Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), September 18, 1918, p. 3

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rrrrrrmiii m 11j 1 1 ii iblllllllllllltlll ib d matthews drug store kneou raw your iiiiih to lay early wiving idiom royal purple poultry specific v hit including personals fleiirgrlowiis agonth for tliin well known dmml mm vi royal purple stock specific worm specific cough powder sweat lini ment disinfectant calf meal etc jiirjurjs and statltinefry 0 local news items v fr falli fai r xxptrjsiu and 8rd ite yon joi tidjhg-idsuw- dt v f vy ivj i- jifttil flisilwiii filt on satiuiday trout iaa great faw aiitethis week oeit your entries rpiuljl for eqrgetoilvnfairoct six utol 8rd -jvith- tho fall fairs nowon we should have some line weather we thank mr wesley milled- ko of term cotta for a line huge rr3r ti vjav ind ufrtrilila rpiyitf 6f the ulitw 9tiiiiluiar bidcd jtuif by uctilstall iiublatidhs in thtlt dimtry irtut djeaniftfid lipnngpevs itftw tboe jpiriition hj iimlimiutyi jbiinilii notion fs fikol j- to bo itakn in canjln tn6ss- who wish to conthaufeto get thpir papers should notlneglett to pay in advance aanlrfpvary sovvloes- anniversary services will bo li ill rimnlmiitfn prnelyf niinn miss mathews will resume her oiohhgb in music this week mr d 0 jonos of ottawa i visiting at mr j w kennedys muster paul flock is attending upper canada college at toronto mrs j a tracy returned home on monday after a pleasant vitil with ingeisoll and fjondon friends mr frank simmons of detroit was tbo guest of mr and mrs jim mason for a couple of days lusi week miss arcltiuige balfour of tn onto was the guest of missis nellio unci olive kennedy over tint weekend misit jessie ija vintf atone of ui 1 itittheem3wlthhit imrehtil3 ud ftstfaje- tiivioit- afibifc-tiih- v miss graham and mastei ooruii qfiuiastein of toronto liavp re turned hoine after spondrnk two weees at mr horqld bioghuijrh mhj alfte kin whood lemi troaf meifij at guefpb tffqis fvtil urhl pjamfatetti mitcji nprbvjiai n beallti y vwete jllfhcfaaki net jpajnotoiv help the boys over there by saving gasoline the allies need gasoline waste none nf it on sunday inotoriiik for lilensiiri lie who uses it for this purpose stints those who lire liuht- in our battles ft is the duty of all motor ear owners to comply with the fuel controllers request to save ftas the safety of the state hein the supremo law personal enjoy ment must itive place to national neeii diirin war time to save cifiltm- is to snve mrtnry it wilt alii ciisuii a more iidequate sup- pi v of is for the needs of our wnr machine which must lack no eseutial to comply with the find lonlivillars ivijuest will save jilsoooo on a kittle -simdaj- lir iistij5n ih jwillfiiud save fk ho lijin8 t jipo a vfeiuij toili vmi motor oiiir own4riiyi- tt v mammoth house georgetown milline mil new arrivals a large assortment of misses and strayed ivoiil the ntoniincs af the mndrhifiud lot is loth line finqueoing- on sept 8th a oneyearold rd stir kindur kindly xmniiiiihiu- with cjoo i lih1u k k no 1 chtfllonlmiii rfconocifr 21 918tf for sale oih hjivy not of hinjfu lrai moiiiitcs1 harnomn a pair of iwijjafft nloiffln iwo h whfonn or sinc lutru all in jootl order one rain cover blankest and othor articles lot al apply to box 159 tlforjrtrtown 98tf if you want the beht guaiiltypkkhii and clreo ladies reaoytor wear hats krix k- koootik ffcl the piill piiir seecmtiiin tlti tssile l4 1 v ihiffball mrs l r fleck picked it box of ripe strawberries in herutrden this morning 7 these are the mornins when the frost is on the pumpkin and a chill is in the house save your money and buy re freshments at bsuuesink womons institute booth at the fall fair mr alfred bethel has purchas ed mr fl corkos house on john st sale was mado by k a benham rev w k hindson formerly pastor of the baptist church here died at his home 802 muitland ave liondon ont this morning wakellold ford son of mr and mrs geore ford fell from one of the wire swings at the foot of main st od monday night and fractured his wrist golden bantam corn is at its best this weok for running and dry ing hilgirth garden product on sale at mckay bros hjieeial rata for 8 dozen or more all the folks who dont hap pen to own motor cars are a unit in demanding that sunday pleasure driving should bo dispensed with for the balance of the war we feel so good over tho war news that wo just had to dash off thofollowing immortal poetic lines backward turn backward- o hun in thy fright misses adams mi i lino ry rooms are now open with a full mrjffe of the soasons newest styles and shapes you are invited to coll and see the display motorists generally observed the request of the ontario motor lea gue and saved gasoline last sunday probably the- weather was as in fluential as the request of the lea gue a knitting an quilting after noon will be held in the public li brary on friday sept 20 th at p m everybody welcome will all who have sox finished kindly bring them in no no those new fanglod can ning centres are not a counterfeit for the oldtime canning centres where aforetime men rested their foot on a brass rah until the can ning process was complete over the top at tho rex theatre attracted large crowds on saturday night mr gregory de serves oredit for giving his many georgetown patrons the best pro curable in the picturemine at their last meeting the county council granted 200 to to tho halton agricultural sooiety for this years fair and 50 eaoh to those to be held at oakville georgetown burlington and ac ton we are headquarters for heavy boots mcphersons of hamil ton williams of brampton day- foots of georgetown makes from 426 to 450 at hurafords shoo parlors georetown why not have all tho motor ists parade to church tqhear a ser mon on chariots anoient and modern or the fulfilment of propnooy respeotipg the chariots that run without horsos and jostle one another in tho streets we must again warn somo peoplo that itoms forwarded for publication must be accompanied by name of sender as a matter of good faith not necessarily for pub lication otherwise tliey are con signed to the wasto basket some saroastio things are said about the fighting proclivities of a section of the feminino sox hut we notice that most men when they get a chance to leave the trenches to visit their families do not insist upon remaining where the fighting is moro general try a pair 6f mophorson mode boots guaranteed by the company i can soil yon this make of boot 1 choapor than you can got them in either hamilton or toronto retail sfcbios tho railroad men always lijy tbo mophorson shoo for sale qnly at such ft low price at j hon eys the gold boot georgetown ftafrmhawnt t f 4i xlar buqueaing womons institute will serve tea coffee pio ice oroam hoi dogs oto at thoir booth at tho pal pair at goofgotown oct find and 8rd patronize thorn aha hal supply comfortalfor duo boys at the front flt church on sunday sept 22nd roy dr blair of guelph will preach at 1 1 am- and 8 pm spoc- ial music by acton mixed quartette also an anniversary concert will be held on monday evening sept 28rd a good programme is being prepared including dr blair of guelph mr a b castell of george town and local talent admission 26o children 15c no law to proaoonta one of the peculiar clauses in canadian criminal law was brought out in the toronto police court when crown attorney corley con fessed his inability to prosecute hootor vatcholl a selfconfessed bigamist tho man appearing on a charge of failing to support bis legal wife enlisted in tho early part of the war and while in eng land nuuriod another woman ac cording to the law it is impossible to prosecuto the man for an of- fonco committed in england in structimih will he given to have the woman and child deported the man was ordered to pay u a week to his legal wife thonks to contributors the labrador medical mission extends thanks to all who kindly contributed to the briok fund for dr gretifolls orphanage the money for 184 bricks has boon sent in by the secretary 84 being con tributed by tho combined sunday schools and 100 collected by little margaret contts we are pleased to state that margaret has the honor of being the first to win the gronfoll pin given by the association to any one collect ing 100 bricks the second to win the pin being a boy in california a letter has been received from dr orenfoll in which he says i urn delighted to hoar of the splendid bale coming along georgetown just wont out of its way to help a passing ship like myself it gave generously plouse thank every soul who helped the help not the dollars is the meas ure to go by a splendid entertainment the concert on friday evening last under the auspices of the wo mens patriotic league was cer tainly a treatto tho largo audience present a feature of tho evening hostile story reoital of polly an na jjy miss evangeline glino a t c m of brandon col lege m ins clino has a very pleasing stage manner and provod herself an artist in her lino of entertainment ihacb and every scene was highly appre ciated by the audionco and we be lieve all found something to he glad about tho cornet solgs by mr m hendrioli of toronto de lighted all as did also the vocal numbers by mr w edmund capps baritone of brampton m ra bal ph ross and mrs annandalo aontri- butedinstrumental duetts all the artists of tho evening were repoat- odly onoorod rev mr cameron occupied tho chair tho gross re ceipts amounted to 78 waking good in wait we take tho following from tho morning loodor of regina of sopt 7th it relatos to a formor georgetown boy well known hd highly rosqected in this commun ity it will be woloome news to thousands of dairymen through out the provinco that percy rood until now inspeotor for the dairy branch of the provincial depart ment of agroulturo has boon pro moted to dairy commissioner he is already well known among the dairymen of the province as sinoo march 1916 when ho was appoint ed dairy inspeotor mr rood has boon mooting tho farmers- every day in connection with tho dairy business mr rood was born and reitfod on ft dairy farm at george town out about thirty miles from toronto and oarly loarnod the practical side of milk product ion and care of dairy cattle en tering tho ontario agricultural col lego at guelph in 1800 fin stud ied tho manufacturing side of the dairy business under professor dean completing the regular two- year course and obtaining the as sociates diploma from that insti- tutionin lfjol in 1008 ho return ed to guelph and attended the spoolai winter oourao with this intimate knwledgo of allbranohos of saskatchewan dairying mr reed will ho h a position tp do nmoh to further tbo dovolopnipet of this now vory important brnnoh of tho agricultural industry jind why stqhe rfc canieouf rojrf toronto oil saturday fcjrd clineaml fttnvijj xtjie biwjiut arsonaiytheseitouingpin arc nil marritobansuna previous toenlist- ingworo students atbrifrklop 6ol- logo r v jtex theatre friday this is the life a fox pictum with uivge wnluli telegram id a tlic billie scroen rhodes comedy saturday a select pictiu and roscoo fatty arbuckle in the i il boy tuesday afijluto appeal with jean sothern and a charlie chap lin comedy wednesdayepisode 16 of the mystery ship a stingaree story and an ohenry story cli umbnifetted bks bertiihlin wvfcy tji6masf aaunock hpjktfi svihjw wttb pr awfisjl h bcu u hi liir kftqturkiirk on at oiiokthc ftsllowinjfi n hokshs pair tiintchitd rtyh 3 nhd 4 p f jjrvy c y i catttred vowfriwh calf ahkijde white octw fresh calf al nidc htolhlein ow freawj calf at side rtu cow fresh alf at sideholsteiii cowhprininjfi wpot- h l imifui tf- tw obituary mbh j b shorthl after an illness of some throe or four years sarah frances moote beloved wife of j b shortill es- quesing passsed nway on monda sept 9th doceasod whh a daugh ter of the late john moote anil was married 20 years ago to m r shortill besides her husbiuid slie hiaves two sons to mourn the loss of a kind and loving mother the funeral took place last thurs day afternoon to balliafad ceme tery the service being conducted by revs jewit and waddol there wore many beautiful floral tributes from relatives and friends the pallbearers were three cousins thomas nathan and george cow an goo campbell w shoiiill and r shortill alexandeb gaitvin by the death of alexander car vin of limchouse on thursday another ofesguoaings most highly respected residents has been re moved deceased enjoyod unusually good health until about a year ago sineo then he hod been noticeably failing and on monday afternoon suffered a severe attack of paral ysis from which he never rallied mr garvin was born on the fourth line esqtiosing township in 1852 and has lived in limohouse for tho past 40 years ilo is sur vived by his widow and two sons j a garvin of barrio and l 1 1 garvin of toronto mr edward garvin of brussells ont is his only surviving brother the funeral took place to green wood cemetery georgetown on saturdayiftornoon tho service be- ng conducted by rov r f camor- qji the bal i hearers were- win wright robt lane john nickell andrew dobbie jas oneill and richard marshall springing jersey row frcnh uoa ruifcr fronlij blaok heifer frvnh 2 man heifers full flow of milk brindte liuifer full how of milk spotted heifer full flow of milk red heifer full flow of milk 10 heifers i yr i 0 kloek loerh i and 2 yrs sllkki- 30 breeding ewe- lltssow and 7 pigs ioi ltrv 4 reese i gander 20uhilr wyandotle heiw tkbms fowl and calvew to be cauh over thai amount 12 months crediton ap- ptsved joint uotea 5 per ceil off for caih even thing will be sold as the farm is sold and possession given up xv a wilson iifnj pftcii clerk auetionrer liadies and misses si weaferi v- j vsyetw at 50 and 100 possible trie8 r xiv jbo iv tf i i i w r j ith v vtii h crenlt auction sale of horses milch cows yotang cattle sheep pigs the uudcrhitfiicd nas ri timtruc- tioiis frtvni john riniuam to sill by public tinlion at lot l 10th line ktqiiosinff 1 i milib from icorjfe- town on tlksday octdmkr 1st i1h at i oclock the following morsks atfrii filly 2 yra brokon to hainiss jfcldiujf 2 yrs driv- irik man cows giad iiolstcin cow call at hide grade iiolstcin cow calf at hide grade durham cow calf at wide grade durham cow due time of sale grade durham cow f rehh tirade durham cow due in november jersey cow due in december lloktein cow due january 7 llolwtein cow due january 9 jerney cow due march 17 holbein cow due april 27 jersey cow due march 1 2 grade durham cows duo feb 27 grade durham cow milking well grade durham cow due march 25 grade durham cow due march 27 ayrshire iow due april 4 black cow due april 2 grade jersey cow due april 15 grade durham cow milking well tirade durham cow milking welt holfttcin heifer due march 31 lioistein heifer due april holstein cow milking well hlack cow due apr 28 holkieii cow milkiii well grade durham cow milking well iierford cow due mar 1 ayrshire cow due keb 27 iiouieiu cowi due march 6 durham bull 3 yrtt votnt cattik grade durham lu-if- er 2 yrs 2 holstein heifers 2 yrs 12 yearling heifers 6 tirade durham steers 2 yrs s crude durham steers i year 11 tirade durham spring calves a veal calves sukki 15 breeding ewes 16 tinule oxfird ewe lambs oxford ram 2 yrs iltis yorkshire now due october 12 yorkshire sow due octoder 21 icverythinmt will b sold without reserve na the propritor has desposetl of one ol his farms tkrmn all sums of 10 and under cash over that amount ii months credit on approved joint notes n per annum oft lor cash v a wllson itkm iktt m clerk auctioneer t notice to united states citizens in canada ffl ibi ifflnmiimirjffil iffl lllimillim ffil ifflljuuxmrf barnhil ls peel and halton8 bargain stork 5 gals american coal 00 100 canada pood board licence no 813124 barnhills norval 4m biiiiimiml im ftinii iriiirtml la uuaaijijxmffll laiiiiiiiiiiiniffii lananrap va saturday treat some merchants dont believe in advertising they any they have tried it and it dont hep tlieir husiuonh any now there is no use in advertising if you hnve nothing- hpecial in talk about wo know it pays us to advertise and we know it is borauko we havo womethlnk worth while for yon tivvvy saturday we are dot soliciting biisiuuhfi for mr m ooro lurvo are looking for mure buyers for our sat u rt ay treat thin hiilnrdn we oner yot 100 lbs of i lometunde pea- nut crisp fpk l10c saturday treat frie 3sp weekend chocolates corofinnt ctirainpls lemon chew molnsnes clirnmuls horduux mini ieii- nut cliislur vonllln ami many pthor cfonin centreii are lo ho round in otir wvokuiid cioeolnuih tills nhsprlinenl in wdii worth 10r weobund special 88c 1 dfiwula food llopiico np uq88 fmoorehead v by the united states military service con vention regulation approved hy the gover- nerincouncil on 20th august 1918 male citizens of the united states in canada within the ages for the time being specified by the laws of the united states prescribing com pulsory military service except these who have diplomatic exemption are made subject and liable to military service in canada and become entitled to exemption or dis charge therefrom under the canadian laws and regulations the regulations governing this liability are published in the canada gazette extra of aiat august 1918 copy whereof may be obtained upon application through the post to the director of the military service branch of the department of justice at ottawa united states citizens of the description aforesaid who were in canada on 30th july 1918 have sixty days from that date within which to exercise an option to enlist or enroll in the forces of the united states or to return to the united states and those who for any reason subsequently become liable to military service in canada have thirty days from the date of the accruing of such liability wjthin which to exercise the like option it is stipulated by the convention also that certificates of diplomatic exemption may be granted within the optional periods aforesaid every citizen of the united states to whom the regulations apply is required to report to the regis trar under themilitary service act 1917 for the province or district within which he is in the manner by the regulations prescribed within ten days after the expiry of hisoptional period and will be subject to penalties if without reasonable excuse he fail sq to report for the information of those whom it may concern sections 3 and 4 defining the requirements of registration with which it will be necessary strictly to comply are set out substantially as follows regulations 3 every male citizen of the united states within the ages for the tim- being specified in the laws of the united states prescribing compulsory military service not including those who hvi diplomatic exemption with in ten days after the expiry of the time limited by the conven tion within which the government of the united states may issue him a certificate of diplomatic exemption shall truly re port to the registrar by regis tered post and in writing which is plainly legible his name in full bis occupation and the dute of his birth stating also whether he is single married or a widower and if the latter whether he has a child living also if married the date of his marriage and htuting moreover his place of residence and usual posf office adcuwaa ia canada and if he reside within a city or place where the streets and dwellings are named and numbered the nam and number of his street and dwelling or if he reside in another place the lot and concession number section township range and meri dian or other definite description whereby his place of residence may be located having regard to the custom of the locality in which be lives and if without reasonable excuse he neglect or fail to report in the manner and with the particulars aforesaid within the time limited as aforesaid he shall be guilty of an offence and shall be liable upon summary conviction to a penalty nut exceeding five hundred dollars and to imprisonment for any term not exceeding six months and moreover he shall incur a penalty of 1000 for each day after the time when or within which he should have registered during which he shall continue to be unregis tered 4 every united states citizen who has diplomatic exemption although not otherwise subject to theae regulations shall within ten days after the granting of the same truly report to the registrar in like manner and with the same partisulars aa required by the last preceding section and in addition he shall enjbudy in his report a true and complete statement of jbe particulars of hjs certificate of diplomatic exemption neglect or fai lull e without reasonable excuse to comply with the requirements of this section shall constitute an offence punish- ablk in the manner and by the penalt1ks provided in the lust preceding section issued by the department of justice military service branch hour grain feed we have just received a large shipment of monarch hog feed and sampson feed these are two good feeds and give good results order a cwt to day a quantity of choice timo thy seed we curry ft full line of pniilto supplicr- grit oyster shell charcoal poultry regulator lice kil ler disinfectant phone 195 for prices georgetown flour feed mills c greensides proprietor j no heat waylaid straight walls in the deep firepdt of the sunshine furnace pre vent ashes from col lecting and absorbing the lteat instead of allowing it to do its work in heating the home one of the feat ures that malce t sunshine the kind of furnace you want for your home tor sale by w kennedy m furnace london st john nd toronto calgary montreal hamilton winnipeg edmonton sadcateon vancouver wijjinfw caklurr ciicry fj jflljoiii sirtveioiuvjiuyih cliwiiler soy6ii aiwifarvihiil hyird mcenaa fillr clifford linh am phone 196 main street many georgetown housewives jhave figured out that it pays to buy bread you know the cost of flour bought in the usual quantities the cost of fuel the possibility of the bread not turning out right not to speak of the time and trouble home baking in volves and to provide your farrtily with genuine good breadn h this is unnecessary just getjibbenb vic tory breacl try it and youll buy it regularly- canada fouj bouril liteiwe n 51835 glbbens next door to radial station phone 202 b v glbbens lrfigltaltaitainitaiibgito men wanted steady work year round and good wag es apply in writing or personally to e mcwhirter supt pro vincial paper mills georgetown s- onat glbbens cut rate cash and carry grocery drown mitfur 1 0 i ik fm 07 podium miroiil luiiio ik ihc ivnnnt hiittpr per hi 27t manic balling lowiloi- 1 hi ciii tic foroml city linking powder ill- jar sic ijiptonk cocoa per iun fb liilxonh ton rik 6 por pk for t 40 tliilfmi brand seeded ruirtin 2 llm fpr 26c kiio wiuliilik powder ii pl for h7 stnrerjbtalh ii plim for 17 toro tabldlh ii plk for 27o mnclaronhbiiliul orcnm 8 jorn swo ftliroildori wheat por pku 14 corn llaliob perpiig n a 1 1 tobaccos 2 for pkuit jars i gal join jura per dost lw porfoct boiii pints por don tjjo j j glbbens khoiae 16q lane block oeoyketown v rtivs km itmisiitsi iiaiilaiiilim3ttisiilm

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