Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), July 17, 1918, p. 4

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the georgetown herald wilr iliiy jlfl 11 1 no time it i i no time no t inn no linn no i f tim no 1 imo to willi no i inw ki 1 in to runt- l icnilill ii illllc in irnti olt luiriliiik it euro wlicn lie m i llm 1 il lo liiirli iho chililriii i lie niimiw wiiy lo loll i 111 mlllll 1 1 1 loiul hut a no t inio lo no 1 1 n ii- lo nji hull to r cii i in- iiimii iluii ii i iirli hi inimlili iiiiiyho j iiw rvvi ltljv- 7iy lirfijtii niktiiin- t cntli li ftm i n tjolh 1u nlin- w lioi hi 1wj hz liili iilll yvlllhfathif lumltui iiloiio lirlimii ilhiii iv ftliiiflt lo fnrpt but in would meet with no rnnilllnr poignant reminders of what bud been vrhnr waa never to be sgaln the pineries it came to nlmllee aa inspiration a at thi end of tin unit stage of hln journey lie took another iraln mill headed north two rough ly narbeil niin lu a seiil in front of lilin were discussing their plan anil pros- pectlve- destinations n lomrlnr rump far over tin canadian border they shall bo my guides he re flected surely i run net work and work may enable me in time to drive thl awful dreud and remorse from my jiullty soul ivrtnlnly it was remote enoujrh from l vlll7nl ion the hermit spot be had iliiiaen utile danger of iiib identltt or his erlnie penetrating thin vnst soll- iiiih if nature shiir he arrived- at tlie uiflii il tjforuulaljjsid on the y it j i xogpnt sranjlja khia to ww ma aorvlceafor nep in carthaj ad- ion bdson as mart lane was quartan fn a rudely corns rucied hot with a mate a lively goiftel young 1w irfiout his oyp aire thfc mjtaaad at jyikffmi vyuii- f- v vji iiiiv titfio u hht vfl ttthtimc yitl iiitjjitbr i hnlfrtijltiijie mi tji tiini niifl klttiiuy ml wljvt kjiiiuwc iltul- hie u last thi onlev of tin citmulti fio1 hoitnl is nitlioi- wmii on public euting litniscs bill nil i lie bonnier fnr is the issuiiuui of priiiu cniil the telegraph touch by eliiilee 3 ii kdin wirth wns drtiimlnc of marie avrlng d- welkft atroaharw to kreakwtrnuiljte rejrri of hf mate anaatj 1aat he vurceivieil ijradilauy kdaop decamaiioba idtteejd fpf and fthrlhhtd ttirchmpanlonsllpnd aitjerstold of a wifa andlttlchltd wbom hfl bwir forctd u to yetk jfork wbri h 6ool4 und jt he had landed up aealnat the hard sorvl tud of th loggln camp onca a month ha sent to the nearoat potof- flca- with the camp maasenger m ep- tlra aalary to be forwarded to the loved ones at home one day b aat readlns and reread i ng a latter he had received from his wlfa it aaemed to oppress him greatly bad news insinuated eduon in aympathatlc inquiry pretty bad responded walters ton soe oar few sticks of furniture were mortgaged and they are bringing the pressure of collection to bear i cant aend enough to run the bouse and release the debt will that help asked kdson band ing over his pay envelope tea but money is no use to me j have no borne no friends to send it to mm- mured bdson in a broken voice xou are welcome to it mate it will be repaid believe me that i cried walters overcome with relief and joy one month later bdson worth was taken down with a twoweeks spell of fever walters nursed him constantly when edson recovered walters ln- furumd him that a relati of his w had coma to ute rescue of the family and had secured an opening for work for him back in his home city you will receive back that money tou so generously loaned me just aa soon as i get my bearings promised walters it waa pratty lonesome for edson after this chance friend left him then one day he made a discovery that unsettled him greatly on a strip of paper lying under the bed he observed penciled notations his own name that of the station he had deserted and the name of alarle duntley bdaon tried to figure out the mean ing of this the handwriting waa that as illumined in his fevered delirium he had bared all the atory of the past and walters had it in mind to investi gate it when ha returned to civiliza tion no matter what kindly motive might impel blm there waa danger of his settlor the emissaries of the law upon his track cowardly fear oppressed the forlorn refugee he decided to leave the camp the first sledge over to war- renton the nearest post bdson as a passenger there waa no train for twentyfour boors the little station was free to all he slept upon one of its benches that night got his break fast outside and then sat down in the station again to wait for the train bdson bad dosed only himself and the depot agent were in evidence he aroused at the sound at the ticking of the telegraph instrument then be sat bolt upright like one turned to atone for the message came over the wires at any expense learn at once if a man calling himself mark lane is still at the logging camp and the sender of the message oh i he coald not mis take that peculiar telegraph touch waa marie duntley i his senses reeled he doubted the evidence of reason what could it mean she his love the fond spirit of all his dreams way up here at lands end and seeking him i only love loyal lova could bring about this situation bdson staggered to the window of the little office that wire ha spoke in an unsteady tone from bassvulet yes whafa the matter friend r i am the person inquired about wire back that i will be at bassvllle on the next train what waa be rushing into upon what vague menacing fatet what waa be to meet marie only marie i and joy and rapture and love in her radiant face she greeted blm twelve hours later my poor dead i my suffering deso late love i she aobbed your friend mr walters came to me and i left everything to bear to you the tidings of wonderful happiness the wreck at the bridge- not herrivale bridge on our line but one hundred miles away you alept at your post and misconstrued it all close your eyes and put your face close to mine heart of my heart for whom i bava pined and ptnad and loved and then a little prayer a fer vent word of gratitude that the dark cloud of your life la lifted at last i universal military sijtiir y wif 6 soicjle offering 6 fiis r- vmfebtjicarr lis fiinivtbev sweetmeat that fiavd bim s most refreshment and great est enjpsmejht vuiherrbn dufy 1 the flavour lasts lets send yon the herald democrac vsfim wwtuwl the latter it beyond all quest lea dependent upon the reapect of the former i do nut litres villi the pesslmlata ho think thiit h dftiiocriitlc rlvlltea- llon is riiitssnrlly no enemy to fine rltlnc fur the nililli 1lenry selriel rltii in the ontuiy sueh erttica ilinlirule thi eluilletu whleh these imimiiii nf tnlnin to be reeehed and i to be tourhitl nnivt pokseas that rllilk hid nelors ore inspired by a tomled iiiuki iut tin f lioiiuli mil the lnbor and h iiin tlutl in liihhn irood writing nvi- ilniill mill nit m mi atmosphere op iiiy tiiriint mill uoiid nutured roimlieciiwior on llo piirt of the rder f till eompleted work ill iwyl ltue losi 1iihf for dem vijintiat jffordto v llurcslllii vlfti mii- sijlst tiilbolijmvere liilliirlv nmlvn vlielr thou- nriliirilulii lull tbetest vn crude rir4 tifn hiiijvniilei htllr loflrrlon vw inutvwl nirvrlil o pttvuhzlthehe inivllikto i eiirliiislnrtiiia before r rflt iriiiffft u- iuilowmeiifa er- i ilithlliiveerrululx nmind- ly 5hii wvamwisan lijlab ixi- reu1ti hilt tirhterrciipebt for fiivwft- it jrhii firtwilivtliiiii piiyvvrlijbt visfriff guintliimlli f tfiieinimweiruj anilif h nvurlte wot iilwaysa re jkct4 one ftne yulrbf ihnlj earwdt yiiljcnt alute sboqld repeat the fallacy in dffiprulblnr the- preeitilnipody popular art of our owai times i toi sir francis bason hamlet was prestutnably only a play acbre play ifthe great american story should arrive at last would we swt call it only a novel breeding sheep for fur bracelet watches just what your soldier laddie needs we have them l i iibiiniifjhiiiiiiiiiiiiiijiihiiiiliipiflllk l i 1 production of persian lamb may be added to the induetrles of tho united state in faraway bokhara a ttwn and district in asiatic russia thnt has a halfmystical round to american ears peraian lambh have been grown for ajfes for the tightly curled luatrons- hlack fleoarvr that constitute the warm cover of tine nnttven and so tho fashion of waring persian lamb and astrak han haacome down from tb are until women in all civilized lands where the winters are cold seek their warmth and fashions decree has made them so popular thnt the coat of persian lamb has if one tip 142 per cent in- is reals it must have been instinct it coald not have been foreknowledge that a worhl war would curtail commerce tht a f hitik and metal dealer highest prices paid for all kinds of junk phone 167 georgetown i riplwra jtconflinir ten of full fain okoimiktown october 2m toionti cnk auk 2llohipt7 onkvilu hopt 11 171h oiatiki vi i n sept 17lh brampton rpl 2021 acton sipt 2426 -stuxlhvilli- ript2o irkiih kipl 2027 abcrfoy li oct 2 cookvvi i ii ort 2 rockvool oct h4 milton oct h0 lin oct 1110 bmlinilitn tlimilihkivitk hay pi 4 ihe prompt answer tf the habit of answering promptly when the telej hone bell rings were universal the saving of time would be enormous i few things are more pleasing to telephone users than a prompt and courteous response t ft teleph call in b the prartirr notice to dog owners tin iimiiitinn of thi ownerh of do in ilircclcil lo mcuon of hyjnu nt2pu riatlhiifhyfojiowttr ctyiiitffofjj iwrsoh bir rrfmjiw- iiir1 roifitjiittcil ivtitt fiortl witi 11m k tftjfbjmtl ui liablo to a penalty tf liiiifhhl of conveotiopon tjirt oniilijit jf utij- rutopayi anil hiiljiiiilioicjipytfo jlihlifmimr yunitinfj u imruii on or uftor thp- alliii jjul iitf t i tj slot viwiiiwuij6sor soga s2iuiasa irtitv biriifeiv4aj tnijfiyi hcttuvaa- ahtiijchmi tuffintrfihu ivkmcitii kjoiloii council crkdrt- auction sale op oebsey cows the iindcrkiknod iiuh roooived in- stnictionh from mr hamilton lyons to noil by public auction at lot 28 itb lino west chinkiincousy on friday jvlt 18 191h at 2 oclock tbe followinr cat tle jersey cow 4 yih calf at foot jcikcy cow 0 yrn calf at foot kindc cow yt8 calf at foot jer- ttcy cow s yih calf at foot jersey cow calf at foot tfriule cow came in in marcb 2 jersey cows to come- in in september holstein cow due lime of sale h jersey heifers to coiim in in august and september 2 jersey cows to come in in the fall 8 tat cows tbe above stock are all of food quality and the inilkink cows are- iwti in kood flow of milk reason for selling is lack of help my son hav- i been draftod limit i wli in ertiinr n wmi m hrn lu slinult llnve lvn i marie whs llu nlffht op- wlf sprlnsi ferty milts hi filt ns tnnr to her aa ii tin width of n piirti- nl him kinon hiul ltn at in hnr of tin sttitlon for ii- iirl to lioast ntld i imtlmt i ulil liliiiiiry the inlit or liiir ii ilniii tliks ovir thi iir liiiih r ilhirlty with the titih ii lenl tin tlikn thiy nn all ihe fttinc plain us thi ilihnlitt kflnon lisril to sny put evtry opinitor has a totiih fscntliilly iiik own its- like a uiamiorlsin in spoofli it takes on itptt to dfiocr it i ihii myself one lmson hml heon tnllcfnv up to an hour piivlous little sniltuliuh of jrreut- iiik mtuipriy inllltty to krtit re- epotiilv hrlif words thnt indite edson faure lie wns not indlffiiilit to the lirilit dainty little operator lit wolf sprliiks why whiii marie is on the wire the flttr tick of the cull xeiids a thrill tlirmikli tie its just as if our flnsers mot kdsou had told his sister once that must iniiin true love hey mag gie and maglle had encouraged his conception wilh a smiling nod uml bd aon was content lie was all alone and it was nearly mulnlght he hut slipped down in his ihiilr into a comfort aeeklm position for roiitino stuff was out of the way und there was nothing due on train iletnil under an hour unless special orders cattle out usually kdson read or smoked to keep awake his thoughts of fair marie however lulled him into a hazy pleasant thrall and insensibly he glided into somnolency rdson wns guilty of a fatal lacu of diligence if no 27 on the north llrnnch was reported on time he was to telegraph the bridge station at woodvllle lo hold 14 on the main un til the branch train had cleared the bridge orders were due within the hour for the hour and beyond it bd son slumbered lie awoke with a start such a thing had never hap pened before ilia first glance was at fho clock he sprung to his feet a white horror in his face hla body in n cold perspiration train 84 had passed eighty minutes ugone and he luiil not heard it and met on the bridge both trains wore late and must have disregarded signals casualties heavy und two couches in the river completely sub merged a hand of ice aeemed to aelze his heart in a crushing grip hia brain reeled itefore his mental vision tilers passed a frightful picture of carnage mil destruction for the moment and for hours inter kdson worth was an insane irresponsible creature of fran tic unreason and impulse ills first notion was to close hla ears to the monotonous- drone of what be reconlzed us a fragment of a press dis patch ho dnshed from the station like a being pursued by dreadful phan toms that noon he had received his monthly salary and it was still intact in his pocket he passed the cottage in which hla sister lived but only in- creased his reckless rate of apoed its welcoming lights had no influence to lure him to shelter to compassion to safety i icdson tore along the dark country mud until breathless exhausted he sunk in the plulform of a railroad depot on a line going north a train cmne alone within the hour bdson en tered its dltnly lighted smoking car and croucjiei in the corner of its dark est acnt where to challenged the conduc tor terminus sounded hoarsely in the parched ihrnnt of tho new passenger he paid tho fare knowing from the pretentious nmount named that it was oer two hundred miles ahead one urging impulse directed him to get as fast and aa far from home and friends and oil tho world as speedily as pos sible the wilderness the furtherest oat pests of civilization seemed to beckon him on ho nn ishmnol accursed of all mankind na a murderer i hla crime crashed him ho would tjury hlniaelf amid nn nbsptirltybntreri of men and homes j3e mljbt not bo able only 125 in advance georgetown creamery we pny llio higher mnrlil i yin for renin in tiny tpmnlily open miniilu weilneilii und suliirilii nilitn duriii seeding iliklmkl tost ii msli 4i mill 10 a wilson 41 poultry eggs we live will or ilr ll llmi iv liklt ii i-ku- iilel price for yinir poultry georgetown creamery co m saxe manager yrh nco to try brewllnt th sort of hhcep thnt bear tbe fclfihly prized floerea cm hln 1000acre ranch near cottonwood falls kan he rpaaonc4 aat if lliey could be bred in aula they con id be bred tn kanrafl and no thoroujhly did he believe in the propo sition tfcat he in vent ed 35000 in kara- kt sheep from bokhara theae he cnxtaed with native lincolnbred sheep and the iambs of thla crnsn bear the valuable pelt that hitherto have been imported almost exclusively from itufwrtai robert h moulton in popu lar mechanics magazine children cry for fletchers castqma fwvsxi cvtf clear roads for dispatch bearer after gracing upon tho auto truck cover of a recent isreo a saddened and cynical reader wrote to colliers week ly you have made a great mistake you have placed air the army trucks on the side of the road leaving ample room for trucks going in the opposite direction to travel without going down in tlio ditch my experience with army motor rucks is that thoy always trav el on the crown of the road and when you soe ono on the side of tbe road yon can figure that it is broken down colliers replied be this observa tion truo or not there is one being be fore whom even the ruthless and dis dainful truck driver quails tbe dis patch rider there s no more soul- satisfying sight for a harassed pedes trian in the rrench war zone than that of a dispatch motorcycle snooting down a road at 80 mlos an hoar with a twomile una af motor trucks and skiff cars scuttling hastily into the ditches to get out otjuff way the kind you have always bought and which has been in use for over thirty years has borne the signature of und iiiis been made under his per- coruil supervision since its infancy allow no one to deceive you in this all counterfeits imitations mid justasgood are but experiments that triile with and endanger the health of infants and children experience against experiment r what is dastoffla cast una ia a harmless substitute for castor oil paregoric drops and soothing syrups it is pleasant it contains neither opium morphine nor other narcotic substance its age is its guarantee for more than thirty years it has been in constant uso for the relief of constipation flatulency wind colic and diarrhoea allaying feverishness arising therefrom and by regulating the stomach and bowels aids the assimilation of food giving healthy and natural sleep tho childrens panacea the mothers friend ufcftutarflhasuttle power of the 307 mhiilipro of the rolchtttaf pniftala roikir 2ifl tin body cun be dlsnojvod at nny time by the bund ca rat with tho consent of the emperor thla power has been uwed effectively three tlmos to brenk down the rt-htst- aaee of the relclimtite in 1h78 when it refused to pnfw the bttl to kiipprons the soclnllfilk in 1kh7 when it would tot agroe lo fli the size of ihe army for aeven ym rn and in 1h1w when li declined to chance he military aya- tern in nfh onac the new body lid what th jrovernmont demanded since the nrinclpnl fltuiminl nrrunue- menta are mat tern of htiimlinu lnw if he relihslnn rcfumm to puns j niv hudcet liiirimilim nllowiitm es or ftiisses on rcdnclni ilniii tho kvrn- nient cim lc jinlrit in mi tin nhl iiuhn without nny union on the jjiirt of pi- r- llflldfllt crude booths take place of diners dining iii4 beliik unknown on cer tain rnhnmi nlonjr ihe west const of mexico crude hooihs are provided on varlittif ntnlioii platforms wtiere food is served they conrtlft of i none pieces of ennvas supported by poles beneath which are tnhlea nnd chairs the trill us wait while the pawsencera ent the nonetoonppetlrlng faro vo- ulttr alfchnnica mngarlue of prompt answering has been a money maker for customers appreciate it fl practice prompt answering yourself and make it a rule in your business the bell telephone co of canada niiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii mini iiiiniiiiiii iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimniiiiiitniiii tkrms four months credit on approved notes ben prtch auetioneer help for halton farmers for haying and harvest genuine cai bears the signature of always one ruld mort of world for more tlinti sli centuries arak isailnntlon wax supreme in wester isls nortbera africa from the upper nils to the black sea oter most of rpsln and for a time s larfe psrt of rraace as well as much of the ueditar- raaesn coattt and from the perslsa blf to thn pyrenees as sidney low has said the ommeynd abbasld and fatlmlle callpha were lords of itpt tripoli morocro and spain of 8rts and cillcin or iran nnd khoras- san had they componed their dynas tic quarrels and kept their rebellious railrs in ordtr they might have mas tered italy and france aa well at turaed it tetera into a mosque and st up mosiom doctora to ozpoqnd ths aeran st oxford in use for over 30 years the kind you have always bought nttntauateompany bbbbbri m w vpwh city coal the best soianton coal in all sizes portland cement ploub feed provisions john ballantine georgetown phone 30 new westpons always condemned new woaponn have always roused the ire of the oldfnshloned soldier just as oermnnys introduction of deadly wen pons iuih in this wnr says tho ronton pont the introduction of bronac apourlicnilx must hnve scnndal- laed some old fllntwicldlng warrior nnd king arcblmndim refrnrded tlia use nf the catapult as the grave of true bravery mnyanl considered that no true maq fhmild line n flrbarm and even har- hhul saxe did not altogether approve of it nnd thought the oldfashioned ktyle of mantoman fighting superior nut in the long run it is the man that wlna not his weapon laurence oliphant tbe grout traveler said that in future wnra the side would win which uhowed the moat determination to get to grlpn with tho enemy llundroda of men arc available to as in harvebtirh in halton and many are oxpiriirutd in larmin the ontario government and other g eikieh have looked up these men and the municipal tomuil have appointed regria- trarn lo whom farmcra can apply to for help farmerh khould avail tnemaetveft of illih nhkiktancu where help is needed farmers can file their applications with any of hie following halton registrars w k ietjaft oakvillej chas hall trafalfrar po j f richardson milton w f strong burlington j w crozier milton c w grnndy georgetowri j a tracv ksuuesinu i0 w j riid acton i marshall holmoh canipbvllvilr mctt or hoys witling lo assist on farms can aim register with any of ihe above regist rars only do so at once those wishing lo write diroct may do so lo ontario kmploymenl bureau s king st west toronto 6261l t in french president woodrow wilson is to re ceive n protty compliment from frajic hhs history of the aiqerlcan people which in atyle aays the london observer la aoroewbat between free man and john richard greet is to ha translated into french it makes ave rather large volumes in the english language nfid it will fill as many its french thorn will be an introduction by h rnill rontrnux who la- hl- tnrinn n pbllotsopher and a of the ficncli acatolhj jmbuck butcher always keep a oholoe stools of the bent procurable in fresh and salt meats vrltloh he sellit at tho lowest possible prices ciiiintln food honrd livnsc no llion insurance fire and accident mrs roe ontario get the best flour is absolutely neces8art tojpro- duoe the best in bread and pastry the noble bbands are the superior flour of today try them robert noble limited norval ontario fall wheat seed announcement in vituv of th part in i iailuri of the fh wlunl itip ill thim proviiuv ihtk ytarii will hi- lucthmary for farnwrb to make early nnnnementti for the mipply of keed whiih they will mei for fall tiewinjf un der these eirtomhianetm farnura who hnve on hand iiianitiek of wheat riuitablu for fall heeding are nred to eonatsrve them lor this ptirpoke if there in no demand i it en my the information tthould bo supplied to thin department or to the local omyc of thin deparlnient in your county kotlmt every elhrt may he made to have nn eouit- ahle and nalinfarlory dulrilmtion the need for foods utk jiiwtilen a laife aere- of fall what in this ivovtneo tignm year and the eooperatiou of the far mers in the mobilization and distribution of the available seed supplies h invited lino s illnuv miuimer of agriculture railiameni ruildink toronto om- v i stronj ajfricultural roprewentativo hurlintoii ont l arthur b cartel t s f college of mnslo ldndon snarland choirmaster presbytsiisua ohuroh omrsatowa teaobor of piano or- gan cornet violin and singing toll ion feo in any branch 6 per term of 20 lessons at my reau dniicu main st qeorgetown or at puplla hoibe ai y 7ianqs tuifed ai s vv aiij ii

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