Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), September 11, 1918, p. 4

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the georgetown herald wednimdiiy september 11 101h yoo did its good to wander buck iifoiin among tlio old home follix it rutlior hiilihiuh u unit to lienr tlic mime ohl jokth to hear somebody nay 1 knew vou when yon wore a kid but wane one always tells you of the foolish things you did your hejvrt beats lighter ns it did in lorik forgotten days when at home well remembered spot retteetivoly you gaze hut il seems that nil j good- il juttlnoblo deeltaiuhid v odwiftamv hljfrv y eiiey talk of otlih jtfibvo isbw out intohotug forfjjgri land tlwy- tejl hf hi inithtltee other r- wlkft v 7- jjwyksdfme ahd tlfey 30011 shafta ibu itflbhitblp vo of you 5aownimtejiihipi wtvoibelfljc ntmikotd hpflft jhtffpolisji u1np ai vvohlitfow ybuivo dotfc ijthink tw a hjvi- schic7 but eory tihic jtheytalk otywi thevveoeriain to eopiinohoe with tales of whnta fool you wfre v whon you livil here a kid they have forgotten nil except the foolish things you did if keepino biennlax vegeta bles for seed by the term biennial vegeta bles is meant one which takes two seasons to produce seod writes tho dominion horticulturist in a leaf let giving advice on tho selection and wintering of biennial vegeta bles for seed which can be had free from the publications branch otta- ptfctables must be stor ed over tho first winter and ro- lllnntiiilfn 1 intlv 1 t timetable am pm pm pm 11021 1220 846 610 11040 610 department of agriculture w tho veuctables must fee all had tragic history carolina the laat ef a quartat af ship that beamed u be deemed to misfortune the linking of the carolina by a german uboat remvred the laat of a quartat of ahlpa that hava had a tragic history remarked brooka amtss of baltimore a fbrmer realdent of wash ington at the wlllard according to the washington post the carolina waa formerly the grand duchesa built for the plant line in 1896 she made her flrat trip from boaton to halifax and two yeara later aha waa taken over by the government to he uaed an trans port in the spnnisharaerlcan war her maiden voyage in the transport service waa from charleston 8 c carrying a regiment of wisconsin troops and hgh army officers to porto jkl0vl jfpear hjiebrfqre iad banijlacm in command bf the america aiw fd4e fery vvihjnb- tonwfth mcnlbert qfwtsuiff early in july iat fibarlestoiv general mtlea wrfnt on hoard the tale which had been the city of paris- of the amert- can line fle lefti cfeu roy stone of ils stalt at ghnrteston to recruit- a gpiig omnborcrs f air thit irtajfii pojrti rtibn general me4 pjoceded -fp- cubavo the yau ilmd after staying there a frvr went to guanlca pn thje southern ioasf o- porto jtco itj a whlie he ws lying m- to fcondejv fu little harbor of oojila on honrd the cbtrokee the tale bhnljion i urge to enleri toe harbmv thai 1le wjttlnad by members of jtbi staff whoimdaolled on tistjrand puchess the firrokee nnother plant liner tooii the staff to ponced asd amoiig others oil that ves sel wan the late richard hurdlni da vis who had sailed from cuba on a dispatch bont the cherokee arrived bracelet watches s p n morntny to flnri th the city hud been taken the previous day by an ensltfh of the navy in a dis patch yacht a few days later the protocol end- lag the war was declared and moxt ot the members of the miles partynulled back for the 8nto on the ondnra a transport that hud been punlmmd from the hollnndamertrnn line the curious part of the thins is that the vale waa sunk in mmi jintn- ner the ohdnm run nulmrn off tlif coast of cuba white in tie trannpuri service the chemke foundfml o no where id the atlantic mid now tlio grand duches rhrihtinl hie cnro- ilna has been sent to hie bottom by a german uboat burt l th rootor i aa follows ll a m 7 p m ol a46 a m in base- pomxnunlon lwt and 3rd tch month at 11 a m legal kallbridqe a dale jrs solloitors eto and qeoivetown kennedy block e tn oharge of oeorge 1 enough from others ho that they will not crosh the crop civtiadian grown hoed should compare favour ably with im ported seed in regard to purity ax it does in other char acteristics tho methods of wintering vege tables for seed will vary in differ cnt parts of cnnada hut in most placos it will bo necessary ty give them some irotoction whon jios sible it is best to store them in a frostproof cellar but if necoss ary tho vegetables may bo stored outsido both in small and in large quantities except in the case of onions which must be kept dry and stored in a oool place where thoro in littlo or no frost diary of a new yorker rose at 730 a in closod folding ied bathed in patent folding tub cooked breakfast on iiiijhiipiio rlc atove a s xen ror otflc with raraiiws f my contemporaries 815 to 0 a m cruxhed lo subway 801 crushed in elovutor 902 to 12 noon at desk in iilllcn 12 to 1 p ra ailtumalic lunrhioom rushed in retnitriiiit i to o p in at desk in onici- 530 p ra run over by automobile 546 p m run mr by htrict mr 6 p ro home crushed in mitliway 630 dinner at popular table dhote crushed by wulter 7 p m to the movies crush d in 1 rowd 080 p in to dru store for node water crushed in crowd 10 p ra run over by auiotnomlo 100 p in run over by street car ii p in saw a parade crushed in rowd 12 midnight home to folding hod crushed new york sun i have a stock of the best make of mophereon shoo and will sell uri calf nt 000 which is from 100 to 200 less than you can got this shoo for any whore else i have no dorks to pay no high rent and nothing to worry mo so i can soil you a good light split boot for plowing in for 260 i will re pair the boots i sell at about half price i dont want to waste good leather on cheap trash boots buy your boots where you are suro you can get tnom good and repaired cheap by a professional man at the business j boney the oold boot georgetown to save vessels from sinking interest has been aroused by nn np- saratua that haa lately been developed to aave ocean vessels from linking ifter being torpedoed or dnnmtfed by solllslon the contrivance which is ahown in popular mechanics miiku- line comprises a laminated slcel disk to the center of which is attached n series of rubberized canvus cone ihapd buckets in use the end corn- on the chain would be lowered lin the water in the vicinity of the hole in a ships bull upon being cuuithi by the inrushlng water it woiildbe pulled through the opening the whole 8tiliur df buckets would then be lowered iiikiii with the dlak so that the latter would be pulled in place over tin- break the cones being of flexible ma terial would be able to pass thrmmb an aperture regardless of its slmpe the dlak once in place would be held ty the pressure of the water against the bull in stormy weather rain and sleet hold no terrors for the owner of an overland model 90 toulring sedan its weather proof advantages are your protection against the elements and it has other advantages not the leastof which is its price it can be converted into an open car in a few moments by lowering the sidewindows into slots provided in the body and doors the top and window pillars being permanent closed or open this model 90 touring sedan presents a smart appearance and as for perform ance it leaves nothing to be desired drop in and see this car ask jor a demon stration if raining or snowing so much the better we can show you real riding comfort in any kind of weather come in today t j speight representative georgetown lillysoverland limited wlllrsknlsht andovartand motor cara and lisht commarotal wagons head office and works west toronto ontario m m u small light model 90 sedan irnpraved atdarlno proses a form ofthe schoop matalspraylj jrocesa l mlderloac thaf at reqoirv th eoni the fnelgaa used u wbdair nd gives the flam rafficlsnt drlrldj force to spread the sjoldtr over the f rurfaces to be soldered a small driv ing mechanism feeds tha wire soldai continuously inter the flame tha method is convenient rapid and inex pensive and la free from the tedious nd disagreeable features of soldering by hand i want technical training far women at a joint meeting of the birming ham and atlanta sections of the amer ican society of mechanical engineers resolutions were adopted requesting the colleges and technical schools of tba country to provide special courses of technical instruction for women and girls in order that they may be able to take the places of men whs have been or may bo called into tha service of tha eonntry during tha war kvajjssja read our ajs and see the many bargains offered seed wheat we have on hand a quantity of home grown winter wheat for seed and have the assurance of an ample sup ply of american grgwn white winter wheat which will make excellent seed for ontario this is the year for a large acreagaof winter wheat and hope to have your orders early js i robert noe limited norval ontivio this is thetimo of yenr when women aro iiiihj- ploklitih wo aro ready to supply yon with ovory thinx you neod for picldink such as spices vhieiou jars ete the following isu list of hjiicoh which wo have to offer allspice cayenne pepper muoc cloves oelefy seed mustard heed ctirrie powder tumerie whole pickling spice root miti- tor mustnrtj mid cinninon then in vinegar e have the while wine also blended cider then we hnvp jnrs hoth crown and perfect seal in the crown jars we have wine pints imperial pints wine quarts imperial quarts and wine half kullons then we have the perfect beal jars in pints and quints we also have parowax iiietnl rings for jnis glass tops for jars and iiihher rings if you aro in need of any of i he ahove kindly let us have your order right goods at right piiccs chimdu iuhi hoard luvnsr no k- i27h just ivhat your soldier laadie needs we have them v a m grandy the pure food store phone 75 ttw- diitly pupem tliht i tiiirs if whjlr thf pnif- hi lnuice who fn t ivr mi tt midpr nnd not n wtinttp rtny tiy hut some kind frlimd vttl tmft mid with a twoinch lln- r typt i kohturca will hftll inc m itl he cries tlw ynnl- iiv rr add that bl booh f lu ll f njl pq sooa their ntmvr u ryliljh tti ttt4 wiser f ftwfrtoir ula vuan rrknv nslw alc aft f butter paper al ihe berald office not his thf field ivail of 0n vthsm fate forbid to carry sword and shield ird hla let ha cant get old bill roundgott but hers at home haa all the fun t while others fiyht to crush the hun ill rry i yr our niriv- dppt grtmi that pralxe a hir- i flfce toheaf toem flkjjto nenrnur boya in france get chver hilvs6nb al- toastefli 1 wlatj tlmj l rtirro gvef tbrajutllicrsjchl0g ilrtrue i vtblnotfangiv khl theb rn jlme to jtlul rd pptv husky bernsapt wqpki thftr t niv hfvp o s wsntwttiwntid abs thfaflei snd ett mi iw- alar4llilckidolaijsfre- lvapnl ufrtii aoijmatjls bnt jljci aattkvpfartvre timas nnr viand apd jielrljliora rileall respect- rnlnotxreto tpy mnbhatlbijborb itt ttot neav0- iwopout 5tiib irrvis fce bofrdprlibtiadit po a diagram and keep- the room rii irder t donuf wear a heros trig inr sbttrt a heros jnedal laad i ifiide teorallllcti lose and work the motdir pedal i do not help to crash he hun with- huyonet rmphatlc but t explain the why and when of fields lertrnstfitlc i cant at preaant strafe he flocha with shell and sword and ire o im content to teacb a class he ways of braided wire and though piitire to aavy those who share the tun heroic i force myself to lesser asks with an expression stole i do lot much enjoy the job while i am wudlug through it but good or bad iie job la here and someone haa to 10 it i although i alt in peaceful eaaa mijoylng things delightful i long for plunders mud and fleas and other tor tures frightful 80 while tha papers heer for those who fight beyond the 3rean i jola with them my heart and polce and register emotion i wish hnt i could be la france to battle for our nation but meuawhll how ilout a bit of homeappreclatlonf 80 i just mount a nearby chair where those about rsn view it and give three iisty cheers since no one else will do t at least if i must stay at home 11 y coura i consis id rather 10 in france than hers a theory as sistant i- j v- universal military h sljler bffehha ip weetbearf is naturally the that afaiitor most refreshment and great- est enjoyment when on duty the flavour lasts sralod tvmlcra jkmaiised ioitijtsi f llkstrcruttwibrjilfi totta- 1 jyar fviiil fxjisr oa ft4- htweww- l 5lwi pkjgft4wv ou 4havv1 ed05ftttitiln- flutrtirv wi lekrwr vl wtkcw lw foulr itairajcollii urul jiiwli nil friiin rlii towmafctri t- li ilttnawt f e j printed juvdpes- vijrtimiiilnjrumhcr in- farinntioii n ici cbodiden til picptflc i coiflrclndyibjilec nw blmnk iofmsoli 1 davua of fall fain ie irgictown octoiibr 28 ikville sept 101718 oraiikoville j3ont 17j8 brumplon sepl 2021 a kepi 2426 btrcelkville sept 26 ferkus- sept 2027 aborfoyle- oct 2 cookttvillc ort 2 rookwood 84 milton y9 erin o 9 burliiikton thnnknriviiik day mail contract c6ntrotf sxuikd tundera nddrhhcd to the post iiutjhlcr iuuornl will hv received at otia- w4 m fv t tr te twe ne v nth september 1918 for the convey- imcmf hth majeatyti mails on a propok- vd coiitnict for four yoarn hix times per week each way between and acton rural route no 3 via okprintre from the ront- matttit cieneralh plcanure iriutd noliech contuininjf further infor mation rh to conditionii of proponed con tract may be wvn and blank furnu of tenjfi iimy be obtained at the post of fice of afton and ohpringe and at the oilier of the totit office iiihpector tor onto a sutherland tost offite innpcctor pout office inspectors office toronto autfuxl 3lh 191h 2l81t a good investment what a tliorough training at tho ouok beards te beal tha mud when the allied forces in flanders are not battling with tha germans they are trying to ontwlt nature this la the snbstsace of a report brought back from tha firing llae by icaj- flan charles clemeat c 8 a mud was a source of considerable annoyance to the soldiers bo the en- el hearing force af australia devised hliiit haa become commonly knows aa the duck beard but which tha oana- dlnn hava named tha bath mat bath bing terras af derision the beard ta made of a number of sniull stripe af wood 14 to 16 inches in length wklch are nailed to strldg- er placed in front of ana another and extending for miles a atap off the luck board means plnnge into a ku of mud at least three feet in vpth the board waa devised to enable the australians ta attack the german more eucceaafnlly and it served to pro vide a path to victory popular sej- vnce monthly meat market specials for friday and saturday a orfaen anaadoto iike most philosophers m bergson i ves n rather secluded life hla house n paris is as qnletiooklng and retlr- he ax himself most of his nelgh- icih know bin only by sight and have nn idea of the distinction enjoyed i r iichoiit the world hy this unobtru- lw spruce gentloman a short time iko when m bergson issued forth to to the french academy where ha tvus to be formally admitted tha iclnhhorhood was dazzled by a msg- jlfliint academicians uniform green iuhroldered with gold leaves a corked ant and a dainty sword then tha id concierge of the house opposite e- slnlnied abl the little old gentleman has been called up at laat and about timo tool manchester guardian llaniliiiitt blouk per 111 kauwukc ler lb 800 llm hiioiimoi ronnt beef per lb thick rib roiiht hoof per lb 100 lbs corn beof per 11 rib roaxt beef per lb llnil beef per lb rump rointt lieof per lb 100 llm pickled iiork per lb h00 lbs binokcil rolls jier lb 200 llm hinoldd lnuii per lb i lb pail hlioileniiik i lb pail laid 1 ii lirick kliortotiink iinned toninliiom corn peiih pichii trouljicr hi white hkii per hi ciuuulii iodii honnl lirenae no si2j0h 25c 20c 20c 27c 21c l0c 24c aoc hoc- ac 12c h7c iic h0c 20c 20c 10c 1hc lhc study this one year of your timo nt present worth about h00 cunh investment about 160 for tuition and foex next year income of 600 to 700 100 on investment with con tinual increase and unlimited op portunities for advancement think act a l bouck principal heroes who dont like worahlp tlmt kindly admiring and entliusl- istlc visitors to hospitals in the war eotio conatltnta a nulannce and added trial to the wounded is the complaint f tho new york medical journal the phtlents dont want to be bothered- with glarldcatlon still leas with the dear helpful souls who come to en tertain them during the wearlspme inure of convalescence we know of patients dodging behind tent when they saw certain ladles coming to anmse them comment the journal laconically california sardines commercial bulletin of los angele says that the california sordine pack for thlsrear will exceed that of maine which last year mounted to 2600000 enses compared with 1300000 packed in california this paper asserts that the ash packed in california are true sardine wall mane paoka small herring w j patterson main sitkai georgetown pjione no havft thelowbtkare tttemowfifltrwl thejchiicrmn rahothe5crvicet0fl ior infprmatloa lltcrturwv tkluta mid reuervfltloa bppy to dearest c itu ticket aiebt write oeneral lltutenarar detu fiiut- canadian northern ifw a n alimony from seldlar the supreme court of new tork state haa no power to enforce an or der for alimony agalnat a soldier in the united states army declared jus tice aspiaall in the supreme court in brooklyn in the case of mrs florence merrlman against replay p merrlman a private it i the flrst decision ef it kind here justice asplnsll gave the opinion in acting upon the request of mrs merrlman attorney who do- innnded merrlman lie forced to pay 40 on the irst buslaess day of each month it i okvleus that the defend- qnt could net comply with a direction thnt he pay 40 en the flrat business day of each month said tha justice when 140 i more than the rate eg pay of bl grade and the time ef pay ment of soldier i necessarily very irregular we make di work in this line and aria jprepareaj to mend shoesfor every mmfcei to of the family sond us a trial order and prove what roliablo work we oari do w wharrad pbone 147 t junk and metal dealer highest prices paid for tt all kinds of junk ecmlpco phone 167 georgetown 90rf btbatsp came to nixprcmtscs on monday aug lui buy nprje owner may have smo no respite hooray i shouted the boy in the brown swseter our teacher i going to france and be fled ore nurse what gqed i that to net objected the boy in the scout suit theyll only get somjo other teacher to take hr place jmbuck butcher always keeps a choice stoek of tha best procurable in fresh ssd bejt meat whleh he sails at the lowest possible prices canada food hoard licunw no 92108 get the bst w mput tl vofrti cattue grade durham cow oalfal rl sldei part ayrirtilrecowlvatfjit sldei paifjii ayrshire cow calf at aldbi durliam tfrndcf cow calf at sldoi rplstclii cow due in oct i jersey cow duo in ocl i jersey cow duo nov lati part tyolatein icow duo nov 22nd t part holsteln cow due jan 2nd enrt durham cow due jan i0lh part lurhain cow due doc 12 holstcft cow duo in jii holsteln cow due jan 20th durliam cow calved 2 mos briudlo cow ralvud 2 mos i arado durham cow duo in april i grade durham cow duo jan i3tln durham irrodo cow duo feb loiln dur ham srade cow due jan i7lhi part hol steln cow due jan 20lhi part ayrshire cow calved 3 most part durham cow due feb i6th part durham cow due jan 9thj part durham cow duo jnn 6th part jer- seycow iliie jun ttthi briudlo cow bred 2mosi irt durham cow due jan 8th f t purl jeroy cow due jan ullii pnrt hoj stolu cow due jan 23rd part durham cow duo jail istlii part holsteln cow duo fob 1rd part moutclu heifer due nov istlii 5 durnam hoirersrlhinf 2 yrui 6 diirltnm sloors rlsins 2 ymi 12 durham beifors rising i yri 6 calves h most 9 sprlnu cnlvosi durluiin hull iiobsks buy horse 10 yrei bay mare 12 yrut lrowu mare 4 yrsi bay coll 2yrs iigfci berkshire sow with 9 pfjrsi r 1 vorksliiro bow wilh 10 plfrsi ii pljfs to wkni vbrkahlre mow due time of sale implkmknts lumber wngori pear newi alngle furrow riding- plpwi rubbjir lire bugr opein lop bugrky near newi set pourdr cllpporsi sot toain harnessi set sliujlo ifitniohh 7 iicrcn uwl onsllago cprn 5 iroeao 2 ganders tkums all sum of 10 nnd under cnuli ovor that amount 12 montlm credit on approved i joint nolo w k wilson benj petch clerk auctioneer ihw -v- r n

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