Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), September 4, 1918, p. 4

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the georgetown herald wednesday sopteinlier 4tli i91h at rest robert hell in mail uml kmpirc now hleopn within that hallowed hil amid tliohc oiouhoh row on row tlu author of thoae prcrtniuit lines in flawdnrh fields the ioppies blow those bravely sinuinit lurks still r- tliowe cannon hash and roar below those poppies noddint viil keep iiellernloiit in their crimson glow all- buattiml rest now sweet now m mo boatitruv words no idle ifent when sniikp that iinht of the wesl fear not tliat have diid for iptojht ten uhnhd fl fitilil it frfklf sirtifif awfyt twuii5njightq- v y j a-iid- ail eyes fclogeir on elijndejh field 998s96c9t6l hermines neighbors by bdith wills icoprrtarht ims by the ifcdura nwspe- pr syndicate the good neighbor rocked back ud torth hlowly before the crackling bank of embers 00 hermlne whipples hearth und from time to tme sipped the cup of steaming chocolate that heraalne hnd set beside her on the little teakwood stand lt really does seem a ahftmavbejr- ttieoa 1110 pf the chocolate mi una- lintid wild only this tnortilng si shame lint thereore ncitllce bachelors ototft here you rrnjstnt roliid her have p hboof of the boat mako qf mcpjierson shoe and will hell urfa eajf- nx 500 which ts from t00 to 200 less than you caii got thiaibbo for any where olse i have no clerks to pay no high rent and nothing to worry me bo i can soil you a good light split boot for plowing in for 260 i wi 1 1 re pair the boots i sell at about half price i dont want to waste good leather on cheap trash boots buy your boots where you arc sure you can get tnem good and repaired cheap by a professional man at the business j ronoy the gold boot georgetown dafcjrs naaaad for exhibition following is the list of days nam ed for the canadian national ex hibition wednesday sept 4 farmers day 1 thursday sept c manufactur ers and transportation day friday sept 6 review day saturday sept 7 citizens and athletic day harfestera urgently needed western canada in harvest hands bound for the canadian west go by the cnr- the peoples road its lines travorso the good crop country an3 pass through the fields where harvesters are needed inform ation of value in given in a leaflet entitled harvesters work and wagos to bo had from any cn it agent w tollyiturvulisihtajiigiltjutoe that just his wy ivjurt witf roe there lant mime ue uj share that ple wrro noosf hesecoiaily 1 uird iiailly i murt ar i uie warmest pyuj w been lb tor drays wltji cpjil so shoijj and the tvlrid so ntrjplrig i dont see i hmv-you- dolt why this gtwherefl makvs the rtoih perfect and itthofa bttclose either j jieriidne leaned vvet 4h rocker and refilled tlie belghmirs chocolate t- cup from the choc61ate pot that she keptwurm by the sldeof the hearth thfi cupaare very small she urged and then oh itj just the way these grutes are hnltt then yon know my grandfather made quite a hobby of laying flreft and old rachel und i learned from htm but im sorry he smiled that no one can share it pu come often if you nud it comfortable and ill try to get some of the factory girls to come up for gupper tiut are some who are really quite in tllx- tress this winter they inunr he cmiov oh it isnt the poor only who mlitit why no one can get coal unl nut folk- havent the knack you liuve with wood fires why mrs dalryinple imi- not had any conl for a week and ren 1 ly she bus to utny in bed to keep wnrui 8he tella people shen iii but she told me in confidence thnt it wim hltnpl that she listed to get up in th ild and there is mr oetislow oruy next door here the neighbor looklmi 111 from her chocolate cup und rod forward of the sniue time to nuhi hermlnes face mr lni yoti linnw hasnt any cod at all und tluy sn that he has all sort f nifiny in jlt of the way he lives ulme in tluu in jiqjusfi with just ilia itiuji- miw a im really afraid hell fiil pricinim i- poor mr tlrny it aeeins so htrmar he never tnurrled htill in- isnt i-l- ouly forty and i siiie there air l good ninny uetntit vinld in- nil i have hlui still he must vii mid there and then ining to gn te neighbor rnunnurid en 1 mn so lt l that you art wnrin cnotmli lleni m yen ill come airnlu rcnl soici you inv so coinfitrtmblc then drnlnhi lnr clip such delicious chocolnte flerndne saw iter kd uelchljor 10 tie door and then ctitllnir tlnouiti 11 door thnt led to the kinhen he 11111- moned her woman of all work ami if companion ilaehel the plump old colored wmniin hohhlcd in and tal ini the chair the gmtd nelkhhor hnd vit iated nnhweied herndncs jueminn rea old motiea hnd been begging n lit tle wood from their plentirul pile ewry morning fie suld the master md ne coal and modes rhetlmatiz wim no bad he coixtdcut no wood till it u warmer the ctdd weather nhvnyt stiffened mosefl arms just that way please tell mohoh tomorrow nlil hannlne wltli a confidential tone to her good woman thtir he cant have any more wood tell him- hut not ntt if i suggested it thnt you think if they want more wood mr orny had better ask me for it and rnchel you might order two nice chickens tomorrow- one for that soup you umkn with the gumbo und snothcr to roust and sef that ybu have a good fire in the range and you might mttko crullers tomor row and if moses bega uny eruliers for mr gray you tell him he en nt have theiu the colored woman looked her sur prise but only rocked hack and forth yes mlsn uertnlne she said i al ways did think you wore too good lt a long time ive had to hand crullers and things over the fence on account of sir gray i certainly think you are showing good sense miss hermlne i reckon mr gray will be pretty cold without the wood but it sure does serve him right the next day moses begged for wood id vain and at ten oclock the mlirnlnu after mr gray himself called nrnl asked to see miss hermlne it was u moat unnbual occurrence there wax not as some of the neighbors sup posed any feud belwupn the housed of whipple and oray but for ten years the buchelor had unver called on hlu spinster neighbor then hermlne re cently left alone in her rambling old j house was twentyfive and denalnw gray was thirty he had called often then till gossiping tongues had cut hla calls short he had heard through moses that neighbors were expecting an engagement between himself and his neighbor sad so annoyed was ha stohe intorferane that the calls had ceased h left the neighborhood and lived in the city for several years and it was only within the last few years when apparently all gossip bad ooaaad that he returned on this momentous morning be called very formally and reguaated his neigh bor with great formality to sell bun a little wood he regretted having ul f i ain anibvinoia wtsrrowfortl 6nejr ofanbveriailti jcjetdel jstf tcrulcfrig sedan verier jtroof jjdyctntages arieypur projection against the esletncjvts r c and it has other advantagesfhot jhe leaiof i which is itsprice- s l jit can be cohverted j an opencarirr a few y by lowerjpg the side- windows into sjots provided in the body and doorg the top and window pillars being permanent closed or open this model 90 touring sedan presents a smart appearance and as for perform- ance it leaves nothing to be desired drop in and see this car ask for a demon stration if raining or snowing so much the better we can show you real riding comfort in any kind of weather come in today t j speight representative georgetown willysoverland limited wmsrknltht nd ovvrund motor car and unlit commercial wafons r head office and works westtoronto ontario small usht model 90 sedan auction sale of choice dairy cattle horses pigs implements etc the undersigned has been instructed by edward easton to tell by public auction at lot 24 1 line eriquehink on thursday september 2th i9ib d i oclock the following cattle grade durham cow cnlf at side purl ayrshire cow calf at hide part ayrshire conr calf at hide durham jfrude cow calf at aide holntein cow due in oct jersey cow due in oct jersey cow due nov 1st part holnteincow due nov 22nd part holhtein cow due jan 2nd putt durham cow due jan 10ih part purhmm cow due dvtc 12 holhtein cow due in jan houtcin cow due jan 20ih durham cow calved 2mon brindle cow calved 2 mok rade durham cow due in april jfrade durham cow duo jan 13th durham grade cow due feb 1 0th dur ham efrade cow due jan 1 7th part hol htein cow due jan 20th part ayrshire cow cnlved 3 mon part durham cow due feb 16th part durham cow due jan 9th i part durham cow due jan 6th part jer- 1 ey cow due jan 11th brindle cow bred 2 mot part durham cow due jan 8th part j ersey cow due jan 13th part hol- istein cow duo jan 23rd part durham cow due jan 18th part hoist ein cow due feb 3rd part houtcin heifer due nov 18th 5 durham hoi fern rifting- 2 yrh 6 durham nlcera rifling- 2yrn 12 durham heifers rihinr i yr 6 calves h inosj 9 spring calves durham bull horses- hay horse 10 yrs bay mnre 12 yrs brown mure 4 yr ba colt 2 yrs pic5sherkhhire sowravtth 9 pigs yorkahirt- sow with 10 pigs 11 pigs 10 wks yorkshire now due time of sale implements lumber wagon near new ulngrle furrow riding plpw rubber tire buftjjy open top huggy near new set powor clippers set team harness set single harneuh 7 acres good eitailago corn 5 geese 2 glanders terms all sums of 10 and under cash over that amount 12 mouths credit on approved joint notes w a wilson hknj iktcm clerk auctioneer htirioy her hut he bad ieard mosw bt she bad plenty antl owtas te the coal khorthkc he was actually 4tjfrrlnjc from the cold as be spok hermlne led him to the corner of the j hrlug room nesretit to th crack haf i tiulxts on the hearth tbs only chair i available for him was the comfortabh j nc the good neighbor lisd found so inviting the ore was unusually la- vtlnjf and the rows of temple miles ttint bloomed on a stsnt near a sunny window at one side or the room save a mikjiemion of warmth and cheer that i jjit ivated the neighbor he rose to jro and then resumed his sest when lorriitae went to the kitchen door and i ctlle to rachel to ask her rhetber htit could spare a little wood at the dour she whispered hurry in with u pot of cbocolavb and nice buttered toast look surprised when -yon- see t air qray andiateahite w take yium chcjbjbil awjjy vun jtadhelr lm iierneaikmiowijf bacq tlrir- birc9 u stnt whether wd hav any yud wpedbliewas aaylnc and tbefa the old winjujj eiitftre with the tray she parted tit th stent of the caler- sod pretyndeoreuira to thekltcuen tw tsm jbpufl trtana iltln w herndpe and then itatrlrtauj tomr gray atriit wfa ipott 4m ojimiuy jv cttkcolntf t hlfi tlmeop mw montsjis rschet panbr- ctip plirsse ohl plea m wjraj at megtm yob s llttleht is bowamlnfft a 4itt hoar utter when the clwr mtto tofmuiethti be ttskod ifjrurine whether he nhiht rid mves nvir ut once with absskt for a ute wmoi they actually bad no fuel td k vllnncy iiefml0e looked pussledl im niild the wood was in a shed a thendof 11 ie garden and tht the null who came to carry the wood had lite key she was sorry and then wont you share my own very simple dinner i believe rachel is roasting a hiickmi it is beefless day yon know ntul iturhel is very patriotic she has made crullers i csnt offer yeu very much please stay and rachel will cjil i to your man moses to have him ger v bite with her in the kitchen mr gray accepted the invitation tlhiilh as he did so something tbat hs mistook for his conscience pricked him he felt that he was breaking down ti burrler that it bad taken him teu ypurs to build up at six that afternoon mr oray still ilntford he wss playing ctibbsgs wlrli ills spinster neighbor before tfe an- with the light of a skilfully ar- raiid hrikketlamp that threw just tin ritfht shudowh on the board and m tnijliivv becoming glow on hermtnea in in tiie kitchen rachel was mak ing havory coffee a pan of johnny i dee won browning beautifully la the even and u broiler of bacon was splt- tlnir on the fire kachel was laughing to lidself or rather to old moses who m nuirhlng in admiration with a nwhitf uppetlte at one side of the wrhsleys keep wricleys id mind as the ionecst- lastine confection you can buy send it to the boys at the front m get your butter paper at the herald office houses to rent two iiouuuh tvilli all tonviimmtm to rant apply l tjoorjfeliiivn creiinury 71 71 f gravel tor sale finest ifrnvol for builcliiljf hriilj wor or rojld nork iernonn doniriti f ruvel from 10th linu clenwilliiimu pit mur nutkoajipliciitiontn r i crcelmaii oco- rkiitown 7 oppkol llhctrqjrimlartml 1 afccfawcrwpan tln tcwrtsqe thereby ftoi diiicsliojll idlheropiummo miacxalnotnaboonql inssofsiee f infanta and children iofliers know that genuine castoria always bears the signature of v in use for over thirty years mimime did nut even ask her neigh bor to stay to tea it seemed to he iiih it mutter of course for him to re- hiu there in he plow of her fire iiithit tluiii to k home to his own hunlll ul mku to feed upon cold meat anil ilit nip chilled brend when kuchel had cleared away the tltini mr oray drew his chair closer i tlnit of hermlne youre a wonder- ftil woiimn hennlne he said i mud up my mind once that you were cold hut youve been tbnwlng out my heart toduy my heart and incident timy inv fine th know it la only liarity on your port you are doing it in the name spirit that yon had the fuiiry klrlfi here last night the uornt part of going home isnt the fad hut it 1h us cold as a born its ba chums 111 huve to leave you h ermines expression showed com plete amazement she told mr gray that n v or- lu the world had she lav aii thht he might want to marry irt the fact wn that mr oray had nut expressed ins seniltnent in just tlios vordu but she did hate to have hint o home in the cold her guest routu wuri very wurra kachel kept a ire tlicre she wondered whether ii iiittftit not bo iirrudged for him to stay and thnt is how it happened that atrotttmlcht oclock that night denalow oray una flermluo whipple roused the minister from where he huddled by lilt own meager grate fire weve been intending to be married for uome years denslow explained and now we wnnt to spring u surprise on tba neighbors yes it is rather cold he answered but an old bachelor doesat have time to think of the tempers tors on hla wedding day in sweetmeats a 5 cent rackajte of wriglevs will give vou several days enjoyment its an investment in benefit as well as pleasure for it helps teeth breath appetite digestion chew it after every meal the flavour lasts data or tmlx fair ok roktown otroitkil 28 toronto onk ahk u lo sept 1 oukvilli- kil 101718 rutno ill- s 171h hritmiilon kept 20il aoton kept 2420 strtfthvillt hpt 2fl finfim spt 2627 alwrfoylc oct 2 cookkvtlli- oot 2 llorkunol ckt s1 milton ct krin oct 910 llnilinktoii- iliaiiksniv in da harvest hands ix demand to save western crop result jt ii qiftr ik6tvil tliii- wihlrihrtpiihiiitliti ve iitiuj iclutwhttitijoh of tltp doriilnviin iricl- iro itwlal oorcrlihintti t witiiiilkrh tijiiiltjbmd tliiltj mult ftt ihiij llhliphlioiq bo ilmpus j vu rfjijliwiiuiio tot- distirftiutiei t9 mwdy jxiiiita wisttvbnp- awt 20th to sdpiitilmmr- jotli it r aii- ifxwtjtooil thail hurvhsterw jnifffsi iliih joiir willlio frorirs00 h wrday witfi boardfr nboit tfiica nionlik virk mail contract aiiiiillll pattersons meat market specials for friday and saturday soiled tenders adtlrensod to the lott- mumtfr mnernl will 1 rtvived at ottu- wa until noon on krfcjnv the twenty- kovftilh septeniber ivimfor ihv eonvey- anr of i lis majesty mhiin on a prorna- ed cont met lor lour yer tiix titnu er week on the route iv rm coita rural route no 1 from the pinttmnntert leii- eralh rieasure printed luitiees tout mining further in formation ats to etitidiiioiin of proposed lontraet may be meiii ami blank forms of tender may he nblnintt nt the post of tiie of term cttta and t the ohiee of the iosi ofiie inspeetor toronto a sithkriand post ofliee itihptetor ioki oftiee liinpectorn ollue toronto au 1 joirf mail contract 3 seed wheat we have on hand a quantity of home grown winter wheat for seed and have the assurance of an ample sup ply of american grown white winter wheat whichwill make excellent seed for ontario this is the year for a large acreage of winter wheat and hope to have your orders early robert noble limited norvaj ontario exact copy of wrapper eskimos lunar myth an eskimo myth relates that whsa a girl was at a party someone told his low for br by shaking her shoulders uftr the manner of the country she could uot see who it was in the dark hut hiip smeared her hund with soot and i liri he cntne hack she blackened hlii clitik with hvr liund when a light wiw imuiikiu she saw that it was her brother and tied ue ran after her and illloucd her but us she came to the end of the earth she sprang out into i hi wkv then she hecnnio the sun and he the moon uud this is why the moon is alhnih ohusliik tho suu through the heaverih mid why the moon is some times dnrh as he turns his blackened ihetlt toward the earth bracelet watches read our ads and see the many bargains ottered just what your soldier laadie needs we have them in all stylet at all prit a b wilson main street next mogibbon hotel flood for some love letura a lottor written with u solution of lodldo of starch in water is perfectly legible for n few days it is not prop erly speaking in the invisible cate gory at all events for a while bat writing thus made has the advantage that after a week or two it fades oat and vnnlstiss forever leaving no evi dence tout can be used agulnat it author hamburg steak ppi- lb haimagp por lb 500 ibh shoulder roast bcof jmm- ll thick rib roast hoof per lb 100 lbx corn beef per 1 rib roast beef per lb boil hoof per lb litimp roast bocf por lb h00 lbu pickled pork per ll x00 lbs smoked rolls per lb 200 lbs kinoked liitin per lb ii lb pail shoitcnink h lb pail tiiiil 1 lb brick slioitcniiik canned loniiltihs corn pens picsli trout ncr ll white msh tt hi caimilu ftwil board lhffnue no ri1220h iihc 20c 20c 27c 28c 80c 2lc h0 u5c hoc 42c h7- q9c hoc 20c 20c 15c lhc ihc siauu l-id-s- nddrcnhtrd to lheionr- inilir tiural will bo roivived al otta- uulil noiin on lritiav ihe twenty- sivnth sipfnibor lltt utr the- convey- aiuf tif i iin majttvv mtiils mi a propos- il contrail for four yonri six timet pcr week atli way holwctti and aton rural koult n 1 via osiriiiic from ihe potit- uiakttr fiturals pltmsar irintod notices roalaiiiiilfr further inftv illation an to ionditions of proponed con- triul may bu seen and hlitnk forms of tender may be obtained nt the post of fices of act on and ospriilfre and at the offite of the losl ofllce inspector tor- onttv a sutherlano iost oirce inspector post offite inspectors office toronto aiikust uth i9ih 21831 w j patterson main street georgetown phone no 1 a good investment what a thoronsh train inn nt the- iil guelph business coilece study thih one year of your time at prosent worth about 800 cash investment about 180 for tuition mid feos next year income of 500 to 700 100 on investment with con tinual increase and unlimited op portunities for advancement think aot a l bouck principal yh spirit of 17 the boy had taken from his pocket pair of bis diirlcliliie homoltnltted mittens i on tho pnltns wns sewed red woolen to reenfnrco lliciu he nire- fully drew tliem nn folilltia his hands thumbs up on his litnbennhox eihred to the front of his rhalr and sat think ing wltlt eyes fixed on the fnriiuny pines of his drentn he was going over it nil noaldi there wits no hasle nn ytltoment no foolish sentiment lint itre dettrrnlniitlpn and the courage f youth inddenly turned to manhood ivith s little start he rnine buck to the ircunnt and rising said i guess id fttrr be golsg you snld i could get train in about half nn hour llnforeyeu ge will you tell met my toy why yon chose ihe infiintryt well when you rend of anything renl hard tait has to he done yon will notice uiit it is always the infantry that doasjlt they hav to be strong yount fwwws they can depend on fer the real hart tilings be t chose the infastry air there west silence which h broke with ike tbltt words i think iii be going gbeevkr sir mary barrlck smith atlaauc your newest shoes sciiietinios meet with accidents if yon unci a rip break or some slight defect send them at mice to useful out- expert shoe repairing we know we can satisfv you with our kihki workmanship our prompt sen ice and our fair prices why not try our shoo repair tviirk on that comfortable old pair horse stratbjo came to my promises on motidny aug 10th kay horse owner may have same by provinjr property ntul paying expenses j cook lot 11 hlh hue ivupiesliiiri 821tp canadian national exhibition aug 26 toronto sept 7 4 w wharrad phone 141 georgetown max eisen junk and metal dealer highest prices paid for all kinds of junk phone 167 georgetown 300004 admissions sold tint day of advance sale come with the crowds to the great est exposition in the 40 years history of the c n e the heroes of britain j rr butchee always keeps a choice stock ot the best proonrable in fresh and salt c meats which he sells at the lowest possible prices canada iooii hoard license no 9ji08 crat the bes a production ot tremen dous force and beauty with imp partlcjp all the colorful paraphet- nallaof romance end hist tory in the making in spiring dramatic a spectacle every cansnlln should see movement life splendor a patriotic thrill in wry scens clint uvoitod and agricultural llsilt gevcnnunt ohibits danwaitntjoni of mos uooutninlai by 50 olppud bmhmbm cm fsetory- linai coksmat nhtblti of ubort vim device govemmw py j howcrettans worldfun bandalw shlbits s fin ntanb a wortomr other special attoactjpn price of admtmumk 25 cents r iism rr t 1 t- 1 f n i 1 h iy v iviwoijv ifmfflz4

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