Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), September 11, 1918, p. 2

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1w tiki i v t u ftv i v i j- tfu ir c v s v v-t- r i r- a h 1 m born mcwav in goorkttown on aujf 3im to mr and mm o t mckay a tton married hay ward dawson al the manse gt- orffetown on sept sth 1918 by rev r f cameron lily dhwhoii to hurry hay- ward both of tfrn colin died i jwtttywntwiloriivanj mctio ifts wvsv vwv-t- ay s ikijrjrtavl jjiiepsrflfcwis m1i jjfiiiwrf ilani wvu 4aw sillurdny ailirum zi 19l8i maim cunhinifhfit widpw iuhe lale robert srikkxr in uleiunllliaiit on mfiifaiji c september 9iht8 ai6udr ajtrihi i iuiiionbv nftmijkt i shortitl iti hewihton 01 wijntitiy iv scptenibei li 1918 saruh fvdce a- j the georgetown herald v wednesday september ll 1918 1 i m i thrive oudht to bo natlidg more popular than the appeal for 8u far help for brlliub ueamuu during tbe war these gallant men have had very little attention though theirs fans been the great strain of working always on the alert and no time for growing weary no mattor how cold the weather or flerco the storm if anyone has been faithful to their trust it is these watchmen of the deep their popularity will no doubt attract all the support ne cessary let tbe response attest the gratitude for all that we are what we are and where we are the result of the efforts of the british mercantile navy to keep the ocean trade moving since the outbreak of war no branch of our forces has beon called upon to make such sacrifices as the mer cantile marine although mem bers of an unofficial branch of the ttr yiuu fvllti nwroittro nu jiuiiniviiy separation allowance or any other ohioial recoknition the merchant sailors have been forced to face every horror and danger that gor- manterrorixm could devise by day and by night they sail tho seas menaced hourly by tho floating mines and the submarines but for their heroism our allies could not make war for a week they would be without food and without munition fifteen thousand of those men have already given their lives in the empires service their families are left to their own resources and in many coses they are in dire distress rightly or wrongly they receive no aid from government and tbey oan look only to tho generosity and appro oiation of tho nation sailors week is a dominionwido cam paign which is being conducted by the navy league of canada to raise money to help them ontar ios objective is to contribute 1000000 the cauhe is a worthy one and wo bolievo our citizens will not fail to answer tho cry of tho distressed give generously let our slogan be they shall not want obituary alexander 8ttbrat death has called another of tho towiihhiph most highly ivsitcctod residents in the person of mr alex ander stirratof olenwilliunih who passed awny at the home of iuh son- inlaw mr k y rarmoloiikh on monday last deceased was in his 78th year and was born on the old homestead at union me was a son of the late james stirrat one of the pioneers of the township and had jived here his entire life lit early manhood he clerked for the late thomas young hardware mer chant oeorgotown he also taught school for a lumber of years fif ty years ago last july hewas lar riej to jane ann- orani vrho pre jeceisjkl fljtti- wjjthih aioijasttsyo remain m tbttttac1oul aon mrsoed w winnem tho late mr stirrat wo a man of sterling character who heldtbeis- j feem of the entire neigh bau rhobd iflawaa- ap eldepf uplori preb terian 6hoclfjorman yewrs the- remain swinterieoj jri the fiyjpiln0i5nwiufani uery tiiw af tfirnoonr v jtt rotogbt bbxty i j matilda dmirrijiglhxni uilq w qf ttio late jr9bertppnij4y eiimemionae died at thlioine oflier ditutoi mrs james plant7 flleir lawsori on satilrday after ivn hlhesh of siii or heveninonths she had j-each- odtho riifc age of bjf years mrs beatty- was the daughter ofthe late james cdbningham and was bern in trafalgar mr d jhnirr av iorartify rtlid rush all south f factory suw4stof mafri t aimiarlyiyidfli mifc ay v coh view iaidfrfjucb to-qjv- bivmhiftrf ift c rthbfnjftioii military news fte ed hill sen of bynrd hill formerly of stoworttown is roport- d killed in action last month mrs david parr has received word from ottawa that her son pte geo parr was officially reported admitted to 20 general hospital danosfl camiers aug 20th gun shot wound in face other halton boys reported wounded this week are pte a began pte b litoh- field oakville pte m e sopher aoton pto b t gain of georgetown is listed among tho wounded messrs c w and a m orandy received tho sad nows last week their brother lieut f norandy of newmarket had beon killed in ac tion the sympathy of many friends is extended to thorn in their sad bereavement pto m a cummings george town is reportod wounded dr noilson loft this week to spend a few days at his home in ludington mioh previous to go ing into training with tho cana dian royal air force m churh news methodist at 11 oclock a memorial service for william king who fell aug 8th evening the worlds greatest need the memorial service for pte oarfield mason was largely attend ed the service was according to the parents wish and was most im pressive tho toxt flhoson was i shall go to him but lie shall not re- turn tome it was most helpfully treated rovealing the four dootrines of salvation personal recognition persqnal assurance and anal per severance tho coming union will be spiritual consoiousand happy to the christian tho choir ably sang momories by st clair while at the close miss violet buddy sang expressively nearer my god to thee predeceased her twentyfive years to a day his death was tho result of an accident on the lindsay farm at limehouse when the hay rack fell after being elevated to the mow for unloading by the fall he was paralyzed and death follow ed nine days later mrs beatty was the mother of seven sons and one daughter of whom tho follow ing survive mrs james plant ar cbibald in british columbia jas in milwaukee win and bobt in hammone ind fred and arthur in the northwest the funeral was held on tuesday afternoon of last week to limehouse cemetery mils archibald campuell at the good old ago of eightyono years margaret stewart widow of the late aachibald campbell of aoton passod away at ouu on friday allffllst hoth deceased was a daughter of the late robert stewart of tho scotch block es- quesing and a sister of robert btowart ouolpli who died a mon th ago her first husband was james laidlaw esqucsing n bro ther of the late rev dr laidlaw she married the late archibald campbell j p about 40 years ago mr campbell died horo twenty yoars ago noxt may two chi idien by hor first huhband survive mrs annie l purvis edmonton and john laidlaw vancouver mrb campbell went to guelph eight or nine years ago and resided until al few months ago at tho elliott home sho was a woman of su perior character and was always interested in tho success of her oh u roh and of the missionary cause sailors week campaign the following peimins lmc hceii appointed l i in- ioiinnil tee to call on tin citizens of georgetown for routrihtit ions to t lie navy liea- gue of camilla viz liielph queen mill king hit reeve heart well anil l cook coating and paper mills tj k fleck andt j speight main st west niiitli of mill si tv ttcilili lino mr xicldtr over white uridge p h liar risou and m moore north of liielph anil west of queen st it i leelintin and c b duyfooi cjtjuujluh vdk withotiiiidbpijrtfa liwtriluffeyt tum- ijjeb i eiiljh in3f- luirja ikv iirttjtmvi i6wabfinii weai- lirtj odit haniorfl ctltr4 teti inoiititiinkl i ivlippwff iimiinffi il urrwliife ikni iitfiiuf ibi- tiovulil npituvs furicir pic i ayhilutl b1cli wticiti liygli tiefvb ht utlufo lu duirytilmls piii0 ohorlt tnr wanted t steady work year round and good wag es apply in writing or personally to e mcwhirter supt pro vincial paper mills georgetown 011mt clliarlnl auction sale of farm slock and implements -ikii- w personals mr john i williams of toronto was a visitor in town ovor sunday miss joan stork of pickering was tho guest of miss ferol fronre last week mr j m leslie of esquosing left on monday on a trip through the western provinces miss mabel dennis of toronto was the guests of miss lyla arm strong over the weekend rev e w tink of bnltimoro spent a few days with his aunt mrs e hortop of glonwilliams mr and mrs harvey mccul- lough of toronto have been visit ing at mr robert mcculloughs mrs manahan of long beach california has been the guest of rev and mrs truax for a few days miss beatrice fraser of toronto fomerly of georgetown was award ed 1st and 8rd prize on her two ex hibits of modelling at toronto ex hibition mrs john balluntine has re turned homo from the west after spending throo months with her daughters in manitoba and sask atchewan misses lillian anil margaret cassidy have roturnod home alter spending apioasant visit with their brother dr j m cassidy of the united states mr and mrs jas hortop and daughter of port perry and mr al- lie hortop of toronto havo return ed home after spending thoir holi days with friends in olonwilliams mr and mrs ii c clino and tuoir four years old son crawford and also mrs s w williams all of east aurora ny spent- the weekend with dr and mrs cline at tho baptist parsonage mr a b willson misswillson and mrs w h willson attended the reopening of tho old temple of tho children of peace at sharon village on saturday last tho teinjulo which was founded by dav id willson groatgrandfather of mossrs w ii and a b willson georgetown was recently pur abased by tho york pioneer and historical sonioty as a museum for tho preservation of articles of his- torical value to tho county it hts liiil tiiklrui itll in u koszki to ntl ly pulilii- auction al lot i on 7 krin on monday skitkmhkk mm i1h al i o lou khaip llu- following hok l nin n 13 ymt bay man gp rs voirl man- h-u-u- niv 1- ii ilak ilriwr 1 yin blaik iviviutiii hll i1in ts bay biult- iiv ijkjiiik riiilk vis i ijlil oil itlitml i inns ian ii ivil diirhani tow i yr duo doe jnil ifil dtiiliam ottw i yrt niilliiilg 1 nios foil luiiiin rtiwo rrs milking j mo- 20 durham hiooih 2 yti 7 klotn vi h 2 llfillts i vr fall 2 wot iltis vericoiiro sow luo nov isl loui alieiil 24 hiiis imiiimints massfjlliniis bind- 4m 7 ll fill ill motl ropnir tot ktihiitt sod drill i i lioos new las spring rool scuf- flor cool jiulpor whoolbarrttw ntone boat net bobttuiglis fulioi- nonrly now mi totic cream voparator nearly new barrel chum set single imrnuns net driving har- noss horse blankelri wllifllelrces grain bags and muny other mrtloiek loo mimer- ous to mention a quantity of barley oatt and mixed grain also 1 hitch turnips and a few mangolds terms grain roots iowl and all sums of 10 and under cash over that amount 12 months credit on approved joint notes 6 per cent off for cash w a wilson henj iktch clerk auctioneer lnreskrvkp auction sale of- cows horses imidemenls etc tho uihlfrvifnrtl hiiii inifin by irank illnson if nih by ftihlk utuiioit al i lie villtv if clciiw illiams on kkidw skitkmhkk ioin al i ivilivk 111 followinf caiiik iruiu oiirhatu row in lull milk jersey kntit cow in full miui jerwry lraile iow due keb i lib jersey grad- tow due mntvb 5ih horsk hiark man u yv tki stmtmi tiitrr 1n tuirntoi iwplkmunls muk llairik biiulei ft hi ill ond working order mnwer wal ter a wood i footl as newt masm- i ltrris root pulper 1 nlieer new masseyharrus ereatu eptrator 00 lb eapatily new to tnrrow wied drill fltjiutni milljkuiettu mft4 drtlk ilewf ivurekftirirdeirvultivatort 7l a o1 y sl mu fjj6fmjxy num ot vsjkimi t ash- cyri thai pviojih nojifimiu oiiiijtporir iiir iintf xtvwiuo iuvjvjjmv lt-ru- aielitjjier y erkdjt- yi auction sale dorses milk cows springers v onng cattle and pigs 1 lie under hiied hstn received iiihtriirtioiih from iikrllkkt t itnnkv 4th hit tottell by public aint ion at lot 11 west of hnnnpton on wkdnksdaw septkmhkk 2snt at 2 oeloek the following hohkhs hay icldiiik ivfk ajjjiie by huron murray cattik iuwn jery cow 5 yrt ealc at loot fawn jertteyeow yr ealf at fool kawn jeikuy eow 7yrs calf at foot durham cow 5 vr- ealf at foot iurham eow 5 yre calf at foot durham row 7 yrs calf at footj durham eow 5 yrs rait at fooij durham row h yrn call at foot ilhuieiii eow 5 yrs due lime of lale pawn jerey eow b vr due litne of wile fawn jersey heifer 3 yr due time ot kale blaek jersey heifer 3 yrs due lime ol kale hrindle heifer 3 yrs due time of hale fawn jersey row 7 yrn due in ort durham heifer j yrs due in orirade durham row 7 yrt due in oeij tirade durham rtw 5 yrs due in nov tirade durham eow 7 yrti due in nov durham heifer j yrn due in dee fawn jerkey heifer 4 yr due in jan holtftoin lleifer 4 yfi4e- ttt jnn p a ry wh rnwfrf yrs due in ieh milkinjf well durham heifer j yi due in feb milking well durham eow a yrn due in march milking well black jersey cow 7 yr due in marrli milking well hlark jersey heifer zyrs due in may milking- well durham heifei 3 yr due in may millking well baby beef durham lleifer 4 durham heiferk 2 yr f houtein heifer 2 yrti i durham heifer 1 yrs fat durham heifer 1 vr 2 briiulle heifers 1 yr 11 durham heilers spring calves durham steer j jtn 4 durham bull ralven from 2 to 4 monihs 15 durham steers 1 yr i durham bull 16 montlih durham bull 1 yr kcjfjr- tered jernev heifer i vr susannas daisv 923 3 not bred the above eat lie are n choice lot and will be sold without reserve ptcs sow 10 pigs at side sow 8 pijf at hide how a pix at side 2 sows not brer 25 chunks 3 months 6 pis weeks fl piffs 10 weeks norkshire hojf retf 6 months tkrms fat heifer veal calves and nil sums of 10 and under cash over that amount 1 2 months credit on approved joint notes 6 per cent per annum off for catm ik trjmble v j mckiknkv bookeepcr auctioneer brampton fair friday and saturday sept 20 and 2 1 program i hist iia 1kiday september ill ilntrnnce rue to nonmembem adults 26c chtldron i oc die ixhlltltion kftuxinils and hall will be open at 7 a in for the rtceptlon nt tfjtlcitj all x11i41m in ulaatt u6 jh8 must be on the rroundh by judkf will voiunie their dqlloh ut l ochxk wben th hall 0 m friiuvidh nlid iiijj win ji c pi mt 7 an ixhimtiiol lifc toefc umieatl to 24 lpouinlve to l on rhi truumlm ii ttm oclock b y lhwhutl fmrl nut iluccdior judjitftl twihj soebnd dayy 1vjutt wnlxitw hjjjw li ilfhiyuf r w rfiiy j v-v- 6 r 4loijmlrlule in urndnw- c 00 r uoutlhtcr ifum in fiunesh marh or tfuldjok nt prlo lo 11 srtf doin no s b ii ourriuoy l1ijeljiir oldlrtr ot- filly in hurnotw dcalyis excluded c 00 7 slntlo curtliitfu in liarnotw doalor ox 8 00 n o uiiiaini i on 111 in hariiuatt iiiureu or kfloiiikh tiualetti excluded fliht ullver modal medal kyrlo lirob 3rd hyile uro and frunze g co 10 00 3 00 6 00 clan h special 1uh suddlu horava antl high 8upers judkd at i oclock 1iicctoim la cimrtfo mewiii hunter and mctutf och 1 hikii jump open to all horticx 2 itnr hlffh mtippoih uny size both lonif tailed uml dork j iumuch may compete in this clutfh cntriliico foe 1 r 3 single hltfh hiepptr intuu or keldlngr uny nlze bold lout lulltd and iloekcii hotdoh maj cm- petu untrunrj foa 1 4 llvht three your old hltfh stepper f i test furithrrt turnout hiiikio home open to county ol ivel huktri iiurttv and hariua own ed by raruhr lai don no lft by honator mini u u i test ufwiikmminh t union i roiidhtor olun altt- jflu borne in hitmen iioiho biigey harness and appolnlnienlh 7 hcht ifciitb iiiims lurnout carri une ctusii in harnuks iiiiihi luikwy liarnohu und appoint ments h willluin j tvim don beht lady driver horse in hntnown iml don no 66 0 w j lowe mij tor bent ketittomun driver soo hpoclitl nf -i- t0tf single ft 00 g 00 10 00 3 00 3 00 totrestwjikoii lntihe hliown in hlnflo bar- nhh lilteliod tit wilson sultnblo for light dellviij horst 00 por cent wa- ifon fi jr ceiil hutliesh 1ft per cent 1nl lnnation so 58 iteut vhkii h isc khown in aliikle har- ihihh miii tn hie for heavy delivery horse flo cm rent wtiffon 25 per cent harnejiw 1ft per cent host roiulster iikiro on ffllll j tent eniihike nitito um roln w j uu mp i 5 for hvnt lady driver oo 1- j jones mht sinhllu home 3 3eura or ovor ic 1 t hrow rniik bt kntlemans rood homo i 17 arthurs mns wiiikic lady driver 1 1 2 00 1 o0 klbbon of honor itlbbon of honor ilonatlon no 31 b 00 6 00 6 00 themensstore ululil own mull l all our work is hand iiuuli ikih n dm htyl iiil hnihh ktuiiipink it cliutinotly ax our hh1- fipt ur bnlll y suit slyl lit lind flnihh kur a l ran fron 4 5 ixrl 1 d i k ms very mnrcv ut prices ur 8 hiuli in e thy wil i t z moiitli pl y 0 njjw1 n6nity ll jothijik i w luvi v full georgetown phone 126 mlvtllcrjash tailonino and iricn8 fyriilshjrjoii atiopii lor stockweir itondftrhon tf-rcso- dyqrs aitd clban tororito b ib fjnrrrrnbj coal th b9t soranton coal in all sizes portland cement flour feed provisions john ballantine georgetown phone so established 1872 bank of hamilton thk wins doinanilh must bo mot by i ho ore- ation of now woiilth farmcih uml innnu- liicttiroik mi uikt1 by tho ciovoriiniont to in- roiimc iinihiml mulco cnniulii rh fur iih iikk- ible kolfiiiiliiioiiiloiit to innroaso production it io iiocohuury that ciipitul xhoitld bo omploycd to tho bout advantako to norvo proilintivo on- torpriso ih tho function of i bo dank of hamil ton georgetown branch o c maokny ijcajfttm cliua jiidsruu at 180 pm 18 i arrltiao miiki liormu in liurnenb mare or goldlng 1st i- 2nd s3 3rd s3 19 currlaffo ttiuiii in liornoih mal ou or ffoldlnbh 16 94 92 20 ijcht farmer turnout oiirrlntfe itnd team soo don no 74 cillhh 0 kmiimtltioii in uio iiothc rinflt dlruotoih in nharffo hutchinson arthuri und hewaon tho 8oclty rchcrvcs tho rigrht to chnnge or doclirro any rac not fllllnc kiitlhfactory or on urcount or had woather horses eligible from september i st 1918 4 to oiiiit and 3 to start trotters allowed 4 seoonds over pacers 1 itirno 91g0 23g trot or pace ono mile bost 3 in i entrance fee 6 per cent of iiurso anil members ticket 1st 970 2nd 946 3rd 25 4th 10 2 torso 9160 21s trot or pneo one mile best 8 in s por cont of purse and members ticket 1st 970 2nd 946 entrance tea 6 3rd 9264th 110 jas laidlaw pres john h watson secty clearing out sale our last week ends on saturday come if you want bargains and pick your own goods at any price some tables show cases and a wagon also for sale get an oil heater this la the heater you need to guard baby against cold during the morning bath and frolic can be carried upstairs and down to drive the chill from bathroom or breakfast room light strong handsome furnishes ten hours of heat on a gallon of kerosene w c anthony main si georgetown ocedar polish is the rlfht polish for all woods and finishes for floors furniture lino leum 35c to 304 sizes the pandora brings relief you wont know the relief in store for you and the new pleasure in life too until you have a pandora range set up in your kitchen daylight oven ther mometer on the oven door that banishes the guess from your bak inga hundred con veniences in cooking and kitchen work au combined in one range t the pandora adams cos old stand main streel georgetown it saturday trea1 y you all know lliat ihu canada food doard ih having- nuear by allowing th candy mntiufaiturcrh only 60 pur cent of ian yuan supplyaiid thu biff xtnum trade coming now wo dont want any enndy mhortue in georgetown and wo art doing our vary bant to look after your wants you will help tu wry ninth if j- on buy cmv treat evury saturday au wo will offer you lines that con tain a wmall per iltntnyo of hiigar thin saturday we offer you 100 ibu of our 1 foimwitatlu lij jelly siiiftren thiti h a very popular line and will well like hot titken kttgiilitr 40f lb saturday treat price 3bo weekehd chocolates wy all rtuhiiiri try n pound if you have not done no already for jhey re won- dertul value regular 10c tb jacksons some splendid bargains in useful furniture heavy striped duck high back folding chairs heavy white duck folding chair heavy white duck folding arm chair duck back sides seat tapestry seat folding gkalr lawn seats heavy white duck folding stools 149 89 239 215 149 43 weekend special cfinndn food licence no 33c t h moore he ad for sale by j w kenned v m pandora london toronto 8tjohanb hamilton montreal calgary winnipeg edmonton vancouver saskatoon prompt returns from shipments when you ship grain butter cheese or fruit put through the merchants bank a draft on the buyer this is the business way of securing prompt and satisfactory settlement it saves time and possible loss tric mrch ants bank fssmi dsjl tswsm fmk sk extra good values jn parlor furniture couches oak frame spanish leather 30x6 ft 4 in for 918so 5piece best quality rug parlor suite 75 for 4900 3piece mahogany finish and english velour 3soo 4piece oak and leatherette 3900 3piece mahogany finish and silk 2800 j- head office montreal of oeoroetown branch acton branch canada established 1864 c w orandy msttiger l b shorby tammftt jacksons main street georgetown ixi jonteel the ihost delightful talcum we have ever handled the talcum that ip every way pleases the moat dainty and exacting woman price 3bc face powder in same odor 75c box cream 75c jar the best in drug store merchandise the finest in drug store service m

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