Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), October 9, 1918, p. 1

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iihtyskconi ykait plisucation gborsetown wednesday evening october 9th 1918 si 50 per annum or 125 if paid in advance the georgetown herald m 15 f i- 4k i imfoatfi hljolvi c dull m i- itwibiii- siv o0inu wkkt t mail 7q7ii mail loovum passenger 201 nm passenger 68011111 mail 7 l- jointl noktu miiil 757 inn mail r l- hoinll kolitu mail 10w a mail 740 iini toronto suburban railway daiiv timetable uiii pm lm uoin etui a- 10 si41 010 going west 866 m0 747 hunijav timetable uui pm ijin liu going eatlou 1220 h45 010 going woitl04u ju0 st gesorge8 church rv wn burt l th rector 5uiiuuy eurvice u follow autliw 11 a m kvuuuoiitf 7 p m sunday scliool u40 u m in bimu- aumt holy communion 1st unil ilnl huuuays ut umuii muiitlk at 11 a in legal 8hilton waklbridge dale barrliton solieitora eto toronto lull oeoiitetown olllee keiuiwdy ulock l4 koy dal 11 charge of ooorse- atwn oltloe medical or joseph moanorew i phyiicun and surgeon medical omoor of henllli dlutrlcl suibtion a t k ollloe houim 2 to i and 7 to 8 p m phone sb outce and jlosiuuiice main hirect soutli oppoalto irwibytoilan churoh the lost path prodigal waste by big earners war proporlty man lad to imjudl- oloue spending no thought of i beatrice washburn i aiottr a tfttlpfrwibtrrt roiwhnmr iuvtli wo two went out two wulk one summer day then led hy wider hiiocih noil kiili j hrourder fields thrift i we lost our way thiirticksiioss among us just how wo saw there running slreiiins huj the writers immediate neigh deep blue jav s ll in the east end qf toron estops bracelet watches y5f itviaf ybur soldier laddie needs we have them in all styles at all prices a b wilson main street nxt mcgibbon hotel r to every home there comes a time when every th every hope every prayer for the future centres on the recovery of one loved one in that hour of anguish every means to recovery is sought the highest medical skill trained nurses costly treatment does the price matter optical l l plant d o oph d by spmlalut qoorartown ollloe noit to library fliono mu for aiipolntmont dental frank r watson d d8 m o s dtntiit guorgatown ont hour u m to 6 p m exoept ttiurxday ati0on uontlatiy l ii branches over boll tolsphon offio f l heath l d8 d d s dontlot ollloe in lane block one dour nortli of onelllh carriage factory houra u a m to 6 p m auctioneers benj petch liicenaed auctlonoer tor haltob anil peel ulhliwilllumb 1ont ollloe baleu conducted huttutootorlly and at rea- nonable ruluu orderv left at the qeoruotown herald ollloe will reoelvf prompt attention jackson and lee civil enginnro and surveyor tempi bids- brantford maj a il juokbon u m luo meoliauloal uuuliieor eto olupxs r o wyiino uuborth wulor worlm klilftiioer w c tlllny itwuutored arohitoot milton 6c prentiss nuinkkhn moloim ov bidg mahmniillv llhll icioitrif iumlr tokonto j a tracy clork tnurllkllip of ichiilleulnff clerk uiil wviniciii joint tim leadlnff klru unci ilfo limuranoi uuk rurtmmiiud ikuuer oc murrluare lloonaea olllau mill hfruut wout oeortretown ollloo iloum wodnoudny and set- iii ilny uftornoona lee sing laundry tim old llnlliiblo lniinilry llrhtoliihh wuik lufirnntood nt tin lovviobt pkioio shirt 10o ro blpok oeorgttown w edmund capps tenor teacher in sinvins t mr m copporx renlilriuo miiin st outli gerjr tny for tdirnh apnlf rohldmioo queen si k briunpton phono ji06 po uox irk we can now supply your need in butter paper at the herald butler paper at the herald office noticemil serv act 1917 registration of united states citizens male citizens of the united states living in canada of aoes 2130 both inclusive must register by re gistered post with the registrar under the military service act of the district in which they live during the ten days hext following september 28th 1918 and such citizens op the ages 19 20 and 3144 both inclusive must so register during the ten days next following october 12th 1918 it must be emphasized that this includes americans ljvin in canada of the above ages married and single and in cludes also all those who have secured diplo matic exemption or have registered with an american consul or have registered for military service in the united states registration letters may be handed to local postmasters for despatch to the proper registrar under the military service act military service branch y hotrcemi servi act 1917 men exe as farmers hawing in view the importance of leaving a suffi cient number of men on those farms which are actually contributing to the national food supply notice is hereby given as follows 1 all members of class i possessing exemption as farmers which is expiring and who wish to remain exempt shpuld comnjunlcate with the reeittrars under the ms a of their respective districts requesting an extension in time of such exemption questionnaires will thereupon be issued to these men by the registrar and they will receive further exemption upon furnishing satisfactory proof that they are contributing sufficiently to the national food supply 2 xn order to facilitate productive employment during the winter months men exempted as farmers ishsutud apply to the registrars for permits to enoage for the winter in some 6ccupa tion otnational interest such as lumber ing munition work etc such permits will serve to enable exempted larmeis to pursue other useful occupation fof the months during which funning operations cannot be p military service branch it may be so great as to stagger the imagination a sum beyond the possible but does anyone ask can we doit money or no money they do it and somehow they pay it may mean doing without things they think they need it may mean privations sacrifices hardships they make unbeliev able savings they achieve the impossible but they get the money to pay today in this critical period of our nationhood there is impera tive need for money vast sums of money only one way now remains to obtain it the nation must save every community every family every individual canadian must save if anyone says i cannot save let him consider to what extent he would pinch hirriself to relieve the sufferings of a loved one at home and surely he would not pinch less for our fighting brothers in france without suffering actual priva tions nearly every family in can ada can reduce its standard of living can practice reasonable thrift can make cheerful sacrifice to enrich the lifeblood of the nation vou who read thia get out pencil and paper now set down the items of your living expense surely you will find some items there you can do with out determine to do without them start todav save your money so that you may be in a position to lend it to your country in its time of need hs nido ttith u good deal of iluio i it liopddeal of istfttl jmtfreiyibe pflohoi diiravdfcifc whvk wiyj- 1 jluwhohuij ir ttlibt xheih hptixoitldotteipivi a hu lt itwlribtoiflb iuia-notr-iay- thoirieiiji- vot altliotitrb thfavoa r v bojhvoou fottr ftriawiv0 ofu v- ttku many iofnolehlo who unr vv fftpeovihdijt litivrt- alriidy fbrpfcton tlint tjion thjy -wuot- hungry arid in liuwt catwih almoht htnoving they dont rniiliwltlriit what hity wiyt nifty lie ittfiijn thj dontbe- livv it they think- that the pie- mnt boom for waueb ura ipiito abnormally high will lant for evr it i sono6loi4ojvhitu ibilslejcn ilalpiii wl mar tliermarohment 7 intbddife m i- rj jaok ivilddy 74 willi boamotit i7 lh he hahan 00 harold wiieeloi 40 kmnm beaumont 48 mandoline muttorfra uotta rubllahed under the authority of tl minlater of finance of our real estate bargains in farm lands village homes garden lands etc are attracting many buyers probably we may have just what you have been looking for call us up and we will be pleased to show you our list e a benham ssiii- georgetown creamery v pay ilikliiwl market piire for renin in any quantity open monday wiulnexiliij mwlhiiliinlny iuhiiih ivie winneis rue liiulieht erenni tent rliow diiy ihi prize 1100 a ilmieoek lenruptown 17 2iid ivixe 200- j ulliolj ciileihin kiiki iii tlnl prize 100- j uiunen leoiketoxvn 117 poultry eggs we will pay you ui iiikiiosi market prion for your poultry live or ilrehued nlm kiiihii iuitn georgetown creamery co m saxe manager at the shore or in the riiimlry you ofton nood liiuli hiiiihh even ia the kiimiiiei why not let iih ik up the pair you have been wearing for rainy won- tluuv peiliajih your htreot punipm or evenitiht hlippojk noeil our vork in shoe repairing awiijtidi try our cvpert work and prove ilk hiipuriorily v yes its diflerenl results i that conal the loason in the differ- erenoe in the wervioo rven personal attention to ovory atudont this difforent aorvico kivoad inherent reaults guelpli business college hrid bnudinc cieiph ontario i iinlinowledheil to be the superior piano for training youre intermit- oil call today or write yon can slarf drt hoiday do you inquire fire life accident or auto insurance 1 ioiroent hoiiio of tho bout com panion and khali bo ploasod to trail- hint your jnxiiranon hiihinohh r j hynds phone 803 georgetown ontario wharrad phone 141 azoroetown hal a restivo special choice fresh fruit tomatoes gree veget a stivo rnit speoinlist st sf- s v qmtrgetpwb smsimmimmmmimi liizzio iiiven it whnelor 40 hrh marie graham hi bodio bell 78 thomas hainan 75 ernest forgrave 71 eva oilman 71 sadie iragory 00 annie mcmoncmv 08 viola liutian so bussel wlieolor85 jrs lily leslie 90 rupert beamunnt 8 anna gooiier 04 brock beaumont 47 bert mnrah- inent 87 i sr8 sarah lialpin 90 clruxo jmcmenamy 62 kmily norton co donald appleyard so clnra jack son 88 junior departmkxt srltotal 200 dinah sowcll 1h2 winston whoeler 17 joe mdrohment 100 willie chapman 5s prank logan 141 george coo per absent jrl total 200 jaek norton 177 sammy allen 108 albert tra ey 107 robert beaiiinmil 150 stanley logan 140 primary total 150 annio mo- nally 1h2 jaok iraham 128 roh- bert himimon 122 willie liaaro 117 a ciiihh total lfio sandy norton 141 mario davison 188 jack beaumont 122 frank oilman 126 b class total 100 jaok eob- ortb 89 luella reid 80 edward bludd 85 mary wheolor 84 helen momenemy 81 freddie green 77 mary haines 70 catherino allen 78 alfred bell 08 sammy hood absent mabel mcnallyabuxnt c clans total 100 eva thompson 96 calvin gregory 91 jimmie boll 89 howard beau mont 80 mary norton 78 lloyd davison 76 frank greon 69 john nie hoodabsent elva brockle- bankabsoht eleanor allenabsent collection for morohant sailors fund 91276 teachers- m e currio m e wright 1 j some saving briefs savo for viotory save to mako canada seouro to save is the easiest of prac tices- if you havo tho will pinoh your expenditure a little and youll find it will pay savo to lend to your country when it oalu the will that saves is the will that wins saving will provide both an um brella and a mackintosh for the oiny day saving monoy is often the ox- pression of saving grace a man who is hovering on the verge of want is not his own mus ter havo to have- unlli youisvlf and canada live within your moium and your 111041ns will ho inejieitsoil if you dorit live within youv menus you must live on tlionioiina of othois the first dollar xnvod ik oftnn the llist step on the road to altlu- eneo heaven helps those who help thomsolves moral- havw siuiriilco a presont ploaxiiro for a future good save save rememheving that to iiim that hiith shall he given having earries its own reward with interest cnrnagios chief asset in bokln- ing life was his saving ipialily hun t onelph y four championship riitcnb at guelph monday unt 14tli thanks giving day 12 khow lnssos bant horses dont miss it the host this year 1200 in prizes tra inn leave alter killed by aooldent accidental death was the coron ers verdict returned in toronto inst week ator the ovidence re garding the loath of cadet h q saunders of erin who wns killod when ho lost control of his airplane at loasidn camp on september 17 had hoen taken according to tho ovidence submitted tho nmuliino was in perfect running order uiion the cadet started on liiti fatal flight sivnndors had hpen an aiuk leave however and had complain ed to a friend that ho was not ff ol ing well ho had bean given a inodioal tost by tho modioai olhoor and had boon fit for flying coro ner ft w dtund conunotod n ilio iuauiry i lore is a concrete case a cer tain man who four or five years ago lacked food and all tbe ne cessaries of life is today making big money at munitions t he is not putting by a oent in the three years and more during which ho has boon working on munitions ho has bought himself two cars his first car didnt last long he gave the pooi thing no rest wheu it was all in he bought another yet this man will oadge for clothes fof his eiwidrenr and send his children to the school dentist now when the call is for econo my many women whose husbands are making bjg monoy are out rageously extravagant in cloths one of them in the same locality is so in love with fine clothes that slio was seen wearing a silk dress when scrubbing the floor until her husband got his present 60 a woek job they had never had more than 20 a week to get along on thoy have nothing savodv as she admits and if the man was out of a job tomorrow all thoy would have to show us resultant from their present prosperity would be quantity of partlyworn fine clothes many families are literally eat ing up their big earnings one that i know will give 960 for a leg of lamb for sunday dinner tho father takes to work for his lunch sliced bam bought cooked at a store for whioh a big price is paid the butcher who serves them says he could not begin to afford tbe expensive food tbey con sume in large quantities wartimo prosperity is just giv ing them a good time for a timo what of tho lean years that may be ahead in the cases mentioned and they aro typical of very many in this one neighborhood no pro vision whatevor is boing made for thorn on octoher 0 ontario is to ob serve a firo prevention day and in a bulletin of suggestions fjre marshall heaton suggests that the oampaign bo carried into the pub lic schools and homes the sug gested days program for public schools includes oral and written compositions on matters of fire prevention citizens generally are requested to observe it as a clean up day when all combustibles and waste are to be removed from dwellings and faotorios and office buildings ontario fire losses in 1910 amounted to 6 per capita in 1917 to 4 and for the first six months of this years to 560 per capita as compwod with an aver age loss of thirtythree cents per oapita in the principal seuroponn countries more than so von million dollars worth of property was burned in 6890 fires during tho ifrst six months of 101 h thrift hall a nation s s having the almighty dollar in gratifying ones desire in tho mutter of personal purchases has boon a working forco in socioty for all timo to save for the sake of hoarding the golden ducats is a form of insanity that has allliotod tho miser of all time to savo in order to make another stronger is tho highest form of thrift known in exercising this virtue of laying aside extra dollars from our pje- sent surpluses forlhe hotter living of society whim times may not bo so generous we carry in us the marks of the true canadian patri ot ho who lovos his country is no wasler lie knows his savings form the capital mint makes busi ness go tho dollar soon doubles itself mid total savings of a thrifty iieoplamark out the nation as a really groat one lovo of our canadian homo land domands of evgvy esidont from the yukon to capo breton that ho save his sur plus dollars against a possible rainy day the thrifty than is one of canadas big patriots e out down your shoo repairing bill i haver boim repairing shoos and making npw onos for years and tho best arid inobt dependable boot thiit ovor came into my shop is tho miicphoison shoo thats the reason l soourod the agency buy tle mooplipison shoo and koop yorir fpet dry for sale by j jlonpy tho professional shoe man tho gold ttoot georgetown a tf 10 m isas m frwfil mmip

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