910 also first prize and gold medal and grand champion at ottawa east ern ontario live stock show 1910 first prize at ottawa wintor fair 1917 first in high stepping class tit c n e 1917 and first and gold modal at winter fair gtiolph he established a record at the tor onto exhibition last year when his oolts won 17 firsts out of 24 entries will make tho season of 1918 as follows tuesday will leavb his own triab le lot hi centre road nnd pro ceed to georgetown for night nnd until wednesday noon wednesday niglitfrnnltlins fnrm hornby thursday his own stable friday nightdoyles hnlclclnire- ville sntiirday queens hotel brnptp- ton for noon and remain until 0 oclock thence iii his own stable for night and iipfil the following tuesday the pboye route will he continued thioiiuhout tlip mpftspu hfillh ami vpiitltcr iernittiiig jamkh tirt owner new myermnienls for ialv purlmm hull 15 monlhn old ply ti hlwmiil miiik iim 17 von 6 lvkiiumiiff imumr hie u if xl horse for 8aje good work lioihi io i snip price nuihoiinlile apply nl herald of- llpe tf ihlvlnu tor aie ink nioc in urinal cpnilllion inii die ukvii nii afriiiil of aiiiesi iilso a ilpp- hlc iwiiscntcil surrey neaih paw apply iii llcarhl oihcr 7mli to rhnt friiino llonso on arietta si ii n id nnd koii water and clottrip jight lulit fe0 pniiiiontli apply missoilunrf clmrles st 6 1b iiqit on sunday juno ifltlt on the 5th line between james drams and ii 13 smiths ladys blnek loatlier linnd bapontninlngasiini of monoy and a number of othor ftitlolos klftfltv kltidly leave at herald oftlfibnni rncelve iewnii oipvf ri 5 s-7wfxl- e- v vvif h k vsmtmmsximwiimamiito v-r- rn o r n