Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), October 2, 1918, p. 2

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w h willson leading tuneral di rector nd embalmer odire oppowilf mcrrhnnth hank optn day nitd nifhl georgetown out phone 64 born skikrei in grortfwown on friday september fifth llri to mrr awtmi k j seifred a tlanphtit mnry gr- aldinc breckon at awhtfiove on september 26 1418 to mr and mr s s breckon of mawrr sank i hon sidney vviuon in memorian presswood in loving memory of our dear ion pie john presawood who was killed in the hatlle of the somme v oclobor lt lli llewil yeawof kc jn afci and lettueorktoo rt w 6k pvsj iftbtrtiuki u 1 weuarrliorhimdifyartd4mmtwna we mouin him in ijltureand orirtw tn- seen v and think of thr d that wouljd hwvc jed been 8il twnatdsstpartui yvocrnt v when the warjwri ajialfrcturir am 4e ms nmohust 4he- 7rttl hfbnlgh5 x j oiueareel sojd rid bratrjii t 1 onthe ahiflgiicmrvjeaxifcbifelufe nsadralirjllolkeljjitorijcjt ahcf vkeghwbeu we lrwk upon c r 1 t- i the georgetown heram wednesday october 2nd 1918 ashgrove school fair one of the best- school fairs over hold in tho county was that which took place at ashgrovo school labt friday the day was line and there was a large atten dance the exhibit in all branches wan good especially that of vegc- tablcx and fruits which equalled home of our agricultural fairs the exhibit of decorated floats re presenting some phase of agricul tural production was splendid and attracted much attention the two booths on the grounds con ducted under the auspices of the red cross were well patronized note we regret that after ou compositor hod set up over a col urnn of prize winners we discover od that the agricultural repre antojtivttirad sent tirf- tbe wrong thiieiiie yt we cafltiwji icct ii8tiri tfrriest will appear ibv our next7eflj esquesing fall fair t- froapects brtebt jotm v iteit mtormitfrcoigti as- wogotd press it hie jwospecte fcar wudr ahowvere never bthifhfar the exhibit in the hall isf swayahqadof previous yar8 in rririhy linos with fair weather tio- morrow thursday the outside ex hibit fit stofck etc will be very lafrgeasthe entri already indi cate bo on band and bring your friends to esquesings big event military news gunner bob- hunter son of mr and mrs w j hunter of mount pleasant near brampton has made the supreme sacrifice he is reported as dying of wounds at no 28 casualty clearink lion pital prance no report had been recieved that tie was wounded so that his death mast have followed the gunshot wounds in the back and legs mrs hunter his mother is a prominent worker and lectur er in the womens institutes of ontario while his father is one of the most prominent farmers of the county deceased was a nephew of mr and mrs h c claridgt georgetown pte goo parr writes to his mother under dat of september 4th frwtoaaengluiuhoapital that he w ecye8f hi wquni aftbejfoitrtl0ozwmv- wounded in te ficebelbwthe jft eyebbt will not loose his sight capt ijohn clank ajccuilough m b medical officer with ibrd strathcpoa hohuhas4eehaf6rd ed tb milijtarv- crpst for bravery jn iejaon pib bavirj horatimfj formerly bt qlenwjuliojns land 1r0ther o mr jjertj jfbraterv tfeortownvwi killed in act ion in france bp set sirrl mr forster and ifamjly have toe sympathy of their numerona friends in their bad bereaybiiani twordhsjsbeen received in towa that- pte martin mctiill who for- werlk worked with mr mcdougll near nbrval wab killed irloction pte mcgill went overseas with the ltmth batt but afterwards joined ft i gun batte he was 84 years of age and single his parents are residing in new mills scotland shout of surprise when i reported to oho oc who was sitting under a tree explaining things with a map to thq other officers i was in blacks and my best tunic only the mud had taken off some of the kloss from my paris getup that is how i wont over the top in slacks and the bullet hole is through them now somewhere in batman found un extra pair of puttees for me and 1 borrowed a revolver gas helmet and a tin hat from the other fellows who were not going in the ftrst day un der the tin hat i wore a jaunty blue kepi like the alpine chas seurs wear which i bought in par is 1 have it still i think 1 am the only officer who ever made an attack an slacks and i certainly looked funny my batman a lad named laval- tec waa hit through- the mouth tvfii3e close to me shortly for6liro teejahg orrat4he iimefr cartled the pot of strowierry jatp with bits of bread and biscuits which roade- our tneals he was not mortally i wounded but may bje disfigured j suppose the boy is hwfky anywftytheltjss of tb jsmtjidnt mak any d iiotiauidaaf v- fj jinny byrujnond cohlanare ill64 i heary imt tfieit sornebody siiw mi killed aofj reported it- wirjelyso yiu capt tell what is irath t v d about bjhas- dbij for tie woe a true hearta good xmrsde and aibjraye loan its all lijclr i can only hope hat mine will keep hbrton war hospital epsom england aug 16 1918 many j v- gijtriwirihbuvif5ivie figured out thflt it pays to bjiy sj v v i v v this is a good place to be with bright sunny lawns and the pros pect of a trip to london soon as the muscle in my leg starts to do itb work properly again there are seven of us here from the bat talion and gus latchford is in the next bed to me a horse threw him and stepped on him while he was getting ammunition up to the guns the evening of tile flrat day things are no peaceful hpre that it in hard to roaliise the battle in only one short week gone by this morning last week i reorgan ized my platoon in a little cap tured village all cluttered up with signa and notices in german the gaps mode by shells and bullets the day before were filled up from regimental reserve and we went toward again it looked as if we would never stop cavalry was already in position everywhere and as we ad vanced the artillery kept galloping up behind us from wood to wood and i never saw canadian boys look better than these gunnors and drivers urging on the mules who didnt need much urging well we didnt do so badly al though wo didnt duplicate the first days adventure on my birthday we advanced farther than ever has been done before on a first day will you tell mr amsdern how sorry i am about bill ot he died in the best way in the heat of the battle where he could see the enemy it is so different from those horrible trench tours and if a man reviews the situation after death he must be glad to have died while hiting bock it was in spiring to see the number of boche billed as compared with pur own losses eight to one would be a fair estimate on my birthday and at that we took thousands of prisoners they are swine espec ially the officers that capt hamilton our padre proved a regular man he went over with the leading company and carried a revolver for defence when i was hit he was at the begimental aid post and gave me a swig of rum our colonel was in the thick of it too and was wounded but not badly t r w i teaciietf in sinking af mrs m cooper residence mail st ouhvcorgciowiiotktmrbdayji tirieftnp jkpply reitjerur qun st fc i vbrhfrtor apbox v5 fc una we have just received a large shipment of monarch hog reed and sampson heed these are two good feeds and give good results qrder a cwt today a quantity of choice timo thy seed we carry ii full line of poultry supplies grit oyster shell charcoal poultry regulator lice kil ler disinfectant phone 196 for prices georgetown hour feed mills c greensides proprietor lapnnmii ib uainiihtiiiiiiml omm55adi ibrmmrji themeitsstore your now sjihiik suit leaves nothing to be ilchired when miuli- by us all our work in hand made khwkming a dur- abilitti style and iiiuhii htamping it distinctly as our own iiiiuliut iji tt lmiltl your new suit style lit and liiiihlkiiaraiitcctl a ituko nitikc to select rrom special irnuiiie impoitoil blue and lihiclt ser- kh very scarce gtkid piicch arc koink sk tnuh in tlicw inuteriulh they will i higher in another inonlli iluce your order now and wive money mens furnishings new arrivals in shirts col lars underwear tint latest novelties in neckwear we hit -lifts- odd jauts etyv oitr stock tjoninrisosnll- the- latest novelties jn mejns wear j invite yoiir inspection prices riht as we turchsethtafctli4iigniliidnce georgetown yj h6ivc izq hjahclasi vailistfl anj mn8 tinikaiig15 s- agents for tpckwelkhendejbdri cov dyers and clearjors toronto u jb aihiimrjmbl larrrninfrntmal jlaamnriiimbllbaiiimj l 1 iii j tj fyt m- i w m j if ft- m- r the financial times in its last issue says next to clergy men newspapermen are probably the most underpaid class in cana da today and they have not con solation of feoling that they are working in direct service of the almighty there har dekn much excite ment throughout tho province ovor the spoiling and suspected ioison- ing of fruit by reason of phonol on the robber rings of tho fruit jam the health authorities state that the thorough boiling of tho rings before using will make tho using of the rings perfectly safe even if phenol is prosont the postoffick has received word that canadian postal notes can now be sent to any canadian orbfitisltboldioi serving in france and are payable at any british field postoffices in france as field postoffices are handy to all units at tho front this should be a handy and cheap means of sending money to those at tho front tho sender is protected from loss in case of the postal note not boing rocoived the one thing wo all odmiro in lloydgeorge is that we know where to find him he acts de finitely he is no lukcwarm weak ling he lights on like our splen did boys are doing despite tho 26000 casualties since august gth are you doing your part as well u taken your stand on the i lestion have you definite- yoefded that out of your gogd returns this year you will lay by suchandsuoh an amount for a victory savings account if you have done nothing in the matter you are not of this lloydgeorge typer you have heard the call to bringyour dollars into the servioo of the country when she caljs and having heard you have not acted make tho decisive move now start the fund at once at georgetown letter f s near preoidrnt esquesinjr agricultural society school childrens teeth while gasoline saving was faithfully observed here on sun day it was not so in all other places and so long as our frionds who have horses drive to town in in their autos the tomptation will provo irrosistablc for citizens to get out their benezine buggios also we believe the better plan would be for the government to ration the uso of gasoline for pleasure the rich and poor will then be treated alikearid the latter wont have tho opportunity to com- plain not without roason that the only day in tho weak ho has to go out motoring is taken from him as for the man who dosont own an auto mobile well ho is naturally tick led to death at the alterotf condit ions no longer does ho have to take other peoples dnst and he has the further satisfaction of bo ing able to venturo across tho street without being in danger of losing his lifo because some fiend autoist has the norve to dispute possession of the roadway with him bowling two rinks of lady andgentla men bowlers from brampton play ed a friendly game with our local bowlers here last week they were entertained to luncheon by thejodios gbant trophy holders challengers b cole mr price le boy dale jno mcdermid 14 16 mr price e colo jno mcdermid lo boy dalo 10 16 b cole a norrington le boy dale joo gibbons 6 21 v soo the largo advertisement of g b byan ds co who are soil ing the bptire stook of t h shields co brampton following is tho report as pre sented to tho public school board re examination of school childrens teeth this year to public school board george town boport of second examina tion of school childrens teeth no pupils examined 287 temp teeth perm lost 90 with cavities 444 filled 66 shonld be ex tracted 878 no perm teeth perm lost 16 with cavities 611 filled 176 cases malocclusion 100 marked bad in cleanliness 111 mouth breathers iso there is a marked improvement in the condition of the childrens teeth this year while there are a few mouths in very bad condition generally they are oleaner and give evidence of more care and atten tion there are 118 more cavities in permanent teeth but 40 more pu pils were examined than last year over 80 of pupils have had ha bit of mouth breathing some simple exoroises and instructions would largely correct this condi tion the reports have been sent to parents or guardians for each scholar and already considerable has been done toward putting some of the children smouthsin ahealth- ier condition early in the fall term with your cooperation an address should be given to the children and parents bjuone of the toronto committee of the dental ontario oral hy gienic sooiety appointed for this purpose i thank you and principal green for your interest and assistance in this most neoessary work sincerely f r watson see the large advertisment of g b byan co who are sell ing the entire stook of t h shields co brampton terra cotla friends and neighbors gathered at the home of mr and mrs geo aldous one evening recently to say goodbye to mr and mrs peroy tonges prior to their de parture for matheson new ontar io mr lome craino read an ad dress and on behalf of the gather ing presented mr and mrs tonges with a wellfilled purse mr w g marshall was the chairman of tbo evening and a pleasant time was spent in musio and danoing mr and mrs tonges were good citizens and their removal is deep ly regretted they left for their new home on friday mr and mrs mark varoy of georgetown have taken up their residence here mrs thomas lluico of guolph was a visitor here last week lieut jim pedleys continued from last weelft the channel lies behind and we are lying in an english harbor waiting our turn to unload it is the morning of the 18th just 10 months since i left home i am in my tidy stateroom where it is very comfortable for i do not feel any pain at all except when i walk and then not much three other officers of the battalion are on board all with lucky wounds and england looks very pleasant in the morning sunlight i had seven days in paris sun day night to snnday night and met some jolly fine american boys who warmed right up to me sim ply because i was a canadian and had been at the front they were new york men a couple of them lawyers and one boy of 18 who could not get into his own army so was hellbent to get into the french aviation force one of the gang hod been private secretary to teddy roosevelt they were all clever men and interesting in one way or another i left them at the follies bergore to catch my train amid all wishes for good luok i like paris more now than when i saw it before big cities always seem to glower at you when you arrive but soon they make friendb with you and finally you hate to leave them i went to the invalides saw the captured german guns there and napoleons tomb all covered with sandbags and once more i visited the pan theon to see rodins le penseur of which you know there is repro duction in my room the think er may well have more to think about than when i saw him last on the boulevard st miohel the cafes are still bright and cheery and notre dame with her gargoy les is unchanged by war except that sandbags are around her the little gold braided canada on ray epaulets was all tho intro duction necessary in paris the more blase and worldly wise peo ple were cordial without comment but in the little cafes in bystreets where i sipped italian vermouth i heard frequenters murmuring to one another un canadien it is an open sesame and i think in this lost battle we have dons worthily at any rate on tho morning after i was hit when i lay with many others on stretch ers on the floor of a chateau be hind the lines general currie vis ited us and told us all was going well and how proud he was of our work i suppose the lord has destined me to play a comic part in life at any rate i was the pomodian of our battle after leaving paris i arrived fairly rapidly at a railroad behind ameins a part of the coun try where i bad never been before there were hordes of as a whole trainload of men and officers hue tied up from the coast and they dumped us off at a little town where we oould get no information at all about what next to do i saw oscar pearson there and had quite a talk with him while wait ing for orders but none came it was closing in towards night and anyone could see by the traf fic that something big was pq so i decided to push foward on my own i hopped a lorry tfre driver gave me a blanket so i managed to sleep fitfully and after a few hours of jolting about i left the lorry and hunted up a provost marshalls office in a town where they gavo me a mattress to sleep on in a cel lar they ocoupied next morning i started on again fpllowing dues had lunoh at a brigade headquart ers whioh had arrived only an hour before and shortly afterwards i found my own battalion bivouaoed you know the cost of flour bought in the usual quantities the cost of fuel the possibility of the bread not turning out right not to speak of the time and trouble home baking in volves and to provide your family with genuine good bread all this is unnecessary just get gibbens vic tory bread try it and youll buy it regularly canada kd hoard litcrm no 5iks5 gi next door to radial station phone 202 b v gibbens pattersons meat market specials for friday and saturday tatotohtofetata credit auction sale of cattle horses plus etc the undersigned ban received instructions from a hancock jr to mil by public auction at west haldol 17 6th con west chlnfruacouay mile from norval station on tuesday october 8th at 1 oclock the following- horses bay horse gp rmpng- 6 yrs 3 spring colts cattle jersey heifer 3 yra calf at side jersey cow 4 yrs in full flow milki durham grade cow 5 yrs due nov 15th durham grade cow 4 yrs due dec 4thi durham grade cow 4 yrs due dec 9thi durham grade cow 4 yrs due jan 3rd durham grade cow 6 yrs due jan 12th part ayrshire cow 6 yra due feb lothi durham grade heifer 3 yrs due mar 4t jersey heifer 3 yrs due march 26th durham heifer 3 yrs due april 15th durham heifer 3 yrs due april 6th hoi- ateln cow 8 yrs calved 10 wk i durham gfrldecow 8 yrs calved 2 mps holutein heifer due apr i7th holsteln heifer due apr lsti pollangus heifer 2 yrs poll- angtii steerr 2 yra t durham bull 3 yrs durham bull i vr and 3 mos durham bull 1 yri 4 durham heifers rising- 2 yrs 2 jersey heifers rising- 2 yrs l 3 grade jersey heifer calves 1 yri 4 durham heif ers 1 yr 6 durham steers 1 yr t 1 spring- calves pics 9 pigs ii mos 9 pigs 4 12 tnos i 8 pigs 3 mos yorkshire sow due dec still yorkshire sow due dec lotli 9 plgrs 2 mos i 10 pgn 7 whs 9 pigs 8 weeks miscillansoih cutter nearly newt covered buggy new this summeri fist wingls harness new this summer in case of stormy weather sale will be conducted under cover everything will be sold without reserve the noon train from west and the 3 pnl trsln from east will be met at ctr are you short of coal the majestic electric heater gives a clean healfoj sanllke heat a strong compact heater with heavy base whch can be carried from room to room and placer anywhere where instantanooiih heat in dohireil fitted with one hoatink eloment coimu ming cis watts can bo operated for 86 of 1 cent per hour strongly made and handxomely finished in oxi- died coppor with parabolical reflector of polished copper an allyearround heater most conveniont for removing the chill and dampness from any room supplied with ft ft cord and attachment plug and switch can be attached to any ordinary- light socket price complete 1000 w c anthony phone 46 georgetown ont hamburg steak ior lb sausage per lb 600 lbs shoulder roast beof per lb thick rib roast bcof per lb 100 lbs corn beef per lb rib roast bnof per lb boil beef per lb rump roast hoof por lb h00 lbs pickled pork por lb 800 lbs smoked rolls per lb 200 lbs smoked ham per lb 8 lb pail shortening 8 lb pail lard 1 lb brick shortening canned tomatoes corn peas fresh trout nor lb white fish per lb several 20 lb pails pure lard 26c 22c 27c 28c 28c 80c 24o 80c 86c 87c 44c 87c 106 80c 20c 20c 16o 18c 18o 060 m canada pood board license no 812208 w j patterson main street georgetown phone no 1 gibbens cut rate cash and carry grocery tbfm all sums of 10 and under cash over that amount 13 months credit on sp in a wood of oourse everything p 6 pe i 0 was seorotno one knew where w a- willson bk petch anyone else was and there was a fiierk dostum cereal largo pkg peanut butter per lb magic baking powder 1 lb tin forest city baking powder qt jar toro tablets 0 pkg for maolarens salad cream 8 jars sbreddod wheat per pkg corn flakes per pkg ah tobuoeos 2 for choice cleaned cuarants a lb new prunob por lb union hand cleaner aunt dinah molasses large tin star crystals per pkg seedless raisins now stook per lb canned tomatoes aylmer brand shortening peerless or oo- rriescin 8 lbs dominion vegetable soup tin fellsnaphtha soap 8 for 18c 27o 84a 86c 27o 26c 14c ho 26c 28c 17c 8o 14c do he 10c 86c lflc 26c j j gibbens phone 160 auctions xane block georgetown if you want the best quaiilty fresh and cured meats at the lowest possible prices try clifford linh am butcher readytowear goods for fall our new cash and carry system makes our meats ohoapor to you canada food hoard lifnc no 31 cuffqrb linham phone 196 main street house dress heavy percalo house dross white repp colar self trimmed in assorted patterns each tso night gowns ladies white flannelette gown made in full sizes of good quality tucked yoke and look stitched frills on collar cuffs and front eneli 146 ladies white flannolette gowns tucked yoke trimmed with feather stitch braid and silk stitched embroidery collar cuffs and front look stitched made in full sizes and of good quality booh 175 black moire underskirt block moire underskirt with 12 inch flounce nicely stitched mode of 1111 extra quality moire each 150 the kiddie middy the kiddie middy inndo of hoavy drill laoed front collar and pockot trimmed with old rose light blue rosiila and copen hagen small sine each 100 large size each 195 coverall aprons govorall aprons made of spocial quality prints in assorted a designs each 69c white voile waists white voilo waists with largo loco trimmed collar embroid ered front hemstitched cuffs well made in two of the latest styles each 150 l jacksons main street georgetown rallia

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