Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), August 7, 1918, p. 3

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iinmmffll lauinniiinilb ibimniiriitull laiiiiiiniiitdml matthews drug store when buying that gramophone get the best we have them the famous victor victrola line august numbers of victor records tonitifljiftl m mptnrmtfgfl la i rrrrmffmf is mmnuidj w jau5i5n tho don aroda f urctiit l a cainkit ciiw lulomtml villi ivu wivutlih and spiny miivrd in oslmwu from montreal the liccnm 1 rihitoctor htcmimo hiih- paion mid decided to view the re main wlicit a liberal supply nf smtcli wliihkey and rye wan found rehkiii in lie ruse no moiinieih turoini mined the reinaiiih hut there was itinen mourning when it wiik leiklned llial the lnsuelor litid made t lie dikeover stable burned what iniylil hae mhi n ir serioiik i in- wuk stn i h i lu lu on i pi net ion of nil r lire hi i unite mi salnnlaiy iiflernooii lasl ihe sunt ii mnhle on mr sol wallers inert on kin street wus total ly destroyed and llie hmit of his hoiisetiiuutiuid the ijouse oi mr lilujmiciji iiosajheuf vrwiuwi jvkj wnrin fiiija tu i iit t rivr iw v k if fr 5oudtifm wvet irv tiim kctfon v niryim imvf ii naxty vtit tit ihriieil ujnt 4ltloukvctiptiill tcoiihttulor joul ruali lii voo6vorod hiit pony which lro lout uoine tiiiio 4tkoand iujvcyuwm in tlm honidd bloopink porclioh nnublu one to find out what kind of pyjuimim the neighbors woiir and how iiiiich of their hair jh native plea80 bo oay on tho water owinto tho dry woathor and lik of other bovoniofl the reservoir i lower than it ahoulil he the womens patriotic fjoa- gue cleared 8015 and the mmm club h10 at their dninimerh snack booth lat- month the knittink afternoon of tho women h patriotic loakue will he held at the homo of mr ii t ar nold queen st on friday at h oclock the tnchaikowkky quartet hertha parnar and bon greet play eih are only noma of the niuynill cent attractions chiiutaiiuua pro aontw hero low kiiooh with spath are ur- god 01 woinon for ne winter the upatu will come frequently enoukh if rheumatism followx the woariiir of low hiiooh the worulh mont wonderful lecture aeren of oiamoudh i hi von by the worlds xroatext lei turer ruhhoii ii conwell at chautauqua in gourxelown we have a few xtalkn of oats in our ofniee takon from mr j a willotitfliybys farm at linitthoimc that moamiro sj feel who haiti oatn were uliort in the straw thero are ttti ii a lot of wooiik on the hlrooth iiihidc the corpora- tion that nood cuttink if theyre in front of your -property- fthc sakes of tho kood looks of our town please out thorn paintod lingerie for women is comink next it will provo rather trying to the man who turns round to get a birds eye view of a mos quito not skii or some other equally realistic scenic effects tho rogular monthly mooting of bkjo bsquoaink womons insti tuuj wil be holdat the homo of hra h oraham ghipiosing on priday amgust 9th at 280 pm all are wejpopje wh ladies please brink recipes for summer drinks a meeting of hie upwo will ho hold in orange hall stc- warttown aug ltith at hho oolook all mombors are request ed to oome and spend u pleasant evening with tho ffisipiosink branch of upo mrs 11 wilson secy the restrictions on tho con sumption of pork and bacon have been removed for a time one can have bacon sorved in any public eating place at any time lint tliere is no report of any decrease in prices nor is it likely that the pork prolitoers will reduce thorn dr t t harris dontist oak- vllle suffered a paralytic stroke on the right sfuo on monday afternoon while ho was out in the harden lie lias boon mora or less indispos ed for somo time past dr liar is one of the best known practition ers in ualton and is he no rally n- tmemed as afprofressional man anil gentleman personals rrertfli ijlr a jivt od iif rhn tvitilvim i iinkmimii rriiiiyaiff- vlioiiliili tnii idl oiio liuily ciulonis iliwiit wojl bill thcfriiv lures h nil bruises lme leh airy pajtiful can al yflb oan it woiilitlie u lliousandliktles to produce vegetables or fruit in re- spouse to the war garden ilppcal and then have more on hand than could he used ho that quantities would perish all surplus vegeta bles over immediate requirements should he canned dried and stored away or winter will follow a sen- son of plenty and all the world will be hliurt of food crop good in conversation with several farmers who were in town during the past week tint herald was pleased lo learn that the prospects for a bumper crop of grain and other produce were never better while rain is needed in some sei liorih llie grain never looked hot ter those farmers who sawed spring wheat as a patriotic duty are now more than delighted with the results as the wheat is turn iuu uut line balloon land at gait united slates army balloon no 2 senl up from akron ohio and of llie propaganda type and man- ions landed in an out held on the western oulnliiith of hilt hiitur- day and was made fast the inil- loon was minus he usual imskc in place of which it curried u hex aiitoinalieiilly worked lo distribute literature that which it lonlaineil being for the benelll of the lied cross society the balloon had passed through a slorin as the lit erature was all wet mid the diktri- hnlor did not work tliere were hir leather tor armji work owlni to tlioilomandpflhd shoe mlithifimlnriwfor heavy sole leat her to fw used in the nuiriufacttire of ixuil s for 11 hi allied armies the nnailiiiii war trade hoard has found it necessary to ask iiianu- fucuirorh nut to sell for civilian use any hole leather suitable for iiriny miriosoh without llrst tak ing i the question with the war i rude hoard shoe merchants have hem not i mod to this effect just a nois of warning many boardinghouse keepers and othtih engaged in the restau rant businish in ii small way parti cularly in the smaller towns and villaifos have not yet taken out licimisih as they are required to do by llie canada food hoard those parties are therefore liable to the penalty required by the re gulations it must he borne in mind thot a public eating place subject to license is according to pood boiuil order no 10 any misslhiihclmcdcrmid is lioliilm ing at drayton mr nixon ole is hpeinling week al llnrlis falls mrs mcljcoil and miss mcijcoi tire visiting toronto friends mrs h h henderson is spiiuliug a couple of weeks tit windsols mr w a millar is speniling llie week al preston springs mr and mi- k flock anil family sti iim- ttiil end at rinikh mr cilheri minicol nf toronto was n weiu it i ikilor in town mr iolm new tun of karniii paid i lie i lernld ii ploasauteiill lasl wiek mi anil mrs mcnichol r mini ileal lire spending a few laill j- if joheph me anlitw lft thin morning tor a visit lo detroit mr iik mis geo mclean ujt anmfcir mc3 are virtititttf in town 1 mr and mrs m dieknon and miss dteksoii of hamilton were i quests of mrs c c uoe over the holitla j ltev mr perrin is kpendinn llie week with iriends in town and vie i inily he oeeiipiod knox tiiirch pulpit last sunday ami will do so inrain next mnnday v it f caineron and son uoss are spending a few days in toronto i this week mr cameron will ku to hrussels next wel fr a visit lo ii is old home tow n st 1 1 tiitn wilson of cutnrv one nf i he oriniuiti yhitiiiik now oirtnihoikji vfthiuielat oir mammoth house georgetown new goods new g jusl arrived a new lot oi fancy dress goods tuul100 ytu4l ilmil willi mill strlul viili- 60c s5c im l-lu- ville aj 50c in fiiiiiiirjifl vflwjfc visnil- rnimwaljiiiiiiv atiii trleiklv iil0tfrfpftmiiivvlir wm1vyvi ihdvlluki keiich ill ijtwv vsi ixnwy rt 151 v wej the fciuiijihufm k ittiil jflfii x hi jf nlt thoo labor a climlcgpng herald subscri- jr writnsjio complain of the amount of berrypiauing that is be- idono on sunday ft is surely ho says a now order of things for this section and will not improve its mora or roligious standing wiv bin hand bu jn rdor that wntor takers may be idoonynionood as little as poss iblo in liituia a hand bell will bo rung in that sccuoj of town whore water is to be turned off occas sional ropairs to the system require iho closing down of certain suctions fav n short time when you hoar tho btdlsoouro your temporary sup- py 008000 for bod oram hoe the following taken from n omaha nebraska paper will give the people of this country somo idea bow they raise money for jtod cross purposes across the line viz south omaha markets have sold ljlh0srlil8il worth of hogs for bod cross organizations in this section these hogs havo been donated by patriotic farmers all over nobras ka two oarlonds of hay havo uooft yojfl in a siniilar manner by the omaha hjay exohango and the llrst carload of cattle to bo sold for the immflb of tho bed cross has just arrived at the fiouth omaha market after tho harvest ing season- is over many mijird suolj ehipments are oxpeeted to arrive iuslriictions contained in a hag as lo tho disposal of the balloon the gas was lot out and it was packed and forwarded to akron ohio help for the farmem ovor 000 men registered on reg istration day as willing to go on the farms and help out during the harvest season tho names of these volunteers have been listed and supplied to local labor regis trars in different parts of the county farmers wishing help should consult those local labour registrars and see what men are willing and available those who have volunteered for farm work should also roporl to their nearest local registrar anil loll him just when they could go on llie farms and what wages they require rjiuployers should arrange to give those volunteers loavo of absence and such terms as will assure them their position when they return and involve no financial loss jnnlor chantanqua tliene is a rare treat in store for the children of georgetown and vicinity during chautauqua week aug 202uth during each morn ing of the week commencing at u oclock there will he a special course of instructions for the boys and girls this course includes games dances songs stories oon- tosls and gymnastics tho junior loader a college girl who likes boys and girls will havo charge of the girls work and tho junior assist ant a college boy will look after the boys tho children who at tend the morning courses will take part in a grand patriotic pageant our allies on tho last afternoon the prioo of tho tickets for the whole week is a dollar and these tickets will admit the children to the afternoon and evening concerts as well hoys and girls gel bus and earn your dollar for a junior chautauqua tickot moat saudwione prohibited persons intending to take part in picnics and win have had somo ililllculty in interpreting the food regulations should hear in niinil mini sandwiches urn not permitted at any npddiiy meal if the pic nic is on iyiiuy io meal of any kind must ho used if llie picnic is on a tuesday or thursday the only incut pcrmissahlo is pork and it must he served only ul the morn ing meal so that the dinner and supper meat is prohibited if the picnic is on a monday or saturday pork may bo servod al the midday meal boof may be servod at the evening meal on sundays mon day tuesdays thiirsdaysjind-sat- ulduys the food regiflilioiih do not prohibit the use of eggs saus ages liver salmon and fish so that it may bo siifoy assumed that pic nic parlies may eat llioir mil of these those inoharge of an ex cursion or a garden party or lin outing are not required to take out a license for tho sale of ice cream cliihiieh ami fruits place whatsoever where meals lo tho number of llfteen or more per day ar served or sold to others than mtimbers of the family or household of the proprietor or eat eror persons supplying meals to the number as stated must ob tain licenses otherwise they are liblo in lino or imprisonment or lxitli the shelter the ii i ul tor of the proposed pur chase of ii property for a ualton- peel slultir for neglected child ren was not settled at tuesdays iiiocting the coiintye ouncil tt was ttiinrihi bnstnorh dlrcnrrpd mr moiilon moved seconded by mr ilillnior that the kdwards property in milton bo bought for ttrj00 provided peel agreed five out of llie cloven members present mr ilynils having left for homo voted the resolution two did not vote mr mordon called for the yeas and nays so that all would have to vote as the rules require before tlio vote could be recorded the hour for adjournment as per rules came and tho resolution was left over to the nest meeting it is iiiiileihtood thai peel council will not moot until november so the delay in unimportant chain pion noire for maraeeed men those who me carrying around on their person reasonable proof that they are not liable lo military sorvieo under the mka provisions now in force need have no fear that they will be penalised or for cibly seized for the army because of some technicality such is the reassuring word which bus reached tho deputy registrars ojllco in jou- don from ottawa an order-in- council tinted juno jfi allows con siderably more latitude than was indiealetl in the april order in re gard totlio documents which must be carriml by pien the main point is thill any written evidence establishing on its face immunity from military service may i c- coplod tin sufficient tho police cannot bo oxpoctod to accoijt mere ly the word of an individual but they will bo reasonable anil will not demand that papers hear the inst nourishing and detail required by early orders patriotic foodwaw a government patriotic food show uoaupy ing one on tire build ing will bo one of the features at the coming canadian national kv hibilion the show will he sh charge of tho food controllers de partment and experts from mcdon ald insti lutes al oiiclph and quo- hoc from toronto uiiivcrsily and other domestic science schools will ileniniislralo the many discov eries hi kitchen economics made since miss canada took up the tusk of fiioil cousiirvalion ii will he the most comprehensive attempt el inn lo hy the invol npienl to teaeli ii i supple practical tvut the liolihiwife mothpils of kepping down eniht- without lessening ill the lonst nutrltise and palatable quiilitioh of hor mollis to make canada 1u0 per cent elllcienl in food consumption is the avowed object of tho display tho pur chasing inil propiiialion of fooil will lie ilomonslriited as will also the diminution of waste and tho use of substitutes for the foodstuffs most mtiiiled oversells an inter esting f mi lure will bo a complete model kitchen of u large new york liotpl in which export chefs will show lievv oflloicnlly the grenf modern hostflriis prepare jhejr menus r t r- r mkis iruvo andeijson of trie peipi- u vkiivinkbor sistifrli ii jr fik m huifof xviwliiu wmjii agiiostm tlatjiumxiwif c tvtnvis yjikkiijrfjivv y v v m i i ivila aiwiv iii tpwip 4 i 3 a mlvkijmlrjyi wpintio gliosis itf mr ijwilpmikv a bitlfivf5r chcwitujiriid r sliv and mrs items doldiio lind- son henry erf toronlp- splnt the weekend with friollds jn uvn miss kdiiahfiimnn ft nil j mr ileiimnn of woodbridge apmit the weekend witlioeorgelown frieuds mr and mrs loo wyso and hiiii clifford ani mr and mrs a doli- hie of hamilton spent monthly with friends in town mr and mrs oscar ciordiin and hnbe freda of toronto and misses herthii and huey chapman of thorn hill spent sunday at f j hrowns nerval well ifdinvt ujal ljtpw liiaiiyyoars ati- and wo wri rigfil downguid ui kjohim hatkinuluile and hearty lifter iroiirly four wins intnelke vovilikltldiilllilvoti salhiv yv hmilit i of ilyifi iih i 7bc wlit hi 200 ml lllj it ii iii lll 150 150 j175 in i ii i maii iiihii ilitin nav mill 175 jo- i silk llli in i h i llnsi itiiwn n ul llnili rn 150 a kluiki ml lillliiiln illii snitil ilu dm itimi anil in a jvojjjrnlikv irjuj mull wl it- rc wrtiifiiit nltwil l iin-lfij- iiiir n jiiowii iuiviv nt iriiii liciv i s yniilvrijrli j mi i liriv saikl nnvv i 160 viiil nil ill i liliru i 100 imtil liqo una txclea ijiiiii- whin- ijiwi u5 uo uiil 200 ijlliis liiiny silk ivilki civi- 175 200 unit 300 ijiiiis iaiuli-ii- iluhft imlltl tlliiniini hi 40c 60c 76c iiml 100 i mllhllll wlllhth o im r 160 ladies vest8 r uhiiih ijiii ijiiiiii irsiiitiniit hilllllllltllmlh i iim 25c tn 75c i i rn jnih fit 50c knlut tlndui 1 lluwetm -so- tlilvnjtniqiia ol yirlcifiivffiiuir liuiipf eouwtl- attiird nfueoiljjf axwt aita0jjjtii v help needed for western harvest- wlwrn iravolliiig ley western lliuwkt holds go by canadian kortliern itailway and give loyal supporl to the peoples hine purchase through tickets and ask for routing via grand trunk to toronto thence canadian north ern information of value 16 harvest hands is given in a leaflet entitled harvesters work and wages to ho had from any cn it agent jtiivnwwtiiyiiij iiillss until itihi- -35c- 60i and 76e liitlis wtillnkllk iiklr hoiih 50o 756 1q0 ijililiu wliild s1ik ltim- l00 1160 75 iimlkoo ijidif ijitfhuh raver ujijlwr- priwivlcihfofiviltltfinim itui ii slie- lhiata l 11 iwtwrfoj tmovi frtl1iyrwli tin 26c- 80c fmlriyfktjih t cjiiukvvh rliiwt wiii m abctj wr vj ft4fclo iiiiik 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 aa gntttttttitjmb iffiaadqimiadbl bar nh ills pkkh and iiaijtons harca1n stork am in a position to gem jars we have a large and well assorted stock of imperial and wine measure pints quarts and half gallon gem jars at close prices stewarts fly chaser gallon size can regular 150 for 123 catindiitihml tliiil ta barnhills rmnrmi ml b ftrnttrtrrttjal bammounn coal flour feed provisions john ballantine georgetown phone 80 take your order for any kind of boot you want and will deliver them in five days made to your order i have arranged with the macpherson shoe co of hamilton to make any kind of boots or shoes i want i can give you good mens working boots for 300 per pair i have sold a lot of these lately and they are dandies for the money see my sample army regulation boot black or tan at 500 war ranted to give satisfaction youll pay 7 to 9 for them in other stores womens good allleather boots from 250 up to 350 my custo mers have no need to worry they always get value for their money i will change any boots bought by women for their men or give back thfiirmoney if they find them unsatisfactory i am still the professional shoe repairer putting soles and rubber heels on womens boots for 75c remember the name roney alain street georgetown the best bcranton coal in all sizes portland cement jacksons half holiday specials i thursday august 8th 9 am to i pm a special bargain of 13 off a line of fine imported english teapots seasonable summer furniture that willi add to your comfort heavy striped duck high hack fqlding chairs heavy while duck folding chair heavy white duck folding arm chair duck back sides seat tapestry seat folding chair lawn seats heavy whiteduck folding stools 300 2bo 195 so jacksons mainslreel georgetown canada proclamation george the fifth by the grace of god of the united kingdom of great britain and ireland and of the british dominions beyond the seas king defender of the faith emperor of india to all to whom these presents shall come or whom the same may in any wise concern- greeting proclamation of conditional amnesty respecting men belonging to class i under the military service act 1917 who have disobeyed our proclamation of 13th october 1917 or their orders to report for duty or are deserters or absent without leave from the canadian expedi tionary force b l newcombb itoputy mlnuuir or jittim fanmlil whereas consider able numbers of men belonging to class i under our military ser vice act 1017 called out on active service in our canadian expeditionary force for the defence of canada under our proclamation of 13th october 1917 although they have thus become by law soldiers enlisted in the military service of canada have failed to report for duty as lawfully required of them under the sid military ser vice act and the regulations thereunder in cluding the order in council duly passed on april 20 last or have deserted or absented themselves without leave from our canadian expeditionary force and it is represented that the very serious and unfortunate situation in which these men find themselves is due in many cases to the fact that notwithstanding the information and warning contained in our ivocuimtitiou afore said they have misunderstuk1 their duty or obligation or have been m tied by the advice of illdisposed disloyal or seditious persons and whereas we desire if possible to avoid the infliction of the hcvy penalties which the law imposes for the offences of which these soldiers have thus been guilty and to afford them an opportunity within a limited time to report and make their services available in our canadian expeditionary force ris is by inw their bounden duty and as is necessary for the defence of our dominion oi canuda now know ve that wc in the exercise oi our powers and of our good will and pleasure in that behalf do hereby proclaim and declare and cause to be published and mude known that the penalties of the law will j40t be imposed or exacted asi against the men who belong 10 class 1 under our military service act 1917 and who have disobeyed our proclam ation aforesaid or who have received notice from any of our registrars or deputy registrars to report for duty on a day now past and have failed so to report or who having reported and obtained leave of absence have failed to report at the expiry of their leave or have become deserters from our expeditionary fofce provided they report for duty on or before the jtwenty fourth day of august 1918 and we do hereby strictly warn and solemnly impress upon all such men and as well those who employ harbour conceal or assist them in their disobedience that if they persist in their failure to report absence or desertion until the expiry of the last mentioned day they will be pursued and punished with all the rigour and severity of the law subject to the judgment of our courts martial which will be con vened to try such cases or other competent tribunals and also that those who employ harbour conceal or assist such men will be held strictly accountable as offenders and subject to the pains penalties and forfei tures iirthat behalf by law provided for their said offence provided however that nothing contained in this our proclamation is intended to release the men aforesaid from their obligation to report for duty as soon as possible or to grant them immunity from arrest or detention in the meantime for the purpose of compelling them to perform their military duty our intention being merely to forego or remit the penalties heretofore incurred for failure to report absence without leave or desertion incurred by those men of the description aforesaid who shall be in the proper discharge of their military duties on or before the said twentyfourth day of august 1918 of all of which ouu- loving subjects and all others whom these presents may concern are hereby required to take notice and govern themselves accordingly in testimony whereof we have caused these our letter to l mude patent and the oreat seal of cuniiiln to lie lirreunto affixed wltnem our rluhl tnitty nnd right entirely beloved cousin and chinlllor victor christian william duke of devonxhiri marqueas of hurtington eurl dt devonshire uurl of burlington baron cavendish of hurdwirkc baron cavendish of keighley knluht of our moit noble order of the garter one of our moit honourable privy council knluht ornnil crou of our most dutlngulihcd ordir of snint michael and saint george knight grand cnw ol our royal victorian order oov- ernor general und commanderinchief of qui dominion of cunuda m our government houto in our city of ottawa thin first duy ot august in the year of our lord one tboummd nine hundred and eighteen and in the ninth year of our reign by command 3 undorbacreury of stat- ii ur y- tvjv i v i ijiiiiivjaiwitilatfl r a m

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