Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), September 25, 1918, p. 2

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ii l leading funeral di rector tuid embalmor willson opposite moivliants open ony ami ijrltf aoroatown out phone 54 born dick at milton on thursday scpimher 12th 1918 the wife of wiflinin i dirk county crown attorney twini kirl und boy ukalmoht in tilimwllliniiiit on sunday senlcniler22ndi ait mr wtt beaumont v son ruhurtl ttar- pin married mkrkd1tu nohlkat thcainimf luelph on september 23rd l by rev h e abraham ite c e meredith second jtonflr and mr alhert mretlith tbe georgetown herald wednesday september- 26 1918 it ib fob every one of us to say how much patriotic endeavor how much loyal sacrifice we will make by saving our money by do ing without so that each day will see a surplus to add to our own and the nations strength evelhf time you buy a thing you do not need you interfere with canadas war work evory dollar you spend on things not strietly necessary is a dollar not merely wasted but used to employ labor on things that have nothing to do with our efforts to win the war for freedom a few of our motorists in town still disregard the request of the motor league to bo patriotic and save gasoline by refraining from joy riding on 8unday it is a pity there aro some so heedless of such a reasonable roquest tho granting of which means moio power for tbe boys at tho front whose offort and sacrifico has made it possible for us to live and bo able toanotoi- during six days of the week bo loyal savo the gasoline communities are like people they aro apt to got out of tune harmony is any communitys most valuable asset without it little can be accomplished when the town is off key it is on the down grade something should bo done all of the time to koep the oom munity in tune wo are apt to overlook this and only tune up spasmodically in the intervals we tiro apt to forgot we are part of a community wo lapse into mere individuals and lose our communi ty sense we cant go too far in an effort to preserve ooramunity harmony lets all work in order to koep on the koy military notes interactive letters area iilaat- jim padlajr ul pte bert parr major grant has received word that capt prod b goodwillie an- old georgetown boy who enlisted in tho west in the early part of the war was wounded on septem ber 2nd pto j d hood who recently went overseas writoa from eng land to his parents mr and mrs james hood steworttown that ho arrived safely and wns enjoying the bestrof-health- cadet ward brown of the royal air force hamilton spent the weekend at his home 9th lino enqueuing and called on friends in town wnfta his njochiae eayghfr- fire tytheattleilida tiajjnfctq tqnto jqjj september 15tbi cadet tfmy cieighton sanndera of erin was burned to death saunders was flying in the neighborhood of the jktnpwtien hiawhirie wjks ejl tbivpw bfeyopd veciagni- tionrlenettrittaid ips from the vntfi ionia y the mainb what cansecl the ekjipe to take fjre could not builearjod poihermiitiddv ttdyftai ta tbesuprfemo sacrifice on the bat tlefields of franoe inspeoto denyes received wordfrom ottawa last wednesday morning that his son meachqm who went over with the 164th battalion has been kill ed in autiun ok the principle that so much gasoline was saved and that a pen ny saved is a penny gained thero aro substantial grounds for arguing that the economy be continued for the balance of tho war at tho same time tho spirit of saving should not stop with tho saving of gasouno while fathor is saving on we gasoline lot mpthor and the girlsyeeonomizo on jjjo dress bills in war time it should bo unfashion able bo be fashionable a positive crusade against extravagance of all kinds is neodod in tho days of financial stress a full ward roup avails little but a full purse can iaugh at doprossion lay up your money against tho future it is a form of hoarding which is not only s unblamewortby hut is actually an act of high patriotism the time has lorao when the nation needs every oont it nan lay its hands on and evory dollar saved must be loaned to the state word has been received that pte howard robinson son of mr george robinson omagh has been killed in action he also went over with the 164tb pte bert parr who is recovering from his reoent wound writes from england under date of aug sotb to his mother as follows my dear mother just a few lines to let you know i am getting along all 0k and i guess i will soon be going to con- valosent now i was out yesterday for the first jjime alone and i took a long walk around here of about two miles i felt quite myself again i will bo in convalesent a week or so then for a few days leave and then to my training depot and got ready for france again whilo out on my walk yesterday i met wagstaffe from the olen i forget his first name now he used to ho in our bn but came to eng land before we did i was quite surprised to meet him but beleive me it is nioe to meet anyone you know especially when you are in a town with peoplo you never saw before but i have met a lot of nice boys since i came here i thiriticharlie ruddy is coining down tp see me i had a letter from him saying he would come down i have not booh oharlie since a year ago last june so it willbe like olden times to see him again i have never had amy mail from canada for a long time i guess it has gone to france well mother i will come to a oiobo best regards to all and write soon i remain with love bert what a day to pick for the com mencement of the big show my 80th birthday thats twice thir teen and its double luck tor inn i suppose it was evening of the second day that i got my touch poor old bill amsden did not last the first da but he is the only ofttcor known to have been killed though old bill ostio was pretty badly hit in the early hours of my birthday i thought many times of home and you two would bo sit ting around before bedtime hoping i would have a good birthday while at the same moment allow- ing for six hours difference in time i wfth making my iwtl in a held waiting for the hour when i was to lead my platoon aguinst the hun it wits cold but a mixture of rum and excited expectancy was keep ing us warm then all iu a sec ond tbd8hov was on and as dawn i am orithe boat busking in sun light with channel air breezing a- round war does not change the essentlabi t will tbeu ybfcsome- iujng- about or battjeflelcl du twbaffdyxtw btrefca tbiifaiite jw uw fvfltowsiririo oottlobraald mbis was 4pereiti-r- pleasant v valley- iwltn villages tuii woods treat4ter otis odsterjtheyheo5 thornn chine gunsjwa fields and hee rabbits bounded adohrt ibofare us as we advanced scared ny the whip like- aradk of the bullets and frit- tip- clogs joined us and trtted a- ouwigbtets htassisd the home dun can who occupies tlie homestead near moffat mamie ha wife of william gcwdy manager toronto lim co limenbuss catltajiinc ire p pio iajqtibipiv pf 4i esquesings big fair iat oaorgatown next wodneiday and rr taureday pet 2nd and 3rd everything is in roodiness for the big fair to bo hold here next wednesday and thursday und with fair weather thnxhibitnnd crowdwill oclipso anything in tho past history of tho show the big list of specials is drawing many ohtrios good music special attractions arid an enjoyablo time for all is assured got your onlrios in early suggestion on eczema it wil lake jultta few moinonin to utep in and ask ua whnt our cxperienre halt been in tlhtwnyf grnteful euhtomerv with thohootntng unuli of all ddd vouk monrv ilack ullloiw tho first llottlo io- llevus you iiowkigan drugnrlm ieorgomswn lieut jim podley writes to his father rev j w pedley of toronto formerly of georgetown as follows aug 18th j918 dear mothor and father life lately has been like a mov ing pioture to me i do not need to tell you the two great events my leave to paris and following close upon it tho big battle in whioh 1 picked this lovely blighty cables must be as oornmon as gar- don suss at the old home now i hope the offloial telegram did not worry you too much if you got one at all i sent one from hospital yesterday at rouen specifying that my wound was slight just to head off grief it is a beauty and tho lord on ly knows how it is i only got one when there were so many flying a- bout there was not even a blade of grass for cover and i was walkr ing upright wondering bow many more steps old fritz would let me take when bingo a inule kioked me as one might say and i was ij ing down feeling rather relieved i think and i could hear vpioos calling all around me stretcher bearer stretcherbearer mr pedloys bit i waved the sb book for it was no healthy place for anyone to be but became right on up across the open and dressed my wound then i brawled bock shook hands with capt jolliffe who was direoting operations from a shellhole about tfhroo inches doop and started to tho aid post a big shellhole accompanied by ono of thojnen this lad after soeing rue there returned to the front lino but was hit on tho way up and landed book at the aid post boforo i started on my long journey out yern armstrong too who was with me wheal got mine stepped one with his arm a few minutes later he caught me up at the aid post and wo wont dqwn together 1 saw him last night at rouen and he should roach eng land today my bullet slanted through mus cle at the book of tbe itfg about as high its the top of the putteo clean and nioe there will hardly boal soar after she heals know the differences- in uniform but they luv the s of b sides for a long time we had other troops in front of us and while that was the case the day seemed almost like a picnic oxcept that lurking parties of huns hidden hi the wood managed tq escape the first waves and kept their guns in action although their fire was rot ten and hit no ono because they must have been rattled in the end these nests would be dug out and gunners killed or taken ac cording ho the temper of tbe mou doing the job the first day we were merciful but not afterwards i came to u place where a tank had wiped out a position qt the eight fritzies there were seven dead and the remaining one not fur from it i gave him a drink and he took a lead ring from his finger for mo which i wear i also have the gold ring from tho finger of my corporal who was shot dead instantly while carrying u mg nest that sort of thing makes you cruel the second day 1 was out to kill any and nil i saw but fritz was too clevor i never got within revolver range of him othors were more fortunate fritz is a queer man ho fights bravoly especially when behind a machine gun at the crest of a hill we took many machine guns with the gunners dead behind their guns and yet he has no pride when bis work is done ho is a coward i stood at tho door of a dugout while men hunted out an officer who was hiding there he backed out of the narrow entrance and on raising his eyes looked down tbe muzzle of my cooked smith and wesson the look on his face was more than compen sation to me for all 1 have put up with in the army the whites of his eyes showed and he grovelled calling out mercy meroy i wanted to shoot him in disgust as i would hope anyone would aboot me or any canadian who would do that but i left him to the souvenir hounds and he is probably alive yet this souvenir business is a real part of a battle i find und it has a useful fuaotion i used to think it foolish but it has the power to relieve the strain of the tense mo ments to make a joke of tragic things you do not see the ghast ly death- face of a man you are too busy looking for his watoh dead and alive are searohod fifty times before the day is over amid much joking and interest concluded next woek obituary mils makhhaij hoimkk ono of the choice sprits of tho community passed away when mm marshall holmes of niihsugawoyu dnpurlcil this life on september 7 r otivlph general hospital mrs holmes hud boon in poor health for some time deceased was the daughter of the late duncan mor rison of pusliiieli llifv mother was a member of the well known mcciuk family and a sister of the late donald mucaig for years principal of rnekwood academy and- lot inspector- uf public schools for algoma foilyfuur years ago mary morrison and mar shall holmes were joined in holy wedlock they commenced their life work together on a farm iu nussaguweyu atl the iin widoxfoi th laq johri whose sudden ifcatt taourved tift fifi tth may lasiiwjkt taron- fe flftijlomrs fgltirinof first iin sieratiau wns ftlwiiyrf iftrhoine 8kef6irnd- also to devote to church she loved so well nassaiga- weya presbyterian ohtfrch l the graveyard beside this old church idng at our heels dogs do not surrounding which ore so many hallowed memories her body was luid lib rest refutine rev capt w e hindson rev capt w e hindson for merly pastor of the baptist church georgetown passed away at h in- home in london ont on wednes day morning last capt hindson suffered a nervous breakdown due to over work- and this was followed by an operation after which he was stricken with pneumonia his physical condition became so weakened that he was unable to withstand tho strain und he passed away capt hindson had many friends in georgetown who will be exceedingly sorry to learn of his demise he was a loyal and true subject of his majesty the king and his good work and in all parts of western ontario particu lariy in military district no 1 where for a time ho was chief re oruiting omoor resulted in the se curing of many men to join the oolors ho was a forceful and con vincing speaker and had no use for anyone who was not doing all they could to win this war ho was also absolutely fearless on tho plat form and it was duo to tho bard work ho put in as a reoruiting of ficer which had a groat deal to do with undermining his health he was engaged for some time as the chief pttblio reprcsontativo in con nection with the work of the mili tary service act in wostcrn on tario and did valuable work up to the time of his death capt hindson wab born h7 years ago at st catharines and was mar ried in 1005 to miss margaret ivo- son and she with four boys aged 4 7 0 and 11 respectively are left to mourn the loss of a devoted hus band and loving father his father is also living at tillsonbtirg they will all receife tbe heartfelt sym pathy of many georgetown friends wanted driver for grocery wagon to a m grandy grocer applv ut once 925tf lvl through the merchant banlc with branches in all parts of canada and cortes- poriderits abroad ths bank is ip a position ijimrriihyou jbrwtatvffl4i mrchant5 hekdn-aojmhtroal- of -catapa- ckoigtitownbramai cfonj ijfrafychi eetobiiabfluiaq cwyqilandy- mnaer iy b shorty m t i lamiiiiiniigal i mmnumii al fg themensstore your new spring suit leaves nothing to im desired when made lij uh all our work is hand made twjihohsiiim a dur ability a htyle and finish stamping it 1 isti net ly us our own product let us build your new suit style fit and llnish kunnintoed a large range to select from special i jcimine immh ed nttvyhiefttitlbmhtt hes ory scarce good prices me guhim slv high in these materials they will be i liiglun- jn nnotliei- month place your order now and save mtiney mens xtunishinics t new arrivals in shirts col lars umlorweur and latest novelties in neekweay- we s winkrjuflficeiiroje fnvali e ludint mrn ij5idii vj- ngfej6fhneny ready tin wear- suits uidpaais etc outilook comprises ujl tbe latest novelties irfmens wear wx invite your ipspecti6n right w vurcuasedbeforauisbigftdtartejf georgetown hlerf tilnqan agents for 8ifocivetl fendeifion co dyers ond cleaners- toronto riacmimiliitmf ibfjrrrrrrjgrrjffll ibii m 1 1 r l get an oil heater ihis u the heater you need to guard baby x against cold during the mornuig bath and frolic can be carried upstairs and down to drive the chill from bathroom or breakfast room light strong handsome furnishes ton hours of heat on a gallon of kerosene w c anthony st georgetown 0gedar polish h the riftht polish for all wood and finishes for floors furniture lino leums 35c to 300 sizes our real estate bargains in farm lands village homes garden lands etc arc attracting many buyers probably we may have just what you have been looking for call us up and we will be pleased to show you our list e a benham phone 16 4 georgetown gibbens cut rate caah and carry grocery postum ceroal large pkg lhe peanut butler per lb 27c magic baking powder 1 lb tin h4c forest city baking powder qt jar 86c toro tablets 0 pkg for 27s maolarens salad cream 8 jars 2flc shredded wheat per pkg 14c corn flakes per pkg 14o all toboooob 2 for 2e cholflo cleaned tuiuiants a lb 2ho new prunes per lb 17e union hand oloaner nc aunt dinah molasses large tin 14c star crystals nor pkg 0c seedless raisins new stock per lb 17c canned tomatoes aylmer brand 19c shortening peerless or do- mestlo mbs me dominion vegetable soup tin lllo bollsnaphtha soap s for 2ffo j j gibbens phone 160 xtmmblobk georgetown hows this for a bargain who wbum be without the best means of home entertainment when an opportunity bo good as this is presented t grafonola record cabinet and 12 selections for only qi4ft8o its s grafonola of unusual merit having most of the fear tures of lostniments of two and throe times the price such as new bayonetjoint arm colum bia tone control leaves colum bia reproducer graduated dial speed regulator start and stop device etc etc it has powerful motor and plays two selections wlth one winding and is enclos ed in handsome oak case 550 s whole outfit grafonola rmoord cabinet and 12 smaetioiu complete home at once after you have it home and while you are getting your en joyment you can pay the bal ance of purchase price in small weekly sums and like as not youll never miss the money its lust a oneday offer so grasp ft tomorrow pattersons mea ma specials for friday and saturday hamburg steak per lb sausage per lb 500 lbs shoulder roast beef per lb thick bib roast boef per lb 100 lbs corn beef per lb bib roast boef per lb boil beef per lb rump roast beef per lb 800 lbs pickled pork per lb 800 lbs smoked rolls per lb 200 lbs smoked ham per lb 8 lb pail shortening 8 lb pail lard 1 lb briok shortening canned tomatoes corn peas fresh trout nor lb white bsh per lb canada food board ilcenm no 812308 2c 20c aoc 270 28o 80o 24o 80o 6o 5o 42o h7o 09c 80c 20c 20o 16c 18c 18o 1 w j patterson main street georgetown phone no 1 ja readytowear goods for fall ij v hourigran georgetown house dress heavy porealo limine dress white repp colur solf trimmed in assorted patterns each night gowns lndies white flannelette gown made in full sums of good quality tucked yoke and look stitched frills on collar cuffs and front each jjadies whito flannelotte oowns tucked yoke trimmod with feather stitoh braid and bilk stitched emliroidory collar cuffs and front look stitched made in fpll sues and of good quality bach black moire underskirt black moire undorskirt with 12 inch bounce nicoly stitched made of un oxtra quality moire bach the kiddie middy the kiddio middy made of heavy drill laced front collar mid pocket trimmed with old rose light blue rosldu und copen hagen small sise each largo sign piicli coverall aprons coverall nprons made of specie 1 quality prints in assorted designs 15ueli white voile waists while voije waists with large laoe trimmed collrtr embroid ered front hemstitched ouffs well made in two of the intent styles bach 1350 145 1t5 150 t 100 135 150 hit jacksons main street georgetown km vtiy lt 41 ywba i1w n st-

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