Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), October 2, 1918, p. 3

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matthews drug store personals kiidounwvour lierik in ln iliily i inn iikmii royal purple poultry specific we are itiiiwlim n audit rr llii will known hi unci ilkliuliiik royal purple stock specific worm specific cough powder sweat lini ment disinfectant calf meal etc lb p x7-v- mf- y hpvhi fmsi ftym iferf vvsir v rvrhuiijjt t va c -soiiertcoat7iuim- tffeitdtfofitep- v a v imjltoliwrbiixt tuptftlay fl j v r yfednsdaypofofiieri conapil mutters- fo 1911 vcc beinii talkiej of- occasioqahy nov patrorybo esftrtidflwojnetib jnhtitutebobth at tbiewtio-ihor- m k h wj s rt chlldwnh rally day wim 1- nerved in some of our cliurclicn in town lost sunday see frank kins exhibit of the very latest in phonograph at the pair tomorrew you are invited to erin fair on october 9th and 10th a good time is assured all who attond rthero will be special attrac tions at milton fair next wednes day october 9th see odvt in this issue brill 4 cc will movo into the barclay block lately occupied by adams co as soon as the alter ations are completed see the large advertisement of q b ryan fc co who tire sell ing the entire stock of t h shields co brampton v at the orangovillo methodist district meeting held last week it was proposed to fix the minimum for a ministers salary at 1500 per annum 8 k8tblla lamb ltcm pupil of h ethel shepherd teacher of vocal and sight singing at mrs alfred watsons evory tues day we have on exhibition at our office a german cap sont by pto fred mccartney to his father mr james mccartney fred was fine at last writing an everlasting wreath was stolen from a grave in the ceme tery recently if it is not return ed the party who took it will get into serious trouble seven cobs in one ear of corn is the latest thing we have receiv ed in vegetables this season they were taken from the garden of mr 8 thompson dairyman the members of verdun be- bekab lodge entertained the mem bers of orion lodge and thoir wves and lady friends in the lodge booms last friday evoning a pleasant time is reported cut down your shoe repairing bill i have been repairing shoes and making new ones for years and the best and most dependable boot that ever came into my shop is the mocpherson shoe thats the reason i secured the agency buy the mocpherson shoe and keen your feet dry for sale by j roney the professional shoo man the gold boot georgetown see the large advertisement of g b eyan co who are sell ing the entire stock of t h shiledb co brampton rao atcuelpb jour tjlmhiiiiionsbjp pfph mmjw oot 14itj5j4- vfouf 8 sfyookwsesv bfc jmthoji i boijvihtstf l she besl this yiu ilioo in iwiaps iwns koeartcr v nuo phono tfrjxkxiuhltj if you xyvrito ere tjrtrom on- juerrtiltpvieijitloh fit th lihqabkrtipli t5ry ft ifne joutftifsbvkink iijpdk iattv icmr friihk kings exhibit at the fafl fafc hpl here tomorro the wonderfulinvention theyui tpnn is co bo found only on the brunswick phonograph and it is t only inve in th wuilil miss katluuino barr of toronto kpiiit tho wmhoihi with friendhin own miu r b barber and mm bell of port credit sjxnt sunday with friends in town- miss muriel thompson left nn tuesday to msuine her studiex ul toronto university word ihim ixcn received that v 0 elliott of culgary nephew nf mr 1 l komcrville is dead i0xrev4 tliimas coxo niil miu coxi motored to town on ki-i- day and bent the afternoon with friend here mrs manulmn of californiu who has ixen spending a few we eks in ontario was stricken with parulysis wliile at bev j tiuivxb op friday night all we- rfp vto f yilei 6rollit lidjbljwfni bszim i jaxwardeir chat-rps- b and mrs renahead of iowville announce the- engagement of their chwujiter virlipft jrene to mi ptjuries ujtirrufi onof mrfthil jdre see the large advertisement of g b ryan co who are sell ing the entire stock of t h shields co brampton notice to creditors in th mattvr of th tta of- hugh g monauy lt of tko vlu of ooorsetown la tko conmty of hal- ton paperawlcor deooaoed notk m hereby tfiveu purnitant l hvv- lion 56 ul ihr irusltk act kso lh cliuplcr121 thjl all oredttorhnitu oheik ituving ilainin or tltmntidti aeuinui the vmiite of the natd llii minully who died mi tir about the hlh day of murrh l at l he vjiiil ilbtetf tieoricelowri an required on or bef re the 5th dny of november 1418 to mend by powt prepaid or utlivi to itie iiniicrkijjtied solirilont of mary k menally the atlminiutratrix of the ttuiu deceased en t ate their christian name and surtuimen addrewttv nud dr- hcriptiofui the full particulars in writinf ftheitv chuintt a htateineot of their mammoth house georgetown new adverfisemenis church news methodist we were all delighted with the response made on rally day for the s school the programme was most appreciate and good tlio j offeringiarge it all lends inspir- ation for greater effort in the evening rev m m ben- net of swift current saskatchew an president of the conference of that nome gave a most inspiring missonary address pointing out thalt it was the missionary ohuroh whioh survived all others that christ is the true centre of christ ianity and that sacrifice is the true standard for the christian services for sunday next with subjects morning christianity for today evening tragic mis takes st johns stbwabttown harvest thanksgiving services will be held in st johngochurob stowarttown on sunday next oc tober 0th as follows 11 am holy communion and sermon 7 b0 pm evening prayer and sermon the rev e f maunsell rector of aeton will pronoh harvest mus ic and decorations st pauls nouval harvest thanksgiving 8orvicos will be lipid in st pauls church norvol on friday evening ootobor 4th rev canon woodooou of oakvillo will bo the proocher church will be appropriately loo orated and there will bo special music that will play all records correctly ask to hear the brunswick record and judge for yourself victory lou campaign the organization for the victory loan campaign in the county of lialton has commenced donald robertson milton has received the appointment us county chairman judge elliot milton as vice chair man and major j a gairdner oak vi lie county organizer mr mockridgc is bock on his old job as county secretary the objective for the county of hal ton is 1450- 000 but the committee are work ing for 2000000 rx theatre wednesday episode 17 of the mystery ship a slingaree western story and a ohenry story thursday bans dairy with margaret clark and a twojiart with shorty friday the branded soul a fox pioturo with gladys brockwell the screen telegram and a billie rhodes comedy saturday the varmint with jack pickford and a two part sen net comedy watch for the new serial the woman in the web itcol deaeon appointed lioutcol f h doocon has been appointed to the pout of chief inspector of accounts for canada a prominent figuro in toronto business circles col dea con has for the past three years been serving as inspector of sup plies for eastern canada and lat terly as acting doputy inspector for the dominion during his three years of ser vice lieut col deacon has not accepted one cent of remuneration his entire allotted salary being turned over to the military ym- ca for war work war m eaenree for stadonte county candidates for entrance to collegiate institutes are now re quested to pass their entrance ex aminations at easter and to spend the three following months em ployed at farm work when the three months work is completed the pupils must secure a certificate to the effect that they have been employed this certificate is then passed on to the entrance board who if everything is satisfactory recommend to the education de partment at toronto that the pu pil bo allowed to attend a collegi ate institute this is purely a war moasuro and is made for the benefit of the farmers beet partoon seta w0 bond in connection with the coming victory loan campaign the do minion press news and feature commiteo announces a cartoon contest artists aro invited to submit sketches suitable for u two- column engraving which will be judged on their merits as publici ty calculated to assist in the soil ing of victory bonds the com mittee offers a 0000 bond of tlio new issue for the best cartoon a number of cartoons will also bo a- warded special mention the skotchos submitted aro to become tho property of the comniitoe and a nominal feo will be paid for any that are used in the campaign mr c f crandall managing editor of the montreal star and the editor of victory loan nation al press news and feature ser vice will bo tho judges tho contest will oloso on ooto bor 16th and awards will be an nounced a fewwlays later mr edmund capps tenor who recently appeared at the pat riotic concert september 18th will teach in georgetown on tuosdays at alio rasidoncc of mrs cooper main st south mi- capps who is ono of tho foremost teachers of toronto has studied with some of tho host touchers in europo and american continent and will bo glad to hoar from pioapootivo pupils vocal c fosses ip tbvrn m rtv successful vwituf lifr ypilsrrnst eai onvok heir iirt6vmcdiatc pu- pih rjwir tteeonil aiid junior pirpilb tookhanua1i toronto coiwuirvti- t5ry xlminiiuftn8 f see the large tajdvertlbtomnt of g b ryan co who are sail ing the entire stock of t f i shields co brampton i v norval the girls khaki clnb bale for pronoh wliof for september con tained 8 splits 1 blanket soveral pairs boots and other wearing ap parel there were also 2 quilts sent last month which wore omit ted in report the girls also for- waftled u pairs sbplw and 0 suits of pajoroo tothe bed crow suggestion on eczema it will toko juat a fawmomenta to alop in onll aak ui what our experience haa been in the way of grateful customer with the nootlilog wain of oil d d d your monbv back uiileaa the art bottle re- llovea you i vhouiugan prugglm oeorgotown auction sale of farm stock implements ete the undorsiifiieti has been inatructrd by ihr kxcvitur of the ewtate of the lile s j ltvons to sell by public auction at lot 12 con 10 eiiqueainfr near norval on thursday october 17th at 1 oclock mharp the following hornek black mare 3 ynt bay hnrw colt 1 yni bay mart 2 ym brown mare ayed cattle- jersey bull pedijnedj jersey cow norval triumph 5 ymj jenuyc6w iei jpirl third 3 ymj jersey cow bashful bnauty 3 yr jersey cow queen merle 3 yrn jersey cow prediffueed 3 yrj 2 jer sey heifer calves eligible for registratioii spring jersey bull bashful daisy t jersey steer spring calfi black giade jersey cow i fawn cow grade jersey will soon calf durham grade cow all above cows sup posed to be in valf and all milking well al present and noted cream producers 2 short horn grade heifers coming 2 yrs 2 steers grade shorthorns coming 2 yrs 2 ilolsth grad coming 2 ynu 5 holsteifi heifers coming 3 yrs supposed to be in ntf shkfp25 breeding leister kwoht loister registered ram 2 shears 2 ram lambs 1 tigs seven weeks oldj 8 iigft ten weeks old implements mccosmic binder mc- cosmic mower frost nnd wood mower pea harvester hay loader hay tedder large horse rake double furrow plough cockshat walking plough double furrow plough 2 sets iron harrows potato mould er scuffler massyharris seed drill dink harrow 2 drag cultivators jackson vvag- gon good as new farm waggon market waggon land roller steel 2 fanning mlllt 2 hay racks wilson son 2000 lbs scale bob sleigh cutter rope car and pulley delaval septs rat or open buggy 2 ju crotes set team harness set single har ness quantity of lumber furniture world favorite range coa1 stove radiant home 6 cane seated chairs wooden bedstead wardrobe a quantity of artistes too numerons to mention tkrms 10 and under to be cash over that amount 6 months credit on approved joint notes 5 off for cash a quantity of hay and oats to be cash cmhfiraid thjo nature otitic ticiritvtf vrafyti i tc jup y tiii mrhndrd uitv thjid adrniifiaiji yh procw tylisthljajte the asstts of the ifkid deceased frnyodg the parties bnlttlrd thereto haii44g regard only o oik claims uf which it shall then have notice and ihat thesatd adjnmieiratxix wu tiol be fiabte jfv the miid ttmciruny parvifierrjof iff utiv person tir prspnspt whde claim no- piiiit gfrfrgrttivthi mdhyf 10231 milline mil new arrivals hut thn art foxiiiliit of tho womonh ittriotio ijcatfuu tvt the kit 1 1 puir tomorrow bot wanted siiuirt ihv with fair otlucalion to learn lrinting apply al hcnilu oflicc breedlnc oookerels ftr bmlm 20 huir oipington cockerels from best strxiiim in america 3 each and up also a lew good pultels c k herrington 1hoticnl 2tp a large assortment of misses and ladies readytowear hats tlie latest new york etylcs in black and colors a in black and colors ceievipitourshow rooms- rorai t rs baab w tbaa e aim ai aae all a im mm i ii iiin ofmai a jml a nice range pfladiefl brushed sweatew at sweater v- 1 750 and 91 0oo vhwta 3tv jfcutrif lsenvnib- j- r ills ieel anb jialtons bargain 8torb if hav i ly trimblo clrk w a ruaacll auctioneer 5 gals american coal 100 t- areyou in the habit xf tokinji pountlvf our smura treat home every week lf youare ihnh2i iitiwi- jfooil hahli if you arenoj leus snj gest tknt ypegef ihe habi jit opco you will rinve piontfy hnd utne iiwma timij have a happy home- ibtppitiim vth ulong with oursiiturday tnat without uxtra charge this siiturdnv- we offer you 100 lbs ot homemadc fruit i elly squares regular 40c lb 39o boal canada food boaftl license ne 813324 barnhills norval saturday treat price weekend chocolates caretaker wanted ciilakt- waiilthl fiir fititrown hap- lisl om nr mi t apply to ir iavruil wathon 925lf house to rent uhmi tiatti- lutuhf in collro virw iverir likhl wiitfi- in ioiih4 apply to luiitlii norval g253tp wanted pfrivfr or jfrojsry waoiu a 31 t ji3ii0lfow j sisssttt jrurvwmeer apetikl oak rteavs- hr ritim iuoajjndhioo kjt tiraiirn redilllhtl aahatand an4dreaar 2 itiutiun jtnhtik appu lb mr a l lluhhiird qnimmsc u cavtlsi ptraveb straytd from my premiimin ipt 27f con h ttmimyiii during latter part nf spl ueeaae no iio88 try a pound of our wee k- iciul choiolatra a mixture of hard and soft centre keruar 40l- per pound weekend special 33c t h moorehead t5 ibi ianniq draw on your customers through the merchants bank with branches in all parts of canada and corres pondents abroad this bank is in a position to present drafts promptly have them accepted and collect payment with the least possible trouble and cost to you the manager will be glad to take up this matter with you th mrchants bank op canada head office montreal oeorgbtown branch acton branch eeubltlhad 1864 c w grandy maaefar l b bhorby manaa 2 if ton cannot- distinctlj rrad without strained or tired eyes the sight is failing or dafsotive and should have attention covot- the loft aye und seo if the lines in all sections of above oirole appear equally dark and diatinot if not you have astigmatism a visual defect whioh should be correct ed at one try the left ey in the same manner have your eyos examined here dr plant optometrist phqnrlj georgetown next to library n hifmtn in good condition nluo 3 hoifem any pcriun knowing their w hereabout h kindly toinmuniinle with ii h law son itorffotuwn 102tf notice 1000000 of georgetown debentures bearing intereiit at 6 per annum for ttale in loth of from 600 to 1200 and running from one to twelve years anyone wish ing lo puivhaue any of thene apply to the cvrk on or before saiurdny next f l health clerk to our patrons owing to the high cost of cattle feed etc we the undersigned and it necessary to advance the price of milk to 12 cts per quart or 17 pint tickets for 1 catjn this prior will take effect on and after thurs- iny october 3rd s thompson v gillntan w whitmoe bargain prices in fruit apimkk no 1 spies and kings 350 per barrel delivered no 1 greenings and bn id wins 3 per barrel delivered no 1 full npplew 250 per barrel delivered bnrrols to be returned preserving and pickling pears 75 cents pea bushel or 20 cents per peck bring your baskets this weok to the farm also 15 tons of mangels itirniph and white carrots g o brown the elmn rr no 2 phone 84 r 6 2t the ontario voters lists act notice is hereby given that a court will be held pursuant to the ontario voters list act by his honor tho judge of the county court of the county of halton at the township hall on the 15th day of october 1918 at ten oclock to hear and determine complaints of errors and omis sions in the voters list of the municipal ity of esqucslng for 1918 da tid this 2nd day of october 1918 j a tracy clerk of municipality of esqueslng b ryan co guelph purchased the entire stock of t h shields co of brampton at a very low rate on the dollar the stock is being sold in the brampton store at tremendous reductions store mil be closed all day friday october 4th to remark the stock and offer greater reductions sale commences saturday oct- 5 at 9 am we still have at selling price 20000 worth of stock which means a large assortment of dependable merchandise staples dress goods and silks underwear gloves and hosiery notions corsets readytowear millinery mens clothing and furnishings shoes china nothing will be sold on friday oct 4th under the personal supervision of mr norman c ryan the staff will be busy all day remarking the stock sale commences saturday oct 5th at 9 am store will be closed at intervals when crowd is too large ooopooooooooooooooooooqooooooooooooooooooooooooooo ail jl ajlii co 3 stores guelph owen sound brampton i yr liiiitiilii ws tof i mi

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