Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), September 25, 1918, p. 3

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ijjj la ib ibtniiiuimnll w matthews drug store hiiooiiih yciiir iiciih to lay early hiving tlioui royal purple poultry specific wc are oiniwtownii ajjenu for thin well known brand including royal purple stock specific worm specific cough powder sweat lini ment disinfectant calf meal etc personals vv v- tr ib ibigidhcagbfj local nevvs items ik k- i fr 4 niajbrovefrj- ih day vi- doirietp oiiif rr wit f h ore dajn-i- 8ft vihg brings its own reward oodtixjnnded- are yonleady for georretowiie big fair next week patches in warulna ail o an evidence of patriotism patronize esquesing women institute booth at oar fall fair a large number of our citizen took in oakville and brampton fairs last week hear the patriotic choruses by public school children at the fair next thursday some peoples war motto is never give uplespeoially when a patriotio canvass is on there are many people who praise ood from whom all blessings flow and then proceed to waste them mr isoiio bennett has pur chased the robt cole farm on the 7th line sale was made by e a benham georgetown the grant bowling trophy was won last evening by prioe and mederniid from dickie and law- son by a score of 10 to 8 the worst thing about the daylight we saved all summer is that now we want some of it we are unable to lay hands on any of it bead the attractions billed for the bex theatre in another column 1 a pleasant and entertaining even ing may be enjoyed for little mon- ey the regular monthly meeting of the georgetown womens insti tute will bo held at tho homo of miss gillies on tues oot 1st everybody welcome mr h p lawson has the machinery in his new planning mill ready to place when coin- leted he will have one of the most modern mills in the country patronize the joe oroam booth and lunch counter whioh ashgrove epworth league will conduot at school fair at ashgrove on fri day sept 27tb prooeeds for bed cross during the construction of the pavement the surface drainage basins should bo covered and not left unprotected as they have been an accident will cost more than a cover the officers and members of verdun rebekah lodge no 184 request tho pleasure of the com pany of officers and members of orion lodge no 100 on friday evening september 27 at the lodge room silvor collection i can sell you the best mens waterproof shoe you ever wore for 8 made by mopherson of ham ilton and sold only by j honey the gold boot abaut 5 of the sugar that enters canada is used in making candy the reduction by the food board of about 50 of sugar to oandy manufacturers means that only about 6 of the sugar is used in canity very little sugar would be saved by the dosing down of the candy factories and look at tho happiness that would be ourtailod wbat about the sugar left in tho cups at your afternoon tea card of thanks we ucrepy convey our sincere thank to the mimy friends and neighbor for their klndnoas and sympathy extended to me during our mount and bereavement cauaod by the donth of bur buloved huaband and father mm a garvin and family llinoliouae old tips qotokavstta j will resujne ordinary mine at2atm suiiay oo4oker8r al dlocks vill at tlitttiil6orb but tliinvyr- fqr wianiiide doj afraponottli puulij onlj jrofrparifsqf iqwere -v- in aiiothorvithitiiflg vfteinodn wilt be vld friday at 8 t clock everybody welfcorae raou i9nolpl four 6hampionaiiip raoee at guelph monday qot 14th thanks- giving day 12 show olasses bestf liuisyy dont mms mr win mills of toronto was a visitor in town on tuesday miss edna harris of banie is the guest of misses kennedy miss janet nixon of winona is visiting friends in town miss edna beamon of toronto spent the weekend with friends in town mr and mrs andrew dobbie spent the weekend with friends in toronto i ltcpl ballautiuo d8o leaves today to resume bin ilutlos at hamilton ny misses mary livingstone and olive kennedy spent a day iu to ronto lost week r ijpnn gip of birqiinghami juahanta j g libmi ior fcfaj jgfjtvjv vv- jjfrand1rli pvq tevertou spent the weekend jp town with hein mother mra gait- ley v i ui snijmrs ksjvtf r turned hqtieaftur spshdiptiatoon- til laureotiab mooottfins uebwi t mr and mrs jock graham of the oth lino have removed to tor onto mrs josoph buddy issending lit few weeks with mm- sister mrs laycorkof men ford the yuiatiiy of our citizens is extended to p8 inttpentor denyos and mm donyca in their sore bo- icavoniont caused by tho death of thoir only son while fighting in franc the hvuiyiitliy of many friends is extended to mr and mrs mark given in tliu ions by death of their iloar lilllc daughter marjorie on wednesday inxt thus from a distance who at tended the funeral of the late alexander gaivin at limehouse on saturday september 14th were mis thuaua oar via and son fred- eriqk bai woodivmr hpris otj barrie mravjohn eupedy m qbii l0rv jmav itouksi or actohim masiws trod mtsv mc- lam 6 towbo s mammoth house qeorgretown i new ad milline mil new arrivals a large assortment of misias and ladies readyfowear hats boy wahtjbd smart boy with fair oducntion to learn printing- apply at tiurald office for sale kit il rant lotno ifonter in ootl rondl- apply box b herald ofhco itp tion lost on soptember 19th n diamond stick pin finder kindly return to herald of- tiro and receive reward warjuhq i f hie piirty who ntole the nmtifcaldu i y ld north ortjlwbjljs bsidxa- mi sopt ifitttiipeiitu the act pronecution will follow a hyde itp tc the best in prizes trains j ballinalad mrjwillboszel held a very suc cessful sale of farm stock and im plements on monday sir boszel has given up farming and intends moving to town mr daniel sayois of wolland it renewing old ooqiiaintanoes avoundtbe fad t mr isaac bejinott of george town has purohasod tiie farm be longing to mr bobt oole mr a r vaonattor has gone on a business trip to the west mrs vannatter aoobmpanfed him as far as toronto v quito a number of the young people from here ftttonrod the an niversary services at liraebouso last sunday mr ira rbsisel- reoeived word that his sou pto g w bosmi hod been erionslyj wounded- on 8optombr ii by gun shot in left this year 1200 leave atter john hinsliaina avotioa 8al next tuesday october 1st is the date of mr john binghams big auction sale some of the choicest oattle in the country will be sold together with horses sheep and pigb this sale is attracting buy ers from all over benj petch will be the auctioneer ashgrove sobool fatlr an event which is attracting the attention of both old and young is the school fair to bo held at ash grove this friday sop torn be 27th everybody is invited to view the exhibits of pupils and other wise spend a pleasant afternoon dont miss itt fejl fair prise best exhibit in tho ball by itior- chant or manufactures 6 4 2 the usual prizes for singing and dancing by school children will bo given special prize by e mar- ohand should be 2nd for collec tion ladies work amateur rex theatre friday 8ept 27 tho beloved traitor a goldwyn play with mae marsh a hi i io rhodes com edy and the soreen telegram saturday sept 28 aladdin and his wondorful lamp from the fairy tale with the olever fox kiddies also a twopart toto comedy wednesday oot 2 episode 17 of the mystery shin a sting- aree story and an ohonry story watch for the fair night attrac tion at bex theatre kalton tmohero inetitate the annual moetintf of the hal- ton teachers institute will be hold in acton on thursday and friday ootober 10 and 11 the session for the two days will be of a practical character intended to benefit the toachors who at tend a popular programme of musio and addrossos will be given on thursday evening miss elliott of hamilton normal school and dr watson of georgetown will deliver addresses prevented with jewel at the regular meeting of credit lodge no 219 a f nod a m on friday evening 8opt 20th wor shipful bro goo ford was made the recipient of a beautiful past masters jewel by tho lodge as a token of the esteem in which he is held by the memliers and in recog nition of bis services on many oc casions as installing mnntor the presentation was made by tho vw bro jno j allen in a few concise and eloquent remarks ex pressing the appreciation of all the brethren to bro ford to the fublla i am tho only man in george town now who can buy this mo- person shoo right oat of the fac tory in hamilton and as this is the oldost and most reliable arm in canada i have seourod tbe agency foi georgotown and put in a big stook of womens mens boys and childrens shoes for fall and winter tbe leather in the mo pherson shoe is tanned by a now process and as near waterproof as it is possiblo to make them for sale only at j boneya tho most roliablo and cheapest topafr shop in tho county buy tho mopher son shoe at j boneys and keep yourfeet dry i have tbroo boys nt the front helping to make huns run mrs thorntonftn l b thotn wn of toronto were callers tf georgetown when on a motor trip to milton guolph gait and nljher points miandmrs g s moconnell of niagara falls ny inv twn via iting at the home of mr and mrs wm brinkert and mr and mrs e langford miss e l cline bead of thede partment of expression and phys ical culture in brandon college left friday for brandon to resume her work for becoming year she was accompanied by her sister miss h b cline who goes to the same college as a student for an other year church news st gkobobs tho harvest servioes will be held on sunday next at 11 am arid 7 pm when ven archdeacon mackintosh of st james guelph will officiate a crowded congregation greeted the bishop of niagara on sunday last whon ho administered the bite of confirmation to twelve oandi- dates one of whom was confirmed privately the eagte lectern in stalled as a memorial to the late mrs isabella bradley and tbe al tar were didioated by his lord ship to the servioe of god for ever more st aldsanb the harvest servioes will be held in this obnrob on thursday evening of this week at 8 oclock when bev canon woodcook of oakville will be the special preach er and on sunday afternoon at 8 oclock tbe service being in charge ofvven archdeacon mackintosh of guelph we were all pleased to have tbe bishop of the diocese with us on sunday afternoon last and to see a ohuroh full of worshippers to wel come him there were five candi dates oonflrmed at bis bands baptist the bypu had its opening sooial for tho year last monday evening there were between 80 and 40 present and everyone had a good time an interesting program was presented and plans for the ooming year outlined tbe union is oft with a good start for the sea son and the prospect is full of promise sunday morning the sunday school will have its annual bally day exeroises in tbe ohuroh at 11 oolook evory member of the sohool and congregation is urgent ly invited to be present to partioi- in this pleasant service sunday evening a memorial ser vice wjll be hold in the ohuroh in memory of bevcaptain w hindson formerly pastor of this ohuroh s american coal ioo canada food board llcenae ne 813324 barnhills bjjjsqojb litiiiiitfrrrrjajii norval rni- 1 m i u 1 bfmnm saturday treat vou have often heard that the goodnem of the pudding j the eating thereof tbe same can be said about our saturday treat this week our cocoanut rock ii a good eater in other worda it isnt hard to take this saturday we offer you 100 lbs of homemade cocoanut rock a toftee with lots of cocoanut and peanuts in it moat stores get 40c for this line saturday treat prioe 95o weekend chocolates uomm me 11088 the assortment of centre is better than ever try a pound saturday and be convinced hard and soft centres regular 40c weekend special sle children cry for fletchers castoria auction sale 70 head choice durham cattle the uudernigned has been instructed by j holmes t son to sell by public auction on lot 1 2nd tine erin i mile northwest of acton ou monday september 30th i at 1 oclock standard time the following isplandid stockt red cow svth calf at foott red cow 6yrscalfat foot red cow byrafcalf at fooliuvu cow yrm 2 calves at fddli black cow 6yra due time of unlet roan i cow 6yrn due october i2f black cow 5 yrn due in november polled angus cow 5 yrw due in november rod and white imifor due in novomborj black heifer dim in novumbor holwtein heifer due it december 20 feeding steers 2 yrs dur- lianr grade 40 yearling steers and heifers york how due time of salet 12 pig 4 mow this u a choice herd of cattle in good condition and will be sold without reserve tbrhk 9 month credit will be given on furnishing approved joint notes five per cent per nnnum off for cash b shorey r j kbrr auctioneer clerk phone 36 acton fay your faxes t h moorehead tnf- umehouse the first onnivosary services since tho iiiuiehouso presbyterian church openod in the sixties wore hold last sunday a crowded ohuroh greeted thonroaclior of tbe dr blofr of ouolpb credit auction sale i op cattle horses pigs etc the undersigned has received instructions from a hancock jr to sell by public auction at west half lot 17 6th con west chlnguacouay yi mile from norval station on y tuesday october 8th at i oclock the following horsrs bay horse gp rising- 6 yrs 2 spring colta cattib jersey heifer 3 yrs calf at aldei jersey cow 4 yrs in full flow mill i durham grade cow 5 yrs due nov i5thi durham grade eow 4 yre duedec 4thi durham grade cow 4 yrs due dec i9th durham grade cow 4 yra duejan 3rd durham grade cow 6yrs due jan 12thi part ayrshire cow 6 yrs due feb lotbt durham grade heffer 3 yrs due mar 4 jersey heifer 1 jr due march 26th durham heifer 3 yre due april tjthi durham heifer 3 yre due april 6th p hoi- stein cow hyre calved 10 wkni durham i a r i halton co fair at milton october 8 9 larger and better ban ever grand patriotic school childrens parade at 130 oct 9 headed by johnsons yoke of oxen milton brass band oxen jitney on grounds correction to prize lit class 42 sec 2 should read best herd registered shorthorn cattle consisting of three females under 2 yrs owned and bred by exhibitor class 42 sec 3 should read gordon s not geo h class 42 sec ml campbell flour mills co one 98 f bag of of west flour for best 10 lbs butter butter re- nnvlsvsn ths kind ton have always bought and which has been in use for over thirty years has borne the signature of i and has been made under his per sonal supervision since its infancy allow no one to deceive you in this ah counterfeits imitations and justasgood are but experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of infants and children experience- against experiment r what is castor a castoria is a harmless substitute for castor oil paregoric drops and soothing syrups it is pleasant it contains neither opium morphine nor other narcotic substance its age is its guarantee for more than thirty years it has been in constant use for the relief of constipation flatulency wind colic and diarrhoea allaying feverishness arising therefrom and by regulating tbe stomach and bowels aids the wsimiladon of food giving healthy and natural sleep ths childrens panacea the mothers friend genuine castoria always pbears the signature of take notice that the first instatrfteltrof taxes for tho village of georgetown u duo and payable at the hydro office on friday and saturday september 27th and ni f b11j with you miss k ryan collector men wanted steady work year round and good wag es apply in writing or personally to il rvicwhirter supt pro vincial paper mills georgetown oj lat cream i tairied in use for over 30 years the kind you have always bought beta nnfe aaaaaabnt hb h aivak hsft bsbfik tsajj jftt occasion t morpintf and evening dr blrtir delivorod forooful and inspiring sormons the on monday oveningrwanlsoa splendid suoooss tboohnrohwastostefiillyaeoor- ated wijihfrnltj flowers etc for theoooiunon kajuypay in presbyterian ohur- ohneibmiaay at 880 bvorybody mastev too who un derwent sn operation in the qenor- al h0spitsjlgnelph last friday is recovering nloely we hpps soon to sse jbiro home bln grade cow 8 yra calvod 2 mo llolaleln half ex due apr i7th holateln half or due apy lati poll-angrur- heifer 2yrai poll- angui ateer yra i durham bull 3 yrs i durham bull 1 yr anil 3 moat durham bull t yr 4 durham heifers rlalna- yrs i 2 jeraey heifers rising- 2 yrs 1 3 grade jersey heifer calves i yr i 4 durham helft ers i yr 1 6 durham steers i yr 1 5 sprlnt- calves pios 9 pies hyno 9 pissi 4 12 mobi 8 pltrs 3 moai yorkshire sow due dee slhl yorkshirasow due dec lothi 9 pigs 2 mosi 10 lt 7 wka 9 plga 8 weeks misobllankous cutter nearly newt covered buggy new this anmmeri get aluiils hnrniaa new this summer in case of stormy weather sale will be conducted under cover everything will be sojd without reserve the noon train from vest and the 2oro train from east will be met at cjtr station norval tbhs all sum of 10 and under cash over that amount 1 2 months credit on n proved hntes 6 per cunt off for cash tya wiulson benjalmch plerk aiictlpnatr meet you friends at m fair bracelet watches grand concert in town hall on october 9th goo fl 1 absolutely neasaaary to produce the best in bread arid pastry the noble brands are the superior flour of toddy try then robert noble limited x norval ontario just what your soldier laadie needs we have them y- in all styles at all prices a b wilson main street next imcgibbon hotel many georgetown housewives have figured out that it pays to buy 5m bread you know the cost of flour bought in the usual quantities the cost of fuel the possibility of the bread not turning out right not to speak of the time and trouble home baking in- yolves and to provide your family with genuine good bread all this is unnecessary just get gibbens vic tory bread try it and youll buy it regularly s canatln komi ilonrd license no 81835 v4 next door to rsctl station phe2 bben8 w vv yfy 4 favmhlk i

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