Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), September 11, 1918, p. 1

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the georgetown herald fiftysecond ykvil ok publication georgretown wednesday evening september 11th 1918 150 per annum or 125 if paid in advance hie georgetown herald u pihllh everv wednesday evening at th herald power printinooffice georgetown ont contract advertising rates furnished on application ton cent per ii for iii liihertlon uuil live cent li i l auuau- hiieilt timeillon will be cluusjetl fur ull vvi tiainiolt udvllhiritstwlyi lines li l i w i xtfvorrlsvuillmt without srimoirw 41 -v- wlina j k vfhekwtlulm fwvi 1 oj iibarewroi ailvimtlximtftith wlmbe ctjajiiint caub tnonllr without extra cbmilta hanjra forconidet ftilvtiytlaeidentii nuui1 be in fafe otlliif bvmidiiy even- riufc bvfl8cw rate8 lt5ivt wilao rtr i v vtavnneei nuvij li s6snrn4 vctevftiv vt lr dv3tial4 table i otrinqth jmhlt iw i pixksorigei 110unm i 84g pm i tinti 028nni piifwiigor hh0iuf gornu vvksl mail 757 aaii muil 1000 iini pauhenger 01 pm paubengvr o6 11111 mail 707 11111 going noktii mail 757 nm mail o0 p111 going south mail 1005 am mail 740 p111 u ip you want tiik iibst quality fiiksii and currmd meats at the lowest fp8ible jppfl5p 4 w v clifford linh am tfiireiytoa clifford linh am phone 196 main street ik 1 x win this war cery ounce of he a ajhed nation i jfeu be mt fprtj- tq ifteel 6ramcl vf iddiplipe efliciehcyjf ihej0tkivj ii -vv- vififtkyccrfannmib rinj preparafiton- sx f 7 ahdljvairi arid hearts of the ihdividuais di v each nation because the are freje peoples- m fyt ivv the new era wc i1111i 11 wiihlici uiiiimi one and kiii is kiont uuil nlronu six was a corkit 1111 lici joli ami imihiikii njl ilny lonu hut now hiuh mimh iuit the kiiiiu wliixhiiiih lis witu iiijl animtritiorl liib ciintoni tnii liiwt ju wluiiklilciilv him pihkoii trlttik ynd winif milic miijiiituiiluir juh atnvlliml tojoltllollmhjll ji hflipiiijib iovotiirti ilf afiijifittiulrsjtfs kow the individuals of each nation rpust live aa wellas fight thffrcfnrp ti prnporfinn nf thrrftnrt and material toronto suburban railway daily timetaule am pm pm going east h10 224 646 going w8ta05 810 747 hunday timetaiilk am pm pm pm going east 1021 1220 84s 010 going west 1040 010 st georges church r w p 1 l t r jjunuay aervlce aa followw matloa 11 a m uvenaonff 7 p m fiunduy sohool 145 a m in buau- meiit holy communion lut and unl hundaya ot eaoh month at 11 a in legal 8hilton wallbrioqe a dale barrister solicitor etc toronto and georgetown oflloe kennedy iilomc lr roy dale in charge of ooorge- jown olfioe medical dr joseph moandrew phyaioian and surgton mudloul oflloer of health ulatrlct surgoon q t it offloe houra 2 to 4 and 7 to 8 p m phone 68 oihce and keeldence main street south oppoalte presbyterian church chiropractic no mediolne surgery or oitaopethy a m neil8en d c cjruduuto of the palmer the ori ginal school of chiropractic daven port iowa u b a qmoo over hourlguna drug store conuuluulon and tlplnal anulynu free tuuuduyu thuraduya and mutur- daya s to g and 7 to a p m phone 160a ko showelline required standard anthracite scranton coal in all sizes automatically sciooihhi 11ml loaded coal wood beloot lump for domestic and threading pnrpohoh sinitliiim and canned coal in fiiot i furry cvorythirir to bo found in an uptodate coal niiil wood yard john mcdonald georgetown phone 12 lent theretore a prnnc ofeach nation must be diverted from war purposes to living necessities so the less each individual takes for himself or herself for personal use the more effort will there be left for fighting and winning the war every cent you spend represents that much effort be cause somebody must do something for you in order to earn that cent somebodys effort must be given to you instead of to the war therefore the less you spend the less of somebodys effort you take for your individual use the more will you leave in the national surplus for war effort the war can be won only by the surplus st of the allied nations the money each individual saves represents that surplus strength so the truly loyal canadian will use less spend less and save more to help to win the war published under the authority of the miniater of l ol canada th 1iilwhiidr twilfo ijwv nfttihsvorluneiu jvyhjrxl- j wi iktriiicjf1 tp t vjjtiis hluiiiilmc cm tnaoftfoirownllv won iiiivkarivimj jilllllllm mr montgomery la hiinlng mminn here and jroud better mention it why do yon call it liunglng around v waa demanded necauelt looju like it to me jlra wuldron must have told him yon wore engngrd to abe mr montgomery comes here to hlp puss the time away be is un interest ing talker and haa traveled ull over the world and i am find to llaten to ijlro e i suppose jfte koows that i am engaged and that will prevent iw jf fam jilting ooyoqirtse jniy tlutjdiitt mnteyae feell itu biers l miialln wrong about it if ivegot tow trlaof ahe wright nr break the engagement two dayil later abe was working in a held along ihe igliwaj ttfieri a ewldaiiiufehlnr flgonk hat be had i jtivnif0ri- year ori vp haltfd bh outfit and cajdtb fwenco ididmfil i almi uanot myjplny ta mejddl vwlffl what does not 6fittrj jttjei bath r fail jioutdjaken hint from me una fnotget inam 1 wovld glveft toyoji oh iwonfiret jnad wjirthe re biy r i- f know how he ws rueatfrortad hir lnthe counuyt gosh ye well ive heard that yon ad polly anrtrtnya were enkugedv tip we are anil ive heiirdthat a yonng yellor 11 rouwln to wnldrnn in tligre nvlii y60eaaawso back home with abe by b lewis mmmmnmmawmnnnmnm optical l l plant d o oph d eye speoialist georgetown ulllce next to ulliraiy iliono 1du for appointment dental frank r watson dd8 m d s dentist georgetown ont houra ii a m to 5 p m except thursday afternoon dentistry in ull its brniichch over bell telephone offieo f l heath l d8 dd s dsntist olflce in lane lilook one door nortli of onellle carriage factory hours 0 11 m to 0 p m j w kennedy hardware paints stoves tinware electric fixtures sewer pipe cement tinsmithing plumbifig hot air heating hot water heating electric wiring w kennedy phono 25 georgetown ont ml ib 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 11 msl la 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ii iiijh lamiuuj uujal ibarrjitj auctioneers benj petch licensed auctioneer for hulton and peel aienwllllams post oltlco bales conducted satisfactorily anil at rea sonable rates orders left at the georgetown herald olllce will reoolve prompt attention jackson and lee civil engineers and surveyor temple bldg brantford mftj a m juokaon it m leo mechanical engineer eto olsdlh k o vvynne roberta wutor worka knffiueor w c tllley itegistered arch i toot milton prentiss enoinkkrs and maciiinkrv hrokkrs motors klertrii kiiairn iov bldg torlnto ja tracv clbrk townahlp of bsquolnir- clerk 3rd division court the leading fire and life insurance cos represented issuer of marriage license otntje mill street west georgetown offloe houra wednesday and sat urrtay afternoon lee sino laundry the old reliable laundry virstdlass work guaranteed at the l0w8t price shirts loo ro blook georgetown we can now supply ypur need in butter paper at the herald twine wire fencing- buggies wagrons ploughs floury shantz wilkinsoii porrin walkink and riding plouglih car of plymotli binder twinn will be hold very ronsonablo for caali plionr 101 r 88 thos e hcwson noryal ont insurance fire and accident mrs roe georgetowu ontario georgetown high school is prcpurod to do faculty entmnco mid honor matriculation work the ncnllfor ilia onaulntf year will bo the following ralph rom ba ped spp tallst in 01asalosprinoipl w w eadie ba tesoher of soienoa kushariii b laird ba tmsohmr of uatbematlcs mmsa1berta mnabbba teacher olodirnbd spaotaust la miss mabel howie ipaolalit 1b oommarotal work school days will be here noon and the children will nood now fool writ r we hnvo prepared for thin luny timo and run niipply tteattonithle shoes for the whole family servicoabli find hinnihlti ytl unmrtloouiti urt ttio iuhvohi moiuu ftr rllool kllhtlti an extra pair of nilthfis kfpi in iln dowk at vhool to wiar hoin when it stormu utuhpcfudly may savr your chiui fiunit u but fold or mnr trrfoui ailment rumford the shoe man the home of better shoes in do you iojiiii fire life accident or auto insurance i ropiobont bo mo of hie liowt ooni- piuiiob and shall bo ploasod to trail- mutyoni iiikiiranco biikinosh jiiiimiliillljl ffllllulillllldffl1 ib ojitttttrnrdll ffil georgetown creamery wo pay hiuiiohi miiilinl piico for cicniii in imy iiiiiinlily upon monday wednesday and knuirilny ninliu hlkliiht tout w- ruddcll 12 i a wilmiiul i a m isii i rtl 811 poultry eggs wo will pa i ho imkihmi marliot piico for your poultry livo or ilrohsinl iiiho piohii ic georgetown creamery co m saate manager 3 r j h ynds pkone 803 georgetown ontario w a bailey harness maker wo koop in stooli 11 full lino of light and heavy harness trunks bags and everything found in an uptodate shop repairing neatly and prompt ly done w a bailey main street georgetown a rest1 special choice fresh fruit tomatoes green vegetables a restivo fruit speoiatlist haip trat georgetown par byndloste in the country when n yoting timrt and a young woman are courting it is referred to as settln up together abe wright and polly andrews hud vaet up h hundred iiikius in hr fn- thers fnniihouiiu kitchen befere they became engnged the son or dnuiliii r of a former is not nsjipx to nimh intn love aud matrimony as a yniinu lunii jmllliigln u tuwn thererauy t lie as much fonnnllty between thein inn they look upon uiatiimony more seri ously there nre n aeore of object lepsnns dally before their eyes a fanner to succeed must be ever rising early nnd tolling inte his horses nr ills oxen bet more rest than ho does he enn know very little of the comforts and pleasures of life and see to his acre as well and if he works long hour hi wife works loncer ones her work must b done on time as well as his she may live within ave mile of a village and yet not enter it once a year he may be a aubscrlber to a county paper and yet she cannot apare the time to read it contents th two young folk saw and expe rienced all this and much more and yet the instincts and sentiments of hu manity brought them together they would marry as thousands of other in their situation had don and hope that their future might work ont bet ter miss polly eald ya to the proposal of marriage but the very next day she admitted to ber mother that sometime she thought she loved abe and some times she thought she didnt she bad never been ten miles away from home the only men alio had ever come in contact with hnd been of ber claas or agenta or peddler she knew there was a big world outside of her but he had never peeped at it she had a bit of romance about her and some times she longed to see the brave men and fair women that the hooka told ber about abe wright was going to marry and acquire a furtn of hi own therefore he whistled a he went about hi work he had heard that a girl omtlmes went back on her pledge but ha was as sure of polly andrews as he wss ef the sun one day the girl ran over to farmer vvuldrona on an errand she found a strange young man there who was introduced to her as brian montgom ery bvsn if he hadnt been good- looking and had taking ways with him hi name wuld have won ber favor mow did the name of abe wright compare with that of brian montgom ery the one belonged to th jrndger of the soil the other to a gentleman of the worjdj who had gold filling in his teetbvwho war crases la hi trou- lers who disdained paper collar and lock at ten cent a pair were set for him mr brian montgomery from new york chicago and boston as h announced must sorely be on of those brave and gallant men be bad read and dreamed of when mia polly had departed for borne mr waldron aald to the cousin new brian you must not set out to turn that girl head she la en gaged to a steady young farmer and you mustnt be the cause of a quarrel between them oh it will be a mild a very mild flirtation ha laughed in reply how can i put in a month here and not lllrt with the only girl for a mile around and a day or two later the young man came over to the house of putmar andrews and introduced himself and made himself very much al home do you like him mother enme- wbat anxiously quorlod polly after tbelr caller bad departed isnt he what tbey cull fresh was asked in reply why bow can you soy that it 1 imply that b haa aelfcouddence one would think that he bad known os for a year but h wa trying to put us at our ease wall i dnano bow abe will take it but i dont where he can and any fault h might talk with a dozen girl and i shouldnt raise a row with mm about it aba bejrd that tere wa young man visiting the waldrons but ba hadnt seen blm- neltbtr baa be learned that tba said youof man was making hlraislf vary much at borne at the andrew farmhouse tba mother bad said to ppllyt i dont believe that abe knows jjint classic drama in japan loth chorus and music accompany the pantomime of the actor on the stage the actors sons of the sons of gott en tlons of actors passing op aa a irgnry of great price to the right net in these jtronge no- play of viiiytwrrseiitra made thiu-e- ihofiyiivsai fttm mtouch eitruile amerapfcrijiellb ml uftscfen bunds lifted and htya yiiielc a curtain of persimmon and lra colored silk that bung at the door tlifdrelng roein their- costume met wide tclrthvorouher arid all the nresanileonflsaratlofl at on autumn viipavjtf y ippqntahi totet tjurped in tlia color of- the brjpedea poroeumee the3hthvybjirao wblr haarof jghoata they sjamped 7wi0-thtf- wlitte atccldnged rt w the polish 1 floor which gave oat n muffled echoo with their flowing sl they 1m ttislr faces turnnsg and- swaying in i cnjtbmlcfdaaeia witt tjlelr fans the wrotvthemesnlnget their dashes in th aurthe cilrahlng of a mouatalat path to a forsakea shriri k gift of watar to a weary pilgrim the picking of herbs tba flight of a bird acres the sky the falling of dower at at- teira th chorus sangmn suppress- ed tone holding their hretr j v ltlng yen ih ho nvlnltlng the waldrons or the andrew it seems thnt lie divides his lime lielween the two houses hel ler hink oui at- the feller dont 1 look rood to mi and with unit lie drove on linil abe looked after him in u dazed way anil whispered lli miuns hint ihe feller is trying to win polly nway from me i thouilt nlie had liccn ncilng rather queer 0 lute i inuxt look into this thing a ml when he iiinde his npiieiirnnce thnt eveiiliic polly had a feeling that lie hart henril iiiiiilh nnd intended to lay hie law down to her this feellnlt had quickly bred another thnt of lie- llaiire iiml she wan rendy for ihequnr- rel to hei kurprlse no quarrel came ahe wn 1 u lilt mure serious than usual hut he wis cleur of rancor us he asked ih thnt yotinc man montgomery a nice fr tin- very nice wns the reply ho linx been iirouud tho world a good blr i htippoue lie linn been everywhere and its very iniiivtlng to heur him talk of whnt be linn heen yon it niuwt be he hir been in london and paris abe he was n captain in a canadian regiment in ii10 first of the war he lias killed over a dozen germans ho has killed a highway robber he ban helped lynch n murderer he was once captured by lirlcaiids he is go ing to be elected to congress next year yes drawled abo and lie can sing and dance and piny the phm continued the fnolihh girl yes nnd he can piny golf and cricket and ride horsebuck and he owns an auto that cost ave thounand dollars and after ho is elected to congress we are to llvo in washing ton in her excitement and enthusiasm ahe had said we her chagrin over it was intense for a moment and then relief enme as she suw thut abe hadnt noticed it hadnt he though i but there were no criticisms no quar- relino the sunie kindly qoodnlght as- abe left for home there will be an elopement he ald to himself as he wulked along half on hour later as he luy la bed staring at the darkneasihe added thut is there will be au attempted elopemont perhaps it was pollys mother that gnve him tho date the hour nnd the starting point you must agree that it would bo her duty if she knew them there wns no school at the district schoolbouse a mile away it wns an excellent meeting place abe had been there an hour when mr brian montgomery drove up with a bora and buggy from the nearest village he was there half an hour later when polly andrews and her bundle ap peared thank heaven i whispered mr montgqmery as ho jumped down and extended bis hand yes drawled abe aa be sud denly appeared and got a secure hold 011 the mane coat collar what ih the meaning of tills it menne this and some morel answered abe us he batted the fellow between the eyas and shook him about until his teeth rattled mr mont gomery have you been in yurup n o than heres another one for lying to polly i have you beon to war no but dont hit me i right on the nose for lying to polly i have you killed german let me go i another 11 to polly and this one on the jaw to pay for it i coin to congress next year nol no i no i hotter go and take this along with you i now then have yon been cap tured by brigands no aim turned the cownrd around and kicked blm three times and then said n hie sobbing girl im lie 11 sent in tho buggy polly cleur and ill drive you buck home i anil all she could reply wns abe oh abel xilnably explaining now the action low the thoughts pausing through th nlnd of the actor th musicians beat n their drums and above all other founds walled the flute thin and treat ilotni piercingly sad like a lost soul tormented of demons prom cabbages to kinq8 writer impressed by aeeumulatlen of 8ubjeot matter of every descrip tion in print perhaps the most valuable instrv- ment for perpetuation is the printing press wrltea bruce cummlngs in sct- ettca progress no sooner is an event over than it is reported in the dally press and the newspaper preserved in the british museum for all time within the snered rotunda of the british museum reading room may b perused the novels of charlea garvlce as well aa th great chinese encyclo- peiavotthetatrnperor klanghl in stksj volumes in book our knowledge to data i rounded up and dlspluyed you may read a book on a lump of coal a grass blade a seaworm on hair combs car pen snips sticks sesllng wax cab bages kings cosmetics kant a very thick volume indeed was published last year upon the thorax of a field cricket it would require a learned man to catalogue the literature that deals with such comparatively trivial subjects a th history of th punch- andjudy abow r the history of play ing cards at the present rapid rate of accumu lation the time must come when the british museum thousands of yar base will occupy an area aa large aa louden and the encyclopedia brltaa- nlci be housed in a building a big aa the crystal palace an accumulation of learning to make aristotle and setllger turn pale repair ship mysterious the manufacture of a large part of machinery to replace anything broken i ilnaoat impossible in the limited space of tbe battleship machine hop but wondrous feata are- per formed in the repair ships that ac company fleets on station remote from dock facilities states a british war correspondent tba repair ship i a huge floating smithy and machine shop packed with arerythlag that the wit of man can concentrate into tbe spsce for treat- lag wounded battleships these ships employ seme of the best artificers from our aaval dockyards and are scattered la every quarter in which tba british fleet la stationed remote frosi dock facllltjei the boche has netting like them anil it haa been stated that ao inquisitive boche haa rar bean allowed to intrude hi nose aboard on to investigate it mysteries and take the information to his em ployer of how the strange feat per formed by th repslr ship are effected th repair ahlp i the abode of secret ride wall at nlnetyflve jockeys no matter what their age are generally referred to by those not closely in touch with racing ns the boy on soand80 but a stable lad till going wall at nlnetyflve i cer tainly bard to beat there la one as shown by th following clipping from tba london sportsman of recent date ont of the brightest and moat alert of the lads riding horses around tbe paddock at windsor prior to their rucei wa old faulkner the grandfa ther of th teeplechase jockey of that name he i nlnetyflve years old hi memory i of th best and so i hi hearing he ha been connected with hones all his life and many a tale of the turf he can tell the war- chauffeus many pnthuklutttlc reports have come from the other side about the excellent vnrk thut woman are doing as drivers of inntorinrm but hint there is another aide to tho picture issiuggasted by testimonial recently incorporated in an ndvortlhiinent of n british automobile manufacturer this testimonial i from 11 doctor who is something more than tho typical british humorist wben be anys of the car in question t anything which will stund up to the effort of my late chnunvuuo or seven days each week for month on end must be passably good stuff caller invent fir bsoapa on ef tb boy aboard our navya fleet ba invented fir escape which 1 similar t tbe rope ladder died aboard ships his principal object waa to provide a collapsible are es cape which could be compactly and conveniently arranged at the window of a dwelling it cmvst of a con tainer hinged to tbe sill in each a manner that by opening the window and folding tbo container on it blag the metal ladder may be unfoldsd and dropped wben this operation i gone through a mean i automat ically provided whereby the ladder la held at a distance from tba wall ef the building th advantage of auch precaution la bvlod 6uasatlon i hove named my new tti hd loon why have you given it stveb name us that hecnime nobody can blamf yon then for speeding it up journalistic dilettante whats th matter with the city siitert two members of th staff are boldlig blm and be looks as if ho ware about to have a at if th fault of that wealthy cub reporter hlrsd last weak tbe e e told blm to cover a bed chonsaaotlag this afternoon and ba mir it would interfere with bl gam of golf tberara on form of extravagant pu jpiorat what jtf wltojgteipuutfti mm i sjmii wfi oi ifakuc2 i vi- iikimwlxim i 1iy vtcimts tf 1 iwryisr iv vy r imasmmxir- au yfrim vci

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