Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), July 17, 1918, p. 3

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mmmmobi imoommmroal rrrmtrnnm il ibi brmrraru matthews drug store special in summer reading rpprintx of popular fiction sold this week city nt crc mid 50 cents homo roc tloq popular piiht ktlilioiih regular 12 i thp ijitt 34mtzie djmatthew ijktiasiind statjonbliy j si ibjmjj i imriiiil 18 trtnttitfe ibc mews ite v vdrinhhiejn sriuek july 1mj27 t beafljv jyuyfioiiv ifilvcirts- uioril this vifcok 4w a barley diiepts your at- tention totiit advprtifuaent lit tliiu issue a potato blight is reported to have struck several of the hardens in town mr jack willoughby landed u biff one at his trout ponds at spring brook farm last friday evening the knitting afternoon will he held this friday on the lawns of mrs oliver mckay and miss pierce have your cleaning and press ing done by brill co hatisfac- tion guaranteed the remains of jane croamor widow of the late win b jackson were interred in greenwood ceme tery this afternoon judge elliot is hearing the ap peals of messrs arnold bullantine and mccanndh against thenassess ments at the town hall today l a most sucessful garden party was held on thebeautifulandspaci- ou ground of mr w newton personals at limehouse last week every person should attend the garden party on the methodist oh n rob grounds at glonwilliams this friday evening 19th coll up hourigans drug store for appointment with miss mar shall beauty specialist no cost to you quite naturally little johnnie prefers of all tho parables taught at sunday sohool the one where somebody loafs and fishes watch for special announce inentnext week of attract at the drummers snook the ovont this yeor will eclipse anything in the past history of the club it naturally makes an angry man feel worse when he wonts to slam the door to show his wife how he feels and then discovers that it closes with a selfclosing spring some women look pretty in anything but we defy the most adorable of them to make a pair pf overalls appear attractive by wear ing them councillor bushs suggestion to procure a few seats to be placed under the shade trees at the pub lic library is a good one and should be acted upon half the joy of life comes from getting tho good out of things as we go along wo told this to a man outting grass the other day and he told us to go to halifax we would recoriimond tho es tablishment of a munioipal fish pond and the placing of all water courses under the supervision of the chairman of the water commit tee someone wants to know why most hotel guest rooms are sup plied with a rope and a bible we guess the answor is plain the rope is in case of are and in case the flro is too for gone for escape there is o bible boo announcement in another column in regard to miss marshall beauty specialist who will bo at hourigans drug store next week free massage and instruction in the use of toilet goods ot your own homo by appointment the ksqueuing womens in stitute have shipped tliisiiionth 11 prs sooks and 1 trench cap to hot eliers coinforts 10 turkish towels and 2 stretoher oops to red cross lost months shipments were 12 sheets and 80 turkish towels to rod cross to my customers i will bo iiwny shoo stoady from now on open saturdays until 0 oolock pm i am adding more now boots all the time and people aro wondoring at my low prioos certainly i have do opposition j roney thegold boot georgetown rod and oiin for july in a hpeciiu llbbing number most of the slorioh relating to the pursuit of the finny tribe with just enough variety to make the number of in terest to those whose allegiance to the piscatorial art is divided among other outdoor sports bod and gun is published by w j taylor limited at woodstock out if any of our reodors aro dj- appointed at times in not seeing an item of news in this papor of whloh they are fully acquainted with tho details kindly do not place tho blamo with us we aro nlether rtilndromlors or prophets and if we are not acquainted with the news its a cinch wo cannot publish it band in ovoiy item you pan and we will greatly app reciate it amapftat ijbfc learnt a uniig clhirplipllviifimiftii naiiifd ijjtuy wok aihniigvl tdc iufiitihfihiuhon boiijl i he is1it- iil shliilitnjufowiy cnvtlllrvjumiji ip ii dtiishivn huh lie jwasiiiinkiiik limtllid ttiji qn- lic boav i in fiitlier levi klslev keeps h kiernl- store fnnashagaweyiu potfr crop t calgary mr j bowman jjt iiieiph township who is attending the culwiry and edmonton exhibitions at the present time writes homo and kiiys that conditions around culkiiry could not he worse that there is really nothing there every thing being burnt up for want of rain special train servlne the toronto hiihiirhnn it will run himicial cain on the occasion of the drummers hnack big upon air concert on friday july 20th hh follows ii out of toronto at 115 iilll ileturning leaves george town 1 am 1 out of guelph lit fi85 iini returning leaves george- tow nut pioclocli rookwood ou w1u hamilton b wills in his week ly market letter says dining the month of june the riail ship- ineatu by the rock wood oil mid hum company avorugod al 17fi barrels and this output could easily have boon increased had tank cars been available hut the railroads now promise better her- vice which is badly needed as thih eoniiumy is growing by leaps mid bounds and shows every indica tion of becoming canadas premier oil producer tanner viotlmlsed by crooka it has boon reported to tin waterloo county police that a number of clever crooks are oper ating throughout the country im posing tines m farmers for hav- ing too much hour sugar or other miss klma itohcrtkiiii is ihiluik ineiiils it llailiv lulls mr ami mrs jirks tmm i o uic tihiliiik at mr jiukes miss kitih voiiii nl lliiiiiiiln wnsit isiuir in low ii on suiulin dr mid mrs i watson left oscl fill tlllil sllllllllll ll ill mllhkllkll mr 1 a wanl of lilinmi lawi was t hi guesl ol liis siiim mr- illliw ll lasl work miss mn run ril dolilne spenl a few da s last week wild tl hauls in hiiiuiptou mlss ijffliwvi mj iri iqtsi yelt tiifvaniiimvei7jiiiiiiit shilhiiwh her kltitrl mis rluniiumixalh w tin lias keen in tit ttisepliv lliwiitil for wiurti iwjiiihiioi jwl w wliirih iimnhni in hfiallhj v e sjtpwej larrtyin i vljgr t 01rilmlmyuniji4 of llfamptatv wijxj wiuiu trallujs at urfkvillelofh jiu iriilaj iviiiim- ingformeisisiihi mrshfiwii r tj4 aiyl mksilswleri r04s sukk xlnwr- ixijiwkoii anil misp afire 0nwiniiii art utioiidhif the slhiinlcr school hi gena jurlf tuike cojjchicliiiin mr- v l mefiibbojl and his father rlvwiiidim jimnmecibliiiii wen- at flinl mich on momla at- tending the liuieral of lie late ie- ter mcpherson a native of ksick- ing rev a b farney rector of trin- it church kinicoc and mrs kinn ey dr w m mcgiiire register or norfolk co mrs mcgiiire williv iuid mish riggar kinicoe mrs wistler of salem were week end visitor at mr john prices those who attended the funeral of the late dipt johnston from a distance were mr and mrs mitchell mr gordon mitchell and miss clara mitchell london out mr and mrs ferguson mr iiiiiich thompson and mr howard mit chell toronto drum mrs john ston oakille mrs j saunders hamilton mr and mrs smith inl- criun mr m joluihlon ca ugit s cost ar n hi l ls ikel and maiitonk bargain htork all we ask is an opportunity to lower your groceries ih- rllov hiiuav tor 100 2 u itimooii ricr for l2 li hi- tiipiocn for ho chine ua in hulk black k iti or mixctiju lb 4h 2 ilvim sjkor ilorirt rtlarch fr h 2 pk4h rorn ntinvli fr 1 il llwtlciotu oaufor iv l ft ii u mammoth house georgetown new goods new g mivojoilwiiwletiujrhifoi i iiilkivjajihjgijibsifvi j i jrinsrtinfetl corn for l 2tiir4faiiiid poiistor ttals aiiicricaucrkil tiil tor tifiilii soitnhisiuiis jmtrljoi l l7e just arrived a new lot of fancy dress goods inilliui mill silk slrliiil viilis hi 60c 85c uinlfloo yanl iliilii whllf vnllih he 60c unil 75c tunl liiiikhin- criii la irniiiiik wlnti i- h ilnk itllli 1 150 175 unil 200 yanl ri ill ill in ilnli illln- wliil cniim mlili inacll oiimi nav mill iiihii fu 150 iuki 176 yard v ipllk iroimifch oju lwinylaiy ftmuknii 75b jl ian ntoriaiai fe mcamtls iariimii oibbens cut rate cash and carry grocery mil iil i in ihc iiikii liisl ill liiinkliy mil can v ciiii itv lliilix anil saliinlav i his house to rent hnimt in miiin si sotuji apply m6lf rrunii ul h rlt id odic forsale hoaay out- liortu whjjoii ntw kindle nll of lianhhs and 1k nw apply herald offife 71021 wanted siuoiulhand ladyk whiul duaut will iluihlur luaki m llrrald alx vfool serge svjiiikv ii alhet ijiiiiik wliili iuwii 15 150 anil 200 ijuiii-h- kiiiiv silk 176 200 mil 300 ilillih 111 mlkti- 1hhft cltvhih lilmialiik 40c 60c 75c anil 100 lagies- anil mmhiiii walhlh it 150 lal- vet8 a wiucn5iiiliffmh tf5trkuijij4tvvr idnitiliimjmiiiyiiiali prwiira- ji j kiv v vj unllim liimlllliiw ib nmr 1is0 v uuiixh viill h08iery 1 v oojin hiimi- lino 35o lii0vloiic36pagiujl 78 jllilolliwjf s0 anil 5jt hljtjti o 2c jn 60vl r a hilda koihi hiwu itl1iviwj t iiim4jjiik p hnli ft5ciido nip vtvioo f v t v j- go ill ffoihl -ii- apply box uilli ii ii 111 cocoa ikls toii i li iia garden party at mt ploaaant 111 tbo 1hiihji cruv- orton iihli proviniod that arc boiiik rokiilntcu by tho food board a fanner on tho st agatha road vjsux water loo was tinod 25 by ono of th hiippoiiod inttpeclorh who hud put up at tho farmorh iiouho all niht and was served with bacon for broakfust tho noxt inornink the fine wa imposod for sorvink moat on a meatlohh day farmoih in othor parts of the country have been niinilarly victimized tho county authorities aro imikinr an investigation of thopoinilainth th shelter on tuortday at the court iioiihc milton there wnmt ineotiiik to cciii- sider the propoaed llaltonpcol hlioltor for neglected children mr gordon of krainpton svhh chair man among iiiobo iiresont were wivrtlon forstorand mokhih turn er joo and morden of the county council tho warden and other membors of pool council judge elliot shoriff wobstor crown at torney dick mihh ruddy and tbo rev mesxis cooko and mar of milton police magistrate c ford and suporintendont no brampton and j a willoukl of georgetown dufforin having doelined to cooperate it was dov cided to recommond to halton liniv peel couneilstlikt tho two counties should purchase property for a joint hholtor tho two wurdeim witli from tlio halton and peel child- rolls aid bocietios wiin appointed a coniinittoo to iimpect suitable proportion offered for sale to ciiooho one of them and report to the county councils champion hs exmlnatloiin of thirtyseven candidates at gooitfntown at the recent junior hs isntranco examinations the following wore successful yvonne adams hon jack har bor hon alvln bell cameron boll hon arthur benton dan j oooko hon qeorge coulter hilda erwin scott ferguson qnico forstor howard hillock hon bilytho a hughes llaol hughoh norma hunter george kennedy hon roy f king hon winnifred knight margaret mc kay hon martha mcpherson hon borden marchineiit gladys mcciillough willie mcpoiiiiiii hoatriw mklrnth hon kurl mc kay klsin mcmaster mva imf- nally kllen miehie kvelyn fioarch dorothy thompson willie townkoml margaret treunnr hon vivian vint josephine willson at this centre the highest three in pashingwofg ueorge kennedy dun j cooke and yvonne adams all pupils of prinofpal a g oreen of tho georgetown p8 in the county us a whole the highest mark in this examination was mode by dorothy cox mpil of mr ft p sandoihon principal of onkvillo p8 the seoond heiiimlis- thor starkman pupil of ml6 min- no bonnott of apton pb and tho third boing goorgo kennedy of tho above oeorgotown list oortinoaton will bo mallod tho biicoohuful candldiitos moniotlnio this month marks me being uont at onoo to those who fulled a rare treat is in store for those who attend the grand garden purl of mt pleiimint ptehh tminn chur ch nt the home of m r jno mcmri- kill lot 10 mil line west chilli friday evening j in 2lth a goad program consisting of ionic quar tette brampton and joe fvilliiiiim singingconieilian toronto will lie well enjoyed hcfiesliments koiuii on the grounds admission 21 it 1 c yrex theatre friday jul it north of m a northwesl picture with diislin farnum the screen telegram and a billy rhodes comedy rwfctttdayhtlyuti ttegmdrr japan tea hisl japan tia n pii lb hisl japan tia black tea try brm 2 lhn for cocoanut 1 ll insl llnviut ioioannl il lasi tliriatl ilhiiaiml i 11 ill lii- 41 k- 40c for 8axb llandseniu niuknty mare mlrawlurry roan niiii- ytar old niiiiikj lroki sairli oi donhlt iliii s0 it lakil hi oikl aiply a ridliy norval sihiioii ro dione jl r 1 were looking for you at the wood for sale alwa wood on hatij liolh hanl aiul soil iiii in htovt linlli mili1 and di-livrr- ihi al rtaniinalili priiik urdtim pioniit ly allindetl lo hnnulforih wihhi yartu tollifi view uatbup 1 liti kiil troni culslip j in is kod ci nss a l sup bird seed i lix swtil snait birl sfiil 1 lioxtk swiit ninir biril siid soap powder elliiman a goldwyn jiicture with mae marsh and n twopint toln comedy wednesday july 21- in lie balance from the novel the hill- man with karle williams and epi- sodo 7 of the mystery ship grand garden party a grand garden party will lm held on the methodist church grounds glonwillianis on fridaj july 19th a splendid program will be given by the following tal ent mr duncan cowan canadas premier kntertiiiner the mini who made iloyalt smile anil other talent hand in alteniliiiiii licfrosli incuts will he sold on the grounds admission 25 and i fir ood save the king pent 12th at erin georgetown orangemen accom panied by the hand motored to erin last friday where they with others celebrated the annierhiirv of the battle of the boyne the attendance perhaps 7000 u as tho largest over seen in krin thorn were twenty lodges in the proeosh- ion tho speakers included ltovn mr white of alton scott of ii illk- burg fromow of brampton and atkinson of krin and messrs v jt mckoown mpp for dulterin a k mckittrick editor of tho orangeville banner jyllfiillik of two representatives caolj jbramplon lodwiml w itiirns of port credit and samuel clinrters a patriotic garden party a patriotic garden part iindit the auspices of the llalliiiafilil womens institute will lie held at tho home of w b hhortill grand view fiirin lot ml con h ksqiiesing on tt rsday kvgjulj lhtli a spleudiil program will ho given by the following talent mr ijrnest warren baritone toronto thedipp quartette of cheltenham miss incslcwnrlklocutionist and pianist hamilton address on lied cross work by the rev mr wad- del ballinafad miss violet ruddy vocalist of georgetown miss d ii sutherland assist superintendent of womens institute work of tor onto miss hetty lowric vocalist of ballinafad and the comnuinil orchestra of acton rofrohlunont bool lis on i lie giouud adniisainn 21 mid 18c i p pkgs win- win- niiii lowiltr soap twilii oold soap mi i lniatl s krllogg- c brooms ills f tobacco plugs ii mi l prr pkff 2s t tv ilk- ii- 2s- trace low hlwiiii sliwartlowii mid k c m- colloiflin on 7th lint a heavy toani lnu findt ptbahq luavu at sluwartlown mill help wanted l wanlo app al oai t forjfilowa founday if berry picking prohibited ktry pirkom and nil other lrcnpasminjf on lot h 11 and 14 2nd lint- will bo prosu- riilod v winlwid 71 71 f church news haptimt the baitist and mothoditil coiigrigations will hold union knr- vicos next milihiith iii tho methodist cliureh in the inornink and in the jlnptihl iliuieli in i lie evening lior hod welcome a union prayer service will ho held in the baptist inn eh tomor row thliraila evening nt h oclock auctioneers benj petcrf lioi niiod anitlfiliper for lliillnt nail poul mimiwilllauih 1iiht ntiliui uniat unnduatuil mulufaclwlly and at riil- iioiniblu riitom onliilh loft at tlw oonrifutnwn llouilil oihin will ruculvii prompt ationtloa i infililidvhral por kf ciilclcn wax brans 3 this to cheese he 20- lb id 27c 1v ilios inking i lbs or nioro jc lliituiigliini may polo llrai seeded raisins lirirkn uraail 2 lbs for 27o iiiinu inillor pir lb 27c oiin jars imp piartn cr lox 119 ouiuili food hoard lircnmc no b2021o jjgibbens phone 160 lane block georgetown for sale iviuiiulh tifw miknlo tiilur wild ran- py tup oi willunit im ulti itpimi diijgy inltl iirrin wiuiik miijikh aiul polih ttu itltovo to he oldviry cluup al wanted iirl for htitilmik room txpcrifiui un- nrrokmiry c b day foot lt hay wanted will buy about 10 hitch of hay if you have miiv for kati ftttniiimiitatf with ii ii ilcnrlwill up buggy for sale niarly now and in brut comlilion will hi- houi nahoiuthlti apply to w j mi- drummers outing at georgetown kitinon town 71721 mis v k iiiiiwii cliapcl strc lip houses to rent two iiouhoh with all conveniences lo rent apply al ooorgetown creamery 717lf notice to dog owners the attention of tho owners of dogs is directed to section of bylaw no 2cc which rendu as follows that any person or portions owning or harbouring any dog or bitch at anytime during tho your without being registered and tagged with 1018 tag shall be liable to a penalty of i and cost of convection on tho complaint of any ratepayer and furthermore any dug orbitch found running at largo on or after the 20th daj of july huh is liable to he shot assessment foos for dogs 2 and h and liilnhch i and 0 tags can he secured from either the constable or clerk by order council friday and saturday july 26th and 27th now dont disappoint us f coming jacksons a half holiday special thursday 9 am to i pm will sell 50 english stoneware jugs ex tra fine quality splendid decora tions these are choice jugs tkey fo on sale thursday only at two- hirds value a few good oflcrinngs on which you can save some money while they last we offer you a useful medicine cabinet for 1b0 pretty jardineer stand for white enamel bedroom ohaira for 300 leather seat high back hooker for 375 parlor table ah 24 in top for 325 parlor table aah flnin 93 in top 375 sectional book case 8 book section bavie and top rnme finish 1500 4vge tae heavy glass tumblers per doa 90o jacksons main street miss beauty marshall specialist will be at our store all next week commencing on monday july the 22nd where she will demonstrate the use of our many toilet preparations miss marshall will give a free massage in your own home by appointment qnly come in write or phone us and we will make ar rangements to have her call at your conven ience this is an exceptional opportunity to get instruc tion in the proper application of creams powders and nail preparations there is absolutely no charge for the demonstra tion or massage call up and make youjr appointments l v hourigan 1 georgetown the rexall store georgetown m v w awiir 1 wjwav 4 iterwi

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